Heading West

By Whipp Livingston

Published on Jan 25, 2013


Heading West Chapter 3 Whipp Livingston

The early morning sun was rising on the Dawson Ranch and the rooster crowed its loud morning wakeup call causing Cody to stir from his slumber. He was lying on his side facing the window as Mack was pressed tightly against his back side, his arm draped over Cody's side. Cody felt his morning wood nestled in the crack of his ass and the warm breath against the back of his neck.

He had no idea that finding love with another man could ever make him feel the way he was feeling. He gave a slight smile, feeling content and happy, something he hadn't felt in a long time. He knew he had found what he had been longing for since the first time Mack fucked him out on the prairie near Bear River.

He felt Mack stirring behind him, and then kisses to his neck.

"Mmmmm, good morning," Cody greeted.

"Good morning to you to. How'd ya sleep?"

"I slept pretty good, you?" Cody asked, turning to his back and looking straight into Mack's dark eyes.

"Same," Mack shrugged, and then he leaned in and gave Cody a passionate kiss.

Mack shifted and settled himself between Cody's legs till the head of his cock nudged Cody's pink puckered anal ring and slowly worked his cock into him. Cody moaned softly, wrapping his arms around Mack's thick bulk, feeling the hair on his chest tickle his bare one.

Mack slowly began to move in and out, building a steady rhythm and together they moaned deeply through a fiery and passionate kiss. Cody fiercely gripped Mack with his heels and his hands, moving along with him, feeling the heat in his lower body rise along with the heat of their desire. Then they shouted out in unison as they came together as their cries of passion filled the room.

Later in the day it turned out to be a scorcher as the sun was shining bright high up in the sky. Cody had gone to town for supplies while Mack stayed behind and worked the ranch. The morning went by fast as Cody was catching up on news around town and by mid morning he headed out to his homestead to work on the house he was rebuilding.

The charred ruins of the house and barn were only a reminder of the torture he had gone through at the hands of Frank and Emma Gates. He was glad that mess was over with and the fact they were dead had eased his mind knowing that they could never hurt him again.

The new house was built but not quite finished as he had a few things to finish. He was going to finish up the last of the work on the small house that week. Cody decided first hand that it wasn't going to be fancy. The small house had a parlor with a nice size stone fireplace, a kitchen with an inside water pump, and a dining area. Two doors on the west side of the house were entries into two separate bedrooms. A small wash room was next to the kitchen and close to the stove so it would be warm in the winter as the room was big enough for a tub and a washbasin.

With help from some friends and Mack the barn razing had begun and the frame was up and ready to be closed in. He was glad that everything was coming along so quickly and had hoped to be back on his homestead before the month was over.

He hadn't discussed his moving back home with Mack yet and was worried how he would take it. Truthfully he didn't want to move back home. He wanted to stay with Mack and live with him forever but he feared Mack would say no and decided to wait and see if Mack would say anything first or at least hoped he would anyway he thought.

After finishing up the last of the work, he stood back and admired the hard work he had put into the house. He went room to room as he double checked his work, making sure everything was done. Then he went onto the front porch where Starr, his horse was hitched and climbed up on the horse's back and headed towards the ranch.

It was early evening when he made it to the ranch, Cody led Starr to the corral and noticed Mack was pitching hay from the hayloft of the barn when Mack called out.

"It's about damn fucking time you got back," Mack yelled from the opened doors of the second floor of the barn and shooting a wide grin looking down at Cody.

"Awe did you miss me, Mack," Cody sneered.

He looked up seeing Mack standing in the opening of the double doors and instantly he felt his cock coming to life as he stared at Mack. His shirt was off and tucked into a pocket and his sweaty tanned hairy chest was glistening in the hot sun. His biceps were bulging in his thick arms as they were stretched above his head, holding onto the door frame.

"I finished up with the house. It's all done now," Cody piped out. "Now it's just the barn that needs finished."

"Well that's good," Mack said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Hey come on up here, I got something to show you and I think you might like it," he said, changing the subject.

Cody went into the barn and climbed the ladder to the hayloft and it was as if Mack had disappeared as he looked around not seeing him.

"Where are you?"

"Over here behind the bales of hay," Mack said to him.

