Harry Potter and the Whimsical Invocations

By Robbie Robot

Published on Sep 17, 2016


Harry Potter and the Whimsical Invocations Part One

© Van T Z Boi 2016

(Harry Potter etc is and remains the property of J K Rowling. My profuse apologies to the author and I hope all nifty readers with keep this magical secret life of Mr Potter to themselves.)

(The usual disclaimers apply, this copyright belongs to the author, you may not download or post this or any part thereof anywhere else without the authors' permission.)

(Hi everyone, this is a departure from the norm for me but I suppose we all have had magical fantasies and I hope you will also enjoy my version of young Mr Potter and his adventures in growing up. If you do like this then please don't forget to donate to nifty for without those fine people you would not be reading this. Comments please to my new email address lostinspace1966@protonmail.com. Now let's wave those wands! Van T Z Boi)

Harry Potter stretched out in the steamy bath, it's not really stealing,' he told himself, it's just adjusting,' and he sank beneath the sudsy foam and emerged dripping wet and honestly hot. It was almost the last week of the summer holidays; today the Weasley's were picking him up from the Dursley residence and letting him stay with them for the final week before returning to school. On the journey back to the Burrows, they would be stopping off in Diagon Alley to obtain everything he needed for his next term at Hogwart's. The list had been sent to Mrs Weasley as it would have most certainly have got lost should his Uncle Vernon get his grubby hands on it so Harry did not know what was required but he was looking forward to seeing Ron his best friend and the other Weasley's.

The sweltering bath was a rare luxury for him; normally he got the last lukewarm dregs left in the boiler once everyone else had been through the bathroom. Uncle Vernon had worked out exactly how much hot water there was and had set the system timer so that by the time Harry got to use the bathroom, there would be very little hot water left. Harry had however worked out a way to get around Uncle Vernon's nasty craftiness. It was his holiday duty to get up before the others and cook the breakfast. Harry did not mind that, it gave him some alone time with Hedwig who would perch on the rail of a chair and watch him, chirruping if the bacon needed turning, or the toast was done or the eggs were burning. As he worked away Harry got used to the sound of the gas boiler lighting as the timer became operative; one morning Harry had been sharing an early slice of toast with Hedwig when he saw the timer light up, being inquisitive he had gone to investigate and discovered that the timer had a button which allowed an extra hour on the time. Harry saved that knowledge up and on a couple of occasions had used it to get a hot shower; it had meant running off and therefore wasting the rest of the hot water, but this had to be done so that when Uncle Vernon checked the water would run barely lukewarm if not cold. Today as he was due to join the Weasley's he had asked if instead of a shower he could have a bath. Uncle Vernon had smiled evilly when he said `yes,' but Harry knowing the way his uncles' mind worked had made sure the boiler was on for a longer time; he had also made sure the button was off when he left the kitchen to take his bath. The Dursely's all searing pink from a hot scrubbing sat grinning at him as they tucked into the large Saturday morning breakfast that Harry had deliberately cooked, it would help keep their minds of his bath and guaranteed him a little extra alone time. "Do enjoy your bath," Uncle Vernon had sneered at him as he left the kitchen but Harry had pinched himself to make him forget about saying anything that might give himself away.

Harry stood up to begin scrubbing his skin; he wanted to wash every molecule of his stay with the Dursley's from his entire body and he reached for the large sponge ready for the rough scouring to clean his skin of anything remotely Dursely. As he started to rub the sponge against his arm he heard his cousin Dudley coming up the stairs, his heavy fat tread was easily heard through the closed and locked bathroom door. Harry was not worried when he heard Dudley turn the doorknob. `He can rattle it as much as he likes,' thought Harry; he had already made sure the door lock had not been tampered with. Harry was therefore very surprised and not a little annoyed when after the rattling began, there came a strange scratching and then the door flew open and there stood Dudley with a screwdriver in his hand and the unscrewed lock in the other. Harry turned in horror as Dudley stood in the door way.

"You, you," he shouted lost for words. He saw Dudley look at him and then a strange red colour shaded Dudley already crimson face.

"Dad, dad," he screamed and he flung down the screwdriver and the lock and fell on the floor banging his hands and feet in a typical Dudley temper tantrum. As the sound of Dudley's outburst vibrated through the house, Uncle Vernon flew up the stairs and arrived panting furiously at the open doorway with a huffing Aunt Petunia not far behind.

"What have you done this time you horrible, horrible miserable excuse for a child," he had glared at Harry who transfixed by the sudden turn of events was still standing naked in the bath, soap in one hand and the sponge in the other. Uncle Vernon had stood over Dudley, his girth made it difficult to bend down and between venomous looks in Harry's direction, he had tried to comfort Dudley. "Now son what's the matter, come on you can tell your old dad. What's that horrid wizard boy done to you, are you hurt, have you broken something?"

Aunt Petunia had also arrived on the scene; she knelt by Dudley's sobbing head and tried to get his attention. "There, there my sweet, come along tell poor mumsy what's the matter and daddy will sort that dreadful Harry out." She too shot murderous looks at Harry who still stood immobile, still dripping drops of water, totally mesmerized by the turn of events.

