Hall Twins in Europe

By Phoibos Apollo

Published on Dec 25, 2004


Disclaimer! The following story is complete fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives or their family.

Author's note: Hi everybody. This is the first story I have ever posted here on Nifty (despite my being a reader for 4 years now), although it's not the first one I have ever written. When you're taking the time to read it (thank you heaps for that by the way!!), please also take the time to write me some (constructive) feedback, which of course you can send to the above-mentioned address. It will be much appreciated.

Before you do that nonetheless, I want to say that English is not my birth language (Dutch is). I have been studying it for years and years in a row and have been hearing it throughout my entire life already (and still I'm not sick of it...), but that will in all probability not have stopped me from still making some spelling and / or grammar errors or using a "weird word" here and there. I humbly ask for your forgiveness in advance.

OK, on to the story then. I won't tell what my intentions were when writing it / what I wanted to achieve with the occasional reader, because I want you guys to be free to feel whatever comes up first.

Enjoy the story (hopefully) and a Marry X-mass and a Happy New Year!!

Love, Apollo,

The Hall Twins in Europe, part 2.

One week later, April 10th, University Hospital of Ghent, Belgium.

"These medicines are for our American lad in room 215," the head nurse ordered one of her subordinates. A young fairy- like nurse took the small bottle from the elder woman and left for the appointed room. When she entered it she found the bed to her right empty. She went past the large door and peeked to her left where she found the blond young man sitting at the side of his brother's bed, his head lying next to the motionless body of the latter, who was still in a coma after the brain surgery the doctors had had to perform on him. His left arm was placed under his head, the other was lying on Seth's side and stomach, where he held the latter's hand in his own.

Bruce had gotten up half an hour earlier and had gone to sit at the side of his brother's bed for the rest of the day, something he had been doing every morning since he'd been allowed to get out of bed five days earlier. Since it was still early in the morning he had quickly dozed off again. As he had placed his arms and his head on Seth's bed, he was now quietly sleeping next to the latter.

The scene in front of her charmed the nurse. She was really touched by the way the youngest of the two never left the side of his twin except for when he really had to, by the deep affection and concern he clearly felt for his sibling, by the bitter tears he had already shed for him... . More then once during these last days, she'd had to contain herself not to take that adorable young American in her arms and comfort him. He was so sweet and friendly...

"Mr. Hall," she softly called to him as she was lightly shaking him. "Mr. Hall..., wake up. It's time for your brother's treatment."

"Hmmm? What?" Bruce muttered, as he was slowly waking up.

"It's time for your brother's treatment," the nurse repeated. "Would you be so kind to return to your bed for a short while so that I can take care of him?"

"Yeah, sure. No problem," Bruce answered under a yawn. He stretched his body, stood up and went to sit on his bed opposite of Seth's. He watched the nurse as she carefully washed his brother, as she inserted his medicines into the infusion, as she turned him on his side so that he wouldn't become bedsore and develop wounds, and as she inserted some liquid nutrition into the second infusion. After the nurse had left, it was the physiotherapist's turn to come and stimulate Seth's muscles and to keep his joints supple. In the mean time Bruce had gotten his own breakfast and by the time the two ladies had finished their job, he had finished his morning meal and had washed himself up.

The physiotherapist left and then there was nothing left for Bruce but another day of being all alone with his comatose twin. Yeah, he had thought of getting Seth transported back to the States, to a hospital near their hometown, but the doctors wouldn't let him go. Said his condition was far from safe enough to let him go on such a long flight in an airplane and if he did wake up out of the coma he would at least have to stay in Belgium for another week before they might let him go. Bruce understood and didn't utter any further protest.

And so it came to another day of endlessly waiting for even the faintest sign of consciousness from Seth. But that night the waiting would become too much to bear for Bruce. The thought that Seth might never get to know about his true feelings for him, that the last thing they did together before the accident was argue back in the hotel, was killing him. He so wanted for Seth to know the truth, to know why he'd been acting like shit during much of the last two years, and now he might never get to tell him about that. Desperation was showing more of its ugly face to him with every minute that went by.

After supper, as usual Bruce had gone to sit at the side of Seth's bed again. Except for two small lamps next to the two beds on each side of the room, it was almost dark as the light of the setting sun was being filtered by the thick gray curtains. Bruce was staring at his brother's face, the soft and full red lips that had been closed for days in a row now, the closed eyelids that were hiding those angelic blue eyes, the wavy blond-brownish hair that surrounded the godlike face... . The yellowish candlelight-like light form the small lamps gave the young lad a peaceful look, as if he was just sleeping.