Cody followed the sound of Mack's voice to the far corner of the barn. A small hinged door was opened as it shed some light into the darkened area of the hayloft so Cody could see where he was going. When he turned the corner behind some bales of hay he seen Mack, spread out on a blanket that was covering more than several bales of hay and not wearing a stitch of clothing.

"Well, you like what you see?" Mack smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"Wow!" Cody's eyes widened. "I didn't know you had a window up here. You got a full view of the house up here."

"That's not what I was talking about," Mack groaned.

"Like I didn't know that," Cody laughed. "I knew what you meant," he said as he let Mack pull him into him as they share a passionate kiss.

"Get your clothes off," Mack ordered. "I want to fuck that purty ass of yours right here, right now."

Cody didn't have to give it a second thought as he quickly stripped out of his clothes and was buck naked and being pulled into Mack's arms as they were kissing wildly. Then Mack shoved Cody facedown onto the covered bales of hay and started kissing the back of his neck. He nudged his cock between the soft round mounds of ass flesh and aimed it at its pink puckered hole as its thick bulbous head pushed its way inside.

Cody gasped, and then felt Mack moving slowly into the depth of his inviting hole and then in one quick sudden move, Mack was in all the way causing them both to cry out in a fit of passion. With a steady rhythm, Mack moved in and out causing Cody to gasp every time as he felt Mack moving deeper into him and could feel the girth of it stretching him every time.

"Ugh, Ugh, oh yeah," Cody moaned. "Yeah fuck my ass Mack!"

Mack lifted off and pulled Cody with him to the edge and stood behind him, taking firm hands onto Cody's hips and began fucking him with quicker strides, pummeling in and out of him as the sounds of their pleasurable moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin fills the hay loft.

Mack pulls his cock out of Cody's ass and then thrusts it even deeper into him several times, causing Cody to shout out and his eyes widen every time.

"Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck yeah!" Cody shouts, as it only encourages Mack even more. He pushes his hips back, meeting the hard thrust into him and without touching his cock it erupts and cum shoots out and onto the blanket beneath him.

"Yeah! That's it baby, work that ass for me," Mack pants heavily. His tan body glistening as sweat pours off his muscular body. He holds tight to Cody's hips and moves in and out with gusto, feeling his climax coming closer and closer. Cody realizes Mack is close as he feels the cock inside him getting thicker as it stretches his hole further.

A deep groan escapes Mack's throat. "I'm gonna cum baby. I'm gonna fill your ass with my seed," he grunts and groans and then with a loud roar he slams his cock deep inside and he shoots a hefty load far up into Cody's ass.

They both fall to the blanket, their bodies slick with sweat as they kiss and fondle each other. As they kissed, Cody reached down between them and began stroking Mack's cock and it instantly became hard once again.

Without parting the kiss Cody pulls Mack on top of him. The kiss deepens and lingers as their tongues play and Mack slides his cock back inside Cody once again and slowly fucks him. Their muffled moans of gratifying pleasure escalates that they forget where they are as they continue with their romp in the hayloft.

Mack pulls Cody's legs into them and he throws them over his shoulders. Cody moaned with pleasure as Mack watched the pleasure in his partner's smiling face as he moved in and out of the slick hole he had previously occupied and bred.

Cody was so turned on by Mack's love making that he wanted to stay like this forever. He hugged Mack's back and sucked on his neck like he had often done before. The sharpness of Mack's beard was such a turn on for him as he licked towards his Adam's apple. Cody sucked the bobbing knot in Mack's throat as he swallowed and breathed deep.

"Oh that's it baby," Mack cooed, "that feels good."

As Mack moved in and out with a steady rhythm, Cody continued sucking and kissing Mack's neck. From the way Mack breathed and the tightness of his muscles Cody knew he was close to climax. He held Mack close and waited for his final deep thrust. Mack let his full weight pin Cody to the blanketed hay bales as he continued to move in and out. Cody was in sheer ecstasy as Mack hit the one spot that drove him wild and he moaned as he squeezed his hole to bring Mack closer.

"Yeah, oh yeah!" Mack panted, "just like that, baby."

With a deep and lustful moan, Mack thrust deep and let loose a long and hot load into Cody. He raised his head up and roared as his body jerked with each spasm as his cock shot forth. Mack collapsed onto him and their mouths met in another passionate and tender kiss.

