Greys Plantation

Published on Jun 21, 2022


Grey's Plantation 2 WARNING: This fictional story is about gay adult erotic supernational relationships based in a period of American history. Do not read content that offends you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now.

Edit note 06/20/2017

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Grey's Plantation: Part 2

“Snow, haven’t see you in ages boy. Take this breakfast tray up to young master Gray’s room please. My girls are busy with getting Mrs’ old room ready for Grey and his men. He's goin to start bring them in real soon here on out. This first one is big,” the head cook pushed a tray at Snow. She was a woman not to be talked back with when she's busy.

I guess I’ll be seeing Grey sooner than later, Snow thought to himself. He made his way up the servant stairwell to a hidden door leading into Grey’s room. He paused for a moment before walking in. Hearing only soft snoring he opened the door. He sat the tray down and drew back thick heavy curtains covering a set of large windows slightly, enough to let in some morning light into the room. He heard someone stir in bed behind him.

He walked over to a bed that could easily fit four men. Henry on the far side of the bed had a protective arm over Grey. I knew this would come but it seemed just yesterday we were out in the fields playing one of our make believe games with all of our brothers and Grey laughing as we chased him down and pilled on top of him. Nan would watch to make sure all of us, some two hundred little boys, didn’t hurt him.

“Grey, it’s time to get up, breakfast is here,” I said quietly not to startle either of them.

“Hmm.., it’s already morning?” Grey said with a sleep voice. Eye’s still closed.

“Yes. Master Blake asked that I take you to visit Mrs’ resting place.”

“Oh.” Grey opened his eyes.  “Snow,” he said. Henry opened his eyes and kissed the back of Grey’s neck as he moved his arm. Grey got out of bed naked as a jaybird. He wrapped me in a hug. “I’m sorry Snow. I hated not being able to take you with me. I know it probably hurt you. Thought it was best to just take off.” He pulled back and looked up at me. “I won’t have that restraint next time since Henry is with us.”

I hugged him back. Grey tightened his hug. “It wasn’t your fault. Just don’t understand why it’s important you have to follow every rule.”

He let me go of me, climbed back into bed, and snuggled up against Henry. “We were children when mother turned to stone and weren't told everything that happened. Father did tell me she reached too far. It was only luck Blake survived.  She's told me herself there are rules for a reason. I should look to her as an example of not getting ahead of myself.”

I lost my father that day. At least we have Blake. Mrs called him her captain. He’s our captain now. I brought the breakfast tray over and Grey moved into a position that would allow him and Henry to eat. Henry rolled over onto his back. He pitched an impressive tent.

“When do we need to leaving for the grove?” Grey asked picking up a fork and considering where to start first.

“We have about twenty minutes before our brothers start gathering.” I replied.

“Henry, I can call the connector and feed you while it pumps on your wood. Snow, I would like you join us with the connector on you too. You’ll be doing this eventually anyway. You okay with that Henry? Snow?”

“I don’t know who he is,” Henry said. “He’ll be in my head.”

“He won’t be exactly. You’re thoughts and memories will be private. You talk by imagining you’re talking to him, and you can share feelings if you want. It’s all up to you both. Snow?”

 “Might as well,” I said. His guy looked pretty rough. If Grey chose him, what’s inside might be different.

He motioned me to get on the bed next to Henry. I laid back and undid my pants, pulled my drawers down. Henry had the sheet down now, his massive prick stood upright. Mine wasn’t too far behind standing up. My dick remembered all the times my brothers and I played with Grey pretending we were his like our fathers were Mrs’.

Light appeared above Henry and me. A connector like Mrs used with our dads popped out and impaled itself on Henry’s cock causing Henry to grunt. It began to pump. My dick was starting to leak pre-cum.

After a few strokes Grey fed Henry some scrabbled eggs with his fork.

“You eat something already?” Grey asked me.

“Yeah.” I said watching a new opening form on the side of the connector then extend out into a tentacle like tube, snake to my hard dick enveloping my wood in its mouth.