"Why won't you come back to me," Bruce whispered. "What do I have to do to make you get out of that blast coma? I've been talkin' to you for hours and hours, but you fuckin' won't respond to anything I'm sayin'. I'm runnin' out of topics, bro," he said with a fake smirk.

"Except for one," his brain added, "except for one..."

Bruce's heart started to speed up once more and so did his mind. Was this the right moment? Would Seth even hear his words? Wouldn't it be better to wait until he was awake? But what if he never woke up again? He kept staring at the peaceful face of his twin. Eventually he made up his mind. He slowly brought his hand towards his brother's face and started to caress Seth's cheek. He leaned in a bit closer and started to tell...

"Seth, I don't know if you can hear this and I'm not sure I even should be tellin' you this right now, but I have to get it off my chest. You know how back at the airport I told you there was a second reason for why I have been avoidin' you so much ever since I came out to you and our parents? Well here it is..."

Bruce took a deep breath, stood up from his chair and sat down on the bed, right next to Seth. He bent over and placed a quivering hand on Seth's temple. With the other arm he supported himself so that he could hover over his twin. He moved so that his face was only a couple of inches away from his sibling's. Another deep breath, a brief pause and then the words returned... .

"I love you Seth," Bruce said with a trembling voice. "And I don't just mean as a brother. I mean I really, truly, deeply love you. I'm even IN love with you." He started stroking Seth's hair and got a very intense, loving look in his eyes. "To me you are nothin' more than perfect. The only one who still accepts me in his life. You're all I could ever want in a man, Seth. And I know that you can probably never give me what I'm lookin' for in you, that you're not gay, that I'm your brother and that therefore I can't be with you the way I would like to. But I can't help it." Bruce felt soft tears starting to burn in his eyes. "I can't help but lovin' you with all my heart and soul. You're so beautiful, Seth. And you're always so good and nice to me. You always treat me with such respect, with such care, with honest and unconditional love. And it makes me feel safe, and warm, and at peace to be with you." Suddenly Bruce looked away from his brother as the pain of what he was about to say filled his heart again. With more tears welling up in his eyes and clenching his teeth so that he wouldn't start crying, he continued:

"But at the same time it hurts. It hurt like hell not havin' been able to tell you this for so long. To have been obligated to hide this from you. It hurts not bein' able to be myself around you. And that's the reason why I've been avoidin' you as much as I could for these last two years." A brief pause again as his breath was becoming more erratic from trying to fight back the tears.

"I was scared to death that you might find out about it and that you would exclude me from your life because of it. I just couldn't risk losin' you like that. So it had nothin' to do with somethin' you did or said. It wasn't your fault, brother. It's all me. Me and my - too most people - forbidden desire for you."

For a brief moment there was some movement in Seth's face. Unbeknown to Bruce, who was still looking down on the bed, for three, maybe four seconds the latter's eyes were rolling around under their closed lids.

"Yes, desires," Bruce continued. "Not only in an emotional way, but also physically. Now, I know that most people would call me a pervert because of that, a sick mind wanting to commit incest on his own god-given twin brother, but I don't care. I really don't give a damn. And I don't understand what could possibly be so wrong about it either. I just love and like everything about you, Seth. Your personality, but also your body. Your magnificent body... the way you look, the way you smell, the warmth I feel those scarce times you hug me, the way you move, the way you smile that breathtakin' smile of yours, the sweet sound of your voice, the firmness of your muscles..." As he was speaking those words, Bruce felt those oh-so-familiar feelings of an almost insufferable desire well up inside of him again; images of his brother's body and himself caressing it, exploring it, smelling it, tasting it,... .

"Making love to you would be the only way to almost fulfill my deepest wish, the one thing I yearn for the most: to be one with you." Bruce let his hand wander through the thick hair waving around Seth's face. "If I could, I'd just crawl inside of you so that I'd be surrounded by your comfortin' warmth for the rest of my life, so that I could loose myself into you, not havin' to deal with all the shit that has been thrown at me anymore. I'd be safe there and loved. Of course that's not possible and I know that most psychiatrists would immediately lock me up if they heard what I'm tellin' you right now, but is it so wrong to want to express your love for someone in a physical way too? Is that so wrong? To be lookin' for some comfort in between all the reproaches and anger you have to deal with?" Pent-up rage and grief were now both clearly audible in Bruce's voice. Tears were rapidly running down his cheeks and he was clenching his teeth so hard it almost hurt. "Who has the right to be the judge of my feelin's, huh," he continued in an overly emotional voice. "Who? Nobody. Nobody can stop me from feelin' the way I do. And damn their fuckin' laws that forbid me to be in love with you. Damn them! It's my life and they're my feelin's! Mine! Do you hear me?!"

