Heaven in Your Eyes

By moc.loa@QDoreZ

Published on Oct 23, 2000


I think there are plenty of stories that people should always check out on this site . . . including . . . "Switching places with Nick Carter", "Intimate Stranger", "Josh and Just", "Changes", "Twist and Turns", "Open Arms", "Devotion", "Little White Lies", "This I Promise You", "Porcelain", "Dirty Mind Games", "Because I Love You", "Justin's Secrets", and "Any Path" :) . . . These are just a few (And I know I am forgetting some great stories out there . . .); Heh, if you ask my opinion . . . the best ones are the stories that don't rush the sex ;)

Legal Stuff: If you are reading this, then I hope it's because you are A) Of the right age, and B) Are accepting of other relationship types (That's one way to put it I guess :). If either of these don't apply, I ask that you don't continue reading.

Disclaimer: I don't mean to imply that any celebrity involved in the story is gay in anyway. (But I do have my own speculations about a few . . . I'll keep those to myself :)

Nick stepped out of the car and breathed in the air around him. The ride had been silent, much like the first, but the atmosphere had been different. Almost a polar opposite, he thought with a smile. There was no fear, no anxiety and no gut wrenching nerves. How could there be? He'd discovered the truth about himself . . . and he'd done so as a result of a kiss with a guy not much older then himself. Who was going through the same discovery, who was going to deal with the same problems.

Brian emerged from the behind the wheel of Kevin's rental and Nick couldn't help but watch his every move. A goofy grin was plastered on his face and he was twirling the keys around on his finger. He looked so sweet, and at the same time amusing, and Nick couldn't help but release a small fit of laughter. He caught himself, but it was too late.

"What?" Brian raised an eyebrow towards the blonde, obviously curious to what was so funny.

"Nothing . . . you just looked . . ." Nick trailed, thinking of an appropriate term that didn't have goofy or sexy in its definition. Sexy . . . where had that come from?

"I looked like what?" Brian was smiling again, but this time it seemed daring. Even seductive . . . or perhaps that's how Nick was just picturing it. Either way, the older teen was making his way over to Nick, refusing to break eye contact. The smile never fading from his face. "Well?" He was so close now, his voice barely above a whisper. Nick felt his warm breath brush against his skin and his concentration slipped away. Any vocabulary word he ever learned was expelled from his mind and instincts simply took over. He bit down on his bottom lip and began leaning forward.

"There you are!" Caught off guard, Nick lost his balance and tumbled into Brian's arms. The older teen lucking managed to keep him from falling, but the two were frozen to the spot. The other three band members were marching towards them, a red-faced Kevin in the lead. Brian gulped and Nick quickly got to his feet, blushing slightly at how stupid he'd probably looked in Brian's arms.

"Uh . . . hey cousin . . .," Brian's voice was timid and once again Nick could pick up traces of fear. Kevin stopped in front of the two and simply stuck out his hand, not yet saying any words. Brian slowly placed the keys inside the outstretched palm, then quickly retracted his hand. "I was . . . just showing Nick the countryside."

"Well wasn't that nice of you, considering you don't even have a license yet! What were you two thinking? What if you'd been pulled over? Wouldn't that be a great way to start the band off, with two kids getting arrested? And do you even know what time it is?" Kevin glared back and forth between the two, obviously implying some important date that they were intended to remember. As Nick attempted to wrack his brain, Brian's face flashed with clarity.

"We have that meeting today . . . with Mr. Pearlman."

"Exactly . . . about our record contracts." Nick eyes widened and fear spread over him. They really needed to make that meeting, as the group was supposed to talk about the final touches on their album before it was finally released. If all their hard work was to go to waste now . . . he didn't know what he'd do. This was his dream . . . he loved singing . . . and they'd spent so many months working on their music. He'd hate to see that time wasted . . . all for one stupid kiss. Almost immediately Nick regretted the last thought. Would it really be a waste?

