Guardians of Kovzland

Published on Oct 13, 1997

The Guardians of Kovzland By Kelvin Guard Chapter Two: The Island of Change

Kelly and I were still laying naked in each other's arms when the rest of the boys started to stir. Common for boys our age, we both had erections, hairless young penises pulsing happily against each other. As boys in the next room started about their breakfasts, however, even Kelly and I restrained our morning desires.

This didn't prevent us from kissing before standing up and entering the dining room. A bit groggy, we were stretching our skinny, naked bodies even as we walked into the room, our tense, hairless boners sticking straight out for all to see. The other boys all giggled at us predictably, but with so many pre-teen boys around the sight of an immature erection was all too common. It wasn't that big a deal, therefore, when Kelly and I sat down with the others and started eating, our morning erections eventually subsiding on our little balls.

"I think the only way we can all get across is by building rafts," Rick was saying. He and the older boys were all sitting at a table together and had clearly been holding an impromptu meeting as they ate their eggs and toast.

"That's not going to be very safe," Calvin shrugged, "But it's probably the fastest way."

"We'll need to make sturdy ones for the little boys and for the talismans," Jonathan put in, his adolescent concern for us younger boys as well as for the old kingdom's artifacts becoming a regular part of his conversation.

"Calvin!" a childish, high-pitched voice called from outside. "Calvin!"

The conversation stopped as all of us turned to watch Perry running through the garden and up to the door's to the dining room. He burst into them, his little penis dangling limply between his legs, his young face flushed from running and looking frightened.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Calvin asked, standing up along with the rest of us.

"There's a ship," the boy gasped.

"A what?" Erin asked.

"A ship!" the boy said emphatically. "It came from the island."

This shocked and surprised all of us, so much so that there was a momentary pause as we all looked at each other. After the moment passed, however, we all quickly started moving toward the exit at the same time. Our bodies, big and small, were pressed together at the door, all of us eager to get down to see what the child was talking about. As soon as we cleared the door, we all broke into an open run down to the sea.

I don't know if it was Kovzland magic or what, but I was running almost as quickly as Calvin and both of us were leaving the other boys a slight distance behind. In large part, I doubted that the boy was telling the truth but even as my little legs stretched to push forward, I could soon see it myself. A ship. A large ship. It was made of wood and looked more like a barge, but it was so big, with a cabin easily the size of a house set against its stern. The decks were crowded with people, men, women and children. Realizing that, I felt a bit afraid and started to slow my madly striding legs.

Calvin reached the shore before any of us and, by the time I arrived, Brendan and a few other boys had passed me by. I slowed to a walk and moved slowly up by Calvin, my eyes watching the approaching ship with nervous fascination. Who were they? Why would they be coming from our island, the one so recently given to us by Potus?

A mature man with a thick, full beard was maneuvering through the multitude on the deck, finding his way to the bow. His face looked drawn and serious, a look mirrored by the men, women and children who made way for him. When he reached the front of the boat, he stepped up on something and rose up, his solemn eyes locking on Calvin's. His expression was obvious and I could interpret it easily: make peace with us or die.

"Who are they, Calvin?" I asked, nervously tugging on the young man's T-shirt.

"Shhh, Kelvin," he said, his big hands pushing me back behind him. "I don't know. We better hope they're friendly though."

The tone of his voice told me that what he said was true. Even as he spoke, Brendan and Chris Anderson came up close beside him and all three young men brought themselves up to their full size, shoulders back, faces stern. They were quickly joined by Terry, Garrik and Paul and all of the older boys were soon in a line, their strong hands pushing naked little boys back behind them. We accepted this without complaint and the small horde of naked children were soon huddling near me, peering out at the strangers from the safety of the older boys' larger bodies.

"We have been sent by King Potus!" the bearded man called when the ship was close enough to shore. "I have been commanded to deal only with the Guardians! Present yourself, Guardian Kelvin!"

The sound of my name coming from the big man's powerful lungs made me feel like cowering farther back with the little boys but my legs took on a mind of their own and I felt them stepping forward. Though I felt like tinkling in fear, a stronger power had emerged and was guiding me toward the adult duties I abhorred. My anxiety was made less as I felt Calvin's big hands on my shoulders, felt him stepping forward close behind me. Beside him, the other Guardians were coming forward as well.

As frightened as I felt, my bladder didn't release itself and I stood with my fellow Guardians as the ship neared. To my eyes, the man looked violent and cruel. It was clear that he had several hundred people aboard the ship, many of them full grown men in the prime of life. They could easily slay the meager four dozen of our young men and boys. Nonetheless, I felt my skinny shoulders rising and pulling back. Standing there naked, my little penis bare before their eyes, I positioned myself as if ready to wage war with them.

The ship, or barge, was flat bottomed and was able to come very close to shore before grounding out. It had no sails. At the stern, a large paddle wheel seemed to power it, but there was no smoke or steam to show what made the wheel turn. Though it churned up water in its wake, it made no other sound and, when the wheel stopped turning, a silence began to grow. The people on deck moved forward slightly as the ship hit bottom. The man in front, however, moved scarcely at all.

As the ship came to a full stop, an eerie silence filled the beach. After a moment, I felt myself stepping forward.

"I am Kelvin Guard, the Old One Slayer and First Guardian of the Kovz Boy Kingdom," my high-pitched voice called out unbidden. "Present yourself!"

No sooner had I stepped forward then the man glanced over each shoulder, the women and children instantly melting back into the crowd of people on deck. Young men with beards took their place, men clearly capable of slaying all of us. When this motion was completed, all I could see was about a hundred men three times my age glaring down at us.

"I am Caldor, Ruling Prince of the Potus Empire!" the man in front replied. "Under orders of Our Majesty, King Potus, I am commanded to relinquish our possession of Zanvera Island to the Guardian of the Kovz Boys."

The term "King Potus" was one neither I nor my brothers had ever heard before. Having been knighted by several kingdoms, "Sir Potus" was a common title and he had even been given the title of "Lord" in the Martel kingdom. But king? Had Potus established a kingdom without us ever knowing it? It was certainly possible, even probable. I wasn't about to let Caldor know that I was surprised.

"Greetings, Your Highness," I said with a small bow that was instantly echoed by my fellow Guardians. "King Potus is a cherished cousin of the Kovz Boy kingdom. Those who follow Potus are always welcome in Kovzland. You have our permission to come ashore."

The man nodded, but the solemn look on his face scarcely changed. As I stood in nervous fear, he and a half dozen other men hurdled the rampart of the ship and jumped down into the water. They closed their ranks tight, then walked the two dozen feet of shallow water toward us. With a nervous swallow, I realized that each of them had a steel sword strapped to his waist. As they approached, I spread my arms wide and bowed again, showing that none of us were armed. Indeed, most of us were naked.

The man answered our greeting with a slight bow of his head, a bow slight enough that we could have taken offense if we'd wanted to. With nothing but teenagers and little boys, however, it seemed wisest to accept whatever they offered.

Caldor didn't seem interested in talking to me and looked up at Calvin instead. "I have been told that there is a king of Kovzland..." he suggested, clearly not wanting to deal with a naked little boy like me.

"Yes, Your Highness," Calvin replied. "May I present His Majesty, Erin, King of the Kovz Boys."

Erin Rogers came forward, beautiful as ever, his face proud, his bearing strong. "Greetings," he nodded slightly. "I am King of the Kovz Boys." Somehow, his high-pitched soprano voice, beautiful and musical though it may have sounded to me, didn't seem to have a real strong affect on the man.

Caldor looked very sternly at Erin for a moment then finally bowed, slightly lower than he had to me. "Your Majesty," he said, his voice betraying the fact that he didn't like dealing with young boys at all. Instead, he again ignored Erin and looked directly at Calvin. "I have been instructed to discuss our evacuation of Zanvera Island with the Guardians," he said. "Who shall speak for them?"

Both Erin and I seemed to recognize our limitations in this matter and Calvin did as well. "I have been appointed negotiator for the Council of Guardians and for His Majesty," the young man replied, to which the rest of us kept silent. "I am prepared to discuss the terms of your withdrawal from our territory."

He said this firmly and with a great deal of resolve in his young face. It was enough. Caldor glared at him briefly, then looked down and nodded. "My people will remain on board while we complete the negotiations," he said. "Have you a private place for us to discuss the terms?"