The words stopped filling the room and were replaced by a deep stillness. Bruce moved off the bed, sat back down on his seat and looked over to his twin's face again. "So now you know," he whispered. "I hope you heard everything, bro. Now it's up to you. Will you still let me into your life? Will you accept me for who I am?" A short silence again. "Answer me. Please. Answer me."

No sign of a reaction from Seth. The eldest of the Hall twins remained completely still.

"Damn it Seth," Bruce whispered, "Come back to me. Don't you dare leave me alone... don't you dare." And then he couldn't hold back any longer. Bruce buried his face in the mattress of the bed and a silent sobbing was now adding to the monotonous beeping sound of the heart monitor, regularly alternated by a deep sniffing sound. The minutes on the small clock on the bedside table were slowly ticking away... 7h05pm... 7h10pm... 7h15pm...

All of the sudden Bruce felt a hand landing on the back of his head. The hand slowly started caressing his hair... "D-don't cr-cry," came from a very hoarse voice.

Bruce jerked his head up and was met by a pair of heavenly blue eyes staring at him.

"SETH!!!!!!" he shrieked. "Oh, holy sweet mother of God!!!! You're awake!! Oh Jesus, Seth!! You're awa-ha-hake!!" Bruce was half laughing, half crying and threw himself onto his brother, almost crushing the latter in a way too enthusiastic hug. "Man!! Don't you ever leave me alone like that anymore," he continued through laughter and tears. "Do you hear me?? Ever!! God, you're back! You finally came back to me!!"

By then it had already become completely unnecessary to call for a nurse. Bruce was making so much tumult that the worried ward-matron and her assistant were already rushing into the room.

"What's wrong in here? Can we... Oh!!! How wonderful!!!" the middle-aged lady exclaimed as she noticed an awake Seth trying desperately to break free from his brother's death grip. "Our young American guest is finally awake!! Fabulous!! Cindy, be a doll and go call for the doctor, will you? Tell him I'm going to run the first tests."

Cindy took off, leaving the head nurse with an ecstatic Bruce who refused to let go of his brother and a struggling Seth who was still trying to free himself. She put her hands on both of Bruce's shoulders and urged him to step aside. "Mister Hall, give your brother some air, will you," she said in a friendly voice. "He's just come out of a coma and we don't want him to slip right back in it, now do we?" She pulled a little harder and finally Bruce came back to his senses and let go of Seth.

"Thanks, ma'am" the latter said with a huge sigh. "Y-you almost suffo-ch-ated me, bro. C-can I h've some water?"

"I'm sorry," Bruce excused himself, still with a beaming smile of joy on his face and tears twinkling in the corners of his eyes, "but I've just been worried sick about you and now you're awake and it's... it's just so... oh fuck, welcome back bro!!" And with that he grasped one of Seth's hands in his own and squeezed it tightly, pressing it against his chest. Seth smiled faintly. "Than-ch-s."

"Mister Hall," the head nurse interrupted, looking over her shoulder as she was working on the several monitors and computers that were attached to Seth's body. "I understand your excitement, I really do, and I'm as pleased as you are to have your brother back, but I'm going to have to ask you to stay as calm as you can so as to not overburden him. At least until we have a better view on his condition. Now, do you think you can do that? If not I'll be obligated to put you into another room."

That threat came down like a hammer on Bruce and it immediately made him regain his composure. Being moved to another room, maybe even to another floor, was the last thing Bruce wanted. "Yes ma'am. No problem," he hastily said. "I'll remain in full control of myself. I promise." And as proof he let go of Seth's hand and backed off. "See? Already done."

The ward matron chuckled. "OK, I believe you, silly. You can stay. But just be gentle with him, OK? He's been through a lot."

"And I'll be here to help him deal with that," Bruce said with a determined look on his face.

In the next two weeks that followed, Seth almost fully recovered from the injuries on his neck and head. It was a miracle that he wasn't partially paralysed, or that he didn't suffer from amnesia or that he didn't have any other permanent damage on his body. The fractures and bruises were healing well, and although he still had to wear a neck brace, he was allowed to take some small walks around the hospital or out in the garden and even do some exercise under the professional guidance of the physiotherapist. He was glad about that, because he didn't want to loose too much of his muscle tone, as he had been working on it for years in a row.

Bruce didn't leave his side at any moment in those two weeks. He was determined to help and encourage his twin whenever and wherever he could and he vowed to do everything he could to fully restore the damaged bond between them.

Surprisingly enough Bruce didn't mention anything to Seth about his effusions right before the latter awoke. At first it was because he didn't want to overburden Seth, as the head nurse and the doctor asked. But after a while he even started to forget about it as he was completely focussing on the rehabilitation of his twin, and what was even more: never did his brother say something about it himself, so Bruce figured he mustn't have heard one word of it all. Or so he thought... .

