Healing Love

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 12, 2012


Healing Love Chapter 2: Half Blind Date By: Mirron Tenshi

Two and a half hours later, dawn broke. The morning light spilled through the individual shades and onto a sleeping lion. His bare chest and toned abs slowing going up and down as he slept in through the morning, unknown to whom he is to meet in today's outing.


I slowly woke up and sighed softly as I turned in bed. Even though I sleep in all the time, I still feel really drowsy. I guess I'm just that kind of a lazy cat. I looked at my alarm clock; 10:47 am. I pulled off my covers and moved my legs out of bed and sat at the side of my bed, and realized that I was nude. Hm, I forgot, I slept naked.

I got up and stretched, feeling gravity shifting around me as I woke up before I had to use the bathroom. I went into my bathroom, and huffed as I saw my mane all messed up. Dammit, Bedhead. Never go to sleep with your head-fur wet. I better take a quick shower, just to wet my mane and dry it so that it doesn't look like a car wreck.

After 5 minutes, I shut off the water and got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist after drying my mane. I looked into the mirror as I began my morning rituals. After I was done with brushing my teeth, I went downstairs and to my front door. As I went outside, I can feel morning sun warmed up my fur in the cold air as I walked out my door to pick up my morning paper. I barely got to my first step at my door when my towel unraveled and dropped, showing my bare ass.

"Ah, shit!" I quickly picked it back up and ran into my house, almost tripping over my threshold, and slammed the door behind me. My face went hot as I wrapped the towel back around my waist. Hope no one saw me . . .

I glanced at the front page of the paper as I walked into my kitchen to pour me a cup of hot chocolate – yeah, you'd think I would take coffee, but no. Not a big fan of coffee. I yawned as I poured the hot liquid into a pale mug. I then took a seat and sipped my cocoa while reading about another exaggerated rumor about a celebrity and reading about the fires in California.

I finished my hot drink, folded up the newspaper, and went back up the stairs and into my bedroom. I threw the damp towel into the dirty clothes hamper and got dressed for my work out today.

I put on a loose tank top and some baggy gym shorts; I was going to meet up with my friend, Rick, at the gym. I then packed a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt in my gym duffle bag, put on a pair of tennis shoes and went outside to my car. I threw my duffle bag onto the passenger's seat and I drove off.

I arrived in the gym and found that Rick was just signing in. He was a buff black stallion, and my best workout buddy.

"Hey, Rick, what's up?"

"Oh, hi, Al! Just in time." I sighed silently. He always calls me Al even though I used to ask him not to, long story. I signed in with him, and accompanied him to the bar weights. He laid down on the bench and lifted up the weights in a grunt. He started lifting while I stood behind to spot him. "Met any ugh good guys lately?"

"No, but I have this blind date later today." Yes, Rick knows that I'm gay. In fact, most of my friends know I'm gay, I'm pretty open about it.

"Ah really . . . Ashley . . . set it up?" asked Rick in between hefts and lifts.

"Yes, she's coming with us."

" . . . Heh . . . typical." As he lifted the weights, I looked around at the gym. My eyes then spotted someone familiar. My heart jumped when I saw Max way across the building. I took a step, looking closely as the tiger was pushing a plate with his legs that lifted weights when he pushed it forward. God, he looks so hot in his work out clothes, his arms straining as his legs pushed hard on the plate.

"Allen . . . Allen!!" I snapped away from my looking at the tiger when Rick raised his voice.

"H-Huh? What?"


"Oh! Sorry!" I quickly grabbed the bar and lifted the heavy metal and put it on the rack. The horse grunted and laid back.

"What the heck, man?" I reach the back of my head and scratched the back of my mane.

"Sorry . . . I was, sort of distracted . . ." Rick huffed as he sat up, and wiped the sweat off of his forehead.

"How many . . . did I do?"

"I'd say a good 50." Rick scoffed as he stood up, after taking a drink from his water bottle.

"Weren't keeping track, then?" He then got up and took my place behind the shelf as I went laid down on the bench.

