Growing Up Joshua

By Steve Thomas

Published on Aug 7, 2023


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be all that pure! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between males, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Joshua Alan Black II

Barbie Warfield -- my mother

Dennis Warfield -- my stepfather

Wilma Warfield -- Dennis's mother ("Missy" to m)e

Francis Warfield -- Dennis's father -- ("Sir" to me.)

Alva Benson -- my Gram (Grandma)

Iver Benson -- my Pop (Grandpa)

Richard -- My favorite Cousin

Ray and Raul -- Richards' older brothers.

Nate Willows -- My first roomie.

Rudy Chanbers -- Friend across the hall.

Randy "Rascal" Ringstrom. Tutor

Wayne "Bulge" Andrews -- Rudy's room mate

From Chapter 2: Rudy opened the door wide. "Bulge, this is Josh-ua Black."

"Dammit! Don't call me that! SIR! I'm Wayne Andrews, SIR!" He addressed me.

"Don't call me sir -- Sir!" I said, noting the obvious reason he was called bulge. No, get your mind out of the gutter! He eyes bulged out. I felt bad for him.

"Aw -- don't look at me like that! I got great pre-referral vision." He said. Rascal and Rudy looked at each other and laughed. I suddenly felt sorry for Wayne, guessing he had been teased all his life about his bulging eyes. Everything else looked okay -- including his seemingly larger than usual bulge down below - - that I just told you not to think about!

Chapter 3

I extended my hand. "Hi, Wayne. I'm in the cell across the hall." I smiled cordially, hoping that maybe we could get off on a good footing.

"Whut're you doin' with this fag, here? Don't tell me you're another one of em'!" He said, with not even a slight hint of cordiality.

I felt my own smile recede. "If you're referring to Mr. Ringstrom, he's assigned as my tutor. And -- whether or not he's gay or not is not an issue." I didn't even try to keep the disdain from my own voice.

"I'm just sayin', be careful. I think it might rub off on you!"

Okay, then! I'm officially over feeling sorry for Wayne "Bulge" Andrews.

"Why is that, Wayne?" I asked, as if I was an attorney in a courtroom. "Have you found yourself salivating for cock lately?

"What? NO! Why -- erm -- what the fuck? Are you stickin' up fer `em? They're queers!"

I looked at both of the other guys, then walked up close to Bulge. It might have been nose to nose if he were taller, but I kept my head high, so his nose was closer to my chin. Looking down on him thus, I said,

"I don't know what part of the dark ages you crawled out of, but unless one of them tries to force himself upon you, I think you should curb your tongue! Don't worry, I don't think you are gay, Wayne. But whether you are an idiot or not may be up for grabs! It doesn't rub off. It's not catching. And unless you are getting worried about your own sexuality -- there's nothing for you to worry about -- right?"

He looked up at me with venomous, squinty eyes. "If you're not one of them, you sure seem to be a fag lover! Watch yourself, Pussy Boy."

I couldn't help myself. The back of my hand came up and made contact with his face. "Don't mess with me, sucker! And if you get tempted, go talk to Percy, Crabbe and Goyle!"

"Was that you?" Said Rascal. "I heard about how you took care of them!

"I had to restrain myself! I didn't want to hurt any of them too badly." I said. "But with my contacts, maybe I could arrange for a transfer for you, Wayne -- into their room."

"Percy's an upperclassman! They wouldn't - "

"Don't be too sure. Do you know who my roomy is?"

"Yeah, but his daddy's the General. He can - "

"I have some influence too. So maybe it should be you who watches yourself." I said. He had already backed away from me, and now there was a slight look of fear. I made an assumption and a conscious decision to push him just a little further. "I know that you don't want to flunk out of another school. Your Mommy and Daddy wouldn't like that would they?"

He looked like a trapped animal, and I knew I was right. I softened. "Look, Wayne, there's no reason we can't all be friends. No one thinks of you as a fag because you think your room mate is gay."

"I know he is. Did you see them two kissing?"

"Lot's of guys kiss these days." I said. "Look, Mr. Ringstrom and I need to get back to studying. We only came over here to see when the wrestling team practices."

"Are you a wrestler?" Said Rudy, excitedly. "I think you probably have orientation class today, which would be - "

"He doesn't have it. Mr. Willows and I saw to that. I'll be working with him instead."

"Be there, and dressed down by 4:30. The coach will love that someone of your weight class wants to try out."

