
By moc.loa@6742BMK

Published on Jul 1, 2023


And so here we are once again.

It's been a rather long and winding road toward this chapter with nothing quite ending up the way it was supposed to. When all was said and done this chapter ended up quite well for all the trouble it took. But that's just my opinion. We will have to see whether or not everyone else agrees.

It wasn't supposed to be like this of course. For the second chapter in a row I ended up getting about a fourth of the way through and setting things aside. Originally this chapter looked radically different and I'd written more than a hundred pages of it. Then about mid-November last year I was struck with an inspiration that I would be better able to respond to some critical events changing (particularly Britney Spears' divorce from Kevin Federline) by setting aside that planned chapter and instead working on a Christmas story. As you will recall last year I released a Christmas story called Better Late Than Never and I figured this would be a great way to set a couple things up and then hammer them home in chapter 17.

But you know what they say about the best laid plans.

The original Christmas story I envisioned was a little bit over 200 pages and by the time all was said and done this story was over 500 and had ballooned to a point where it couldn't be a simple Christmas story anymore, but rather a full chapter with all the trimmings. Plus there was the minor little detail that Christmas passed months ago. Instead what we have here is a story being released at the beginning of spring that happens to take place at Christmastime. Sorry about the seasonal inconsistency in the story, but this took way longer than I ever thought it would take to complete so hopefully with all the sex you will be able to look past the fact that this story takes place in December and the story, particularly in the beginning, has a yuletide theme.

So now I have a set aside chunk of an unused chapter and a Christmas story being released in the spring. Such is the ways of the Harem. Like I said, I think the journey was worth it. I just hope you all agree. This is a chapter that wanders rather significantly off the beaten path when it comes to the standard Harem has established. The girls here do some things that some of you might disagree with. If you hate it, let me know. If you love it, consider it a refreshing temporary change of pace. I think it works out well here and the circumstances allowed me to work in many women I otherwise wouldn't have a chance for. You will know what I'm talking about when you read it. And I do want to hear from you about it.

As I've said, feedback is the lifeblood of all that we do here. None of us are getting paid for this. We rely on your feedback as a reward. So many of you have been so kind over the years to let me know how you feel about Harem and my stories in general. This was a very difficult chapter to do logistically and also because of the raw emotion that I hope comes across in the scenes. I really hope after reading this you will take the time to let me know what you think, good or bad, by emailing me at KMB2476@aol.com. I really do love hearing from all of you and my past begging for feedback has been very successful. So I hope that will continue here.

Also if anyone looks into this chapter for the bald and desperately needing a hug version of Britney Spears, then keep on looking. I do not touch on her recent stint in rehab or her choice of hairstyle.

And now for the disclaimers. This story is fictional. It is entirely based out of my imagination. Though it incorporates real names and events, it is not reality and is just make believe. Second, if you're under the age of 18 you cannot read this story. I'm sorry but that's the way of the world. Just look at is as something to look forward to.

Now for the thank yous. Thanks as always to my proofreader extraordinaire KayJay for looking over every minute detail of this chapter and catching all the mistakes that I never caught. Thanks as always to the never flagging support of the lovely and sexy B and to our grand high mistress of CSSA Victoria for encouraging me to "GIT BACK TO WORK" on Harem. Rest assured I am gitting back to work on chapter 18 right now.

Thanks again for reading and for hopefully sending me your feedback about this rather unusual and oddly formed chapter.

And now, since I've talked even more than usual...behold the new chapter.

The Harem Episode 17 "The Best Kind of Presents" By KMB

When the first rays of sunlight began to enter the room, sneaking in through the window like a laser bent on the destruction of sleep, she knew she was a goner.

Sure the struggle continued. Attempts were made to keep her eyes closed and continue her much needed rest. But the efforts were futile ones against this powerful force. The sun was coming and it wasn't going away. Sheer will power couldn't change it and a night of sleep was at an end.

This fact was not easily accepted, though, and the once happily sleeping brunette refused to give up without a real fight. She pulled her covers over her head and tried to force her eyes shut, but the more she resisted, the harder it was to stop the inevitable.

Nothing was going to prevent the sun from filling her room with the bright rays of morning and with a frustrated groan, Rose McGowan finally admitted defeat and flung her covers off.

She could have simply closed her curtains, and if she hadn't been so tired when she had gotten home last night, she probably would have taken care of it then, but that was hindsight and that didn't solve anything. Besides, getting up to close her curtains was certainly counter productive to Rose's goal of staying in bed until it was nice and dark again. It wasn't as though she was turning into a vampire or anything, though that thought had definitely crossed her fantasies once or twice. It was that Rose was simply that tired.

And for once it wasn't the kind of wonderful exhaustion she so relished which came from throwing herself into a pile of beautiful, naked girls and fucking anyone and everyone she wished. This time her tiredness had nothing to do with how hard she'd licked another girl, how many times she'd used her favorite strap on or how many times a slutty tongue had brought her to orgasm. She'd actually been working to get this hard.

Her new movie required a lot of night shooting. Fortunately it was close enough by that she could still crash in her room at the mansion, but unfortunately it also meant coming home when everyone had already fucked themselves to dreamland. Plus she was so damn tired when she got home that there was no energy left inside her to wake her housemates up.

This naturally had left Rose quite grumpy lately. Not getting herself laid consistently and thoroughly each and every day wasn't something she was used to and since she'd moved with her friends to Malibu, hot, wet pussy had certainly been a vital part of her balanced diet. Not being able to get as much as usual left her famished and frustrated...two of Rose's least favorite moods.

She had tonight off from shooting so she had been planning on sleeping the morning away and waking up in the afternoon refreshed and ready to fuck anyone in sight. She was going to catch up on her sleep now so tonight she wouldn't have to rest until her pussy was drained of every drop of juice and her face was a cummy glaze of happy girl essence.

At least that had been the plan until the sun had decided to sneak on in and fuck everything up.

Rose was already grumbling as she pulled herself out of bed and began to lurch into the daylight as she tried to get her legs moving and her brain free of the residual cobwebs of sleep. This was not how she wanted to start things off on one of her rare days off during the shoot.

But ever since she was a kid, once she woke up it was impossible to get back to sleep. Once Rose was up, she was up and she knew by now that there was no use in trying to change it. The sun had ruined her plans and, as she let out a long, sustained yawn, Rose knew sleepy time was over.

Now she just had to get some coffee to get her brain working and she could begin to be somewhat functional. Then she could see which girls were around the mansion this morning. Maybe she could talk two or three or six of them into the shower with her and this morning wouldn't end up being a complete disaster.

After a brief pause to splash some water on her face and freshen up, Rose walked out of her room without even a thought about throwing anything on. She had slept naked last night and wasn't particularly inclined to do anything about that right now. Rose wasn't even the mansion's resident nudist, Alyssa had that title sewn up, but she never shied away from showing off her body's au natural state. Her friends and housemates had already seen every inch of her and then some, so why hide it?

Besides the mansion was hardly a place you wanted to have clothes on and being naked was an easy way to get some of the loving attention Rose was seeking after working so many long nights lately.

But even as she strode naked out of her room and down the hallway, Rose felt something nagging at the back of her mind. There was something she was supposed to do today, wasn't there? Rose couldn't quite place it. She wasn't quite woken up enough yet to have a full service train of thought. What was it she was forgetting?

Rose remembered it was something she wasn't looking forward to. Something seasonal...something she found perky and annoying...something holly...something jolly...

"Oh crap," Rose groaned when it came to her in a flash as she caught a glimpse of Jennifer Love Hewitt standing on top of a step ladder by Alyssa's room hanging a wreathe on her door.

That was what it was. Christmastime! She'd been working so hard she'd almost forgotten. But there was Love once again turning the mansion into Malibu's version of Santa's Workshop. Love hadn't even noticed Rose standing naked near her, which would have been impossible any other time of the year. Love was too focused on decorating and Rose could see evidence of her handiwork everywhere.

Love was leaving a trail of decoration wherever she went. All rooms before Alyssa's had a wreathe on their doors and flickering colored lights and long streamers of red and green tinsel were hung as a testament to the holiday season. Love was doing an extreme makeover Christmas edition on the mansion and she was so focused on it, with hammer and nails in hand that Rose figured if she didn't move soon she was going to end up standing there with Christmas lights draped over her shoulder and ornaments hanging from her nipples.

Rose sighed and tried to push all the humbug out of her. Love was crazy about Christmas and Rose was crazy about her housemate, so this was going to have to be another joyous holiday season of compromise for Rose. Besides, it wasn't that bad...was it? It wasn't like Love had made them all dress up like pilgrims and Indians for Thanksgiving or anything.

Love was happily singing Christmas songs to herself as she got the wreath hung for Alyssa and hopped down from the ladder. She was completely focused on her work and until she turned around and saw Rose standing there, she had no idea she was being watched.

"A&P has provided me with the world's smallest turkey...already in the oven nice and hot...oh damn! Guess what I forgot?" Love sang, changing one key word in the song. "So it's on with the boots and back out in the snow to the only all night grocery. When what to my wandering eyes should appear, it's the girl I've been chasing all year.

As the song ended, Rose finally gave Love a cough, alerting the girl to her presence.

"Rose! Hey! You're finally up!" Love smiled brightly. Normally seeing Rose standing before her completely naked would have provoked a very sexy reaction from Love. But this morning her mind was far from carnal pleasure. "I've got everyone working on decorating the house. I can't believe we waited this long and everything, but I guess we were all so busy. But don't worry, we've still got time to make this place look as Christmasy as possible. I've got Jessica and Jewel decorating the tree. I sent Michelle out to the store to buy more tinsel. Reese is looking for the ornaments we stuck in the storage room last year. I couldn't find Christina anywhere but that's ok. Alyssa is working on making Christmas cookies and I think Lindsay and Hilary are helping or something. But I need you to help too. I was worried you were totally going to sleep all day, but since we waited so long we totally need to double time it. I'm not sure if I got enough lights. I might have to make you go to Target or something to get more and I couldn't find any of that fake snow I like at the store the other day. I might have to do a little bit of driving to track it down. Would you mind if I borrowed...mmmmmphhhh!!!"

That was all Love babbled out before Rose silenced her by wrapping her arms around her waist and yanking her in for a long, soft kiss. The change was immediate. Love melted into the kiss, dropping the hammer out of her hand and onto the carpet as she opened her mouth and let Rose's tongue caress hers.

Rose knew that this was always the best way to get through to Love and this appeared to be one morning where she especially needed it. Love was far too pumped for this early in the morning. It was like she had been snorting sugar...at least she hoped it was just sugar. The holidays did do strange things to people.

"Mmmm..." Love softly moaned in contentment as she licked her lips free of Rose's saliva when the kiss ended. "Thanks Rose. I needed that."

"My pleasure," Rose smiled. "You looked like you could use some relaxing."

"Well maybe," Love said, a wicked grin tugging at her lips as she considered taking a break from the nice list and crossing over to the naughty one. "But don't think you're getting out of work this morning Rose. Everyone's got a job to do, you included!"

"Uh oh, the dictator of Christmas present is back," Rose teased, unable to resist it. "Those without Christmas cheer will have to be dragged away for reeducation until they fall into line."

"I'm not a dictator!" Love pouted. "I just love Christmas. This is my favorite time of year and I just want everyone to be happy and have a fun time."

"I know sweetie, I know," Rose said. She and Love had had a little spat last year over Christmas spirit and Rose didn't want to repeat it. So she stifled any and all eye rolls and kept her tongue in check. If there was a Santa Claus out there, Rose told herself she'd better be earning some big good points for this.

"We're going to have a great Christmas and I love your decorations," Rose assured her housemate, turning her pout back into a smile. "You just need to relax a little too. Christmas isn't for a week. You have to relax or else you're gonna burn out before then."

"I'll relax when the house is finished," Love promised.

"Then maybe I'll just have to make you relax a little sooner," Rose said with a wicked little smirk tugging at her lips as she backed Love into Alyssa's closed door.

A wreathe wasn't the only thing Love had hung up and standing under the doorway like this put Love directly under the mistletoe she had put up over the door just a few minutes ago. Rose would have gone for the kiss anyway, but the presence of the mistletoe made it all the more appropriate.

"Mmmmm," was Love's only response as Rose kissed her again. Even with a lot of decorating left to do, there was no fight in Love to resist this. Rose was always such an amazing kisser and Christmas spirit couldn't entirely distract Love away from her favorite hobby.

Compared to Rose's nudity, Love was downright dowdily dressed even though she was only in cut off jean shorts and a pink tank top. Rose's hands started to get grabby and she quickly discovered that under her tank top Love had neglected to wear a bra.

"Oooooh naughty naughty Love," Rose teased. "Girls on Santa's nice list don't get hard nipples when other girls kiss them. You might end up on the naughty list permanently."

"Welllllll I guess that list is fun too," Love giggled before moaning again as Rose began to play with her tits through her tank top and kiss her neck. Love adored having her neck kissed and soon Christmas was a fading priority for her.

But that was only temporary and for once Love's lust was overpowered by her brain. Even she couldn't believe she actually pushed Rose away from her, but that was exactly what she did.

"Oh no, you're not gonna distract me that easily," Love swore, even as she kept smiling. "You're not getting out of your work Rose! House decoration first. Play time later."

"Fuck, you're no fun," Rose playfully grumbled. "How am I supposed to get the Christmas spirit if you're not giving me what I want this year?"

"Oh? And what is it you want for Christmas this year, Rose?" Love asked. She had a pretty good idea what it was, but she still liked hearing it.

"Mmmmm this," Rose laughed; giving the answer she knew was obvious as she reached for Love's shorts and began rubbing her pussy through them. "Now this is definitely something I want to play with on Christmas!"

"Ooooooh stop!" Love demanded quite unconvincingly as she began to slowly hump herself against Rose's hand. "Mmmmm nooooo...gotta finish decorating...ooooooh gawwwwwd that feels good...mmmmm...no...no...gotta finish...gotta decorate...play later!"

"Fine..." Rose sighed, pulling away from Love. "Spoilsport."

"You're the one who's gonna end up on the naughty list," Love giggled as she straightened her clothes. "You're bad Rose. Trying to tempt me like that. Why can't you be more like Jessica? She got right to work this morning after I cornered her in the shower."

Rose was about to defend herself but suddenly something beat her to it. It was moaning. It was feminine. And it was definitely coming from down the hall where Jessica's room was. It was a moaning Love and Rose were more than familiar with and unless someone had become an expert in orgasm mimicry it sounded exactly like Jessica's.

And, judging from the chorus that followed it, it appeared their housemate wasn't exactly moaning alone that morning.

The sounds were more than enough reason for Love and Rose to want to investigate and without another word they were on their way toward Jessica Alba's room. Doors were rarely closed around the mansion and Jessica's was no exception so, as soon as the girls reached it, they saw exactly who was moaning and what was causing it.

"Right to work, huh?" Rose teased with an evil grin as her eyes drank in the gorgeous sight before her. Love didn't say a word in response. She was too busy gawking herself.

Jessica was definitely the one moaning as she laid back on her king sized bed completely naked with her legs spread wide to better accommodate the silver coated dildo she was working into her pussy. But she wasn't alone and her energetic, toy enhanced masturbation was the direct result of the show that was being put on for her by Reese Witherspoon and Jewel. Both blondes were just as naked as Jessica and as Jewel lay on the bed, her head thrashing on Jessica's pillows, Reese was between her legs licking away as if tasting girl cum were the only possible salvation for her.

"Fuck her Reese! Eat that pussy!" Jessica grunted as she used one hand to paw at her softly jiggling tits and the other to work the dildo into her own pussy with well practiced expertise. "Mmmmmm fuck yeahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Lick that fucking pussy Reese like the hungry little slut you are! Mmmmm I wanna see you come all over her pretty face Jewel! Soak that Oscar winning face in girl juice so I can lick it off and give that pretty little slut a big, cummy kiss!"

Jessica was hardly the most reserved housemate in the mansion, but she seemed particularly worked up that morning, panting and moaning as she fucked herself from the lewd command performance her friends were putting on. It was clear that all three of the girls had been going at this for some time, but only now had their sex sounds been loud enough to draw attention.

"Keep watching Jess!" Reese urged in between licks. "Mmmmm keep fucking your hot little cunt with that hunk of plastic while I'm eating this yummy wet pussy! You wanted a show, huh? Mmmmm well you have to give us a show too baby and come for us! Scream out how much you love watching us fuck!"

"Ooooooooooooooh fuck! I do love it!!! I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!" Jessica cried, granting Reese's wish enthusiastically. "I love watching you two naughty girls putting on a show for me! Mmmmmmmmm yessssssssss it's so hot watching you two fuck! Ahhhhhh yeahhhhhhh I loved seeing you rip off each other's clothes and rub your naked bodies together right on my bed! Mmmmm I want you two to fucking stain my sheets with your girl cum while I fuck my pussy watching you two go at it!"

All Jewel could do as Reese and Jessica traded orders back and forth was to lie back and moan in ecstasy and she was happy to do it. This had been Reese and Jessica's idea from the beginning. She had just walked in when they were already well into plotting how to spice up the morning and it had taken absolutely no convincing whatsoever to get her to join in.

Jewel was always game for whatever her friends and housemates came up with, especially if it involved getting a tongue as hot as Reese's buried inside her pussy.

Jewel moaned out her pleasure as she humped herself against Reese's face, rubbing her pussy all over the Oscar winner and making sure her aching clitoris got plenty of attention. While she did this, Jewel also had her hand all over her tits, rubbing them just like Jessica was to herself, while also getting the extra benefit of being so busty by hefting her D-cups up so she could lick at her own soft girl flesh.

Doing this trick was usually more for the benefit of an audience more than her own pleasure, but since Jessica wanted to see a show then Jewel figured why not give her one. Naturally, Jewel's oh so kind gesture was very much appreciated.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmm yesssssssssssss oooooooh squeeze those big tits Jewel and feed them to yourself," Jessica groaned, continuing to play with her own comparatively smaller but still quite spectacular chest. "Mmmm I love it when you do that honey! Lick your own big tits Jewel! Get your hot tongue on those sexy tits! Oooooh I love it! God, you two are making me so fucking wet! Don't stop! Mmmmm pleaaaaaaaaaase don't stop fucking each other for me!"

Jessica didn't know that there was an audience, not only for her supposedly private show from Reese and Jewel but her own playtime as well, but even if she had she wouldn't have cared that her housemates were watching. This show was too hot to think about stopping and, besides, extra pairs of eyes were always welcome at the mansion.

Rose and Love stood in appreciative silence in the doorway as their eyes darted back and forth between the blonde couple and Jessica's uninhibited masturbation. Jessica's tanned skin glistened so enticingly with sex sweat and both Rose and Love felt their pussies hunger for a chance to suck on Jessica's jiggling tits before getting their tongues buried inside her pussy, tasting the juices which were giving her silver dildo an extra sheen of desire.

This had all started so casually with Jessica and Reese discussing the merits of watching porn. Jessica had only recently begun really getting into it and had been borrowing lots of Love's favorite DVD's from her rather staggering collection of smut. Love had everything in the mini-Blockbuster she ran out of her bedroom...scripted, gonzo, girl on girl, guy on girl and even a little guy on guy which Jessica had watched mostly for giggles.

Lately Jessica had been a regular at borrowing from Love's collection and she had loved it all. It was nothing like the real thing of course, but still a wonderful diversion when things got boring.

Naturally Reese had wholeheartedly agreed with her pro-porn opinion and while they had been hanging ornaments on the tree they had ended up discussing how much they loved to watch it. Reese had been especially effusive about recommending scenes with some girl named Keri Windsor that Jessica was now eager to check out as soon as she had the chance.

But their chatting about porn had evolved to Jessica stating her desire to actually direct a scene. Everyone knew Love's not so secret fantasy to be in a porno by now, but this was the first time Jessica had admitted that she loved the idea of taking two people, or more, and getting them to fuck in front of her...telling them what to do and how to do it and having it all done for her pleasure as a viewer.

When Jewel had come back into the room carrying another box of ornaments, things had only gotten friskier and before anyone knew it they were all up in Jessica's bedroom, tearing at each other's clothing and getting to work. Reese and Jewel were now very eager actors, happy to be commanded by their director who was especially enthusiastic about this game now that she had pulled her favorite toy out of her nightstand drawer.

Jessica continued pawing at her tan tits as Reese sucked on Jewel's dripping pussy. Her legs were spread wide for her dildo and Jessica fucked herself as hard and as deep as she dared, loving how the tight folds of her pussy clung to the toy, her juices making it so slick to push inside herself. Jessica's legs were spread so wide that her foot was pressing right into Reese, rubbing against her naked flesh and making her want to fill her other sexual craving.

"Oooh Jesss mmmmm I love it when you rub me with your sexy toes," Reese giggled, her voice a horny moan as she pulled up from Jewel with her famous lips glistening. "God, you know how fucking crazy that makes me, don't you naughty girl?"

Truth be told it was an accident caused by Jessica just trying to get herself as open as possible for her toy, but it was definitely a happy one. Jessica knew all about Reese's little fetish and she never minded being able to make her beautiful friend feel good.

"Oh really? Well is this making you hot Reese?" Jessica teased as she picked up her foot and began gently rubbing it against Reese's bare ass, massaging her sexy cheeks with her toes and making Reese moan.

"Mmmmmmm fuck you know it is!" Reese groaned. "You know how crazy it makes me to feel your toes on my slutty, naked body! Mmmm it makes me so fucking wet! Mmmm so wet that I gotta do this!"

Before Jessica knew it, Reese had pulled away from Jewel and had gotten her pussy soaked tongue to work on her toes. Reese had turned around in the blink of an eye and it took only a second of her licking to get Jessica moaning even louder on the bed.

"Gawwwwwwwwwwd you naughty girl...mmmmmmmmm suck my toes...suck my pretty little pink toes," Jessica moaned, picking up speed with her dildo thrusts. "Ooooh it's so fucking naughty when you do that Reese!"

"I can make it even naughtier," Reese declared with a wicked grin before spitting right onto Jessica's toes.

Jessica had painted them herself just the night before but the red polish she had put on was nothing compared to how good she thought they looked with the glaze of Reese Witherspoon's saliva on them. This was especially true because Jessica knew Reese wasn't just spitting onto her toes, she was getting Jewel's cum all over them.

"Oooooooh mmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh Reese mmmmmm get my toes all wet and sticky," Jessica cried. "Mmmm I'm gonna have you do my toes like this all the time! Ohhhhhhh fuck, who needs nail polish when you can make my toes so pretty with spit and cum?"

That got a giggle from Reese's toe filled mouth. This had always been her secret little fetish until she had gotten to the mansion. For years she had loved having her toes licked and kissed and her feet rubbed. She didn't know why. It just always felt so naughty and fun and it had made shopping for shoes a way more erotic experience than intended.

But she had always been too shy to ask Ryan to do it to her. He had always been so reserved and uncreative in the bedroom and Reese had stopped herself from being adventurous because of it. That had changed the moment she had allowed herself to be seduced by Sarah. She had been unable to stifle her fetish when they had first played in the shower and the second Reese had felt Sarah's tongue and lips on her toes she had been instantly addicted to how it felt to have a woman play with her toes.

It had been so much softer and naughtier than with a man and so much better. Reese's eyes had been opened to all the wonders of female flesh during her first trip to the mansion when she first saw how everything she loved about sex was made better by a woman doing it to her. Now all the girls at the mansion knew her little secret and they were only too eager to feel her kiss and lick all over their pretty feet and then do the same to her.

Reese loved how her friends here never thought she was weird or perverted for being into this and she hoped that soon she'd get them all as hooked on it as she was. It was always so hot to hear Jessica moan like she was right then and knowing it was from her rubbing her soft hands all over her feet and licking at her wiggling toes, bathing them with her tongue before enveloping them in the soft caress of her lips.

"Mmmm your toes do look soooo much cuter covered in cum," Reese laughed after giving Jessica's big toe a long, sensuous lick. "Ooooh but I'll bet they'd look even better if I rubbed my wet pussy all over them to give them a real cum bath! Would you like that Jess? Would you like my hot cum dripping onto your toes as I rub them all up in my hot, fucking cunt? Or do you still just want to watch?"

All Jessica could do was groan as strongly as she could muster. Mmmm her brain was totally fogging over with hot, pulsing lust...just how she'd wanted it. She'd been so hoping Love was going to fuck her in the shower that morning when she'd cornered her and assigned her tasks to get the mansion all Christmasy. But Love hadn't even touched her and the desire Jessica had felt for her had only festered through the morning, building and building until now, when she could finally unleash it.

But before Reese could get Jessica's toes any closer to her pussy, the forgotten girl on the bed asserted herself. Sure it had been hot to see Reese bend down like that to suck Jessica's toes into her mouth, making Jessica moan like crazy and grind her bare ass into the bed, but Jewel was too close to want to watch right now. She needed action and she needed that action directed toward her.

"Oh no you sneaky little slut! Suck toes later! Eat pussy now!" Jewel commanded, grabbing Reese by her hair and pushing her face back where it belonged, between her spread legs.

Jewel's grip on Reese's hair was firm, but not forceful. Reese never had to be forced to eat a woman out and she actually blushed a little as her face was pushed back against Jewel's pussy. She hadn't meant to neglect her friend. She had gotten a little caught up with Jessica and had inadvertently forgotten about Jewel's needs. Luckily, Reese was sure she could make it up to the sexy singer with her tongue.

As her tongue resumed its happy licks at Jewel's juicy, dripping pussy, Reese felt her own cunt ache for attention. God, she was totally worked up today and she hoped this was just the first of many sweaty girl on girl messes she found herself in. It was always such a release for her to come to the mansion, but that had been even truer lately.

She had spent so much time sneaking back and forth from the mansion to her supposedly happy marriage bed with Ryan. Sex with her soon to be ex-husband hadn't satisfied her for years and her friends in Malibu were the only ones she could find real pleasure with. When her marriage had finally ended, Reese had thought that at last she was free and could spend all her nights in the exquisite lesbian pleasure the mansion always promised, finally finding true sexual fulfillment.

But unfortunately, reality seldom matched fantasy. The extra media scrutiny her separation had caused had made sneaking off to Malibu very difficult. Plus Reese wanted to spend every moment she could with her children. She knew the divorce was going to be very hard on them and she didn't want her kids to feel unloved or neglected for even a second. So it wasn't as though Reese could abandon them to go get her groove on at the mansion, especially since she was fighting for custody.

Far from increasing her presence in Malibu, Reese had actually found the divorce lessening it and that meant when she had moments like this she was going to enjoy them to their fullest. As long as she was here she didn't want to hold anything back and she planned on indulging in every desire she felt for her beautiful friends.

With that in mind, Reese concentrated fully on Jewel. She hungrily lapped away at her pussy, licking the juice off her drooling cunt lips and then burrowing her tongue inside to make sure Jewel's clitoris got plenty of tender loving care. While she did this, Reese slid her hands under her friend to cop herself a serious feel of Jewel's ass.

Reese moaned deeply into Jewel's pussy as she massaged her naked cheeks. Mmmm she had always lusted after Jewel's ass. With so many girls with amazing butts like Jessica, Alyssa and Christina around the mansion, Reese knew Jewel's ass could be easily overlooked, especially since Jewel's tits were what usually got the stares. But Reese had always loved how soft it was and how it looked so good when it was spanked and how Jewel would coo and moan when she played with it.

That was just the reaction Jewel was giving her now, with happy sounds flowing from her mouth as Reese squeezed her ass and tongued her pussy into orgasmic ecstasy. Reese rewarded the singer with even harder tongue lashes against her swollen clitoris and, judging from the loud cries she heard and rich juices she was being fed, the actress knew Jewel was close to soaking her face in the yummy girl cream she craved.

As for Jessica, she didn't feel too disappointed that her and Reese's play had been interrupted. After all she had wanted to watch so she was only getting what she had asked for.

Mmmm and Jewel looked soooo beautiful flushed and sweaty as her body jiggled in all the right places from what Reese was doing to her. Jessica had herself quite a treat for her eyes with these two naked goddesses in her bed and she knew the toy she held firmly in her grasp was going to do wonders toward getting her off.

Besides, Jessica knew that if the toy failed to meet her needs there was no shortage of beautiful girls in the mansion ready to satisfy her cravings for orgasm. That was the magic of the mansion. There was always someone there eager to fuck and since she had no idea Rose and Love were watching, Jessica actually had no idea how true that feeling was.

Love and Rose had stayed out of the way so they didn't interrupt the fun, but their resistance was weakening. It was always fun to watch beautiful girls lose all their inhibitions and indulge wildly in pleasures of the flesh, but both Love and Rose knew it was no substitute to actually joining in.

Rose had been behind Love as they had watched, kissing her neck and playing with her tits through her tank top. Love had tried not to moan too loudly, but Rose's exquisite touch had made that impossible. Luckily Rose had stifled that moan with a long kiss to her lips, keeping their location secret as Love felt her dedication to completing all the decoration this morning fade away. There was no way she could deny herself, even when she was filled with Christmas spirit, when everything Rose did to her felt so good.

Love had moaned right into her mouth from having her tits rubbed from behind, but Rose had quickly tired of having to go through the thin material to get at Love's goodies. Even a tank top was far too much clothing for Rose's tastes and she pulled it right over Love's head, freeing her bare tits from their prison and letting her get directly at her swelling nipples and the full, sexy tits that Rose always loved to play with.

There was nothing Rose didn't love about her housemate's body and she proved that with every hot touch she gave to her naked tits from behind. Rose continued to smother Love's lips with tender, sexy kisses as she massaged her breasts and pressed her own tits to Love's bare back, rubbing her hard nipples against her friend and enjoying how it made Love moan deeply into her mouth and caress her invading tongue with her own.

"You're wearing too many clothes," Rose whispered into Love's ear. "Want me to make you naked?"

"Yeahhhhh naked," Love groaned, unable to resist. There was nothing she could ever think of that would make her not want to have sex with another woman, especially when that woman was Rose. Whatever part of Love's brain that had turned her into a stern taskmaster that morning, ordering her friends around, was now being easily overwhelmed by the part that wanted nothing more than to be naked and slutty.

Love hissed in rapture as she felt Rose's hands move away from her tits and down her stomach toward her jean shorts. Rose's touch always felt so fucking good and Love felt her pussy quivering with horny anticipation when her housemate popped the button to her shorts open. Love was powerless to stop Rose from lowering her shorts down her legs and could only moan in sexual delight as her naked pussy was freed to the open air.

Panties were basically forbidden around the mansion and Love hadn't even considered putting them on since she had just been planning to work around the house that morning. Now plans had changed and Love was even happier for her foresight in not having anything under her shorts to keep Rose away from her pussy.

"Mmmmm so wet," Rose moaned into Love's ear as one hand lowered her friend's shorts down her legs and the other caressed the slippery, tight lips of her cunt. "Naughty little slut. I knew you were gonna be fucking soaked down here even when you were trying to be a good girl and resist me."

"Yeahhhhhhhhh mmmmm so fucking wet for you Rose...I'm always wet for you," Love admitted, her eyes starting to roll back in her head from the pleasure pulsing through her body that Rose's finger play at her pussy created. "Mmmm I can't help it! I'm a slut! A naughty, dirty slut whose pussy always gets wet for sexy girls!"

"Mmmmm yesssss I love when you're a dirty little slut for me Love," Rose purred, licking at Love's ear while she continued playing with her friend's pussy, pushing her fingers inside her with ease, and rubbing her naked body against Love's backside, pressing the wetness of her own pussy against Love's bare ass. "You pretend to be a good girl and try and resist me but all you really want is to be fucked! Is that what you want Love? To get your pretty little shaved pussy good and fucked?"