"Of course," Calvin said instantly, stepping forward and offering his hand to the older man. The man shook it and it was clear that this situation was going to be diffused. "You may bring your men if you like," he said, still holding the man's hand and guiding him toward the palace, away from the naked boys of Kovzland.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary," the man said. He sounded resigned now, but hopeful, too. "I'm sure we can reach an accommodation that achieves our common goals."

As Calvin and Caldor walked away, I and the rest of us found ourselves facing the firm resolve and cold steel of Caldor's men. I tried to smile at them, but they just stared at me. After a few minutes, all of us faded back away from the ship.

"What are they doing?" Guardian Terry asked to no one in particular.

I shrugged. "Potus didn't say anything about a kingdom already living on Zanvera Island," I said.

"You mean you guys didn't know that?" Brendan asked in surprise. "How do you think he got so rich?"

"Huh?" I asked. This wasn't just confusion between my mature memories and immature body. To my knowledge, internal and external, Potus had never had a kingdom and no one other than him had set foot on the island in more than a thousand years.

"Oh, man," Brendan grinned, pushing the long hair from his eyes with a big grin on his face. "I thought you guys knew everything. Potus has been king of that island for centuries. He got rich by selling the herbs that grow there."

I glanced at Terry and he looked as confused and surprised by this fact as I felt.

"I don't know how many people live there, but they've been living there for centuries. I thought you guys knew that."

"He said he wasn't sacrificing anything by giving us the island," Garrick said in response.

Brendan shrugged. There was an enchanted, happy grin on his face, delighted to realize that he knew something that the Guardians didn't. "It probably doesn't," he said. "Potus can have a kingdom anywhere he wants. It just so happens that he put it on Zanvera Island."

I felt a certain pride about the whole thing. With the greatest power-base in the world, Potus had built his own kingdom without us ever knowing about it. How had he done it? The only way into the valley was through the western pass and that led directly through the heart of Kovz City. How could he have ferried out the rare herbs of Zanvera Island without us ever seeing?

Grinning happily and proudly, I meandered down toward the shore again, only slightly embarrassed by my nudity as I realized that the strangers on deck were watching me. He had another route out of Zanvera, obviously. No doubt there was an eastern pass that none of us knew about or he had built a series of tunnels through the massive mountains. For centuries Potus and his kingdom had been exporting the myriad of herbs of Zanvera Island without us ever knowing it. And such a wealth those herbs were.

There were the curative herbs most significantly -- the herbs that could cure cuts and bruises in seconds; stronger ones could even restore a lost limb. There were herbs that retarded, even stopped, the aging process. Others that influenced the mind in strange and unique ways. Still others that acted as true aphrodisiacs on the human body. Worth something? Oh yeah. Worth a fortune? You bet.

The herbs of Zanvera Island did grow elsewhere in the Zanvera Valley. We had been harvesting them for centuries and they made up our humble store of "magic". They weren't as potent as the herbs actually from the island, however. No one could compete with them. They needed such a specific environment, so much native energy, that they couldn't be transplanted very far from their natural home without quickly losing potency.

At the shore, my bare feet plodded along the sand. I found a smooth, flat rock and happily sent it skipping out across the surface of the huge lake. I realized that I was still being watched from the deck of the ship. There, all along the ramparts, were dozens of Potus's people. They were an attractive people, fair-haired but dark-skinned. As could be expected, I was most enchanted by the young boys who stood watching me with a strange fascination and probably some jealousy that they were trapped on the boat while I was free to skip rocks from shore.

They were all dressed very appropriately, even snugly considering the warmth of the day. The men and women were all fully covered. The boys and girls wore shorts and skirts, but nothing that might appear deliberately seductive. The sight of a naked boy walking freely and happily along the shore must have been a strange one for them. With nothing to be ashamed of, I just let them watch, feeling even a bit happier when I got a boner and displayed it with all its innocence without the least bit of shame. I was a boy. Boy's get erections. Why should anyone be shocked by that natural state?

By their faces, I could tell they thought I was some kind of uncivilized savage. I didn't care. If I was a savage, I was basically a well-adjusted and happy one.

Calvin and Caldor negotiated for over two hours, during which the younger boys and I played on the beach beneath the disapproving looks of the adults on the boat. The kids just seemed curious.

When the two men finally came down the hill toward us, I noticed that there was considerable distance between them. Caldor was talking without stop and Calvin was watching him with intense interest and nodding frequently. When they reached us, Caldor continued on to his ship while the rest of us gathered around Calvin.

"What's the deal?" Terry asked directly.

"They want Kovz City," Calvin said, looking around at all of us even though many of the little boys who gathered around would scarcely understand what he was saying.

"Did you give it to him?" Garrick asked seriously.

Calvin shook his head. "Only subject to everyone's approval. They want to rule the entire Zanvera Valley," he continued. "The old city, the fields, everything. In exchange, they promise to provide Kovzland with everything we need. Food, clothes, metals, that ship out there. Whatever we want. We're just not allowed to trade with anyone else."

Terry shrugged. "Seems fair. I guess I'm surprised. He didn't seem to like us much."

"Oh, they don't," Calvin laughed. "They're strict heterosexuals and don't believe in boys having sex at all."

"So..." I started.

"It doesn't matter," Calvin continued. "Potus said that they were to give up the island so they know they have to move. They're trying to cut the best deal they can but they really don't have any choice. I did have to promise him that we wouldn't try to seduce any of their children. Okay, I didn't have to promise, but he asked for it respectfully, so I agreed."

"What if some of their boys want to join us someday?" Terry asked. "We can't very well turn down a boy and they're sure to have some gay boys in their community no matter what they do."

"I told him that and we agreed to deal with it when and if the time comes. For now though, the island's ours."

"Can we go out there?" King Erin asked, as eager as I was to see our new home.

"Pretty soon," Calvin replied, looking over our heads to see Potus's people starting to unload. "They have another five boatloads of people who need to come ashore. He doesn't want all of us going over there until all their kids are over here."

"Man, he really doesn't trust us," Terry grinned.

"Nope, and he wants us to get dressed, too. He said that the Guardians and Royal Family could go over now to check out the place if all the boys promised to wear clothes and not talk to any of their children."

"You mean we can go over?" Kelly giggled excitedly.

"Yes," Calvin said, tousling the little boy's blond hair.

It took about a half hour for all of Caldor's people to come to shore. In that time, shorts and T-shirts were found for me and the other little boys and we crawled into them. I hadn't worn a stitch of clothing for months and really didn't want to put any on, but I did notice how cute the other boys looked with their partially covered bodies.

Caldor remained behind as we crawled up on the barge. It was empty now, save for the Captain, and its size was impressive. Caldor had brought more than a thousand people from the island: without them, the deck was broad and long before us.

The Captain was surprisingly friendly compared to Caldor and the others. He even invited us all up to the wheel house where we could watch the ship churning forward. It used, as I suspected, an ambient energy converter, a possibility really only this close to Zanvera Island where there was so much energy to be converted. Apart from the sound of the water breaking against the bow and being churned by the huge wheel behind us, it was totally silent. It did require some sailing technique, however. From the wheel house, the Captain turned the ship and controlled its speed. A natural with boys, he let all of us who wanted to take turns at these important tasks.

Though the ship was fast, the sea was large and it did take almost an hour for us to reach the island. Well before arriving, however, we could see it. At first, there was nothing but a silver spark on the water. Soon, however, a wedge of green started to rise from the horizon.

"There she is," the Captain said, helping Kelly up on the window sill to see better.

"What's that silver thing?" the boy asked just before I could.

"That's the Temple, I believe," the man said.

"I forgot to tell you," Calvin smiled in a way that said he hadn't told us on purpose. "It seems Potus's people have been making some improvements for us."

"Improvements?" Kelly asked, the big word sounding strange from his cute face.

"Aye," the Captain smiled. "King Potus set the people to work on the island centuries ago. We didn't know why he was building so much then but apparently he did."

"What do you mean?" Terry asked, his cute face looking filled with thought.

"If what Caldor told me is true," Calvin answered, "Potus must have known that we were going to need the island a long time ago. It sounds like they've been building a kingdom just for us."