"It's not fair," screamed Dudley, "it's not fair, it's just not fair," he sobbed repeatedly.

Uncle Vernon bent over, turned his head towards Harry and glared at him, "What have you done to my darling boy?" he screeched malevolently before once again bleating at Dudley, "Tell me boy, tell me please what's happened. What's that dreadful wizardling done to you?"

Dudley began to recover and still kicking and banging he managed to point one finger at Harry and shout, "It's not fair, all the boys in my year have got them and I haven't and now Harry has them," he banged his head on the soft carpet, "He's younger than me too. It's not right. It's must be all his fault; he must have magicked me somehow."

Aunt Petunia stroked Dudley's head, a puzzled look on her face, "What dear is it that Harry's has got that you haven't?" She looked at Harry still frozen to the spot and scowled at him.

"Come along my beautiful boy, you are talking nonsense, that horrid child has nothing you can't have. Your mother and I have made sure of that," Uncle Vernon tried to reach down to console his son and almost falling grabbed the doorway to stop himself from squashing Dudley.

Dudley lifted his bloated crying face upwards towards his father and sobbed, "Hairs, Harry has got hairs. Look!" he pointed at Harry's body.

"Oh," said Vernon a light dawning in his pig like brain as he put together where Dudley's finer was pointing and the recent `talks' he had with Dudley.

"Hairs, what hairs," Petunia was even more confused.

"You told me that it was because I was special that I hadn't got my hairs yet," Dudley was in full flow again, "You said that the Dursley family were famous for getting a full bush rather than the slow growth that other's get," Dudley gave his father as bitter a look as he often gave Harry, "and now Harry's got his and I haven't. His mother was my aunt so she's family too, so where are my hairs?"

Petunia looked at her husband, "Vernon?" she looked totally confounded and lost.

Vernon blushed heavily, his face going from Turkish bath pink to hormonally embarrassed red. He was now the colour of a `Stop Sign'. "Hrrmmmph," he cleared his throat and looked at his wife, "Petunia this is man's stuff," he said giving her a look and indicating with his head that she should leave.

"Vernon what," was as far as she got.

"Petunia, I SAID THIS IS MAN STUFF," Vernon shouted and leaning close to her distraught face which lucky enough was as far as he could bend, whispered in her ear the word that Harry with his keen ears heard clearly, "Puberty."

"Oh," Petunia's mouth was as round as the letter she uttered. In a trice she blushed, not as red as her husband but enough to give a tropical setting sun competition. "This is for your father to deal with," she spoke coldly to Dudley before getting to her feet and disappearing downstairs; momentarily the television could be heard loudly through the closed living room door.

"Dudley get up; this is no way for an adolescent Dursley to behave," Vernon was oddly firm with Dudley, "and as for you," he gave Harry a recognisable, `I'll deal with you later' look, "cover yourself up and hide that miserable disgusting excuse for a body." At that the door slammed shut and Vernon squawked as the door swung open on the hinges and hit him on the extended hand. "What the," he spluttered and then saw the detached lock and the screwdriver lying on the floor. "You can repair this after you've finished," he thundered at Harry and grabbing some toilet paper he wedged the door shut, muttering deadly threats under his breath, as he secured the door. Harry could just about hear Vernon's pleading voice as he walked the unhappy Dudley away, "Look its nothing, he's only got the fewest of tiny, tiny hairs, it's probably a mole, you know how horrible wizards are; all warty and hairy. Perhaps we ought to consult a specialist, make sure that everything of yours down there is working," was all Harry heard before Dudley's bedroom door closed.

Hairs,' Harry thought and turned to look at the bathroom mirror, which had to be large, in fact extremely large; well mostly because the Dursley's themselves were extremely large. He saw Harry Potter, the same Harry Potter he had seen since he grew up, the untidy, now wet black hair, the star shaped scar on his forehead, the flat chest with the two pink boy nipples, the flat stomach with just a little plumpness on the hips and the slightly protruding belly button. His eyes travelled downwards and then he saw, "Hairs," he said excitedly and now looked down at his real self. Hairs' he thought excitedly, `I have hairs.'

Harry was not a complete fool, he had attended and listened to the lessons on growing up; it was just a surprise that this expected change in his body had happened without him realising it and it must have happened over the holidays because Ron or one of his other friends would have noticed as they showered, maybe even a member of his Quidditch team would have pointed them out in the changing room. Perhaps it was because the Dursley's kept me so busy working I would fall asleep the minute I got into bed and Uncle Vernon would hustle him through his morning ablutions as work was always waiting, so I never noticed, never had time to notice?' He examined his groin, pulling carefully at the fine black hairs that had to him suddenly almost magically appeared. There aren't that many really,' he thought but, `I have hairs,' a big smile spread across his face.

The bathroom door banged open and Uncle Vernon bounced through. He strode up to the bath and wagged a finger at Harry. "If I find you've had a hand in delaying Dudley's natural development," he said viciously and then he paused and sniffed the air. His bulbous nose sniffed again and a third time. A calculating look crossed his face and he leaned over and put a fat finger in the bathwater, "How come this water is so hot?" he spluttered, his face boiling over into a deeper crimson.

