Heavens Just a Sin Away

By Sammie G

Published on Sep 10, 2023


Abercrombie Thing

Trash started to slowly turn the doorknob of the closet. I heard it make a small creaking noise that sounded sort of like an old wooden chair. My mind was already beginning to think of a thousand excuses why I was in the closet. However, what excuse would explain how her boyfriend had stared at me the entire time he was having sex with her?

"I could feel the door slowly opening and I could feel my heart beginning to pound harder and harder. It was such a fucking rush." "Did she catch you?" It was the next day. I was in Dr. Lopez's office telling her exactly what had gone down the night before. I made sure not to leave out any details at all. "Luckily for me, Yolanda had barged in the door to warn them that Lex, or Rex as I call him, was coming up the stairs. Immediately I had used that excuse to find my way back out the closet crawl space through the way I came in." "You were extremely lucky. What happened afterwards?" "I myself went downstairs back to the party. Later on, however I had found out from Yolanda that as Rex approached the room, Sampson had to use the same crawl space that I used to escape. I was thankful that he was ok, but it sort of worried me because I knew Sampson was absolutely sure how it was I got into the whole spying scene." "Did you talk to Sampson after the party?" "No. I found myself getting really drunk off spiked punch or at least pretending to be. I was a little tipsy but a lot of the weird drunken behavior was on purpose. Shane and Sampson dragged me home and I went immediately to sleep. As soon as I woke up, I came here to see you." "Why do you feel you had to fake being drunk?" "Well, I felt guilty and ashamed about the whole situation. It could have been 10X worse if Mercedes would have opened the closet, but it was bad that Sampson might think that I am some perverted tomcat." "Yet, you said that he knew you were there, but made no attempt to expose you or hinder his sexual behavior?" "He only stopped for a moment, but when he realized it was me, he seemed to be into it more." "How do you mean?" "He was staring at me and he went faster." "Are you sure he saw you? Are you positive?" "I am very positive. He knew it was me. Our eyes made a connection. He went faster with Mercedes and with more passion. Then the funniest thing happened. I was about to turn to leave and he screamed out, 'No,' almost like he wanted me to stay." She looked at me. She began to tap her fingers against the wood as though in deep thought. It was real strange and I began to wonder what was on her mind. "Sampson, sometimes a person with strong feelings for someone has the tendency to imagine certain things about that person?" "Doc, I am not imagining." I almost found it rude that she thought I was imagining it. I mean, it had happened. I knew how much I cared about Sampson, but I was also sure that I wasn't willing to see things just because I had a little crush on him. The crush was NOT that serious. "Ok, maybe imagine is a strong word??you may have misinterpreted the information given to you. " Yeah, ok. I knew her long enough to know that she was just finding fancy ways of saying that I was imagining Sampson's reaction to seeing me in the closet. "No Doc. Why would I misinterpret?" "Lets see, the chances that he is gay is around 1/10. The chances that he has a physical attraction to you are even lower. The chances that he is gay, attracted to you and is willing to let you watch him, secretly, have sex with his girl friend is very low. The chances that he is gay, attracted to you, willing to let you watch him have sex with his girlfriend and is turned on by it is?" "I get the point, but I know what I saw." "Hopefully you do, but as a precaution, just let him approach you if he wanted to speak to you on the matter." "Yeah, ok." "So?maybe you want to play something on the piano. Something sad?" I walked out of Dr. Lopez's office feeling more confused then I did when I went in. The sky seemed to doubt me just like Dr. Lopez. I found myself walking and taking a stroll somewhere to take my mind off things. I didn't exactly just want to wind up going back to the house and seeing Sampson. It kind of scared me because I knew it was the middle of the afternoon and either Sampson, T-Boy or Ms. Nicole must have been in the house. I was in no rush to see any of them. This had been the only situation for weeks that the company of Ms. Nicole did not seem as bad as other times. I could bare to listen to a couple hours talk of mindless bullshit so that I wouldn't have to hear T-Boy give another one if his epic apologies or have to talk to Sampson about the weird sexual chemistry we had the day before. I mean; I didn't even want to talk to Dr. Lopez since she seemed not to believe a single thing that I told her as of late. I knew that what was happening was a little dramatic, but it was true. I found myself walking deeper downtown to take my mind off how true everything was as of late. Everything was happening to me and it seemed like I had no power in the situation. This was why I hated bitches like Trash. Trash was always in control of mostly everything because she had power, even though it was as indirect as the influence over 3 very ominous