Handsome Jewish Young Man

By MaddyA

Published on Jun 30, 2005


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By Maddy A.


I was so pissed and I didn't know why. No, scratch that, I did know why. Victor hadn't called me all weekend! I called him, but he didn't pick up. Maybe I was being irrational, but I seriously was considering breaking things off. Okay, no I wasn't , but I was still bothered by the fact that it had been two days since we last spoke. I didn't leave him any voice messages because I thought that would have been a little too clingy, but I did call him five, count them, five times and he STILL didn't get back to me. Ever since he started his new job, I hardly got to see him. He only had it for four days, but those had been four extremely long days and I missed him. I guess I was going through withdrawal. You go from seeing someone day in and day out every single day for a month and a half and then BAM! Your lucky if they call you on a Saturday when your bored and picking string beans out your teeth. Since he wasn't around I found myself knocking on Jimmy's door. It was still pretty early and he looked pissed off when he answered it. Since I had that job, my sleep cycle was all "which way" and I found myself waking up at the butt crack of dawn, no matter how late I went to sleep. It was a disgusting habit really.

"Dude! It's like, fucking ten o'clock! What the hell do you want?" Jimmy yelled and I laughed. I may have been called a brat a time or two, but my best friend, Jimmy "The Whore" Levine took the god damn cake! He was an only

child and his parents, unlike mine, had no problem giving him whatever the hell he wanted; including the silver Jetta that he wasn't allowed to drive until the end of summer because he had gotten one too many parking tickets. Jimmy wasn't wearing a shirt and if you think for one minute I was turned on, then your wrong, so VERY wrong. I love him, yes I do, but strictly like a brother and nothing more. Besides, he SO wasn't my type. He had this weird inverted nipple thing where instead of poking out, they poked in. He was taller than me, yeah I'll give him that. He was taller than Victor too, but only by an inch or two, but he was pasty and a little on the overweight side, but as he claimed, there was muscle underneath his wrestler body. Whatever...he just wasn't my type, but I would describe him as cute in a little boyish way. His hair was a dishwater brownish blonde color and extremely curly. So curly that I know he had to use two bottles of mouse a week just to tame it. His eyes were large and the brightest shade of green. Sometimes when he looks at you, its kind of scary. His eyes are such an intense green, that even if he's in the happiest of moods, if you don't know him its easy to assume that he's pissed about something. We had been friends since, like, well forever, more like brothers that when one got on the others nerves, could just go down the street to their own house and cool off. His mother met my mom in some

weird natural birthing class that they both had taken. Apparently my mother didn't want to be drugged up on painkillers while she was giving birth to me because she read somewhere that the drugs they used increased your child' s chances of having addiction issues or something like that. Whatever. She gave birth to me in some sort of water tank in the middle of my Bubbe's living room . I guess the whole experience must have been less than pleasant, although she would tell me that it wasn't, but by the time my sister Kat was born three years later, I vaguely remember visiting her in a hospital. Jimmy 's only two months older than me, but he loves to make himself seem better just because of that little fifty-three day difference. Whenever he brings that fact up, I just laugh and tell him that at least my birthday comes around when we're in school and I get more gifts. That usually shuts his ass up.

"Shut the hell up and get dressed. I'm bored, lets do something." I said and walked past him grinning. It was a weird thing that we did; insulting and pretending not to really like each other, knowing full well that we were closer than most brothers. I walked past the kitchen and the smell of fresh cheese Blintzes hot out the oven filled the air. His mother probably left some on the stove, so I went straight in there. My mother is the laziest cook so the only time I get have fresh blintzes is when I'm at my Bubbe's house or grab a few at a deli. Like most Jewish mother in-laws, my Bubbe was forever telling my mother how bad of a cook she was and truthfully, she was. I love my mother, for the most part, but cooking wasn't her forte. I damn near shit my pants with happiness as I found a half eaten bowl of Kasha pudding sitting on the table.

"Hey, put down my pudding!" Jimmy yelled as I rushed to finish it before he could snatch the bowl. I smiled as I swallowed the last apple chunk.

"Damn, that was some good food!" I smirked as I tried to pick the raisin and walnut pieces out of my teeth. He rolled his eyes at me and went to fix himself another bowl.

"Bastard!" He muttered as he took a seat across from me.

"I have a father!" I yelled and so began the banter.

"Yeah, but he doesn't love you!" He hissed as he threw a spoonful of pudding at my face. Oh, it was so on. I wiped away the sticky brownish residue and glared at him. I calmly walked over to his refrigerator and grabbed a cup of lox. He hated salmon and I knew just how to get to him. He saw me hide the cup behind my back and quickly stood up and tried to run, but it was too late. I already emptied the cup of his head and I laughed as little bits of smoked salmon got tangled up in his curls.

"Were even!" I managed to force out between my fits of laughter.

"That SO wasn't fair!" He yelled with mock anger as he attempted to wash the fish smell off his hands.