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh pleaaaaaaaaaaaase," Love begged, enslaved by her desires once again. She had tried so hard to be good and focus on work that morning, but it was useless and she knew it. Her pussy and her desire for her housemates controlled her body and Love relished that feeling. It felt so hot to give into desire like this, especially with Rose pawing at her body and such a hot show in front of them.

"Fuck me Rose!" Love cried. "Fuck me like Reese is fucking Jewel! Eat my wet little pussy! Mmmmm lick up all my juice like you always do so fucking good! Oooooh or use a toy on me like Jessica is! Fill my tight pussy up with Mr. Snappy or any fucking toy you want! Mmmmm or suck my naughty little toes like Reese was doing to Jess! I don't care! Just fuck me Rose! Please fuck me!"

This was plenty loud enough to be heard by all the girls in the bedroom and three heads snapped toward the doorway in an instant to see Love standing naked, her shorts around her feet and her tank top carelessly discarded on the floor as Rose pressed her nude body into her from behind, fondling her tits and pussy and making her moan and squeal. Though interruptions like this at the mansion were hardly rare occurrences, Jessica's first instinct was to blush with a little bit of shame.

The shame wasn't from what she was doing to herself, that was the last thing anyone at the mansion would ever feel embarrassed about, but rather what she wasn't doing.

"Love! Ummmm we were just taking a break...we...ummm..." Jessica stammered a little as she tried to explain to Love how come the tree was unfinished downstairs. She had promised to do it this morning after all and Jessica tried to never break her promises.

"Fuck the tree," Rose laughed. "This is too hot for us not to join in. We can finish the tree later. Mmmm right now there needs to be some more fucking in here. Three girls aren't nearly as good as five."

All the girls could definitely agree with that and since Jessica's bed was a king size, there was just enough room for all five of them on the bed. Rose pushed Love into the room and the actress eagerly took the rest of the steps on her own, giggling as she fell onto the bed and on top of Jessica. The two naked girls rubbed their bodies together as they kissed, their bare tits grinding together so lewdly that it demanded, and received, heated stares of lust from Jewel, Reese and Rose.

"Oh no, no stopping from you two," Jessica directed Reese and Jewel in between hot kisses that Love was smothering all over her mouth. "You two keep fucking! I'm gonna take care of these two."

"Uh uh, we're gonna take care of you," Love grinned. "Mmmm Jess you guys made me and Rose so fucking wet with your fun show and you get to come first. Let us take care of you!"

That sounded like a heavenly arrangement to Jessica and she showed that by wrapping her arms around Love's waist and pulling her even closer to her body, making the lips of their dripping pussies kiss just like the lips on their faces were happily doing. As Love and Jessica ground their pussies together, Jessica's dildo fell from her hand and Rose was only too happy to pick it up and give it a complete tonguing, tasting Jessica's juices all over it and relishing every flavorful drop.

Rose was only too happy to wait a brief moment as Jessica and Love hooked up and Jewel and Reese resumed their fun. She gave Jessica's toy some serious head, happy to see the skill she'd developed from years of sucking cock before she'd left men behind to embrace the pleasures of women hadn't abandoned her. After a little bit of work, Rose was even able to deep throat Jessica's toy, loving how the plastic tasted coated in feminine essence. But Rose wasn't about to sit back for all of this and she quickly grew impatient for more action.

"On all fours Jessica," Rose ordered. "You don't have to fuck yourself when we're around mmmm and we're going to make sure you get it better than you ever could do to yourself."

As much fun as she was having ordering Reese and Jewel around, Jessica never had any question about following Rose's wishes. It always felt so natural to just give up control to Rose, especially since Jessica knew from too many experiences to keep track that it always resulted in the kinds of orgasms that left you gasping for more.

Jessica pulled herself out from under Love and repositioned herself on the bed so she was on her hands and knees, pushing her ass in the air. Rose took immediate advantage of having Jessica's tanned, perfect ass in the air by giving her a firm spanking.

"Ow!" Jessica cried at the slap to her booty, but it was far from a cry of pain.

"Mmmm that's for sneaking out of doing work for Love," Rose grinned, knowing full well she would have done the same. "And this is for not inviting us in sooner!"

Rose delivered another sexy slap to Jessica's bare ass, getting another yelp from the actress. But Jessica's cries quickly turned into moans when Love got behind her on the bed and began kissing the tender flesh that Rose had just spanked.

"Ooooooh," Jessica cooed at the soft, wet feel of Love's lips on her ass. "Mmmmm that's it baby. Kiss it and make it better."

Love did all that and more, gently caressing Jessica's bare ass and kissing all over her cheeks as she moved ever so closer to her drooling pussy with every touch of her lips. Knowing Jessica was in good hands, Rose moved her own naked body around on the bed so she was at Jessica's face. Leaning in, Rose tenderly kissed Jessica's moaning lips, pushing her tongue into the blonde's mouth and giving her the same sexy treatment she'd just given Love with her kisses in the doorway.

While Jessica and Rose rubbed their tongues together in mutual ecstasy, Jewel and Reese continued on their horny little way. Now they had a show of their own to enjoy and it spiced up their own lovemaking. Reese licked away at Jewel's pussy with a vengeance, lashing over her tender, spread pussy lips as the singer spread her legs as wide as they could go on the bed, even draping her left leg over Love's as she kneeled behind Jessica.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkk!!!" Jewel panted as Reese's tongue worked her over. "Mmmmm babyyyyyyyyyyyy that's the fucking spot! Lick there! Right there! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmm fuck yessssss Reese!!!"

Reese didn't need any extra help finding where Jewel's hot spots were. All her fun with girl sex over the last few years had left her an expert in female anatomy and Jewel's clit was an easy discovery for her. But she always loved encouragement from her lovers and Jewel's words were much appreciated.


As she howled her pleasure, Jewel had her hands back on her heavy tits, squeezing them roughly and pushing them up so she could swipe her tongue at them. She could see Reese staring at her from between her legs and she wanted to give her something sexy to stare at, letting her see how much she loved every lick she was giving her.

Reese certainly got that message and it made her pussy purr without her fingers even straying toward it. When Reese did something she wanted to be the best at it she could possibly be, whether it was acting, producing or fucking. It made her feel good to know she was getting someone as beautiful as Jewel off and it certainly tickled her ego just right to have the horny praise of Jewel's sexy cries ringing her ears and her cum soaking her skin as a testament to her abilities in bed.

But Reese wasn't about to just lick away at Jewel's pussy. Not when she had two hands that could be put to use. Reese never allowed herself to get lazy and while she knew she could easily get Jewel off with just her mouth, the perfectionist in her demanded that she do something more.

Her hands were already resting under Jewel's ass, rubbing at her cheeks, but Reese knew there was a lot more she could do. She moved one hand off Jewel's butt to get it on her pussy, teasing her lips and spreading them open even further to give her tongue more room to play. But the other hand was what Reese knew was critical and she didn't move it away from Jewel's ass. She just pushed it up between her friend's cheeks and got her fingers to work.

Reese's fingers weren't lubed up, but she knew Jewel was plenty relaxed for what she planned. Lube helped, but it wasn't needed and Reese didn't hesitate to push one of her fingers up into Jewel's ass.


Jewel's love for anal sex was just as well known as Reese's desire for toe play, but hell everyone at the mansion loved getting fucked up the ass. Jewel was no special case here. Reese pushed her finger in gently, but without shyness. She knew what Jewel liked and she was going to give it to her.

Reese felt her friend's tight ring loosen up enough for it, she pushed in a second finger, twisting them around her asshole and fucking her even deeper.

Not surprisingly, this got Reese exactly what she and Jewel both wanted and set the busty Alaskan off like a rocket. Reese kept her lips latched to Jewel's clitoris, sucking hard on it while her fingers fucked her lover's ass, thrusting inside her and making her shake on the bed as she came.


Jewel's tits bounced wildly as she released them from her hands to claw at the sheets while her body lurched from the orgasmic rush pulsing through her. Reese smiled in glee as she greedily swallowed Jewel's cum, letting it soak her tongue and flow down her throat like sweet nourishment, and stared at how hard she was getting the beautiful blonde off. She loved being able to stare up from her lover's pussy to see her thrash on the bed, her tits shaking and her mouth frozen open in screams of ecstasy.

Jessica, Rose and Love quite enjoyed the site of Jewel's orgasm too, but they didn't let it distract them for more than a second. Jessica needed to be fucked and Rose and Love were both experts in girl fucking. They knew just how to give the horny girl what she needed.

"Mmmmm you like that Jess?" Rose asked carnally in between kisses to Jessica's pursed, moaning lips. "You like seeing Jewel get her ass fucked?"

"Mmmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh," Jessica groaned, her body tingling in pleasure from Love's tongue tenderly licking at her flared pussy lips from behind. "She looks so hot when she comes like that. Oooooh mmmmmm Love yesssssssss baby oooooooh lick that pussy just like that sweetie! Mmmmmmmmm you always know how to lick my pussy so fucking good!!!"

Jessica always had a soft spot for Love's tongue. After all she had been the first to seduce her and show her how the true way to sexual bliss was from a woman's touch. Jessica could still remember that day like it was yesterday...how she and Love had gone to her room to supposedly change into their bikinis. Mmmm but those suits had come off nearly as soon as they'd gone on and Jessica could still remember the nervous rush of excitement that had filled her when Love had started kissing and touching her, making her desire overwhelm her fear.

She had nearly come right from the first lick of Love's wonderful tongue against her pussy that day. Jessica had completely given herself over to the horny girl as the cool breeze had flowed in through the bedroom off the ocean. She had let Love make her naked and push her down on the bed so she could lick her and it had been even more wonderful than Love had promised. She had been instantly hooked and she had Love to thank for that.

When Love licked her it always made Jessica think about that first time and how far she'd come since then. How she'd embraced these desires and how her sex life had been nothing but sweet ecstasy since then. That always made Love's tongue feel even better in her pussy and right then Jessica knew it wasn't going to be long before she was coating her beautiful housemate's tongue in another creamy glaze of girl cum.

But Rose had other plans in mind that Jessica didn't know about. Sure, Rose knew she could just sit back and enjoy the show of Love's soft, sexy tongue licking away at Jessica until she came. But she was impatient. Rose didn't like not having sex and the nights free of girl on girl fun were making her eager for hotter, naughtier action.

"Jewel's not the only girl here who loves it up her ass, though, is she?" Rose smirked as she began kissing all over Jessica's face, caressing her gently swaying tits as the blonde actress remained on her hands and knees for her and Love.

"Nooooooo...she's not," Jessica moaned from more hot licks from Love. She knew exactly what Rose was driving at. "I love it too! I love being fucked up my ass! Mmmmm it feels soooooooo gooooooooood!"

"Don't I know it," Rose grinned. She loved giving it to her girlfriends with Mr. Snappy, but that didn't make her enjoy getting a good assfucking for herself any less. "Mmmm you want it now, Jess? You want to get that hot ass of yours fucked?"

Truth be told, Jessica didn't care how she came as long as she did. But what Rose was offering her did sound pretty damn good. So she offered no resistance.

"Yeahhhhhhh please Rose! Fuck my ass!" Jessica begged. "Mmmm I know you love it when we beg you to fuck us! Fuck my ass Rose! Fucking take my tight little ass and make it your slutty fuckhole!"

Hearing dirty talk coming out of the face of an angelic beauty like Jessica Alba never lost its allure and Rose rewarded her for the rush it gave her already soaked pussy with another long, wet tongue kiss while continuing to play with her tits, teasing her swollen nipples skillfully with her fingers. But Rose didn't intend to be the one taking Jessica's ass for her own. That was what Love was for.

When she pulled away from Jessica's kiss, leaving strands of saliva dripping down both of their lips in the process, Rose crawled toward Love. She paused only to smile and take in the image of Reese giving Jewel a long, cummy kiss, feeding the singer her own essence, before swinging herself around so her pussy was pressed to Jewel's lips so she could return the favor for the orgasm she'd just felt.

Rose got to Love quickly and, as the girl continued licking Jessica's pussy, sliding her tongue skillfully over her pink folds as cream dripped down from them into her waiting mouth, Rose whispered her intentions into her ear. Rose's plan definitely sounded good to Love and she pulled up to give a smile and a nod before she tongue kissed Rose, feeding her Jessica's juices in the process.

The gesture was much appreciated by Rose, who always loved the taste of girl on another woman's lips, but less so by Jessica, who was not in favor of waiting any longer.

"Nooooooo don't stop," Jessica groaned. "Mmmmm keep licking Love. Don't stop licking my pussy!"

"Oh I'm gonna lick you baby," Love wickedly promised her friend as she caressed the bare cheeks of her perfect ass. "Just not your pussy."

No one had to tell Jessica what was coming next and she moaned in delicious ecstasy when she felt Love's hands spread her ass cheeks from behind so her wet tongue could start licking at her hole.

"Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwd," Jessica moaned. "Mmmmmmmm yeahhhh Love! Oooooooooh baby lick my ass! Fuck yesssssssssssss!!! Mmmmm make it all wet to get fucked! Mmmmmmmm yesssssssssssss ughhhhhhhh fuckkkkkk that's gooood!!! Mmmmm rim my ass Love! Work your naughty tongue over my hole and get it good and slutty!!!"

Jessica closed her eyes in ecstasy as the sensations flowed through her. Love's tongue licking softly, but lewdly at her asshole had her nerves on edge with desire and anticipation for what she knew was coming next. Love knew just how to do this right, letting saliva slide off her tongue into Jessica's hole and then spreading it around with her tongue.

While she licked, Love continued massaging Jessica's cheeks with her hands, rubbing her friend's gorgeous bare ass with horny enthusiasm. Rose had pushed Jessica's discarded silver dildo into her hand and Love knew Jessica was almost ready for it. Almost, but not yet.

Of course's Love's reasoning was partly selfish too. Being able to worship Jessica's ass with her tongue was pleasure for her too and Love was in no hurry to stop her tongue bath. As Jessica continued to moan, Love spit into her asshole again and picked up the pace of her tonguing, letting her blonde friend know that if she wanted to, she could easily make her come just by eating her ass.

Since Jessica's eyes remained closed and her mind was bubbling with the pleasure of Love's exquisite tongue, she had no idea that Rose had moved back in front of her face. But this time Rose wasn't coming back to make out or play with her tits some more. She had other ideas in mind.

Rose set herself down on her back on the bed, her head right on the edge and her raven dark hair draping down toward the floor. She spread her legs and exposed every inch of her soaked pinkness to Jessica's closed eyes. Rose was in no mood to wait, though, and she snapped Jessica out of her lust trance by reaching for the back of her head and pushing her down to the creamy treat she was offering.

"Eat me," Rose commanded with a lustful groan. "Do it Jess! You don't get your ass fucked for free around here! You'd better pay up and get your tongue licking!"

The push to her head snapped her eyes open immediately and when she saw Rose's pussy in front of her, Jessica smiled. She never had any problem with this kind of payment and the command to lick was barely out of Rose's mouth before Jessica got to work.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that's it!" Rose hissed as Jessica took a long lick, swiping up the cream that clung to her splayed cunt lips onto her tongue and greedily swallowing it. "Lick that pussy Jessica! I need some loving and you're the lucky slut who gets to give it!"

Rose groans and moans soon started flowing steadily as Jessica got into a good licking rhythm. It was hard to concentrate on this when Love was doing such a good job rimming her, but Jessica could never ignore a beautiful, wet pussy...especially one as yummy as Rose's.

But Rose's cries were easily overshadowed by Reese's. With Jewel's orgasm well taken care of, the Oscar winner was now able to concentrate entirely on her own needs and right then she needed to come. Mmmm her pussy had been aching for this all morning and being able to eat out Jewel and give Jessica's toes a hot little licking had just made her fires burn hotter.

Now Reese had Jewel right on her back and was riding her gorgeous face like a cowgirl, grinding her pussy to her lips and tongue and enjoying every second of it. This position gave her the perfect view of Jessica, Love and Rose while she was getting her pussy licked and Reese loved it. She rubbed at her bouncing tits, happily tugging at her own swollen nipples and crying out in passion from how good they felt all thick and full under her fingers as she rolled them around and made little stings of pain mix in beautifully from all the wonderful pleasure Jewel's tongue was giving her.

"Fuck me Jewel!" Reese pleaded, even though she knew no words of encouragement were necessary to get her Alaskan lover going. "Yeahhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmm tongue fuck my pussy! Ooooooooooh mmmmmmm yeahhhhhh gimmie that tongue! Gimmie all that tongue! Lick up my sweet, slutty pussy Jewel! Ahhhhhhhh yeahhhhh mmmmmmm fill my pussy up with your tongue so I can fucking soak you like you soaked me! Oooooh your cum tasted soooo good all over me and I can't wait to lick my juice off your face too! Ahhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh mmmmmmmm gimmie what I need Jewel! Gimmie what I fucking want! I want your tongue baby! I gotta have it! Gotta have that tongue up my pussy slapping my clitty around and making me feel so fucking good!"

Reese grunted and groaned as she enthusiastically rode Jewel's face, continuing to paw at her own tits as the singer drove her wild with her licking. Reese had many favorite positions, but she always loved to ride, whether it was a tongue or a toy, she loved to be on top, thrusting herself down and getting her pussy filled. She was on top of Jewel reverse cowgirl style and the pleasure was starting to overwhelm her, just like she wanted it to.

As Jewel's tongue lashed at her, paying lots of attention to her pulsating clitoris, Reese thrashed her head around, sending blonde hair flying over her eyes, where it was quickly brushed away, only to fall right back down the next time Jewel made her body rock. It all felt so good and Reese was desperate for more as her naked body glowed with sex sweat.

"Mmmmm ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHHHH!!!" Reese cried out over and over again. "Yeahhhhhhhhhh!!! Mmmmmmmm lick that clit Jewel!!! LICK MY FUCKING CLIT YOU SEXY BITCH!!! AHHHHHHHH YEAHHHH YOU WANT IT JEWEL? YOU WANT MY CUM SOAKING YOU? OOOOOOOOH YOU'RE GONNA GET IT SO GOOD BABY!!! JUST DON'T STOP LICKING MY CLIT!!!"

Not wanting Reese to be the only girl screaming, Love decided it was high time for her to take Jessica to the next level. Her ass was plenty lubed up and the dildo was still wet with Rose's spit, so there was no more need to wait. While Jessica continued lavishing her tongue's attention on Rose's pussy, Love spread open her cheeks a little bit wider and, sex toy in hand, penetrated her pretty, puckered hole.

"OHHHHHHHHHH FUCK!!!" Jessica screamed as the toy penetrated her, her face shooting up from between Rose's legs, a glaze of girl cum giving her lips a sexy shine.

"Am I hurting you baby?" Love asked, suddenly concerned. As much as she loved acting like a slut for her friends, the last thing Love ever wanted to do was go too far and do something they didn't want.

"What? No! Fuck no!" Jessica laughed. "Mmmm fuck me Love! Fuck my ass! Get that toy inside me and make me come!"

Relieved that she hadn't gone too hard or too fast, Love got back to smiling and to the task of pleasuring her friend. By now Jessica's ass was hardly cherry anymore, but she was still so wonderfully tight. Love took the blonde slowly, but steadily, working more and more of the toy into her ass and getting into a thrusting pattern. She even spit right into Jessica's ass again to ease the toy's passage inside, which had Jessica moaning even louder from how hot and nasty this all felt.

But Rose's impatience and horniness wasn't about to let Jessica just stay there on all fours and enjoy her assfucking. She had her own needs which had to be taken care of.

"Don't stop!" Rose commanded, taking control of Jessica's hair again and pushing her back into her pussy. "Eat my pussy Jessica! Gimmie that hot tongue while Love fills your ass!"

Even though she was more than a little distracted by the plastic being shoved up her ass, Jessica didn't hesitate to resume her snack. She could tell Rose needed this. Her pussy was as soaked as Jessica could ever remember it and it was clear this girl had a lot of pent up cum to release. Jessica knew full well how late night shooting could wreak havoc on playtime and she was going to make sure her beautiful, pale skinned friend got what she needed.

"Ahhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh mmmmmmmm that's it Jess! Fucking lick me!" Rose moaned in bliss as Jessica resumed her lapping, slurping up her juices and making her whole pussy quiver. "Ooooooh naughty girl! Eating my wet cunt while your ass gets fucked! Mmmm you know how much I love you licking my pussy, naughty girl. Show me how much you fucking love how good I taste! Lick all that cum right out of me and don't you even pause a second! I don't care how good Love is fucking your tight ass! Oooooooooh you keep licking me just like thaaaaaat!!! YEAHHHHHH OOOOOOOH FUCK YESSSSSSSSSSS LICK THERE JESS!!! AHHHHHHH FUCK YOU'RE SUCH A GODDAMN GOOD PUSSY LICKER!!!"

Rose's boasts of how good she tasted might have been egotistical, but they were also completely true. Jessica loved Rose's taste. Mmmm she loved the flavors of all her friends and housemates. Love's skillful assfucking couldn't distract her from that, even though what her sexy, slutty friend was doing to her back there was absolutely amazing.

Jessica cried out for more, begging Love to fuck her deeper and harder and even though her sounds were muffled by Rose's pussy fucking her face, Love heard her loud and clear. After all the times they'd all been together, Love considered herself an expert in knowing what her friends wanted and when they wanted it.

With her hand tightly wrapped around the shaft of the dildo, Love pushed deeper into Jessica, slowly working another inch of the toy inside her. Love let Jessica adjust to the extra penetration before resuming fucking her, pushing and pulling the plastic in and out of her ass while busying her tongue by licking at her exposed butt cheeks and loving how there were goosebumps forming all over Jessica's beautiful skin.

But as she licked at Jessica's flesh, Love decided there was a much better use for her tongue. After all since she was concentrating entirely on Jessica's ass, it meant her friend's pussy was being sorely neglected. Giving Jessica's succulent cheeks one last wet kiss, Love smiled and moved down. She kept up the steady pace with the toy inside her as she reintroduced her tongue to Jessica's pussy, running it up over her slit and then diving inside.

"OHHHHHHH FUCK MMMMMMMM LOVE YESSSSSSSSS YOU HOT SLUTTY GIRLLLLLLL OOOOOOOOOH LICK MY PUSSY WHILE YOU'RE FUCKING MY ASSSSSSSSSS!!!" Jessica immediately screamed in pure delight before Rose once more shoved her face back down.

"No stopping!" Rose groaned, her pale tits shaking wildly as she held both of her hands to Jessica's blonde head and thrust herself against her gorgeous face. "Ooooooooooh you were getting me so close Jess! I don't care how good she's making you feel! Mmmmmmmm you can't stop till I fucking come!!!"

It was getting really hard for Jessica to keep licking while she had a toy and a tongue inside her, getting little tears of rapture to run down from her eyes, but she always relished a challenge like this. Love was driving her toward utter orgasmic bliss, but Rose tasted so good so Jessica wasn't about to neglect her.

While her whole body shook from Love's most welcomed attack on her pussy and ass, Jessica licked all over Rose's pinkness. She lapped lewdly at her splayed lips, sucking the dripping girl juice right off them and gulping it down her throat. There was so much juice to lick up and Jessica gave it all she had to make sure she didn't miss a drop. She licked until her tongue tired and then she licked some more, going all over Rose's soaked folds until zeroing right in on her clit.


It was indeed heaven for Jessica to have Rose's drooling snatch humping up against her while she was licked and fucked at once by Love. Rose was so goddamn wet and Jessica moaned as she felt her friend's hot juices dripping down her chin and all the way onto her neck. Rose was right up against her face with nothing separating her pussy from her tongue.

Jessica's nose was being tickled by Rose's neat black triangle of a bush and she loved it. She was getting off so hard on Rose fucking her face like this, with wet, creamy gusto. Mmmmm if only those people who crawled over each other to get her face on their magazine covers could see her now, Jessica thought. On her hands and knees with her ass and pussy being fucked and her face soaked in girl juice.

But Jessica wasn't the only one in ecstasy. Reese was two steps ahead of everyone else and she wasn't shy about revealing that. She rode Jewel's face hard and added to her own pleasure by taking one of her hands off her tits and using it to work over her own pussy. Reese humped herself even harder against Jewel while she shoved two of her fingers inside herself.

"So close...oooooooooh soooooooooooo close...mmmmmm fuck yessssssssss more Jewel...please baby morrrrrrre!!!" Reese mewed as she felt her body tense up in the sure sign of imminent orgasmic release. She plunged her fingers deeper into her sloppy snatch and fucked herself hard, thrusting into her own pussy to penetrate herself while Jewel concentrated on her clitoris.

Jewel was relishing every juicy drop that Reese fed her. Being flat on her back with Reese grinding herself against her face was like having honey drip straight down her throat and Jewel never tired of her sexy girlfriends feeding her this way. But she didn't just lie back and let Reese do the work. Jewel had her hands slapped down hard on Reese's ass, gripping the quivering cheeks to keep her steady while she sucked her clit passionately.

She pressed her lips around Reese's aching pleasure bud as hard as she could, nursing it and drawing Reese's pleasure out of her body and into her waiting mouth.


Reese had always known that whatever sexual frustration she carried into the mansion from her unfulfilling love life with her husband would be quickly licked and sucked away by her girlfriends in a haze of rapture and that hadn't changed even with Ryan out of her life. No one made her come as hard as her friends and all the pent up emotions she'd kept inside from the divorce were pulsing out of her as she came against Jewel's face.


Hearing Reese come like that also acted as an igniting spark for the other girls on the bed. Jessica had desperately been trying to hold on and keep herself from coming until she had gotten Rose off, but that proved to be impossible. Love was too good and Jessica couldn't keep her tongue from slowing and her mind from drifting to her own pleasure. Having Love's tongue lapping at her pussy while the toy was pushing deep into her ass was too much for her.

"Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd!" Jessica cried into Rose's pussy, the tears of pleasure increasing as her tight asshole clung to the toy, wrapping around it and making such a naughty fit inside her hole. "Ooooooooh Lovvvvvvve!!! Mmmmmmmm soooooooo fucking gooooood! Gonna...gonna...ohhhhhhhhh gonna fucking commme!!"

Fortunately, for all her bluster, Rose was always nice to her friends when it came down to it. She didn't keep Jessica from her pleasure. Instead she pulled her hands off her hair and caressed her soft face with a gentle touch.

"Come for her Jess! Come for our little slut fucking your pussy and ass!" Rose moaned, loving the view of Jessica's shaking naked body on all fours and the equally nude and gorgeous Love behind her, giving her a complete working over.

"YEAHHHHHHH MAKE ME COME LOVE!!!" Jessica screamed, Rose's juices dripping from her tongue and lips as she was finally able to freely express her ecstasy. "OOOOOOOOOH KEEP FUCKING MY ASS WHILE YOU'RE TONGUING MY PUSSY!!! YEAHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSS MMMM BABYYYY YOU'RE SOOOOOOOOO HOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!"

Love couldn't get enough of the praise her housemate was showering down onto her, but even if Jessica was completely silent, Love knew she was doing a good job from the juices soaking her tongue. Love even slowed down her thrusts into Jessica's ass so she could concentrate more fully on her pussy as she knelt right behind her on the bed, her face pressed right to Jessica's cunt so she could lick and fuck at the same time.

Christmas decorations were now the furthest things from Love's mind as juice dripped from her own pussy in anticipation of the fucking she knew her friends were sure to give her once they'd come.

Jessica's clitoris was right there for the taking and now that her friend was so close, Love made her final move onto it. While keeping the toy as deep as she dared up Jessica's ass, Love slapped her clitoris with her tongue, tonguing it furiously until she got the explosion she had hungered for.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHH OOOOOOH SUCK MY CUMMMMMMMM RIGHT OUT OF MEEEEEEEE!!!" Jessica screamed, her body spasming in orgasm as she remained on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth on her bed, making her tits bounce and her body drip with sweat. She was definitely going to need a second shower this morning, but that was hardly a heavy price to pay for this pleasure.

"AHHHHHHH MMMMMMMM YESSSSSSSSS OOOOOOOOH FUCKING GOOOOOOOD!!!" Jessica's voice carried before she was quieted by Reese and Jewel rising up from the bed onto their knees to kiss her as one.

Jessica's eyes were shut as she felt the pleasure rush through her. She opened her mouth wide for her blonde friends, allowing this to end for her as it had begun, in a three way kiss with Jewel and Reese. Their tongues all touched as Jessica's orgasm continued, but as she began to cycle down she received a harsh reminder that there was still work to be done.

"No resting!" Rose demanded. "Mmmm you wanna kiss something Jess? Then kiss these fucking lips!"

Jessica giggled at Rose's little joke and offered no resistance as the raven haired sex goddess pushed Jewel and Reese out of the way and pulled her back down to her pussy. As requested, Jessica did indeed plant a sexy kiss right on Rose's cunt lips and then another and another, but she quickly resumed her licking and it wasn't long before lapping at Rose had her right on the edge of where she'd been before.

"AHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH MMMMMMMMM FUCKING EAT MEEEEEE!!!" Rose cried while grinding her bare ass into the bed as Jewel and Reese helped out by latching their still hungry lips to her jiggling tits, sucking her swollen nipples while Love watched and plunged her fingers into her wet and waiting pussy.


Jessica considered making Rose beg for it. Mmm that would be fun, getting the cocky bitch pleading for the privilege to come. But she decided against it. Rose would definitely have made her pay for that and while sexual revenge a ala Rose was usually fun, it wasn't quite in the Christmas spirit to make her wait.

So instead of making Rose beg, she gave her just what she wanted. Jessica sucked hard on her clitoris, trapping it between her lips as her fingers rubbed Rose's pussy and Jewel and Reese sucked her aching nipples.


Jessica took it and then some, greedily gulping it down. She hadn't had a chance for breakfast yet and this was definitely a meal she loved getting over and over again. She sucked and rubbed Rose's pussy, draining her of the cum that had been cruelly trapped inside of her. And when Rose finally crashed down on the bed, gasping and smiling as Reese and Jewel continued to play with her tits, only Love was left wanting.

Love was on her knees, caressing her own bare tits and keeping her fingers between her legs, rubbing herself as she watched her friends indulge in their afterglows and waiting for her turn. But while Jessica had been generous, Rose couldn't resist teasing.

"Don't you have stockings to hang or something?" Rose giggled. "No sex for you before the decorating is done!"

Love's mouth fell open in shock. She was so horny now that her sense of reality was skewed and she actually felt like Rose was being serious. But that lasted only as long as it took for Jessica, Rose, Jewel and Reese to all laugh and pounce on Love at once. Soon there was nothing but giggling and moaning as the four worked together to pleasure their Christmas loving friend.

As she moaned and cried in ecstasy from Rose's fingers teasing her pussy and ass while Reese tongued her slit and Jessica and Jewel kissed everywhere her body was exposed, Love decided they had been right after all. They could wait a little while longer to finish the decorations.

Playtime was also first and foremost on the mind of Jennifer Aniston right then. Even if Love had found her that morning and assigned her a task, chances were she would still have been right where she was...sharing her bathtub with a beautiful woman.

"Mmmmmm," Gwen Stefani moaned as Jennifer squeezed a washcloth against her and sent warm, soapy water cascading down her bare back. "This is definitely just what I needed."

"Well I am very good at getting at those hard to reach spots," Jennifer replied with a naughty twinkle in her eye as she continued to gently wash her friend's back, pausing only to plant light kisses on her neck and shoulders. "I've got to make sure you're nice and clean, Gwen. After all, I know what a dirty girl you are."