"See, there IS another guy I . . . I might consider going out with," I said as Rick hovered the bar over me as I lifted my arms, "You know, so Ashley can stop scheduling me for dates."

"Heh. Another guy, huh? Anyone I know?" I took up the heavy bar and started up my rounds.

"Hng I . . . Doubt it . . . His name . . . Is Max . . . Max Vincent . . . He's an . . . Orange tiger . . . Ring any bells . . . ?"

"Nope, never met him."

"Figured . . . Anyway . . . How's . . . Kayla?" Kayla is Rick's girlfriend, a golden retriever; they've been dating for almost three years.

"We're doing great. It's starting to get intense between her and me. I'm thinking of tying the knot. I dunno, what do you think?" I started to feel a little jealous; here I am, keeping myself single for the past six years, and he's thinking of getting hitched. Of course, I did keep myself single for a long time for personal reasons, but it does get lonely . . .

"That's . . . great . . . Rick . . . Spot." He lifted the bar and I sat up and settled my arms on my legs.

"See, Allen? THAT'S how you pay attention."

"Hardy har. How many did I do?"

"You're really off today, Al, only 18." I glanced at the spot where I saw Max, but he was gone.

"Ugh, lets try something else."

So we jogged on the treadmills for about 3 miles each and then we went down to the racket ball court. We whacked that blue ball for what seemed to be an hour and a half.

"Hold up! Hold up, Rick!" I called out as the ball echoed off the wall before it casually landed into the horse's hand.

"What? It was getting good."

"Just a sec, I gotta check my phone." I walked to my duffle bag to check my cell phone. Dang it, I missed a call; I hate it when I do that. I flipped it open to find a voice message. I pushed the OK button, and held it up to my ear.

--"Hi, Allen. Its me, Ashley. Its a quarter to two right now and I just wanted to remind you of our little arrangement. Ok, that's it, bye."--

Oh man! I totally forgot. I checked the time on my phone and it was 2:23. I jammed my goggles and racket into my duffle bag. "I'm sorry, Rick, I gotta go, See ya!" Before Rick could say anything, I ran out of the racket room and into the changing room. I rapidly changed out of my workout clothes and into my casual wear. I then walked quickly out of the changing room and out of the building. Before I knew it, I was putting the key into the ignition and was driving off to the theater.

That Ashley, she knows damn well that the AMC Theater was about 30 minutes away from my house. I'm a very punctual lion and I like to get to my destination early so that I'm not late – my mother was VERY clear on the importance of punctuation. Unfortunately, I'm having to deal with traffic. It took me 15 minutes just to get out of traffic and then onto the parking structure.

Finally I got to the ticket booth and took a look around. I didn't see any sign of Ashley or her friend anywhere so I checked my cell. It was going on 3:06. I flipped it open and gave Ashley a call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Ashley, its Allen. I'm at the theater, where are you?" Yes, I'm irritated. Jeez, this is just like when I was with my sister, SHE makes a habit of cutting things close.

"Relax, Allen, we're still on the freeway, we'll be there in 5 minutes. Go ahead and buy your ticket, the movie doesn't start until 3:30."

"Alright, see you there." I closed my phone and purchased my ticket for Transformers 2. Wish Ashley would have told me the time sooner, so I wouldn't get so worked up. Anyway, I walked inside the crowded lobby.

Mmmmmm, what's taking her? It's already past 5 minutes. Dang it, why am I getting so irritated? It's not that big a deal. Get over it, Allen. You're more likeable if you're less of a bitch and more of a- "AHH!"

I jumped when something slapped and grabbed my shoulder. I stumbled and whirled around. "Dammit, Ashley!" That cat started laughing as I scowled, "So who is it this . . ." After a single glance, my heart skipped a beat when I saw who was with her, ". . . Time . . . Um, Ashley?"

There he was, that handsome and sexy tiger stud standing right next to the black cat. Max was grinning at the little predicament. Oh god, he looks so cute when he smiles!