brothers. She had people so afraid of her little ass that they talked behind her back. Even though I hated Trash, I had to admit that she was a very powerful and influential person. I knew that I would forget a lot of people, but she definitely wouldn't be one of them. "Ey, watch it," somebody said as I bumped into them. The person was walking their dog and the dog raged at me. The fucking dog looked like it was going to bite off my head or something. I jumped back and saw the guy who had the dog starting to laugh as if the shit was funny. "Control your fucking dog." "I'm sorry," the man said, still laughing and not yanking the dog's leash, "He's small though. He never bites, but just barks. Its cute." "I don't care how small he is," I argued, "Control your dog. You may think he is cute, but the last thing I see when I look at that dog is cute. Hungry? Maybe. Angry? Maybe. I do not see cute, so I have no idea why you think it is funny that you are letting your leash loose like that and letting your dog attack people!" The man's smile faded. He turned to walk away, apologizing again. I had probably ruined his day but I didn't care. People always thought their dogs were cute. The man had Jurassic Park on a leash and he expected me to find it funny how ferocious it was. Not everyone's dog is cute and no matter how cute it was when it's calm, its no longer cute when it is inches away from ripping your leg off. "I see why you were in prison," a voice suddenly said. I turned around to see a familiar face. It was Byron. The guy from the jail cell that time. "Hey Byron. Oh, you talking about that bitch with a bitch? People in Bushwick just annoy me." "Oh, I guess I should stay on your good side then," he sneered, putting on a wide smile after he finished his little 'arrival' humor. I didn't laugh though, not because I wasn't happy to see him but because his humor wasn't funny. I looked him up and down. He didn't have that 'male gigolo' thing going on. He looked real put together, almost like someone dressed him. I thought about it for a moment. How did he dress--- Abercrombie! That was what he reminded me of. Go to your local mall and find an Abercrombie & Fitch store. Look at the painted windows that they have promoting outside of those stores. Byron was one of those boys with the flipped up collar, cop-style model sunglasses and faded tight jeans! Byron's style of Abercrombie & Fitch was very different from my own, modern and urban look. Byron even had the dickie's hat to seal the deal. The difference of style wasn't a bad thing, but it just interested me. He sort of reminded me of when Mercedes had forced Sampson to wear that tight shirt. "Wow, its funny us meeting," I said, staring at him, "It nice, yet funny at the same time." "Well, I must admit. I saw you when you left that shrink's office. I was following you for a little while looking for a good time to get your attention." I smiled. It was such an Abercrombie thing to say. None-the-less it was a cute thing to say and I wanted to tell him it was a cute thing to say but I didn't. I just had a feeling that the last thing this guy needed was a compliment. It seemed like in his 'profession', he got compliments all the time. Probably from his clients or whatever. I had no idea how being a gigolo worked. "I know a couple of people who would just run up and pull me away," I said, mostly thinking about my cousin Yolanda, "Good for you, since you aren't one of those people. But why would you want my little ol' attention?" I asked, still trying to sound less flattered then I actually was. "Cause you're beautiful." I almost laughed when he said it. It wasn't funny because his face had this look of sobriety to it. He looked like a schoolboy struck with puppy love. He was DEAD serious and that was the funny part. I was actually laughing because, who says that? I mean, it was nice in its own rank but it was also a little too straight forward. "Um?thanks?um, I guess." "I may be just a tad straight forward," he said and I laughed questioning how much a 'tad' was in his mind, "However, ever since that night in jail, I found myself thinking about you more and more." It was confusing because I had not thought about him a day after the night in jail. I had to admit that I was extremely flattered. I wasn't only flattered but I was kind of blushing. The fact that someone out there was thinking about me made me feel not all too weird about thinking about Sampson and T-Boy all the time. "I've given you a thought or two," I lied, not knowing what else to say that wouldn't make him feel bad. "So maybe you can give me a chance?" "A what, now?" I asked a little confused. "A chance. You know, a shot. Let me show you what I'm working with." "Um?" I saw him quickly reach out and grab my hand holding it tightly, "Don't make me beg." I gave him the weirdest look. Besides the fact that the guy was a male escort, I met him in jail and he was nearly a complete stranger?he was kind of cute. He was tall (not creepy tall like Shane) but moderately tall and handsome. It was weird he looked like an Abercrombie boy. SERIOUSLY! Like go to your nearest mall, walk up to the preppy section of the mall and look in one of those Abercrombie posters that were hung up. This was the kind of guy he was. I found this absolutely