Gwen giggled in response and leaned forward a little bit more to give Jennifer better access to her bare back. She could feel the water running down her skin to her ass and she found it to be a wonderfully erotic sensation. A relaxing bubble bath was always a sure way to get a smile on her face and having Jennifer naked with her amongst the bubbles made it even better.

Despite her claims, Gwen felt like Jennifer really had no idea how dirty she truly was. Sure Jennifer thought she knew and Gwen had indeed woken her up that morning by crawling naked under her sheets to lick her pussy until the actress had stirred and gotten into a sunrise 69 with her, but these days that was only the tip of the iceberg when it came to how dirty and naughty she had been getting. Being with girls was now only a part of her extracurricular activities and the secret burned inside of Gwen.

"You made me a dirty girl, Jen," Gwen reminded her friend before turning around in the tub so she and Jennifer were face to face. "You and all your sexy friends. Mmmm I used to be a good girl but look at me now, naked in your tub and wanting your hot pussy so bad."

Gwen leaned in for a kiss and immediately found Jennifer to be a willing partner. The two nude and soapy girls kissed each other tenderly, the bath bubbles the only thing between their bare bodies. Their firm tits were slippery from the soap and it just made rubbing against each other more of a fun challenge as their tongues touched and their nipples swelled up.

After Gwen had so effectively woken Jennifer up that morning, they had decided to continue their workout, albeit in a non-sexual way, with a run along the beach. Of course that had just led to more sweatiness and when Jennifer had offered a bubble bath as a way to clean up and cool down, Gwen had eagerly accepted.

Now their two naked bodies were submerged in bubbles and their kisses were deepening while their caresses of each other's bodies got more passionate. The two girls had gone right for each other's pussies when they had done their 69, without pausing for any of the other niceties, and now they fully indulged in being able to touch all over.

Jennifer latched onto Gwen's firm, delicious bite sized tits, massaging them while on sucking on her tongue and loving how her blonde friend's nipples poked against her palms. This had Gwen quickly moaning into Jennifer's mouth and she reached up from the water to get herself a long, sexy feel of Jennifer's larger breasts.

Neither girl had the cup sizes to compare with girls at the mansion like Jewel, Love or Alyssa, but they were both plenty happy with what they had and they knew their chests still offered their lovers plenty to play with. Their kisses continued as they sat in the water, moaning and playing with each other's tits.

"Oooooh if we keep this up we're both going to be dirty girls before too long," Jennifer said with a smile as she found herself hoping for just that to happen. Gwen's tongue was always welcome in her pussy and the licking she had already gotten from her that morning had only made her want more.

"I don't think you'd be complaining if we both were," Gwen accurately observed as she slid one of her hands back under the water and between Jennifer's legs, detecting a wetness that had nothing to do with their bath. "I see you always going around here acting like the sensible one Jen, but deep down I know you want to be the dirtiest girl here. You just want to fuck every girl here non stop, feeding them your wet pussy while you're getting your amazing tongue all over their naked bodies."

"No more than you, Gwen," Jennifer shot back playfully. Gwen was one of the mansion's more frequent guests, spending more time there than she ever seemed to with her husband. "I see it in your eyes how much you can't stand it when you're not naked and fucking some pretty girl. Every time you get here, the front door isn't even closed behind you before your clothes are gone and you're hopping from bed to bed like you think you'll die if you stop. Or am I getting confused with someone else I saw last night begging Christina to fuck her up the ass while you were licking Alyssa's tight little pussy."

"Mmmm guilty," Gwen admitted as her smile grew. "But if you were passing by, you should have joined in. I definitely could have taken you on too."

"Oh I'll bet you could have," Jennifer teased. "Dirty slut."

"Ooooh you have no idea," Gwen sighed dreamily. This time the words didn't just stay in her brain. They slipped past her lips and out into the open like they'd been dying to do since that first night in Jamaica.

Jennifer prided herself on being the kind of friend who sensed when something was going on and someone needed to talk, even if they didn't say it directly. As much as she would have loved for Gwen to continue rubbing her pussy while she played with her tits, Jennifer could tell that her friend had something on her mind and wanted to talk about it.

"What does that mean?" Jennifer gently probed. Truth be told this wasn't the first time she had noticed Gwen's mind seemingly in a different place than her body. Lately the blonde had frequently had a far away look in her eyes but Jennifer hadn't had the chance that she did now to see what was going on.

"Nothing," Gwen answered coyly even though she ached inside to tell. It was so hard for her to carry this secret around her friends and not let them know what was going on in her life, especially Jennifer.

Gwen and Jennifer had been friends before they had ever felt a woman's sexual touch. They had even gone to each other's weddings, never dreaming they would ever become lovers.

That first night when Gwen had come to the mansion and found herself seduced by Jewel she had been totally shocked to see Jennifer arrive in the middle of a wild mini-orgy inside Rose's room. They had stared at each other at first, unable to believe the other was into this, but they had lost too many of their inhibitions to question their lusts and they had gone right for each other's sexy bodies, kissing, touching and pleasuring each other without a second thought.

The next morning they had found themselves facing the tough questions about what having sex with each other would do to their friendship. They had had a long talk that morning, each of them agreeing that they didn't want to risk what they had as friends even for amazing, wild sex. But fortunately, it had never reached a point where they had to make a choice between friendship and sex.

Sex between them was still incredible and the bond between them that it created had only strengthened their friendship. Now they were both definitely close friends with benefits, coming to each other when they needed a hug, a shoulder to cry on or someone to fuck.

Being friends meant they could read each other's moods and not only did Jennifer see that Gwen wanted to tell her what was on her mind, but Gwen could see that Jennifer could see it.

"C'mon," Jennifer pressed. "Something's on your mind sweetie. I can see it in your eyes. You look like you've got this huge weight pressing down on you. What's wrong Gwen?"

"It's nothing wrong," Gwen said. "At least I don't think it is. Mmmm it's something wonderful."

"Ooooh then I've got to know now. Please tell me what it is. Is it Gavin?" Jennifer asked, referencing Gwen's husband. "You can tell me."

"It's definitely not Gavin," Gwen answered coyly. "And I want to tell you Jen. It's just that..."

"You can tell me," Jennifer assured her friend. She was definitely dying with curiosity now, but she didn't just want to pry. She wanted to be there for Gwen the way all her friends had been there for her when she and Brad had divorced.

"You can tell me anything Gwen," Jennifer continued. "I know you have something on your mind sweetie and you can't keep all that bottled up. Believe me; I know how secrets can wreck things. You can trust me Gwen."

"I know I can trust you...but...well...it's just supposed to be a secret," Gwen claimed, trying to find a reason she shouldn't tell Jennifer and not really finding one in her mind. There was nothing for her to be ashamed about here. She had only followed her lust and, after all, her lust was what kept her here.

"Is it a big secret?" Jennifer asked. She had always been naturally curious and not knowing what Gwen knew was starting to drive her a little crazy. She just hoped she wasn't been too pushy.

"Oh yeah," Gwen said, a wicked smile tugging at her lips. "It's definitely big."

"As big as two famous girls in a tub playing with each other's breasts?" Jennifer giggled before helping herself to another kiss against Gwen's lips and wondering if this might tempt the secret out of her.

"Well maybe not that big," Gwen answered, returning the giggle and kiss with one of her own. "But it's a pretty big secret."

"Now I'm really dying to know," Jennifer said. She was trying not to be nosy, but she really could tell Gwen wanted to talk about this and Jennifer certainly wanted to hear it. "Please tell me Gwen. Something's been on your mind for weeks now. I can see it. You can talk to me honey. You can talk to me about anything. I won't tell anyone else."

"You can't tell," Gwen insisted. "No one else can know. Especially not Christina."

"Christina?" Jennifer repeated, wondering what this had to do with the mansion's resident pierced pop princess. Now this secret was getting really interesting.

"Yeah, you can definitely never tell her," Gwen said. "Promise me Jen. Promise me or I won't tell you."

"I promise," Jennifer immediately replied. "I'll never tell Christina."

That was good enough for Gwen and she exhaled deeply as she decided it was finally time to tell someone the secret that had been growing inside her since Jamaica. The secret she shared with only three other people.

"Well...you know Christina's bodyguard Fluffy?" Gwen began. That was all she needed to say before Jennifer put two and two together in her mind. It was the only clue she needed to have it all come together for her.

"Wait! You? And Fluffy?" Jennifer gasped in amazement as Gwen nodded her head to confirm the assertion.

"Since when?" Jennifer asked, her head doing some serious spinning over this revelation. She didn't think it was possible to be more surprised by what Gwen had just told her. They had all been hooking up with girls for so long now that the thought of one of her friends hooking up with a guy seemed to be an alien concept.

"Since Jamaica," Gwen revealed. She saw the amazement all over Jennifer's face and launched right into her story.

Gwen told Jennifer everything. She talked about how she'd caught Fluffy looking at her on the beach with Britney and Christina and how one idle thought about whether he liked what he saw had blown up into a near obsession in her mind by the end of the orgy. She talked about how she'd been able to draw Reese and Michelle Branch into her fantasy and how their mutual lusts had sparked a fire which had sent them rushing to Fluffy's room for a three girl on one lucky guy pile of horny, naked flesh.

Gwen revealed how the four of them had played on through the night and into the morning, pleasuring each other over and over again all over their bodies. And then she told how that one night hadn't been enough for her and how she craved Fluffy's touch...how she couldn't be near him without aching to have him inside her.

She told Jennifer about each and every one of her encounters with Fluffy in vivid detail, sparing nothing as she finally revealed everything she had held inside herself. It was a major weight off her mind to tell all and Gwen found herself unable to stop. She even revealed the things she didn't know if she should say, like the fact that Fluffy was the real father of Michelle's baby and how many times Reese had added to her list of infidelities by joining Gwen to take on Fluffy after they'd gotten back from Jamaica.

The words just spilled out of Gwen's mouth with no filter and Jennifer just stared at her with a wide open mouth, gawking at what her friend had been up to behind all their backs.

"Wow!" Jennifer finally gasped when Gwen finished. She was in complete shock from this confession. "I mean that's just...wow!"

"I know," Gwen replied. "Oh God, Jen, I just can't get enough of him. I never felt this way about a man before...not even Gavin. Not ever. I just want him so bad and I can never get enough. It drives me crazy. Every time I see him, I want him more."

"Wow!" Jennifer said for what felt like the millionth time. "I just can't believe it! I mean he's always just standing there. He never really says anything. He's just...there! And that you...and him...were...wow! That's so wild!"

Jennifer's mind churned as she thought back to all those times she had seen Fluffy just being there, zealously guarding Christina when Gwen had been around them. Had she missed all these clues? Had she been so oblivious? Oh God! Fluffy had seen her naked too! God...he'd seen her more than naked! She'd fucked Christina right in front of him! And not just once, but lot's of times! She'd just gotten so used to him being around all the time that she'd barely even realized he was there!

All those times...Jennifer thought them through in her mind like she was flipping through old pictures at a fast pace. Fluffy had been a statue all those times they'd been indulging in frenzied, lewd girl on girl sex right in front of him. But had his silence just hidden that he had been getting hard all those times? Hard enough to fuck them all like he'd fucked Gwen and Reese and Michelle? How could he not have been?

God, they'd all been so wild around him...fucking and licking each other without inhibition. Jennifer had just taken it for granted that Fluffy wouldn't react, but now she saw how crazy that idea was. How could he not react to beautiful women naked and fucking each other right in front of him?

This was a lot for Jennifer to take in all at once and a million questions filled her head. But one, naturally, floated right to the top.

"So, is he..." Jennifer began before Gwen interrupted her, knowing exactly what her friend was going to ask.

"He's huge," Gwen admitted with a naughty smile. "He's got to be like 12 inches mmmm and so fucking thick! Jen, he's an unbelievable lover! He's just amazing. All he has to do is look at me and I practically come!"

"Wow!" Jennifer said once more, as a far away look similar to the one Gwen had had crossed over her face as visuals to match her friend's words naturally filled her mind. He couldn't be that big? Could he? Jen knew it was a stereotype to expect it but...well Gwen wouldn't lie to her about something like that.

"Thinking about sharing him with me?" Gwen teased, unable to help trying to make the mood frisky again since she felt so good now. It had always been a fantasy of hers to join in with Brad with Jennifer when they'd been married. It had never happened, but Gwen was definitely open to sharing Fluffy with her friend if he was into it and Gwen had a feeling that her illicit lover would be.

"No..." Jennifer quickly replied with a smile that said she was lying and she knew it. She had never been with a man as big as Gwen claimed Fluffy was and she couldn't help imagine what it would be like to take on a cock that big, especially if she was sucking Gwen's girl cum off it.

"Riiiight," Gwen smiled knowingly before giving Jennifer a long kiss, thanking her for letting her finally open up. It had been such a burden to keep this from her friends with all the intense emotion her lustful longing for Fluffy had created inside her. She knew she could trust Jennifer not to squeal and now that it was all revealed between them, Gwen also knew she had someone here she could always turn to about it.

The two girls hugged each other in the water, pressing their wet, soapy bodies together once again as their lips met in a series of soft, tender kisses. Their friendly embrace was quickly turning sexual as Jennifer's hands went to Gwen's back and moved down until they were under the water and on her ass.

"So are you still into girls or are boys the only thing on your mind?" Jennifer asked playfully as she squeezed Gwen's cheeks.

"Mmmm what does this tell you?" Gwen answered, giving Jennifer another long kiss and reaching back down into the water for Jennifer's pussy.

"Ooooh it tells me we should get out of here before we prune up," Jennifer smiled as Gwen's fingers teased her slit.

Jennifer stood up naked in the tub, soap bubbles running down her body and reached for her towel with one hand while holding the other out to Gwen. The singer immediately accepted it and rose up so she and Jennifer could head back to bed and start working up another sweat.

Of course morning fun was not just restricted to the mansion. A state full of Californians was up and greeting the day. The birds had been awake for hours and they happily greeted the late stirring humans with a symphony of harmonious chirps and Kirsten Dunst happily listened along as she prepared some breakfast.

The sound of the birds from the garden was always a lovely way to start off a day and Kirsten hummed along softly while slicing up some fruit. She had no way of following along so she mostly combined whatever music was stuck in her head with an improvised copying of her animal friends. It wasn't a very organized tune she was humming under her breath but Kirsten was too happy to care. She was full of joy and it wasn't the rapid approach of Christmas that was causing it.

Kirsten had never shied away from relationships before. In fact she had always been a little too quick to run headfirst into them with people who turned out to be wrong for her, but nothing had ever been as fulfilling as what she had now. She had a love that made her feel like she could do anything. It was a love that gave her strength and made her feel safe and it was a love that was growing each and every day.

She had never dreamed that anyone could make her this happy, especially another woman, but, as a pair of arms slowly encircled her waist from behind, Kirsten's heart skipped a beat and her smile grew.

"Morning," Eliza Dushku's gently husky voice murmured into her ear.

"Morning," Kirsten immediately replied, wanting so badly to turn around and plant a proper good morning kiss right on her beloved's lips. But Eliza's tight hug felt too good to break and Kirsten stayed as she was, pressed against the counter with Eliza behind her.

"You didn't wake me up," Eliza complained. "Were you just planning on letting me sleep away the morning?"

"You looked so cute sleeping that I didn't want to disturb you," Kirsten explained, taking the opportunity to grind her ass into Eliza, a gesture that got her wife moaning into her ear.

"Well I'm up now," Eliza pointed out. "You got enough there to feed me too?"

Kirsten playfully picked up a piece of melon and reached around back to push it into Eliza's mouth, where it was happily accepted and gulped down.

"Mmmm yummy...nice and sweet," Eliza stated. "But that's not the sweetest tasting thing that I see."

Eliza then began kissing Kirsten's neck, brushing her blonde hair out of the way and making the younger girl moan. Kirsten began grinding her shorts covered ass even harder into Eliza and she began to feel her nipples hardening under her t-shirt.

Kirsten had just thrown on some ratty old clothes after getting out of bed and she was already calculating how quickly she and Eliza could get her out of them. But Eliza actually had something on her mind that morning beyond sex and she brought it up even as she continued to inspire all kinds of lusts in Kirsten.

"So your mom is cool with us spending Christmas here?" Eliza asked. This had been the topic of much discussion lately and Eliza had been hoping to avoid the drama, especially since there had been some tension between her and Kirsten's family.

"Well she wasn't doing cartwheels about it," Kirsten admitted. "But she's ok with it. I told her I wanted to be here with you and it's not like she could say anything about that. I did promise her we'd fly out for a visit in January though. I hope you don't mind."

"Nahhh...that's cool," Eliza purred into Kirsten's ear as she felt her own pussy get wet under the boxers she slept in thanks to the blonde's grinding. "Mmmm especially if we get a chance to crawl into your old bed again. Now that was a homecoming."

Kirsten giggled and moaned at the memory. In many ways her mother still thought of her as the kid who had come out of nowhere to snag a highly sought after part in Interview With The Vampire. She had kept Kirsten's old room in their house and, despite all her fame, she still felt like a kid again when she went home.

Going back to her childhood bedroom, with all the signs of a girl growing up still on display there, was always a bit of a fun head trip especially since the last time they had visited, she and Eliza had done some decidedly adult things while rolling around amongst her stuffed animals on her old bed.

"Mmmm only if you want me to act like your naughty little girl again and beg you to do dirty things to me in my bed," Kirsten grinned.

"I always want that," Eliza replied, giving Kirsten's ear a little tug with her lips as she continued pressing into her beloved's back. "And this time we can even do it without your mom almost catching us."

"Gawwwwd don't remind me," Kirsten said, unable to keep from blushing and laughing as she thought back to how she and Eliza had hurriedly redressed after jumping out of bed from the sound of Kirsten's mom coming up the stairs. They had managed to avoid being caught and her mom hadn't said anything, but Kirsten knew she was very suspicious and probably had known something had been up.

"I guess it's just one of the reasons she doesn't like me," Eliza said with a shrug while still keeping her arms wrapped around Kirsten's waist.

"She does like you...it's just...well it's still an adjustment..." Kirsten defended her mother.

"I know. You don't have to say anything more," Eliza assured her. "Soon she'll come around. After all..."

"I'm yours and you're mine," Kirsten said, finishing the sentence. Eliza had said it to her so many times and she never, ever tired of hearing it. Kirsten had always been a romantic and the words just made her melt as her ring finger unconsciously wiggled.

Their impetuous marriage in Jamaica hadn't been something they had regretted the moment after or something they had pretended hadn't happened. It wasn't legal in California and neither of them was sure the ceremony was even legitimate due to the minister's intoxication, but to Kirsten and Eliza's minds they were married and nothing could ever change that.

They didn't care who recognized it. All that mattered to them was that they did. They had returned home from the trip and had quickly gone out to buy each other rings to seal their devotion. Gold wedding bands would raise too many questions and, besides, what they had was definitely non traditional. So they had gone out and each picked out a special ring for the other and since then they had worn them every day as a sign of their matrimony.

While they hadn't "gone public" or anything, Eliza and Kirsten had no intention of keeping their love or their marriage secret from the ones they cared about. That had meant coming out to their families and closest friends. Eliza's family had always known deep down she was different so she supposed the revelation hadn't surprised them at all, but Kirsten's family had received the double shock that not only was she suddenly married, but a lesbian as well.

It had been a huge surprise to them and it had definitely caused some issues. Things were tense between Eliza and Kirsten's mom and probably would be for some time. Eliza knew that the woman saw her as something of a predator moving in on her daughter and turning the innocent, virginal Kirsten Dunst into a dyke, but she didn't care what she thought. The only one that truly mattered to Eliza was Kirsten.

To say that the girls were still in their honeymoon phase more than a year after their wedding was an understatement and the happiness they both felt didn't look like it would be fading any time soon.

"I am yours," Eliza agreed. "You've got me Kiki...my body...my heart...everything. Mmmmm I just love you so much Kiki. I love you more every day."

Kirsten had heard that from her wife countless times and she'd said it back to her even more. She never wanted to stop hearing it and saying it and thinking about it. Declarations of love were so easy to take for granted and Kirsten appreciated each and every one of them from the woman she loved, especially since Eliza had never been one to give out her heart easily.

"Ahhhhhh what's wrong with me," Eliza jokingly groaned in frustration. "I never used to be this sappy. What have you done to me Kiki? You turned me into a fucking Hallmark card dripping with sugar."

"You weren't so sappy last night," Kirsten quickly reminded Eliza, once again picking up the force of her grind. "Mmmmm you were nasty."

"Yeah? Was I?" Eliza coyly replied. "I think my little Kiki likes it when big, bad Eliza gets nasty."

"Mmmmm your little Kiki loves it," Kirsten moaned as Eliza's hands moved up from her waist to her tits, massaging them through her t-shirt.

"Does she?" Eliza played. "Did Kiki love it last night when I licked her cute asshole and spit in it?"

That got a long, sexy moan of approval from Kirsten and Eliza pressed on.

"And did Kiki like it when I used that strap on to fuck her ass hard, spanking her butt while I took her?" Eliza demanded.

"Yesssssssssss..." Kirsten hissed, Eliza's fingers toying with her nipples, sending shivers of pleasure up her spine. "I loved it. So nasty. Mmmmmmm you fucked me so good last night Eliza. I wanted more. I wanted you to keep fucking me all night."

"Does Kiki want more now?" Eliza asked, her hands moving away from Kirsten's chest toward a much moister destination.

"Mmmmmmm always..." Kirsten answered before a glance at the clock set off a war inside her. She wanted Eliza to take her and fuck her. She wanted that ecstasy. Her body demanded it. But she had a meeting at her agent's.

She wanted to blow it off. She wanted to flake on it. She just wanted to stay here with the woman she loved...hopefully with as little clothing on as possible. But she couldn't. Deep down she knew that sex with her wife would have to wait.

"Oooooooh...mmmmmm Eliza yesss...touch me there," Kirsten moaned, her mouth refusing to listen to common sense as Eliza gently rubbed her pussy through her shorts. "Ohhhhhhhh fuck...I don't...don't want you to...to stop...mmmmm but...meeting...soon..."

At the untimely intrusion of reality, Eliza sighed and pulled her hands away, leaving Kirsten groaning in frustration. Neither girl wanted to leave the other hanging, but they both knew the score. Some meetings couldn't be blown off and Eliza wasn't selfish enough to demand all of Kirsten's attention.

"Spoilsport," Eliza said, giving Kirsten a playful tongue razz.

"Well look at it this way," Kirsten declared, trying to put a positive spin on things. "Now I owe you and when I get home you get to collect."

Eliza liked the sound of that a lot and the smile on her face showed it.

"Well ok...but I still need a shower," Eliza proposed. "How about you start making it up to me there?"

"Just lead the way," Kirsten said, abandoning breakfast and letting Eliza take her hand to guide her away.

"Mmmm but whatever will I do with my Kiki gone all day?" Eliza teased as she led Kirsten upstairs. "Maybe I'll just have to lie down in our big bed and think of naughty things to do to you when you get home. Mmmm I might even get out that vibrator I use when you leave me alone. Too bad you won't be there to see it. I know you like watching me when I fuck myself."

"Tease," Kirsten giggled, giving Eliza a little push as they walked into the bedroom.

"Or maybe I'll just go shopping today..." Eliza pressed on.

"Shopping? Ooooh what'cha gonna get Eliza?" Kirsten asked, suddenly very curious.

"I might be getting something you can't know about until Christmas," Eliza smirked, knowing Kirsten hated waiting for presents.

"Ahhhhhh don't fucking do tease me like that! That's even worse than making me think of you playing with yourself while I'm gone," Kirsten playfully groaned. "And don't go crazy getting me anything either, Eliza. I already have what I want most from you."

Kirsten's ring finger wiggled again and Eliza impetuously grabbed her wife's hand to kiss her there. Kirsten moaned and inside worried a little. Eliza was always so good at giving gifts and Kirsten felt like she could never match up. Getting something amazing and not being able to give back something just as good always bothered her.

"Well I want something more from you Kiki," Eliza declared before letting go of Kirsten's hand to reach over for her shirt. Eliza yanked Kirsten's shirt over her head, exposing her braless tits in all their pink glory.

"Mmmm and I want something too," Kirsten shot back, reaching over for Eliza's boxers and tugging them down, leaving her wife bottomless and showing off the already glistening lips of her pussy and the brown patch of fur that Kirsten always found so irresistibly sexy.

"Then lets get into that shower before your agent steals you away from me," Eliza said, grabbing the blonde's hand and leading her inside the bathroom as they lost the rest of their clothes on the way.

But as much as Kirsten was eager to indulge in a morning quickie with Eliza she also had something else on her mind. This year she wanted to get something special for Eliza. A kind of Christmas gift that she'd always remember. What that was Kirsten had no idea. But she was going to make sure she figured it out.

Back at the mansion, it wasn't all naked fun and sex games. There was work to be done this morning and it had fallen to Alyssa Milano to take charge in the kitchen. With Love doing the decorating, Alyssa was happy to take command of the baking, even if it meant getting up far earlier than she normally ever would have if she could help it to work over a hot stove.

But baking was hardly a real chore and Alyssa was happy to do it. She loved working with her hands and it was always good to remind people here that she could do a lot more than lick and fuck them to tooth rattling orgasms. Alyssa didn't have Christmas spirit on steroids flowing through her veins the way Love did, but she considered herself quite full of holiday cheer, especially since it was the perfect opportunity to help others.

The baking she had been doing that morning wasn't just for consumption around the mansion, even though some of it was already settling into Alyssa's tummy. She was also putting some of her favorite cookie recipes to use as part of a celebrity bake sale.

The thinking behind the sale was that people would be willing to buy overpriced, homemade cookies, brownies or lemon squares if they knew a famous person had baked them. Alyssa didn't know how that was going to work in reality, but she was certainly more than willing to give it a try because the money the sale raised was going to be used to buy presents for the children of men and women away from their families for the holidays because they were stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan.

If it was for a good cause, Alyssa never had to be talked into giving her time and energy. It might have sounded corny, but Alyssa really felt blessed for all her success and she wanted to make sure she gave back whenever she could. She loved volunteering and being able to help people in need filled her with more pride than anything else she had ever done.

Of course as dedicated as Alyssa was, her two assistants in the kitchen that morning were not quite as committed and Alyssa shook her head in a mix of amusement and frustration when she again began to hear the wet little lip smacks and soft moans that had been tickling her ears all morning.

"Knock it off you two," Alyssa said as she mixed together a new batch of dough for the gingerbread men she was getting ready to make. She didn't even have to turn around to know what was going on behind her back and her words brought an immediate halt to the giggling and kissing between Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff.

"How did you know what we were doing?" Hilary asked in amazement at the apparent eyes in the back of Alyssa's head.

"You think I don't know the sounds of kissing when I hear it?" Alyssa answered, speaking with the authority of years of experience. "I was kissing girls before you two were even on the Disney Channel. So don't act all innocent."

It wasn't as though Alyssa didn't like the sound of the girls kissing. Hell she loved it. But she didn't need these two little sluts acting as distractions. Unfortunately for Alyssa, distracting her was exactly what Lindsay and Hilary wanted to do.

"Well then you shouldn't listen to us kiss," Lindsay purred as she sidled up to Alyssa at the kitchen counter, her young and softly husky voice making Alyssa think only of how sexy that voice of hers sounded when she was coming. "We'd much rather you were joining in and kissing us too."

Lindsay leaned up and in to press her lips to Alyssa's and the older woman couldn't help but give in to the young vixen. She let Lindsay push her mouth open and slide her tongue inside to explore the wet depths beyond her lips. Mmmm Lindsay was a hell of a kisser and Alyssa found her pussy stirring under her jeans just from the massaging touch of her young tongue as it reminded her of how good it always felt buried inside her.

But the smell of the cookies baking in the oven quickly snapped her out of the lust trance Lindsay was putting her in. Coming back to her senses, Alyssa gave Lindsay a gentle push away from her, breaking the kiss.

"Stop," Alyssa said, even though she was clearly wishing she didn't have to put a halt to things. "I don't want these to burn. Now you two have to behave this morning. Can't you two keep your pants on for just a few hours? If you two are going to be here then you have to help."

"Awww we've been helping all morning," Hilary pouted. "Now we want to play. C'mon Lyssa. You know you want to play too. Mmmm you don't really want us to keep our pants on. I think you'd like it much more if we took our pants off and let you spank us for being such naughty girls."

Alyssa couldn't help but smile from such a tempting offer. Damn that sounded good. It had been a whole morning without her getting her fuck on, after all, and for someone like Alyssa that felt like forever. But there was too much left to do.

"We can play later," Alyssa said firmly.

"No, let's play now," Lindsay pressed on, unwilling to take no for answer. "Play with us Lyssa. You've been working all morning. You deserve a break. You've made enough cookies to feed the whole Army now. Let's get naked and have some real fun. The cookies will still be there when we're finished. Mmmm and Hilary and I can be such better helpers if you've made our naughty little pussies come first."

Alyssa knew the newly brunette temptress had a point, but she wasn't quite ready to grant her that. She'd been hard at work for hours now and had made a whole lot of cookies. A break did sound pretty good at that point.

Alyssa had been with both Lindsay and Hilary many times and she knew full well that even though neither of them was old enough to buy beer, they still knew exactly how to make her pussy quiver and cream. They were both more than skilled at the art of girl love and Alyssa really did want nothing more than to take a break so their sexy tongues could work her over.

But Alyssa wanted to get more done before she started concentrating on her own need. So, as much as she was being tempted by the two horny girls sharing the kitchen with her, she still said no.

"You two behave," Alyssa said, shaking her baking spoon at them. "If you're good girls and focus I'll let you two lick the spoon. Mmmmm and maybe lick something else too."

Hilary and Lindsay both giggled at the sound of that offer but their eager eyes showed they still had no patience for waiting even a second longer for some fun.

"Now are you two going to be good and help me?" Alyssa asked, getting little naughty smirks and head nods from the two girls. She didn't believe them for a second, but it was better than nothing at all she supposed.

"Go put on some aprons then," Alyssa said. "I left some slung over the chairs at the table. I don't want you two whining about how you got flour on your clothes."

Lindsay's eyes darted back and forth from the table where the aprons were hung in waiting and to Alyssa turning around to get back to mixing. Alyssa's jeans hugged her hot ass so nicely and even with plates full of delicious cookies around, the only sweet snack Lindsay wanted was under that skin tight blue denim. Suddenly an idea hatched in her head and it was too perfect to even think about resisting.

Grabbing Hilary, Lindsay whispered into the teenager's eager ear, immediately getting a smile and a nod of acceptance from her partner in crime.

"Sure Lyssa," Lindsay said, taking Hilary by the hand. "We'll go and get those aprons on and be right back."

"Fine...fine..." Alyssa replied. If she had been paying more attention she probably would have wondered why they had to leave the room to put aprons on, but the oven timer went off and Alyssa found herself distracted.

Giggling naughtily all the while, Lindsay and Hilary grabbed the aprons and left the kitchen, out of Alyssa's sight for the moment. Alyssa paid them no mind and instead pulled her finished batch of cookies out of the oven, getting them off the cookie tray so they could cool.

With that batch done, Alyssa focused once more on stirring the dough together, checking the recipe once more to make sure she didn't put in too much sugar. She didn't want to make these too sweet.

Alyssa was so preoccupied with getting the recipe right that she didn't even notice that Lindsay and Hilary had returned, still giggling like they were getting away with something bad.

"We put our aprons on," Hilary announced.

"Super, I'll alert the tabloids," Alyssa said with a roll of her eyes as she stirred in the sugar and vanilla extract.

"Don't you want to turn around and check on us?" Lindsay asked, still giggling.