"Oh come on, Allen, it hasn't been THAT long. You remember Max, don't you?" I nodded hastily.

"Y-Yeah, I do, I do."

"Alright then. So lets grab some popcorn, eh?"

"Sure, I haven't gotten a chance to eat with Ashley rushing me." said Max

"Well is it my fault that Allen can't stand to-" I cut her in – I don't need Max to know I'm impatient.

"Ok, ok, lets not start something or we'll miss the movie. Lets just get some popcorn and cock- COKE! Soda, I mean." Dammit, did I REALLY just say `cock'? I blushed as Max snickered.

So we all went mutual and got in line at the concessions stand. Max as in front of me, so of course, my eyes wondered down to his rear. I felt my sheath stir again as I looked at his junk in the trunk. He has such a nice ass . . . I keep wanting to . . . I started to reach down past his tail when he walked a couple of steps. I blinked and pulled my paw back before I could grope him. What the hell?! Since when do I try to grab someone else's ass? He'd probably think I'm some sort of pervert! Get it together, Allen-


"Huh?" I looked up, seeing Max and Ashley holding their purchased snacks, with the cashier looking at me. "Oh jeez, I'm sorry." I quickly went to the register, and I just bought a large coke – twas only AFTER we got into the crowded, at the first three seats at the auditorium that I forgot to get some candy for the movie.

"Want some?" I heard from my left. I looked to see Max offering me some of his gummy bears. I looked first at his green eyes, and then at the gummies. I can't help but blush; I've met a lot of guys, but . . . He's . . . "Allen?" I blinked, and then nodded.

"Yeah. Thank you." Max smiled and then tumbled almost half of his gummy bears into my paw. He seems so sweet. 10 minutes later the previews started, but I was more interested in stealing glances at Max while he wasn't looking. Damn, even in his casual clothes he was hard to resist. I gotta ask him out, I have to.

The movie lasted almost three hours. When we got out, Ashley mentioned that she JUST happened to have made reservations at the 4 star Italian restaurant. Conveniently enough, it happens to be the restaurant that I work at: Celino's.

When we got there, we were welcomed warmly by the host, mostly because I was there with them. He muttered in my ear and asked if I finally made a move for someone.

"Sort of, in a way." I blushed when he grinned winked before leading us to our table. I keep glancing at Max, hoping that he's impressed that I'm friends with the employees here.

Another co-worker of mine came over, and brought us our menus and water. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs with extra sauce, Ashley ordered chicken fettuccini, and Max ordered bruschetta. We chatted amongst ourselves until our food came. I learned that Max is a carpenter for Home Depot, most of his close relatives live in Kyoto, Japan, and he also lives by himself, but nothing was leading on about him being gay. It's not like I can ask him out front, that'd be bloody awkward.

"Mm, that was delicious." Max remarked as he licked his muzzle. Hehe, I just can't get over how cute he is, even when just licking his muzzle. "So you actually work here, Allen?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm one of the chefs, but I don't work weekends."

"Wow. Sounds nice." Just then, the waiter came by with our check. "I got this." "I got this."

We both reached for it at the same time. At that moment, my paw had just touched over his. I stared for a second before quickly moving my fingers to the edge of the check. "It's ok, Max, I'll cover it."

"Naw, I insist, Allen."

"No, it's cool. I get an employee discount."

"Really?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, I do, Ash. You didn't know?" I then saw an evil smirk on her face.

"Hehehe . . . I do now." Ah great. Somehow, I get the feeling that Ashley's gonna consult me at work for any of her special occasions.

"Well, Ok, if you wanna." Max said as he pulled his paw back.

It was getting late, and it looks like this outing is over. Before we went our separate ways, Ashley tugged on my sleeve when Max went to the bathroom. "Allen, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Hm? Sure."

"Would you mind having Max at your place for a while?" My heart started to pound, just a little. "See, he's been going through a rough patch recently, and he could really use a good buddy to hang out."

"Umm . . . Why-Why can he hang out at your place?" Why am I asking this? Am I REALLY that shy?!