"I' er, I don't know," Harry scrunched against the far tiled wall adding lamely, "Isn't it supposed to be hot. Shouldn't bathwater be hot?"

"Have you, you know what I mean?" Uncle Vernon leaned dangerously over the steamy bath.

Harry shrank even further against the tiles. "No, no I wouldn't have, didn't," he squeaked.

Uncle Vernon looked at him, he had know Harry most of his life and whilst he had his suspicions about where the hot water had come from he was sure Harry was not lying to him about using magic to heat the water. He also knew that Harry was unlikely to be the cause of Dudley's lack of maturity. If anything, it was probably due to the amount of sweet things he continually ate and the lack of hard exercise. If he was honest with himself the same thing had happened to him growing up; the difference was that the kids of today were more self conscious about bodily changes. "Get a move on your wizard friends will be here soon." Vernon sneered and stomped from the bathroom to check the timer, He's managed to get hot water somehow,' he said to himself, and without using that dratted magic of his,' confused and suspecting some sort of trickery he hurried downstairs.

Harry relaxed, he knew Vernon would not find anything wrong with the timer, it's just if he works out what those plus and minus buttons are for.' He finished his interrupted scrub, taking a little more care between his legs as he did not want to pull any of his new precious possessions out. Upstairs in his bedroom he dressed quickly, noticing that his slightly grey underpants fitted a little too tightly. He had noticed this before but put it down to Aunt Petunia deliberately altering the washing machine to very hot wash and shrinking them that way, now he was sorry for thinking so badly of her. I must have grown,' he told himself; knowing that it was a different type of growing,' his jeans also fitted snugly. In fact when he looked down there was the start of a bulge showing and his socks could be seen between the end of his jeans and his shoes. I have grown,' Harry thought slightly shocked and miffed as he felt he had missed out on something important. Hedwig's warning chirrup broke into his thoughts, `No Ron and his family will be here any minute,' he realised and with a sudden burst of energy frantically packed the last of his things. As the lid of the large brown trunk closed a whooshing banging was heard at the back door. Harry looked out his window, Mr and Mrs Wealsey stood in the middle of the patio; a smoky cloud misting around them.

"Hello Harry," Molly Weasley waved up at Harry, "do get a move on boys."

Harry suddenly realised he was surrounded by a succession of carrot topped Weasley heads as Ron, the twins Fred and George and even Percy were grabbing at his possessions. Harry carrying Hedwig's cage followed the Weasley version of the Red Sea into the back garden. Of Dudley there was no sign, Aunt Petunia hid behind the vastness of her husband's stomach; Uncle Vernon was glowing positively purple as he viewed the horde of Weasley's tramping across the lawn that Harry had mowed every second day that summer.

"I trust your Uncle and Aunt looked after you very well," said Molly giving Vernon and Petunia a sharp look. Vernon was about to speak and then he pursed his lips and said nothing. "Do say goodbye Harry," added Molly, "I know You have proper manners."

Harry befuddled with the speed of his departure, said "Good," which was a far as he got before a cloud of blackish smoke arose and he and the Weasley's disappeared. Choking he stumbled, finding his feet after a coughing moment before standing up in the Leaky Cauldron Inn in Diagon Alley. As the smoke cleared Arthur Weasley stood puzzled.

"Your uncle ought to keep his chimney cleaner," he said disapprovingly as he dusted of the grimy soot on his clothes, creating a further cloud of choking dust.

"Wh, wh, what chimney?" coughed Harry.

"The one in the garden over the outdoor kitchen," Molly Weasley also coughed.

"That's not a chimney," spluttered Harry, "it's a vent for the barbeque."

"Oh," smiled Arthur Weasley, "I'll never understand these muggle things." He shook his head and scratched another clump of sooty dust from his darkened locks.

"Er where are my things?" asked Harry looking around.

"Perce has taken them back home. Old clevercloggs has already got his stuff for school," announced Fred or was it George, Harry was still having trouble telling them apart.

"Well they're mostly Bill's hand-me-down's," said the other Fred or George.

"This way Weasley's," Molly Weasley's raised yellow umbrella set the path to follow.

Diagon Alley was as usual very busy at this time of year what with all the wizard schools about to re-open and the pathways were bustling with crowds of people, many clutching bags and packages that Harry knew only too well, `supplies for school,' thought Harry as he duly followed the yellow umbrella. "Weasley's wait here," Mrs Weasley stopped outside Gringott's, "Harry with Mr Weasley please," Molly directed her brood. Arthur accompanied Harry inside Gringotts Bank where Harry withdrew funds to pay for what he needed. Molly and the others now took him to Sparks and Mincers, the outfitters.

"You've grown," Molly Weasley pursued her lips and picked out some new school trousers for him. Harry picked up a pair of jeans but Mrs Wesley made him put them back. "I can let down these hems," she authoritatively and she pulled at Harry's crotch, "there's plenty of give here too."