Alyssa sighed and put the bowl down. There was no reason for Lindsay to ask that if she wasn't eager to show off something she and Hilary had done and Alyssa knew that meant there was no way these two were going to be anything but a distraction. But you couldn't fight your fate and if these two sluts were hell bent on fucking her, then Alyssa realized she didn't have any real reason or desire to stop them.

The older brunette turned around and shook her head at the handiwork of the two girls. Oh they'd done exactly what she'd said, all right. Lindsay and Hilary had obeyed her right to the letter. They'd gone and put their aprons on. Unfortunately they were no longer wearing anything else but the aprons.

Gone were the jeans and t-shirts which had previously covered the two girls and now Lindsay and Hilary stood before Alyssa, eager for inspection, in two frilly pink and white kitchen aprons over their other otherwise completely naked bodies.

"You little whores," Alyssa said, still shaking her head as a smile cracked her lips and soon stretched from ear to ear.

"Don't you like what you see?" Hilary asked with a smile. "We just did what you told us, Lyssa. We put our aprons on. Now we want to help you. We want to help you with that wet pussy of yours. Mmmm it's gotta be so hot under your jeans. Why don't you let us play with it for a while?"

"What makes you think I'm getting wet for you two?" Alyssa challenged even as she felt her panties get damp watching the two barely dressed vixens sauntering right toward her, their tits peeking out of the sides of their aprons and their pussies barely covered.

"Because you know we're yummier than any dumb cookies," Lindsay replied confidently. "Don't you want to taste us Lyssa? Mmmm don't you want to taste our sweet, sugary little pussies? Or maybe you'd rather just punish us for being naughty. Would you like that Lyssa? Is that what you want for Christmas? For us to bend over so you can spank our naughty asses all nice and pink and then finger our tight fucking cunts so you feel how wet and hot we are for you and how much we love it when you treat us like wicked little whores?"

Dirty talk always sounded so good spilling out of Lindsay's mouth and Alyssa couldn't help but melt with desire at how both her and Hilary's young eyes lit up at the prospect of being punished. Alyssa's nipples tightened under her shirt and started some major poking as she pictured grabbing both of these young girls by their dark hair and making them moan and beg to be spanked and fucked.

Hilary and Lindsay were always such eager little whores, always ready to play whatever wicked games she and her housemates had in mind for them. Alyssa loved having fun with them. Hilary was always desperate to show off she wasn't a good girl and how much she loved acting like a sexy whore for girls while Lindsay seemed hell bent on proving that the tabloids had no idea what a wild little slut she could truly be. The girls were up for anything and it was impossible to resist them.

And as they got face to face with her, Alyssa no longer had any intentions of offering up resistance. Instead she reached out to Hilary and yanked her forward, planting a searing hot kiss on her teenaged lips. Hilary let out a happy yelp as she was grabbed and was immediately moaning into Alyssa's mouth.

This was what she wanted...this was what she was always desperate for. Ever since her first trip here, when Christina and Alyssa and everyone had ganged up on her and turned her from a shy little scared girl to a hot blooded slut begging them to take her cherries, Hilary hadn't been able to get enough of girl sex. Her pussy was soaked for it all day and all night and being at the mansion was her release. Here she could let her desires run free and let her beautiful girlfriends take her and fuck her over and over again.

It was getting harder and harder for her to sneak out of the house. Hilary had found herself telling her mother some wild stories about where she was going, but it was worth every lie. She didn't care how she got here. Hilary just cared that she was here, in her lesbian paradise where she could be with Lindsay and they could both be treated like the nasty, dirty little whores they ached to be.

Hilary's moans were strong and happy as Alyssa kissed her, giving the teen her tongue, which was eagerly accepted and sucked upon. Alyssa reached up and began caressing Hilary's firm tits through the apron, running her fingers over the exposed sides and under the material to tease her already hard nipples.

Hilary's hands were soon on the back of Alyssa's head before moving down to her shoulders and then her back to hold her to her lips. Hilary never wanted these kisses to end. Alyssa was so good at it and the feel of her wet, sexy tongue in her mouth was making pussy juice drip down her leg.

But all this attention on Hilary was leaving one girl neglected and that was never something Lindsay enjoyed. As hot as it was to see Hilary and Alyssa passionately tongue kiss, Lindsay needed some attention too and, since she was very much accustomed to having her needs catered to, she hated having to wait for her turn at Alyssa's lips.

Alyssa could hear Lindsay's soft, pleading moans as she tried to push herself into the kiss and she relished it. She loved being able to make the brunette party girl wait for it and suffer. After all, Lindsay had been the ringleader of this little temptation away from her work and Alyssa didn't miss the chance to remind the girl that as hot and sexy as she was, she didn't call the shots around here.

Besides, Alyssa knew from experience that the more Lindsay had to wait, the hotter she was going to be when she finally joined in.

So instead of paying attention for Lindsay as she whined for attention like a puppy and tried to get in on the kiss, Alyssa kept entirely focused on Hilary. She moved her hands up to caress the teenager's beautiful, soft face, keeping their kiss a two-girl mix and not allowing Lindsay to slide her tongue in.

That got more moaning from Hilary, especially when Alyssa pulled her own tongue back and returned the favor to Hilary by sucking her young tongue into her mouth. While letting Hilary's tongue explore her mouth, Alyssa moved her hands off her face and down to an even hotter set of cheeks.

Hilary's apron left her ass exposed to one and all from behind and Alyssa took advantage by wrapping her arms around her waist and squeezing it, caressing her bare bottom slowly at first and then gripping onto it, making Hilary writhe in her arms.

Hilary's moans increased and her tongue pulled back, only to shoot right back into Alyssa's mouth so she could rub it up against the older actress' tongue. Hilary's nipples were so hard they looked like they were about to cut through the apron and Lindsay couldn't stand it one more second.

"Please..." Lindsay softly moaned.

"Please what Lindsay?" Alyssa teased, pushing Hilary away for a moment before planting another searing kiss on the teen's eager lips.

"Please...kiss me..." Lindsay desperately pleaded. "Touch me Lyssa. Touch my slutty body and make me feel good! Please Lyssa! I'll do anything if you just kiss and touch me! I need it! Please don't make me just watch!"

Lindsay knew what Alyssa was doing, punishing her for tempting her by only playing with Hilary, but she didn't care. She was only too happy to give up all control of her own body to the sexy girls in Malibu at any time. When she was here, all Lindsay wanted to do was surrender...surrender to her raging desires and lose each and every one of her inhibitions. She just wanted to be kissed and touched and she didn't care where or how. If it was a gentle caress or a hard spanking it all felt good to Lindsay. Everything here felt good.

"Please," Lindsay continued to beg. "Kiss me Alyssa. Kiss me like you're kissing Hilary. Please. Please. Ohhhh please Alyssa."

Hearing Lindsay Lohan beg for her kiss was getting Alyssa even wetter and she took mercy on the girl. Pulling herself slowly away from Hilary and allowing the teenager to catch her breath in the process, Alyssa moved her lips to Lindsay's.

Alyssa pressed her right hand to the side of Lindsay's face, caressing her soft, beautiful cheek as their lips fused. Lindsay was starving for a kiss and Alyssa gave her plenty to feed upon, pushing open her young lips and sliding her tongue inside, just like she'd done to Hilary.

Lindsay groaned deliriously as she sucked on Alyssa's tongue, welcoming it back into her mouth like a long lost lover returning home. Lindsay knew she wouldn't be truly satisfied until Alyssa's tongue was pushing into her pussy and not her mouth, but this would certainly do for now. Lindsay had always loved kissing and kissing boys was nothing compared to the tenderness and heat that came from another woman.

Now it was Hilary's turn to watch and she was much more patient than her friend had been. She smiled gleefully as she still sought to catch her breath from Alyssa's kiss. Her firm chest was heaving under her apron but she barely noticed her own shallow breathing. Hilary was enraptured by the sight of Alyssa and Lindsay making out, their gorgeous, sexy faces pressed together. She wanted them both so bad. God, she wanted every hot girl in the mansion and beyond.

Hilary knew she could never get enough of other girls...their kissing, their touching, their licking...and she never wanted that to change. She never wanted to get enough. She just wanted to keep fucking every hot girl she saw forever.

As Alyssa and Lindsay continued to kiss, trading tongue massages back and forth as they moaned, Hilary touched herself through her apron. Mmmm Alyssa's hands had felt so good on her tits and she tried to duplicate that on herself, sliding a hand up under the side of the apron to caress the naked flesh underneath.

Hilary groaned as she rubbed her thumb over her swollen pink nipple, loving how the full tip throbbed under her touch. But that was nothing compared to the ecstatic gasp that shot out of her lips when she lifted up her apron with her other hand and pushed two of her fingers into her waiting cunt.

Alyssa's eyes naturally shifted over to see what Hilary was up to and her smile beamed when she saw the teen touching herself. Mmmm she'd get to Hilary again in just a minute. She loved looking at not so sweet and innocent Hilary Duff fingering herself but Alyssa didn't want her wasting those juices on her own fingers when her tongue was a much better place for them.

But first Alyssa wasn't quite done having her way with Lindsay yet. As always, Lindsay's tits demanded attention and Alyssa was happy to grant it, squeezing her fleshy mounds through the apron and making the young brunette moan in rapture.

"Gawwwwwwwwwd mmmmmmm yesssssss Lyssa fucking play with my tits," Lindsay groaned. "Please baby...ooooooh fuck you know what I love Alyssa! You know it gets me so fucking wet when you play with my tits! Squeeze them and make my nipples so fucking hard I'll feel like they're gonna burst! Mmmm please lick them too! Ugghhhh I can come just from you girls sucking and licking on my titties!"

Alyssa knew that full well. She'd been the lucky girl one night to spend so much time nursing on Lindsay's soft, full tits, licking her nipples to make them throb and then wrapping her practiced lips around them, that the girl had creamed her pussy without any other stimulation. Mmmm that had been hot. Being able to make a girl like Lindsay come without even getting a finger on her pussy was a feather in Alyssa's cap that she wore proudly.

Silencing Lindsay's moaning lips with another kiss; Alyssa continued to squeeze her tits through the apron. Her flesh was radiating heat by now and Alyssa could feel it through the thin material. Being the proud owner of a lovely set of her own, Alyssa knew exactly how much fun tits could be and she gave Lindsay exactly what she was wanting. She caressed and squeezed the girl's breasts with enough force to cause an intense rush of pleasure but not enough to hurt or anything.

Lindsay thanked her for this with loud, happy moans and enthusiastic kisses. When she wasn't kissing Alyssa, Lindsay was pressing her lips to her lover's face and down her neck, showering her with lustful worship. Lindsay was crazy with lust for Alyssa. She always was. Mmmm she was crazy for all the girls there, especially the one standing next to her touching herself and Lindsay wanted to make sure her friend got in on the fun.

Without saying a word, but smiling invitingly the whole time, Lindsay grabbed Hilary's hand, pulled her in and got what she'd wanted since they had come across Alyssa working in the kitchen...a three way kiss. Alyssa, Lindsay and Hilary all pressed their lips together, rubbing tongues and faces and moaning all the while as they kissed and caressed each other.

Wet tongues slid together and pursed, soft lips rubbed just right as the kisses deepened and got more passionate with every second. Alyssa was backed right into the counter now by the two barely clad vixens but she didn't care where she was and what was pressing into her back as long as she was being kissed like this.

The three girls shared tongues and saliva as they kissed back and forth, two or three at a time. Soon they had all completely lost track of whose tongue was in whose mouth and that was just how they wanted it.

They were all lost in their lust, their senses overwhelmed by the desire they felt for each other's bodies, but the three of them weren't so far gone that they didn't forget one very basic fact. If this was going to go any further, then Alyssa was going to have to start losing some clothing...and fast.

Hilary was the first one to get proactive in that area, pausing once again to catch her breath after her lovers had taken it away. She paused for a brief moment to watch again the glorious sight of Lindsay and Alyssa tongue kissing before she set to making sure her gorgeous friend was naked and ready for them.

After all she'd done here, Hilary never had to be talked into falling to her knees and she did it without even asking, pressing her bare legs down onto the slightly cold kitchen floor to get at Alyssa's jeans. The tight blue denim taunted her because it looked so good on Alyssa's body, but still prevented her from getting at what she really wanted.

Fortunately that was easily rectified when Hilary popped open the button to Alyssa's jeans and began tugging them down. They were so tight that Hilary had to struggle a little bit to get them down Alyssa's gorgeous legs, but it was totally worth it, not only to see the soft, pink flesh of Alyssa's legs, but the black thong that clung to her body, providing only a thin barrier between Hilary and the slice of absolute lesbian heaven she knew was underneath.

By now Lindsay had gotten involved too. She had been perfectly content to just stand there and let Alyssa kiss her for hours on end, but Lindsay also was wise in the ways of the mansion by now and she knew you had to work for your pleasure. So she paused in between kisses to lift Alyssa's shirt over her head.

Alyssa helpfully lifted her arms to make it easy for Lindsay, but once it was off a slight disappointed frown flashed over the girl's face.

"Awww a bra?" Lindsay pouted. She had been hoping Alyssa was topless underneath. To her eyes, one of the sexiest sights imaginable was pulling clothes off a beautiful woman to find nothing but bare flesh underneath. A body as scorching as Alyssa's was only hindered by the presence of a bra and panties.

"God, can't a girl ever wear any fucking underwear around here?" Alyssa laughed.

She'd put a bra and panties on that morning because she'd been planning on going out to bring her cookies to the sale and take care of some other charity commitments she'd made. As much fun as Alyssa had roaming around in the nude, and she loved it beyond mere words, she knew what she didn't wear around the mansion wasn't quite appropriate for public consumption. That meant putting on a bra and panties when she went out, especially when she went out to a charity event.

But since she wasn't going to be going out for a little while longer now, Alyssa knew there was no sense keeping her underwear on. Plus she did love giving her lovers a show of what she had and how good it looked.

"There. Happy?" Alyssa asked after she reached around her back and, in a flash as simple as snapping her fingers, undid her black bra clasp and let the garment drop to the floor, exposing her naked tits.

"Mmmmm ecstatic," Lindsay giggled before leaning down to feast on the succulent breast flesh before her. She cupped Alyssa's tits in her hands and pushed them into her mouth, one at a time, so she could suck on them and run her saliva dripping tongue all over.

"Oooooh," Alyssa cooed as her fingers played with Lindsay's soft, dark hair. "Mmmmm naughty girl. Suck on those tits baby! I wanna feel you suck and lick all over my hot fucking tits, Lindsay. Mmmm you're such a little naughty slut for distracting me like this, so you'd better make it worth my while. Work your hot whore mouth all over my big, sexy tits!"

That was exactly what Lindsay was going to do and she relished her job. As much as she loved having her own breasts played with, Lindsay was equally into returning the favor. Sometimes she felt like a total guy for how crazy a great pair of tits made her, but they always felt so good under her hands and in her mouth. And Alyssa had such amazing tits. She always loved playing with them and she wasn't rough in her touch, as the older actress had been with her.

Instead Lindsay caressed Alyssa's naked tits and worshipfully licked at them, running her tongue over every exposed, tanned inch and letting her saliva drip down into Alyssa's cleavage while she rubbed the two generous mounds together, creating a wet friction that sent pleasure flowing through her body. This had Alyssa loudly moaning and Lindsay happily slurping away as she brought her tongue back into her mouth and resumed wetly sucking on her lover's swelling pink nipples.

Alyssa's moans weren't just focused on Lindsay, however. As good as the girl's horny, eager mouth felt on her breasts, Alyssa couldn't help but find her attention focused on Hilary pulling her panties down, leaving a trail of wetness down her leg that left her shivering in pleasure.

"Mmmmm yummy," Hilary squealed in delight at the sight of Alyssa's baby smooth, glistening slit. "You're so wet Lyssa. Mmmm and I wanna make you even wetter! I wanna make you wetter until you come all over my slutty little face!"

Soaking Hilary's pretty teenaged face in girl juice sounded mighty good to Alyssa right then and it was so tempting just to stand there and let these two work her over. After all they had distracted her. It was only fair that she have her fun and have the two of them wait. But ultimately Alyssa wanted to play around a bit more before she got her rocks off. She was pretty hungry herself right then and it wasn't for any cookies.

Hilary had left Alyssa's black panties around her feet and she easily stepped out of them and her jeans, leaving herself nude except for the pink socks covering her feet. All the good spots were exposed and that was what Alyssa cared about. Now she wanted to see more of these wicked temptresses. Those damn aprons were blocking too much.

"Your turn," Alyssa declared simply, pulling Hilary up off her knees. Before Hilary could say a word, Alyssa picked her up and set her down on the kitchen counter next to the mess of bowls, spoons and assorted cookie preparations tools.

Hilary was light enough for Alyssa to do this with ease and she happily giggled all the way up, her bare ass pressing down on the cool counter and making a little yip fly out of her mouth. This was a surprise, but a very good one for Hilary. She'd been eager and ready to go down on Alyssa, but if the girl insisted on her having her turn first, the last thing she was going to do was fight her off.

Hilary just lay back on the counter and moaned as Alyssa flipped up her apron to expose the shiny lips of her dripping teen pussy. Alyssa didn't intend to just stare, though, and her tongue eagerly got to work, lapping at her tender, pink lips and sending Hilary into tremors of pleasure.

"Ooooooh oooooooooooh oooooooooooooh mmmmmmmmmm yeahhhhh ohhhh Alysaaaaaaaaaa!" Hilary cooed in rapture as her legs wiggled and her ass ground into the hard counter. "Yessssssss lick me! Mmmmmmmmmm lick meeeeeeeee! Ooooooh lick my slutty fucking pussy and make me come! Ooooooh make me come like you always do! I've been wanting this alllllllllll morning! Mmmmmm please don't stop Alyssa! Ohhhhh you're so good at this! Mmmmmmmmm ohhhhhhh pleaseeeeeeee don't stop!!!"

Stopping was the furthest thing from Alyssa's mind as she bent over, pushing her bare ass out, and fed off Hilary's juice drooling pussy. Mmmm this was her favorite kind of breakfast after all. Nothing picked her up in the morning like a hot, creamy pussy and Hilary had plenty to feed her. She licked at the girl's cunt lips, slurping up her juice and then dove in, parting her open with her fingers to start tongue fucking her to heights of ecstasy.


Hilary's dirty talk was the gospel truth from her lips. She loved this more than anything. Nothing she had ever done in her life had ever duplicated the ecstasy of having a beautiful woman eat her out and she doubted anything ever would.

She loved all aspects of sex with girls. She loved kissing and touching and getting naked. She loved getting her ass licked and getting her holes fingered and then taken with thick, hard toys, but nothing ever made her fly as high as getting eaten and Alyssa was totally amazing at it. She had such a hot tongue and feeling her incredible lips on her clit was such a rush every time it happened.

The compliments were nothing new to Alyssa. She'd heard them from Hilary many times before and from women of all ages, skin colors and cup sizes. But Alyssa never took them for granted. She'd worked long and hard to be as good at giving head as she was and she was going to make damn sure her reputation was always intact for giving mind blowing orgasms.

Alyssa burrowed her tongue inside Hilary, teasing her clitoris as she licked around her juicy, pink folds. God, this girl was totally hot for it today. Hilary was practically flooding her mouth with girl juice and she wasn't even coming yet. Alyssa supposed that everyone having to act good around the holidays just put them into naughtier moods because Hilary seemed ready to soak her face after just a few licks.

By concentrating on Hilary's gushing, young pussy, Alyssa had allowed herself to forget momentarily about Lindsay, but the foxy brunette had no intention of allowing that to stand. With Alyssa's bare ass sticking out and wiggling so enticingly as she fed off Hilary, how could Lindsay ignore it?

Still clad in her apron and nothing else, Lindsay moved around to Alyssa's backside. Mmmmm everything about the veteran actress was gorgeous, but Lindsay had always gone crazy for her ass. Everyone stared at Alyssa's tits, and for good reason, but Lindsay definitely hungered for the tanned flesh of Alyssa's perfectly toned ass.

The last time they had sunbathed nude by the pool, Lindsay had been lucky enough to be asked to rub oil all over it. Having her hands all over that amazing butt had made Lindsay so wet she had nearly had to finger herself while doing it and her ecstasy later in the shower when Alyssa had let her rub her ass again and then lick and finger her hole had been absolutely intense.

Coming up behind Alyssa, Lindsay let her hands caress her friend's gorgeous cheeks, gently rubbing the naked flesh she lusted after. God, she was so fucking wet now. Lindsay's pussy ached with desire, juice running from her lips and down her thigh and leg. Mmmm her pussy was like a waterfall of lust and she wasn't even touching herself. It was an amazing feeling and it was what this place always did to her.

Lindsay felt such incredible pressure all the time. Photographers were always following her. The press never took its eye off her for a second, running false stories about her when she failed to give them real news. She tried to shut it out, but seeing her name smeared and belittled all the time made her cry sometimes. She felt so alone during those times...like no one understood her or could help her. Her mother certainly couldn't. She was too wrapped up with everything else to understand what it was like to be dragged through the mud every day...to have photographers constantly pushing their cameras under your dress to see if you had panties on and having tabloids make up lies about her overdosing on drugs.

Lindsay felt like her mother could never truly understand how hard things were for her when all she wanted was to have a good time and people wanted to crucify her for it. And she knew her mother could never understand how the only true release Lindsay got from all that pressure was to be with her girlfriends.

Hilary understood her. She understood the pressure. Lindsay felt closer and closer to her one-time archenemy every day. Hilary got her. She understood the lusts she felt inside her and how to turn those lusts into ecstasy. Lindsay craved her friend for sex and also for friendship. No one comforted her as much as Hilary could. Her mother never could give her what Hilary did.

After all it was Hilary who had first brought her here to Malibu and the escape it offered. Whenever she came here, Lindsay had to act like James Bond to try and escape the photographers who relentlessly tailed her, but it was always worth it.

Once she was here she was free. She was free of her pursuers and those who hated on her. She could be whatever she wanted and when she was here Lindsay wanted to be nothing more than an uninhibited slut craving only endless pleasure. She wanted to surrender to her lust and her cravings and feel nothing but ecstasy.

This place was freedom to her and Lindsay never could thank her friends enough for creating all this and letting her indulge in it. And thanking Alyssa was just what Lindsay was doing as she sank to her knees behind her and started dragging her tongue up over her ass, licking the gorgeous flesh and making herself even wetter in the process.

All the girls in Malibu were so fucking beautiful that Lindsay could easily have spent all her days and nights licking every inch of them and she'd have been happy to do it too. She kept her hands on Alyssa's toned cheeks, caressing them softly as her lips got to work, kissing all over the woman's bare ass, making sure she knew how hot she was for her as her mouth moved closer and closer to Alyssa's pussy.

It was a message that Alyssa got loud and clear and, as much as she wanted it, she also quickly put a stop to it. Alyssa had felt Lindsay's tongue on her cunt many, many times and she knew the girl was getting better with every licking she gave. Alyssa wanted to concentrate on Hilary now and if Lindsay started tonguing her Alyssa knew that would have been impossible. Besides, Alyssa knew her own orgasm would be sweeter if she had a tummy full of young slut cream first.

"Mmmm not yet baby, not yet," Alyssa declared as she pulled her face up briefly from Hilary's pussy, letting Lindsay see how shiny her lips and chin were with her best friend's juices. "Get up here first. Help me make this hot little slut feel good."

Lindsay was surprised at first that Alyssa didn't want her to go down on her and she naturally assumed she'd done something wrong. But that feeling lasted but a brief second because Alyssa's Duff-coated smile was so warm and reassuring. Getting up off her knees, Lindsay quickly made her way back toward the counter where the former Disney Channel superstar lay writhing in a very family-inappropriate way.

"Mmmmmmmmm oooooooooooh fuck me Alyssa!!! Mmmmmm pleaseeeeeee don't stop!" Hilary begged in a tone that was all Spice Channel. "I need this! I fucking need to come sooooooooo bad!!! Eat me please! Eat my wet cunt! You like that Lyssa? You like when I talk nasty? Ohhhhhhhh I know you dooooo!! I know you love it when Lizzie McGuire tells you all to fuck her cunt and what a slut she is and how she needs to get her hot pussy fucked like a goddamn whore! Mmmmmmmmm I fucking love it tooooo!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I looooooooove being nasty and slutty for all of you! Ughhhhhhh you fucking made me this way! You turned me from a good girl into a nasty pussy licking bitch slut who talks dirty and fucks other girls! GAWWWWWWD THAT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOOD!!! OOOOOOOOOH LICK MY FUCKING PUSSY LYSAAAAAAA!!! AHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH TONGUE MY CUNT!!! TONGUE MY BAD GIRL CUNT!!!"

Hearing her friend scream out her passion like that wasn't doing anything to stop the wetness dripping down Lindsay's leg. God, it was so hot to see Hilary act and talk like that. She loved it when it happened to her too. It was so much fun to lose all control and give into lust so much that you did things that would make porn stars blush. To always see such beautiful and famous girls act like wanton sluts made Lindsay crazy with horniness, especially since she wanted to be the biggest, baddest slut of them all.

While Alyssa licked away at Hilary's pussy, sucking on the teen's splayed lips when she wasn't thrusting her tongue inside to lap at her clit, Lindsay did as she was told and set to adding to her friend's pleasure. Hilary's tits were still imprisoned under her apron and Lindsay knew she wouldn't have been a real friend if she had done nothing about that.

Lindsay leaned down and kissed Hilary passionately, letting her dirty talk flow right into her open mouth as their tongues rubbed together and their eyes closed in passion. The two one time rivals could never get enough of kissing and touching each other and their lip locks never lacked for heat.

But kissing wasn't the only thing that Lindsay wanted to do to her friend. While they massaged each other's tongues, Lindsay reached under Hilary's back to get at the knot in her apron. Lindsay had been the one to tie the knot before after she and Hilary had hurriedly stripped outside the kitchen and now she completed the circle by undoing it. Once that was done, the rest was easy and Lindsay yanked the apron away to leave her friend nude and her beautiful pink tits fully exposed.

"Mmmmm yessssss make me naked Linds," Hilary moaned, her eyes still closed as her head slowly rolled back and forth in rapture on the hard counter. "Get at my tits! Ooooh they're yours to play with Lindsay. My whole body is yours! Yours and Lyssa's!"

Lindsay adored playing with every inch of Hilary's sexy, teen body and she didn't waste a second before going for her friend's breasts. Just like she'd done to Alyssa, Lindsay caressed and licked Hilary's tits, tonguing them and spitting into her cleavage before getting her hands to work, squeezing the sexy mounds so each breast rubbed into the other. Lindsay knew Hilary got so wet when her tits got wet and rubbed together, and she added to it by tonguing Hilary's nipples at the same time.

"Ooooooooooooh!!!" Hilary squealed, her body thrusting forward and fucking Alyssa's face and probing tongue as Lindsay pleasured her breasts. "Mmmmmm ohhhhh fuck Linds! Mmmmm you always make my titties feel sooooooooo gooooooood! Ughhhhh I love it when you play with my tits baby! Oooooooooh I lie in bed at night when I'm at home dreaming of you playing with my tits and getting my pussy so fucking wet!"

Having Lindsay at her tits just made Hilary's pussy wetter and Alyssa reaped the benefit of having more yummy girl juice to lick at. Cookies and charity work was the furthest thing from Alyssa's mind as she fed off the wet and wanton teenager. The only time she paused in her licking was either to gulp in breath or to stare at the lewd and wondrous sight of Hilary Duff's spread, pink pussy.

It was so wild to think that no one had this but them. No boy had ever gotten at this pussy. It was for girls only and to have a formerly sweet, innocent mommy's girl like Hilary begging to be made into their whore was a mind boggling testament to the powers of girl sex.

But Alyssa didn't dwell on that too long. She could ponder the celebrity sex universe later. There was licking to do now and she didn't allow her tongue to rest for long. Hilary tasted absolutely delicious and Alyssa couldn't help but think her pussy had to be sweeter than any of the sugar she'd been baking with that morning.

Alyssa's tongue was in heaven as it licked at Hilary's tight slit, pushing inside to get her juice and fuck itself against her clit. There really was no better kind of breakfast and, as she stared up from between Hilary's legs, Alyssa saw she was no longer the only one there enjoying a meal.

Alyssa observed that Lindsay had pulled away from Hilary's tits and had reached around back for the knot holding her own apron together. As soon as the knot was gone, Lindsay made sure her apron was puddle around her feet and her wetness was pressed to Hilary's pussy starved face.

With Hilary lying across the counter flat on her back, her legs were slung over one end and her head was leaning over the edge of the other. That made it easy for her to just stick her tongue out and start licking when Lindsay went up to her and started humping against her face. Alyssa knew from experience it wasn't the most comfortable position in the world, but it was well worth a slightly sore neck to get some pussy.

"Ohhhhhhhhh fuck!!!" Lindsay groaned, thrusting her pussy against Hilary's waiting face as she grabbed onto her friend's bare shoulders for support. "Fuck me Hil! Oooooooooooh yeahhhhhhhhh work that nasty, slutty tongue into my pussy like the fucking cum starved bitch you are baby! Mmmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh I'm a fucking slutty bitch too Hil! Oooooooooooh you always make me so fucking horny with that nasty tongue of yours! That's it baby! Show me you're not a good girl! Show me you're a horny, fucking bitch like me! Fucking lick that pussy you helped make so wet!"

Hilary moaned loudly that she wasn't a fucking good girl. She was a filthy slut who loved eating pussy and loved fucking girls. Of course none of those words were anything more than hard to understand mumbles because of Lindsay fucking her face. But when words couldn't make her meaning clear, Hilary made sure her tongue did. She licked her friend faster, lashing at Lindsay's pussy with hard, full tongue strokes that lapped up her juice and drove her wild.

"Ohhhhhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhh mmmm Hilaryyyyyyyyy!!!" Lindsay passionately cried. "Gimmie your tongue! Oooooh fuck I can't get enough of you Hil! Mmmmmmm my fucking cunt is so greedy for your tongue! Give it what it wants! Tongue me baby! Oooooooooh you're not a good girl Hil! You're nasty and slutty and so fucking hot!"

A smile of triumph curled on Hilary's lips as she continued licking. If she had been able to speak she probably would have added a firm "Damn right" to Lindsay's words, but since she couldn't she simply continued to lick. She always loved to taste Lindsay's wet, smooth pussy...so tight and yummy...and she relished having the chance to lick her to orgasm.

Lindsay's furious cries of pleasure continued to spill out of her lips and her hands moved off of Hilary's shoulders to grab at her tits. Being able to stand above her like this had given Lindsay too good a view of Hilary's firm tits bouncing for her to just gawk and do nothing. She had to get those puppies in her hands and she grabbed at them, massaging them again with loving force as Hilary continued to tongue fuck her.

This was a much appreciated gesture and Hilary rewarded her friend by getting her hands to work as well. They had just been gripping the counter top, more as a reflex to the ecstasy shooting through her veins than from any fear of actually falling off onto the floor, but Hilary knew there was something much softer for her to grab at. With a pussy muffled laugh and moan, Hilary reached up and around Lindsay to squeeze her bare ass cheeks and draw her even closer to her face.

"Yeahhhhhhh ohhhhh fuck yeahhhhhh! Squeeze my ass baby!" Lindsay moaned, her eyes rolling back a little as the sensation of Hilary's nails on her cheeks traveled up her spine to her already overheating brain. "Mmmmm gawwwwwwd you always make me feel soooo good! You know just what I want Hil! Mmmm grip my ass tight! Make me fucking feel it!"