I was suddenly somewhere else. I could feel my dick being serviced, I could also feel this other dick that seemed like an entire world. Henry was an earth modifier for sure. Craig’s father must of been like him.

“Not entirely. Mom shared her memories with me and Henry is on a different level. You might not know but Nan says a flesh walker is needed so I’m to milk Henry while feeding him breakfast,” Grey said. I forced my eyes open a little. He had a piece of toast with jam on it to Henry’s mouth. I tasted the toast and the eggs before that.

I closed my eyes to just enjoy my dick gliding around a entire world of a dick. I wasn’t close to loosing my nut because Red, Max, Craig and I were all trained since old enough to get hard how to control when we blew our loads. I peacefully floated in warmth allowing my dick to keep me attached to my body. My dick seemed to glow bright in my mind’s eye. The comforting sounds of wet flesh smacking on flesh added to my feeling of peace.

After awhile the sounds stopped and I came back to myself.

“Snow, we’re ready to start.” He sat the tray on the bed’s side table. Henry was laying all the way reclined, our dicks attached in the connector. Grey touched it and it became translucent enough for me to see Henry’s perfectly formed huge cock, and my not so massive dick happily surrounded in slick flesh alternating between tight and not so tight.

Then the incredible happened. Henry’s dick and connector grew to almost reach the ceiling. It was as thick as a tree trunk but weight seemed to be no different. The bed wasn’t weighed down. He is not the same as Craig’s dad. I never saw him do this when we watch Mrs and our dad’s during rituals. The cum made by earth changers was prized and the volume Henry might be able to make would be incredible.

Felt something cover my upper thigh. Raised my head a little and could see one of Henry’s testicles resting in between my legs. My legs were spread and the testicle was filling the space touching both of my knees. Looked over and his other testicle was in between Grey’s legs too.

The pumping began again and Henry arched his back yelling on each out stroke. It increased its speed pumping Henry’s dick until he was continuously yelling in pleasure. His testicles drew up sliding back over my thigh. The end of the connector elongated into a hose and floated to about the middle of the room. Henry began to cum. I was right, the volume blasting down the connector’s hose was amazing.

“Now,” Grey said.

My dick started to nut before I realized Grey had said the trigger word. I watched my cum move up my part of the connector and join Henry’s cum gushing down the tube. A big ball of spunk floated at the end of it.

“Added your cum so Henry’s to test how compatible our nut will be with his.”

The temperature in the room dropped as the ball of spunk shrunk into a clear cube the length of my foot. 


A group of men gathered outside a small grove of oak trees thick with spanish moss hanging from their limbs. In the center of the grove stood a statue of a woman reaching toward the sky, wrapped in the arms of three large men.

Grey laid wild flowers at the feet of to his mother and her three lovers. Craig and Max had arrived earlier in the morning, back from helping a dozen slaves escape from a farm not far away. Craig stood by his father’s statue as Snow stood by his, and Red did the same. Max’s father, Blake, still lived so he stood a couple of feet away from the interlocked statues. Grey touched his mother’s stone. The three young men touched their fathers’ stones as well.

A woman came out of the statue. She appeared not much older than Grey. She lightly held his hand. Each of her lovers stepped from their statues as well. Each hugged their sons then stood silently waiting.

“My son. I can sense you’ve gained the first of your four lovers. I’m am so pleased you found him,” She said with a smile.

“I did mother,” Grey replied and offered her a clear cube that made the surrounding noticeably cooler.

She looked at the hovering cube then tapped it. “This is very good and the amount is impressive. Your brother Snow contributed to it. I’m pleased to see your lover is compatible.” Snow’s father smiled. The cube moved to snow then rested on the ground.

“Mother, I've been asked to make  a flesh walker.”

“A child is coming who’s a gate walker. Lore pasted down to me says a gate walker will walk before he is truly born. Your fathers’ sons and your earth maker can shape what’s needed before infant’s final birth. Anything more than this are guesses.”

She gave Grey’s cheek a light kiss. “I can feel by being awake only this short time it should be done soon my son.” She said as she turned back and melted into her stone. Her lovers hugged their sons again then returned to their stones.