The truth was, Seth had heard every single word of it. He simply didn't know how and when to bring it up. What Bruce had said, was confusing him and he needed some time to fully understand and accept the meaning of it. But in the end he succeeded in doing so. Having looked death in the eye made him look at the world and the persons around him from a totally different perspective. Had Bruce told him about his feelings before the accident, most likely he would have glanced them off and said Bruce wasn't thinking straight, that he had been without a boyfriend for too long, that he shouldn't even be having such thoughts about his own brother, that it was forbidden by every law he could think of, and so on, and so on. An inheritance from their deeply religious parents.

But now he couldn't even remember why it was he kept deciding to abide by all of those stupid rules, why he was living his life in complete agreement with them without ever really questioning them or forming his own opinion on them. He didn't think of them as rules anymore, but as restrictions that were holding him back from doing what he really wanted: to move out of his parental home, to go get his own place, build his own life and to try and get a job in which he could really contribute to the research on cancer. But two things he wanted most of all: the first one was to come into terms with his long- hidden bisexuality which had made him feel sick about himself for years in a row, and the second was to restore his damaged relationship with Bruce. No one would take away his twin brother from him ever again. Not his parents, not God, not a minister or a preacher or a pastor, no one! Nothing was wrong with Bruce's being gay and so he shouldn't be punished for it either. What he was supposed to do with the new information he got from the latter in regards to their brotherly relationship was another question nonetheless. He liked to check out handsome men as well as he liked to check out gorgeous women and he was able to fall in love with both sexes, but could he accept what his brother was feeling for him? And how would he answer those feelings?

Slow but sure he came to a conclusion during those two weeks after his awakening from the coma. And he would tell Bruce about it as soon as they were back on their own. Be it in a motel room somewhere still in Europe, or back in the United States, it didn't matter, but not in the hospital. Not there...

It was 21 days after the accident that Seth was discharged from the University Hospital of Ghent. Bruce had left a week and a half before as he had fully recovered from his injuries by then, and was now staying in a small but stylish hotel in the centre of Ghent near its famous three towers and the still completely intact (albeit restored) huge medieval castle. Every day he would spend the morning in the hotel or somewhere in the city doing some sightseeing. After lunch around 12h30 to 1pm he would then leave for the hospital to spend the rest of the day (visiting hours from 1h30 pm till 8pm) with Seth.

But today was different. Today at 7am Bruce was rushing out of bed and into the bathroom, devouring breakfast at high speed in the hotel's restaurant, and getting very annoyed by morning traffic that wouldn't let him get to the hospital in time. He cursed himself for having taken a new rented car instead of just taking the tram, but then he thought that it would be better to go pick up Seth with a car than with a tram anyway, so he acquiesced in the fact that no matter what he did, he would arrive too late and therefore stopped cursing and swearing at the other drivers all the time. At 8h15am he finally entered Seth's room.

"Hey, hey, bro!!" Bruce exclaimed with a bright, radiant smile as he was pushing the door open. "Time to get out of here and go see the world!!"

"Hey Bruce," Seth smiled with the last bits of his breakfast still in his mouth. "How are you doing today?"

"How am I doing? Do you even need to ask me this? I am just GREAT!! You're finally coming with me this time instead of staying behind in this unbearably sterile and so badly decorated hospital!!" Bruce was practically jumping around in excitement now.

"Yeah, glad to see you're as exhilarated about it as I am," Seth cheerfully replied. "Come on, help me out here. I already packed my stuff yesterday night after you left, and I'm all washed up and dressed, so we can leave this place immediately!"

With infectious enthusiasm Bruce grabbed the two large bags -luckily the emergency services had been able to save most of their belongings out of the car wreck – that were standing in the middle of the room and headed straight for the door. "You do what you still have to do in here, and I'm goin' to take care of business with the head-nurse."

"What are you talking about? I don't have anything left to do in here! I'm coming with you! Hey, wait up!" Seth grabbed his small handbag and trailed after Bruce, who was already hastily walking towards the office of the secretariat of the ward they were in. All of the necessary documents were signed and after having said their "thank yous and goodbyes" to the staff out the two American brothers were.

Seth hadn't gotten any restrictions from the doctors. Of course he had to take things slowly and for all safety they had advised him to still wear the neck brace when he was out on the streets or driving a car or any other vehicle, but after having dropped Seth's luggage off at the hotel, he and Bruce were still able to spend a quiet day in the centre of Ghent. Bruce had discovered several sights of the town he wanted to show his brother and was therefore more than happy that the latter was finally able to accompany him again. Now although the places Bruce took him were very interesting and special, Seth nonetheless couldn't really pay attention to any of it. His mind was somewhere else...