Alyssa actually felt a little jealous that Hilary was the one feasting on Lindsay. She had no idea where these pangs had come from or why. Playtime at the mansion was more often than not a tangle of girls, and one of the first lessons you learned here was that you couldn't be everywhere and taste everyone all at once. Plus Alyssa already had herself a sweet pussy to enjoy. What more did she need?

But that logic didn't cut any ice with her and Alyssa couldn't stop from feeling greedy. She wanted both of their pussies. Hell she deserved both of these young, tight, juicy cunts for herself! Didn't she? She'd been working hard all morning, while Lindsay and Hilary had been slacking off. Now it was time for her reward. She had been good all year and she wanted something special for Christmas. And what was that saying, Santa helped those who help themselves? Whatever.

With a smack of her lips, Alyssa pulled up from Hilary and asserted herself over the two young girls. Alyssa greedily licked up Hilary's essence from her lips and even used her fingers to clean off her chin before licking them clean too. Hilary immediately moaned in frustration. How could Alyssa stop when she was so close? But an explanation was quick in coming.

"Get up here," Alyssa said to Lindsay. "Up on the counter. Both of you. On your hands and knees. Now."

Alyssa was smiling as she said this, but her tone also made it clear there would be no arguments. Not that any were coming, of course. Both Hilary and Lindsay were always eager to let someone like Alyssa control them and use their bodies for her pleasure, especially since that always meant pleasure for them too.

So Lindsay didn't say a word. She just pulled herself away from her friend's face and crawled up naked on the counter with her. It was a tight fit up there with all the used bowls, cookie trays and cups of flour and sugar and Lindsay knocked into a few things, causing a spill that everyone ignored for now. But both horny girls managed to set themselves up as requested, on all fours, their asses sticking out into Alyssa's face.

This was the kind of sight you wanted preserved for the ages. Lindsay Lohan and Hilary Duff stripped naked, their bare asses wiggling in the air and the glistening lips of their young cunts on display right in the kitchen. Both girls had been shaved baby smooth as part of their rite of passage to the mansion and there hadn't been a hair on their pussies ever since.

"Mmmmm good girls," Alyssa purred as she ran her hands over their firm asses and down their legs, juice dripping from her own pussy. "You always gotta give me what I want and right now I want your cum. You gonna give it to me you little sluts? Gonna give Alyssa what she wants?"

"Yesssssssssss," Lindsay groaned, her husky voice thick with lust. "Take our cum! Take anything you want from us! Take everything! Ughhhhhh fucking use our slutty bodies Alyssa! We're your whores! You and all your friends! We...OWW!!! Oooooooooooh!!!"

Lindsay's cry came when Alyssa's hand smacked down hard on her bare ass and her moan came from the actress' kiss to her tender flesh. Alyssa spanked Lindsay again and then a third time and then a fourth followed quickly by a fifth before she finally took mercy. Of course Lindsay loved what was happening to her far too much for it to be mercy when she did stop, especially since every part of her ass that Alyssa spanked got treated to a long, tender kiss.

"Do me too!" Hilary begged. "Spank my ass too Alyssa! Ughhhhhh you had me so fucking close before! You had my slutty, naughty pussy ready to cream! Please touch me! Lick me! Spank me! Do anything you fucking want to me Alyssa! Slap my hot little ass! You can make it fucking hurt if you want! You know I love it!"

Alyssa certainly didn't need a refresher course when it came to that, but she didn't feel like paddling Hilary's ass today. Lindsay, after all, had been the schemer who had set all this in motion. Her ass had most definitely deserved a hard spanking while Alyssa had less motivation to punish Hilary. Besides there was something Alyssa wanted to do to Hilary's ass much more.

"Don't worry honey, you're going to get yours," Alyssa promised, leaving Lindsay's pinkened ass behind to turn to Hilary.

At the sound of that, Hilary tensed up, getting herself psyched for the spanking she knew was about to come. But instead of a hard slap, Hilary instead felt Alyssa spreading her butt cheeks open and her tongue darting out to lick at her puckered hole.

"Oooooooooooh," Hilary dreamily moaned. "Gawwwwwwwwd mmmmmm oooooh yessssssss Alysaaaaaaaa! Lick my ass! Lick my slutty ass! Make it sooo naughty! Mmmmmm ohhhhhhh that tongue feels sooooooo good on my little hole! Gawwwwwwd you're totally gonna make me come from licking my ass!"

Lindsay's head craned so she could see what was happening, all without leaving her doggie style position on the counter. The hard surface pressed into her hands and knees, but Lindsay couldn't feel the discomfort. She was too enraptured watching Alyssa's beautiful face pressed between her best friend's spread ass cheeks as she treated Hilary to what Lindsay knew had to be an amazing rim job.

Lindsay had felt Alyssa's tongue on her ass before and it was incredible. It always had her pussy gushing and she longed to feel it again now, especially as Hilary's face contorted in ecstasy from it, her eyes shut and her mouth opening and closing for her moans as little stands of saliva spit out and dribbled onto her chin. Lindsay wanted to feel that good. She wanted it now!

"Don't forget about me Lyssa!" Lindsay groaned. "Lick my ass too! Mmmm I love when you tongue my pussy and my tight ass! Mmmmm you always get it so wet and make it feel so good! Please lick my ass too Lyssa! If you lick it you can totally fuck it! Don't you want that Lyssa! To fuck my little party girl ass? Oooooh everyone thinks I give my fucking ass up to anyone who asks, but it's only for you guys! You can have my ass Alyssa! You can lick it and spit in it and fuck it with anything you want! Just please do me like you're doing Hilary!"

"Greedy little whore, can't even wait for your friend to finish her fun before you have to get your own," Alyssa teased with a grin as she pulled up from Hilary's cheeks. "Naughty girl. I should make you wait all day to come just for that."

"Noooooooooo! Please don't make me wait!" Lindsay cried, the prospect horrifying her. "Fuck me Lyssa! Lick my ass! Fuck my cunt! Just make me come! Pleaaaaaaaaase!"

Alyssa ignored her cries for now, still concentrating on Hilary. Alyssa rubbed her fingers up over Hilary's soaked slit, teasing her without penetrating her as she resumed licking at her ass. Hilary had such a tight little pink hole and it was always such a nasty rush to be able to lick what anyone who thought they knew Hilary would have thought was forbidden territory. The world thought Hilary was a pristine virgin, but here she was, offering up her asshole for a rimjob from another woman and Alyssa loved it. The mental arousal of it was doing more for her own horniness than even the continued sounds of Hilary's happy moans and squeals about how wet she was and how much she loved having her ass licked.

But Lindsay's cries continued, growing more desperate by the second. Alyssa thought to herself that Lindsay was probably the greediest slut in the mansion next to Christina, with the pierced pop princess setting the bar so high no one would probably ever clear it. However, while Lindsay was greedy, Hilary was generous to a fault even when it came at the expense of her own pleasure.

"Fuck her Alyssa!" Hilary moaned, her hair sticking to her forehead from the sex sweat which left her skin glistening. "Fuck Lindsay for me! Make her come! Then you can do me! She needs it so bad! I wanna see you fuck her like you're fucking me! Lick her ass and fuck her! She loves it up her naughty little butt just like I do! Ohhhh we're both such dirty fucking whores!"

If she were a cartoon, Lindsay would have had hearts dancing around her eyes as she stared at Hilary. See! Hilary totally got her! She knew how she hated waiting when she was all horny and ready to burst. That was so fucking nice of her and Lindsay had every intention of making it up to her friend as soon as she got the chance.

"Mmmm someone's lucky she's got a good friend," Alyssa reminded Lindsay as she moved over to her smooth, bare ass. She thought about giving Lindsay another slap, but decided against it. Instead she went after her just like she'd done to Hilary, spreading apart her cheeks to lick at her asshole.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Lindsay hissed blissfully. "Mmmmmmmm gawwwd that's so fucking nasty and I love it Alyssa! I love you licking my hot slut ass! Oooooh thank you Hil! Thank you for letting her fuck me like this! So close!!!! Oooooooooh so fucking close to coming from your tongue up my ass Alyssa!"

Hilary had been pretty damn close herself. She'd probably been even closer. But she knew she could wait a little bit...if it truly only was a little bit. She always got off on seeing Lindsay come so she knew she'd at least get herself a hot show. The one thing Hilary didn't want was to have her pussy cool off even a degree. She'd been so close to orgasm and she wanted to explode just as soon as Alyssa got her tongue back inside her.

She wanted to be able to touch herself as she watched Alyssa feed off Lindsay's ass. Her fingers would have been a good way to keep her pussy heated to molten levels of girl juice, but Hilary felt like she needed something more and suddenly inspiration struck her. It was so naughty, especially because of the season and it was too irresistible an idea for her to even think about ignoring.

Hilary had always loved candy canes when she was a kid around Christmas. She loved the sugary peppermint flavor. She loved the way they made her fingers all sticky. She loved how they broke apart when you licked them enough. And there was a box of them right next to her on the kitchen counter. Alyssa had been breaking them apart to use in her cookies, but now Hilary had a much better idea.

Giggling all the while over how naughty this was, Hilary reached over for the candy canes. She grabbed at them while trying not to have to tear her eyes away from Lindsay moaning in rapture over Alyssa spreading her cheeks wide to rim her asshole. This created some serious fumbling but eventually Hilary got her hand wrapped around one of the white and red striped candies.

Moving fast before she lost her nerve, Hilary wrapped her fingers around the candy cane and pushed it between her legs, sliding the hooked part of the candy into her pussy.

"Oooooh ohhhh gawwwwd ohhhh gawwwd...so naughty...so fucking naughty," Hilary groaned as she began fucking herself with the traditional winter treat. "Yeahhhhh fucking my naughty little pussy with my good girl candy cane! I'm such a fucking slut! I'm so fucking nasty! Such a fucking dirty girl for fucking myself like this!"

Hilary's moans were much softer than Lindsay's happy cries from Alyssa's tongue, especially since Alyssa was now working two of her fingers into her cunt while she was licking her ass. But both Alyssa and Lindsay took notice what Hilary was up to and turned to watch the naked teenager on her knees, spreading open her pussy with one hand and thrusting a candy cane into herself with the other.

"Ooooooooooh gawwwwd that's hot Hil!" Lindsay cried. "Mmmm keep fucking yourself with that candy cane while Alyssa makes me fucking come! Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh just a little more Alyssa! Please keep fucking me! Keep fucking me with your fingers while you're tonguing my whore ass!"

Alyssa wasn't planning on moving an inch away from Lindsay until the brunette had come. She worked her double attack on the current queen of the tabloids, rubbing her throbbing clitoris while rimming her puckered hole. Alyssa loved how these two girls were up for anything. She still remembered the first time she had tried this and how Shannen Doherty had threatened to slap her after she'd given her ass a lick. These girls never needed to be coaxed into anything. They were always hot and ready for it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh oooooooooh Lyssa! Tongue fuck my ass!" Lindsay begged. "Ohhhhhhhh fuck it feels good! Mmmmm everyone thinks I'm a fucking whore but I only am for you guys! You're the only ones who get my pussy and my ass and get to fuck me whenever you fucking want to! OOOOOOOOH DON'T STOP! AHHHH YEAHHHH KEEP LICKING MY ASS WHILE YOU FINGER MY PUSSY LYSSA!!! OHHHHHH GAWWWWWWD YOU LICKING MY ASS IS SO FUCKING HOT YEAHHHHHHH!!!"

As Lindsay continued to moan and wail, rocking back and forth on her hands and knees on the hard counter, Alyssa kept licking and fingering. Her free hand longed to be pressed up between her own legs, but instead she kept it resting on Lindsay's ass, using it to spread her bare cheeks apart so she could give her a proper licking.

Alyssa knew Lindsay was close. Her cries were loud and ragged. Her pussy was absolutely soaked and her clit was so swollen. Lindsay's pussy lips and her asshole threatened to clamp down on her fingers and tongue, but Alyssa didn't know how close she was until Lindsay suddenly howled in orgasm.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHH FUCK YESSSSSS!!!" Lindsay's voice carried, no doubt informing everyone in the mansion how good she was feeling. "YEAHHHHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOOOOOH YESSSSSSS COMINGGGGGG!!! I'M FUCKING COMINGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!"

This took Alyssa a little by surprise. She'd been planning on getting her tongue back in Lindsay's pussy and getting her fingers up her ass to push her over and be in position to swallow her cum, but Lindsay was so keyed up that she went over the edge before Alyssa was ready. This caused Alyssa to have to scramble and get her tongue out of Lindsay's ass and in her pussy in such a hurry that she didn't get her fingers out first.

Of course, having her fingers and tongue working over Lindsay together just made the girl come even harder.

While Lindsay came, Hilary kept thrusting into herself with the candy cane. It felt so naughty to be doing this...to take the thing she had loved so much when she was nothing but a good girl and use it to fuck her bad, slutty girl pussy was making her whole body tremble.

"Ooooh oooooh oooooooooooooooh mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh gonna come all over my candy cane!" Hilary mewed. "Mmmm gonna soak it like a naughty, nasty girl in my slutty cum! Watch me come! Watch the slutty little whore make herself come!"

But Lindsay didn't just want to watch the show. She wanted to get in on this. She had to pay Hilary back for letting her come first and she didn't even wait for her own orgasm to end before she started paying that debt back. As her pussy was still quivering with pleasure, Lindsay yanked herself away from Alyssa and turned toward Hilary.

She pushed the girl off her hands and knees until she was on her back on the counter. This knocked more things over on the counter, spilling flour and milk and making a mess as one of the bowls went flying onto the floor. Luckily it was wood and not glass, but Hilary and Lindsay wouldn't have cared if it were shards all over the floor. All they cared about was each other.

Hilary moaned and squealed as she was pushed down. She yanked the candy cane out of her pussy and didn't hesitate to bring it up to her lips and start licking. She was so horny this seemed like the only sane thing to do and she slurped her own juice off the sticky, sugary snack as Lindsay enjoyed herself a taste of Hilary's pussy, forcing open her legs on the crowded counter and making the mess only grow.

Lindsay cared not for messes. She only wanted what Hilary had for her. She plunged her face down into Hilary's cunt and tongued her furiously, loving what she tasted even more than usual.

"Ooooooooooh Hil! Mmmmm baby, your pussy tastes just like a fucking candy cane!" Lindsay gleefully reported. "Mmmm peppermint! Yummy!"

Hilary knew exactly what Lindsay was finding so delicious. As Lindsay tasted her candy cane flavored pussy, Hilary was busy with her pussy flavored candy cane. She could feel her heart pounding from how nasty she was being and she loved it. After all the times she'd licked these things as a kid the last thing she ever dreamed was she'd ever be so fucking naughty with one of them. But her pussy tasted sooooooo good all over the candy and her head was spinning with pleasure from the taste and from what Lindsay was doing between her legs.

All this left Alyssa standing in the kitchen, naked except for her socks, and surveying the mess the two girls were making out of the counter. Everything was being knocked around and spilled but she didn't care much either because she was getting off on seeing Lindsay voraciously eat away at Hilary's pussy while the teenager sucked away at her candy cane like it was a sex toy, which Alyssa supposed it was.

Her own pussy was left neglected and had been for far too long, but while Alyssa longed to feel one of their young tongues on her overheating girl flesh, it was just too hot to watch those uninhibited nymphos go at each other on the kitchen counter. Alyssa's hands went to work without her even telling them to. She grabbed at her tits with one hand and used the other to shove her fingers up her own pussy. This was the same hand she had just used on Lindsay, so her fingers were already plenty juicy.

Alyssa groaned and grunted as she pleasured herself, fingering her own pussy close to orgasm while groping her tits and trying to not even blink as she stared at Lindsay gobbling up Hilary's peppermint flavored pussy.


As Lindsay considered how good Hilary's pussy would taste flavored with something else peppermint, like schnapps, she licked away at her friend's pussy as fast as her tongue could go. She tongued her clit, licking up her dripping juices with each lash and getting Hilary's pussy into a creamy frenzy that exploded with ecstasy after one last hard lick of her tender, swollen bud.

"GYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHH OHHHHH OHHHHH!!!" Hilary screamed in orgasm, her teeth biting down on her pussy coated candy cane and breaking it into several pieces in her mouth.

The pieces actually soon went flying out of her mouth as she came, since chewing and swallowing was not exactly something Hilary was in position to do as she flailed in orgasm on the kitchen counter, knocking another bowl to the ground with her kicks as she roared her teenage ecstasy.

"MMMMMMM YESSSSSSSSS LINDSAYYYYYY SUCK ALL THAT CANDY CANE CUM OUT OF MY PUSSYYYYYYYYYY!!!" Hilary cried out and her friend did just that, gulping down her creamy, flavored juices as Alyssa continued to finger herself hard and fast.

The two girls were so lost in each other that Alyssa was beginning to think her own fingers were going to be the only way she came from this. Perhaps letting them go first wasn't such a good idea after all, Alyssa said to herself as she watched Hilary yank Lindsay on top of her so their sweaty, flushed naked bodies could rub together and they could kiss, sharing the mix of girl cum and candy cane.

But just as Alyssa got herself close to the edge with her own fingers pinching and rubbing her clit as they probed her folds, the two messy girls turned their attention to her.

"Now it's your turn on the counter, Lyssa," Lindsay said with a smile as she and Hilary hopped off. Their legs were a bit wobbly at first, but they managed to steady each other. They then grabbed Alyssa's hands and pushed her where they'd just been, naked on the kitchen counter.

Alyssa winced a little as she felt the flour and little rivers of milk press into her bare back, but she shrugged it off quickly. Sex usually was messy anyway. This just meant a little extra clean up. Of course Alyssa had no idea how much cleanup would be necessary until Hilary had another bright idea.

As Lindsay pushed Alyssa down on the counter and began kissing her while caressing her perfect tits, Hilary's eyes darted around again and saw another opportunity. Her mind still aglow with the success of her candy cane endeavor, Hilary had no doubt that this was going to be totally awesome too.

"Hey Lindsay, how about we make some special cookies?" Hilary suggested with a naughty giggle as she eyed the bowl of cookie dough Alyssa had been mixing before they had started their fun.

"What kind of cookies?" Lindsay asked before moving down to engulf one of Alyssa's swollen nipples.

"Mmmm Lyssa flavored cookies," Hilary laughed before picking up the spoon and scooping out some dough and slapping it down on Alyssa's bare stomach.

"Noooo! Don't you dare!" Alyssa laughed in playful protest as Hilary giggled again and licked up the cookie dough right from her impossibly firm stomach.

"Mmmmm that tastes soooo good," Hilary grinned. "You taste now Linds."

Hilary spooned out another helping of cookie dough onto Alyssa, this time right onto the breast Lindsay had just been sucking. Lindsay was already in perfect position so she went right for it, licking off the dough and getting a smile as big as Hilary's over the taste.

"Yum!" Lindsay laughed. "Now that's a great kind of cookie!"

"C'mon guys...no more, I'm not a fucking buffet table," Alyssa protested, still unable to stop from laughing along with the younger girls. But her words fell on deaf ears. Like most, Hilary and Lindsay loved the taste of cookie dough and combined with their love of the taste of hot girl, it was impossible for them to resist this.

Soon Alyssa was laughing wildly as she was tickled all over her body from Lindsay and Hilary smearing cookie dough all over her body and eating it off her. It was weird at first, but Alyssa couldn't help but get off on it. Those two eager tongues felt so good on her naked skin. Having the raw cookie dough on her was making them even more into licking her and Alyssa's pussy benefited from it, quivering and dripping her hot juices down her thighs as Lindsay and Hilary literally ate her up.

"Mmmmmmm yeahhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh naughty sluts...naughty fucking sluts," Alyssa groaned as she felt her hair get wet from all the spills on the counter. "Mmmmm eat me you little whores! Ughhhhhh how's it taste bitches? How's it taste to be eating off my hot body? Bet you never tasted anything sweeter, have you?"

"Definitely not," Hilary grinned, knowing this snack had far too many calories in it for her diet, but deciding to fuck it because the holidays were supposed to be a time of overindulgence. "Mmmm but that's only because we haven't had your pussy yet!"

"What? No! Don't you..." Alyssa protested again before her voice devolved back into wanton, horny moans as Lindsay scooped out cookie dough onto the lips of her pussy and spread it around with her fingers onto and into her slit.

This created quite a mess of cookie dough and dripping pussy juice and Lindsay and Hilary were both eager to clean it up the best way possible, with their tongues. They attacked Alyssa's pussy together as a team, lapping at her tender cunt and feasting on the cookie dough as they licked up her juices in the process.

After all she'd done in her life both pre-mansion and since moving in, Alyssa didn't often have the chance to say she'd never felt something before. Well this was definitely something she'd never felt before. She'd never really played around with food before now and she'd definitely never used anything like cookie dough while making love.

It was a weird feeling, but she was definitely getting off on it. It made her pussy squishier, though not in a bad way or anything. It was new, that's for sure and since Hilary and Lindsay were enjoying it and they were the ones licking her pussy, then Alyssa was enjoying it too for no other reason than it made them lick her faster and harder.

"Ahhhhhhhhh you greedy sluts! Mmmmm fuck you're gonna make me come you naughty girls!" Alyssa cried out, using all the terms she knew inspired her young lovers. "Eat my pussy!!!! Mmmmmm you lick every fucking inch of that cunt! Work those slutty tongues on my hot dripping pussy! Mmmm cookies with pussy huh? I should have figured little whores like you would be into that! You two keep eating! Keep eating my yummy cunt and make me fucking come!"

Truthfully the taste of Alyssa's juices on their own was more than enough to inspire Lindsay and Hilary considering how much they craved pussy. The cookie dough was just a bonus and it was definitely a fun one. Both girls were giggling as they licked their lips clean in between every dive down between Alyssa's legs.

Hilary would hold open Alyssa's pussy lips, spreading them wide for Lindsay to spread the delicious batter and then for both of them to lick their lover clean. But they didn't just concentrate on eating the dough off her pussy. Both girls made sure they tended to Alyssa's clit as they licked. They weren't so far lost in having fun with this that they forgot what they were supposed to be doing.

Hilary and Lindsay licked and sucked together on Alyssa's clit, pulling her closer and closer to orgasm and the closer she got to actually coming, the less they went back for more cookie dough.

As Alyssa's cries got louder and more intense, the two ended up concentrating entirely on her pussy and clit. The bowl of dough became forgotten as Lindsay and Hilary fed off what they knew was sweeter than any cookie. They tongued away at Alyssa's folds, working her over as one and, after gulping down breath, they dove back in for her clit, sucking and licking it and driving Alyssa to the heights of pleasure.


Alyssa's hands pressed down hard on Lindsay and Hilary's heads, insuring they didn't move anywhere she didn't want them too. Hilary and Lindsay were well experienced in working girls over as a team and they didn't miss a beat as they made Alyssa's orgasm last. They remained bent over at the edge of the counter as Alyssa shook and lurched on top of it, sucking on her clitoris to draw out her pleasure as girl cum rushed into their waiting mouths.

The nights and nights of practice Hilary and Lindsay had put in at the mansion had definitely paid off and Alyssa rewarded them for what they were doing with a shower of her cum on their young faces. Alyssa gasped and moaned and bucked with orgasm on the counter, her ass pressed hard into the counter and when she finally settled down, she sank back flat on her back, her head resting next to the plate of baking she had considered of the utmost importance just a short time ago.

"Mmmmm you were right Lyssa," Lindsay and Hilary giggled as they moved up on Alyssa's body to give her swollen nipples a series of licks. "Baking cookies is fun."

All Alyssa could manage was a happy smile as her brain soaked in orgasmic afterglow and one thought kept turning up. How long was it going to take her in the shower to get the last of that cookie dough out of her coochie?

Christmas was a time for boxes wrapped in all different colors topped off with festive bows and ribbons. One of the best parts was seeing those packages set down under the tree with days if not weeks to go before Christmas and wondering what was in there. Was it something wonderful or something you had to force a smile to pretend you liked? Was it something you'd long sought after or a plaid sweater with matching scarf? Was it a true gift from the heart or was it fruitcake?

It wasn't even close to the true meaning of the holiday, but in her mind at least, Sarah Michelle Gellar had always considered Christmas a little bit of a game show where you had to wait until the end to find out what was in the mystery box you'd won.

Those were the kinds of thoughts that were running through Sarah's mind as she lay in bed, letting concepts and thought formations drift through her brain like clouds in the sky. It was definitely a holiday of boxes.

Most likely these very deep, shallow thoughts were all triggered by the box she held in her hand. This box required no guessing. She knew exactly what it was and, more importantly, what was inside it. It was the wish box Alyson had given her last year. According to the legend, which as far as Sarah could tell started and stopped with Alyson and her mother, if you wrote a wish down on a piece of paper it was supposed to come true.

Sarah had appreciated the present when it was given to her. It had definitely come from the heart and that was where the best kind of presents came from, but she hadn't intended to actually do anything about. But after an emotional Christmas Eve last year, Sarah had written down a wish in a fit of loneliness and slammed the box shut, wondering if it actually did have any magic in it.

Of course wishes never really did come true just by simply wishing them. That was just silly superstition. Something to make yourself feel good but as practical toward getting you what you wanted as writing a letter to Santa. But she had made her wish that night and, as the year anniversary of it crept closer. Sarah couldn't help but notice that it was no closer to coming true than it had been that night.

She'd made her wish that night, shoved the box in her panties drawer and, unsurprisingly, she'd forgotten completely about it. That is until about a week ago when she'd been planning a romantic night with Freddie and had wanted to get her sexiest bra and panties on. She'd found the box in her drawer and had felt a huge rush of emotion when she'd found it. She'd forgotten about the box itself, but seeing it all of a sudden reminded her of exactly the wish she'd put in it.

The planned romantic night with her husband had ended up being a disaster when Freddie had called her and said he was going out with his friends, spoiling the romantic surprise she'd planned for him. It had left her alone in her favorite Victoria's Secret red push up bra and g-string with lit candles all around her. It wasn't the kind of night that a woman wanted to spend with her vibrator, but that had been exactly what had happened to Sarah.

Not that it was unusual for Sarah to spend quality time with her vibrator or her fingers or hell anything that could get her off. Even after all Reese had warned her about her and Ryan, Sarah had never dreamed that her marriage would contain such sexual frustration. That's why it hadn't been surprising that night, as Sarah had ended up pleasuring herself alone in the bed out of anger and horniness, that her thoughts had been far from her husband.

As she always did when she masturbated, Sarah had thought about the women she had left behind in Malibu. She thought about what her housemates would have done if they had found her stripped down to a push up bra and g-string. They wouldn't have gone out to play poker with their friends. They would have ravished her from head to toe.

Sarah had been able to see it all so clearly that night...how Jennifer would have kissed her so passionately and so deeply, her tongue tenderly sliding inside her mouth as Jewel and Jessica tugged off her bra to suck on her tits, tonguing her nipples and making sure they tingled just right from their wet mouths while Love inched off her panties, leaving her nude before working her soft, sexy tongue right into her pussy, licking her wetness and leaving her quivering with ecstasy as Christina spit in her ass and told her to get ready for Rose and Mr. Snappy.

That night Sarah had used that vibrator to buzz right against her ass, imagining Rose taking her from behind, fucking her deep and hard with Mr. Snappy and making sure every desire in her body was satisfied and her thirst for orgasm quenched again and again.

God she had gone absolutely wild that night, fucking herself with that toy so many times that she had lost count. Sarah had actually done a better job on herself that night with her vibrator and imagination than Freddie had done in months. But when she'd opened her eyes, of course, the images in her imagination had faded.

Her friends weren't really there. They were in Malibu, right where she'd left them and all she had was her memories of them.

It was those memories that had Sarah staring at the box again. Last year on Christmas Eve, when she'd missed them all so much it had brought her to tears she'd quickly dashed down the wish that she'd wanted to go home. And home wasn't where she lived with her husband. It was the mansion in Malibu.

But that was impossible. She couldn't go back. She had to move on. That part of her life was over. She had to commit herself to Freddie and her marriage. She had just never dreamed it would be so hard to break away from her friends.

She hadn't seen them since that night she'd left them in Jamaica. She hadn't called. She hadn't done anything to try and contact them because she knew it would hurt too badly. She was too scared of them hating her for what she'd done. And even more than that, Sarah knew if she saw them again she'd be too weak and she'd fall back to where she once was.

Sarah knew that as sure as she knew anything, because she had slipped. She had given into her desires and each time she'd cheated, it had filled her with such guilt and remorse that she could barely stand it. And it wasn't just remorse that she had cheated on Freddie. It was also remorse that she hadn't cheated with the women who had once been her housemates.

Before she could get too far in those thoughts, though, the door to her room opened and Freddie walked in.

"You gonna sleep away the whole day?" Freddie asked.

"I was just getting up," Sarah sighed as she put the box and the secret wish it held inside down on her night table.

"Of course, if you want to stay in bed all day that could be arranged too," Freddie said, his intention clear.

"Oh, now you want to be romantic?" Sarah muttered as she got out of bed and began moving to the bathroom so she could take a shower.

"Are you still mad about that?" Freddie groaned. "Shit Sarah, I said I was sorry. How many times do you want me to apologize?"

"How about just once where you actually mean it?" Sarah suggested sarcastically. "C'mon Freddie. When a wife asks her husband to meet her that night in the bedroom when he comes home, what do you think she has in mind? You going out with your buddies wasn't exactly the most romantic gesture you could have made when I was throwing myself at you."

"I said I was sorry," Freddie repeated. "I didn't know what you were planning. I hadn't seen the guys in weeks. I see you every night."

"Real nice Freddie," Sarah snapped before slamming the door to the bathroom. "That's the kind of talk that just makes a woman's heart go all pitter patter with romance."

Freddie sighed to the closed door.

"Just don't forget about the thing today, ok?" Freddie said. "I promised we'd go. It starts in a few hours so get ready. I don't want to be late."

Freddie then walked away and left Sarah on the other end of the door, staring down at the floor as if it could provide an answer for the millionth time she'd asked herself how her life had turned out like this.

Deep questions and regrets weren't just exclusive to Sarah's house that morning. While everyone else in the mansion was decorating or getting naughty, the last person anyone would have expected to be on her own and away from the action was lost in her own thoughts of sadness.

Christina Aguilera sat on the beach, watching the waves crash into the shore again and again. She loved the consistency of it. The water came in, hit the sand and then pulled out, only to slam itself against the shore again a second later. If she'd been feeling like herself, Christina probably would have smirked and decided it was like the ocean was fucking the shore and leaving creamy foam behind as an orgasm. But Christina was definitely not feeling like herself and she knew exactly why.

She had it all here. She had friends, money, success and non-stop hot sex. It was all she'd ever wanted in her life. But Christina couldn't stop thinking about the one thing she didn't have. She didn't have Britney.

Of all the paths she'd have chosen for herself in life, this was the last one she ever thought she would have been on. It was why she had thrown herself so enthusiastically into being with girls. Sure the endless orgasms were great, but what Christina enjoyed most about it was that it was never about love. It was just about fucking.

She didn't have to cuddle with her female lovers unless she wanted to. There were no head games or worries about whether someone liked you as much as you liked them. There was no overanalysis of every minor conversation. She didn't have to worry about dates or romance or any of that relationship bullshit. She could put her own needs first and focus only on getting off and nothing more.

Sex without love was heaven to Christina because it came without baggage. She'd given her heart away to unworthy men too many times in the past only to have it carelessly thrown onto the ground for her to pick up again with a little piece of it missing each time. That was what she loved about fucking girls. From that first night in the club with Rose it had only been about satisfying lust, nothing more.

So the last thing Christina had ever expected was to fall in love with a woman and for that woman to be Britney Spears just made it even worse. How could she fall in love with someone like Britney? A woman she'd convinced herself she'd hated for so long. A woman she'd been rivals with right up until that night backstage at the concert when they'd ended up sharing a dressing room and finding out, after literally falling onto the floor cat fighting and pulling hair, that they both had the exact same lusts inside them.

