Heritage of the Ancients

By Wolfwalker

Published on May 16, 2007


An hour into the rescue mission Harry was starting to get a feel for what might have happened as he continued to receive reports and assimilate them at the speed of thought.

The trajectory of the wreckage suggested that it was leaving the system when it had been attacked and destroyed. Not something he would expect for a ship under light speed conditions. Also the wreckage was not what one would expect, from the large pieces found so far there was just not enough to account for a ship the size of the Cyrorar.

His suspicions were confirmed when Unicorn One reported. "High energy weapons fire detected two grids degree ninety from my position."


"Cadre Unicorn Converge on location of weapons fire. Energy weapons only, let's not blow up the people we are trying to rescue." Harry told them.

"Ground response, internal security report to embarkation deck. PREPARE TO RECEIVE WOUNDED." Harry was now sure that any survivors would be found on planet.

Even Teal'C showed his surprise as people started to pop into existence behind them in the large open space where medical personal were setting up a triage area, and begin to form up near the gates in groups.

"Astria status," Harry asked

Steven started to do the Astria diagnostic program as he sent the data stream through the Astria network. Watching the numbers scroll on his Holo screen he shouted out "Primary Astria functional, five minutes to split stream."

"Security Response T minus Five minutes until insertion" Harry told them as he watched the scout ships close in on the area were weapons fire had been reported.

Harry watched as the scouts flew over three of the old fashioned scout parasites, they were grounded in a triangle pattern with twelve medical drop ships in the center.

Approaching the ships were several hundred pale vampire looking creatures, while several dart like ships were being kept away by ships weapons fire.

"Unicorn Three, Apparation beacon has been dropped. I repeat Apparation beacon in place" Came through the speakers.

"Cadre Unicorn, Vengeance is yours.I repeat Vengeance is yours." Harry told them.

"Confirmed Lord Commander, Vengeance is ours" Came through the speakers. "Unicorn flight, take vengeance on those darts."

"Security forces, your orders are Vengeance and NO MERCY." Harry's voice boomed in anger.

Astria five and six rippled into existence as the matter streams connected to the newly patched gate.

"Matter Stream secured." Steven called out

'Aloria blanket the area with rescue response codes, let's let them know help is on the way. Harry thought.

"All right you lot, internal security secure inner courtyard, and the rest of you take them down." Tonks yelled out as she rushed through the gate.

"Contact.Response. stasis pods at critical, Parasite power levels to ten percent.Save the children." A male voice came over the speakers in Alteran.

'Aloria, five thousand stasis chambers, Merlin' Harry sighed in frustration were can we set them up he thought desperately.


"Jack we have to help." Daniel said in frustration.

"Sir, the least we can do is secure the gate and free up some of their people." Sam said

Jack looked over at the Ambassador who just said. "Do it."

"Remus, can I get you to." Jack started to ask.

Holding up his hand as he tilted his head as he contacted Harry through the link "Harry's cleared the idea" Remus told him as he stood up and moved quickly towards the first gate in line.


Neville hearing that five thousand stasis chambers of children were about to begin showing up shifted to the alpha field farm where he knew there was a massive transport station.

Accessing the controls to the remotes he ordered them to start preparing power connections for the stasis chambers in the middle of the field of alfalfa.

"Aloria, tell Harry that Alpha Farm will be ready to start receiving the stasis chambers in twenty minutes." Neville called over the communication gear.

After Aloria told Harry what Neville was up to he called out city wide. "Engineering staff to Alpha Farm, Medical staff prepare to receive Stasis pods at Alpha Farm."


Remus had told Steven in passing to connect Astria one with Earth, and override Earth's iris. Rushed Jack over to the now active gate and told him. "Ten minutes, everyone you can in ten minutes, after that we will be to busy to accept the connection."

Jack just nodded as he ran through the gate.


"Unscheduled off World Activation" Davis's voice came over the sounds of the sirens.

As General Landry made his way into the control room he heard Davis say. "The iris will not close, Receiving Sg-1 IDC." His voice switched to relief at getting the code.

The guards had just started to lower their weapons as Jack ran through the closing gate and panted a few times to get his breath back.

Seeing Hank standing in the control room he yelled out. "Hank I need every able bodied Airman and SG team in the gate room in five minutes."

"The wraith are attacking a hospital ship full of Ancient children and we need to guard the gate as they are evacuated." Jack yelled as he walked down the gate and ordered one of the sentries to send for Teal'C staff weapon.