In between all the "hmms", "ah's" and "oh's" he uttered on regular basis so to give Bruce the impression that he was paying attention to the explanation they got from several guides along the day, Seth was constantly taken back to the last few moments of his coma, when Bruce was spilling his heart out, telling him how he really felt about him. How was he going to bring up the subject? And when? The longer he thought about it, the more he wanted to get it over with. Tonight would be the night. Tonight...

That night after supper at about 8pm, the twins had returned to their room and were now both seemingly totally captivated by the books they were reading. In the background the sweet, angelic voice of Sarah Brightman was singing the most wonderful tones. Everything seemed quiet and at peace. Everything but Seth's mind and heart, which were both racing at full speed. Finally Seth slammed his book closed and threw it onto his bed. "Bruce, we need to talk," he said in a stern voice.

Bruce, who was a little startled by the slamming of the book, jerked his head up. "A...ah, what? We need to do what"

"I said, we need to talk." After Seth had said those words, all of a sudden a soothing calmness came over him. This was it. No turning back, now or never.

"Come here. Sit next to me, bro." Seth was gesturing towards the open space next to him.

Bruce had a confused look on his face and somewhat hesitantly walked over to the other bed. "W-What do you wanna talk about," he asked in an uncertain voice. The determined and almost emotionless expression on his brother's face made him be cautious. He feared that Seth might throw something big on him, something about everything that had been going on between them before the accident, and he was already going over several possibilities. He didn't have much time to fret on it though, for before he knew it he was sitting next to Seth, leaning his back on the headboard. He took a deep breath. "OK, I'm here. What's up?" His heart was pounding with slow but very powerful, almost suffocating beats now. What to expect...?

"I heard everything you told me right before the moment I woke up out of the coma," Set blurted out, throwing every caution to the wind not wanting to turn around the subject any longer than necessary.

This came down like a bombshell on Bruce. His heart skipped a beat and his face contorted into an expression that could be one of fear as well as one of pain. Seth had heard... everything... he had heard everything. "Now he would definitely kick him out of his life and never want to see or speak to him again. No one wants a lunatic for a brother, especially not one who's attracted to you in a sick, twisted way," his mind was rambling. A tear started to form in the corner of his eye and his breath was rapidly getting heavier, being on the verge of crying. He couldn't say another word anymore.

As there was no immediate response from Bruce, Seth turned to look at him and was surprised to find the latter squeezing his eyes shut, fighting to hold back tears. "Hey, hey," he hastily said, throwing an arm around Bruce's shoulders and leaning in a bit closer. "What's wrong, bro? I didn't know this was going to have such an effect on you. Why are you crying? What do you think I'm gonna do?"

Bruce was taken by surprise by the sudden feel of Seth's warm, gentle touch. The powerful arm softly resting on his shoulders, his face close to his own as he was trying to catch his gaze, the comforting words... What was this all about? Where are the harsh words? Where's the lashing lecture?

He slowly looked up to meet Seth's eyes. More astonishment. The deep, gleaming blue eyes were looking directly into his own with only love and care radiating from them. No anger, no rage. Still confused, but somewhat reassured, he finally managed to speak up: "Aren't you mad at me?", came from his husky voice.

"Damned! Why didn't I think of this," Seth cursed himself inwardly, as suddenly some of Bruce's earlier words were hitting him: "I was scared to death that you might find out about it and that you would exclude me from your life because of it. I just couldn't risk losin' you like that." Seth quickly shifted in his position so that he was more facing his twin and he put his hands firmly on both of Bruce's shoulders.

"Oh no! No, no, no! I'm not mad at all, Bruce. That's not why I wanted to talk to you about this. On the contrary. I wanted to let you know that I understand. That I can absolutely accept and live with what you've told me."

Bruce's eyes grew large in astonishment. "Y- You understand? How – how do you mean?"

Seth took Bruce's hands in his own and lay them down in the latter's lap. "Well, having been in a coma and having looked death in the eye made me look at a lot of things from a different angle. Especially when it comes to all of what we've been taught by our parents. No one should become the victim of his own feelings, Bruce. That means you too. Especially you. And so I'm not going to be the one to punish you for them. What's even more... I'm going to answer them the best way possible for me. Every moment in life counts, because it can just end so fast. Having been in that accident made me realize that. And so I want to give you what you're looking for right now, without waiting any longer."

Bruce was completely flabbergasted by now because of what his brother was telling him. "How? I mean, how will – how can you answer my feelings," he almost whispered.