"Underwear," Harry squeaked as Mrs Weasley caught the edge of his balls with her fingers and a sharp pain made him hunch over.

"Oh sorry dear," she patted him on the back and slid her hand down and yanked the back of Harry's jeans up, making the sharp pain intensify. Pushing Harry's groaning head down; Harry could feel his glasses slipping and put up a finger to keep them in place, Mrs Weasley now tugged at the grey cotton, ignoring Harry's yelp she was looking closely at the worn label, "Oh dearly me these won't do, won't do at all, don't worry Harry, we'll get some new ones for you."

George or was it Fred held up a pair of overlarge yellow and blue striped boxers, "These are all the rage Mum," he grinned.

"That's nothing to the rage you will be receiving if you don't behave yourself Fred," stated Mrs Weasley as she held up a pair of bright red briefs against Harry's groin. "These are nice, won't show the blood if you get hurt in a Quidditch match," she muttered to herself, "hmm, could get a pair for Bill, wouldn't show dragon blood either; hmmm, make him a nice Christmas present."

Ron was fingering a pair of dark blue briefs, they had a white line outlining the fly, "er, these look nice mum," he said a little enviously.

Molly picked them up and held them against a reddening much embarrassed Harry, "They'll need to expand," she spoke thinking aloud, "he's hit a growing spurt." She picked up several different sized pairs, "George, Fred," the twins appeared alongside her, "here take these and Harry to the fitting room, see which gives him growing room." She turned to Harry; "unless you'd prefer me to go with you?" she smiled at Harry.

"Oh, er no Mrs Weasley I am sure these will be fine," said a blushing Harry picking up another bundle of mixed briefs.

"Nonsense my boy," she beamed at him, "you must have proper clothes, can't have Harry Potter running round looking like an urchin."

"Come on Harry," Fred grabbed him adding softly, "she'll go on for hours if you don't try something on. George will get some more fashionable ones for you," he added sympathetically.

Harry was about to say that he wasn't all that bothered about fashion but Fred had dragged him towards the fitting rooms so he decided to just go with the flow, besides he was anxious to ease the constriction around his groin where Molly's actions had given him a wedgie and he was conscious his balls ached painfully.

Inside the fitting room Harry dropped his jeans and Fred saw his grey briefs. "Mum will have a fit when she sees those," he said, "I had a pair of real proper dark grey ones and she washed them white. I was furious, I saved up for those, she only ever buys us the basic cotton white ones."

Harry recalling Ron's longing for the fancy blue briefs decided he would try and make sure a pair of those were bought, `I'll give them to Ron,' he thought and then another idea hit him. "Why don't you and George pick out some ones you'd like?" he suggested, "Your mother won't notice the different sizes and we can sort them out in Hogwarts dorm."

"Your ace Harry," grinned Fred, "but let's see which ones fit you first." Fred knelt down and pulled Harry's briefs down. For a moment Harry was concerned but he recalled that he had often changed around Fred and George as they had with him, only then he hadn't been aware of, `hairs' he told himself. He stepped out of his briefs and Fred picked up the first pair he brought with him. "Okay Harry let's try these," he said and Harry felt the soft touch of new cotton on his legs. "Up we," Fred stopped talking and moving. Harry looked down to see Fred looking at him between the legs. "Harry," said Fred excitement in his voice, "you've got hairs."

"Er, yeah," muttered Harry but Fred was already up on his feet and heading out the door.

"George," he heard Fred call, "come and see this," Harry stood semi naked in the changing room feeling embarrassed and foolish with the briefs hanging halfway down his thighs. Moments later the twins reappeared and one presumably Fred lifted Harry's shirt and pointed, "see," he said quietly proud.

The other twin which had to be George bent down and studied Harry's groin, "Yeah those are definitely hairs." He looked up at Harry, "Hairy Harry," he giggled. Harry reddened even more. George looked at Fred, "We need to rethink what to get now."

"Not only that," Fred told George of Harry's offer.

"Your ace Harry," George slapped Harry on his bare bum, it made a loud retort in the quiet room.

Harry was once again left to his own devices as the twins disappeared back into the store. He picked up one pair of briefs, they were light blue with a dark blue waistband and tried them on. He posed in front of the mirror lifting his shirt to see how his bulge looked now.

"Harry?" he looked around at the unexpected whisper, Ron's head poked through the curtain.

"Ron?" Harry said puzzled.

Ron stepped through, "Is it true what Fred said?" he asked.

"Er," Harry stuttered.

"Have you really got your hairs?" Ron spoke with that trace of jealousy again. Harry nodded not wishing to upset his friend more. "Can I see?" Ron knelt down and before Harry could do or say anything his briefs were tugged down and now Ron was studying his groin. He felt a pull on his hairs.

"Hey," he said sharply, "that hurts."

"Sorry," Ron was truly apologetic, "but why didn't you tell me first?" he said aggrieved, "We're best friends. You should have told me before Fred".

`I'm beginning to wonder if it's worth it with all the trouble this discovery has given me,' Harry thought.