The long ago friendship they'd shared while doing The Mickey Mouse Club had been rekindled and this time it had been even better because they could spend each and every free moment they had fucking each other silly. Christina had realized that she hadn't hated Britney all those years, she'd wanted her sexually and had been too stubborn to admit it.

Once they began their lustful journey together, it was like nothing could stop them. They were more than fuck buddies. They were kindred spirits. Christina saw in Britney all she wanted in a female lover, someone as naughty as she was, someone as uninhibited as she was and someone as adventurous as she was. Britney had never said no to her and she had never said no to Britney. It had been amazing and Christina soon decided to take their relationship out of the bedroom and into the boardroom as business partners.

But Christina had thought it was that and nothing more. Two things she loved most in the world were sex and money. That was all she thought Britney gave to her. But she had been wrong. Boy had she ever been wrong.

It had come about so slowly that Christina couldn't pinpoint exactly when it had happened. It hadn't been one dramatic moment, just a slow kind of evolution. The kind where you wake up one day and realize you loved someone and hadn't noticed it before. After guarding her heart for so long, Christina had fallen in love with Britney. What had been just sex had turned into so much more.

She had found herself treasuring every moment they were together...how they laughed...how they dreamed...how they schemed. They were more than kindred spirits on a sexual level. Christina had found herself falling for every bit of Britney. She loved how sweet she was. She loved how optimistic she always was. She loved Britney's heart and her soul. She didn't just want to fuck her. She wanted to be with her always and forever.

The difference in her feelings for Britney and the others was so stark. She loved her friends. She really did. But she was in love with Britney.

Christina could still remember the night she had first admitted it. It had been after the orgy in Jamaica, when they had both run themselves ragged with fucking. Of course Britney had been sound asleep when Christina had told her, but she had always intended on telling her soon how she truly felt.

But instead of admitting the depth of her feelings, Christina had hesitated. She had feared that Britney didn't feel the same way. She worried that she was losing touch with who she had always wanted to be and turning from a steel hearted hedonist into some mushy romantic. Christina's love had made her scared and unsure of herself for the first time in a long time.

And then he had happened. Kevin Federline. Christina couldn't even say his name without seeing white hot rage. He had ambled out of nowhere with his baggy pants and fucking backwards baseball cap and stolen Britney. He had taken her away from her. Before Christina could even begin to admit to Britney how she truly felt about her, it was Britney who dropped the bombshell...she and Kevin were in love and they were getting married.

Christina shivered on the beach when she remembered how enraged she'd been that day. Nothing and no one had made her angrier before or since. She'd wanted to kill Britney! How could she fall for that useless fucking loser? Over her? How on Earth could Britney love Kevin more than her? How could she want to spend even a second with him, much less her whole life? How could she let him touch her? How could she?

Her housemates had told Christina that she had scared them all that day when she had thrown Britney out of the house. She'd even scared herself, though she'd never admit that to anyone. She had just felt so angry that she'd lost all control. She'd guarded against giving her heart out for so long and the first person she gave it to broke it.

Christina had never wanted to see Britney again. She'd told her never to ever come back to the mansion. She'd banned her from their record label. She'd forbid her housemates from ever seeing her. Even the mere mention of Britney's name had caused Christina to go into an enraged fit. But all that anger and all those times she said she hated Britney only masked the truth.

She still loved her. Christina knew that now. She knew that because even after all that had happened she still couldn't get Britney out of her mind. She couldn't stop thinking about her and wanting to see her again and it all made her even more miserable because the hurt of Britney leaving her for Kevin was still so raw and so intense. Part of her wanted to see Britney again to kiss her and another part still wanted to strangle her.

Christina was completely confused and she didn't see clarity coming any time soon. She just wished Britney would leave her alone. She wished she'd stop haunting her thoughts so she could move on with her life and forget all about her. But she couldn't get the girl out of her mind. She couldn't stop loving her.

She tried to forget about her with sex. She fucked every hot girl she knew, trying to make her pain go away through orgasms. She left her housemates gasping in worn out ecstasy and she seduced every piece of fresh girl meat she could get her hands on. Hell no girl got hired at her label unless Christina first licked their pussy to see if they passed her taste test. She had more pussy now than she ever had before.

But all that fucking wouldn't make Britney go away in her brain. It couldn't stop the pain and it couldn't stop her from loving her and missing her.

As she stared out into the ocean Christina felt the tears start to form in her eyes and she angrily swiped them away with her hands. She hated this. She hated being angry and sad all the time. She'd always been an emotional person, but this was killing her. It was too much pain. Too much longing. Too much anger.

Sometimes Christina wished she'd never hooked up with Britney. That the girl had never kissed her while they were rolling around the floor pulling at each other's hair. That they'd never started all they went through. But that meant never having all the fun they'd had. That meant never making each other feel so good over and over again. And Christina missed Britney far too much to truly wish all that.

There had never been any closure between them. Christina knew that. She knew grabbing Britney by her hair and literally throwing her out of the house while screaming at her wasn't true closure. But she couldn't even bring herself to talk to Britney. She hung up on her every time she called. She never returned the messages Britney had left begging to talk to her. And when Christina felt so lonely and anguished that she actually called Britney she always ended the call as soon as she heard her voice.

This couldn't go on, Christina told herself as she wiped away the tears once more and put her sunglasses on so none of her housemates would see she had been crying again. She needed to end this between her and Britney once and for all so she really could move on and get that girl out of her life.

But how exactly would she be able to do that? That was the question foremost in Christina's mind as she pulled herself up from the sand and began walking back up toward the mansion. How could she get Britney out of her head so when she said that she never wanted to see her again she'd actually mean it?

Christina had never turned to her housemates for advice. She could have. She knew they'd help her. But she didn't want to. She didn't want them to think she was weak. She didn't want them to see how deep her hurt really went. She didn't want them to know how she felt about all of this.

She enjoyed her reputation as the mansion's wildest hedonist, putting even her beloved mentor Rose to shame. She loved being known as the girl who was always ready and willing to fuck anyone at anytime anywhere. That was who she wanted to be. Not some weak little girl in love. At least that was what she thought she wanted. She was so confused these days that not even that was clear to her anymore.

But before Christina could think of this any further, she walked into the mansion and found herself quite distracted when she made her way to the kitchen looking for a vitamin water.

"Mmmm someone had some fun," Christina said, unable to stop from smiling despite her sadness, as she eyed Lindsay and Hilary on the kitchen floor. It wasn't that what they were doing that was particularly erotic. It was that the two girls were still stark naked as they cleaned the floors of the mess their frolic with Alyssa had caused.

"Who me? I've been in here making cookies the whole time," Alyssa claimed, her innocent words betrayed by the sexually satisfied smirk that tugged at her lips while she opened the oven to pull out another batch of baked treats.

Alyssa's hair was still a little damp from the shower she'd just taken to clean off what was left of the cookie dough which had been smeared all over her body. But while she'd been cleaning herself up, her lovers had been instructed to do the same to the kitchen. She'd handed Hilary and Lindsay sponges and buckets to get the work done and by the time she'd come back from her shower they'd still been at it.

Of course that hadn't been all they were up to. The girls had clearly gotten into a little bit of a flour fight judging from the little white dusting all over the floor as well as the proof on their naked bodies. Hilary and Lindsay had left handprints all over each other's bodies and Alyssa had noticed with great interest the white handprints pressed to their bare asses and tits and especially how there were traces of flour all over Hilary's thighs.

"I like them like that," Christina said, giving her lips a lick as she eagerly took the chance to concentrate on something other than Britney. "Mmmm the two of them on their hands and knees doing whatever we say."

That got a giggle of agreement from both girls and they turned around to look at Christina.

"We like it too," Lindsay declared. "Is there anything you want us to do to you Christina? Mmmmm anything at all? Cause we'll do anything you want. Right Hil?"

"Mmmm definitely," Hilary said. "Anything at all. Please let us do things to you Christina. Mmmmm can we lick your hot little pussy? You know we love licking your piercings."

That sounded mighty good to Christina and she put aside thoughts of water to instead reach for the drawstring to her shorts. She wanted those things puddled on the floor so these two hot whores could crawl to her. Christina could already feel their hot tongues on her pierced cunt, but before reality could meet fantasy, Alyssa put a stop to it.

"Oh no," Alyssa declared. "Not again. Chrissy keep your shorts on. These two sluts have been more than enough of a distraction today. I'm already gonna be late. So these two are on clean up duty until I say otherwise."

"Awww but if you're punishing them, why do I have to suffer?" Christina playfully pouted before going for it anyway and tugging at the drawstring to her shorts. Once the knot was undone the shorts became far too loose for Christina's body and they fell around her sandals, showing off her completely nude lower half.

"Fuck, I gotta get me some of that," Lindsay groaned at the sight of Christina's pussy, her smooth lips bare and pink and so very lickable. She put her sponge down and began making her way toward Christina on her hands and knees, with Hilary right behind her.

They could finish cleaning later. Right now Lindsay still craved pussy. Eating out Alyssa and then fingering Hilary to orgasm while Alyssa had been in the shower hadn't been nearly enough for her and Lindsay lusted deeply for a taste of Christina.

Alyssa was insistent though, stepping in front of the crawling girls.

"Clean," Alyssa said firmly pointing back toward their discarded sponges. "When you're finished then you can have more fun. Man, you two little spoiled bitches are going to get it when I get back later. Your asses are gonna be sore for days from the spankings you're gonna get."

Alyssa said all that with a smile and it was one quickly shared by Hilary and Lindsay. Lindsay's ass still stung from the spanking she'd already gotten from Alyssa that morning, but she was always up for more.

"Wow, actually turning down sex? I thought I knew you Lyssa," Christina giggled behind her sunglasses. "Maybe you just need a little more temptation to be a bad girl again."

Alyssa certainly didn't need any temptation or instruction on how to be a bad girl, but Christina looked ready to try, stepping out of the shorts puddled around her feet and walking bottomless toward her housemate. But before things could come to a head, there was a group interruption.

"Are we interrupting something?" Rose asked wryly as she stood in the doorway to the kitchen with Love, Jessica, Jewel and Reese right behind her. Rose's eyes drifted all over the bodies in the room, enjoying the sight of Alyssa fully dressed with a bottomless Christina and a totally nude Lindsay and Hilary.

"Just everyone trying to keep me from getting my work done," Alyssa sighed as she went back to her cookies.

"I know the feeling," Love laughed, giving Rose a playful elbow to her chest, which earned her a yip inducing slap on her ass as payback.

"I didn't hear you complaining when you were soaking my face with your cum," Rose pointed out, getting a blush from Love.

"Mmmmm well I didn't say I didn't like being interrupted," Love admitted.

"Wow, looks like I should have offered to help with the baking," Reese said, getting a look at all the hot girl flesh on display. "I've got some great recipes from my mom. Mmm but I never made cookies like that before. Maybe I should try your way Alyssa. It looks like a lot of fun. Mmmm especially with your little helpers there."

"We were naughty girls," Hilary giggled as she enjoyed the sexy stare Reese was giving her and Lindsay's bodies. "We're being punished."

"So I can see," Reese smiled, hoping she'd get a chance to punish those girls too. She'd gotten particularly good at those kinds of games lately with her kids' very eager nanny, Julie.

"Wow, it's getting crowded in here," Jennifer observed as she and Gwen joined the growing number of girls in the kitchen. "I was wondering where everyone was."

Christina made no effort to pull her shorts back on or do anything to cover to her exposed pussy and ass and neither did Hilary or Lindsay. Everyone there already had seen them naked tons of times and they all liked the looks they were getting for too much to think about covering anything up.

"Ok, good you're all here," Alyssa said, taking advantage of the gathering of housemates. "We need to get organized."

"The only thing I'm doing today is taking a long, hot bath followed by a relaxing day of doing nothing," Christina said. "Anyone who wants to join me is more than welcome."

"Oh no, not with the house still undecorated," Love said. "No one's getting out of the rest of their work. This has to be finished today."

As much fun as her break upstairs in Jessica's room had been, Love hadn't lost track of what had to be done. She'd hired people to decorate the outside of the mansion but the inside was her domain and Love wanted it to be perfect.

But Love's demands only got a whine from Christina.

"Awwww you don't need me to help, everyone else is helping," Christina said.

"Everyone has to help, even you Chrissy," Love insisted, knowing full well that Christina would soon try and tempt her way out of helping and wondering if she might just let her win when she did.

"Just don't take too long. We have that thing at Damon's office," Jennifer reminded Love.

"Oh yeah, yikes I almost forgot," Love admitted sheepishly. She'd been only too happy to volunteer her time to her agent's charity of bringing Christmas presents to inner city kids. There was going to be a big party at his office where the gifts were handed out and Love felt bad for letting it slip her mind.

"Well anyone who's not going to that can come with me," Alyssa declared. "I'm dropping the cookies off for the bake sale and then I'm going to be volunteering at the soup kitchen. Who wants to go with me?"

"Oh you can't be serious?" Christina asked, pushing down her sunglasses in the hopes that she'd see Alyssa was joking. "Ughhhh I like you so much better when you're selfish like me Alyssa. Christmas turns you all into do gooders and it's so boring."

"I hear that," Rose chuckled with a little roll of her eyes.

"Ok, you two are definitely getting lumps of coal this year," Alyssa chastised. "But what about the rest of you?"

"Count me in," Jewel pledged, remembering how well last year had gone when she had helped Alyssa with her charity work and they'd ended up bringing Anne Hathaway back to the mansion with them. Was it too much to hope that history would repeat itself?

"Me too," Reese said. "I should be giving back more too."

"Great," Alyssa smiled. "What about you Gwen?"

"Definitely," Gwen agreed. "But I need to stop home first. I made some banana nut bread for that bake sale last night and I've got to go pick it up first."

"Ahhhhhhhh what's wrong with you people?" Christina groaned in frustration as she shook her head in disbelief. "Decorating houses? Making banana nut bread? Are you all soccer moms now? C'mon! We should be throwing a Christmas orgy or something. Now that's the kind of thing I like!"

"Well who says we can't do that too?" Alyssa suggested. "But I think only girls on the nice list get invited."

"I'm nice," Christina claimed. "Mmmm let me show you how nice I am Lyssa."

"You can prove it after you help me out at the soup kitchen," Alyssa insisted, cutting off Christina's efforts to lick her way into good graces. "C'mon Chrissy. You pretend to be a selfish bitch, but deep down you love helping out. I know it. This is the time of year when we have to be giving back more than normal and you know it too. You might not want to admit it, but you know how good it feels to give back. You're just a big softie on the inside, like Rose secretly is."

"Hey! Leave me out of this," Rose laughed.

"Welllll maybe," Christina grumbled as a smile started to tug at her lips. Her friends always knew how to cheer her up. She didn't have Britney, but at least she had her friends. "But I'm bringing Fluffy with me in case anyone at this soup kitchen tries to kidnap me and you definitely owe me sex afterwards."

"Mmm no problem," Alyssa immediately agreed. "Being a good girl always makes me more eager to be bad anyway. But what about you Rose?"

"I wrote your precious little soup kitchen a nice check this year," Rose pointed out. "That's my Christmas gift. Anyways, I'm going to Damon's with Jen and Love."

Damon represented pretty much everyone in the mansion and Rose sometimes wondered how he'd react if he found out many of his biggest clients were living together and fucking each other silly every night. Rose figured he'd probably pass out from shock and then beg to join in.

"Is Fluffy going to meet you there or is he coming here?" Gwen suddenly asked, taking everyone a bit surprise with her random question. She caught herself being overeager and blushed a little. "I'm just ummm curious. That's all."

Jennifer had seen how her friend's face had lit up at Christina's insistence on bringing her bodyguard to the soup kitchen with her and she had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep from giggling. If this was how well Gwen was at keeping what was going on between her and Fluffy a secret, then it wasn't going to be a secret much longer.

"Ok, so we're agreed...charity work first and sex when we get back," Alyssa declared, before Love cleared her throat to remind her of what she's forgetting. "Ok, house decoration and then charity work and then sex."

Despite the girls in attendance would have preferred the agenda be sex then sex and then more sex, it sounded like a plan for the day that would tend to both the body and the soul. Everyone broke apart to get ready and Alyssa was about to head back up to her room when she noticed Michelle walking into the kitchen holding the shopping bags of tinsel Love had sent her out for.

"Don't worry about this mess," Alyssa told the mansion's maid. "These little sluts are cleaning all of it up. Don't help them or anything Michelle. They're on punishment."

"Oh Alyssa, surely you can think of better punishments for such sexy girls than making them clean," Michelle chastised with a smile. "Mmmm I can think of many different ways I would love to see them get punished."

The sound of that made Lindsay and Hilary light up with anticipation, but Alyssa quickly put a stop to it.

"No! You two clean!" Alyssa insisted. "And don't you start encouraging them Michelle."

Michelle just put the bags down on the table and tried to smile. As she did this she sighed sadly. Ordinarily Michelle would have insisted on showing Alyssa the proper ways to punish wicked little girls like Hilary and Lindsay, but with so much on her mind, Michelle found it hard to think about the pleasure this place always offered.

Alyssa sensed something was wrong with the beautiful blonde and came up behind her. It was the last day they were going to see Michelle before she flew back home to France for the holidays and Alyssa didn't want whatever was bothering the woman to linger.

"Is everything ok?" Alyssa asked. "You seem bothered by something Michelle."

"No, everything is fine Alyssa," Michelle lied. But since the truth was the last thing in the world she could say, the lie was what was best for all concerned.

"You can tell me if something's bothering you," Alyssa said, seeing right through Michelle's deflection attempt. "I'm not trying to pry, but it looks like something's really got you down. I think of you as a friend Michelle and I hope you do to me too."

"I do consider you a friend as well Alyssa," Michelle insisted with a smile. "But nothing is wrong. Truly. Everything is fine."

Michelle knew Alyssa didn't believe her, but fortunately the brunette didn't press her on it. Even if she did tell Alyssa the truth, Michelle knew she'd never believe her. What would any of them think when they found out she was no mere woman who had answered an ad looking for a maid, but rather a sleeper agent working for French intelligence?

Michelle had hoped the truth would never have to be revealed. She truly did love working here at the mansion. She had always loved sex and she had always loved women. This place was absolutely perfect for her. Nothing she had done to any of the girls here had been a lie. She had loved being their maid and their sexual plaything. She had done it all not because she was forced to, but because she'd wanted to.

But Michelle knew they would never forgive her if they found out she was a spy. She had done nothing to harm them, but Michelle had been living a lie and if she had been in the position of her madames, she never would have forgiven herself.

All this time Michelle had been living in America hoping the day would never come where she would be activated and given an assignment for her country. She loved America. She loved California. And she loved working here. She had been so happy, but then Rene had come back and told her what she had to do. She had obeyed him of course. Since the moment she had met him, Michelle had not been able to deny Rene anything.

And now he was asking her to be prepared to do something so awful that Michelle could barely comprehend it. It weighed on her mind so heavily that she feared the thought alone would crush her. Rene had told her to find a lead on what had happened to an invention known as the MAW Device. Michelle had not been told what it did. All she knew was that she was to help find it by any means necessary.

Michelle knew full well what that meant. She was supposed to let nothing stand in her way of her mission, not even her friends. Rene had made sure she knew that if she were ever discovered to be an agent then she would have no choice but to eliminate those who had found her. Michelle was being torn up inside over the idea that duty to her country could lead to her hurting the beautiful women she worked for, so she had been as careful as she had ever been in her life to hunt down this information without even betraying a hint of her cover.

There had been one lead Michelle had been specifically asked to pursue. The three boys who had once lived next door. Waldo, Franklin and Delbert. They had found information. French intelligence had confirmed it. They knew things Michelle needed to get out of them. The person who had destroyed their home was thought to be in possession of the device. But so far Michelle had not been able to get any information from them without revealing there was more to her than a simple maid and Rene was getting impatient with her.

"So, Alyssa, are the boys around?" Michelle asked, hoping that Alyssa wouldn't be suspicious of her interest in them. "I have not seen them in days."

"They took off in the middle of the night the other night," Alyssa replied shaking her head. "Those guys are so weird. They left their animals in some kind of kennel somewhere and poof they were gone. They didn't say where they were going or when they were coming back."

Since the explosion had destroyed their home it had only been right for them to invite the boys to stay with them. It had been a little awkward but everyone had managed to make do and as long as the girls didn't mind having their fun walked in on sometimes then it wasn't really a drag or anything. But Alyssa did have to admit that things were a lot smoother around here when they were gone. Things were definitely a lot less weird. The guys were nice and helpful and had never ratted out what they knew about the mansion, but Alyssa often felt like their lives existed in an entirely different universe than there's.

"Oh well perhaps they will be back soon," Michelle said as her mind worked this information over. There was no reason for them to disappear suddenly unless they knew something new or else they were looking for something new. If they had new information Michelle had to get it from them. They were the key to everything. If she could just somehow get to them and find out what they knew then no one would find out a thing about her and she'd never have to make the terrible choice she dreaded with every fiber of her being.

As it turned out, the boys were about as far away as they could get from Malibu, California while still remaining inside the continental United States. But as he walked into his office at C.I.A. headquarters in Langley, Virginia, Agent Derrick Horner had no idea about any of that.

That was why he was particularly surprised when he turned on the lights in his dark office and found Waldo, Franklin and Delbert waiting for him.

"Hello Derrick," Waldo said as the agent whirled around, his hand on his gun reflexively. "I hope you don't mind that we let ourselves in."

"Jesus H. Christ, I nearly dropped all three of you," Derrick snapped as he lowered his gun. "What the hell is wrong with you? And how the hell did you get in here?"

"We burrowed," Delbert replied as he swung his hand toward three miner's hats with lights on them, shovels and pickaxes and the hole that had been dug up through Derrick's carpeted floor into his office that they lay next to.

"There's gotta be a hell of a story behind that," Derrick replied, shaking his head in the same kind of disbelief he always had around these three. But if there was a story, he knew he was going to have to hear about it another time,

"We're pretty resourceful," Franklin explained, but leaving it at that.

"So I remember," Derrick said, sitting down behind his desk. "So what is it exactly that you three want or did you dig yourself a hole all the way from California to my office just to say hi and thanks for the memories."

"We're here about the MAW Device," Waldo explained, causing Derrick to leap out from behind his desk with a start.

"What the hell is wrong with you three?" Derrick berated them as she quickly clicked on his radio and turned it up, hoping the music would cover up any parts of this conversation that were being listened to. "That project does not exist! It never has! It never will be! You got it?"

"You can pretend all you want, but it's out there and we know who has it," Waldo pointed out.

"Well shit, so do we," Derrick sighed as he slumped back into his chair. "Fuck, the whole world seems to know now. Once Brandon got his hands on that thing then the globe when fucking apeshit. We're hearing chatter from corners of the world we didn't even know had intelligence capabilities much less agencies. But you guys have to listen good to this. I've stuck my neck out for you time and time again and saved your asses so many times you shouldn't even have asses left. But I can't do it this time. Not on this project. I know you got pulled into this shit unwillingly and for that I'm sorry, but you have to let this go. Let us handle it. You can't go out there on this one. This project does not exist, you hear me? If you start stirring up shit on this then we're all going to fucking feel it."

"We can't stay out of this," Franklin insisted. "He tried to kill us twice already. He's going to try again. He's not going to stop until we're dead. We have to stop him first. We have to get that device away from him and destroy it. Do you have any idea what it can do? Do you have any idea how much damage it could cause?"

"Perfect mind control? Yeah we've got a bit of an inkling that it's out there and how many people want it," Derrick said. "But I mean it. You have to stay out of this. You three are already dead men walking in a lot of circles around here for your little disappearing act out to the beach. I won't be able to protect you if you get pulled any deeper into this. My advice to you is to just walk away and I strongly suggest you take it."

"Are you really going to let that lunatic out there with a damn mind control device?" Waldo demanded.

"We're assessing all options," Derrick said, giving the clear message that his hands were tied by those above his pay grade.

"Something has to be done," Delbert insisted. "Evil cannot go unpunished. Wicked deeds must be stopped."

"We don't even know what he's up to right now," Franklin said. "It could be anything."

"Oh we know exactly what he's up to," Derrick said as he reached into his desk and pulled out a file folder marked "Total Transformation". "Here's something you three don't actually know for once. Your old buddy Brandon has gone and started himself up a business."

Back across the country the offices of Total Transformation were very much in use as Brandon Moore observed the sweaty, stammering man sitting down in the conference room. He'd been pumped for information for weeks now and they had finally hit what looked to be the bottom. It indeed had been a very rich vein of information, but like all veins it eventually dried up.

"That's all I know," Scotty Taylor groaned in exhaustion. "Please, I swear to God that's all I know. I've told you everything. I swear."

"That's quite a story you have there Scotty," Brandon replied with a smirk. They'd heard Scotty's stories since they'd brought him in after discovering him coincidentally at the scene of their attempted hit on Waldo, Franklin and Delbert. "All those beautiful girls. All of them famous. All of them fucking each other? Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that?"

"It's true," Scotty insisted. "I swear to God it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. I've seen the truth and I have to expose it. It's the story of a lifetime and I owe it to Mr. Malloy to reveal the lesbian celebrity conspiracy!"

He had indeed seen the truth. In a hidden moment away from the press at the announcement of their record label, Scotty had accidentally discovered Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears kissing each other. And this had been no kiss on the cheek. It had been a girlfriend on girlfriend kiss and Scotty knew he had fallen upon the dark, evil machinations of the lesbian celebrity conspiracy.

It was a deep rooted conspiracy committed to corrupting the morals of America's young, nubile girls by turning them all into lesbians seeking to convert other beautiful girls into lesbians. And once they had the girls under their debauched control they'd go after the sexy mothers. Soon the world would belong to the lesbian celebrities and there would truly be a reign of terror to follow.

Scotty had painstakingly tracked down every detail of the lesbian celebrity conspiracy and while he didn't have enough proof for him to print in L.A. Beat Magazine, he was ever so close to blowing it wide open. But now these guys had him and Scotty had told them everything about the conspiracy, every sick, dirty detail in the hope that they would soon let him go. So far, though, they had just kept him here and made him tell everything he knew.

Brandon just smiled at Scotty's lunatic devotion. This guy clearly wasn't firing on all cylinders, but he wasn't lying about this. Brandon had seen all this firsthand. He'd first encountered the girls during his first visit to Waldo's and further investigation had revealed they were doing a lot more than just living together.

Brandon had taken some private investigation work for Ryan Philippe and found out just how connected Reese Witherspoon was to everything going on in Malibu. Plus all the surveillance he'd done of Waldo, Franklin and Delbert's little clubhouse had turned up some rather interesting information on the side.

And now with Scotty's help, Brandon had filled in a lot of the gaps in his own mind as to what exactly was going on at that mansion and what else it impacted. Scotty's rantings and ravings about a lesbian celebrity conspiracy might have seemed lunacy to most, but Brandon knew for a fact it was all true. Except for the conspiracy part, of course. That was insanity. But even so, it didn't mean that Scotty hadn't been extremely helpful to what Brandon was planning.

"You just sit right here Scotty," Brandon said, chuckling as he observed the leg irons that kept the reporter in place in the conference room. "I'll be back in a little bit."

Brandon walked out of the conference room where he was met by his cohort Dr. Raymond Hall. Dr. Hall had listened to every word of Scotty's ravings since day one and was pretty sick of them.

"Brandon let's just kill him now and be done with it," Dr. Hall pleaded. "He's batshit nuts and I'm tired of wasting time on him when we have more important priorities to focus on."

"No, let's hold onto him for just a little while longer," Brandon said. "This little worm could still prove to be even more useful. After all, without his leads we wouldn't have any idea how to proceed with the test project. I think his knowledge and our needs intersected quite nicely. Now have the packages gone out?"

"They'll all be delivered today," Dr. Hall replied. "And the meeting is set for tomorrow afternoon."

"Excellent," Brandon said. Where others had seen sexual fantasy and crazed ravings, he'd seen an opportunity. "Once we're able to bleed these Hollywood suckers dry we'll be able to get the funding we need to start our real work."

"And I can't wait to get some new test subjects for the MAW Device," Dr. Hall added with glee as he pictured just exactly what lay in store. "There's still refinements to be made, but I think this is the perfect opportunity for us."

"Absolutely," Brandon agreed. "In fact my good doctor, this presents opportunities on many different levels."

All throughout the morning, Eliza had been on Kirsten's mind and now that it was the afternoon that hadn't changed a bit. It wasn't unusual in the slightest for Kirsten to spend her time daydreaming about the woman she loved, but today was different. She wasn't thinking about things she could do to Eliza. She was focused on what she could do for her.

Kirsten had always feared she was a terrible gift giver because she usually had to fall back on getting her friends and family stuff like DVD's or cool electronic gizmos. Those were fun and she knew they were appreciated, but they weren't exactly heartfelt. Kirsten wanted to get people gifts they'd always remember, not just something they could put on a shelf, and she especially wanted to get something special this Christmas for her wife.

Kirsten had never had much success with long-term relationships before Eliza had come into her life. She'd desperately tried to find real love and had searched for it like a hunter, but it had never worked out with anyone before now. There had been guys who had cheated on her and others she just hadn't been able to connect with. Bad relationships had broken her heart more times than Kirsten cared to remember, but all of that was in the past now.

She had found love in the last place she had ever expected it. And it wasn't just love like you had for a friend or a particular possession. It was love with all capital letters. The kind that made you wake up every morning wondering what you did to deserve being so happy.

It seemed so strange to think back that day on the beach and take in everything that happened after it. It just didn't seem possible that it so much time had passed since Eliza had first kissed her and first touched her and found her entirely willing to be seduced. She had never dreamed that going out to the beach that day with a woman she thought was a friend would turn into her finding her true love and the person she wanted to spend the rest of her days with.

Kirsten still got chills of pleasure when she thought back to that day. She remembered with perfect vividness how sunny it had been, how blue the ocean had seemed, how the wind had gently blown on them and how perfectly still everything had become as Eliza had rubbed lotion on her back in the moments before the kiss that had changed everything.

Kirsten had had no idea what was happening. She had thought everything between her and Eliza was strictly platonic, but then out of nowhere she had felt Eliza's lips on her neck. And when she turned around to find out what the hell her friend was doing, those lips had ended up pressed to hers in a real kiss.

Before she had even had a chance to get a handle on the surprise kiss, Kirsten had felt Eliza's hand pushing into her bikini bottoms. She had been too shocked to make Eliza stop and by the time she had gotten over being stunned, Eliza's aggressive touch felt way too good for her not to want it. She had just sat there on the beach, moaning and panting and letting Eliza give her a passionate, frenzied finger fuck that had left her creaming her bottoms for more.

It had only taken that one orgasm for Kirsten to recognize that Eliza made her feel better than any lover ever had. When Eliza had tried to apologize and explain what she had just done, Kirsten had silenced her with a kiss. It had been the first kiss that Kirsten had ever given another woman, but she had done it without hesitation. It had just felt right to be with Eliza there on the beach and that feeling had never faded in all the years they had been together.

It hadn't mattered that they were both women. It just mattered that they had connected in a profound way that went beyond the orgasms they experienced that day and all the days and nights after.

Kirsten had never been in a relationship before that had ever lasted close to as long as she and Eliza had been together. Now she and Eliza were married and there were many, many years still to come. Kirsten couldn't wait to see what those years would be like.

A future with Eliza left Kirsten bubbling with excitement and she just wished she could tell the world they were married. She wanted to grab complete strangers on the street and tell them she was married to the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world.