"Aye, Lord Caldor does not lie," the Captain said, sounding a little angry that Calvin would suggest the man couldn't be trusted. "Eight generations of our people have labored to build your kingdom. I can't say it will meet with your approval. His Majesty told us only to build. He did not say why and we were sore concerned for his sanity for many centuries."

"Why?" I asked, wondering why anyone would question my brother's sanity.

"The artwork," Calvin smiled.

"Aye, and strange artwork it is, too," the Captain agreed quickly. "You are strange children to be desiring such a home and be seeing such things as that."

"There's a lot of space for us," Calvin quickly put in as if eager to stop the man from continuing.

"How much space?" Erin asked.

"Room for more than a thousand-fold of what you have now," the Captain replied, turning to make sure Prince Tod wasn't going to turn us in a full circle. "We thought it strange when he would not allow us to number more than 5,000 that he would build a kingdom so large. Apparently he thought you would need it some day."

The island was growing larger before us now, easy to see just how big it was. From north to south it was easily five leagues long, big enough that you wouldn't want to walk across it in a single day even though you could if you were determined enough. It climbed too, up perhaps a thousand feet from the shore. Atop it, we could make out the silver spire of the Temple before it disappeared beneath the trees. Even from this distance the island looked very lush, covered with greenery.

"You'll rule a magnificent kingdom when you're older lad," the Captain smiled to Erin, apparently not realizing that our young king might never be "older". "The palace will be your favorite, I'm thinking. How Our Majesty can give up such a palace I will surely never know though he never stayed there much anyway."

"Potus is known for traveling a lot," Rick grinned.

"Aye. He seldom stayed a moment in a hundred," the Captain agreed. "Lord Caldor it is that makes his kingdom run. His Majesty, praise him, is a worthy soul and we could not survive without him, but Caldor's the one that keeps it together."

As the shore of our new home finally came into view, the Captain and the rest of us all fell silent, watching in excitement and wonder as the ship churned forward. On this side of the lake there was a dock large enough to moor the huge boat we rode on. With a contented smile the Captain ably guided his craft toward it. Beside the dock were several huge buildings, plain and unadorned besides a few windows. They were clearly warehouses. Above them and slightly up a hill was a delightful town of small houses and stores. The houses had grass lawns and large patios, a warm inviting place that I, for one, was looking forward to living in. The stores were largely unadorned, no huge signs or bright paint or anything. Instead, just bigger windows and wooden sidewalks along their front. A cobblestone road meandered up between them leading to the houses and up into the forest.

People were moving through the street and along the trails that wound up off it. There were hundreds of them (thousands, I learned) who were bringing their personal possessions toward the shore. Men hauled the heavier loads while women packed smaller ones on small children and helped older residents out. I felt a deep sadness to see these people clearly vacating a home they clearly loved very much.

"Why can't they stay?" I asked no one in particular.

"It is our time," the Captain answered me with a wistful longing on his bearded face. "Such a life we have built here together. So many lives..."

I ached for him and looked up at his calm face. His eyes were watery and I felt a strong desire to hug him and make the hurt go away, but I held back. If they truly had been living here for centuries as Brendan had said, we were forcing them to leave the only home they'd ever known. Whole generations would have been born, grown up and died on these lands that we would claim as our own. It wasn't right.

"Ah, well," the Captain smiled through his watery eyes. "There shall be a new kingdom now. Potus has promised us that. And more children and a larger kingdom, too, he's promised. If your kingdom will truly help rid us of the Old Ones, it will all be worth it."

We were getting close to shore now and a dozen men were standing on the dock ready to help us in, but the Captain's words caught my attention. I glanced up at Calvin and saw him staring at me. He knew what the Captain was saying.

"Help rid you of the Old Ones?" I asked. "Are they your enemies?"

"Aye," the Captain said emphatically, and I could see a fire of hatred in his eyes. "It was they that destroyed Potus's old kingdom in what is now the Southron Waste. We shall have no rest until the Old Ones are destroyed."

"How are we supposed to help?" I asked, glad to know that we did have some friends in this world if only because we shared a common enemy.

"That I do not know, lad," the Captain smiled down at me, "but sure as Potus says a thing it is so."

This was intriguing. Potus had some plan or vision in mind by giving us Zanvera Island. Any man who could foresee the destruction of Kovz City and the need for a safer home surely had greater wisdom than I had now, probably more than I'd had before the War. I was just a boy, however, and a boy I would always be. Potus had long since taken with him whatever truly great ability I had to rule an empire. I glanced up at Calvin again and saw that he was smiling at me. He knew what I was thinking.

There were calls from the dock as the paddle wheel slowed to a stop and the big boat coasted gradually toward it. I didn't understand the words but watched in fascination as the men took positions, clearly knowing how to land the big beast. Beyond them, a few brave families were huddling closer to see the newcomers. Most continued with their busy preparations.

Just when I thought we were going to ram the dock, the Captain whirled the big steering wheel aside and the ship pivoted. Our speed slowed dramatically but our inertia kept us moving slowly to the dock. So perfectly timed was the Captain's turn that the side of the ship hit the dock with a barely felt thud. Before it could drift away, the dozen men quickly lassoed a dozen wales on the deck. It was the most expert handling of a ship I could ever have imagined.

As the Captain guided us out of the steering house and back on the deck, the men hauled out a gangway that landed neatly on the dock. My young friends and I were able to follow the gangway down as the men nervously got out of our way.

"Captain," Calvin said, turning with all of us, "you are truly an expert seaman. On behalf of His Majesty and all the Kovz Boys may I say that we look forward to your continued presence on our island."

"I thank you, sir," the Captain smiled with a polite bow. "May you enjoy your new home, Sir Calvin. Our people have labored long and hard to present it to you."

"Your people shall forever be honored on Zanvera Island," King Erin replied, stepping forward to bow with Calvin. "May our friendship be eternal."

The Captain smiled at the young boy's formality, but nodded and bowed again.

I expected to be greeted by a guide or something, I guess. All I know is that when we turned from the ship, we faced nothing but a town of busy or curious people, none of whom stepped forward to greet us.

"Come on," Calvin said, putting his arms around my shoulders and Erin's, guiding us away from the ship.

We were all eyes as we stepped from the dock and entered the town, so much so that none of us said a word as Calvin led us along the cobblestone road. There were a lot of mixed messages from the people we passed. The women eyed us suspiciously, quickly shooing their children back behind them. The men who didn't react with equal suspicion bowed slightly. Everyone, however, was watching us.

With Calvin holding to Erin and I, and all the other boys following close behind, we went up the road and through the heart of the town. I stared in awe at the wonderful buildings, the sweet, gentle calmness of the place. I tried awkwardly not to look directly at the people, wishing that we could make friends with them but knowing that we were too different to ever hope for that. Feeling a little sad about this, I went along with the rest of our group until we had left the cozy village behind.

About a hundred feet from the last house, Calvin stopped and let everyone catch up. There were only ten of us, but Kelly was lagging up the slope and Prince Ben was politely staying behind with him. When we were all together, Calvin looked around at our young faces with a happy smile on his own.

"Okay, boys," he said. "If everything is as Caldor described it (and so far it looks like it is), you're about to see the most wonderful place in the world."

"Why can't those people stay with us?" Kelly asked, his pretty face filled with as much sadness for them as I felt.

"They wouldn't like it, sweetheart," Calvin sighed. "Besides, they're going to have a wonderful life where they're going and we're going to help them. Don't worry, Kelly. They're going to be happy." Kelly didn't look too convinced and neither did I, but what could we do: turn down an island paradise? "Is everybody ready?" Calvin smiled.

There was a wrought iron gate and fence about a hundred yards further up the road. It wasn't locked so Calvin opened it and we all entered. We were in a lush forest area now, with scarcely any sunlight sneaking through the green foliage. Beyond the gate, the road continued to slope gradually upward and we all went along it.

It seemed to take forever before the scenery changed. When it did, however, the sight that greeted us was amazing.

The forest ended abruptly into a huge expanse of flat green meadow that seemed to stretch for miles. It looked something like a clover field, bright green plants of mixed variety swaying gently in the breeze beneath the bright sunlight. The road continued on through it into another forest. Now, however, we could see the spire of the Temple still far up a hill but grand and glorious already. We could also see several small buildings mixed in with both the fields and forest to left and right. Ignoring these, we continued across the meadow.