"Come on baldy, out you go, we hairy men have work to do," Fred reappeared with George right behind him, they carried a small pile of varied undergarments.

"I'll explain later Ron," said Harry pleadingly as Ron was whisked out of the room. Some ten minutes later Fred and George had made their and Harry's choices, Harry just managing to slip the ones Ron had liked into the pile. Mrs Weasley intent on some vests and shirts for Harry gave the pile hardly a glance, as far as she was concerned boys never had enough pants.

Outside the shop Mrs Weasley called them together, "I have to chase down some clothes for my lot now," she directed her comment at Harry. "So I'll leave you with Fred and George," she looked at the twins whose big grin of a smile paled at her look, "who will take you to get some sweets which will not be eaten until you are on the train to Hogwarts. After that make your way to the Leaky Cauldron where we will all meet up for lunch before flooing home. No side trips down Knockturn Alley or anywhere else. IS THAT CLEAR," she spoke pointedly. The twins and Harry nodded.

As Fred and George mulled over their choice of delights in the Sweet Academy Harry at last managed to explain everything to Ron.

"But why did Dudley want to get into the bathroom anyway?" asked Ron.

Harry was floored, "You know I don't know. Once he saw me naked and saw my hairs he went into one and it all went pie eyed from there."

"But Harry," Ron spoke breathlessly, "you've got hairs."

"Yeah," grinned Harry, somehow it felt better talking it over with his best friend. "Come on let's celebrate," he added producing a Golden Galleon. "And these won't have to wait until we go to Hogwarts." Fred and George were still discussing their choices so Harry and Ron decided to walk to the Leaky Cauldron. As was usual the pair were distracted by the huge window display of Nimbus 2000's and the latest updates. Harry's mind was drawn to the double saddle which could be added to the broomstick for long trips and allowed two people to sit comfortably on the broom, or luggage could be securely carried. "Hmmm,' thought Harry, `if there was a problem getting to Hogwarts that could be useful,' he turned to speak to Ron but Ron had disappeared. Harry was not worried this was usual behaviour in Diagon Alley where any number of exciting windows or stalls which operated during the weeks leading up to a return to school could have attracted Ron who was just a little bit jealous of Harry's infatuation with his broomstick. Harry looked around for Ron's spiky carrot topped head and thought he saw it a couple of yards away. Knowing better than to shout against the noise in Diagon Alley he followed the red haired figure intending to catch up with Ron. Diagon Alley however worked against his intention and somehow with the movement of the surging crowds Harry found himself turning into one of the other alleys. He was just about to push back into the crowd when he saw the flash of red hair turn into one of the shops. Harry hurried to catch Ron and stepped inside the door. He found himself in a rather dusty and musty smelling bookshop. Harry looked for Ron but saw no red haired figure anywhere. He was just about to leave when he heard a familiar voice.

"Are you sure you haven't got a copy?" `That's Draco's voice,' thought Harry and he moved closer to the sound. He took a quick glance round a large bookcase and he saw a hooded figure bending low over the counter talking to the person behind the counter who by his size and odd shaped ears had to be a goblin.

"No, no sir," the goblin said in his croaky voice, "Sassoon's Spells for Debonair Coiffures' is long out of print. I haven't heard of one being available in years. One copy did appear briefly on Wizbay but it sold quite quickly, most booksellers had doubt about its' authenticity as the picture displayed showed the cover with a modern typeface rather than Antiquated which was the common font used when it was originally printed."

"I know it was a fake," Harry heard Draco hiss, "look what one of the bloody spells did to my hair." Harry just had to look; he again peeked around the bookcase and saw Draco was the figure bending over, not only that but the hood had been drawn back. Harry gaped in amazement; Draco's pure white hair was an astonishing colour of red, a truly Weasley red too. "The spell was supposed to accentuate my highlights making them glow with the beauty of the sun, not turn every hair on my head redder than Jupiter's spot," Draco slammed his hand down angrily on the counter.

"I'm sorry Master Malfoy," even Harry could hear the suppressed laughter in the goblin's voice, "I cannot help you with your, er, colourful problem. Surely your father would know of someone who could assist."

"Listen to me you poor excuse for a hog-goblin. My father must never know about this," Draco hissed, "and if he finds out and if I find you were the one who told him, then."

"Draco Malfoy what do you think you are doing," Harry shrank down as another familiar voice cut across Draco's, he edged further back along the bookcase wishing he had his invisibility cloak to hide behind. He heard the familiar swish of a cape and then Snape spoke again, "Really Malfoy, threatening a wretched Knockturn Alley hob-goblin bookseller, somewhat beneath a member of the Malfoy family, isn't it. I am sure your father would not be amused if he were to hear of this sort of un Malfoy like behaviour."

"But sir, my hair," squeaked Draco.

"Hmm and I am sure your father would also not approve of your transposition into one of the wretched Weasley brood. I assume you are the victim of some prank if I overheard correctly," Snape's tone had a hint of amusement in it, Harry thought. "It might be easier Draco if we, sorry I helped you discover the true author of the book you purchased. I am sure once that person has been revealed, he or she would be most happy to provide a reversal spell. It was probably a scam to con gullible vain wizards out of their hard earned Galleon's anyway."