Of course she couldn't do that and Kirsten knew it and that just made her more eager to show her love for Eliza any way she could. It had been hard enough for them to come out to their families and friends, shocking them with the truth. The public spotlight of being married to a woman in Hollywood wasn't something either of them sought. Besides all that mattered was that they knew and their marriage was stronger than a piece of paper that wasn't even legal here in America.

Eliza pretended to be as tough and hard as the characters she was best known for playing, but Kirsten knew her wife deep down was a romantic and she had no doubt Eliza was planning some kind of Christmas gift to her that was going to touch her heart and leave her smiling in love and joy.

How could she match that? What special present could she give to the person who meant the most to her in the entire world? What could show Eliza how she felt and how much she welcomed every day she was able to spend with her.

Kirsten wanted to do some something significant, especially since she had been away from home so much while filming Spider Man 3 in New York City and she was going to be gone so much this summer doing the world wide publicity blitz that came along with starring in a big blockbuster.

Sure they'd seen each other whenever possible between flights back home for long weekends and set visits, but it wasn't be the same. Kirsten was already dreading being away from the woman she loved next year promoting the movie. She didn't think Eliza was going forget her or anything during her absence, but Kirsten did want to make sure she gave her wife something to remember her to fill the lonely nights when they were apart, away on some distant film set or talk show.

So far Kirsten hadn't been able to think of the right idea. She was drawing a blank and it was getting her frustrated.

How hard it could be to find the right kind of gift to tell the woman of her dreams how much she loved her and how much she was going to miss her every night they were apart?

As it turned out it was pretty damn hard.

Everything Kirsten thought of seemed too bland and clichéd. She didn't just want to get Eliza some piece of jewelry or some expensive toy she'd never use. She wanted something that the mere memory of would make her and Eliza smile for years to come.

The challenge was still resting heavily on Kirsten's mind as she arrived for her meeting at her agent's. There were a lot of offers coming in after critics had singled her out as the best thing in Marie Antoinette and Kirsten was looking forward to tackling some real challenges that didn't involve wearing a red wig and a CGI blue screen.

Kirsten walked into the office and was quickly greeted by the receptionist.

"Hi Ms. Dunst," the girl said. "Barry's running a few minutes behind today. Take a seat and he'll be right with you."

Kirsten suppressed a frown at the news. She didn't want to linger here. She wanted to go back home so she and Eliza could make good on their morning flirting and continue what they had started in the shower. Kirsten knew "a few minutes behind" could easily turn into an hour or more and she didn't feel like waiting around that long.

But she kept those feelings to herself and took her seat instead. At least she'd have a chance to concentrate on finding the right gift for Eliza. However, before she could get too settled in to start considering her options another woman walked into the office and gave Kirsten something else to think about entirely.

"Excuse me, I'm here for a 12:15 appointment," the woman said to the receptionist. "I guess I'm a little early. Is he free?"

"Oh yes, I'm afraid Barry is running a few minutes late today," the receptionist repeated. "If you could take a seat, he'll be right with you."

And that's how it was that Kirsten ended up sitting across from Scarlett Johansson. As the actress set down her bag, she saw Kirsten sitting there and gave her a friendly smile.

"Hey," Scarlett said brightly. "I almost didn't see you there."

"I blend in easily," Kirsten replied with a laugh. She and Scarlett didn't know each other very well, but their paths had crossed many times over the last few years and they had always been friendly to one another.

"You meeting with Barry too?" Scarlett asked as she set herself down in a chair directly across from Kirsten, settling in for what she figured would be a long wait.

"Oh yeah," Kirsten smiled. "He said he's got projects that are going to take my breath away. I'll believe that when I see it though. The last time he said that I ended up in Wimbledon."

"Hey I liked that movie, it was a sweet little romance," Scarlett said.

"Me too," Kirsten admitted. She tried to have a sense of humor about the flops she'd been in, but it was hard not to take it personally. She was happy Scarlett was a fan and even if she wasn't it was still a nice thing to say. "Oh, hey, I saw The Prestige a few weeks ago finally. You were great in that. That was an unbelievable movie. I was sitting there after it was over still trying to figure it all out."

"Thanks," Scarlett replied with a grateful smile. "I just adored that script. It had so many great twists and such fascinating characters. I didn't care that my part was pretty small. I just wanted to be in it, you know? I'm really proud of that movie."

"You should be, it was fantastic," Kirsten, keeping to herself the fact that she and Eliza had been so caught up in the plot that they hadn't even ended up making out during the movie when they'd watched the DVD together. That was a compliment she didn't need to share even if it was true.

"Thanks, that's really sweet," Scarlett said. "I did so many movies this past year that I'm afraid people are getting sick of me. I could use a little break but I'm sure that's the last thing Barry wants to hear. Right now the movies I'm thinking about the most are the ones I go to. Oh and that reminds me. I loved Marie Antoinette. That was an amazing movie and you were great."

"Thanks," Kirsten said. "That means a lot coming from you. Sofia was always raving about you on the set. Sometimes I thought she wanted to replace me with you."

"Awwww no worries, you were great," Scarlett assured her. "I totally bought into the whole concept she was going for and I thought you were perfectly cast. You really blew the critics away too."

"Yeah too bad they didn't pay for their tickets," Kirsten said with a rueful smile and chuckle. "We could have used the boost at the box office."

"Yeah but you can't get caught up in that," Scarlett said. "It's the work that's important and you were great. Believe me if I cared about box office I would have gone into hiding after The Island came out and never come back out. Besides you're gonna get all those dollars back when Spiderman comes out."

"Yeah I guess it's easier to play that at a mall than Marie Antoinette," Kirsten laughed.

"Definitely," Scarlett said. "Barry wants me to do another one of those big popcorn movies, but I don't know. The Island was just such a miserable experience. I'm happy doing smaller films like Prestige. Of course hopefully Nanny Diaries will be a big hit. They're gonna sell it like it's the new Devil Wears Prada, but I don't know if that will work. Ahhhhh God, now they got me doing it. I can't even follow my own advice. It's just so damn hard to not get caught up in all that box office crap."

"Tell me about it, we could gross hundreds of millions but if we don't do better than Spiderman 2 then everyone's gonna say we flopped," Kirsten sighed.

"I don't think that'll be a problem," Scarlett predicted. "I heard that when the new trailer hit the net it was one of the most downloaded files of the year. So if you can get that many people to stop looking for porn long enough to get the trailer you're already golden."

Kirsten laughed at the joke. Scarlett was great and Kirsten hoped that sometime they'd be able to get to know each other better. She was definitely someone she wanted to spend more time with.

But before Kirsten could continue the conversation, the office doors opened up again and another girl walked in. She was someone you couldn't help but take notice of. The status of "it girl" which had been stamped on her by the conventional wisdom practically demanded that she get your attention.

"Hi, I'm a little early," the girl said. "I have an appointment. I think I screwed up the time though."

"Just take a seat," the receptionist replied once more. "Mr. Clark should be with you in a moment."

Kirsten couldn't stop herself from giving a long stare as the girl walked in and, when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Scarlett had the same reaction. Seeing other celebrities was a matter of course for the business they were in so Kirsten didn't usually get flustered or stare. But this time she couldn't help it and it actually wasn't just because the fresh faced young television star inspired many thoughts in her mind about how to best corrupt her innocence.

"Wow...ummm...wow...hi!" Hayden Panettiere gasped and smiled when she realized she'd be sharing time in the waiting room with some rather illustrious company. "You guys have to wait too?"

"Well as much as we like don't like it, there are some closed doors for us too," Scarlett remarked, breaking the silence. "Being famous doesn't get you in any faster. I always love how on Entourage they just waltz right into Ari's office. I'd love that to happen to me sometime."

Kirsten smiled, grateful that Scarlett had said something. She hadn't wanted to keep staring at Hayden. It just seemed so weird to see someone like her so normally; especially since the jeans and pink top she wore was far from the cheerleader outfit she was best known for.

"Yeah me too," Kirsten said, latching onto Scarlett's words to pull her up out of the staring coma she had been working herself into. "My agent tells me a hundred times in a minute that I'm his top priority but I still have to wait because he's running behind."

"Well I don't even get the top agent yet, so I guess I have to pay my dues and wait," Hayden smiled as she sat down next to Scarlett across from Kirsten. "I'm still with one of Barry's associates."

No one said anything for an awkward moment before Hayden couldn't hold it in anymore and started gushing.

"Oh God, I tell myself not to do this but I can't help it," Hayden exclaimed, kicking herself before the words were even out of her mouth for being more of a star struck fan than a professional actress. "You two are both just so amazing! I mean I love your movies! You two are both great and I don't want to gush and be all geeky, but you guys are such great actresses and I wanted to tell you how much I admire you!"

That was enough for Kirsten to lose it too. She was going crazy with Hayden so close to her and this time it wasn't just because of how innocently sexy she looked.

"You gush? How about me?" Kirsten laughed. "God, I'm trying to hold it in here too. You've got to tell me everything about the show! I can't believe they left it like that and are making us wait till January! Tell me everything! What happened with the Haitian guy? What did he tell you? Is your dad bad or good? Did Sylar escape? How come Peter's the one who makes the explosion? Why did you say I'm sorry to him in his dream? What's going to happen with Hiro? God you gotta tell me everything! I'm so freaking addicted to your show Hayden!"

"Me too!" Scarlett gasped in happiness at being able to admit it and not come off like a total fan girl. "I can't believe I'm sitting next you Hayden! I'm dying every time the show ends because I just want the next episode to start! I have every episode Tivo'd and I watch them all the time. I practically know it by heart by now. That show's amazing. You gotta tell me everything. No wait tell me nothing. No wait tell me everything. God!"

Hayden couldn't help but laugh at all this. She was in complete and total admiration of both Kirsten and Scarlett. She wanted to be just like them. They'd started out acting as kids just like she had and now they were two of the most famous actresses in the world, getting the best parts and most interesting scripts. That was exactly what she wanted and yet here they were talking about how great her show was. She was floored to be getting such awesome compliments from two of her idols.

"Noooooo I can't," Hayden laughed. "Gawd, the producers would kill me if I told anything. But it's going to be amazing. Just wait till you see what we're planning for the season finale. You're going to be going crazy all summer waiting for new episodes."

"God, don't tell me that," Kirsten groaned. "I love cliffhangers and I hate them, know what I mean?"

"Definitely," Scarlett agreed. "I feel the same way."

The girls then yammered back and forth about the show, with both Kirsten and Scarlett pressing Hayden for details and the teenager yielding none. She was holding onto the secrets like she was in the CIA even though Kirsten and Scarlett were both desperate to get the scoop.

She and Eliza had been hooked on Heroes from the first episode. They Tivo'd every episode even though they made sure to watch them as soon as they were aired. They would get on the couch with popcorn and snuggle up to watch it, not wanting to miss a second. And when the show was on and they weren't together they called each other and spent the whole hour watching it while on the phone so they could get instant reaction from each other.

Of course the show didn't just work strictly for dramatic purposes. Kirsten and Eliza weren't so wrapped up in the drama that they didn't enjoy getting weekly doses of Ali Larter. The scene when she had stripped in Las Vegas and seduced Nathan had gotten them both panting, especially since Eliza had purred into her wife's ear how hot her former co-star was in bed and how they'd have to get together with her for a threesome soon. Kirsten had loved that idea and had spent many idle moments fantasizing about Ali stripping for them and all the fun that would happen right after.

And of course if you were going to notice one blonde in the cast, you had to notice the other...

They had held back a little in their mutual lust for Hayden because she was underage, but that didn't stop the naughty thoughts from bubbling up. And as they sat here, Kirsten felt those thoughts coming even as she tried to stifle them. Hayden was just a kid. As unbelievably hot as it would be, it would also have been wrong to go for her.

Now Scarlett, on the other hand, that was a different story.

That thought was like a light bulb going off over Kirsten's head. Scarlett! God, now that would have been a great gift idea, Kirsten thought to herself with a private smile. She could get Scarlett gift wrapped and bring her home for her and Eliza to share.

It was a joke when she first thought of it, but it quickly turned in Kirsten's mind into the perfect idea. It was just what she could give to Eliza that she'd always remember. Mmmm just the thought of them being able to share the memory of "Hey remember that time you brought Scarlett Johansson home for us to fuck" brought a naughty shiver up her spine.

Even before Sarah's party where there had been dozens of hot female bodies eager to slip into a threesome with them, Kirsten and Eliza had opened up their bed to other girls. Natalie Portman had been a guest of theirs multiple times and she'd hardly been the only one. What better way was there to say I love you then with a hot girl they could both lick and fuck and play with all through the night?

It certainly wasn't a traditional kind of Christmas gift, but Kirsten couldn't think of a better one to give. And here she had two girls close to her that she knew she and Eliza would have loved to fuck. No wait...she couldn't think that way about Hayden. She was only 17. It was wrong. But at the thought of bringing Scarlett into her bed, Kirsten crossed her legs and hoped her newly horny mindset didn't become too obvious.

Hayden and Scarlett were still going on about the show, but Kirsten hadn't really heard a word they had been saying for the last few minutes. She was too busy trying to decide how best to tempt Scarlett into coming home with her.

Besides, Hayden being too young, Kirsten felt Scarlett was the far better candidate for some fun. First, Kirsten knew her and she had never met Hayden before today. That alone made her a potentially easier target for seduction. But, more importantly, the second reason she was focused on Scarlett was that Kirsten couldn't stop from stealing glances at her tits.

As she sat there in a pink skirt and a lacy white top, Scarlett was showing off a generous helping of cleavage and Kirsten was trying hard not to drool from the great view she got across from her. The hornier she got, the more impossible it was for Kirsten to look away and the harder it was for her to keep up her end of the conversation with the other girls. Her eyes kept drifting toward Scarlett's cleavage and imaging what her chest looked like uncovered by clothing.

Even dressed Kirsten could see that Scarlett had great tits. She had hinted how blessed she was in her movies but now, with her tits seemingly about to fall right out of her lacy top, Kirsten longed to walk right over to her and just drag her tongue between Scarlett's breasts and get all of her clothes off as soon as possible. It was so hard to think about Scarlett's luscious tits and not want to push the straps of her top off her shoulders so she could start mouthing them with lustful worship.

Kirsten had disappeared so much into her heated trance that she didn't even notice when the conversation turned back toward her.

"Kirsten?" Hayden said, her voice snapping Kirsten out of her haze.

"Huh?" Kirsten replied.

"Did you hear me?" Hayden asked.

"I guess not," Kirsten admitted, a blush falling over her face as she hoped Hayden and Scarlett couldn't detect why she was so distracted.

"I asked if you were going to sign up for another Spider Man movie," Hayden repeated.

"Ohhhhh, sorry," Kirsten said, still embarrassed. "Well...ummmm who says I survive the third one? I might not make it through long enough to be in a fourth movie"

"Awwwww don't tease," Hayden groaned, not enjoying having the tables turned on her. "Please tell me. I love those movies. They're amazing. They totally inspired so many of the things we do. If you hadn't been such a big hit, we wouldn't even be on the air probably."

Kirsten was relieved she had managed to cover her growing infatuation with Scarlett, but it was close. She played coy with Hayden's questions and pretended like nothing was going on but inside she was so impatient to be called in so she could get out of here.

She didn't think Scarlett had caught onto her lust but she chastised herself for doing such a bad job of hiding it. Kirsten had grown so comfortable staring at Eliza and all the sexy girls they knew and shared that she had almost forgotten how to act around girls she wasn't fucking. She couldn't just leer at girls in public. Damn it, she had to get some control of herself.

Kirsten could tell Hayden hadn't picked anything up, but glancing over at Scarlett, Kirsten saw a knowing smile crossing her lips and she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand. Did Scarlett see through her? Did she somehow know that Kirsten was getting wetter with every passing second she was sitting across from her?

Suddenly Kirsten saw Scarlett wink at her. Or did she? Kirsten could have sworn she saw a wink, but it was so quick that she couldn't be sure. Scarlett still had that mysterious smile on her face. Did she know? Did she mind? Was she interested? Was she going to come over and slap her? Or kiss her?

Kirsten found herself asking a million questions like that, but they were all blown away like dust by Scarlett's next move. The blonde reached down for her bag and bent over to fish something out. This gave Kirsten the maximum view of her cleavage possible without Scarlett whipping off her top right there in the waiting room.

Getting this awe inspiring view down Scarlett's top made Kirsten's eyes wide and she had to stifle an aroused gasp from escaping her lips. Kirsten felt all kinds of flustered and the sensations quickly overwhelmed her. She bolted up out of her seat and right for the office's ladies room.

Kirsten had no idea what Hayden or Scarlett thought of her sudden exit and she didn't care. She just had to get out of there. Any more exposure to Scarlett and she would have snapped and leapt right into her lap for a very public display of kissing and clothes ripping.

She didn't know whether Scarlett had been sending her a flirtatious signal with that move or if it had been done innocently with no sexual intent. All Kirsten did know was that she needed some cold water on her face. She couldn't believe she had embarrassed herself like that. She had no indication that Scarlett was even into girls and she had been blatantly staring at her. What had she been doing out there? She was acting like some horny teenager who couldn't hold his load.

As soon as the door closed behind her in the ladies room, Kirsten rushed to the sink and turned on the faucet. She splashed the water on herself, hoping it would get her to snap out of this horny state. She couldn't go about exposing her lust for women like this. It wasn't a safe situation. She didn't want to be the female version of some creepy, pervy guy who couldn't keep his eyes in his head whenever he saw a hot girl.

Kirsten stared at herself in the mirror after drying her face off and mentally preached self-control. A brief check down her blouse confirmed that her nipples were hard and Kirsten could feel the wetness of her pussy against her panties. She was just relieved that her arousal wasn't showing through her skirt.

God, just being around Scarlett had turned her on. The thought of bringing her home to share with Eliza had worked her up so much that she was growing desperate for relief. But Kirsten reminded herself that this was no place to make a move. If she was going to go for it, she would have to wait for a better opportunity. Scarlett might be into girls. It was certainly possible and if she had given her a wink then it might have been a flirtatious sign. But the timing was wrong to find out.

Kirsten felt like she couldn't stay. The temptation of being so close to Scarlett and her exquisitely tempting breasts would have been too much and she might have ended up doing something really embarrassing. She had to make up some excuse and ditch her meeting. That was what she should do. Then she could go home and work off her arousal with Eliza and then be in better position to get Scarlett or some other willing girl into their bed.

It was a good plan but it was also a plan that lasted only the second it took for the door to open so Scarlett could walk into the ladies room.

"You ok?" Scarlett asked as the door swung closed behind her. "You kind of got out of there in a hurry. Was it something we said?"

"Ummmmmmmm no," Kirsten stammered. "It's just...every...everything's fine. I just needed to ummmm...uhhh...needed to..."

Visibly enjoying Kirsten's discomfort, Scarlett smiled again and made her move.

"Didn't you like the show I was giving you?" Scarlett grinned, seemingly revealing her intentions.

"What? What do you mean?" Kirsten shot back, playing dumb until she was absolutely sure about Scarlett.

"I mean, didn't you like staring at my tits?" Scarlett purred as she walked up to Kirsten and pressed against her, pushing Kirsten into the sink. "It sure seemed like you enjoyed it a lot and I was hoping you'd want an even better look."

Scarlett was so confident and it was hard for Kirsten not to absolutely melt from her. It was the same confidence that Eliza oozed and that never failed to turn Kirsten on. Kirsten still wasn't 100 percent sure this was going to lead to fun and not some elaborate set up to slap in the face, but there was only one way to find out.

Kirsten didn't respond to Scarlett pressing into her body with words. Instead she wrapped her arms around Scarlett's waist and pulled her even closer for a kiss. The two blondes then began French kissing without inhibition as they saw the lust they felt for each other was mutual.

Neither girl paused to consider what was happening. They just accepted that they were hot for each other and moved right into getting frisky. Kirsten and Scarlett kissed like they were long-time lovers and not casual acquaintances. None of their actions would have indicated this was their first experience with each other.

Their first kiss soon turned into another and another as they took turns sucking on each other's tongues while they ground their aroused bodies together. The sink pushed into Kirsten's back but she barely noticed it. All she could feel was the pleasure of Scarlett's kiss and the promise of having her sexy body pressed against her. Kirsten couldn't believe how well this had all worked out.

Both girls were moaning wantonly during their kisses and when they finally broke for air it was Scarlett who spoke.

"Mmmm I thought you were staring at me," Scarlett sighed, a strand of Kirsten's saliva dripping down her chin. "I'm glad I was right. I've wanted to do that to you for so long Kirsten. I had no idea you would be into it, but when I saw you looking at me like that I had to do something. I had to have you."

"Well you've definitely got me now," Kirsten giggled, still a little frazzled from everything that had happened. "I can't believe you like girls too."

"Mmmm I love girls," Scarlett declared, her eyes lustfully examining Kirsten from head to toe, focusing in on her swollen nipples poking against her blouse. "Looks like you love girls too, honey."

"More than you know," Kirsten grinned before she told Scarlett about Eliza, what she wanted to do for her and what delights would be waiting if she only agreed to come home with her. She didn't just go around talking about her love life to everyone, but she had to tell Scarlett. She wanted her to want this as much as she did. She wanted her to be soaked just thinking about all the fun she could have with her and Eliza in their bed.

And the girl's tactic worked. Kirsten's admission had Scarlett's head spinning and her pussy throbbing with desire. She couldn't believe her luck. Kirsten Dunst AND Eliza Dushku? It was too good to be true and she signaled her acceptance of the invitation by giving a playful tongue swipe against Kirsten's chest, licking her nipples through her clothes and making the girl groan again.

"Ohhhhhhhhh yesssssssss...oooooh Scarlett, I can't wait to get you home with me," Kirsten moaned. "Please say you'll come. Say you'll come with me. I can't wait to play with you and Eliza. I totally lost it when you bent over like that and teased me with your beautiful body. Mmmm I know Eliza's gonna like you just as much as I do."

"I'm glad you enjoyed my show," Scarlett said as she ran her hands up over her own chest, pushing her thumbs under the straps of her top.

"I loved it," Kirsten admitted before gasping again when Scarlett pulled down the straps of her top and exposed her bare breasts to Kirsten's gawking eyes.

"Don't you think my tits look even better this way?" Scarlett teased. The more flustered Kirsten became, the wetter Scarlett got for her. Scarlett was ready and willing to fuck right there in the ladies room and the more flesh she exposed the more Kirsten was ready to go right along with her.

"Oh my God," Kirsten gasped over the skin show. "You're so beautiful Scarlett."

"Thank you. Mmmmm so are you. So sexy and beautiful" Scarlett gratefully said before kissing Kirsten again and asking another question with an obvious answer. "You want to suck on them? You want to suck on my big, soft tits Kirsten?"

It was Kirsten's turn to flash a sexy smile and she didn't hesitate to do what she had been fantasizing about since Scarlett had sat down across from her. She took Scarlett's huge breasts in her hands and lifted them up so she could lean down and take one of her nipples into her mouth and tenderly suck on it.

"Ohhhhhh yesssssss," Scarlett hissed as she tossed her head back and pleasure coursed up her spine. The last thing she had expected to get today had been girl sex but now that she had this incredible opportunity she was going to get every bit of fun out of it. "Mmmmmm God, you weren't lying. You've done this before baby. Oooooh that feels good! Mmmm suck those tits Kirsten! Make my nipples throb for you! Yeahhhh that's what I want! You're making me so wet Kirsten! Ughh my pussy is gonna soak my panties soon from you sucking my tits! I can't wait to get home with you and Eliza! God, we're gonna have so much fun. You both are so hot! Mmmm the only thing better would be if we had Hayden in here joining us!"

Kirsten closed her eyes and moaned at the thought but she couldn't. She just couldn't.

"Noooo...don't," Kirsten protested even as she fought her own desires for what Scarlett was saying. "She's too...too young."

"Oh c'mon don't pretend you weren't getting just as wet for her as I was," Scarlett teased with her brilliant smile. "Tell me you're not thinking about her right now joining us and letting us get her clothes off so we can corrupt that innocent girl and make her all wet and naughty. Mmmmm I'll bet her tight little pussy tastes sooooo good. Don't you want to lick her Kirsten? Don't you want to taste her pussy? C'mon baby, fuck the cheerleader, save the world."

Kirsten couldn't help but laugh at the obvious joke. But the nervous laugh didn't change that she was fighting wicked lusts inside herself. Of course she wanted Hayden. She was gorgeous. She was so innocently sexy, like she didn't know the full power she had to make cocks hard and pussies wet. Kirsten would have loved to fuck her. But it was wrong. She was a kid. She wasn't ready to be seduced. Was she? Scarlett sure seemed to think she was.

"Yeah you want her as bad as I do," Scarlett grinned. "Mmmm we can bring her to your home too. I'll bet Eliza would love to see her naked. Wouldn't you like that Kirsten? Getting Hayden and me naked in bed with you so your sexy wife can join us and watch me fuck you while you lick that tight little teen pussy and make her come from a woman's tongue for the first time?"

"Oh gawwwwwwwd," Kirsten groaned. That sounded fucking amazing. She couldn't help but think of pulling Hayden fully dressed into the bed and slowly stripping her clothes off her, piece by piece until her pert, nubile teenage body was revealed in its nude glory for her to kiss and touch and taste. Kirsten's heart pounded at the thought of teaching Hayden all about how to get naughty and slutty with other girls and how amazing it felt.

Kirsten knew Eliza would have loved that too. They had shared wicked thoughts about Hayden while watching the show, each time knowing how wrong it would be but how right it would feel. Scarlett was driving her crazy with these lustful fantasies and Kirsten had to shut her up before she got so worked up that she went out and dragged Hayden into the ladies room with them.

Kirsten silenced Scarlett with another hot kiss, pressing their tits together as her nipples strained against her blouse and longed to rub against Scarlett's bare, swollen pink tips. The two girls kissed passionately, rubbing their tongues together as Scarlett's hands dropped down to Kirsten's skirt, going under it to caress her ass through her panties.

They were going to do this. They were going to fuck right in the ladies room and they both knew it was going to be incredible.

But unfortunately their fun was interrupted when the door to the ladies room swung open again. Neither girl had paused to consider they were not in the most private of locations and that getting caught was a distinct possibility. And when that was just what happened, Kirsten and Scarlett weren't prepared for it.

They both whirled around to see a quite shocked Hayden Panettiere gawking at them. Kirsten immediately broke the kiss and Scarlett pulled her top back up but they both knew it was useless for them to try and pretend nothing had been going on.

Kirsten opened up her mouth to offer up some kind of explanation, but she never got the chance before Hayden shocked the both of them by fainting onto the bathroom floor.

The scene was far less dramatic at Shooting Stars Talent Agency where Love, Jennifer and Rose were amongst a score of celebrities helping their agent give back. With a sea of movie and television stars right from the top of the A list on down, there was a lot of temptation for mingling and deal making. But everyone was focused on what they came there to do and have fun in the process.

Having come from poor surroundings to the top of the Hollywood food chain, Damon was always quick to give back to those in the same situation he had been in. He remembered all too well past Christmases growing up where he had received nothing and he wanted to make sure the children in Los Angeles' poorer neighborhoods didn't have the same experiences.

With a talent roster of the biggest names in Hollywood, he had plenty of big names there to help and Love was amongst the most eager participants. What she loved most about Christmas was all the good will it generated. People went out of their way to be nice and generous and it was easy to feed off that.

Love wanted the people around her to be smiling and she knew an easy way to accomplish that was to hand presents to children. Everyone loved presents, lord knows she did, but children were especially happy to get them and Love got such a good feeling out of seeing them happy.

She was getting such a good feeling from what she was doing that Love didn't even really scope out the landscape of famous female faces at the party to see which ones she'd been with and which ones she wanted to be with.

There were plenty of girls who fit the former category and Love couldn't help but share friendly hugs with the likes of Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd and Eva Mendes and remember how they'd all done much more than hug each other during far more naughty times. But she kept those lustful thoughts to a minimum and concentrated on the kids instead.

Normally a trip to her agent's office wasn't complete with a few fantasies about raiding his talent roster for some new fresh faces to bring to Malibu or locking herself in a conference room with his adorable receptionist so they could peel each other's clothes off and get their tongues to work.

Love even a few stray thoughts about Damon himself. She had never been with a black guy and she had to admit she was more than a little curious. But she'd never ever made a move on her agent and this was definitely not the time or place for such thoughts. Maybe another time and place but not today.

Glancing over at her friends, Love saw Jennifer happily handing out packages and could immediately tell she felt the same way about being good today. Love saw that even Rose was behaving herself, which made her especially glad. Love knew that so many people had the wrong idea about Rose. They thought she was either some perverse goth girl because of her past relationship with Marilyn Manson or a flat out lunatic because of her arrest.

But Love knew the truth. She knew that Rose was as caring a friend as she had ever had and that she'd do anything to help or protect them. Love felt that people were too busy making judgments about Rose to see how good a heart she truly had and having her be at an event like this could only help people see the true Rose and not some fabricated media creation.

Love couldn't help but give her housemate a warm smile and loving gaze as she watched Rose give a kid a hug after handing out some presents. Rose returned the smile and headed over.

"I think this will ruin my image," Rose laughed. "People are going to start to think I'm nice."

"You are nice Rose," Love declared. "You shouldn't hide it. Once people see that side of you they'll stop making judgments. They'll see the real you."

"I don't care what anyone else thinks," Rose replied. "Let them think what they think. The only people I care about you and Jen and everyone at home. Yours are the only opinions that matter."

"Well we already know how nice you are," Love said before handing out another package to an eager recipient.

Rose got behind Love and wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling herself close to her housemate's back. It seemed like an overly friendly gesture, but just a friendly one, to anyone who was watching. But of course it meant so much more.

"I'm not always so nice," Rose admitted softly into Love's ear as she thought back to the secrets she'd worked so hard to protect all these years and how the only thing she feared in the world was her friends finding out the truth.

"Hmmm? What do you mean Rose?" Love inquired.

"Nothing...just forget it," Rose said. Sometimes she thought about coming clean to her housemates, but she always ignored the idea. There was too much fear in her that they'd reject her if they knew the truth.

Rose began searching her brain for a way to change the subject as the party milled on around them. Fortunately a change in the subject quickly emerged from the crowd and interjected herself.

"Well hey there stranger," a voice said behind Rose, causing her and Love to turn around. Rose immediately smiled at who it was, while Love remained more cautious, not quite knowing what the back story was here.

"Hello there yourself," Rose replied, her attention now completely drawn in by the sexy brunette. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, since the Charmed wrap party," Lauren Graham said. "Mmmm now that was a party."

"Absolutely, but I don't remember much of the actual party," Rose admitted. "I guess I was too busy on that empty set with you, Alyssa, Holly and a bottle of champagne. Mmmmm as I recall none of us were at that party for long."

"Still the best damn party I'd been too in a long time," Lauren said carnally, the kind of smile Love was quite used to seeing on Rose crossing her lips. "But I haven't heard word one from any of you since then. What's the matter Rose? Now that we're not on the same network anymore, you don't have any use for me?"

"Well I've been busy..." Rose defended herself, placing her arm around Love's shoulder. It was a subtle gesture since with a crowded party of celebrities and children around them discretion was a must, but Lauren got the message loud and clear.

Love still felt like she was coming to this story late. What was the deal between Lauren and Rose? Had they been with another? It sure sounded like they had. But why would Rose, and Alyssa for that matter, keep that secret? Those two usually were lightning quick to share news of their conquests with their housemates and being able to fuck someone as beautiful and sexy as Lauren Graham would have been something Love would have been shouting from the rooftops of Malibu if it had been her.