Moses Jackson had been walking for miles when he came upon the Dawson Ranch. He was looking for work when the people of Manitou Springs said there was no work for someone of his kind and they rushed him out of town. His skin was as black as coal as his muscular build stood at six foot five inches tall, a goliath of a black man. He had a week's worth of trail dust and a thick five o'clock shadow.

As he was approaching the Dawson Ranch from the South side of the barn, he heard noises coming from inside. Curious to the strange sounds he was hearing, he scaled the barn wall and climbed into the opened door on the second floor in the back of the barn. Quietly, he crept up behind the hay bales and peeked between them. His eyes grew big as he was taken by complete surprise to see two men having sex.

He couldn't believe his eyes as he continued to watch and found himself becoming aroused by them. He hadn't had sex for so long that he found it hard to believe that watching two men having sex would arouse him as much as it did. He rubbed the growing bulge in his trousers as it snaked its way down his leg that he so much wanted to jerk his thick black man meat but he controlled his urge as he watched and heard the two men shout out their climax. When they were done Moses quietly left the hay loft the way he had entered and made his way back outside. He walked slowly as he came around to the front of the barn and gave out a yell.

"Hellooo!" Moses yelled in his deep baritone of a voice. "Is anyone here?"

The shout out of another person on his property startled Mack and he and Cody quickly got dressed and went to the open door frame of the hay loft.

"What are you doing on my property?" Mack yelled backed in angered voice and with authority. He was standing tall in the door frame and fully dressed while Cody stayed back out of the way as he was still dressing himself.

"I's sorry to disturb yo sah," Moses explained. "But I's looking for place a rest, a hot meal and work."

"The closest town is Colorado Springs," Mack said sharply. "They have a bath house and a boarding house there."

He looked the colored man over very carefully just to see a filthy man who needed a hot meal and desperately needed a bath and took pity on him. He grabbed hold of the rope that was hanging in front of him and eased his way to down to the ground.

"What's your name?" Mack said in a nicer tone and watching him closely. He was not too keen to having strangers on his land without invitation.

"Jackson sir, Moses Jackson," Moses replied with a smile.

"I'm Mack Dawson," Mack greeted him. "As I said Mr. Jackson, Colorado Springs is the next town and it's about five miles from here."

"Mack, who is here?" Cody hollered as he was walking towards them as he was coming from the barn.

"Cody, this here is a Mr. Jackson, says he's looking for a job and a place to stay," Mack said, turning to Cody.

Instantly, Moses could see why the older man was having his way with the younger man. Moses thought Cody was a fine looking young man with light brown colored hair and pretty blue eyes. He found himself extremely attractive and secretly hoped he could slide his big black snake inside of him, just like he saw the larger man doing to him. But no one was as a big of man as Moses Jackson. He towered over the both of them and was much stronger than the two.

"Hello Mr. Jackson," Cody greeted with smile.

"Please call me Moses," the colored man replied in a deep voice and gave a big smile.

Cody looked Moses over carefully and noticed how tall and muscular he was. He was so tall that he had to look up at him from his medium height. He almost became intimidated by his size and felt very small standing next to him but there was something about the colored man that told him he was a good hard working man and could be trusted and well liked and his instincts were never wrong.

"Well Moses, you are more than welcome to stay for supper," Cody obliged, "but I'd have to ask that you get yourself cleaned up first?" Cody asked politely.

"Thank ya sah," Moses smiled. "It's been a long walk from St. Louie. It's where I's from. I's left a job back there and need a new start somewhere else, a place I can call a home."

"Come with me Moses and I will show you where you can wash up," Cody said, and they both began to walk towards the barn.

"Uh, just hold on there. Cody, may I have a word with you first?" Mack said, giving Cody a stern look.

"Go on in the barn Moses, I'll be right there," Cody insisted, while he and Mack watched him disappear into the barn.

"Do you mind telling me just what the hell you are doing?" Mack angrily said low. "You don't know that man from Adam plus he is a nigger."

"He seems harmless Mack. Look at him. He looks like a man down on his luck who's had it rough and just needs a chance to make it on his own. Are you that shallow that you wouldn't help a fellow man who is only looking for a few kind words and some compassion? My ma taught me the Golden Rule and it's what I live by no matter what color a man is. I thought you felt the same way, besides I trusted you when I first met you and look where that got us," Cody said then he walked off towards the barn.