Seth breathed deeply. "First there's something you need to know about me too. Something that will make us look even more alike than we already do and that might help explain to you what I've been saying upon till now." A brief pause. "Um, I think I'm just going to say it. OK, uh, ahum, Bruce... I'm... bisexual." That actually made him look away from Bruce for a moment, slightly fearing how he would respond. He had always been hiding it from Bruce, even after the latter came out as gay, and so Bruce might get furious finding out about that.

Bruce's jaw dropped. "Huh?" was all he could say.

"Look Bruce. I'm sorry I have been hiding this from you for so long. I should have come out to you about it a lot sooner, I know. I should've done it when you outed yourself to the family to support you, but I only want you to understand that you're not alone in this anymore. You're not the only one anymore to be turned down by our family. I'm going to tell them about myself, and if they want to kick me out like they did with you, then that's their problem. The only thing that matters is that I have you. You've been away from me for way too long, my brother and I'm not letting you go again. I love you way too much for that. So let's forget about all of that shit from the past. Let's just move on and make something new out of our lives. And what you're feeling for me? Doesn't matter. You're my twin, so I don't care who or what you are. All I want is for you to be happy and to be with me, in my life."

Tears of happiness were copiously running down Bruce's cheeks now. Those were the most beautiful words he had ever heard. Was Seth really accepting the feelings and desires he had for him? Was he really offering to in a way actually answer them? And... he still wanted him in his life... he said he loved him...

"Come on," Seth pleaded. "Talk to me, bro. I just spilled my soul out here. Say something."

A whispery "Thank you" was all that came. Bruce leaned forward and pulled his brother into a strong hug, holding onto him for dear life. "Thank you," he whispered again.

Seth didn't protest. Everything was said now. No more barriers between them. No more issues keeping them apart. And so he hugged his twin back in all honesty.

In the background the sweet voice of Sarah Brightman was still singing the most beautiful tones, and some of the lines were getting through to the brothers as they in a way translated what was happening between them:

If you can depend on certainty,

Count it out and weigh it up again

You can be sure you've reached the end,

And still you don't feel...

Do you know you're beautiful,

Do you know you're beautiful,

Do you know you're beautiful,

You are, yes you are, yes you are

Bruce backed away from Seth and looked him in the eye. "Do you know that you're beautiful?", he asked.

"If you say so," Seth smiled. "And do you know that you're beautiful too?"

Bruce didn't answer. He leaned forward a bit and cautiously planted a very gentle, hardly tangible kiss on Seth's lips. It lasted only the briefest of moments, but for Bruce it was the most intense experience he had ever felt in his life. A powerful surge of energy jolted through his body as years of pent up emotions and desire suddenly surfaced. He didn't wait for a reaction and pulled Seth in another strong hug, burying his face in the nape of the latter's neck, inhaling the scent of the wavy blond-brownish hair. To his own relief, Seth hugged him back. The heat of his sibling's body that was now waving over him was overwhelming. Hardly ever had they been as close as they were now, for their parents had always forbidden them to have any close physical contact whatsoever. And now that he was finally able to do what he had been longing to do for so long, it was almost too much to bear. Against his own will and despite the efforts to try and quell it, something in Bruce's crotch began to stir... and as he was pressed up against him, Seth became aware of the movement between his brother's legs.

Bruce quickly backed away from the hug. "I'm sorry. I can't help it. I'm sorry, but the feeling of your..."

"Shhhhh," Seth shushed his twin pressing his index finger against the tender lips. "As you might have heard I am bisexual and so I can deal with an aroused male body," he said with a light smirk. "Just relax, brother. And give in to the feelings. I want you to have this night with me. In this perfect night I want to give you what you've been looking for in all those years. So, just let go, and do as you please. Ok?" And to prove his point, Seth in his turn leaned forward and gently kissed his twin on the lips.

Bruce had to bite back a cry before he could give in to the ever-growing sensations inside of him, caused by that second heavenly kiss. After a few moments he finally let his reservations go. He grabbed his brother's body and kissed him back with all the love he had stored inside of him.

If you can ignore what you've become,

Take it out and see it die again,

You can be here, for who's a friend,

And still you don't feel

Do you know you're beautiful,

Do you know you're beautiful,

Do you know you're beautiful,

You are, yes you are, yes you are

Seth felt himself being pushed back a bit by Bruce and he felt the latter pull on his shirt. He lifted his arms and let Bruce remove the piece of clothing. Bruce in his turn took his shirt off and pushed Seth down on the bed, so that Seth was lying on his back now, and Bruce hovering over him in a half- sitting position. "I love you," he whispered. "And I love you," Seth answered. Bruce lowered himself and let his naked chest rest on the side of his brother's now. He stretched out his legs and lay down on his side, his crotch pressing against Seth's thigh. As they continued their loving kiss, Bruce couldn't hold back the urge to rock his by now steel hard member up and down Seth's leg. The warmth of his twin's body spreading through his loins and the rubbing of their naked chests together was the most erotic feeling he had ever had and the pleasure it caused almost literally made him explode. If he didn't slow his movements down, he would soon be overtaken by what would probably be a shattering orgasm.