"From the looks of how you fucked up Percy, you shoont hafta try out!." Said Bulge, trying to make amends.

"Thanks, Wayne. But knowing Taekwondo doesn't mean a guy can wrestle. I still have to try out." I flashed him another of my winning smiles. I hugged Rudy and turned to Bulge. I was pretty sure he wanted a hug, but he blushed and waved. "See yah!" He said. He even smiled a little.

When Rascal and I got back to my room, I said, "You guys need to lighten up a little on that guy."

"He's a butt!"

"He can't help it. He's probably barely making it -- if that -- in his classes. Did you see the look of fear when I mentioned flunking out?"

"We need to start studying." Said Rascal.

"We do." I said, "but I still think you need to see what you are doing. In your own way, you're bullying him -- you and Rudy. He's not very bright, obviously, but he's smart enough to know when you guys are laughing at him. I know you're getting even but what good has that done you?"

"I don't know why I'm tutoring you! You already think you're a damned shrink!" He said. "Your records say you're aiming for pre-med. Are you going for psychiatry?"

"I'm not sure. I just know I want to help others. I felt so trapped growing up! I HATED that my parents sent me here! I mean -- where did they find out about this place?"

"Maybe if you find out who your benefactor is, you may find that out too."

At fourteen, all boys are curious -- about other boys. I saw Bulge in the showers a couple times in the next few days, and he seemed fascinated by - - me! It turned out he had never seen uncut meat. I continued to be friends with him, and about three weeks after out first meeting, he came over to my room when he knew Nate would be gone. I was surprised when I opened the door.

"Can -- can I -- um -- come in?" He said nervously.

"Sure!" I said, smiling, but felt the hair on the back of my neck standing up. He was much smaller than I was, but I still wondered what the purpose of his visit was. I opened the door wide and he stepped in. "What's up?"

He shifted from one foot to the other for a moment. Then he said, "I just wanted to -- to tell you -- that -- um -- well -- thanks for being nice to me." His bulging eyes had an expression of both fear and gratitude. "An -- and -- I -- wanted to apol -- um = apol -- um -- say I'm sorry -- if I made a bad impression -- that first day."

The whole time, he was looking at the floor. "I really like you, um -- Joshua. And I dunno what you said to the fags, but they have been nicer too."

"Wayne, my friends call me Josh." I said softly. "And maybe it would be better not to refer to your roommate as a fag."

"Sorry. I just ain't very good at -- at - "

" -- at handling situations that make you uncomfortable?" I said.

"Yeah -- um -- that!"

"Why don't you tell them that?"

Ignoring that, or -- probably not even hearing it -- he said, "Um -- and I wanted to also apol -- um say I'm sorry if I was starin' at you."

"Why? What -- I mean, where were you - " I started.

"Well, it was -- I mean -- you are so handsome and all, and then in the shower -- um -- I mean -- are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?"

"Your -- um -- pen -- er -- um -- your cock -- does it hurt?"

"My dick?" I said, forcing myself not to laugh or even smile. It's fine too. Why?"

"It -- it -- looks like someone ripped off the head! And all that skin that hangs down. Does that just hide the stump?"

I couldn't help it. I laughed. He looked hurt and offended. "Wayne -- Wayne! No -- it's okay. I wasn't laughing at you! Only the situation. There's a head in there. Didn't anyone ever tell you about circumcision?"

"Circle -- what?"

"When you were born, and still a baby -- the doctor cut off part of your dick. They do it to most boys. I was never cut."

"I aint got nothin' cut off!" he protested. "It's all there!"

"Let's see it." I said.

"No way! I ain't no fa -- I mean -- why? Why do you want to see my dick?"

"I don't have to see it, Wayne. I've seen it in the showers. And you have seen mine there. But things aren't always what they seem to be. Look." I dropped my pants and boxers and his mouth gaped open, as he gawked at my member.

"Um -- whew!" he said. I saw a wet spot form on the front of his uniform pants. "Um -- can I - "

"You wanna touch it -- sure. Go ahead."

My foreskin hangs almost an inch over my head, when it's soft. He felt it like he was feeling fine silk. His pants started to bulge more. He looked into my eyes for a moment and got an extremely compassionate look on his face and said, "That must have been massive before -- um - what happened to the rest of it?"

"Watch!" I said. I slowly pulled back the foreskin, exposing the head.

His jaw dropped as he unconsciously reached out again and touched the head. Of course it was slick with smegma. He jerked his hand back.