The young men who had been outside the grove began to gather around Grey’s small group. Henry standing silently in the background stepped closer to Grey. He was the largest male there.

“Brothers, thank you for joining me. Late tonight we will meet again. Five volunteers of our four fathers are asked to come forward when we meet. I promise you will return to how you are now when the walker is finally born. I can not claim you afterward, you will become his. You will still be part of the larger family here,” Grey said to the gathering. “You will remain my brothers.”

The crowd broke up. Conversation could be heard as they left the grove. Craig, Snow, Red, and Max stayed.

Henry took Grey’s hand, brought it to his mouth for a light kiss.

“Brothers, those of you that haven’t met my first lover, this is Henry.”  Grey motioned Craig forward to Henry. “Craig, you will be his squire.”

Craig was a curly dark haired youth adult the age of Grey. Not tall but solidly built, wide shoulders, muscular arms and legs. He dropped to one bent leg, head bowed.

“I swear on the bonds of my family, I will serve you as I would serve Grey, my brother and master,” Craig said.

Grey touched Craig’s shoulder, “Please raise defender of matter. May the world be true as your heart.”

As he rose light passing through the trees brightened for a moment.

After a moment, “Are you all really brothers?” Henry asked.

“Us four,” Snow replied pointing at the others but not at Grey, “have different mothers and each of us is the son of one of the three men here.” He nodded toward the statues. “Except Max. He’s master Blake’s son. Grey is the only child from Mrs and our four fathers. The others that were here are from each of our fathers but from different women.”

Grey added, “Mother could combine any number of mens’ seed to make one child with a woman.  Males born from four elemental men have a special quality of semen useful for magical purposes. Henry, three other lovers who will join us will allow me to do almost anything.”


Grey and his four brothers led Henry to a large field surrounded by trees he could see in the distance lit by moonlight. Grey hadn’t told him what to expect this evening except there won’t be to a sacrifice. The four boys from this morning had rejoined them and Craig hadn’t left his side since becoming his squire. Henry wondered what a squire was. I’ll need to ask.

I could see a line of people walking out of the forest. A lantern carried by one every so often. They formed a circle around us. None of them had a single stitch of clothes on. All looked to be about Grey and the boys’ ages and there must be at least a hundred of them.

Grey took my hand and stood in front of me, both of my hands in his. “We’ll start now,” he said tilting his head up to me. I leaned down to kiss him.

I must of blacked out because I found myself weightless in the air. Grey held me in his arms, my back towards him. His head on my shoulder and his mouth next to my ear. The thing attached to my now super sized dick was pumping away. My balls felt huge.

“You’re okay. I’m here,” Grey whispered in my ear.

Looking down I saw Craig and the three other boys floating in the air out cold with the connector thing like mine pumping on their dicks. A tube from each led up to mine. I looked closer at mine and saw the end of it went down to five boys on the ground laid out, leg spread forming a star shape.

I noticed the ring of guys were jacking off. Some of them started to say something in grunts I didn’t understand. I was getting close to nutting.

“Just a little longer,” Grey said.

Something glistened in the moonlight in front of me face, becoming a big milky ball. I could smell cum. It smelt sweet.

“My brothers’. For this to work you’ll need to open your mouth and take it in. You won’t drown. I promise.”

I took a deep breath then did as Grey said. It streamed into my mouth. It allowed me to swallow and get breath before taking another big gulp. My body heated up, balls got uncomfortably tight, and my dick got even bigger. I was going to nut.

“Yes,” Grey said.

I dick let loose. Felt powerful jets of cum shooting down the tube. I kept on swallowing as much cum I could manage. The stream of cum into my mouth stopped and I began to black out again.

I came to laying on the ground. My head in Grey’s lap. To the side I saw a large toddler about the size of three men asleep next to us, its thumb in its mouth.

End of Part 2 / To be continued...

If you liked this story you can find several more here at Nifty :-)

St. Nec's Castle
My Love Sings
Space Cock

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Next: Chapter 3

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