"Oh yes," Draco sighed, "I should have thought of that."

"Indeed you should have boy. I am ashamed that a prospective head of Slytherin House could find himself in such a dilemma and worse could not think of the easiest solution. I think I will have to provide you with extra lessons on your return to Hogwarts; in the forlorn hope of getting you to use the part of your brain that actually thinks, in the meantime follow me," the cape swished loudly, "there is a discreet WizWebcafe nearby. I am confident we can locate the scam wizard quite easily, no doubt he relies on the revenue silly vain hormone crazy young wizards like you provide," Snape stopped speaking and sniffed the air, "are you alone Draco, only I swear I can smell the distinctive aroma of another Hogwarts student?"

"Sir, Goyle and Crabbe are keeping watch for me outside," whimpered Draco.

"Hmm well that probably explains it. Come along we have work to do to get you back to normal or hopefully better than normal," Snape snapped.

"You won't tell my father, will you sir? Please sir, I'll do anything you want if you don't say anything about this," Draco's frantic babyish appeals to Snape continued as the pair left the shop. Harry let out a long pent up breath.

"And what do you want?" Harry looked up from where he was crouching. The wizened face of the hob-goblin bookseller looked ugly and threatening. Harry scrambled to his feet and scrabbled at one of the dusty books piled haphazardly on the bottom shelf.

"Ah this is what I was searching for," Harry assumed an authoritative air and handed the book to the goblin.

"I'll pack it up for you," the hob-goblin peered closer at Harry, "do I know you?"

Harry quickly removed his glasses and smothered his hair over the tell tale scar, "No I don't think so, do I look like I would associate with lowlife hob-goblins?" he retorted with a bravado he didn't feel.

"Hrrmph," muttered the goblin and hobbled off to the counter, "I'll wrap this up for you," he said, "that will be five Galleons please."

Harry delved into his pocket for his money, that's torn a hole in my spending money,' he thought and wondered if he could sell the book somewhere else before he returned to Hogwarts. He stopped, "Two," he demanded thinking I need to look like I know what I'm doing in a Knockturn Alley bookshop.

"Four," the bookseller, drummed his scaly fingers on the counter. The sound very like squeakly chalk on a blackboard, Harry felt a chilling shiver run down his back.

"Two," Harry replied summoning up his courage and looked the bookseller directly in the eyes.

The squeaking stopped, "I'll wrap it for you sir," the cowed hob-goblin shuffled away and Harry breathed a silent breath of relief.

Leaving the dusty shop, clutching the grimy brown paper package in his hand and intent on getting quickly away from Knockturn Alley he headed towards the Leaky Cauldron, Harry ducked down as he passed the windows of the WizWebCafe. He had no intention of running into Draco or his cohorts much less Snape and did not even try to look into the dusty window.

"Oh there you are Harry, come along lunch has been ordered," Molly Weasley pushed him towards the back room where the rest of the Weasley's were already eating, "Not as good as mine," sighed Molly as she sat down, "but then I haven't had to do all the work so it's nice once in a while to eat out."

Harry sat down beside Ron and placed the brown paper package on the table. "What's that?" mumbled Ron with his mouth half full of chips.

"Oh just a book I thought I might need," Harry slid the book so it lay beside him on the bench seat where it was out of Ron's sight. He tucked into his own meal hoping that Ron would forget about it. "Where did you get to?" he asked further changing the subject.

"Fred called me back in to decide how many Chocolate Frogs we could afford," Ron stuffed more chips in his mouth, "you had your nose pressed up against the broomstick's and never replied to his invitation to join us," Ron speared a sausage with his fork, "these bangers are quite tasty," he guzzled the whole sausage into his mouth.

"Ron please," Molly Weasley reprimanded him.

Harry lay back on his bed in Ron's room in the Burrows and smiled, it had been a good day. He hadn't told Ron about Draco's hair as he knew Snape could be vindictive where his Slytherin boys were concerned. He decided to keep the secret to himself for the moment.

"Boys, boys where are you?" Mrs Weasley's voice sounded clear and especially loud, "Down here all of you, now!"

Harry and Ron trooped into the kitchen, Fred and George were already sitting there and Percy was standing beside his mother with a huge self-satisfied grin on his face. Mrs Weasley held a parchment in her hand, the Hogwarts logo could clearly be seen on the back. The look on her face was warning enough. "This has only just arrived from Hogwarts. I cannot understand how it was delayed," Percy's grin broadened, "but it lists your shortcomings," she glared balefully at the Twins and Ron and then at Harry, "Well I'm not surprised at you three but Harry, it says you are in danger of failing your Potions exam," `Blast Snape' Harry thought, "It says here you must, should have made up your studies during the holidays, so I am afraid any plans you may have made for this last week are now cancelled," the Twins and Ron and Harry groaned.

"It's not fair, homework during the summer holidays," complained Ron.

"And whose fault is that Ronald Weasley," his mother rounded on him, "you should follow Percy's example, his end of term report was stunning." Percy's smile threatened to meet around the back of his head.