We chatted as we hiked, pointing out beautiful sights and asking each other questions. Calvin could answer some of them but even he was frequently forced to admit that he didn't know. As the next forest gave way to another field of bright grass, the road intersected another that branched right and left from where we stood. A signpost was there pointing out the dock behind us, the palace directly ahead, and "Red" and "White" in either direction. The sight of these two words strongly implied that the old Kovz City colors had been preserved and that there were homes for each in either direction, but we were all in agreement that we wanted to continue on to the palace.

We went through yet another forest and yet another huge meadow before realizing that we were almost at the top of the island. The excitement building in us was incredible with long torrents of conversation followed by long periods of silent expectation. Ahead, the latest forest was again yielding to the bright sunlight and we knew that we had about reached the end of our long journey. For me, it had been a journey that began in Tarsec Village months and months earlier. For others, it had been a journey of more than five years, since the Old Ones had destroyed our former home at Kovz City. The sight that greeted us as we crested the rise, however, made all the journeying worthwhile.

The top of the island formed a huge bowl that held the cherished heart of what was to become the center of the Kovzland Empire. Though we had just climbed more than five hundred feet to reach it, the valley before us dropped another fifty feet before spreading out in a vast expanse of flat ground. The far end of the valley was a full five hundred yards from where we stood and there was another five hundred yards stretching out east and west of us.

To the extreme east end of the valley was the Temple which, though we'd seen the spire from far away, was far more inspiring close up. It had been crafted from magnificent silver that wasn't in the least bit tarnished or restrained from showing it's pure brilliance. The spire rose a full five hundred feet into the air then flared out about fifty feet off the floor of the bowl in an octave mound that ran in a perfect circle all around the spire. Before it, white marble steps led up to two doors that must have been huge but looked small from our considerable distance.

To the extreme west end of the valley was the palace. It was colored in white and gold, brilliant in the sunlight, huge even from our distance. The windows that ran in various heights and sizes around the front facade showed that it was five stories tall in most places and it was more than a hundred yards long from side to side. Judging by its placement in the bowl, it was also at least fifty yards from front to back. Huge by any standard.

Between these two incredible buildings was an immaculate garden of flowers, shrubs, fountains and statues that filled the remainder of the bowl. Part of this garden was open and flooded with a sea of bright colors, thousands upon thousands of flowers, all tucked neatly in beds with cobblestone paths running through them. Other parts were lost in an intricate maze of hedges and small trees, many blooming with still more flowers. Scattered throughout were white and stone statues, thousands of them. From where we stood it was an astonishing tapestry of color and variety, an array so intricate that it would take months if not years to appreciate it all.

The road we stood upon sloped down into the valley and led directly up to a small mountain that even we could see was an extremely intricate fountain. Terraces led up it like a stepped pyramid and water cascaded all around it in small waterfalls and flat sheens of flowing brilliance, a variety of forms and structures that must have taken years to design. Scattered among the terraces were still more flowers and still more statues. Flat spaces and stairways, pools and ponds and water spouts. I was so astonished by the beauty that I could only stand there with my mouth hanging open. A brief glance told me that all ten of us were equally astonished.

"This must have cost a fortune," Terry finally breathed into our awed silence.

"And then some," Rick sighed in answer.

We were too amazed to believe that this was the new home of the Kovz Boys. We didn't dare even say it. We didn't dare even think it. King Erin, now lord and master over this domain couldn't say anything at all.

With hearts pounding and young minds filled with an awe and wonder that bordered on terror (much like a boy's first orgasm), we finally made our way down the solid gold bricks that made up the road to the central fountain. Down within the bowl we found ourselves framed by two rows of exquisite statuary. They stood on pedestals about a foot high and each was a lifelike representation of a boy. The road was about twenty feet wide and ran for several hundred feet up to the fountain, the entire length guarded by these magnificent statues. Some were fully clothed. Some were completely naked. Most were somewhere in-between. The boys depicted by them were either simply standing or were engaged in some physical action. Some wore happy smiles as they gazed out over the gardens; others were solemn or absorbed in some thought or another. All of them were extremely lifelike save for their solid stone exteriors.

By the time we reached the fountain, my senses were on overload. It was too much beauty, too much to believe that we could actually live here one day, would be living here from that day forward. The awed silence of the other boys told me that they felt the same way.

We paused by the fountain for a long time, looking up and around at all the amazing beauty we saw. If I had had unlimited resources and unlimited time, THIS was what I would have created for Kovzland. As it was, Potus had done it all.

"Let's go to the palace," Calvin said, his strong, mature voice scarcely more than a whisper.

From the wide expanse of gold bricks that encircled the huge fountain, the twenty foot wide road ran straight between the Temple and palace and straight north and south. Having approached from the south, we took the western road toward the magnificent building that would be the new capitol of Kovzland.

It is not possible to describe the approach. It isn't possible to describe the fountain we left behind or any of the astonishing things that had been given to us. In some vast imagination, the reader might be able to see it, but there is no way that I can describe it. Immaculate, perfect beauty is all that I can say. Everything was exquisite, no cost forsaken, no beauty left ignored or slighted. Weak-kneed and amazed we walked up a road surrounded by magnificent gardens and mazes, fountains and statuary. I can not describe it all any more than a lost savage could fully describe the beauty of Paris, the variety of New York, or the glory of Rome to his native countrymen. It is, was and shall always be, beyond any words to describe.

Along the front of the palace was a huge porch, a long flight of stairs leading up to it then nothing but a long, flat expanse of stonework. Beyond that was an additional flight of stairs that led to the doors. Close up, they were huge doors. From a distance, they seemed normal-sized on so large a palace. There were no locks and Calvin opened them (they swung easily open) into a glittering, magnificent entryway. It was large enough for three hundred people to easily converse in, the floor an exquisite marble with plush area rugs, the walls festooned with inlayed woods of mahogany, oak and teak.

As a centerpiece, the room had a large reflecting pool. At its center was a fountain. Surrounding the fountain was a series of life-size statues of the same boy, the first of a child no more than five years old and each of the dozen that followed showing him growing and maturing until he was about fifteen. These statues were different from the ones outside, for unlike the cold and unyielding stone of those figures, these looked wholly and completely alive. Their color was real, their hair was real, the very texture of their skin looked real. With the spray from the fountain, it literally looked like the figures were moving and almost seemed like we'd strayed in on a bunch of boys taking a shower.

To the sides, huge doors admitted to other parts of the palace as did two winding staircases that led to decks overlooking either side of the entry. On the walls were oil paintings, all of young boys. I recognized all of them: the ten boys who had originally settled Kovzland, including me, Calvin and the others.

[It would take an entire book to describe the palace alone. A set of books to describe the crowning gardens of Kovzland. A library to describe the city as a whole. Suffice it to say that it was astonishingly luxurious and magnificent. I shall forego most of the adjectives in lieu of getting on with the story.]

The palace had everything. Beyond the entry was a throne room for official meetings; a huge ballroom for parties; an equally huge room of statues and mirrors labeled "The Hall of Boys": a huge room filled with the same lifelike statues that we'd seen in the entry (though these were decidedly erotic in their behavior); dining rooms and kitchens capable of serving thousands; additional meeting rooms, stages, ballrooms and "game" rooms: rooms with decidedly and overt sexual themes. There was also a gymnasium for athletics, a huge swimming pool complete with water slides, and any of a hundred other rooms for entertainment. Finally, there were a series of "suites": small apartments with independent living rooms, bedrooms, kitchenettes and bathrooms. These ranged from very luxurious ones (the biggest was immediately given to Erin) to relatively modest ones where guests could stay for a few days. All of these were impeccably furnished and decorated.

A thousand boys could have happily and comfortably lived within the palace walls.

"We'll never see each other," Kelly remarked at one point.

Behind the palace and on the fifth floor was a large balcony. When we finally reached it, it was well past noon and we could see the ship we'd ridden in on coming back to the island. Several hours had passed. Were the rest of our boys on that ship? Was the island finally and truly ours? It scarcely mattered. Our awe and wonder was finally beginning to subside into pure joy and excitement.

