Griff the Ra

By Joe Smith

Published on Jul 5, 2011


This is a work of FICTION. All characters are over 18. If This offends you, you are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, or it is illegal to read such material where you live, do not keep reading. I wrote this, so copyright

Any comments, questions, criticisms, or anything else, please feel free to contact me,

Because of an awful food allergy, I wasn't able to have a roommate my freshmen year of college. I thought this would be great, finally having my own room after years of sharing with my brother. When I moved in, I found out that I would be sharing a bathroom with my floor's RA. No big deal, in fact it would probably be a good thing to get in good with the RA, just in case you know?

I moved into my dorm a few days earlier than most of the freshmen, since I was on the swim team and had to be there early for practices. I was a great swimmer, I was at the school on a full scholarship because of it, I hadn't lost a race in years. I quickly learned I was the best on my schools team as well. My first practice was right after I moved in, I hadn't even had a chance to meet my RA yet.

When I got back from my first practice I was exhausted. I headed into my bathroom to take a shower (the showers at the gym weren't working, construction or whatever). That's when I saw him for the first time, Griff, my RA. Griff was built like a god, perfect triangle shape, beautiful pecs with huge perfect nipples. His entire chest and stomach was covered in dark redish orange hair, perfectly matching the mop of hair on his head, and the thick hair covering his legs. He was wearing a pair of tight briefs that seemed to be just a tad too small for him, but that was perfectly fine.

It's no secret that I was gay, I came out when I was fourteen, have had multiple boyfriends since then, and even more...experiences. I was mostly a bottom, much to many guys disappointment when they saw me naked. I had a good dick. Actually, that's being modest, I had a great dick. It was easily 9 inches long, and thick as fuck. It sometimes looked silly compared to the rest of my body. Normally I just looked skinny and hairless (the one thing I hated about swimming was having to shave) but then when I took my speedo off, it was fat with a huge bush of jet black hair, to match the hair on my head. But enough about me, back to the story.

Griff didn't see me at first, so I cleared my throat and introduced myself.

"Hey, I'm Luke."

Griff turned around, taken slightly aback by my sudden appearance.

"Oh hey dude, you're the swimmer right?" His voice was deep and gravely. Extremely masculine, I had to work hard not to pop a boner in front of him.

"Yeah man...good to meet you. I was just coming in to take a shower, the ones at the gym are broken, but I'll just wait till you're finished."

"Nah man go ahead, we're sharing a bathroom, bound to see each other naked sometime, may as well do it now."

Wow, I couldn't believe it. I wasn't going to argue it though, if only just because I desperately wanted to see him naked as well. "Alright, if you say so." I pulled down my speedo and stepped into the shower.

"So Luke, where you from?" Griff asked me, not looking over towards me, still looking in the mirror.

"Oh not too far, just about half an hour away."

"Oh that's not too bad at all." Griff turned around to look at me, and saw my dick, hanging, about 7 inches soft.

"HOLY FUCK!" Griff exclaimed. "Shit man, you must get all the girls with that one huh?" He laughed.

"Haha, nah. Actually I'm gay, so none of that haha."

"Ooo, that's cool dude. Well, nice to meet you, I gotta split, see you later I'm sure!"

Later that night, I was in my room, watching some porn and smoking some pot, pretty ballsy for my first night at college. My cock was sticking out my boxers, as I stroked it gently. On the TV screen was a guy hog tied on the floor, with one cock shoved in his mouth, and another up his ass as he was crying in pain. Shit like this really got me off, kinda fucked I know.

Pot generally makes me pretty sleepy, so I put it out, and went turned off the lights. The only light now came from the porn and a sliver of light coming from under the bathroom door. I let the porn play and stroked a bit as I drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken roughly when something wet hit my face. I knew something was wrong right away. My mouth was filled with what felt like someone's crusty jockstrap, my hands were tied together, as were my feet, and there was something heavy on my cock. I was on the ground, and not in my dorm, there was a carpet under me. I looked around and saw a pair of legs, covered in thick redish-orange hair, and wearing bright yellow running shoes with no show socks.

"Oh good, you're awake." Griff said.

I looked up at him, standing over me. He was wearing a pair of running shorts and a tank top. It didn't seem like he had anything on underneath the shorts. He must have just come back from working out, cus he was still glistening with sweat.

"When I got back from my workout, I smelled something in your room, so I went to investigate," he held up my smoked joint. "Smoking pot on your first night in the dorm? Pretty fucking dumb, don't you think? I was disappointed, didn't wanna see you get kicked out. Then I saw your TV, and what was playing on there, and I thought of a solution. It's obvious you're one hell of a fucked up faggot, so I thought you'd like this. This way, you get to stay here without me telling anyone, and I get a little bitch boy for my amusement. Sound like a plan?"

He was expecting some kind of answer from me, but I didn't know what to say. On one hand, I loved the idea, I'd always wanted to try something like this out, but on the other hand, I was kind of terrified. This had come out of nowhere, and I didn't know if I could escape it or not.

Apparently I didn't answer fast enough, as Griff kicked me in the balls and asked me again, "Sound like a plan, faggot."

It wasn't a question this time. It was an order.

I nodded my head, as the pain rippled through my body.

"Good. Take a look at your big cock now bitch."

I did, I was shocked, horrified, and incredibly turned on by what I saw. A CB 6000 encased my dick, not allowing it to get hard.

"Faggots don't get to cum without masters permission. I had a hell of a time getting you in there, but I made it work. If you're good, you'll get to cum once a week...maybe."

I didn't know what to think. I loved what was happening, but also was terrified. I didn't have much time to think about anything though, as out of no where, he yanked me up to my feet by my hair.

We were eye to eye now, I realized just how sexy he was. The smell of sweat and the gym was still on him, and it made me even more turned on.

"Alright you slut, I'm gonna take your gag out now, and if you make one noise, I'll knock you out, got that?"

I nodded yes, knowing anything else would be a mistake. He took the dirty jockstrap out of my mouth and threw it on the floor. He tugged my head back and spit so fiercely in my face, it was dripping down.

"Ever drink a real man's piss faggot?"

I shook my head. I hadn't, I'd thought about it, but was always too nervous to try.

"Well now you're gonna. Spill a drop and you'll be sorry, got it?"

He didn't even wait for me to nod a response before shoving me down to my knees and pulling out his cock. It was beautiful. 7 inches soft, and thick as a beer can. It emerged from a bush of fire red hair, that matched the rest of his body. He shoved it in my mouth and within seconds was pissing down my throat.

It was weird. I didn't hate it. It was warm and had a flavor that I can't describe. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to drink all of it, fearing some of it might leak, but I managed to keep going for what seemed like 5 minutes of him pissing straight down my throat. When he finished, he pulled it out, shook it a bit so a drop or two landed on my nose, and pulled his shorts back up.

"That's a good faggot. My last bitch couldn't drink my piss like that, I think you'll work out well."

With that, he turned around, stripped down to his briefs and got into bed. I looked at him, not sure what to do.

"Faggots sleep on the floor. Goodnight bitch."

With that, he turned off the lights and rolled over. I just kinda sat there for a minute or two, dumbfounded. Finally I decided I may as well try to sleep, and lied down on the floor, hands and feet still tied up. I lie there contemplating what just happened, with a stomach full of Griff's piss. I couldn't help but smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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