Innermost thoughts will be understood,

You can have all you need

Do you know, you're beautiful? Do you know about anything?

Do you know, you're beautiful? Do you know about anyone?

Do you know, you're beautiful?

You are, yes you are, yes you are

But before that happened he quickly pulled away from Seth's inviting mouth and panted: "Oh God, Seth. I don't know how much of this I can still take. I'm on the brink of shootin' my load here. I'd better go to the bathroom and take care of it, before I make a mess. I'm sorry."

Seth grabbed his brother's arm and stopped him from taking off to the bathroom. "You don't have to do that. Stay here with me," he said in a soft tone. "I said you can let go, and I mean it. Let go of your reservations and have what you've always wanted." Seth lifted himself off the mattress and placed his hand in Bruce's groin. "Just let go," he whispered.

Bruce took a sharp breath when he felt Seth's hand land on his crotch. The intense, spine-tingling sensations waving through him made him dizzy and in his haze he pushed Seth back again and lowered himself so that he came level with the latter's chest. With chaste licks and kisses he made the perfectly shaped brown nipples become fully erect. Seth let out a sigh first, soon followed by a soft moan. It felt like Bruce's emotions were actually entering him through the kisses and so he decided to accept what was most probably going to happen and enjoy it.

Bruce kept sucking and kissing his brother's nipples and chest and then continued the journey downwards. He followed the trail of curly hairs down to the waistband of Seth's pyjama- shorts, but instead of immediately yanking them off, he slowly buried his face in the pool of heat of his twin's crotch. He inhaled as deeply as he could, making the intoxicating scent of Seth's private area flare through his nostrils, bringing him to a new sexual high. Bruce felt the cock underneath the fabric of the shorts grow even larger and the sizable balls were clearly pulling closer to the expanding member. The urge became irresistible and so Bruce grabbed the waistband of both the shorts and the briefs underneath, and pulled them down in one swift movement.

Seth was holding his breath. This was the first time since they were little that he was completely exposed to Bruce. For a short moment there "the old him" resurfaced and he felt like pulling his shorts back up, not wanting this to happen, but when he felt Bruce's warm breath flow over his swollen penis and sensitive testicles, that thought disappeared as soon as it came. Bruce stuck his tongue out and gently licked his twin's beautiful member from base to tip. He went back down again, inhaling deeply for a second time, now smelling the pure scent of Seth. He sucked both of the heavy balls into his mouth and slowly moved them around. After a short minute Bruce returned his attention to the now painfully erect penis and took it in his mouth, sucking and licking it with such love, wanting to pleasure his brother as much as he could and sending him up to heaven in doing so. While he continued this action he let one of his hands roam over Seth's chiselled torso and abdomen causing goose bumps to the latter. His other hand was cautiously moving towards the inner side of Seth's thighs, carefully pushing them apart after it had reached its goal. Bruce so wanted to explore the most intimate areas of his twin's body, and he was relieved to notice Seth spreading his legs as he pushed them a little more with his hand. He let go of the cock and lowered his face to the unknown territory. The first thing he noticed as he was approaching his target was how wonderfully clean but still oh-so-manly his brother smelled down there. The tip of his nose slid along Seth's perineum to end its journey right in front of the lightly haired rosebud that was hidden between the firm, round globes of Seth's buttocks. Bruce was in a trance now and opened his mouth to let his tongue reach past the last barrier left to take. His tongue made contact and he immediately felt the small ring muscle contract under the gentle touch. Seth's legs jerked a little and a silent moan could be heard. Bruce let his tongue swirl around and dart over his brother's anus and fully enjoyed it as Seth's most natural bodily taste was teasing his taste buds. Minutes in a row Bruce kept his face firmly placed in between his twin's ass cheeks, making the latter writhe under him in pure ecstasy. He returned to the wildly throbbing penis and swallowed it almost completely. Seth only lasted about 30 seconds anymore.

"Oh God, Bruce," he said in a husky voice, "I'm almost there."