Someone suggested we check out the Great Houses, an impossible feat in one day but something we thought we could achieve if we hurried. With Calvin acting as childish and excited as Kelly and I were, we rushed back down the stairs and half-ran back out to the huge fountain in the center of the capitol. There, intricate and beautiful signs pointed in all directions showing the way to each of the houses: White, Baby Blue, Blue, Gray, Yellow, Red, Green and Purple. Giggling excitedly, we all wanted to see specific colors. Calvin, however, was able to suggest that we all go to Red. The earlier sign had suggested that Red was near to the docks and we all should be there when our other friends arrived, probably near sundown.

We were all too happy and excited to think about sex at this point. It was beginning to sink into us that this was our new home and we were so elated at the prospect that we couldn't think about anything else. Eager to see everything, we all ran back up the road we'd come in on, pausing to push and shove each other, to giggle and to laugh, to frolic briefly on the grass. It was great fun. Nonetheless, my adrenaline and excitement were starting to wear out by the time we reached the village that would soon become the Great House of Red. My skinny legs were starting to ache and I was really starting to feel tired.

I had enough energy to see the village, though, and it really was a village. Red, which had once occupied a single mansion of eight hundred boys, was now a series of several mansions and smaller houses. In addition, there were play fields and gymnasiums and swimming pools and stores, everything a town of boys could desire. There were also fountains and parks and gardens, similar to the ones near the palace but no where near so vast. The only thing truly missing was artwork but we all concluded that Potus had left that bare on purpose to give our own boys something to create.

Evening was falling by the time we finally made it down to the docks. We were all tired, Kelly and me not least of all. Young boys have a lot of energy, but once it's gone, it's gone completely. As the sun dipped down behind the mountains to the west, I felt like a walking zombie.

The Captain and his boat were there and they were loading on the last of the passengers and their belongings, the last of the former inhabitants of what had become our island. Kelly and I slipped off to the side as Calvin went up to talk to him.

"We're never going to find enough boys to fill this place," my little lover said to me quietly.

"Yeah, we will," I smiled as we plopped down on the grass. "Sooner than we think."

Kelly yawned, an action that looked pretty on his cute, young face. "Not with Kovz Boys," he said.

I yawned in sympathy and agreed with him. "We can have human boys now," I said. "There's room."

We wrapped our skinny little arms around each other and kissed. Slowly we lay back on the grass. I was starting to think about making love to him and he apparently thought about it too because we both started to giggle and caress each other beneath our shorts and T-shirts. Before it got too far, however, we both started to doze.

"They're not going to come back tonight," I heard Calvin's voice saying. I knew it was real but I felt too tired to respond.

"Do you think the others will be okay?" Rick was replying.

"Oh, yeah," Calvin replied. "This is the real thing, Rick. It's a whole new world now."

There was a pause and I tried to complete my descent into slumber still feeling my hand up underneath Kelly's T-shirt and against his baby soft little chest. "Look at them, Calvin," Rick said. "Did you ever think we'd have something like this?"

"Nope," Calvin replied and I could hear his smile. "Potus has got a plan, though, Rick. I think we're seeing the beginning of the end of the Old Ones."

"Who'd have thought it from Potus?" Rick's voice asked rhetorically.

"Kelvin," Calvin replied simply. "Kelvin used to know this day was coming."

That was the last I remembered as I lost consciousness.

The previous day had apparently taken more out of all of us than we'd thought for the sun was already fairly high in the sky when Kelly and I woke up. It was to the sound of the sternwheeler churning up the water and I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I felt and heard Kelly yawning as he sat up beside me.

"Did you suck on my boner last night?" he giggled after a moment.

"I don't think so," I giggled back.

"I think I had a wet dream," he said, laughing louder, his cute face blushing brightly as he fell back on the grass.

The other boys were already up and had fixed breakfast. Kelly and I were the only ones still laying in the grass; the rest were all up on the dock readying the moorings.

"The other boys are here," I said, pushing myself to my feet. Behind me, Kelly was smiling but starting to settle in again. He never had been a fast riser.

I went down and greeted the young friends who had been our companions in Kovz City. They were as excited as we had been and were eager to see their new home. They hadn't eaten, however, and Rick insisted we all fill up before going on. As we ate, several of the older boys busily unloaded the cargo they had diligently packed the night before. The eldest Guardian had a last conversation with the Captain before unmooring the big ship and letting it float back out on the lake. Soon, the Captain powered it up, the big wheel started turning and the 53 of us were left alone at our new home.

If the previous day had been draining on my physical stamina, the one that followed was even worse. Excited just to be there, Kelly and I played and wrestled all over the place with the other little boys eagerly following along. There were horses on the island, lots of them in fact with stunning gold and mahogany coaches to go with them. We were all enjoying the day so much, however, that we didn't feel like saddling and struggling with a bunch of horses. It was a fun day but several times I did find myself wishing we hadn't been so lazy about arranging more suitable transportation.

Generally, we followed the older boys as they scoped out Red, Green, Baby Blue and finally White. Each of the Houses were located down on the shore so getting from one to another took some doing. White, in fact, was barricaded off by a wrought iron fence much like the village near the dock was. We could get through it easily enough and it was located closest to the palace, just down the side of the hill, but it was a lot of walking between all of them.

In every case, the Great "Houses" that we'd known in the past were now small towns, each completely self contained for its needs. White was a bit different because it was consciously built to take care of the youngest of the boys. The rooms tended to be smaller and there were lots of bunnies and duckies on the walls. It also had some interesting things in the stores that lined its main street, things like diapers and baby rattles. Kovzland hadn't had babies for more than a thousand years and few of the boys were younger than five so they seemed like odd things to have but I didn't think all that much about it.

White did have, as did the others, several other stores, everything a boy could dream of. There were the absolutely necessary stores: candy, cookies, ice cream shops, and the like. There were also a lot of the less important ones (to my mind): clothes stores (three or four of these specializing in gym clothes, formal wear, play clothes), shoe stores, toys (some sexual others not). Really there was everything a town of boys could ever need.

The layout of the towns were all very similar to the one we'd first entered near the dock, with one cobblestone main street that connected the town to the rest of the island, and numerous trails and well-worn dirt roads snaking through the buildings. The buildings themselves, however, were quite different from the first town. Where the first town was rather plain and ordinary, these others were exceptionally well made. Rather than having a lot of single-family homes, these specialized in huge mansions, each built to accommodate from a handful of boys to several hundred. There were even occasional rows of neat townhouses in parts of each town. Each home was fully furnished but they weren't decorated as completely as the palace had been. There was room here for the boys to create their own art. In the towns, the only art was in the numerous statues and fountains that were spread around the park-like settings. As at the palace, these all specialized in boy themes, most focusing on naked statuary. Apart from the occasionally erect penises on the statues, they were generally non-sexual in content.

The day was already starting to fade as we finally brought the new boys to the crowning achievement that Potus had left for us. Like us, they were awe-struck by the magnificence of the palace, Temple and gardens and it was tough to hurry them along. We did go to the Temple this time, and all of us got to see how stupendously Potus had recreated our original Temple in Kovz City, save that he made it much bigger and more luxurious. Jonathan Quade, the new High Priest, had brought all of the artifacts and talismans from the old city with him (the only things allowed to be carried on horseback) and I stared with strange transfixion as he laid the thick, silk tapestry I'd found in the basement of the old temple on the altar of the new one. There was something about this Temple that I needed to understand better. For now, the other younger boys were eager to get Kelly and I to the palace, and I turned away from the Temple and didn't think about it again.

Having already been through the palace, it wasn't as exciting to me as it was to the new boys. Besides that, Calvin and Rick were talking a lot more to the older boys, explaining how rooms were used and how it all related to our old life in Kovz City. Having only vague memories of the old city and feeling not the least interested in ceremonies and facts, I was pretty much bored. There was plenty to see still (one tour through the palace is no where near enough) but I wasn't much interested in the studied discussions of the older boys. I was starting to feel pretty horny having gone a couple of days without sex. I just wanted us all to settle in and get back to the important things in life... like my penis.

We ate a scarce dinner in one of the dining rooms. It was one of the smaller ones, but we still looked kind of odd: 53 boys in a room made to seat two hundred. By this time, all I was thinking about was having sex with one of the boys and Chad was looking awful cute, fondling his ten year old cock in his shorts like he kept doing. Unfortunately, the cute little boy ran off after dinner before I could follow him. I had no doubt that he was running off someplace to rub on his penis. That was one kid who really liked to masturbate.