Mack stood there with his hands in his pockets and knew he was beat and he growled low, knowing Cody was right. All right I will give him a chance, he said to himself, but the moment he screws up he's out of there and there ain't no coming back.

As the weeks passed into one month and then six months, Mack was happy that his farm was growing quicker than he had anticipated as he brought in more animals and was establishing a general working farm. He had decided that hiring Moses on a trial basis had worked out to his advantage. Mack never seen a man that worked as hard as Moses and had proved to be a valuable asset.

During those six months, Cody was able to have the barn razed on his homestead. With Moses' extra two hands they were able to finish it a month earlier and two weeks later he leased the homestead over to his sister Rebecca who was newly married to her childhood beau, Jacob Miller. He was happy to hand the homestead over to her and especially to have it off of his hands and to have that part of his life over with. He had a new secretive life now with Mack and he couldn't have been happier.

And then Moses came into their lives. He was a good and just man, and a man who was not afraid of hard work. They learned he was from St. Louis. His home was burned down and his wife and two small sons were killed from men dressed in sheets. He took a hell of a beating and miraculously survived. He was found by his brother and was nursed back to health by family members and then decided to move on. A few months later he found himself at the Dawson Ranch and had a steady job working for Mack and Cody.

The three men worked together, ate together, and spent quality time after supper. They'd play checkers or cards while having a few drinks and laughing and having a good time. And as quick as the months came and gone the faster they were becoming the best of friends.

After four months had passed, Mack had even invited Moses into the house to one of the two vacant rooms on the second floor. But Moses was contented to staying in the loft in the barn. He said the loft was comfortable and relaxing and enjoyed the privacy of his own space. He also did not want to intrude on his two new best friends as he became comfortable knowing they were lovers.

One evening they were sitting around the fireplace in the parlor. Moses sat quietly stoking the fire on the fireplace as he listened to Mack and Cody discussing Mack's trip to Denver the following day. Mack was going to be gone for fifteen days on business and Cody had wanted to go with him but couldn't. He had to stay behind and take care of some unfinished business he had been putting off and it had to be done before the end of the following week.

Mack knew while he'd be away he had nothing to worry about as he knew Cody would make sure the ranch was taken well cared for with the help of Moses. He liked the fact that he could trust Moses to help take care of things while being away.

Word had gotten around town that Mack had hired Moses to work alongside Cody while he was away on business at times. That promptly intimidated all the townsfolk because they were sore afraid of Moses. They wouldn't take the time to get to know the kind and gentle man that Moses really was. They remained friendly to him as he was to them and there was never one unkind word said about Moses as he became a member of the town. But still the townsfolk kept their distance from him as all they could see was a big burly colored man who could snap a man's neck like a twig if given any trouble.

At the end of the week, Mack left for Denver by covered wagon. He wanted to be in Denver by Monday morning so he could have a whole week buying a few extra animals for the ranch and attending its annual farmer's convention. He even went to the extent of telling Cody not to let Moses work too hard and have some fun while he was away. Cody and Moses just laughed at him as they said their good byes and watched him leave on his journey.

Sunday came and Cody had gone to Church that morning and later had lunch with his family. He kept his mind occupied with his family so he wouldn't have to think about how much he missed Mack. He knew one way or the other he would get along perfectly fine without him while he was away.

"So how are things going at the ranch?" Dr. Todd asked Cody during a family dinner.

"Great!" Cody smiled. "I really like living there. I have my own room. I love the work and we all get along so well and consider each other really great friends."

"That is good to hear, Matthew," Margie said softly. "But don't you think it is time you find a girl and settle down? Now I know Emma hurt you pretty bad but it doesn't mean you have to give up on life."

"Who says I am giving up on life? I'm not giving up, Margie," Cody said in a huff. He took a breath before losing his temper. "Listen, I appreciate that you care about me but I like the way things are. I mean no disrespect but I'm a man now and I love the fact that I don't have to answer to anyone. I love ranching and Mack is teaching me a lot about it. And I will settle down when I am ready."

"I just want you to be happy, Matthew," Margie said as she folded her hands into her lap and looking down at them, not wanting to show the hurt in her eyes.

"I am happy. I am happier than I've ever been," Cody said as he gave a smile and placed a hand on top of her small one. "You don't have to worry about me Ma. I am very happy with what I am doing."