strange because I myself wasn't like that. I wasn't opposite too much from him, but I was more of an "Against-All-Odds" and "Demo" shopper. He sort of had that perfection that Sampson expressed that one time last night. On Sampson, it looked weird, but on him?it sort of worked. I almost felt like I didn't have a choice, "Sure?um?maybe we can get something to eat?" "Definitely. That's great. How about around 10 tonight? We can go to Timetables. It's a nice new restaurant downtown on Barber Street." "I know where it is. 10 is good for me too." "That's perfect and so are you." He looked me in my eyes. For a moment I thought he was going to lean in and give me a kiss, but I quickly added. "Oh, another thing. I want to be friends. Just for now. I mean?I don't really know you. Truthfully the escort business thing is kind of making me trip a little." After taking my number, he gave me an uncomfortable stare that made me think that I had said something wrong. Then he sort of took my hand and held me real close. There was a sincerity in his eyes that seemed like a mixed between a trashy soap opera and an overdramatic foreign romance movie. "I am willing to do anything to have a chance with you. If you want blood tests, I'll bring them. If you want me to stop escorting, then I will do that as well. I will do anything for this one chance." I couldn't believe how rehearsed it sounded. I mean, I was a grown ass man. I wasn't Juliet. I wasn't some chick who needed to be wooed to the point of suffocation. "Aren't you a little dramatic?" I asked, trying to be nice about it, but finding him overwhelming. "I guess I am. Is this dramatic?" He leaned me over and pulled me close. He kissed me gently. Our lips rubbed briskly against one another and massaged. It was the middle of the daylight and there were a couple of people walking around though none of them seemed to be paying much attention to us two. "Yeah, it really is," I said, lifting up one eyebrow in shock, still putting my point of honesty across. He laughed and then turned away, "I love a challenge. I'll see you tonight." I touched my lips. If it wasn't the strangest thing a guy had ever done to me, then I would have actually liked it. I think I would have actually liked it a lot telling how long I had my fingers on my lips. He was a nice kisser, even if it wasn't tongue. I guessed he would know how to kiss though, since he was an escort. I watched him as he walked backwards away from me like he didn't want to get his eyes off me. I quickly turned my eyes though. Did he think this was the sequel to "When Harry Met Sally" or some shit like that? The last thing I needed was someone to mess up my love life even more, but his kiss was so?so soft. However, when he got far enough away that he couldn't see me, I wiped off my lips. I was saving these lips to get me some SAMPSON! I laughed at the thought as I made my way down the street. I arrived back at the house to see Ms. Nicole. She was watching her soap operas with the volume turned all the way to 100 in the living room. I knew it as soon as I walked in the house. I decided to walk through the living room to go to the kitchen since I knew for sure that Ms. Nicole would be hooked on those soap operas. She could care less about what the little bitter-looking orphan she took in from the streets was up to. Sometimes, she would ask, but I knew for a fact that she never really cared. The tone of her voice was always like she was faking her concern. It didn't bother me at all though. I could care less if she rolled over and made cackling noises right at that moment. I walked past her, without being recognized as I predicted would happen. I made my way to the kitchen, trying my hardest not to make eye contact with Ms. Nicole because she would probably get the wrong idea that I wanted to hear about those boring ass soap operas she always watched. I wasn't alone in the kitchen. On the other side of the kitchen was Sampson. He seemed to be making a sandwich or something for lunch (since Ms. Nicole only made dinner) and didn't even notice me there. I walked up to him, realizing how fixed he looked on digging through those cabinets. He was in a rush, like he was digging a grave for somebody he just murdered or something. Shit I was kind of hungry too. I hadn't seen him since the party but I figured this was a good time to get to communicate with him in any way. "Hey," I said touching his shoulder slightly. "WHOAH!" Sampson jerked suddenly, turning around to face me and pushing my hand off of him all the meanwhile. He looked so damn shaky, almost like he was nervous or something. Even as he saw my face the nervousness didn't go away. As a matter of fact, the anxiousness in his eyes seemed to increase. "Its just me," I said, in the tone you would speak to a frightened child. "Oh, I'm yeah. I know that. I'm sorry. How are you doing?" He didn't look me in his eyes when he said it. He didn't seem like he had calmed down either. He turned and began to quickly look for whatever it was he was digging at in the counter. He hadn't even faced me long enough to hear me answer his question. "I'm fine?um, how are you doing?" "Great." He spoke quickly as he found the jar of jelly that I figured he was looking for. He grabbed the jelly, basically took a large