"Now can I see yours?" I asked. "It's only fair!"

He was almost frozen in place. I gently brought his hand back and put it on my shaft. "See? It feels the same."

"Your's is much bigger." He said.

"So your's still has a way to grow. It'll probably be bigger than mine."

"You think so?"

"You never know." I said, as I reached out and undid his pants, never taking my eyes from his. I saw such a range of emotion! From fear, to unsure, to trust to -- (could that possibly be?) I let his pants drop, and his boxers sprang straight out. He grabbed and covered it. "It's okay, Wayne. I've seen these before."

I liberated his hard man flesh. He wrenched his eyes and face away form me. "See?" I said, gently touching the side. This is what the doctor cut off." I actually stroked him once. "My skin is much looser -- because it's all there."

He reached out toward mine again, and then stopped.

"It's okay!" I prompted. I guided his hand to mine, which was also getting hard by this time. "See? We're both the same." I squeezed his hand around mine and made it pull my skin up and down with long strokes. He saw the head of my dick disappear and reappear several times. He was mesmerized once more and with my other hand, I tipped his chin up and he was looking into my eyes again.

But he didn't stop stroking me. I slowly grabbed his and stroked it a few more times. He got a fearful look. "We better stop, Wayne. I don't know about you but I'm about ready to blow."

He nodded his head, but kept stroking me. Tears were in his eyes. He grabbed his own and was stroking both of us. I closed my eyes and shuddered as my milky white fluid shot out and all over his uniform shirt. He wasn't concerned because he was having an orgasm of his own. But I put my hand out and stopped him from spattering my clothing.

When he was finished he started to shake all over and cry. "I'm gay! I'm Gay! Oh, Fuck! I'm dead!"

I grabbed a rag from under my mattress. I gave it to him and then held him close. He cried like a baby.

"You're not gay, Wayne -- necessarily. All guys compare themselves with other guys! And most -- most do this at some time. It doesn't mean they're gay and -- it doesn't MAKE them gay. If you've never done it -- this was your turn!"

"You -- you -- you -- won't tell anyone?" He asked.

"What happens in the room -- stays in the room!" I said.

"That's only for roomies."

"It's for us today though -- right?"

"Right." He said.

"but -- Wayne?"


"I think you should tell your roomy what happened in here. I won't tell him! But you should. And tell him that you're not gay -- if you aren't."

"Maybe I am!" He said, almost defiantly.

"I've read a lot about this. You're probably not!"

"But -- I liked it!"

"All that means is that it was fun -- and it felt good. And -- you did it with a friend. The books say that if you are still doing it when you're 25 -- THEN maybe you're gay! We'll have to wait ten or eleven years to find that out."

"How -- how -- do those other guys -- Chambers and Ringstrom know -- that they are gay?" He asked.

"Okay -- now this is important. They don't! Have you seen either of them in the showers?"

"I don't need to -- I seen Chambers in our room. He's tiny!"

"So is Ringstrom -- probably. They're still little boys -- in their bodies. They just have super smart brains. They can't help that. It's normal for them to find fun in each other -- I think. Wayne -- what we did is confidential, but did you like it?"

"Y -- yes." He said., looking down.

"I did too. But it was just a fun thing to do with a -- friend. Don't spaz out over it. I'm not in love with you. You're not in love with me! We just shared something that every other boy shares with someone. Only - I've share it with you! It's okay to like it. That doesn't mean we'll make a habit of it -- right?"


"Was that all you wanted to talk about, Friend?"

"Thanks, Mr. -- um -- Josh."

He started to open the door. I stopped him. I pointed at his pants still on the floor. We both started to laugh. He pulled them on, tucking in his shirt tightly -- which accented the cum stains on the front of his shirt. "Change your shirt before going to class." I said gently. He mumbled something and almost stumbled over to his door.

The next day, as Rascal was helping me in advanced calc, he kept looking amused. Finally I said, "Look, this is hard stuff. It may have even been easy for you, but you don't need to laugh at me because it's taking me a few times to get it."

"I'm not laughing -- about that!" He said.

Huh?" I said.

"You got Bulge to suck your dick -- didn't you?"

"Wha --aat?"

"Rudy told me that Bulge said you guys did some stuff together!"

He was full of glee.

I was full of disgust!

I sprang up and ran out and pounded on the door across the hall. As soon as Rudy saw me, he said, "What's wrong?"

"Is Wayne here?"

"No." He said, still of course having no idea why I was upset.