Bruce sped up a little, pressing and rubbing his middle finger against his brother's anus while massaging the still swelling balls with his other hands. A sharp breath from Seth, one last firm sucking-stimulation from Bruce and then warm, sweet nectar was flooding Bruce's mouth, offering him one of the most mind-blowing tastes he had ever had. Seth's body convulsed time and time again, blasting more and more of his essence into his twin's mouth, before he finally came down from the highest sexual high he'd ever been on. Bruce sucked the last bits if the godly semen out of the pulsing cock and then released it from his grip, at the same time letting go of Seth's now empty balls and removing his middle finger from the still contracting sphincter. He moved up next to Seth's face and planted a few soft kisses on his cheek. "Thank you," he muttered between kisses. "Thank you for giving me this. It really is about the most wonderful thing I have ever felt, like I have got a part of you inside of me now. You and me, one for ever."

Seth smiled and pulled his baby-brother closer to him, placing one of his hands on Bruce's buttocks and the other on his still covered member.

Bruce shivered. "You don't have to do this," he shakily said.

"Shhhh, let me give this to you. You have just given me one of the most intense orgasms I have ever experienced. Now it's my turn to return the favour." And with that he pushed his hand inside Bruce's shorts and briefs and took hold of the savagely twitching cock. Bruce let out a little shriek as a new wave of pleasure shot through him. Never had he felt so turned on before, never had sex been so mind-blowing, and all he could do was surrender to the inevitable. Some of the lyrics were drawing his attention again from out of the background as they were putting into words what he felt Seth was doing to him.

Deliver me, out of my sadness

Deliver me, from all of the madness

Deliver me, courage to guide me

Deliver me, strength from inside me

Seth had removed Bruce's shorts and briefs by now and was slowly stroking his brother's cock in one hand while massaging his balls in the other. Bruce moved closer still and placed his lips firmly onto Seth's, moving to go lie on top of the latter. He placed his elbows on both sides of Seth's shoulders for support, holding his brother's head in both of his hands. His chest was pressed up to the one underneath him and his hard cock met the still half-erect twin-cock. Continuing the deeply emotional kiss, Bruce was rocking his pulsing member back and forth over Seth's crotch and lower abdomen and enjoyed the feeling like nothing else.

All of my life I've been in hiding,

Wishing there was someone just like you

Now that you're here, now that I've found you,

I know that you're the one to pull me through

Feeling the skin of his twin's body rubbing against his own, his erect nipples dancing over Seth's, feeling their cocks stimulating each other, their balls massaging each other, their powerful legs moving alongside one and other, their tongues wrestling, made him feel one with Seth. Like there was no more separation between their bodies, like they were finally united, body and soul, something he had been wanting and looking for during the largest part of his life. Lost in his feelings his orgasm was slowly building up in the depths of his loins.

Deliver me, loving and caring

Deliver me, giving and sharing

Deliver me, the cross that I'm bearing

Bruce's cock had found it's way underneath Seth's balls, and was now vigorously rubbing against his twin's perineum and anus. This was too much for Bruce to bear.

All of my life I was in hiding,

Wishing there was someone just like you

Now that you're here, now that I've found you,

I know that you're the one to pull me through

And in that one moment of absolute completion and full bliss the "fatal" last spark was sent to Bruce's brain and a searing climax took over his body. He buried his face in Seth's neck, whispered a shivering "I love you" into his ear, and then scorched his twin brother's balls and anus with his most valuable body juices.

Deliver me

Deliver me

Oh deliver me

Adding to his pleasure was Seth's second orgasm that caused the latter to clench his legs together, forming kind of a constantly contracting chute for Bruce's cock to move up and down in, which only added to the power of his climax.

All of my life I was in hiding,

Wishing there was someone just like you

Now that you're here, now that I've found you,

I know that you're the one to pull me through

Deliver me

Oh deliver me

Won't you deliver me

The last notes of the song were fading out. Both of the brothers were slowly coming down form their high and lay spent in each other's arms, still panting a bit from the breathtaking experience they had just had.

"Thank you," Bruce said, giving Seth a loving smile. "You've given me the feeling of complete unison. I love you, brother. My beautiful Seth, I love you."

"Love you too," Seth whispered, returning the smile.

The cd had reached its end. The twins pulled the covers over themselves and lay back in a loving embrace, slowly drifting off to sleep in a cosy hotel room somewhere in Ghent. They had found each other again. A bond that could never really be damaged by anyone or anything, even if they tried to themselves.

And Bruce let himself be fully surrounded by the comforting warmth of Seth's embrace, reeling over the feelings he had for his twin and he now could finally express without holding back in any way. They may not have seen Europe's finest treasures from the past after all, but Bruce had found the biggest treasure of them all. He had finally found some true and honest love in his life.


For those of you who have arrived at this point: thank you very much for reading. Hope to hear from you soon... .

Much love, Apollo

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