Margie looked up and into Cody's eyes and smiled softly. "It's all I ever wanted for you. I promised your mother on her deathbed I would look after you and your brother and sister. I grew to love all of you as my own and I just want to be a good mother to all three of you."

"You are a good mother," Cody stated as a fact. "Brison is a young teenager now and he is going to need you now more than ever. Rebecca is married now and Jacob makes her happy. And I am happy," he said with an assured smile.

After two hours Cody couldn't bear being with his family another minute. It wasn't that he didn't love his family because he did. His family meant everything to him but he also liked the fact he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and had no one to answer to. After he said his good bye's he headed home to the ranch.

When he got to the ranch he hitched Starr, the horse to the porch post at the front of the house. He went inside and changed from his Sunday best into his work clothes and then headed back outside and walked the horse to the corral. He stripped Starr of the saddle and blanket and then gently pushed her into the corral with the other two horses.

He stood there looking around and wondered why he hadn't seen Moses anywhere. He hadn't seen him in the house or in the fields and then he thought of the room in the loft where Moses stayed. He went to the loft and there was no Moses. Where could he be, Cody thought as he went back down the stairs when he noticed the door to the bathing room was closed.

Now the barn was not an old fashioned type of barn like most were at that time. Mack had done some extra special work when he rebuilt it. He closed off the front portion of the barn and built the bathing room and directly across from the door he built a set of stairs that went to the loft above. Then he extended the barn further to house the animals and still have plenty of room for more to come.

The two rooms were small but quite accessible and was a great place to clean up before going into the house without tracking it up with dirt and manure. When Mack was building the bathing room he took his time with it and making it a solid and sound proof room that would retain heat so one could enjoy a comfortable hot bath and not catch a chill.

Seeing that the door was closed, Cody knew Moses couldn't possibly be in the tub in the middle of the afternoon on a Sunday. He went over and opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. Sure enough, there was Moses stretched out in a hot steamy bath. He had his arms outstretched on each side of the tub and his head leaning back and his eyes closed, he had fallen asleep in the tub. Cody stared long and hard at Moses dark ebony body and instantly felt a stirring in his pants as his cock started to come alive. Quietly, he closed the door, locking him and Moses inside.

He always thought Moses was irresistibly attractive and desirable for a colored man and now he had the chance to see him in all his glory. Moses' dark, broad, hard chest had a fine layer of barely noticeable hair on his dark skin. His arms were immense and muscular, hell he was muscular all over Cody thought and much larger than him or Mack.

Quickly and without making a sound, Cody stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the tub and submerged himself into the steaming hot water. The water felt good and hot he thought as he slowly moved closer, reaching out and barely touching Moses with his fingertips. He was captured in awe of Moses' dark body and needed to touch this beautiful black stallion of a man he called a friend.

Cody was so captivated by Moses body that he hadn't noticed that Moses had awakened from his touch. Moses remained still as Cody's hands slowly moved over his chest to his middle and then back up to his chest and then to his arms.

"You are so strong, so muscular, and so damn beautiful. You are my black stallion," he heard Cody say in barely a whisper as he felt Cody's hands moving over him.

Moses breathed deeply and left it out with a contented sigh. "I's been wanting yo since da first day I's laid my eyes on yo," he said in a soft a tone he could with his deep voice.

"Why haven't you said anything," Cody grinned as his hands kept moving over Moses' body.

"Because I know you and Mack are lovers," Moses replied.

"How did you know?" Cody asked, his eyes fixated on Moses' muscular chest as he watched his hands caress the dark ebony skin.

"I's saw the two of yo together," Moses said, his voice remaining low. "Ever since then I's wanted yo ass to fuck just like Mr. Mack's does ya."

"Oh," said Cody. "So you knew all this time and didn't say anything?"

"Yep," Moses quickly answered. "I's respect you and Mr. Mack. You's are my friends."

Cody moved closer towards Moses and pressed his nose into his neck and kissed it, smelling the soft aroma of soap and his hands moved over the hard and dark skin.

"Well, when Mack left he did tell us to have some fun didn't he?" Cody grinned as he whispered into Moses' ear. At that moment the only thing on his mind was satisfying their sexual needs and desires for each other.