"Bookswot," said Fred.

"Spellswot," added George.

Mrs Weasley clicked her fingers and a number of schoolbooks floated towards the table, "Now I'm afraid you are going to have to start studying now, to make up for the time we lost during the summer break. Now sit boys," the chairs behind Ron and Harry moved capturing them as they fell backwards, "you can study for an hour now and then after supper if you have worked hard enough you can practice your Quidditch manoeuvres," the books slammed down on the tabletop with loud slapping sound. "and to make sure you keep working I am going to put Percy in charge," Mrs Weasley patted Percy on the back.

Percy's huge grin disappeared, "But mum," he pleaded.

"I know I can trust you to keep your brother's in order Percy," smiled Mrs Weasley, "I am sure Harry will be no bother at all." She picked up the brown paper packages, "Harry these can go into your trunk until you get to Hogwarts," the packages floated up the stairs and she brushed her hands and looked at the row of unhappy faces. "Get to work," she said. A chorus of groans followed her out of the door as she headed outside to the sunny garden. The sound of gnomes whirling through the air soon echoed through the open window.

"It's not fair," Ron said softly to Harry.

"I'll bet Percy had something to do with the delay on that letter from Hogwarts," whispered George.

"Just the sort of thing he would do," added Fred.

Harry opened his book whilst Percy glowered in the corner.

The rest of the week passed in dreary studying and tiring Quidditch broomstick practices with the occasional garden gnome clearing sessions. All in all however Harry enjoyed being in the chaotic Weasley household, one of the better benefits was not having to get up early and cook, Mrs Weasley was an awesome provider of fodder for studying students and aspiring Quidditch players. Not only that, there was also a ready supply of hot water under which Harry luxuriated in both in the morning before breakfast and evening after Quidditch practice. Before he knew it he was ensconced on the Hogwarts Express and on his way back to school.

"I never thought I'd say it but I'm glad the last week of the holidays is over," said Ron moodily as he munched one of Mrs Weasley doorstep sandwiches.

Harry was unpacking his trunk along with Ron and Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnegan in their shared dormitory when he found the parcel of briefs and underneath those the wrapped book. `I forgot about that,' he thought as he lifted out the top parcel of underwear. Recalling Ron's desire he undid the package and shyly handed the dark blue pair to Ron. "Here Ron," he said quietly, "I got you these."

"Cor, oh wow Harry, you're ace," shouted Ron and quickly stripped of his trousers and patched white briefs which while obviously had seen better times were a brilliant Mrs Weasley white. Ron slipped the dark blue briefs on and capered around the dorm, Neville and Seamus looking at him with open mouthed looks. Harry thought that Ron actually looked good in the dark blue briefs with the white lines, `the blue goes well with his red hair,' Harry decided.

"What's going on with Ron?" Neville spoke for himself and Seamus.

"I had to get some new clothes `cos I grew over the summer," explained Harry, "and well Ron took a fancy to those underpants and well you know Mrs Weasley," he said.

"My mother won't let me wear boxers yet," Seamus added his own pennyworth, "she say's I've got to grow much bigger."

"Harry's got hairs," announced Ron; Harry felt three pairs of eyes looking at him.

"Let's see?" Neville and Seamus spoke in unison.

"Hey can't it wait until bedtime," said Harry and then fell back on the bed as his three friends leaped on him. Harry struggled but the three were too much for him and he found Neville holding him down on one side with Ron on the other. Seamus was straddled over him.

"Come on Seamus," Neville held Harry's right arm, "take his trousers off."

Seamus reached for Harry's jeans and then he shook his head, "Nah I can't do this."

`Thank goodness,' thought Harry and then he opened his wide in horror as it must be said so did Ron and Neville as Seamus brandished his wand.

"No!!!!!!!" all three screamed in united expectation as Seamus waved his wand.

"Removus hoses," chanted Seamus, a flash from Seamus's wand flew towards Harry and Harry tensed. The three on the bed froze and then looked on almost in disbelief as the flash hit one of the lenses of Harry's spectacles and bounced back towards Seamus.

Seamus screeched as he found himself floating in mid air as his own jeans unzipped and slid of his stockinged feet, his white briefs with little green leprechaun hats on zoomed down his legs and danced around the room with his jeans. Seamus quickly moved his hands to cover himself and forgetting he had his wand in his hand hit himself right between the legs, with another painful cry he curled forward and went head over heels spinning slowly round and round, his lily white backside coming into full view as his shirt-tail flapped in the breeze. He continued to spin his hands clutched around his balls.

"Oh Seamus," the three groaned together and Neville let go of Harry and moved to assist the spinning boy wizard.

"Oh I feel sick and my balls hurt," groaned Seamus as Neville finally brought him to a stop and yanked him back down to earth.

Ron looked at Harry, "You might as well show them or," he spoke in Harry's ear, "we can let Seamus have another go."

"Okay, okay, I know when I'm beat," Harry submitted and unzipped his jeans and pulled down his now Mrs Weasley white briefs. Seamus still semi naked and Neville peered at Harry's groin area as Harry lay on the bed, his jeans and briefs down by his ankles and his shirt pulled up above his stomach.