"So I can see," Lauren said, eyeing Love as openly as she dared. "Can't say I blame you. If I were you or Lyssa, I'd never leave the house."

"What's going on here?" Love asked. "You two obviously have something going on here. Spill it. I've got to know."

"You could say we've got something going on," Lauren replied coyly. "We were a very close network over at the WB, weren't we Rose?"

"Definitely," Rose grinned as she remembered that private wrap party she Alyssa, Holly and Lauren had thrown for each other on the abandoned set with a bottle of champagne and no clothing allowed. Mmmm they had gone after each other with tongues and fingers and even that bottle as they said their final goodbye to the show.

Eventually Kaley Cuoco had stopped by to check on them and that had only made the party hotter when the onscreen sisters had pulled her sexy dress off and all taken turns licking her holes as the blonde had shrieked for more and Lauren had fucked herself with the bottle, using it like a dildo up her soaked and already well licked cunt.

"We were definitely very...close...mmmm that's a good word," Rose agreed.

"Well spill the details," Love demanded with a smile, momentarily forgetting her surroundings at the revelation of what sure looked to be a pairing of Rose and Lauren.

Love had been a huge Gilmore Girls fan since it premiered and the thought of Lauren having sex with any woman was an immense turn on. Having that woman be Rose or Alyssa or even Holly Marie Combs just made the picture even more scorching.

"Oh no, not here," Lauren coyly smiled. "This party is definitely rated G with maybe a few adult situations and adult language to push it up to a PG, but what's happened between me and Rose and her pretty costars is strictly NC-17."

Love was trying to keep her jaw from hitting the ground. How long had this been going on? What had happened? And most importantly why hadn't she been invited to join in?

"No way are you two getting off the hook," Love insisted. "I want details and lots of them."

"After the party," Rose said. "I promise Love."

Lauren looked at the two girls appreciatively. She could see just from the looks they shared that the stories she'd heard were right on the money.

"Wow, looks like you and Lyssa weren't lying," Lauren said. "Or at least you weren't lying about her. I still don't know if you two really live in that place you described. It's still too unbelievable. I need more proof like this."

"Well with that attitude, Lyssa and I are never going to give you proof," Rose said, which had Lauren narrowing her eyes in visible frustration.

Lauren had long sought to outdo Rose and Alyssa and she'd done a fine job of it, if she didn't say so herself, but if the stories were true about that mansion then she still had work to do. Of course that story couldn't be true. Could it? A mansion filled with beautiful, pussy starved celebrities? Impossible. Of course one could argue that it also should have been just as impossible that all of her own famous friends were as slutty as they actually were, so Lauren was certainly open to the idea of seeing the impossible.

"Hmmmphhh well if you're going to be like that, then I'm not going to invite you to my party," Lauren declared, her smile turning smug as she revealed her trump card. "See, I can play hard to get too Rose."

Her statement got the desired effect as Rose's eyes visibly widened with eagerness.

"You're throwing one of your parties?" Rose inquired, trying not to show off how much she wanted to go. Lauren's parties were legendary.

"Mmmmmhmmm...my annual Christmas party," Lauren said, loving the way she was able to turn the tables on Rose so easily. "It's tonight. I was going to invite you. But well...I guess you're not interested."

"Oh there might be some interest," Rose claimed, trying to play it cool as Love watched where all this was leading with great fascination.

Before the two women could circle around each other any longer in their coy little flirting game, a woman walked up to Lauren. She was a redhead in what looked to be her mid to late 20's with her hair tied up in a bun in the back and a pair of small wire rim glasses on her face. She was definitely attractive and to Love she kind of looked like one of those strippers who would come out pretending to be a stern teacher or a ball busting businesswoman and then turn slutty as soon as the music started and the clothes began coming off.

But while Love might have harbored stripper fantasies about the woman, her demeanor and her voice indicated that she was all business.

"Ms. Graham, we're falling behind schedule," the woman said to Lauren as she talked and punched away at her Blackberry at the same time. "I've done the calculations and I believe maximum efficiency can be achieved if you hand out presents every 5.2 seconds. That's enough for a present and a personal greeting of varying degrees of emotion. By taking this conversation time you're falling behind schedule."

"Thanks Whitney," Lauren said before turning back to Rose and Love. "This is Whitney. She's my personal assistant. Always on me to stay on schedule. Without her I'd probably still be at the house trying to figure out how to program my Tivo for today."

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," the efficient, industrious redhead said in a clipped fashion toward Love and Rose, taking care not to waste a single word. "But Ms. Graham, we must get back to work immediately."

"Wait...what about your party?" Rose asked, betraying her eagerness. She'd kick herself forever if she knew Lauren was having one of her epic parties tonight and she wasn't able to get an invitation for herself or her friends. She knew her housemates would love to go. It was an event right up their alley.

"Well you haven't quite given me enough proof that your mansion stories aren't just you making things up to impress me," Lauren said, still smirking. "I don't know if you deserve an invitation. I mean it's been so long since we've seen each other that I don't know if you're hot enough for the guest list anymore."

Now it was Rose's turn to narrow her eyes at Lauren with an "I'll show you stare." She looked around for a way to prove herself and quickly saw one.

"Hey Jen, over here," Rose said, waving to her housemate. Jennifer quickly walked over, wondering what this was all about.

"Hey, Jen do you mind giving Lauren here a demonstration of our living arrangement?" Rose asked, making Jennifer's jaw drop.

"What? Here? In front of everyone?" Jennifer gasped in shock. "Are you crazy Rose?"

The genuine panic in Jennifer's face that Rose might actually go through it and put on some kind of live sex show with her and Love right in front of the whole party was obvious and Lauren certainly picked up on it.

"See?" Rose demanded.

"Wellllll maybe you weren't making up all those stories," Lauren smiled. "Mmmm I think we can fit you and your mansion friends over at the party. What about it Whitney? Do we have room?"

"Oh I believe we can fit a few more people in," Whitney replied and Love swore she saw a lustful twinkling in her eyes behind her glasses.

"Great, cocktails start at 7 and the real fun kicks into gear at around 8," Lauren said. "See you there Rose. Bring your friends. Mmmm as many as you can."

Whitney then dragged Lauren away, leaving Rose very satisfied with herself and Love and Jennifer still largely in the dark.

"So you want to tell me what all that was about?" Jennifer asked, her breathing rate returning to normal now that she saw Rose wasn't about to start ripping at her clothes in front of their industry's elite.

"Yeah, what's the deal between you and Lauren?" Love demanded. Obviously Lauren knew what was going on at the mansion, but Love had no idea what was going on with her and Rose and that hardly seemed fair. She hated being kept out of the loop, especially since the loop seemed to involve hot sex with Lauren Graham, something Love very much wanted to get involved with.

"Who said anything's going on?" Rose asked innocently. "I think you two have overactive imaginations."

"The hell we do," Love declared with playful insistence. "You know I'm not going to stop bugging you until you tell me."

"I'll tell you everything after the party," Rose promised. "I won't leave a detail out. You've just got to wait a little bit first. And no whining about it either. Remember you're the one who wanted to come here. So you have to wait now."

Love frowned and gave a little pout. She had wanted to come here and she was happy she was here, but still she hated waiting and it sounded like Rose had one hell of a sexy secret to tell.

"So are we going to some party or something now?" Jennifer inquired. She didn't know Lauren very well at all and it would be weird to suddenly be going to a party of hers, but Rose certainly seemed to know the brunette television star very well so she supposed it wouldn't be too awkward if she went with her. Besides, Jennifer had learned a long time ago that sometimes it was just better to go with the flow instead of questioning everything.

"Oh yeah, no chance in hell we're not going," Rose grinned. "You never turn down an invitation to Lauren's. Ever."

"Well now you're definitely telling us everything as soon as we get home," Love insisted. "This had better be something special too."

"Oh it is," Rose swore. "I don't even know what she's planning but if Lauren's doing it, it's going to be amazing. She's the only girl who can rival me in..."

"What?" Love asked when Rose froze mid-sentence. "What is it?"

Love turned toward where Rose's eyes were fixed and when she saw what had captured her gaze a similar stunned silence fell over her as well.

"What are you two looking at?" Jennifer asked. And then she saw it too.

"Oh..." Jennifer gasped in response, the crowd parting enough for her to see exactly whom they were staring at and how they were being stared at right back.

"Hey," Sarah Michelle Gellar shyly said, her face trying to force a smile as a deep blush covered her face and a wish filled her brain that if only she could just disappear.

Sarah hadn't wanted to come to this today. She had been too afraid that this was going to happen and she was going to see one of her former housemates. Damon represented so many of them. It would have been so hard to avoid them and now there she was, right in the middle of the confrontation she had wished she could have avoided for the rest of her life.

Freddie had insisted she come with him to this and now her fears had been realized. Sarah would have given anything in the world to not have to be there right then, staring into the faces of three women she had cared about more than words could describe...the ones she had shared the most intense experiences of her life with only to leave behind when she got married.

No one said a word to each other. There was just a silence that went way beyond awkward as Love, Rose and Jennifer stared right at Sarah and she stood nervously before them, feeling the heavy weight of her guilt bearing down upon her. They hadn't seen each other since that night in Jamaica when Sarah had left them all and now that fate had suddenly reunited them, no one knew what to say.

They just stared at each other...three sets of eyes boring into one. It was as if everything else had stopped around them and the rest of the crowded party melted away, leaving them as the only people here. The party was full of laughter and life all around them, but none of that mattered to the four women. They didn't notice it and they didn't care.

The silent stares continued until finally it was unbearable for Jennifer. There was so much that had to be said.

"We should go and find some place more private..." Jennifer managed to sputter out. Her heart was in her throat from suddenly seeing Sarah again and she knew Love and Rose had to feel the same way. But how did Sarah feel? Jennifer was dying to know.

No one said anything more in response to Jennifer's idea, but no one objected to it either. They just went along with her as she sought out some room somewhere where they could at least be alone. Damon's conference room was right nearby and it was easy enough for them to all duck in.

Pausing only to flick on some lights so they could really see each other, the four girls almost instantly resumed the position they had had been in before...three sets of eyes staring at one and searching for an apology...an explanation...anything.

Love and Rose remained silent and Sarah still looked like she wanted the Earth to swallow her up, so once again it was up to Jennifer to say something.

"How are you?" Jennifer asked. It was the first thing she could think of out of all the questions she had for Sarah, but it was one she did really want to know the answer to. They hadn't heard one word from Sarah since she had left them and none of them had any idea how she was doing.

"I'm fine," Sarah admitted softly. Once it had been so easy to talk to these girls. Words had flown off her lips as she had admitted every deep fantasy, secret and fear to them. She had trusted her housemates above all, but now even getting the most basic of pleasantries past her lips was difficult. She felt paralyzed around the three women she had once been so close to. "Everything's been fine. I..."

"Oh goddamnit, is this the fucking game we're gonna play?" Rose snapped. "How are you? What have you been doing? How's your fucking perfect marriage? Fuck no!"

"Rose please," Jennifer interrupted. She could see how hard this was on Sarah and she didn't want to make things worse.

"Please what? Be nice to her?" Rose shot back angrily. "Why? She ran away in the middle of the night and left behind a fucking note! A goddamn note? Is that all we meant to her? Then we don't hear from her in more than a year! It's like we're dead to her, so why don't you tell me why I should be nice to her Jennifer!"

"Rose...it's not like that..." Sarah tried to explain. She'd been dreading this moment since the night she left. She'd hoped she'd never have to see the faces of the friends she'd left behind and feel their anger and their pain.

"What's it like then, Sarah?" Rose demanded. "Did you not leave us in the middle of the night without even a real goodbye to marry some useless piece of shit?"

Sarah just hung her head in shame. She didn't even offer up a feeble defense of Freddie to Rose's insult. She couldn't face this. It felt even worse than she had ever imagined it would.

"Don't you even have anything to say for yourself?" Rose said, her hurt evident in every word she spoke. This wasn't just a bad tempered response. This was pain that had been building in her since the night Sarah left. "Can't you even look us in the eye?"

Sarah couldn't and she shook her head in response. She was trying desperately to hold back tears. She had never felt Rose's anger before and it hurt her, especially since she knew she deserved it.

"Rose, calm down," Jennifer said, trying to make peacemaker. They hadn't seen Sarah in so long and she didn't want them all ganging up on her. If they did that they might never see her again. "Don't make it worse for her!"

"Don't make excuses for her!" Rose snapped at her housemate. "If she cared so much about what we thought she wouldn't have left us and pretended nothing ever happened!"

"I do care..." Sarah suddenly spoke. "I do! Rose, God, you have no idea how hard this is! You don't know how I agonized over it...how it killed me inside to do what I did! But I had to! I had to do it! I never...never wanted to hurt you guys..."

"Well you did!" a voice snapped. But this time the anger wasn't coming from Rose. It was coming from Love.

"You hurt us Sarah! You hurt us by leaving and you hurt us by never even caring how we were without you!" Love angrily said, her lips quivering and her eyes starting to tear up as months and months of emotion suddenly began spilling out. "How could you do that to us Sarah? How could you do that to me? I cried for you every fucking night and you couldn't even give me a goddamn phone call to see if we were ok!"

"Oh Love..." Sarah gurgled, close to losing it too. She couldn't handle thinking of Love's heart breaking and tears pouring down her beautiful face because of her actions.

"Didn't what we did together mean anything to you?" Love demanded as Jennifer and Rose looked on in slight shock. The last one of them to ever get angry was Love and neither of them could ever remember seeing her like this before.

"It did!" Sarah insisted. "It meant everything to me Love!"

"Liar!" Love sneered. "Don't lie Sarah! You treated us like we were nothing! Like we were something for you to ditch when it was convenient! You don't have any idea what you did to all of us when you left! We were miserable without you and you never even said goodbye! You never cared about us at all! You never cared about me!"

Love was even surprised at herself for reacting this way. She had shed tear after tear from Sarah leaving, moped around that mansion like someone had died and hoped each and every time the phone rang it was Sarah calling, but she had never lashed out.

There had been so many times when Love had thought about what she'd say if she ever saw Sarah again, but now that she was finally face to face with the person she had first discovered the ecstasy of a woman's touch with, all the anger she had suppressed inside herself spilled out. This wasn't what she had planned to say at all. But she couldn't stop herself once it started. Seeing Sarah was like ripping open all the old wounds that had still barely healed over.

"No! Please don't say that Love!" Sarah begged, moving closer to her former housemate. "I do care! I care so much! I love you guys!"

"Don't you say that!" Love furiously snapped, pulling away when Sarah tried to reach for her arm. "Don't you fucking say that Sarah! You don't treat people you love the way you treated us! You don't leave them and just disappear! We started this Sarah! You and me! I thought I could trust you! I thought you cared about me...about us...about everything we did! But you didn't and you never did! You just left us and forgot about us like we were nothing!"

"But I do care!" Sarah cried, she had never seen Love like this before and it was breaking her heart. "I do Love! I miss you guys so much! I think about you all the time! It killed me to leave! Can't you see that! Please! Please Love; all I want is for things to be right between us!"

"You're a bitch Sarah!" Love said as tears flowed down her cheeks, every emotion she had tapped down over the last months spilling out of her eyes with hot intensity. "I never want to see you again!"

Trying not to sob as she did so, Love stormed out of the room and back into the party. Rose and Jennifer didn't say anything more to Sarah. They just ran after their housemate trying to catch and console her. They didn't care that the party was over for them now. They didn't care about making a scene. They just cared about making Love feel better.

Sarah was left behind in the room, her nightmare finally having come true. They hated her. The girls she cared about so much hated her for what she'd done to them and she knew she deserved it. She knew she deserved it all.

Not even going to close the door first, Sarah just slumped down against the wall, falling to her knees and crying with soft, heartbroken sobs into her hands as she pressed them to her face. She had always known this would happen, but to actually go through it was devastating and at last she finally saw that she had taken the best thing in her life and ruined it forever.

What a difference a year makes, Jewel sighed to herself as she rummaged through her closet. She found the sweatshirt she was looking for rather quickly and peeled off her shirt to change into it. With another sigh, Jewel saw that her bra was soaked too, so that went off as well. Not that she ever minded taking off her clothes, but Jewel wished it was under different circumstances.

Last year when she had volunteered to help Alyssa with her charity work they had ended up stumbling onto Anne Hathaway masturbating in an otherwise empty room, moaning their names and begging them to fuck her. The girl had had no idea that she was being watched or that she and Alyssa would have loved to do exactly what she was begging for. Mmmm so they had burst into the room and made all of Anne's naughty fantasies about them come true.

They had taken her home to Malibu and thrown her right into the fun so everyone could enjoy playing with Anne's big tits and her incredibly wet and eager pussy. Anne's stamina and horniness that night had even eclipsed that of the porn star Rose had brought home that day and Jewel could still remember how good Anne's soft, full tits had looked bouncing hypnotically while she was on all fours getting her ass fucked by Alyssa's strap on as she begged anyone and everyone in the room to fuck her face and feed her their pussies.

Anne had stopped by the mansion several times since then and, while it hadn't been the only reason she had volunteered to help Alyssa today, deep down Jewel had hoped it would result in another fresh face coming home with them to enjoy some girl on girl fun. Unfortunately that hadn't happened and Jewel wasn't back home removing her clothes for any erotic purpose. There had been a chicken noodle disaster at the soup kitchen and Jewel had ended up soaked nearly from head to toe.

Fortunately the soup that had spilled over her wasn't freshly made and therefore wasn't scalding hot. Jewel's skin was a little tender from the heat, but she'd hardly been burned or anything. It had just left her clothes unfit to stay on. And since there was not a change of clothes waiting for her at the soup kitchen Jewel was left with three options. Either stand there soaked in soup, strip down and continue to help out while naked or go home and change.

Not surprisingly, Jewel chose option three and, as much as she'd wanted to help out, had returned back to Malibu to change. She felt bad about having to leave Alyssa short one volunteer, but there wasn't much she could do about it right then. Jewel knew Alyssa did so much volunteering this time of year, that she'd find a way to easily make it up to her.

So what was foremost on Jewel's mind right then as she wiggled out of her wet jeans and pushed down her panties, which for once were the only piece of clothing on her which wasn't soaked, was a long, hot bath. She was going to throw her clothes into the washing machine and then take care of herself.

The blonde singer tossed a robe on and picked up her clothes, trying to remember where exactly the washing machine was. This was usually a Michelle job, but the mansion's gorgeous French maid hadn't been around too much lately.

She'd been acting pretty strange actually, Jewel thought to herself as she walked downstairs. She'd been taking off from work a lot and acting mysterious and reserved, which was a hell of a change from the outgoing, always enthusiastic French slut who had always made sure their pussies were nice and shaved.

Something was going on with her and Jewel felt bad because she realized that everyone at the mansion, her included, had been too wrapped up in their own lives to ask if Michelle was ok. She was going to have to change that as soon as she had the chance. The next time she saw Michelle she was going to see what was bothering her and find out if there was a way to help.

Jewel threw her clothes into the washing machine and put in the detergent. Luckily she hadn't been wearing anything too nice so nothing had to be dry cleaned. The washing machine would do just fine. So Jewel hit the button and let the magic of technology clean her clothes. Having accomplished that, Jewel had every intention of next soaking herself in her bathtub, but before she could the buzzer sounded, meaning someone was at the gate.

Who could that be? Jewel wondered. Everyone who lived there had the code and as far as she knew no one had been invited over. Maybe it was a package or something. Jewel didn't bother to check the video screen though. Instead she just went to answer at the call box.

"Hello?" Jewel said. "Who is it?"

Nothing much ever surprised Jewel, especially these days, but the answer to her question definitely took her aback.

"Hey, it's me. It's Britney."

"Britney? Oh my God!" Jewel cried in happy surprise. "What are you doing here? Wait! Come in. Come in. Let me get the gate open."

Britney once had the code to the gate, but after they'd had their falling out, Christina insisted on changing the locks and the code so she wouldn't be able to come back. Everyone had humored Christina mostly to avoid her wigging out on them, but none of them had wanted to force Britney out of their lives. Christina had been insistent about her never stepping foot back in the mansion and the truth was it had been easier to let Britney go than create more drama with the vengeful Christina.

So it was quite a surprise to Jewel that Britney was driving up to the mansion. They'd traded a few phone calls now and then just to see how everyone was and they'd seen each other a few times just casually. Other than that no one at the mansion had laid eyes on Britney since that day.

Of course the tabloids always provided plenty of information about how she was doing, what she was doing and who she was doing it with. But Jewel knew full well how easy it was for the tabloids to lie and distort. So she was very eager to see her former housemate and find out how she was.

"Oh my God! I haven't seen you in forever!" Britney squealed when Jewel opened the door to let her in. They immediately fell into a hug, which of course led to a kiss, but it was a kiss that was less about sex and more about two girls who cared for each other seeing each other for the first time in a long time.

"I've missed you Britney!" Jewel said once their lips parted, keeping the pop star close to her in the hug as the door closed behind you. "It's been way too long! God, we've all missed you!"

"So it's safe? It's ok if I'm here?" Britney asked, nervously darting her eyes around as if she were expecting Christina to run down the stairs screaming at her to get the fuck out. She couldn't take that. Not again. Not today.

"Yeah, it's just you and me," Jewel said, taking Britney's hand. "Everyone else is out. You want to go upstairs or something?"

Normally Jewel inviting Britney up to her bedroom would have been accepted in a second. They would have run upstairs not wanting to waste a second and Jewel's robe would have been off before they were even through the doorway so they could get onto the bed and do what they did best. But so much had changed and it was impossible for them to immediately fall back into old patterns.

"Can we go into the kitchen or something?" Britney asked shyly, as if she didn't quite know how to get the words out that she wanted to say.

"Of course sweetie," Jewel said, leading Britney the way. "You know when I asked if you wanted to go upstairs it wasn't so we could...you know..."

Jewel realized her words had come out wrong before. She didn't want Britney to think all that mattered to her was sex. She had really wanted to go upstairs to talk with her and Jewel figured it was a nice and private place. But if Britney wanted to talk in the kitchen then that was fine.

"I know," Britney smiled. "Mmmm and I wouldn't have stopped you if that's what you wanted."

Britney giggled as she remembered all the hot times she'd had in Jewel's bedroom. God, all these rooms brought back such wonderful memories to her. The way she'd left the mansion certainly didn't change how much fun she'd had here. But right now she needed to talk and she knew herself and she knew if they were anywhere close to a bed they wouldn't have gotten any talking done.

Jewel smiled at Britney's laugh. God she missed her. She never would have dreamed she'd miss her as much as she did and she knew everyone at the mansion felt the same way. It had been hard on them to see Britney go through so much lately and not be able to help her.

"Woe, you guys redecorated," Britney marveled as she walked through the kitchen. Nothing fundamentally was different, but there was new furniture, new carpeting and new lots of things.

"Yeah we did," Jewel replied. "We've got a new pool in the back too. Made it much fancier and got a waterfall in it and everything. We wanted to update the look inside. A lot of the rooms are different too. A lot less like a bordello now. More like a real home."

"Yeah," Britney sighed, her eyes getting a misty at the thought of home. This had been her home. She'd never wanted to leave it and being here again made her see how deeply she wanted to be here again. She missed this place. She missed it so much. She missed her friends and she mostly missed how safe and loved the mansion always made her feel.

"You want some tea?" Jewel asked. "I was going to make some before I got into the bathtub."

"I was wondering about the robe," Britney said, sitting down at the table. "And yeah, some tea would be great. How come you're about to take a bath now?"

Midday baths were unusual here, but not unheard of. However there usually was another girl around to share the tub with and Jewel was definitely alone so Britney got curious.

"It's a long story," Jewel sighed, getting up to make the tea. "It involves people slipping and me being drenched in soup. I'll tell you later. Right now I just want to hear about you. What's going on? How are you? How are the kids?"

"Oh God they're so wonderful," Britney beamed with motherly pride. "I mean they're so little and adorable and every time I see them I just want to have five more just so I can have cute little babies always running around the house. It's crazy sometimes, but it's totally worth it. You have to meet them soon! No one here's ever seen them and I want you all to come by and meet my baby boys!"

"I can't wait," Jewel replied as she put the hot water on the stove. She loved babies and despite who their father was, she knew Britney's boys had to be absolutely adorable. "So what made you want to come by today? I mean, I'm really happy you're here. I've missed you so much Britney and this is a really nice surprise, but what brought it on all of a sudden?"

"Well I was close by and I just had...well I had to stop by," Britney said. "I'm actually giving a concert tonight at the Beverly Hills Hotel. It's not a big deal. Just a private thing for record industry types. I wanna start up my comeback and everything. I wanted to know if you guys wanted to come tonight. I'd love it if you did."

"Wow, that sounds great Britney," Jewel said. "I'd love to. I just don't know about...well you know."

"Yeah I know," Britney replied. "Well I'll make sure you guys are all on the list if you want to come."

Britney then paused for a second to take a breath before marveling at how long her absence felt.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it's been so long since I've been here," Britney said, her lip quivering a bit. "I miss you guys so much and everything's been so intense lately and I just don't feel like I have any time to breathe and I was driving around all morning and I...I...just...just didn't know where else to go!"

The tears Britney had been trying to hold back since she had pulled up to the gate suddenly began spilling out in a rush. Britney buried her face in her hands and sobbed, all the emotions which had been swirling around inside her at gale force speed pouring out.

"Oh Britney!" Jewel said, abandoning her tea making efforts to rush back to her sobbing friend. She sat down next to her at the table and immediately pulled her into a hug, literally giving her a shoulder to cry on.

"Gawwwwwwd I just feel so fucking confused," Britney cried, returning the hug, wrapping herself tightly around Jewel as tears spilled from her eyes. "I don't know what I want anymore and this is the only place life ever made any sense to me!"

"Shhhhh it's ok...it's ok Britney," Jewel comforted her friend, softly running her fingers through her blonde hair as she soaked the shoulder of her robe with tears.

"No! It's not ok! I messed up Jewel!" Britney sobbed. "God, how could I have fucked up so bad? I never should have married him! I ruined everything!"

No one had to tell Jewel who "him" was so she just let Britney talk. She knew Britney didn't need her interrupting. She listened instead.

"I was so happy here!" Britney admitted, her voice coming out ragged and emotional as she poured out everything she wanted to say. "I don't know what I was thinking! I'm so fucking lost right now Jewel! Chrissy hates me now! She hates me and it's killing me! She won't talk to me and I just want to hear her voice! I want to come back here! I want to come back home!"

All of this had been brewing inside Britney for months now. Everyone had told her she was making a mistake with Kevin. Her mom. Her dad. Her agent. All her friends. But she hadn't listened. And now she was paying the price. She felt like she had lost forever the best friends she'd ever had.

"This is the only place I ever felt safe," Britney continued to sob, her cries at least starting to get calmer as she clutched onto Jewel's robe and used it to dry her tears. "This is the place where I felt no one could ever hurt me and all those haters out there who just want to make me miserable and the paparazzi and everyone couldn't get me here because I had you guys! I miss it here! I miss it here so much Jewel!"

Britney had actually believed that she and Kevin would be together forever. Now she had to deal with a chorus of "I told you so's" and she didn't want to hear it. It didn't help things. It didn't make things any easier when she was now responsible for two kids while still trying to make a comeback without any real help from anyone.

As her tears started to dry up, Britney continued to pour out her heart to Jewel. She told her former housemate how Kevin had cheated on her time after time even while she'd stayed totally true to him. She told him how he never was around for the kids and how he was fighting for custody just to punish her for cutting him off from her money. She told him how she felt more hounded by the press than ever before and how alone and isolated she was without anyone to help her.

"He knows I love those kids more than anything and now he wants to take my boys away from me," Britney sadly sighed, her voice still filled with emotion even as her tears stopped. "I don't know what I'll do if I lose them Jewel. They're all I've got left. The press makes it seem like I'm this terrible mother but I'm trying! I'm trying so hard to do this right and not mess up anything! I just...just don't know what I'm doing sometimes. But I'm trying my hardest! I'm so scared I'm going to lose my kids and Kevin won't take care of them! He can't take them away from me! I'm doing the best I can! I do everything I can for those kids! I mean, my mom is there and she tries to help, but I see her staring at me like she knows I fucked up and it makes me feel so bad. I feel so alone Jewel! Like no one's there to help me!"

"It's ok Britney, we're here to help you," Jewel assured her friend, cradling her head with her hands and holding her close. "This is your home. It always will be."

"No it's not," Britney sadly admitted. "Chrissy hates me. I wish I knew why she was so mad! I thought she'd be ok with Kevin. She always said I shouldn't just be with girls. That I should be bisexual. I don't understand why she hates me so much now!"

"I don't know either Britney, but I know she really misses you," Jewel said. "She pretends like she doesn't, but I know she does."

"She doesn't miss me," Britney claimed, starting to cry again. "She hates me! She says she does every time she sees me! She says she never wants to see me again! I can't take it Jewel! I can't take her hating me! It breaks my heart when she says it!"

"She's just so angry Britney," Jewel sighed. She didn't know why Christina was so angry and why just talking about Britney made her lose it completely. "She'll get over it."

"She'll never get over it," Britney insisted and Jewel had to admit to herself that she might have been right about it. Christina seemed the type to never get over things.

"I just wanted love," Britney said as she wiped away her tears. "That's why I was with Kevin. I thought he loved me. He only loved my money. Everyone was right about him. I should have listened. I just thought he really loved me. That's all I wanted. Someone to really love me. I wanted Christina to. But she didn't."

"What do you mean?" Jewel asked. She'd never heard any word like "love" come up between those two before. Sure they'd fucked each other all the time, slept in the same bed and seemed to make a great team, but Jewel hadn't thought it was any more.

"I wanted her to love me," Britney confessed, her eyes starting to well up again even as she tried to hold her tears back. She'd been holding this in for so long. "I loved her Jewel. I never told anyone this. But I loved her. I mean like in love with her."

"Wow! For real Britney?" Jewel wondered, quite surprised at this confession.

Britney confirmed it with a sad nod of her head and continued.

"I knew I was in love with her from the night we were at the concert and we were together for the first time," Britney explained. "She made me feel so good Jewel. Like no one ever had before. Mmmm even better than Jessie had when we she was the first girl I'd ever been with! She made me feel like I was so special and I loved how she touched me and kissed me and I knew then I loved her. I totally felt this intense connection with her. I tried to tell her that I felt that way. I tried to tell her so many times, but she kept acting like I was crazy or something when I did. I never got a chance to tell her everything because she was always going on like how silly love was and how we should only be fucking and nothing more. I thought that was how she felt about me and that was ok. I loved being with her and I didn't care that she didn't love me like I loved her. But I wanted love too and I thought Kevin loved me like I loved her. I was wrong. He never really loved me. I just don't know how I lost everything so fast! It totally would have been different if Chrissy was in love with me. But she wasn't and now she hates me. She'll never stop hating me. I wish I'd been able to tell her so she'd have understood how I felt. But I couldn't. Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything right. All I can do is sing. I just wish I had a song to tell Christina I loved her then and I still do now."

"C'mere," Jewel said, bringing Britney into another long hug. "It's ok Britney."

"I feel so lonely Jewel," Britney said softly. "If I didn't have my boys I wouldn't have anything. I don't want to be all alone on Christmas. My mom and Jamie Lynn will be there, but it's not the same. I want to be here. I want to come back home."

Jewel wished she could promise Britney she could come back. She wished she could tell her she could stay for Christmas and then stay forever. But it was a promise she just couldn't make. So instead she held her friend tightly and tried to make her feel that somehow it would all end up ok.


Next: Chapter 88: Harem 17 2

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