bit of it with a fork and put on the bread. He didn't even spread the jelly. He didn't even get a good plate. He just took it and started heading out. "Um?Sampson, did I do anything wrong?" I had to open some kind of dialogue. He was acting like he was in a rush to get away from me. It was like Dr. Lopez said. He may not have been comfortable around me. I wanted to find this out for a fact. "I just?" he started to explain and then as we connected eyes for a split second he turned away, "I got to go." He turned away and exited the kitchen, leaving me behind with a feeling of distress and a scent of his usual Bulgari cologne. It was fucking weird to a maximum that I couldn't even describe. I stared at the wall, trying to concentrate on how I could get Sampson to stop being so uncomfortable around me. Another week had passed and it was hell. It had become to vividly clear that Sampson could not be in the same room with me. When Sampson, T-Boy and I had sat down for one of Ms. Nicole's dumb ass Oprah sightings, he seemed to be social to me. As soon as T-Boy left and Ms. Nicole got her Target sale call to rush out, Sampson would stare at me for a second or two and then just leave. I had tried to talk to him. I tried to let him know how I felt about him. I remember that it was a Wednesday and I had just walked in on Sampson having a conversation with Ms. Nicole. "Sampson, can I talk to you for a moment?" "Sure. What's up?" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder with a warm and a friendly smile. "I mean?can I talk to you alone for a moment?" "Um?damn, I think I left the pot roast in the oven!" He then jetted out of the room. T-Boy, who had been eavesdropping on the entire conversation had also asked Sampson later one what ever happened to the pot roast that he was cooking. Sampson said it burned and T-Boy asked where did he put it because the garbage bin was empty. Sampson just gave T-Boy an angry stare and told him to mind his business. It was just proof that Sampson had been lying about the pot roast and he just couldn't stand to be alone with me. I figured that the same thing I was doing to T-Boy was the same thing Sampson was doing to me. I had tried my best not to be alone with T-Boy because he always wanted to talk. I somehow found an excuse not to talk alone with him and every time I did, T-Boy and Sampson would have a fight. Their fights were becoming all but famous lately. They hadn't really physically fought since the night at the movie theater but they their arguments were so heated that it seemed like they were going to. I could tell they definitely had an angry sounding relationship. "Fucking idiots." Shane and I had come back from doing some clothes shopping. School was less then a week away and it was beginning to come to the point where everything we did was more then essential. It was so essential that the fact that we conned an idiot vendor to give us stuff at low price, caused us to beam with confidence. "Yeah, I know right," he agreed, looking at the clothes, "I knew telling him that my father was a cop and would be interested to know why such high brand names were being sold out of truck, would work." Ok, I admit it. Shane and I weren't the nicest guys, but people in Bushwick were just fucking idiots. The vendor who sold us the truck had happened to steal the clothes from off another truck that was heading right to a Sean John outlet. Shane's father indeed was a cop and we used it to our advantage each time. The threat of being in trouble with the law, always got the vendors to cut down their prices extremely. Hey, it wasn't like we were cheating a priest or something? "Hey, you guys went shopping?" T-Boy walked in the room and immediately the smiles shed from Shane and I. I usually kept my bedroom door locked when I was in it but since Shane was here I figured I could leave it open. However, the fact that T-Boy never knocked began to get on my nerves. "Um?do you know how to knock?" I asked, like he had a mental retardation, "Your knuckles are used for something else then throwing them at your brother." "Adopted brother," a voice corrected and suddenly Sampson walked in the room as well. Great, room party and I didn't invite anyone. Sampson and T-Boy stared each other down with a quick intensity that I didn't understand at first. This had caused Shane and I to immediately exchange smirks. It was kind of funny to see so much animosity between the two of them CONSTANTLY. This shit was better then watching boxing on Showtime. I wondered if I should charge Shane for watching the famous arguments, tensions and fights between Sampson and T-Boy. He was having so much fun that I'd bet he would pay. "Whatever," T-Boy excused Sampson and stared at me, "I just wanted to let you know that since I might be getting my license tomorrow, maybe we'll go driving to school next week instead of the bus." He gave me a look that was sort of hopeful. I gave him back another look that was sort of "why the fuck are you still in my room?" It was almost like he didn't understand that he couldn't be forgiven for acting like a dickhead by doing a couple of nice things for me. "Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, the school isn't that far from here. I might walk." "Well, its been raining a lot