Growing Up in Thirteenth Century

By Jason

Published on Oct 21, 2000


Well so here is chapter two. I must thank those sho have read this story and gave me kind comments on it. They gave me the power to write on. And special thanks to Andrew Staker, without his help, this chapter would not be readable sine there were hundreds of grammar mistakes And also i should thank Micheal, he taught me a lot about medieval England

Growing Up In the Thieteenth Century-Chapter 2

The next morning, Ralph got up early. Roger still lay on his chest. He didn't want to wake him up. He turned his face to the window. A square of grey green sky reflected in his eyes. Ralph put his hand on Roger's smooth back, and caressed it softly. Roger lazily opened his eyes and moved his head. His hair slid across Ralph's chest, making Ralph itch and giggle.

"Wake up, it's morning now. You must go. I don't want everyone to watch you walking out like this!"

Roger rose from bed reluctantly. "'You must go! You must go!' How cruel you are, to ask me to go out." He complained, his eyes still half closed and searched for his clothes in the messy bed.

"What are you touching!" Ralph bounced from bed, catching Roger's hands, which were right on his thigh.

"I have to found my clothes" Roger replied.

Ralph heard something, like wheels. "Oh my god! It must be my father. Be quick" Ralph suddenly remembered Mr Frost's words. He pulled Roger's clothes from under the blanket, and threw them to the boy who was as flurried as Ralph.

Roger put on his clothes at top speed. They ran to the door and Roger was ready to run away. But Ralph grabbed his hand and said: "Come back at night, remember!" Roger replied by a gentle kiss.

At the door of the castle entered Ralph's father, the Earl, followed by the clergyman who was sent by the bishop to discuss some events between the earl and Church. Ralph's father didn't show much interest in religion and their silly credo, but to stay at peace with the Church was necessary. The castle was in panic. The servants ran across the hall. The earl shouted loudly for Ralph. And he ran down to the hall at once.

It was totally a boring meeting, but it didn't matter much for Ralph, as he was only longing for the night. He was often lost in thought, thinking of Roger, until his father shouted angrily at him.

It was time for dinner; the earl seemed quite hungry mainly because he had travelled rather a long way. And the tubby clergyman who was hungry all the time was digging his head into the plate. Roger was among the servants who served the food. The two boys exchanged some stealing glances and smiles while others' eyes were fixed on their food. Ralph playfully patted Roger under the table when he passed by. And Roger stepped on his foot as revenge, making Ralph's face seem rather ridiculous, trying to keep his mouth shut. It's hard for them both to hold back their laughing and staring at each other. The dinner was simply a long enough time for Ralph. He couldn't wait until everybody left the table.

After they finished, Ralph at once ran to the kitchen. There was nobody except Roger, who was ordered to wash all the dirty dishes. Other servants were busy with their own business because the good, leisurely days were gone with the arrival of the tempered Earl.

Ralph noiselessly walked behind Roger and hugged him tightly. Roger recognized it was Ralph by his tender lips. So he turned around and kissed him on his face. He touched Ralph's face with his hands wet with cold water.

"You drank too much beer." Roger felt Ralph's red and hot face.

"But you make me even hotter." Ralph replied and leaned towards Roger's lips. His hands were at Roger's bottom; enjoying the softness beneath the cloth.

"No, no. I have to wash the dishes and others may come in!"

"Nobody will enter. The luggage and the tired entourage back with my father will keep them busy for quite a long time." Ralph held Roger tightly to keep him from escaping.

Roger was still struggling by wriggling but soon gave up. Ralph's red and blue luxurious clothes soon lay upon Roger's plain and coarse clothes. They were both possessed by the charming beauty of youthful bodies. But Ralph was too careless to think about the potential danger.

The ever-hungry clergyman was on his way to the kitchen to find something to fill his insatiable stomach. He heard some voice coming from behind the kitchen. Having thought for a while, he pushed the door and led himself in.

His eyes were widely opened. He saw not only his favourite food but also two naked boys cuddling each other. He was confused. "It's terrible, it's terrible," he said to himself in a low voice. The scene must have scared his god. It took him a while to burst out "My Lord!" and ran away. The castle was now filled with his loud screaming.

Ralph and Roger's hearts were suddenly frozen. Their hands loosed and slipped from the other's body. Not knowing what to do, they just stood there and stare at the door. Fear soon possessed their mind. They remained still.

The clergyman's crying surprised everybody. Soon there were several curious servants who put away their work running towards the kitchen. The earl was among the rushing people. But what appeared on his face was not curiosity but mad anger.

"Go away! Go away!" he pushed the people away and shouted "Guards! Guards!" Meanwhile Ralph and Roger regained consciousness and began to put on their clothes. They didn't exchange a word. Their brains were still blank. The servants were peering at the door, gossiping and jeering. Ralph heard his father's irate growl, and was shaking with dread. He didn't even think of finding an excuse. Ralph knew it was of no use. They were caught, and by the clergy. What would they do with them? He couldn't continue to think about the frightening future.

The people at the door were suddenly silent. The earl burst in. Roger and Ralph were not dressed fully yet. They stopped and looked at the furious earl. They remained silence for a while. And the clergyman appeared again.