"Really wanting a lot more information, but obeying a direct order from a superior officer Hank walked over to the intercom and picked up the phone. "Special forces teams to the gate room.All SG teams to the gate room..Mash teams to the Gate room.Off world evacuation in progress we will be providing rear guard support."

"Four minutes people" Hank told them before he hung up the phone.

"Jack what the hell is happening?" General Landry called out as Major General O'Neill rushed into the control room.

"One sec Hank" Jack said as he walked over to Davis.

"Dial up the Ancient's address we were given." Jack told the Airman.

Turning Jack said. "Long story short, negotiations are all but signed and golden. When word came of an attack on one of the Ancient's ships carrying around five thousand children in stasis. They have been forced down on a planet that has a gate and right now we are going to do our damdest to hold the gate as they move the children through."

"For god's sake Hank it's children." Jack swore under his breath.

Nodding his head in understanding Hank gave Jack's shoulder a squeeze before saying. "Go, I will let every one know what is going on before sending them after you."

Jack made his way back to the gate room right behind a heavily armed squad of marines.

Seeing the same sentry he had talked to moments before Jack told him to send the Teal'C staff weapon through whenever it made its way up from the armory, and grabbed the P-90 that was extended his way.

Making his way to the top of the ramp he yelled out. "Listen up we are providing rear guard support for an evacuation. Once through this gate make your way over to the last gate you see and go through it. I want a hundred meter perimeter set up once we hit dirt. Kill any wraith you see before they can get to the kids."

Turning he made his way through the gate followed by SG-4 and two of the Marine squads that had made it to the gate room first.


Jack exited the gate in time to see a large group of Furlings come running into the embarkation room, and head towards the third gate which had just rippled into existence.

Quickly telling Teal'C to direct the troops to the proper gate and to follow through when his staff weapon made it, Jack led his troops to the sixth gate.


"Matter Stream accepted. Draynor gate activated." Steven called out as Goblins troops started to make their way to the fifth gate as they followed those Griphook had brought with him.


"Unicorn Six Apparation beacons deployed." The female voice came over the speakers.

"Horntail Three, two grounded enemy ships point two ninety degrees five grids from ground zero." The voice of the Pinnace pilot came through the speakers.

Ron's voice came over the speakers along with the data from his ships sensors. "Incoming, three more of those bloody big ones."

"Ron SECURE THAT SYSTEM, Vengeance is yours, NO MERCY." Harry spat out the orders really starting to loathe those creatures.

"Unicorn One, Unicorn Six take out those grounded ships." Harry ordered.

"Lord Commander, Vengeance is mine." The voice from Unicorn Six's pilot confirmed.

"Vengeance is mine Lord Commander." David's voice from Unicorn One confirmed.


Once through the gate Tonks Apparated to the beacon along with her teams and seeing several of the pale vampire like wraiths making there way towards the drop ships through the gaps between the grounded parasite ships ordered her teams to plug the holes.

Feeling her combat suit absorb an energy blast from the back she turned and sent a silent Incendio back at her attacker.

Running towards the group of Wraith attacking the closest drop ship her hair cycled through deep violent colors mirroring her anger at those who would dare to attack children.

Calling fire balls up in her hands, she cast them at the wraith and watched in satisfaction as they went up in flames.

Making her way to the open hatch and the lone defender she switched to Alteran and called out "How long on the stasis pods before they fail?"

"Quarter of a cycle, where did you come from?" The man asked as Tonks stopped at the hatch.

Shit she thought as she translated Alteran time cycles into minutes and it came to just under an hour.

Pulling the communicator off her belt she connected to the remote system to relay back to Harry." Lord Commander, Zero point semi secured. Stasis pods will fail in under an hour."

Harry hearing Tonks report over the speakers watched the last of the Earth humans go through the gate to secure the evacuation gate.

Pressing a panel on the arm of his chair Harry asked. "Do the drop ships have enough power to make it to the Astria?"

Turning to the man Tonks said. "You heard?'

The man was muttering. "Lord Commander but that name is a myth he no longer exists."

Wanting to slap the man silly for wasting precious seconds the kids did not have she got in his face and screamed. "Can these ships make it to the Astria?"

Startled backwards a couple steps at the screaming security officer in front of him he stuttered "Where?"

Placing her finger against the pilots head rather hard in her exasperation, she pushed with all her magic the location of the gate, not wanting to waste any more time.