lately?" It really had been raining a lot lately. It had almost been raining that entire week and in the news there was nothing that said the rain would let loose. I didn't rain in Bushwick a lot, so I figured maybe this was Mother Nature's way of evening things out. "He said he's not going to ride in your lil Hooptie Deville," Sampson suddenly stressed, "No one wants to be seen in that thing." He had been staring at T-Boy the entire time. It was almost like he had come in the room just to start trouble with T-Boy. I could tell that the hate between the two was strong because T-boy's car wasn't even that bad. It was an Acura that used to belong to Ms. Nicole before she bought her truck. She gave it to him because she knew that he was going to get his license soon. The Acura indeed was a pretty good car. Damn, I wished so much that T-Boy hadn't been a jackass before because I really wanted to ride to school in it instead of walking or taking a bus. "Can you shut the fuck up?" T-Boy asked, taking a step towards Sampson. "Why did you have to do it?" Everyone in the room turned to me. Did 'I' ask that? I hadn't meant to interrupt by speaking what was on my mind, but I was sort of thinking it. Shit, my mouth ran away with my thoughts sometimes. While other people found it hard to say things, I found it hard not to say things. While everyone just looked at me, I was staring at T-Boy. Shit, might as well since I said something. I might of well have finished what I said. "Syn, what did you say?" T-Boy had the nerve to stare at me like he didn't know what I meant. "Why did you have to embarrass me?" I asked, in a deep monotone, "You think you better then me or something? You think you can just treat me like shit after all we been through?" There was silence. For a moment, I felt like I was being too emotional, but I guessed it was too late to put on my usual "I don't give a fuck" expression after I blew up to him like that. So I just stood there, letting T-Boy soak it in as well as Shane and Sampson. "I...I really am sorry," he apologized for the 100th time. I didn't forgive him. The apologies just seemed to have something missing to it. I didn't want apologies. I wanted to make him feel how I felt the day that he cursed me out in the shower, the day the he questioned my sexuality at the movies and the day that he...well...the day that he blew me off after I let out my emotions for him. I figured out exactly what was missing from the apology. "That's it?" I asked him, "No explanation? You just 'really are sorry'?" He looked at me and then looked at Sampson then at Shane. He looked like he wanted to say more. I could feel the way he felt. It seemed to be digging into his nails now. "Can we talk alone?" "You didn't want to talk alone when you asked me if I liked Sampson." It felt weird that I brought it up with Sampson there. I knew it was awkward for me to even remind Sampson of what was said before and make it known to Sampson that my mind was dwelling on it. Sampson looked like he was sort of out of place. In his sudden stares at the ground, I knew he regretted following T-Boy into my room. I knew he felt nervous to even think about the idea that I liked him. He was so innocent, but by now he HAD to see that I liked him. Why else would T-Boy ask me that? Why else would I be so mad that T-Boy asked me that? Great! This was the moment that I got T-Boy back. I could see T-Boy's face flushing with embarrassment as he tried to figure something to say. Sampson's slight nervousness was just a sacrifice to me now. It was worth it to see T-Boy so stuck. "God...Syn, I'd really rather it just be the two of us." He really didn't want to say whatever he had to say to me in front of Shane and Sampson. Just because I knew this. I pushed the issue even harder. "You know what?" I growled, crossing my arms, "Why did you even come in here? I mean; I know all of a sudden you start 'trying' to be nice. It was almost like you wanted something else..." "I don't want ass from you," T-Boy said, shocking everyone and continued the shock to say, "I...I mean I do..." My mouth dropped open with complete shock. T-Boy continued, "...but sex isn't what this is about. I miss us being friends. Our friendship wasn't based on messing around, but the fact is we did. I never regretted it for a moment. I just want to be close to you again." There was a pause as though he was giving me time to think. I didn't know what to say. I was completely shocked that T-Boy would say all that in front of Shane and even SAMPSON for that matter! I didn't want him to come out of the closet or anything! I just wanted him to feel embarrassed and run away like I ran away that day at the movies. I didn't know he was going to confess him being gay! "Ok!" Shane said, smirking a little, "This is none of my business! Maybe I'll leave." Poor boy. I wanted to almost laugh a little. He had gotten too mixed up into the soap opera and he was probably hearing way too much. Shane was nosy, but just to an extent. He knew when things didn't concern him. Fact is, by now he was talking loudly like Yolanda. Matter of fact, my thoughts were all exclaimed as well. I couldn't believe my ears and the point is that I was immediately feeling like I had opened the Pandora's box of T-Boy. "No, I want to finish. I