"He hangs out with me all the time . . . Ok, not THAT much, but I think he likes you." I could feel my cheeks go pink, "He's been feeling a little lost. Please, Allen?" This is probably one of her measly match-maker tricks, but truth is, I really like Max too.

"Alright. I'll have him over." She smiled and hugged me.

"Ooh thank you, Allen!" I chuckled and hugged her back. When we parted, I looked to my right to see Max coming up to us, "Well, this was an awesome day! See ya, Allen, Max~" She then scampered away.

"H-Hey! Ashley!" Max called, "You're my ride- Dammit." He then sighed, and looked over to me. "Listen, I'm sorry to trouble you, Allen, but could you give me a ride home, please?"

"Well, actually . . ." I rubbed my arm as I looked sideways, "Would you wanna come over to my house and, like, hang out for a while?" I looked back to see the tiger surprised.

"Really?" He asked, his mouth curving into a cheered up smile, "I mean, I don't wanna bother you."

"No, you won't be bothering me." He smiled more, then accepting my offer. Dang, I like watching him smile.

As I drove us home, we talked about where we met Ashley. Me and Max actually have had a lot in common; hopefully, we . . . Have attraction in common as well. When we got to my house, Max looked like he was digging it.

"Wow, being a chef is better than I thought."

Alright, he's in the house,' I thought, smiling as I saw him liking my place, Now I just have to get him to feel comfortable around me and I'll ask him out.'

"Hey, Max, is there anything I can get cha? Water, soda, crotch- I MEAN scotch??" I don't have any scotch . . .

"Well I don't want to impose."

"No, no trouble at all."

"Ok, I'll take a soda." I then took out a can of Pepsi and gave it to him, taking one for myself. I checked the clock - 7:55 pm.

"Max, you watch Family Guy?"

"Oh yeah, I love that show, is it on?"

"In five, it is." So we spent the next hour laughing at Peter's stupidity and Stewie's conspiracies. After an hour, it was over and I'm STILL trying to think of a way to ask Max.

I glanced outside and saw the jacuzzi on the porch. Well, this would give me a chance to see him half naked again. "Hey Max, how `bout we get into the jacuzzi, huh?"

"Sounds awesome, I good use a good soak."

"Alright, but did you bring any trunks?"

"Nah, I'll just go in my underpants if that's cool" My face felt a little hot.

"Oh no, that's totally fine." I went up stairs to change. I usually go into the hot tub naked unless I have company. I glanced outside my window and looked down. Max was taking off his shirt. I purred silently as I looked at his muscular upper body. He told me he was going in his underwear. I wonder if he wears boxers or briefs. Oh, please be briefs. Hehe, I wanna to see the rest for when I get down there.

Hmmm . . . I wonder whether or not to wear my speedo. Ah what the hell, I'm throwing off my boxers. We're both guys, we both got the same thing, right?

I wrapped one towel around my nude waist and grabbed another one for Max. I looked out my window again and saw that he already was in with the water jets going and the underwater light on. `Yes! He's good and relaxed. Now to get down there and make my move.'

I went down stairs and outside to the porch. My heart pounded as the fact that I was getting in naked with another guy pummeled my mind. There he is: arms spread out on the rims, head leaning back with his eyes closed, purring deeply at the massage he was getting from the water jets. I gulped as I placed the spare towel on another chair and unwrapped my towel from my waist and placed it on the same chair. I then proceeded to climb into the hot tub and get in, but before I did, I took in his awesome looking pecs, my sheath immediately begun to harden. I gasped quietly at the biting hot water. I slowly lowered myself in and as soon as my butt touched the bench, I let out a sigh and totally loosened up, feeling my dick push out further, little by little, me blushing and giggling a little as a water jet softly caressed my balls.

"Oh, hi, Allen." Max murred out, still looking relaxed.

"Hey, Max, enjoying yourself?"

"Oohhhh yeah."