Somewhat abandoned, I went for a walk through the building and realized that Kelly hadn't been too far wrong: it did seem like we'd never see each other. Even full, the mansion wouldn't be crowded. There were so many different rooms, so many different things to do.

I was exploring on the first floor when I came across Prince Ben in one of the play rooms. He was laying on the floor doing pushups and didn't see me come in behind him. He was wearing gym shorts and a cut off T-shirt that left his lower back and legs bare. I stood watching him in silence and swallowed as I realized how cute he was. Of all the princes, he and Tod were definitely the most adorable of the most adorable. They were all cute, of course, but Ben and Tod were really in a class by themselves.

Ben was a little older than Tod and, by our reckoning, was about fourteen. He had light brown hair that was thick and yet very silky and soft. His face had that mixture of innocence and knowledge that is so pretty on pubescents, with very soft skin and affectionate blue eyes. Watching him, I could hear his young, tenor voice gasping and counting "eighteen... nineteen... twenty..." as he worked out.

Through his T-shirt, I could see his young shoulders rippling boyishly as his arms bent and straightened in rhythmic motion. The skin of his lower back was pale pink, almost as pale as mine, and looked as baby soft as mine or Kelly's did. I could see the gentle impression of his spine through his smooth skin and even pressing a little at his T-shirt. His bottom looked really cute in his shorts, very round and boyish. Beneath them, his slender legs were long and very smooth and hairless, the same pale pink of his lower back. His bare feet were oversized with puberty.

He stopped at twenty-five, sounding exhausted; though not "skinny", Ben wasn't the most muscular of boys either. He sat down breathing heavily and noticed me standing there.

"I didn't hear you come in," he said, smiling adorably, his voice letting out one high pitched crack.

"I didn't mean to sneak up," I said, feeling bashful in front of the pretty boy.

"That's okay. Have you had a chance to look around much?" he asked, standing up.

My heart skipped and I couldn't answer right away as his belly appeared beneath his gray cut-off T-shirt. I stared at the incredible perfection of his skin, looking extremely soft and boyish surrounding a small, childlike belly button. Like his back and legs, his abdomen was perfectly smooth and unblemished. I swallowed, but couldn't take my eyes from his wonderful skin. "Some," I said.

"What's wrong?" he asked, making me look up as he came closer to me. The look on his face was pure heaven. I longed to melt into his eyes.

"Nothin'," I shrugged, my voice soft. He was about six inches taller than me, and I glanced up at him before looking away. He was smiling at my shyness. I felt one of his big hands gently take hold of my chin and lift my head up. As my eyes met his, I realized his face was moving closer, let out a gasp of surprise when his warm lips pressed against mine. His long, slender arms slipped around my thin shoulders and pulled me in against his chest, gently and tenderly slipping his slimy tongue into my mouth.

My breath was gasping through my small nose as my skinny arms wrapped around his waist, bare forearms rubbing across his baby soft lower back. There was a faint scent of pubescent perspiration coming from his underarms that made me feel dizzy.

Ben moaned softly and his lips parted, allowing his slimy tongue to lick all over mine, his big hands rubbing across my shoulder blades. My little penis stiffened in my shorts as I felt the older boy's hands slide down my spine, gently taking hold of the hem of my T-shirt and pulling it up, big hands instantly reaching under it to rub up my bare back, tongue licking around inside my mouth all the while.

He stopped kissing me as he separated our bodies just enough to free my T-shirt. "That's a good boy," he said softly as I willingly raised my arms and let him peel the T-shirt up my skinny body and over my head. He dropped the T-shirt on the floor and I fell weakly back against the wall as his big hands gently held to my chest and his lips descended on me. I could feel my breathing growing deeper and faster as I felt his lips kissing across my small chest, licking my little nipples, his big hands making my body look and feel even smaller than it was. His long fingers slipped into my armpits and tickled the hairless skin there until I whimpered helplessly. His lips kissed across my collar bones and up and down my neck and I could feel his baby soft cheeks rubbing against my chin and chest.

I stood there powerless against his tender caresses and kisses, my body filling with prepubescent pleasure. Somehow I remembered how pretty his skin had looked and I gazed down at the top of his shoulders as he leaned over to kiss me. Weakly, my hands reached for his T-shirt, fingers gently touching his warm, soft belly and making me gasp faster. I managed to find the hem and started lifting it. Ben let go of me and allowed me to pull the T-shirt off, his adorable face smiling as his breath sounded heavy through his nose. His silky brown bangs fell into his eyes as the shirt cleared his head and the young teenager instantly took hold of my small chest again. Rather than kissing it however, he tenderly pulled my body against his and I let out a moan as I felt his baby soft chest press against mine and felt his big hands rubbing up and down on my ribs.

His chest was beautiful, swelling with boyish muscle. It wasn't well defined or sculpted like some boys' were, but it felt nice against mine, our young hearts beating together through our skin. His nipples were very small and stood erect on his smooth pink flesh. His lips kissed the top of my head and I looked up, leaning my head back so his mouth could again find mine. When it did and when I felt his slimy tongue sliding in, I felt so weak that his T-shirt slipped from my hands and fell to the floor. His hands still felt up and down on my body and I could feel our chests swelling rhythmically with our rapid breathing. Kovz, he knew how to make a boy feel good.

Sensing the growing weakness in my knees, Ben's big hands gently guided me down to the carpet, his lips never leaving mine. We laid down and he put his arms around me and held me close against his chest. I felt one of his hands on my bottom, felt him pulling my crotch in tighter to his until I could feel the hardness in his shorts throbbing against my erection. Our legs interlaced, both smooth and hairless, and I felt his bare feet rubbing against mine with ticklish pleasure. He let his lips slide from mine and his other hand pulled my head onto his bare shoulder, our breath blowing onto each other's ears, my childish whimpering close to him.

His shoulder felt as soft and smooth as his chest as my chin lay on it. Aching with affection for him, I managed to slip a limp arm around his waist, whimpering a little more at how soft and warm he felt. "Oh, Kelvin," he moaned, rubbing his cheek against my hair, his hand still holding my head close to him. He started humping rhythmically against me, pressing the warm, hard bulge in his shorts between my legs.

I was helpless to resist as I felt him laying me over on my back, felt his wonderful body crawling on top of mine. He pressed his knees and elbows against the carpet to support some of his weight as his hips moved up and down on top of me. My hands reached up and held to his fib cage, rubbing up and down on them as he had done to mine, marveling at how perfect his skin felt.

He was panting as hard as I was now and I felt his smooth cheek rub across mine, felt his lips again pressing against mine, tongue again slipping in to lick mine. Our baby soft bellies and little belly buttons were rubbing rhythmically together as he humped me and I wondered if he was going to squirt his young sperm into his shorts.

His lips left mine panting loudly. I felt them and his tongue slide down over my chin, felt his chest rising as he sat up a little and dragged his slimy mouth down my neck. Again his big hands took hold of my small chest and his lips kissed it until my nipples were shrunk into tiny dots on my pale skin. His fingers slipped into my underarms and he sat up as he moved his mouth lower, down over my ribs, soon kissing around my belly button until my whole body shivered convulsively. He didn't stop when he reached my shorts, just kissed right over the top of them until his lips could feel the stiff little hardness of my erection through the fabric. He squeezed it with his mouth and my body shuddered again when his hands slid down my sides, down my belly, tenderly took hold of the elastic band to my shorts.

I was crying softly with pleasure as he sat up and struggled against my weight to pull my shorts down. They slid against my erection with a little bit of pain that felt exquisite. I stared as my little penis head emerged, shining a bright purple, to be followed by a skinny, three inch, white penis shaft and finally by a pair of small, round testicles. My boy cock was still hairless and the skin surrounding it was as soft and smooth as a baby's cheek. It glowed pink from my eager excitement. I squirmed a little as Ben wiggled my shorts down my skinny thighs and over my bony knees, finally pulling them free of my rapidly growing feet. I lay there naked and excited before the older boy, hairless and immature and small. By this time, I knew what we were going to do, but I still felt embarrassed to have my little erection exposed to an older boy.