"You two evil: you would go to the hell--to hell! Oh my God, hang them ... hang them and expel the sin!"

He still wanted to continue his preaching before the earl turned his head and shouted: "Shut up"The earl approached Roger and pulled him up by his collar and gave him a bash. Roger fell onto the ground with a loud cry. Red blood flew from the corner of his mouth. Ralph stood beside. He wanted to help Roger but soon noticed the earl had already drawn his sword.

"No!" Ralph cried out and pushed his father with all his strength. The earl staggered backwards and soon stepped back. He slapped Ralph hard on his face. Ralph fell down but still wanted to protect his friend with his body; at least the earl would not stab his own son.

The earl was still angry and shocked as well that his son had pushed him so hard. He slowly put down his sword and shouted for the guard. "Lock him in his room." He pointed at Ralph. "And this bastard ... to the dungeon."

"No, no, please!" Both of the boys were crying, tears pouring down and soaking their clothes. But their hands still held together until the guards dragged them apart.

"I have to remind you, Sir, it's my responsibility to report this sinful crime to the Church. I don't think that the church will be satisfied if this guilt doesn't get punished properly," the clergyman said with obvious arrogance.

The earl stepped forward and shouted at the clergy "That bastard will be killed later, that will be enough for your Church. But not my son, he was born of noble blood that should not be wasted. And all of you, keep your dirty mouths shut and don't speak a single word of this or I will kill any of you as well!"

The crowd soon dispersed at the earl's command. Everything seemed back to normally for a while. Ralph was locked in his room. He was crying and still didn't know what would happen to Roger. He pleaded the guards outside the door to let him out. No reply was made. They will punish him severely, Ralph thought for the best. He had seen how his father punished a servant who stole something from the castle. The horrible scene was striking his frail heart. The most terrible word flashed in his mind. Will they kill him? No, no, he tried to comfort himself. "I still haven't known much of him. It's only two nights since the first sight. Will it end, end for ever? Or is it just another nightmare and will be ended overnight? Oh Lord please don't let them kill him, please." Ralph sobbed and prayed, although it was the Church with the same god that wanted his friend to be killed."

No sound. It was terrible, he hoped to hear some one speaking, at least he could know how his friend was now, alive or dead. But there was only silence. Suddenly he heard a sound. He didn't move. But soon there came the voice of the young chaplain. "Ralph, Ralph. Come here!" he whispered.

"Oh is that you Humphrey? Why do you come here? Do you hate me, or feel disgusted, just like the others? Go, I am not the Ralph you have known before. Leave me some peace."

"No Ralph, there's no time to explain, come out here." The door opened and the chaplain's face appeared. Ralph was surprised and quickly ran out of the door. He knew Humphrey was his friend.

"Where is Roger? What did they do to him?" Ralph caught the chaplain's sleeve and asked eagerly, that was the only thing that now existed in his mind. He saw the guard laying on the ground, and a brick was near his neck. He couldn't believe that Humphrey did this but that didn't matter much.

"He was in the dungeon, and your father ordered him be killed tomorrow. We have to save him. Be quick." Humphrey didn't stop. He pulled Ralph's hand, and they ran to the dungeon.

It's hard to hide oneself while running in a castle. But they managed to escape from all people's eyes. All the servants, squires and guards were discussing their young master and that evil boy with great zeal behind the earl's back. Soon they arrived.

There were two guards there. It didn't take them much time to solve this minor problem, because the guards were somewhat tired and Ralph was trained to be an excellent knight.

"Roger, Roger!" Ralph searched in the darkness. "Are you all right?"

"Yes, I am all right." Roger soon walked to the door. Everyone thought that he was to be killed the next morning, so he luckily didn't receive any beating. Soon Humphrey found the key and open the door.

"Oh Roger!" Ralph sniffled and was unable to speak. He touched Roger's face, which was bruised. They hugged and began to cry.

"No time to be waste!" Humphrey urged them. "If you want to save your lover, you must leave the castle as soon as possible."

"All right Humphrey! Thanks. You saved both of our lives. Now be quick, Roger. We must try to get my destrier." Ralph now felt that his training of riding was very useful.

They sneaked into the stable. The old groom had fallen asleep. Ralph found his destrier but he made a mistake to hand over the reins to Roger who never received any instruction on how to ride the horse for nobles. The horse jumped and made a loud neigh which, woke the groom up.

"Oh, the boy ran away, the boy ran away and Master Ralph, hurry up hurry up!" he cried, and ran into the castle.

"Get on the horse, Roger. We must go!" Ralph jumped onto the horseback and helped Roger get on it. Humphrey pulled out another horse and ran after them.

Ralph lashed the horse and they were riding as swift as the wind blowing hard upontheir faces. They heard the noise from the castle behind them. The guards and knights picked up their weapons, dragged out the horses but the sound became more and more faint as they were running farther and farther away from it.

Meanwhile, at the castle, the earl was raging. He couldn't believe what he heard It was such a big striking of his dignity, he could not endure it. He was raving and roaring around. All men were ready at his order but Ralph had already been a long distance away.