"Life's not fair, get use to it. Get dressed."

"WHAT! You, my friend are taking your ass back home! I, on the other hand, are about to take my ass back to bed!" Jimmy stated as he sat back down.

"No your not. You were eating breakfast which means you were already up, which means that all you have to do now is get dressed and we, my friend, shall enjoy the wonderful July weather." I retorted. I needed to do something to keep my mind of Victor. All sorts of scenarios were running through my head as I wondered why he wasn't calling. Thinking back on it now, I was acting irrational, but at the time it was like the world was ending.

"Okay, you got me, but I'm busy today."

"What do you have to do today that`s more important than wondering our hot suburban streets in search of non-threatening trouble?" I asked playfully.

"Not what Kyle, but who. One word - Kendal..." He replied as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down seductively and smirked. The two of them had been " dating", if you call having regular sex twice a week that, for the last month. Neither of them wanted to be tied down, but for whatever reason they decided that they should be "fuck buddies". Personally, I didn't like the idea of having random sex with anyone, friend or not, with no love or commitment behind it. But, that seemed to be working fine for them, so I guess I had no place to judge. Besides, Kendal was a nice girl, a little sluty, but still nice. I wouldn't call her pretty, but she was attractive with short dyed blonde hair, with a blunt bang going across her forehead in that "punk girl" way although she wasn't punk, she just dressed the part. Her left eyebrow was pierced and she wore henna tattoos on her hands, but she didn't act as weird as

you would assume. She was a year younger than the rest of us so I didn't talk to her too much before she and Jimmy became "friends", but it was safe to say that we were friendly with each other now.

"Oh boy, are you two having another meeting of the "in my pants" club?"

"Yes, oh yes. Don't hate the playa, hate the game!" He replied with his best impersonation of a thug. As you can assume, it didn't work for him.

"What you doing later?"

"Nothing, lets hang out tonight. Want to go to the Hut?" He asked. The hut was exactly what it sounded like, a hut. Well technically it wasn't the kind of hut you would find in the middle of a jungle. No, it was so much better than that. It was basically a club house that we had built when we were twelve and wanted to sneak out and smoke cigarettes. I stopped after my mother caught me when I was thirteen, but we still used to club to drink or hang out with the rest of our friends.

I was back at my house sulking. It wasn't that I was being bratty, but I just wanted him to call me. I mean was it THAT hard to pick up a fucking phone and call your boyfriend back? No, it wasn't! Just when I had given up all hope and thought my day would consist of slacking, he called me. Yes, that ass-hole FINALLY returned my God damn call.

"Hey, what you doing?" He asked me as if nothing was wrong. I SO didn't want to seem like a "girl" about the whole thing, so I fought the urge to start in with the accusations.

"Nothing...what you doing?" I asked and not doing a good job of hiding the edge in my voice.

"Jus chilling. I got the--" He started saying, but I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Did you get my missed calls?" He coughed like he didn't hear me.


"I said did-you-get-any-of-my-missed-calls?"

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling you back now."

"Oh, after only what, two days? That's so nice of you!" I replied and he laughed at my agitation.

"Your mad aren't you." He teased. He thought the whole thing was funny.

"What's so funny?" I yelled.

"You...heehee...why are you so mad for?" He continued laughing.

"I'm not mad! I mean, not anymore. Just...why didn't you call me?"

"I had to work all weekend and by the time I got off, it was too late to even try calling your house and shit..." I sucked my teeth and he made some smart ass comment about something else I could suck and just like that I laughed and the anger faded away.

"Do you want to come over today?"

"Naw, but I wanted to see if you wanted to come to my house today." He asked. I had never been to his house before. I thought that maybe he was embarrassed because his neighborhood wasn't as nice as mine so I never pushed the issue. Besides, hanging out in the hood was not something that I can say I wanted to do. Sure, going down there for work was one thing, but for leisure was another. Still I could `t just turn him down.

"What do you want to do?" I asked. Okay, so maybe I didn't want to go...

"My Auntie is having a cook-out and you know, I wanted you to come." He replied nervously. He was always so calm and cool and to hear him get nervous was soo cute!

"Aww you want to show your boyfriend off to your family?" I teased and he grunted which only made me laugh harder.

"Hell No! I want you to come as my friend! If my fam found out about us... .naw we not even thinking bout that!"

"Relax, I was only playing. What time?" I asked. I really didn't want to go. Just the thought of meeting his family made my stomach flip. Hell, I saw enough BET movies to know that crazy shit happens at black cook-outs. But, there I was going again with judging something that I knew NOTHING about.

"It start's at three. How you getting here?"

"I'll make Jimmy take me." I replied.

"Oh god! You tell that fool to watch his mouth." He muttered. He and Jimmy got along fine, but Victor just wanted me to make sure that Jimmy knew not to say the first thing that came to his mind, like he had a tendency to do.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him. He probably won't want to stay anyway. Now, ummm...how many people are going to be there?"