"Glad to hear it . . ." I leaned my own head back and closed my eyes. I almost forgot my goal, but I took my time, I want to enjoy this for a while. As I let out sigh, I could swear I can feel his foot paw rubbing on mine. I giggled as I moved mine too, rubbing against his footpaw.

Wait. Am I playing footsie? I stopped moving my foot and set it aside.

Suddenly, I heard a slight movement of water besides the bubbling. Damn! I think Max is getting out! Alright, it's was now or never. "Wait, Max, would you want to-" I was immediately cut short.

Before I knew it Max was right in front of me. My breath suddenly left me as I looked into his green eyes. I sat there, speechless as I am unable to take my own eyes off from his. I tried to speak, but my voice was caught in my throat.

The tiger suddenly moved his muzzle forward, and pressed his mouth against mine. I can feel my heart going insane as he licked my lips and forced into my own mouth. I breathed heavily through my nose as Max dominated my muzzle. He pushed a little harder, making me open my mouth wider as he increased the passion in his mouth-to-mouth. Max continued to kiss me with this raging, fiery passion of which I have never felt before, I felt his tongue wander and slather onto mine, hugging and wresting my tongue. He wrapped one arm around me and placed his paw onto my right face cheek, slowly feeling to the back of my head, holding me to the spot. To anyone else, I would've pushed them off, maybe slap them at this point, and tell them to get hell out of my house. But . . . Not Max . . . Not him . . .

The tiger broke the kiss and inched back, looking into my eyes. Oh, those green eyes . . . They are so deep and beautiful . . . Like gleaming emeralds glowing in the low light.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." He muttered, his purring making him sound so . . . Alluring . . . This was just . . . All too . . . Just . . . Wow.

I felt myself doing the very last thing I thought I would do: I leaned forward to kiss him back. Max lapped gently on my lips as he carefully stroked my cheek. I led my paw downward to pull down his underwear, when I felt nothing. He was completely naked. The kiss broke for a moment as I let out a groan – I felt a huge wave of overwhelming sexual excitement.

Max giggled as I felt one of his buttcheeks. I went so bold as to give his rump a squeeze. He just purred and started kissing my neck, "Oh my ghhhod" I huffed and moaned as my cock rubbed against his belly.

Ohhh, it has been so long since I felt this closeness. I'm actually feeling a bit emotional, not enough to cry, but just having this special feeling inside of me again, it was just . . . overwhelming.

The tiger parted the kiss as he knelt down to my level and felt his paw on my abs, rubbing them, feeling my rising and descending belly as I breathed.

Wow . . . this . . . this feels nice.

Max looked up me with a grin. I wonder what he's- OH MY GOD he just grabbed my dick! My face went red hot as I felt his paw hold and grasp my throbbing tool. "Wow, you're as solid as a rock right now." His paw stroked down my rod, and then moved back up. I huffed and panted as my submerged wang felt his paw glide and massage the hard muscle. While Max fondled my rod, he moved his head forward, and brushed his tongue on my abs. I moaned as I laid back and let him jerk me off.

His actions on my cock built into a growing rhythm. He was driving me crazy as his course tongue licked my right nipple. My toes curled in the hot water as his paw gripped my hard cock and began to pump my rod up and down. "Max . . . Oh my god, Max . . . !" I have no idea why I am being so open to someone I've only met today. All I know is that I want more . . . Or maybe . . . I need this . . .

My head fell back as he stroked me off. He squeezed my dick harder, and masturbated me faster. I panted and moaned as his paw became an orange blur on my cock. "Ah . . . Hahhh! AHH-" My muscles tensed, my mouth opened, and I let out a loud roar as my member pulsed and spurted my thick man milk in the water, clouding the water above my pelvis with my cum. Dear god, that was the best orgasm . . . I've ever had . . .

When I lifted my head up to look at him, Max had stood up, showing his beautifully built body to me, AND a big, pink-colored throbbing member that protruded from his sheath. Wow, he had a hot cock on him. I reached up and gently cupped his balls, before feeling his hard meat in my paw.