"We can get close." He said as he turned and ran back to the control room to let the other pilots know where to go.

Tonks stood inside the hatchway as she gave orders to her second in command to take over until she returned.

As the drop ship started to take flight and barely clearing the larger Parasites, she opened herself to her magic and sent her senses through the ship.

Sensing four hundred and some odd pods not far from her she watched through the open hatch as the ship barely cleared the tops of the trees as it made its way to the Astria.

The Astria in sight she felt a surge of panic from the pilot as the ship started to loose power, and he set it down just in time.

"Harry we can see the Astria but are still a distance away. We got as closer as we could." Tonks reported.

"Goblin Spell casters en route Tonks." Harry told her as he watched the image of the Goblins running towards the ships landing.


"Emergency Astria en-route to Alpha Farm" Steven called out as he transported the standby gate from storage to the moorings that had risen from the farm floor near Neville by the remotes.


Griphook who was standing near the Earth General watched the approaching ships, and then to his horror they started to drop to the ground outside the perimeter the Earth warriors had set up.

"Just like this morning, move those pods through the gate to our brothers as fast as we can." Griphook Yelled out to the Goblin spell casters as they rushed towards the ships.

Every fifty feet or so two goblin spell casters would take up position until they had a narrow path leading to the ships.

Turning towards the Earth General Griphook grumbled out. "Keep that path clear of all people" Before he made his way to the group of goblins that were to split the pods to each side of the gate.

Pulling his communicator out of his belt pouch he sent the signal to the spell casters back at the city to take up stations, as they were about to commence evacuation.


"Alpha Farm is now active. Matter stream connected to gate one and two." Steven called out as the gate sent back the all ready signal.

Back at the city the Goblin spell casters split into two groups, the first set up to receive the incoming pods and to redirect them to the first two gates while the rest ran through the aforementioned gates to receive the pods at the Alpha farm staging area.


Tonks had stepped out of the ship onto the ground as the first of the Goblin spell casters arrived.

Grinding could be heard as the cargo hatches protested at being opened after so long exposing their precious cargo.

The Alteran pilot had made his way back to the groundside hatch after activating the cargo hatch and stopped at the threshold in awe as small beings that reminded him of Furlings from his ancient history texts extended their arms towards the cargo bay and then pulled them back before turning and pushing them towards the Astria.

Each time they did this a stasis pod was pulled out of the ship and acted like it was being pushed towards the next group, by the actions of the little people.


Jack seeing how the ships were not going to make it swore under his breath as he ran towards where they were going to land.

The he noticed that the Furlings were running towards the ships and lined up like they were going to do a repeat performance of their cargo moving abilities, he had seen this morning.

Grabbing the radio from his vest "Major Forrester take your Marines to the far side of those ships and protect them. Stay clear of the lane the Furlings have made." Jack ordered.


Seeing wounded Security forces being tended to by their comrades and port keys being placed on them to take them back to the Astria, and the Goblins starting to remove the stasis pods from the ships, Harry announced. "Incoming wounded.Stasis pods inbound prepare for rapid transfer."

As the wounded arrived near the Astria, stretchers were conjured for them and after being levitated near the Goblin spell casters they were shunted in between the stasis pods and moved quickly through the Astria.


Teal'C walked over to where Jack was standing as he too took in the impressive sight of the pods being moved. Sensing danger he whirled to the left and brought his staff up ready to fire. "O'Neill" He yelled before starting to fire at the approaching wraith.


Where are they all coming from Harry thought, there are more of those dam vamps than three ships would account for.

Steven who was monitoring the matter stream was distracted when one of the panels started to blink notifying him of an attempt to connect to one of the gate system from an outside source.

Tracing the connection back he blinked in surprise to see it was originating at the Nox home world. Tapping a few controls he accepted the matter stream and directed to the beta side of gate four.

""Incoming travelers from the Nox home world" Steven announced, as he wondered who else was going to show up as he went back to monitoring the matter streams that the children's pods were traveling through, there would not be an accident while he was in charge he vowed.

Down near the gates Stone Crusher was monitoring the image and transmission being sent from Griphook on the other end of the gate. Hearing about the new attack he pulled out his communicator and called for ward specialist to make their way to the embarkation deck. Before looking Harry's way and yelling out. "We need to send reinforcements through."

Harry reached over and slid home one of the blue energy potions in his armband as he was starting to feel the effects of sustaining this extended magical merge for so long.