Rascal was on my tail. I went into Rudy's room and slammed the door in his face. "Rudy -- what the hell's the matter with you? Doesn't roommate confidentiality mean anything to you?" I had him backed up against a bed and he fell into a sitting position on it. "I KNOW that Wayne told you what he told you in confidence. And now I'm hearing it -- as a joke -- from my tutor. Dubya-tee-eff??!!"

Rudy looked up at me fearfully, but said nothing. I turned and ripped open the door, where Rascal had not moved. I yanked him into the room. I shoved him down on the bed next to Rudy. "Have either of you told anyone else about this?" They shook their heads. "ANYONE?" I was pissed! Denials again.

"This will never be spoken of again -- is that understood? Not even between the two of you. And -- I don't want a smirk or stupid look at Wayne. And another thing -- stop calling him Bulge! He can't help that! You guys are both supercilious dildos!"

Rudy couldn't help a small smirk when I said that -- because he didn't understand it -- but of course brainy Rascal caught the irony of being both proud of their superior intellect and also being no better than fake dicks! "You'll have to explain what that means to your less intellectual fuck buddy later!" I said to Rascal Rudy's smirk faded.

I strode to the door and opened it, to find Wayne there about to insert his key into the lock. "Hi Wayne!" I said, smiling. I turned to the other two and said, "Time for you two toddlers to grow up!" Then I hugged Wayne. "Great to see you, Buddy!" I said and went back to my room, slamming the door.

"Wow!" Said Nate, who was reclining on his bed. "That was an emotion-filled slam. Wanna talk about it?"

"Naw. I just get tired of the petty crap that goes on. This is supposed to be a prep school. Maybe I shouldn't expect anyone to be more grown up. Maybe that's expecting too much. I was just hoping it was different."

"What happened?"

"Room confidentiality problem."

"That's serious stuff. That's honor code violation and is supposed to be reported."

"If it was reported, it would further embarrass the guy who it hurt in the first place."

"Can you tell me about it?"

"Not without violating a trust of my own. I could use fictitious names, but you'd know who it was."

"I love your integrity, Roomy! I am so glad that I chose you for my room -- even if it was by mistake!"

I got that tingly feeling again. What was it about this kid? It isn't that he's so hot -- though he is. I know that feeling. It's something else. There was an almost imperceptible knock on the door. "That sounded repentant." Said Nate, smiling. I opened the door. Rascal was standing there looking sheepish.

"Can we continue with our tutoring?"

"I'm thinking of asking for another tutor." I said, my head held high, and looking past him.

"Oh, please don't do that! If I screw this up, they may make me wait another semester to go to - "

"Maybe you're not ready for the university." I said.

"Look! It wasn't my fault that Rudy told me! And it wasn't my fault that you and - "

For that he got the back of my hand across his mouth. He almost started to cry, when I said, "Cadet -- you're in an open hallway and you don't know who else might be in this room!" I opened the door wider to disclose Nate on the bed.

Nate said, "I told him to report you. He didn't tell me anything, but that you guys violated the code."

"I didn't violate anything!" Said Rascal.

"You were ridiculing someone who was not present to pump up yourself -- in my eyes! That's almost worse." I said.

"I think that both of you should stop talking about it before I figure out what happened -- now that I know all the parties involved!" Said Nate. It came as plainly as a slap across my own face or a punch to my gut. "And you'll be needing Ringstrom to keep up -- for awhile. I thought with you being the same age -- well -- so much for expecting maturity." He said. "Carry on, Cadets!"

I didn't feel much like studying at that moment, and I definitely didn't want to be in the room with those two boys! "C.mon, Randy," I said, purposely not using his nickname, "you were explaining - - blah blah blah - " I led him back to where we had started our tutoring session earlier. I felt hot and felt the presence of Nate the whole time we studied.

When Rascal left, Nate came immediately to my desk. I didn't turn. He placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them. "I'm sorry I came down on you, buddy. It felt really bad. But I couldn't show favoritism in front of him. Does he know you're gay?"

"Yes." I said.

"I hope that doesn't screw you up later. Oh, fuck! Does he know I'm gay?"

"No!" I said, turning. I looked up into his eyes and saw fear for the first time since I knew him. I stood up, eye to eye and said, "I'd never out you, Bro!" He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close, and sighed heavily, then started to cry. I felt so completely with him that I couldn't help crying too.