"They are real aren't they?" posed Seamus as he plucked at one of the thin pubes.

"Hey that hurts," cried Harry.

"Sorry," apologised Seamus and added, "they feel different to head hair," he spoke to Neville.

"Do they," replied Neville and he too placed his hand on Harry's hairs stroking them. "Yeah, not as silky as head hair," he said and Harry felt his hand on his cock and balls. "His cock and balls are bigger than last year, look compare them to yours Seamus."

Seamus slid up the bed so his groin was close to Harry's, "Yup, Harry's is much bigger."

"Let me see?" asked Ron who was still sitting by Harry's head. He moved closer, "So they are," Ron knelt up on the bed and yanked his new blue briefs down, "I'm bigger than you Seamus," he stated, "but Harry's is bigger than mine too." Everyone looked at Neville, "Well I'm not," he started to say and then Seamus waved his wand at him, "All right, all right then," Neville stood up and undressed to match everyone else, "Well?" he asked pulling his shirt up, "I can't see myself from here," he added.

"Bigger than Seamus, smaller than Ron," said Harry who had the best view. The others nodded. The dinner gong sounded and everyone quickly dressed and headed for the hall.

Harry woke up, the moon beaming through the window as a billowing curtain flashed across his eyes and he got up to close the curtain and shut the window. He sat inside the curtain and gazed out over the rooftops of Hogwarts. I really feel at home here,' he said to himself and rested his head on his hands as he stretched out on his front and peered out watching the moonbeams light up the turrets and roof tiles. He thought about the recent events and suddenly remembered the book he had bought. I don't even know its title or what it's about,' he thought and quietly fetched the brown paper parcel that he had left with his other books. He headed down to the common room where he could put on a light without disturbing anyone and unwrapped the parcel and looked at the book.

The book was certainly old, the front was faded and the lettering very difficult to read. This typeface is hard to read,' Harry peered at the dusty faded cover. "Invocations within for Sexual Whims' was printed in bold type with, Magical Love and Spells for Magical Lovers,' was the lower sub-heading he finally made out, he also had to look very closely to read the authors name, by Cupid Priapus.' Harry pursed his lips in wonderment, Never heard of him,' he said to himself and carefully opened the book. The flickering light from the open fire blazed and Harry felt the heat enfold him, warming him, comforted he leaned against the sofa and stretched out his toes to the flames.

Warning,' Harry read, do not proceed unless you are prepared to enjoy and celebrate the unique properties and sensual joys of the lingam,' Harry scratched his head, wonder what a lingam is,' and he turned the page. How to enhance your lingam,' he read, Oh it looks like it makes your cock bigger,' he deduced as he read the spell. Should I?' he thought and then quickly tiptoed upstairs to get his wand. Returning he removed his pyjama bottoms and sat back on the sofa, again the fire wafted its heat towards him. He reread the spell and noticed there were a number of options, not sure what all this means but I can try one, I'd better make sure I know how to reverse anything,' Harry thought and made sure he could pronounce the stopping or reversal spell, now which level should I try?' he looked down the list and chose one. Quietly he read out the spell, "Cupidius Erectus Sextus,' and stroked the end of his wand along his slim teenage cock. He held his breath and then an extraordinary warm feeling commenced between his legs, this is not coming from the fire,' he thought and as he watched Harry saw his cock thicken and lengthen, the hairs spread and bushed around his groin and his balls swelled and grew. Fuck it must be six inches long now,' he checked the spell, Oh sextus must mean six not sexy,' Harry thought, this list must be for different sizes, Cor.' For a moment his mind considered the possibilities, `a foot long cock, a yard of dong, a ten foot, a twenty foot polevault of a knob,' his imagination throbbed with visions of these large erect phalluses.

"Whose there," Harry heard a voice and looked up to see Percy Weasley standing on the stairway to the dorms. Bollocks, I'm in trouble now,' thought Harry as he saw Percy Mr Goody Two Shoes' Weasley looking down disapprovingly as he sat there semi-naked, his magical teen cock sticking up like a banner. "Harry Potter," Percy spoke in a self satisfied, got ya at last and boy are you in trouble' tone to his voice as he started down the stairs, towards Harry Potter and his exposed boy cock. Harry shivered a little as he saw the figure approach, How much trouble am I in?" he asked himself and he felt his newly grown cock twitch.

Percy rubbed his eyes and looked down at Harry. "Harry what are you doing up at this time?" Percy moved further down the stairs, "Is anything wrong?" Percy did not want Gryffindor to lose House points at the start of the term. He got closer to Harry who was trying to hide his elongated cock but his legs refused to close, if anything he was spreading them wider. Harry fought for control and then looked up to see Percy standing over him looking down at his bare groin. A strange look came over Percy's face and Harry cringed waiting for Percy to do or say something.


(If you enjoy this then look up my other efforts on nifty's prolific authors list- see V for Van T Z Boi. The new email address is lostinspace1966@protonmail.com )

Next: Chapter 2

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