Steven hearing Stone Crusher wanting to send reinforcements sent over the speakers and to Griphook. "Gate five redirect to outgoing in five minutes, reinforcements on the way."

Though the situation was extreme Harry was proud at how his little community was pulling together. Even those that had no interest in the technological aspects were showing up at the Alpha Farm by the hundreds, commenting to Neville that the least they could do was to move the pods, after all the could do a simple levitation charm.


Tonks looking around and seeing they were about to be over run used her communicator. "Hendricks, what's your status?"

"I don't know where they keep coming from, but we are barely holding on." Hendricks told her as she banished yet another group of the vamp like creatures.

Making a decision Tonks activated the all cal button on her communicator and gave the order to break out the AMR's. "Time to switch to Anti Matter Rifles boys and girls."

"Hendricks can the crews of the Parasites get them back into space to take the pressure off?" Harry who had been monitoring the conversation asked.

Firing back as she sighted in with her new toy and fired off a set of rapid shots opening a chasm a hundred meters away replied. "No Lord Commander the pilots say all power is being used to complete the stasis reactivation cycle that was started, they could not stop once it had begun and that's when the Wraith attacked."

Seeing where Harry was going with this, as it would be a lot easier for Ron and his ship to protect those parasites in space Tonks muttered over the open channel. "Well Shite."


'Harry I am powering up the Tyaes, we are going to need her.' Aloria said quietly.

'But we do not have enough people trained to staff her right now.' Harry thought back

'We can make it with the help of the Asgard and Goblins; I am modifying the station controls to be read by both races now.' She fired back, busy doing just what she said.

Pressing another key on his chair Harry said. "Bill take your command staff over the Tyaes and get ready to take her out."

Then over the general city wide speakers he said. "Initiate Tyaes power up.Command staff deploy all Auxiliary personal to Tyaes stations.Asgard and Furling Volunteers to Transport Stations for deployment to Tyaes."

Freyr and Opher made their way around the outskirts of the room and up the steps leading to the third level to be near Harry in case they could help out.

Sensing the two leaders from the Alliance standing near him now Harry spoke out loud so they could hear, "Aloria have the Tyaes clear her bays so we can take on board the Parasites."

"Now how to get them up to her," Harry muttered as he thought about what ship he could send along, knowing he did not have the crew to man it though.

Freyr blinked before saying. "The New Hope and the Vindicator are still three hours away and they more than have the capability to tractor those ships into orbit. Is there no way the Tyaes could not meet them and carry them within her as she responds."

Harry looked at the Asgard and blinked as a new set of Holo maps appeared near the balcony tracing the two named Asgard ships route to the Pegasus galaxy.

Calculating how long it would be before the Tyaes deployed and where they would be able to meet the Asgard after the dimensional shift, Harry highlighted an area on the map in red.

"There, tell your ships to meet the Tyaes there and they shall be taken on board." Harry told him as he willed one of the nearby stations to come to life and converted the control labels to Asgard.


Tonks swearing like a drunken sailor finding out shore leave had been canceled, pulled a shrunken chest off her belt and willed it to return to normal size after it hit the ground.

Remembering her talks with Jack, she thought that the older version should be able to use the AMR even though he was the equivalent of a squib, and better yet the pilot of the drop ship that that followed her after his ship was unloaded of its precious cargo should be able to use one also.

"Jack get your arse over here and grab one of these big boy guns." Tonks yelled at the Earth General who has twenty meters away.

Jack perked up hearing something about big boy guns and trotted over in anticipation of a new toy.

Gathering the two Tonks started to explain. "These fire compressed Anti Matter rounds do not fire on anything closer than a hundred meters out or you risk destroying our people." She told jack who had taken one of the weapons and it had glowed with activation, looks like she was right he has enough of a core to work our tech.

Turning to the pilot next to her she switched to Alteran and once again explained. "These fire compressed Anti Matter rounds do not fire on anything closer than a point two five out or you risk destroying the pods."

Taking up her own rifle she shifted to the top of the drop ship and started to make giant holes where the enemy was.


Lya and a few of the other mind healers stood near the Astria receiving the stasis pods when one of the pods that had just exited started to blare out a siren, as all the display panels just turned red.

Hoping the Furling spoke the Earth language. "The pod is failing shift it over to the triage area." Lya told him as she directed two of her fellow healers to follow the rapidly diverted chamber.


Griphook seeing several of the Earth warriors go down with injuries, rapidly summoned them to his position and placed them on stretchers to be sent back.