"Go to get the two boys, all of you. And kill the damned boy whenever you find him. Don't come back until you find them, you sons of whores. Do you hear what I say! Get them, alive or dead." The earl shouted to his men. After a moment, he added: "But don't hurt my son, remember that! Now start off." The armed men rode out, chasing after the runaways. Dust was blowing after them. And the smell of horror now is near. But they got nothing for a whole day; it was just a little too late

Ralph looked back; the castle had already disappeared over the horizon. And the permeating fog helped them get rid of any eyes. He didn't know how long they had driven, but long enough to cast off the pursuers. And his horse was tired and began to protest his lashing. Roger's hands were holding his waist in order to keep himself on the horse. He pressed himself on Ralph's back where he felt warm and safe.

"We are safe now," Ralph whispered to him. Their breath began to slow down from the tense fleeing. "Where is the young chaplain?" Roger asked. He knew they wouldn't succeed without his help.

Ralph looked around anxiously. He was worried whether his friend had encountered any trouble. Then he saw Humphrey catch up. The horse he chose was not as good as Ralph's, so he dropped behind.

"Ralph, are you all right? And you, what's your name, lad?" Humphrey asked

"Roger, thank you very much, for your saving us." Roger looked at him gratefully.

"It's my pleasure." Humphrey smiled "The abbey didn't only teach me the Bible. I know what the love between you is and how strong it can be." He turned his face aside. Something was flickering in his eyes "Many years ago, there was a boy just like you, Roger. Treasure what you have, young boys, and never give it up for that's the destiny that bonds you together. I have to go back to the castle. Go as far as you can. Bye." He choked with sobs and was unable to continue.

"Bye Humphrey! I will never forget you." Ralph whimpered. Humphrey was his best friend for many years in the castle. He was sad that they must depart all of a sudden.

"Oh, I nearly forget, here's some money. I took from your father's chest. I think you should need it." He threw a bag to Ralph

The chaplain finally forced himself away. Ralph and Roger waved their hands until Humphrey disappeared into the fog.

Ralph jumped off the horse and so did Roger. He held Roger's hand closer to his chest. "Now it's time for us, no one can force up apart. No need to hide anything. And nothing to be afraid of" But he felt Roger's hands draw from his palms. He seemed to have a lot on his mind. That really worried Ralph.

"What's the matter?" Asked Ralph. He held his hand out but Roger withdrew again. There must be something wrong, thought Ralph.

"Leave me, Ralph, leave me." These words were hard for Roger to speak.

"What did you say?" Ralph couldn't believe his ears.

"Leave me, go back to the castle where your life should be."

"Are you mad?" Ralph grabbed Roger's arms, forcing Roger to face him and shook him insanely. Roger tried to escape his eyes and looked sideways

"No, no it was not true. Tell me it was not true!" The pain was written on Roger's watery eyes that Ralph could not resist. He cried out.

"Listen to me, please." Roger finally ceased and spoke. "You will be the earl, sooner or later. You can have your wonderful and comfortable life in that castle which I cannot give you. You're the brightest star in the sky which lets others feel shame. But I am only the tiniest dirt on the earl. You should enjoy the happy days, but not bear the harsh life with me!"

"No, stop! I don't want to hear that! Tell me--tell me: Don't you love me anymore? Were all your words false, were you cheating me with all those sweet things you have done, then broke me heart, shattered my dream and destroyed me myself!"

Roger replied: "I love you, I love you more than I can express by word. And that's why I asked you to leave. I don't want to see you fall down from heaven to the ground; I don't want to see you hurt. Not because I don't love you but I can't."

Ralph said: "Who cares about that? I love you, and that's the most important thing. We can endure every hard times just by our love; we succeed this time because we believe it and we will succeed for a second time, a third time if we still keep our faith in it. I don't mind what I lose. All I care for is you, you and you."

Roger then questioned: "But how much do you know about me? We were together for merely two days. Maybe there will be weather at any day in the future when your passion becames cold, when I cannot attract you any more. I will die in vain." He paused but tears could not be stopped.

"You had promised me, not to go away from me. Don't you remember that you have made it, Roger? Speak, and say these words not from your heart but from your twisted mind. Speak to me! Speak to me!" Ralph shouted.

"O, Ralph, Ralph, they were not from my heart. I cannot deny that I love you, no matter how impossible it is. But can you--can you give up the entire thing you have and go with me through the storm ahead? Can you give up the earldom and the gorgeous knighthood that were the aim of your life, and change them for a pauper's miserable life? Can you take off the splendid clothes you are now wearing and all comfortable pasttimes and change them for the shabby cloth and dim prospect of a poor boy? Can you cast off the elegant French and Latin and grace you've learnt, for the English dialect and poor manner of a vulgar kid?" Roger was searching the answer in Ralph's eyes.

"Haven't I proven it, by love, by all of my heart? You will see what I will do, that's my promise."

"I love you, Ralph, that's all I want to say now. Please forgive me for my disbelief in love."

"Never say sorry. I know what's in your heart. I love you too, Roger."

In the hazy atmosphere, there were two boys, making their promise to each other. But they didn't know what lay ahead;love, however, would lead the way for them.

Next: Chapter 3

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