want to make up for what I did," T-Boy continued and then said, "I want you both to hear what I have to say to Syn. I want to be close to you, Syn. If that means just friendship, so be it...if it means just...just sex...then I'm fine with that too." I got the point but he didn't understand that. By now I was way MORE embarrassed then ever. Sampson wasn't looking at either T-Boy or me. He had this look on his face. It was weird. It was different from the look that Shane had. They both looked like they wanted to leave but only Sampson's face had that terrible look that kind of said that he was disgusted... Was Sampson disgusted about T-Boy and I? "Is that enough?" Shane asked, looking like a little boy who walked in on his parent's having sex. "Yeah, yeah," I replied, knowing how awkward he must be feeling, "You guys can go. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "Definitely!" he laughed and then gave another look to T-Boy. Immediately I was certain that Shane was going to probably whine tomorrow about how weird and probably how phony T-Boy was, but I didn't think that. I actually felt like T-Boy had gone through retribution. I mean it was very hard to just tell people that you were gay, but it was twice as hard to admit it to someone you hated (Sampson) and someone you 'seemed' to like a lot (Me). Shane was in there...somehow, but you get the point. It was hard. "We are even," I told T-Boy, as Shane left the room. That was what he wanted to hear right? He wanted to hear that him and I were even so he can get rid of his guilty conscience. He probably just wanted to hear me say that we were even so he could comfortably go back to sleeping with Sidney without any hostility to think about when he was cumming... He just stood there, silent as ever. He was looking at me with no intention of going towards the door. Great! Now he was getting attached but when I wanted him to be attached, he wasn't. My attention had gone to Sampson. What the FUCK was he still doing there? He looked like he was lost or something. No that wasn't it. I figured he had fallen asleep standing up. The way he was hunched over with beautiful eyes just staring at the rug made me think that there was no life in him at all. What the hell was I supposed to say now? I didn't want to tell both of them to leave. I mean, it was rude to say, but what the hell were they doing? They were acting like stray dogs that followed you home. Did they want a buiscuit or something? Then I saw T-Boy going to leave. I exhaled. He had been awkward the whole day. Spending almost 2 or 3 minutes just staring at someone wasn't a very good way to stop a conversation. I knew "we were even" wasn't exactly a flustering way to make him feel better, but it was all I could think about for the moment. I looked down, trying to figure out something else to say that would make him feel better about leaving, before he completely exited. I got it... I turned around to tell him when I felt them. His lips were pressed up against mine. I didn't believe it at first. My heart sunk! After all this time, he still wanted to kiss me! He still cared for me. That whole speech wasn't just a way to clear his conscience. He actually meant what he said. He leaned my head back and stuck his tongue in between my lips. We swapped wet long tongue lashes for a couple seconds and then he let go to look me in my eyes with this look of complete sentiment. "What the heck was..." I started to say. Before I knew it, there were the lips kissing me again...only...they weren't T-Boy's lips. ... I turned my eyes over to see Sampson. My face shook with nervousness as Sampson started to kiss me. He kissed me soft at first, but then turned the kiss viciously. I felt Sampson's tongue explore my mouth for the first time and it had felt like the feeling you feel when you first learn to ride a bicycle. I wanted to tell everyone. I was just so excited and the kiss was so...so passionate. I was speechless when Sampson pulled back. T-Boy and Sampson didn't even look at one another. T-Boy wasn't surprised at Sampson kissing me or vice versa. Both of their eyes were concentrated on me, almost like the other one wasn't in the room. However, they had both kissed me with such a passion. Why did T-Boy kiss me? BETTER YET! Why did Sampson kiss me? Even more crazy then the two kissing me was that they kissed me almost at the same time, in the same room. My emotions were at a peak that they hadn't been. Both kisses were so touching, yet so different. T-Boy had engaged my tongue in a teasing manner, playing with it and making me want more. Sampson's tongue had engaged my own with aggressiveness that was long and forward almost like he had been wanting it for a long time and now that he had it, it was hard to let go. "What..." I managed to blabber, can't help but blush. I was in HEAVEN! It showed too because my words began to connect and mush up like I was a little dreamy. Truth is, I was on Cloud 9. The room really did seem to float all of a sudden and clouds seemed to surround me. "I guess even though Tommy and I don't agree much," Sampson explained softly, "We both agree that we both want to see you happy..." It was weird how he said it. It was almost like he wasn't confused. It was almost like he knew just what he wanted. He