"We will soon be over run at this rate." Griphook muttered as the gate flashed blue on the side closest to him before reinforcements started to arrive through it.

Colin Creevy and several more of his friends came through the Astria to provide cover for the Goblin warders, as all of them were a good shot.

Grouping near one side out of the way Colin had his brother levitate him above the gate so he could see the best place for them to deploy.

Pulling his communicator off his belt "Harry we are surrounded by thousands, and as far out as I can see more are coming." Colin sent back, too frightened to address Harry properly.

Luna who had followed Colin through the gate took in her surroundings and heard what Colin said from the belt of one of the other DA members, thought that she should make the remote go a little higher so Harry could see what Colin was talking about.

Levitating the remote and spinning it slowly Luna tied the other end of the spell to one of the butter beer bottle caps from her necklace so it would maintain itself while she went in search of where the wounded were arriving so she could help out.


Shifting the Holo views so that he could see what was happening and silently blessing whoever had the presence of mind to levitate and spin the remote Harry started to flesh out a new plan.

Using his mind he drew a red circle around each of the sites they were trying to protect and sent it to the Unicorn units. "All Unicorn Cadre you are cleared for Anti Matter weapons outside the red line. Take Vengeance on the enemy."

"Unicorn Seven through Twelve target enemy near position Point Zero, Unicorn One through Six Target near the Astria." Harry gave the orders, knowing any radioactive fall out from the destruction could easily be repaired by the healers.

"Tyaes Fully staffed and powered up." Bills voice came over the speakers minus his muttered "fully staffed but no one knows what they bloody hell they are doing."

"Bill proceed to point Zero Nine Alpha system Tre'as Delta relative and take aboard the Asgard Ships Vindicator and New Hope, they will provide you with their ability to tractor the Parasites into orbit." Harry read of the spatial coordinates from the map tracing the Asgard ships

Giving one last glance at the map before ending the display Harry noticed the two Asgard ships slow down then stop.

"Tyaes clearing mooring docks" Bills voice rang over the speakers as the massive ship left the center of the docking ring.

"All hands prepare for emergency shift in Five.Four." Bills voice counted down to Zero and the ship shifted in a bright flash of light.


Hendricks cheered in relief as the Unicorn scouts started to chew up the terrain a couple hundred meters out. Maybe now they would get a break she thought.

Pilot Second Devorn made his way over to the female leader's position by way of an anti-gravity belt used for structural repairs. "How goes the evacuation of the children?"

"Tonks how long until the pods are gone?" Hendricks asked over the communicator.

Griphook hearing the question answered. "Another thirty minutes."

Doing some quick mental calculations translating time units Hendricks replied. "An eighth of a cycle maybe less."

Devorn smiled for the first time since landing on this hell hole of a planet. "As long as the children escape we will be able to die in peace knowing they escaped."

Hendricks punched the man standing next to her kneeling form hard in the leg causing him to fall over in pain. "Get this through your thick head right now. NO ONE IS GOING TO DIE; you all are going home with us."

Shocked at the violent response from his simple comment, Devorn wisely just nodded his head.


Seeing more and more of the Earth soldiers being treated for injuries in the triage area, Harry focused his attention briefly there, and it was like he was standing there in person as he took in the controlled chaos.

Finding everything under control and most of the injuries would only require several hours of treatment for the most part he focused on the Alpha Farm and watched as the stasis pods came through the gate and were led over to empty spaces near black conduits for the remotes to hook the pods up to city power.

Watching one of the pods being hooked up he was pleased when the panel went from red and blinking to green quickly as full power was restored.

Taking a quick look inside before returning his attention back to the battles on the distant planet Harry froze in fright at the sight of the pod sectioned off into ten sections all cradling an infant.

Snapping his attention back to the embarkation deck he quickly scanned the incoming pods and saw that a good two thirds of them held more than one occupant.

Aloria was startled by his thoughts as she had not even contemplated the sheer desperation needed to jury rig the pods in such a fashion.

"Shift complete." Bills voice came over the speakers a quick ten minutes after his departure.

"Ron, what's your status?" Bill could be heard asking.

"Bloody Hell how did you get enough blokes to man that monster." Ron's question could be heard.

"Long range sensors indicate ten hive ships approaching this system. Estimate they should breach the outer system perimeter in twenty five minutes." An Asgard voice could be heard.