Ben stared at it with fascination, his mouth hanging open as he gasped and reached for his own shorts. He stood on his knees as he pushed them down, baring his man-sized cock with only a slight blush on his face. His hard erection was straight and hard, a little over six inches long. It was fairly slender, slender enough for me to take it in a fist and rub on it. His testicles hung in a pale pink scrotum of flesh that was thinner than mine but that held them tightly against his body as if to protect them. In a small, boyish circle round just)he base of his cock, he had a very sparse bush of dark pubic hairs about an inch long. They looked really pretty on his otherwise unblemished skin, and it excited me to look at them. His young cock was throbbing visibly, moving up and down in eager anticipation.

Gasping and letting out little crying sounds of his own now, Ben sat back on the carpet and practically tore the shorts off his legs, struggling frantically to get them over his big feet. When they were clear, he crawled up toward me quickly, slowing as he neared and lowered his body on top of me. Our penises met in throbbing warmth, his dwarfing mine between our bellies. I felt him taking hold of my thin shoulders, felt him pulling me over, rolling onto his back an bringing me up on top of him. His arms wrapped around me, hands rubbing across my; blades, eager young lips moving to mine again. I moaned and instinctively started humping our penises together as our tongues slid in and out of each other's slimy mouths. Both of our boyish voices were muted in our small chests as our slimy lips rubbed across each other, slurping noises sounding whenever his tongue or mine slipped out and slid across our smooth chins.

Our hearts were really beating now, our smooth chests and little nipples rubbing together as we moved. I slipped my hands to his ribs, rubbed up them, pressed them under his biceps and into his warm armpits. He did have peach fuzz on them, soft downy hairs that were so soft it almost felt like they were only in my imagination.

Ben's cock felt rock hard between my legs and his small bush of sparse pubic hairs tickled my erection with rhythmic pleasure. My hips moved up and down on him, rubbing my three inch hairless cock against his testicles and along his slender young penis. The way his hands were rubbing my shoulders and the way his arms were tightening around my skinny chest, I knew he was getting as close to having an orgasm as I was. I desperately wanted to suck on his penis and taste his boyish sperm, or if nothing else watch it squirt on his smooth, boyishly muscular chest, but I was too excited to stop. I felt good all through my small body, the intense pleasure of orgasm racing through my little boner and filling all the nerves in me with tingling delight. The wonderful softness of his skin was so good as it rubbed mine that I just couldn't tear myself away.

His voice gasped as he pulled his lips from my sucking mouth. I kept pumping my little butt up and down on him, trying at first to find his mouth again but then just laying my head on his warm shoulder and crying my disappointment. "No, Kely," Ben gasped. "I'm going to cum."

I didn't care. His sperm would feel so warm and slimy on my penis and I knew it would come out just as I was at the peak of my prepubescent orgasm. That was really exciting.

Like most boys his age, however, Ben really liked squirting his sperm into the mouths of little boys. It was like a right of manhood or something to watch a smooth faced little boy licking sperm from his lips. Older boys who had a lot of sperm liked squirting it on little boys' noses or all over their hairless little chests. It was a macho thing in Kovzland and Ben wasn't to be denied this pubescent pleasure.

I could feel his fingers tighten around my skinny chest and cried pathetically as I struggled to hump his penis a little more. Ben was much stronger than me, however, and I was pretty small. He lifted my struggling, naked body off him and rolled me over beside him. I looked at my penis. It was red and hard as rock, pulsing in angry need for more pleasure. I had no time to please it though. Ben quickly took his young cock in hand, pulled his hips up so they were close to my face. I could see the bright, shiny head of his penis only inches from my face, could see the light reflected brightly off its purple beauty, could see the slit yawning open and ready to ejaculate, his young, hairless scrotum moving up and down as he masturbated himself. Kovz, what a pretty penis and what a cute little patch of boy hairs.

I lay there naked and excited, obediently opening my mouth to receive his seed. My blue eyes watched his penis intently and my tongue started to water in anticipation of his sperm. I could see his smooth, baby soft belly rippling with boyish muscles, his slender body rippling with ribs, heard him grunting and crying with pleasure as orgasm seized him. He was rubbing his cock in a fist clenched so tightly I thought it would squeeze off his sperm flow and I could see small blue veins bulging in his hand and along his smooth, rippling forearm as he frantically jerked himself into total ecstasy.

The pained, desperate look in his face melted into a look of pure heaven and the tiny slit on his shiny penis head squirt a milky stream of young semen out. I was disappointed when it struck my nose, instantly feeling warm and wet. In the hopes of tasting more of it, I tilted my head back so the next ejaculation would find my mouth, but Ben was trying to help too and pointed his orgasmic penis lower. It squirt out another young stream and this one hit me on the chin, trailing down my smooth neck. Some of it reached my lips and my tongue slipped out and licked it up causing Ben to smile happily as he kept rubbing himself Instantly, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and stuck out my tongue. Ben's powerful young cock squirt a third time and his boyish seed n target, my mouth instantly filled with the warm, slimy taste of sperm. I lay there with his on my nose and chin, enjoying the flavor of the boy's penis, not moving as his cock squirt out his milky sperm a fourth and fifth time, both times finding my awaiting mouth. The sixth shot just barely gurgled out and the seventh trickled over his fingers so I closed my mouth and licked his sperm around inside with my tongue. Ben giggled, his smooth chest glowing from his pleasure. He pressed his hips farther forward, guided his penis to my lips and managed to awkwardly slip it inside.

I gazed up at his adorable young face as I held his penis and sperm in my mouth. It was losing its throbbing hardness but still stuck out stiff from his sparse pubic hairs. Gazing at him adoringly, I swallowed his semen and focused all my attention on his penis as it slowly softened in my mouth. I loved sucking cock. It was like being a baby sucking on a teat and I loved to lay around sucking on them all the time. When Prince Kelly and I slept together, we'd go to sleep sucking on each other's boyhoods. It was very nice.

Ben lay down on his side and I rolled over so I could keep sucking him. His sperm trickled down my cheeks from my nose, but I didn't care. He was smiling down at me, watching as I took more of his softening penis into my mouth until my thin lips were tickled by his sparse pubic hairs. He put a big hand on my head and gently petted my blond hair, his pretty face flushed and looking relaxed and warm in satisfaction. "Good boy," he smiled until I thought I would cry to have him be my boyfriend.

He knew I liked sucking on penises (by this time, all the boys on the island did except for the children), so he let me suck on his for a long time. I liked it so much that I could almost forget the raging little cock between my own legs. I didn't worry too much about it: I knew Ben would make it feel good pretty soon. The long duration of my erection, however, was starting to make it ache a little.

Ben's big hands rubbed tenderly over my thin little shoulders and slowly moved into my armpits. "Okay, little boy," he said (Kovz Boys liked saying "little boy" a lot), "it's your turn."

He lifted my shoulders back and sat up as he tenderly lowered me back against the carpet. When I was laying down, his hands moved to my chest and abdomen, rhythmically rubbed up and down on them until I whimpered childishly. My penis had eased back on its erection a little, but his loving touch flared it up again and it stuck out in hairless little glory, all ready for whatever the boy wanted to do to it.

As his hands moved to my belly, I shuddered with nervous innocence, still gazing into his pretty face and laying there like a helpless infant. His eyes left mine as he turned to look down at my stiff little boyhood, a pretty smile on his face as he watched it pulsing rhythmically, glowing red from the intensity of its desire.

"You hairless little boy," he smiled down at it. I felt one of his hands slide lower, his fingertips dragging across the baby soft skin around the base of my hairless little cock. I panted rapidly and whimpered, my eyes not leaving his smooth, beautiful face. He felt all around my penis, probing every hairless inch of childish skin. Sometimes his hand would touch the naked, rock hard little head of my penis and I would cry from the sensitive pleasure it sent through my body.

Finally, when I thought my penis would burst from excitement, I felt his finger and thumb taking hold of the little thing. It was actually smaller than his fingers and looked tiny against his big hand. But it was so hairless and young and so incredibly hard that it was adorable nonetheless. He didn't hold my skinny boner as tightly as he had his own. Rather, he held it just tightly enough to make the skin move. When he started rubbing on it, I was already well on my way to a wonderful orgasm.