"Yes he did," Moses grinned and his own hands softly moved over Cody. He was enjoying the closeness and the soft touches to his body as it aroused him and his cock began to grow.

Finally their eyes met and Cody leaned in and softly kissed Moses on the lips. Moses wrapped his huge arms around Cody and pulled him into his hard chest and deepened the kiss. The kiss was long and savory as their lips smacked against one another and their tongues dueled for dominance.

Moses couldn't help but think it was all a dream so he pinched himself just to make sure and he was very well pleased that it wasn't a dream, it was finally real this time. They kissed fully and deeply and Cody wrapped his arms around Moses neck, drawing the kiss deeper while Moses massive hands moved over Cody's back and caressing his creamy white skin. His hands slowly moved down and cupped the soft round mounds of his ass and kneading it like it was dough. He was ready to bury his big black cock into Cody's sweet white ass and fuck him good.

With Cody's arms wrapped around his neck, Moses lifted him out of the water as they were chest to chest. With Cody in is arms, Moses dropped to his knees and placed him on the clean hardwood floor and pushed Cody to his back and they were kissing each other passionately.

The broke the kiss as they grabbed some blankets off a shelf and spread them out on the floor for them to lie on. Suddenly, before Cody's very eyes was an immensely thick and long uncircumcised black horse-cock. His eyes widened as his body surged with desire. Its veined etched length must have measured more than a foot long and was as thick as his forearm.

Cody reached out and stroked the hard as iron black cock and they kissed and petted each other and then he pulled Moses down onto him. Moses moved slow as he wanted to savor every minute of perfect bliss as he kissed and licked at Cody's neck and ears, slathering him with his tongue as he wedged himself between Cody's legs, spreading them open with his knees as he settled between them.

Then Moses lifted himself off of Cody and held his legs wide, nudging his thick cock at Cody's upturned hole and began pushing the large cock head into him. Cody squealed with sheer delight as he felt the thick black cock stretching his rectum wide open and sinking into him.

"Awwwww fuuuuck!" Cody yelled as he felt his hole stretching further open than Mack's cock had ever did before. "Oh Moses, you're so big!"

Moses watched with delight as his huge black cock kept sliding into Cody's tight bottom. He had more to go as he pushed on, sinking his huge black meat in until he had it all buried inside of Cody. Once all the way in Moses began a rhythm of moving in and out.

"Ugh, Ugh, awwww fuuuuuck you're so fucking big!" Cody moaned as he wriggled his ass around the massive black invader.

"Yeah! You like that," Moses groaned. "You like my big black cock in you?" he hissed.

"Y-y-yessssss! Oh fuck me Moses!!" pleaded an eager Cody. "Fuck me with your big black cock!"

Moses let Cody's legs drop around his waist and he leaned forward, bracing himself up on his arms. He moved in and out with an eager, quick pace. Cody cried out incessantly as he felt his ass being stretched wide open and feeling the sensation of his insides being pulled inside out as Moses was fucking him with excitement and enthusiasm.

Cody writhed beneath him as Moses enormous black cock was tearing into him and he could feel it growing inside him. He pulled Moses down onto him as they locked their lips into a passionate kiss filled with want, lust, and desire.

Cody hugged Moses' neck as he deepened the kiss as their lips and tongues smacked against each other. Then Cody tore his mouth from Moses and began to kiss and suck his neck and he felt the sharpness of Moses stubble on his neck as he kissed and licked him and shivered with excitement and causing Moses to groan in absolute pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ohhhhhh Mack, you're so big inside me! Fuck me!" Cody moaned as the friction between them was taking him closer and closer to that moment where there was no holding back. He wanted to hold back as much as he could but the pressure between them was so unbearable that his cock erupted between them, making their already sweaty bodies even more slick with his cum.

Every thrust Moses gave forced Cody to yelp as the enormous black meat pummeled in and out of him, taking his breath away every time. It almost felt like he could feel it moving into his chest and he panted and gasped as Moses quickened his pace as he was wide open for him.

Cody knew Moses was getting close as he heard the grunts and groans issuing deep from Moses as he panted heavily and the sweat just poured off of his glistening ebony colored body.

"Yes! Yes! Give it to me Moses," Cody squealed with delight, coaxing him on as he needed to be filled with his hot molten seed.