The tiger grinned as he stepped up to my bench, his white orbs hanging below his shaft, and slowly but cautiously lowered himself as I felt his bare ass on my lap, while he slowly slid his own legs backward, using his arms to hold on to the ridge, the head of his cock just above water.

I then proceeded to softly grasp his erection and gave it a gentle squeeze. Max moaned silently but purred loudly, wanting more. I slowly stroked upward his dick with ease. I could hear his paws tightly gripping the wooden frame of the hot tub in anticipation, so I sped up my strokes considerably. After ten minutes of my stoking speed building up, I begun to hear a very slight noise, but I just ignored it as I begun to pant from the effort and feeling horny, using both paws to work at 8 inches of hard tiger cock.

Max began to moan and growl out loud as he started to thrust into my paws, I got even more horny when his ass rubbed the topside of my own cock. "I'm getting close . . ." Max said hoarsely "Keep going . . . Oooooh yeah . . ." His gasps became louder and short as his chest start to heave. I squeezed his cock harder and harder as he moaned and growled. I then took one of my paws and felt his soft ass. Oh, he felt so good to the touch. I trailed two fingers down his tail and teased his tailhole. I then inserted my fingers into him, causing Max to throw back his head and growl loudly. "F-Fuck! You're making me so-so hot!"

I pumped his rod and ass as I quickly reached my climax. His meat throbbed more, I could tell he was about to shoot, so I stopped pumping his ass with my fingers and put one claw below his base above his balls, and I firmly traced the back of my claw down his rod. Max finally roared as his hot seed shot and cover most of my face and his stomach. Max kept snarling as his dick kept up with shooting multiple robes of tigercum until it finally subsided to a trickle.

Max moved his legs so that he rested his head on my pecs and wet mane, resting his arms on my shoulders, both of us purring like little cubs. Max lifted held his head forward and started licking the cum off of my face. I wrapped arms around and hugged him.

I've never been this way with anyone before. I guess Max is . . . well, special. I then affectionately start to bathe his face with my rough tongue, purring as I licked him. Max seemed to struggle a little was he pulled his arms free and examined his claws.

"I'm sorry, but I think I dug into the wooden frame."

"Aw, that's cool, I don't mind." He smiled that sexy cute smile before leaning in on me again to kiss me with his flaming passion. I moaned in my throat and kissed him back as a warm feeling traveled to my insides as we kissed. It's so hard to describe, but his kissing me was making me feel warm and melty inside. I glanced down to Max's stomach. Most of the cum that landed on his stomach had been washed off. Darn it, maybe tomorrow.

We each got out of the jacuzzi and dried off I couldn't help but look at his behind while his ran the towel on his fur. Dammit, he has such a nice ass. "Hey Max, why don't you spend the night here?" I offered.

"Hm?" He said as he turned around, "Really? Look, I don't want to be in the way-"

"No, I'd love to have you here." Max smiled and nodded as he kissed my cheek.

"Sooo . . . Where do I sleep?" He asked with just a hint of hopefulness. I felt myself blush a little as I scratched the back of my mane.

"Well . . . Would you . . . Wanna . . . Sleep with me- I-I mean, not THAT kind of sleep, I mean like, just, you know-" Max giggled as he stroked my cheek.

"You're so cute, Allen." I smiled sheepishly as he gave my cheek another kiss.

"My bedroom is upstairs . . ." I took his paw and led him into the house.

We made it up to my room, and I went into my large bed, with Max crawling in with me. The tiger cuddled up to me. I'm still a little uncertain about this, but its not like I'm going to ask him to take the couch now. Oh yeah! I remember, I want to ask him out. I cleared my throat and spoke up "So um . . . Does this mean we're . . . You know, together?"

"Nope, it's called a one-night stand."


"Yes, we're together, silly kitty." He giggled and hugged me more. We cuddled and kissed for a little while longer as we both drifted off. This is so strange; we've only just met, and we're sleeping nude in the same bed . . . I guess this is what boyfriends do . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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