He smiled up at the pathetic, helpless look on my boyish face as I cried and gasped, then looked back down at my boyhood in his fingers. He rubbed slowly on it, as if intentionally making the pleasure last longer rather than rushing it to its complete delight. Even slowly, however, I could feel my pleasure building, could feel my penis growing harder and more excited. Slowly he slid his other hand up my belly and started rubbing my skinny rib cage and small chest again. I was in total ecstasy.

All the while, I just lay there looking at him, at his pretty face, at his small young chest, at the young, six inch cock dangling adorably between his smooth, creamy thighs from that small bush of pubic hair.

I wanted to have an orgasm so badly that I started crying just in the hopes that he would rub faster on it and put me out of the pain of my desires. It was as if I couldn't bare all the pleasure in my penis, as if it had to be released lest I become insane from the joy. Ben was having none of it, however. He was determined to make me suffer beneath the onslaught of my penis and sat rubbing slowly and rhythmically up and down it. You could tell the boys who really knew how to love another boy because they were able to do this. Most of us were so eager for orgasm and so dominated by hormones we'd get in and get our cocks off right away, many boys climaxing within a few seconds, especially the little pubescent ones. The wiser boys, like Ben, never were in a hurry about it. If they could, they'd make sex last more than an hour, the whole time stimulating each other and keeping each other on the brink of orgasm. I really couldn't handle that much pleasure. It was happening however. I felt so good that all I could do was cry and wish that it would all get over. It wasn't nice to force so much pleasure on so young a penis.

Ben didn't care how a boy like me, one just on the verge of puberty, felt. To him, I was a boy to teach. He liked seeing boys feeling good, liked it when they cried from the pleasures in their penises, and was rarely in any hurry to help them escape from it. I think he most liked the fact that my penis felt so good to me that I couldn't do a thing to hurry him up, could only lay there and endure it, his own sperm leaving drying trails down my neck and cheeks.

His hand felt wonderful as it rubbed over my body, feeling it swelling rhythmically as I struggled to breathe, feeling it pounding with my frantic heartbeat. He rubbed it up and down on my ribs, back and forth across my erect little nipples, up into my hairless armpits where his fingertips tickled me. I wondered if it were possible for a boy my age to die from pleasure. I felt like I was about to.

So great was the pleasure in my hard boyhood that I lost all concept of time, something that usually happened only in the explosion of raw pleasure in orgasm. Now I lay there like a whimpering, helpless child, and it might have been five minutes or thirty before my hairless penis was ready to give up my orgasm in desperation.

Ben knew it was coming because his pretty face smiled bigger. He didn't do anything to hurry it up though, just kept on with the same, slow, rhythmic strokes. Crying pathetically, I finally tore my eyes from his lovely body and looked down at my penis.

It was almost unbelievable. It had felt like it was a foot long but when I looked at it, it was still the same hairless little boner I had seen a million times before. True, it was glowing red from excitement and all the friction of Ben's rubbing, and the head was shinier and a brighter purple than I could ever remember seeing, but it looked almost tiny beside his big hand. His fingers dwarfed its immature size making it look even smaller. I felt disappointed somehow. Nonetheless, it was teetering so close to orgasm now and felt so good, that the actual appearance of it didn't matter. It was small, it was harder than rock, it was hairless, and it felt like something that should be worshipped as a god.

Just as I thought I would start jerking in orgasm, the real depths of its prepubescent strength and pleasure erupted and the orgasm I thought I knew became something almost frightening in its intensity. My skinny little body tightened up like a vice and yet started shuddering all over at the same time. The pleasure multiplied and rushed through my young body like a drug. It felt so good that I felt certain I would never recover and would be lost forever in a mental fog of orgasm. My little penis seemed to stand up like a conquering hero, seemed to gloat over the ravaged distortions of my naked young body with an almost savage lust, as if its greatest desires had finally been realized. My orgasm was so strong that I couldn't cry out, couldn't breath, couldn't do anything but tighten every muscle in my body until my ribs poked out and my body rippled with slender sinews of childish muscle.

As my pleasure finally reached its climax, I let out a long, almost animal cry and my head fell back against the carpet. My hips started to jerk up and down in short, frantic bursts of childish passion, each one feeling like it would break my small bones. Somewhere far away I could hear Ben giggling boyishly, could feel his finger and thumb still stroking my penis. In that place, I could feel every cell on my boyhood and it didn't seem like the source of all the pleasure. Orgasm was all through my body and totally dominated my brain. This, too, could have gone on for five minutes or thirty though it was probably only a few seconds. I had no way to know. I had no sense that I was even there, rather that I was lost in an outer space filled with orgasm and pleasure. I lingered in that pleasure, longing desperately to stay there forever. There wasn't a thought in my head except awareness of the joy that was in me. I couldn't attach it to the hairless little boner between my legs anymore.

My orgasm faded with what a most seemed to be an almost intellectual intent. While floating in the intense and incredible space of pleasure, I suddenly seemed to have a thought. That thought was that I probably looked pretty silly to Ben. A rush of reality returned to me, first the awareness that he was still rubbing on my stiff boyhood, then the awareness that I was crying helplessly with pleasure, and finally the awareness that I was breathing as if I had just run a mile at top speed. My eyes were closed and I turned my head away, feeling a rush of disappointment and a rush of shame filling me. The shame was because I had dared to go to so wonderful a place; the disappointment was because I had to leave it. Orgasms are God's way of reminding us what Heaven is like.

I felt weaker than I ever had as I finally opened my eyes and looked down at my penis. It was quickly softening and Ben was still rubbing on it.

"It hurts," I said in a fog of confusion, my small hands awkwardly pushing his fingers from my hairless little dick.

"I'm sorry," Ben said, instantly moving the hand to join the other one in caressing my chest. His hands felt good on my body, like a subtle, distant reminder of the place I had been, but I felt confused and tried to sit up.

"Whoa," Ben smiled, his big hands taking hold of my little chest and guiding me, so awkwardly did I move. It was like I couldn't control my body. My muscles didn't seem to work right anymore. "Are you all right?" he asked, hands reassuringly rubbing my skinny, naked body.

"Yeah," I replied distantly. For some reason, I was trying to stand up, but my legs wouldn't support me; I was just too weak.

"It's okay," Ben said, smiling but sympathetic. I felt his hands pulling my naked body toward him, felt his arms enfolding me. "You're okay." Before I knew it, I was laying on his lap and his arms and hands were tenderly caressing me. They reminded me again of the pleasure I had left behind and I felt myself finally relaxing into them. Ben stroked my hair and held my face against his chest, his penis pressed against my lower back.

"What happened?" I asked, slowly feeling myself returning to reality.

"You know," I heard him smiling.

I shook my head which made my cheek rub against his smooth skin and little nipple. "Not like that," I said, still panting for air.

"It's better in Kovzland," Ben said and I could feel his chest vibrate a little as he spoke. "It's the magic."

I took this for what it was and felt myself relaxing in his arms, feeling happy to be held by him. I doubted I would survive long if I felt that kind of pleasure every time I had sex. Either I would die from the despair of losing it or I wouldn't eat again, spending all my time trying to have orgasms.

We were quiet for a long time as my brain tried to reconnect itself to my muscles. Ben kept petting and holding me the whole time and he comforted me a great deal. "You'll get used to it," he said after a long time. (I somehow doubted that.) "When you've done it a few times, it gets easier."

I didn't say anything.

"It's even better on the island," he added after another moment.

When I thought I was strong enough to stand, Ben helped by holding my skinny rib cage until I had regained my spindly legs. My knees quivered for a few seconds, but I stretched and that seemed to put some life back into them.

"Okay?" Ben asked. He was still sitting on the floor and I looked down at his magnificent young body with ever greater adoration. The penis hanging between his legs was so beautiful I again felt a desire to cry.

"Yeah," I said, stepping uncertainly around. The first few steps felt like my knees would collapse, but they held and soon felt stronger. Ben stood up and I felt myself smile and blush as I watched his big cock dangle between his smooth legs.

"You want to stay in my room tonight?" he asked, a smooth, slender arm wrapping around my thin shoulders. I didn't say anything, but the way I smiled and blushed must have tipped him off because he smiled and guided me to the door.

Next: Chapter 4

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