Griphook who was monitoring communications between the city, and now the ships in orbit knew his people were loosing strength from the massive amount of magic they had been throwing around.

Seeing the warders had accomplished their job and the enemy was unable to breach the shields, he ordered the warders to pick up the slack by sending the wounded through the gate freeing up the spell casters to concentrate fully on the pods alone.

Seeing only three of the drop ships remained and were being unloaded he made his way over to the Earth General. "Pull your people back to our position here. They can get no closer while those shields are up."

Jack having seen the shimmering wall go up and noticing that the wraith could not cross it picked up his radio " All Units fall back.Fall back to the Furlings positions."

Easing off of the trigger of his new toy, Jack briefly wondered why he had yet to run out of ammo.

"O'Neill, the evacuation is almost complete." Teal'C said as he made his way over having switched to a P-90 after exhausting the power supply of his staff weapon long ago.

Watching as another one of the empty drop ships was banished into the encroaching hoard Griphook ordered. "Double time lets get the last of the pods moved now."

Tonks who had made her way to where Griphook and the Earth General were standing asked. "How long?"

"Five minutes and we can begin to fall back to the Astria." Griphook said as he monitored the information flowing across his data pad.

Turning towards the atmospheric disturbance of a large ship entering the atmosphere, and knowing that Ron would have kept the near space clear of the enemy, Tonks Activated her communicator once more. "Hendricks tell the crews of the Parasites to close up and prepare to be towed into space, and then follow everyone else back to the Astria."

"All right you lot, this is a recall.Apparate back to the gate and let the Asgard do their part." Tonks told her crews.


"RECALL ALERT. All Security forces T minus Five minutes to return." Harry's voice sounded both on city and through the Astria to the security forces making their way back to the Astria area.

Seeing that the stasis pods were only coming through Astria five now and the rescue parties were starting to come through Astria six. "Stone Crusher, make sure all those returning get seen by a healer and stuff them with as much as they can eat before letting them go." Harry ordered.

Turning his attention towards the display where the Tyaes and Bololarys bridge crews were displayed, Harry watched in satisfaction as the New Hope and Vindicator each towed one of the Parasites with the last tractored between the two of them approached the Tyaes for docking.


Turning towards O'Neill, Tonks told him. "Get your people through the Astria General we're leaving this place."

Motioning for Teal'C to go ahead of him Jack clicked his radio. "All units return through the gate.

Tonks noticed that some of the returning security forces had blackened spots on their combat suits, indicating massive overloads to the area, and more than likely some damage. Shaking her head at the foolish but brave attitude of her people not to abandon their posts, she watched the last of the stasis pods levitate out of the drop ship.

"Tell them thank you for me. Your casters did us proud today Griphook." Tonks told him as the adrenaline rush started to fade and she pushed home the sixth energy restorer potion in her armband, boy she was going to pay for it when the healers got a hold of her she thought.


Hendricks was the last to Apparate out as the Asgard ships became visible through the rolling storm clouds of fast entry into the atmosphere.

She smiled in satisfaction as the Asgard beaming technology started to remove massive amounts of Wraith to be sent towards the system primary.

Following the Apparation beacon she made the jump back to the Astria promising herself she would spend more time perfecting her shifting ability.


Mini Jack along with Thor Beamed themselves to the bridge of the Tyaes.

Making his way over to one of the empty stations Jack logged in and beamed over the crews that had piloted the Parasites; they deserved to see the punishment about to be unleashed.

"Ron, bring her home." Bill commended as Harry's voice came over the speakers with new orders.

A Holo image of Harry in the command chair appeared in the middle of the bridge of the Tyaes.

The Holo image of Harry scanned the assembled faces before landing on Bill.

"Tyaes you are ordered to sterilize the system. Vengeance must be taken." Harry ordered.

"Vengeance is mine to take Lord Commander." Bill replied fiercely.

Rounding on his staff Bill ordered. "Secondary weapons target the Astria."

Sitting in his command chair Bill ordered "Primary weapons target this systems sun.Prepare to fire on my command."

Touching several controls on the arm of his chair Bill announced "Dimensional shift in Five.Four.Three."

"Fire all weapons." Bill commanded followed by. "Initiate shift."

Bill felt a great deal of satisfaction as he and the Asgard ships shifted away as the planet sized Anti Matter Rounds made contact with the planet and the system primary as the dimensional drive shifted them out of the region.

Scott lent me his most excellent editing skills for this chapter.

Next: Chapter 15

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