wanted me. I couldn't believe it. Sampson. Why hadn't he told me this before? Oh...he was uncomfortable with being alone with me. It explained a lot. "Enough talk..." T-Boy grabbed me all of a sudden. He pulled me close to him and put one hand behind my head as he tilted me back. His face dove into mine. His handsome eyes remained open as though to see every thing that we were doing. He tongued me down, all the while brushing at my face with his other hand. It seemed like I was the most important thing that day. To have these two boys who seemed to hate each other, come together to kiss me passionately, I knew that today was a good day. I found myself taking advantage of the situation. Hey, there was no telling if tomorrow was going to be a bad day... I actually thought I was dreaming, so I worked fast just in case I woke up. I leaned back on the bed, pulling T-Boy in with one hand while passionately leading Sampson in with a passionate kiss. They climbed in the bed after me like hunters after a stag. Sampson was on my right. He had this look in his eyes with his biceps flashing underneath his shirt and a bulge in his sweat-pants quickly being seen. His tongue tasted like ambrosia and his lips, fuller then T-Boy's lips, encircled my mouth almost completely. I pulled away from the kiss and grabbed at his dick. He seemed to get a little nervous when I did...but after letting my hands tickle it for a little, he definitely seemed to forget the nervousness. He let out a soft, settling moan. It was the same kind of moan he had did when he was having sex with Monica. "Take them off," I basically commanded him, signaling to his sweat pants. T-Boy reached towards me for a kiss after seeming all of a sudden a little jealous or impatient or both. He used the time that Sampson was taking off his sweat pants to get closer to me. He caressed me, touching me in places that Sampson was way to shy and nervous now to explore. T-Boy knew what made me squirm. His hands were placed on my lower back and he led his finger play downward...downward...downward... "Oh good!" I moaned. I had to look to make sure my room door was closed and thankfully Shane had locked it on his way out. I didn't want Ms. Nicole to walk in and see me with her sons. I didn't want her to catch her adopted son wrestling with his sweat pants while her real son had his finger up sliding down the crack of my ass. "You like that?" he asked, digging his finger closer and closer till it got to my puckering hole. I moaned loudly just from having him play around my hole. It had a mind of its own. It wanted the finger way more then my mind did. I was even sure that the walls of my asshole were opening up a little bit to allow T-Boy entry. "Can I join?" I noticed Sampson. Oh god! I almost was to orgasm. He hadn't just taken off his sweat-pants, but had indeed taken off everything! His gigantic dick swung like a broom, sweeping the air from left to right. He was hung and yet that wasn't the most delicious part of him. His body, in general, looked like something off Fitness magazine. I knew for sure now that out of the two even though T-Boy had a better chest, Sampson had a harder six pack. He definitely had a better torso then either T-Boy or I had. The V-Shape waistline that Sampson had seemed to make his dick look even more incredible (if that was possible stating how my mouth dropped at the size of Sampson's dick). T-Boy immediately worked on his own clothes. He had basketball shorts and a snap on shirt, that he quickly unsnapped to show the wifebeater tanktop underneath. He had a crazy chest and I think he knew by the way he suddenly was flaunting it. He quickly undressed, basically ripping at his clothes in half the time that it had taken Sampson to do it. T-Boy had a regular size dick, similar to my own. It definitely wasn't monster that Sampson had, which (if I was with Shane) would cause me to giggle like a 15 year old girl watching porn. Sampson was huge. "Now you," T-Boy ommanded me with a slight force. He had reached forward to help me, but I leaned back in a teasing way. I lifted my shirt over my head. I didn't have Sampson's tight 6-pack stomach and torso. I definitely didn't have T-Boy's chest and muscular arms. Yet I fell in the middle of both of them. I had a 4 pack stomach and a regular torso, but also had a decent chest with regular muscles. My body didn't have a certain stand out like T-Boy's body or Sampson's. I was just overall blessed with a body that required little-to-no exercise and diet, yet still managed to be decent. Sexy if I say so myself. I heard Sampson say something. It was something he muttered that sounded like "God, I'm in love" or something of the type. Whatever it was, it had caused him to completely jump toward me in a manner that almost scared me. He wrestled me to the bed, pinning me there. I watched as him and T-Boy seemed to separate my body in half. T-Boy stayed on his side and Sampson stayed on his side. I stared up at the roof for a minute, not believing how much attention they were giving me. Sampson was rubbing me down with his hands thoroughly, almost massaging me. It was kind of awkward. Truth is, I knew he was nervous. He didn't know what to do. I strongly doubted that he ever had sex with another guy before, not to mention had sex