"Crap . . . we're not late yet, are we?" Brian had once again stepped in for the silent Nick, asking the question the young blonde had completely forgotten during his tirade of thoughts.

"No, your lucky we managed to find you in time!" Kevin took a glance at his watch, "We have about forty minutes to get to the studio . . . the bus is going to have to floor it there." He sighed and glared at the two. "I already took the liberty of packing your stuff, it's waiting in the lobby. We've wasted enough time, lets' get out of here."

With the safety of their record contract in the back of his mind, Nick allowed himself a small smile. He began to trail after the already departing Howie and AJ, expecting Brian and Kevin to do the same. When they didn't immediately, he took a small glance behind him and saw Kevin had reached out to grab Brian's arm. Though the eldest Backstreet member whispered to his cousin, Nick managed to make out most of what he said by his lips. "We'll talk later."

As dusk fell over the European countryside, the boys were gathered once again on their tour bus. Nick was back in his usual seat, his head pressed against the window and his eyes taking in the countryside. The images continued to pass by him, but he wasn't really paying them any heed.

Though the meeting went over somewhat smoothly, Nick hadn't felt that comfortable. Lou Pearlman was kind, but there was something about the man that rubbed him wrong. Something that made Nick doubt that he could possibly ever fully trust him. Which was odd, considering he'd been nothing but honest to the boys from the start. Even when it came to money, which had scared Nick's parents at first. They wanted to make sure that he'd be getting a fair share of the record's products. Not that Nick really cared about the economic aspects of the business, he really just wanted to sing.

But Pearlman hadn't been the only one making Nick feel strange for the duration of the three hour meeting. Every time he'd risked a glance in Kevin's directions, he could have sworn that he was being glared at. Nick had noticed that look before, outside the photographer's studio the day before. He'd just brushed it off as an over active imagination, but he was beginning to really doubt that was the truth.

"Nick, are you all right buddy?" He glanced away from the window to find AJ sitting beside him. He really need to stop being so preoccupied with his thoughts . . . he could only imagine how weird it looked when he spaced out and went silent on the guys.

"Yeah . . . uh just feeling a lil' strange." Nick gave AJ a fake smile, having absolutely no emotion behind it.


"Yeah." Nick hated lying, especially when AJ was really just trying to be a friend. But what else could he say? That he was gay, had kissed Brian, and now he was afraid that Brian's cousin hated him? He didn't know AJ that well yet, didn't know how he felt about . . . well about things. For that matter, Nick was really just beginning to understand his own take on his new found sexuality. He didn't need to be worrying about what anyone else thought. "I guess it's just weird to get used to not only being away from home, but also being separated by a whole ocean."

AJ smirked and leapt at Nick, startling the teen. Before he could react in defense, AJ had him in a headlock and was already applying a few nookies. "Heh, don't worry Nicky, things are going to get better. Sides, soon you'll have so many girls after you, home will be the least of your worries."

As Nick pulled away from AJ, he pretended to smile at the last comment. I'd probably be better off leaving the girls for you and Howie. "Yeah can't wait . . ."

"You sure nothing else is bothering you Nicky?" Besides you calling me that stupid name, nothing that I can talk to you about AJ. Nick risked once glance into AJ's eyes and realized that they shone with sincerity. He really did want to help him, make sure that he was feeling all right. Like they were . . . friends.

"I was just . . . wondering about Brian." Almost immediately Nick realized that he wasn't ready, wasn't ready to talk about his feelings yet. Surely wasn't ready to possibly reveal anything that Brian was attempting to hide. There'd be other times . . . but Nick was sure this was definitely not it. "Uh, Brian and Kevin, I haven't seen them since we got on the bus.

"I think Kevin said something about needing to talk to Brian privately. I have no idea `bout what. Maybe it had something to do with that little stunt you pulled this morning with Kevin's rental." AJ had one of his devilish smirks on and he playfully landed a punch on Nick's shoulder.

Let's hope that's all they're talking about . . .

Next: Chapter 7

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