"What's up, Nate?" I said. "I mean, you were completely in the right. Rascal and I were completely out of - "

"It's not that. Ryan and I broke up last night. I've been trying to tell myself it's okay, we're just young and immature anyway and it doesn't mean that much. But -- Josh -- it hurts so bad! Oh my gosh! Now I got snot on your shoulder!" He said pulling away. He looked at my face. "Are you okay? He said seeing my own tears.

"Oh -- I feel like an idiot. I felt your sadness and just now, I was reminded of my cousin, Richard."

"You guys were close, huh? Richard is your cousin?"

"Not really. He is Dennis's nephew, but Dennis isn't my dad." I said. "It's been years since we were -- together -- but I still hella miss him."

Nate pulled me back into the embrace. "It's good to have a buddy to cry with." And for the second time, he kissed me. This time I didn't react as I did before. I kissed him back aggressively. "We can't get any more involved than this, Josh. In less than a year, I'd be a criminal if we were -- closer."

I looked deeply into his eyes. Did he remind me of Richard? What was it that was so familiar? "We have now, Nate. Can't we just be together for now?"

"Josh, if we do, it will be so much harder later. Already I'm feeling so -- so -- close to you. I'm afraid that - "

"Me too." I said. "I love you, Nate and -- that's crazy. It's not like a kid love -- even like I feel about Richard. It's somehow -- different -- maybe deeper."

"When I said that he kissed me again and we pressed our hard bodies -- including our hard genitals -- together. He unbuttoned my shirt and I reciprocated. We pressed our chests together and kissed some more. His smooth skin felt so good -- comforting -- against my own -- to say nothing of how much it stimulated us both.

He unbuckled my military belt and unbuttoned my pants. He put his hand down my boxers and fingered my silky foreskin. "We shouldn't - "

"I know." I said, as I grabbed his hand and helped it slip the foreskin down. The moist, soft head inside was so sensitive but his touch was so gentle. We kissed some more and then our kiss was interrupted by the evening mess tone.

"Omigosh! It's 5:30!" He said. We both quickly grabbed fresh clothing -- since we had messed and stained the ones we had on earlier. We both quickly tightened our bed linens and inspected each other. "Gosh you're a handsome dude!" He said.

"You too!" I said, my stomach doing somersaults.

"We'll have to run!" He said.

We ran out took our positions in the marching company just in time for the "TEN_HUT!"

"It has come to my attention -- through my own observation," The General said, after we were seated., "that some of you will be needing some assistance in getting your appearance up to cadet standards. Some of the incoming freshmen, and some transfer cadets will be expected to meet after evening mess for instruction and remedial shaping and sculpting of your persons.

"Others have let yourselves get lazy in your fitness as well as your appearance. You will be expected to volunteer for extra training -- so that further notification is not necessary."

I looked over at Percy, Crabbe and Goyle, and they were whispering among themselves, not really hearing what was said.

I looked back at the General and he was staring at me! When my eyes met his, he averted them and then looked with disdain on the aforementioned trio of slobs. He wrote something down and then made a few other announcements. I was attentive as I could be, but there was something that bothered me -- or something that I couldn't manage to figure out. I kept tripping out on the General`s eyes. Where had I seen eyes like that?

After mess, I told Nate that I noticed the General looking at me after he spoke about cadet standards. He said I had nothing to worry about. Later, I told him about how I felt something weird watching the man's expressions. Nate looked at me for a long time then said, "My dad is very intense when he looks at anyone. It's like he's looking right through you! I feel it too."

That satisfied me for awhile. After Rascal left for the night, there was a tap on the door. Nate opened it, and was handed his shoes by Rudy. He gave him a ten dollar bill. Then Rudy came to my desk, then sat on the empty chair at the desk across the room -- not 3 feet from me.

"How -- how -- are your shoes doing, s-sir?" He asked.

Up until he said that, I continued to study, not glancing his way. I looked and started to say they probably needed attention, and his eyes were filled with tears. My heart melted. His red hair and his red face were no match for his red eyes. "I'm sorry." He said in a faint whisper.

"Ahem!" Said Nate. "I gotta take a crap. Be back in a few minutes." He grabbed his key and left the room.

"I know I screwed up." Said Rudy, choking back a cry. He swallowed hard and continued. "I did as you told me. I apologized to -- to -- Wayne and told him what we had done."

"How did he take it?" I asked.

"He was pissed. He said that was none of our business and that all guys sometimes need to find out how they -- um -- compare -- with other guys. But then he said it was okay, and that I should come and tell you what happened. He said you'd want to know."