"Aaaarrrrggghhh! I's a feel it comin'!" Moses groaned low. "I's a comin'! Yeaahhhh boy! I's a gonna fill yo up and plant my seed in yo purty white ass!"

He let out a roar and thrust hard and deep and held it there as his cock convulsed inside and began shooting his seed deep into Cody's welcoming ass.

"Take my fuckin' load! Yo feels it going in yo?!" Moses chimed out. "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! I's a fillin' yo ass up good! Oh yeah! Gonna knock yo up boy! Yep, yo's gonna have my baby!"

"Oh yeah! Yeah fill me up, Moses!" Cody squealed with delight. "Oh it feels so good!!"

He could feel the heat of Moses seed filling him up and the constant twitching the massive black cock gave as its seed continued to flow through him, drenching his insides. Cody shook with delight and he humped his hips wildly as he accepted his reward while Moses just kept coming till after a few minutes he had nothing more to give.

Moses slumped heavily onto Cody and they kissed passionately. Neither one wanted it to end and Moses knew he had plenty more to give and his cock was still buried deep inside of Cody. He pulled Cody with him as he sat back on his heels, causing Cody to moan with pleasure as he felt his weight bearing down on Moses' enormous cock that was still inside him.

"Fuck Moses, let's get out of here it is fucking hot in here," Cody panted. "Let's go up to the loft."

"Whew," Moses panted and soaked with sweat. "Sounds good to me, Cody, 'sides I's ain't done wit yo ass yet."

Cody laughed. "And I ain't done wit yo big cock either," he said imitating Moses accent.

Cody grabbed his clothes and Moses grabbed his and started to put them on when Cody told him not to worry about it as they were only going upstairs to the loft. They left the very hot bathing room and headed up the stairs. It was evening and the sun was setting and it was getting dark. Cody peeked out the window in the loft and didn't see any animals in the barnyard. Everything was nice and quiet and all was well on the ranch.

"When did you put the animals in the barn?" Cody asked Moses.

"I's put dem in early before yo got home and gave dem plenty of feed. I's hope it was okay bein' Sunday and all?" Moses said.

"Good thinking, Moses," Cody smiled at him. "You did good."

He walked over to Moses and caressed his massive black chest. "Now how about we get back to what we were doing?"

"Dat's more like it," Moses grinned as he pushed Cody towards the huge bed that he had made for himself.

They tossed and turned throughout the large bed kissing and caressing each other. Moses was caught up in his growing feelings towards Cody as he brought out a different side of him. Cody kissed and caressed his way down Moses' hot, hard, and sweaty body till he came face to face with the big black one eyed monster cock.

"Wow! I can't believe I had all this up my ass," Cody cooed, stroking the long length of it with both of his hands as there was a lot more of it.

He was caught in awe of how immense and thick it was as he held it in both of his hands and stroking it up and down as it was getting harder and harder. Then he lowered his head and opened his mouth and began licking the head of it, causing Moses to gasp with pleasure. He closed his mouth around the large head of it and began taking it into his mouth and began sucking on it as his head was bobbing up and down, licking and stroking the fabulous big beautiful black cock.

"Awwwwww! Yeahhhhhhh boy, suck that big black cock!" Moses urged Cody on and began humping his cock in and out.

Moses had never felt such an amazing sensation before nor had he ever had anyone suck on his black cock. It was the utmost gratifying pleasure he had ever felt. Fucking Cody was fabulous but this was incredible and he was loving every minute being with Cody.

"Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh! Suck on it boy, gonna give you my load," Moses panted and moaned with pleasure.

Cody backed off of his cock and was sucking harder on the head of it, watching the gorgeous length of it as it was getting ready to erupt. He could feel the massive cock thicken in his mouth and hearing Moses crying out and holding his head in place and then a sudden burst of hot semen hit the back of his throat. Cody swallowed the hot semen and found it tasty and satisfying as he sucked and milked the cock for all it was worth.

In a quick and sudden move, Moses tossed Cody down onto the bed settled between his legs and pushed his cock deep into him in one brazen thrust causing Cody to cry out in a fit of passion. Cody's cries were persistent as Moses fucked him hard and fast. They fucked late into the night till finally drained and exhausted they fell asleep in each other's arms.

To be continued.

Leave comments at whippit@live.com . Thank You. Whipp Livingston

Next: Chapter 4

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