"Relax, its only going to be my fam. You know my uncles, aunts and shit. Don't be nervous." He laughed and I grinned. He knew me all too well.

"Okay, I'll see you in a little while."

"Aight, luv ya-bye." I sat there with the phone cradled to my ear. Did he just say that he loved me? Oh God! He did! He did! We'd been dating for a few weeks and I did love him, but I'd never said it. I didn't want to be all sappy and girlish so I kept that thought to myself, but he had just said.

He said it first. He said it first! God, this was so fucking major and I needed to tell someone. I wanted to share my joy and my first thought went to Jimmy, but then the sad realization hit me that I couldn't. No one knew about me and as much as it sucked having to hide my happiness, that how it had to be. I guess it's true what they say, for every good thing in life there has to be some bad.

"I don't know why you talked me into this. I could be home right now and Kendal would be on her second blow job, but no, I'm not. Damn it Kyle if my mom finds out I took the car, she's gonna kill me. Fucking kill me!" Jimmy yelled and I just let him rant as I fiddled with the car radio. It was best just to let him rant for ten minutes until he calmed down.

We got to the address that Victor gave us and sat in the car parked for a few seconds. It was an average size house with chipping beige paint in a not too good neighborhood. There were white bars going across the windows on the first floor and a black cast iron fence ran around the whole house. It made it feel like some sort of prison fortress instead of a home. I could feel my heart beating fast and Jimmy looked just as nervous as I was. We could hear some loud old school R&B music from the 1970's blasting from the back yard. I could smell ribs cooking and that made me want to hurry up and get in there, but still I didn't move from out the car. Jimmy motioned for us to get out after a few seconds of me stalling. I told him to put the club lock over his steering wheel, but he said we wouldn't be here long enough for someone to steal it. Whatever.

"Okay, now remember don't say anything. You don't want to piss anyone off, so just introduce yourself, grab a soda and stay quiet".

"Shut- up Kyle! Just remember you said two hours and then we're going home. Damn, I really should have stayed home with Kendal. You know she was wearing that cherry lip--" Jimmy was cut-off by Victor's booming voice.

"Ay! Waddup!" He said to us as he slapped hands with Jimmy and embraced me in one of those hug/handshake combinations that lasted a little too long, but made me smile inside and get all warm and fuzzy. He lead us into the backyard and introduced us to his family, which may I say was an interesting experience. It was like all the music stopped as soon as Jimmy and I walked back there. I felt like I was in some sort of cheesy ass movie. Victor didn't seemed bothered by it, but I was. I felt like everyone's eyes was on us, twenty sets of eyes. Little kids were running around the small backyard space with mostly dirt and debris instead of grass as old school disco music was playing. There was this ultra skinny man introduced as Uncle Crack and when I asked Victor about the name, he said it was for Crack-Head and then he told me not to sit to close to Uncle Crack because he would snatch my wallet. Then I met His Uncle Red who scared the shit out of me. He was at least three-hundred pounds and his skin was light, almost in a ghostly sort of way, but the thing that scared me the most was the big tattoo of an eagle that went across half of his fat neck. Yeah, he was a scary ass dude and he just grunted a hello to us as he worked the grill. Then there was his cousin Sweetness and his sister Peaches. It was obvious by looking at them that both of them were gay. Sweetness, real name Terrell, was chubby, with waxed eyebrows arching up femininely and he even had on lip gloss as he sat leg crossed, shades in place over eyes and cell phone in a well manicured hand. He had just turned twenty, but he looked younger than me! He winked at me when we were introduced and Jimmy looked uncomfortable while Victor glared at him. Peaches was the biggest dyke that I'd ever seen. Just like her younger brother, she was a light brown and sort of chubby, but where his face looked soft, hers was hard and mean looking. She had tight braids that flowed back and her clothes were at least seven times the size they should have been. She wore no make-up and had this long silver chain with an army I.D. tag around her neck. Victor told me she was a Private in the army and I bite my tongue so I wouldn't ask her about the don't ask, don't tell policy. Yeah, I wouldn't have said that anyway because that would have been stupid. While Victor led me into the house to meet his mother, Jimmy stayed out and was talking to Uncle Red about how to make Ribs. I guess they bonded over food, go figure. Right as we were walking up the rickety wood stairs that lead to the house were Victor's mother was making potato salad, Victor surprised me for the second time that day. He stopped me and looked around us to make sure no one was looking and he whispered in my ear.

"Umm...yeah, my mom knows about us." And with that, he walked into the house, leaving me standing there, palms sweaty and heart racing....

To Be Continued

**Want to know what happens next? Well if you were in my yahoo group you already would know. JOIN! http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MaddyA_Stories (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MaddyA_Stories)

(c) Madison Aysha Dante 2005

Next: Chapter 7

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