"He said that because he's smarter than you give him credit for, Rudy. He knew that you felt badly about losing me as a friend -- and by the way -- so did I!" Rudy nodded seriously.

"Well, anyway, I just wanted you to know that and -- to tell you -- I'll do your shoes for nothing."

"No you won't!" I said. But you can teach me more about doing it myself -- in case I ever have to -- and then -- I wish you would keep doing them for me. I think they need it now."

"Okay." He said, humbly. He spied them on the floor and picked them up. He rose to leave, saying, Well, okay -- um -- well, good night -- Sir."

"Dammit, Rudy -- how many times do I have to tell you -- it's Josh!" He grinned and I beckoned him forward. He jutted out his right hand. I took it and pulled him into a hug. His curly red hair came up to my nose and it smelled delicious! "Friends -- again?" I said

"Friends!" he said, and hugged me closer. He walked toward the door, and heard the key in it, so he opened it for Nate.

"I wouldn't go into the latrine for at least an hour." Said Nate. "Someone seems to have fouled the air something nasty!"

"I gotta go shower!" I said, as Rudy closed the door.

"Well, don't blame me if you pass out! My farts are - "

"You think I haven't smelled your farts before? I'm immune to them." I quipped. "Besides, smells don't bother me. I see them as only interesting."

"Ah yes!" He said in a thick fake British accent. "Interesting smell you've created in here, Mr. Willows!" I was naked and in my robe and grabbed my key and a towel. "We'll finish discussing what we started before mess when you get back.

I walked down and across the hall to the latrine and walked back to the showers. As I stood under the water, getting wet, thinking about what might happen with Nate when I went back to the room. Then, I thought I heard something. I turned but saw nothing. But I heard the door creak closed. Someone probably just had to piss.

I was just rinsing my hair, when I heard, "Look who we have here, Perce! I finished rinsing my hair and looked and Percy, Crabbe and Goyle was standing in the shower entrance. "OO looky! He must be a terrorist! I heard their dicks look that way!"

All this time, their hands were behind their back, but now they brought them out and two of them had baseball bats and Percy himself actually had a club. They advanced on me slowly, one step at a time. "Get him!" Said Percy.

They ran at me and with me naked, on a slippery floor, having just rinsed the soap out of my hair -- and of course they had on shoes. I tried to defend myself, and I did get a good blow to one of the other guy's nads. But then I felt a hard blow above my right ear, and went down. I can't remember much after the fourth hit. I just remember hearing -- or dreaming about -- or something -- more commotion -- after they stopped clubbing me.

I woke up and was obviously in a hospital. I had seen the dispensary at school, and this was not it. I looked all around, but my vision was fuzzy. Then I noticed -- I wasn't looking all around. Only my eyes were moving. I was looking at the ceiling.

"He's awake sir." I heard a female voice say.

I tried to turn my head toward the sound, but felt excruciating pain. Then a head appeared over me, and a very gentle male voice said, "Don't try to turn your head now, son." I focused as hard as I could and finally saw who it was hovering over me. The eyes looked so familiar, like I'd seen them a thousand times. And yet, I had only seen him a few times at evening mess. It was the General.

"Who did this to you, Son?"

I tried to think back and remember. It seemed too long ago. Was it a dream? My head was swimming between reality and a dream. It couldn't be! But I thought I remembered. But even in the heavily drugged state I knew it couldn't have been Draco Malfoy! Then there was Harry, pointing his wand at -- well, they looked something like Crabbe and Goyle -- but when Malfoy sneered at me, Harry hissed, Percy!

"Boy! Mr. Black! Who attacked you?"

"Sir, you cannot be badgering him like this. He is quite sedated. He probably can't answer you right now." Said a soft female voice.

"You don't understand, Ma'am. He was attacked and - "

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir. Unless you are a family member - "

"This is my son! I need to know."

"Percy!" I said, weakly.

"What?" Said the General, turning back to me.

"It was Percy, Crabbe and Goyle."

"Those three again! That's all I needed, son. I was already told it was them, but I needed to get it from you. You can rest now."

I felt completely powerless and panicky as he left my bedside. "WAIT!" I managed to yell.

He turned and came back. "You -- my dad?"

"I'll explain later -- Son." He put his hand gently on my chest.

Notes: Thanks for all your letters! Comments are welcome -- to Steve at Thanks and -- love, Steve

Next: Chapter 4

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