with another guy when someone else was trying to have sex with the guy as well. Sampson however got creative quick, "Here, lets see how some candy tastes on you." He got some nerds (the little sweet ass candies that came in the box). I had gotten them from the store and had 'em on my dresser cause they were always too damn sweet for me to finish. Trust, I tried to finish 'em too. They were just so damn sweet. Either way, he poured the nerds all over my chest. He had bent down to pick them up with his mouth. Sampson had watched, almost in curiosity as T-Boy started licking at my stomach. I closed my eyes in complete pleasure. T-Boy licked until he got to my nipple, where he sucked away. It wasn't foreplay, it was torture. It seemed more like my dick was swollen from the agony of the tease. My ass cheeks clenched tighter together. Shit, Sampson was doing something now. He took the sign from T-Boy and began licking but instead Sampson was licking up my thigh. His tongue was a weapon of destruction almost. Sampson's gentle tongue began to roll up my thigh higher and higher almost like a constant orgasm was ringing in my ear. I realized that T-Boy (licking downward) and Sampson (licking upward) had met on a strange point. It was weird. They both stopped when their bodies were getting too close. The pause was almost like saying that I should decide. Shit, I took Sampson's head and lifted him to my face to kiss me. Sampson (who was still innocent as hell) probably figured I just wanted to kiss him but didn't realize that I was leaving my dick open since they were about to collide. I would of let Sampson do it, but he just seemed so nervous about the whole thing. T-Boy hardly waited for Sampson to leave my pubic area before he dived down on my dick with his warm mouth. His saliva engulfed my penis head and he used his tongue to lick around it. If I hadn't known better...I would of sworn he did it before! My hands worked on the back of T-Boy's head because I knew for sure that he would start with his normal 'tease'. I just wanted him to suck the shit of out my dick. I gave his head a little nudge downward and he took the sign. He started to engulf my shaft, almost completely. Either Sampson had a wide mouth or he was deep-throating my dick. "Aww fuck!" I screamed in almost orgasmic pleasure. Sampson hadn't given me the time to scream. As I opened my mouth to call out again because of the sensations coming from my dick, he stuck his tongue into it. For someone who had just kissed me I could tell he was becoming accustomed to it. I could tell he liked it. T-Boy hadn't been on my shaft for that long, but he seemed so excited about it. He rode his mouth up and down my shaft like his life depended on it. His mouth just turned me on in more ways then I could mention. T-boy definitely would have been the last person who I imagined would like sucking a dick. Even if he liked it, I wouldn't have expected him to do it so good. Then again, that was the first time I got my dick sucked and who else but with these two. My body began to shiver terribly. "Shit, I'm going to cum!" I positioned myself up right, sitting and getting ready to spray. I had expected to pound my dick for a little while but T-Boy's saliva had made my shaft so wet and sensitive that the first time I jerked, my dick orgasmed. The spray seemed like a volcanic eruption. It sprayed all over T-Boy and Sampson's legs. I wanted to get T-Boy and Sampson off too, but things were just getting weird fast. They both seemed to just want to kiss me afterwards. It came to the point where they were basically jerking my head between the two of them on who got to kiss me and for how long. It was weird, but it was fucking incredible! I pretended to go to sleep after a while, since we weren't getting much anywhere. Then I realized that they were sort of fighting for cuddling space. I couldn't believe this shit! It was ridiculous yet...yeah...you know what I mean. I was in heaven. It wasn't a three-some, it was two boys clearly showing me that they were attracted to me. I was surprised by both (even though blown away by Sampson) to the point where I didn't know what tomorrow would bring. I kept wondering how would the reaction be afterwards. I kept wondering on silly ass things like would Sampson actually regret doing this or if T-Boy really wanted things to be like the way they were. There were feelings connected with both these boys that I didn't understand. I had to talk to Dr. Lopez before I made any other stupid decisions like letting the two guys I was interested in try to get in my pants (especially in the way they did). It was clear this wasn't love. It was just sex: plain, innocent (well, scratch the innocent) sex. These boys didn't love me. If they loved me, they wouldn't have share me with another guy. Yet, I couldn't say the same. I was feeling things... It was a real Abercrombie thing to say... Oh shit! Abercrombie! I looked down at my cellphone. I had forgotten it was on vibrate. 10 missed calls. I broke the date with Byron! GUESTBOOK- send an email to sum1plezzCall_911 if you read the story and leave me an alias (nickname) to add you to the guestbook. The guestbook will just be at the end of every chapter.

Next: Chapter 7

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