Hiking Buddies

By Barry Mattison

Published on Sep 17, 2010


Hiking Buddies-Chapter 3 20 August 2010 AUTHOR: Barry Mattison Gay/College Gay/Hiking

WEBSITE: http://www.storiesbybm.net (NOTE:New web address) EMAIL: stories@barrymattison.com

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NOTE: I had planned to end this story with the first two chapters. However, the volume of emails I received convinced me that people enjoyed this story so much that it was worth writing a few more chapters. The end result being that there will be at least this chapter and we'll go from there.

College student Josh just finished his undergrad program in Geology at Williamstown College in Mass. and has been planning to hike the Vermont portions on the Appalachian Trail, a hiking trail that extends from Georgia to Maine, called the Long Trail. On the first night on the trail he meets Rick, another student from the same college. They decide to stay together as hiking buddies, a common practice for many reason including safety and companionship. But as they hike along they find out that they have more in common than the fact that they are both gay. There is no instant attraction, no sudden love story. No, this is another story.

The characters in "Hiking Buddies" are all fictional and any semblance to real persons--living or deceased--is purely coincidental.


This fictional story and others written and published by this author are written for the gay reader in particular and describe scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two or more guys that some readers may find inappropriate and/or unsuitable for their reading. Please do not read any further if you find such reading offensive or if it may become property of anyone under the age of 21. "Friends or What?" is copyrighted by Barry Mattison under the Registered Trademark Foxstories® and published as StoriesByBm© with exclusive permission to publish given to the Nifty Alliance Archive only. Anyone wishing to use any stories published under either copyright may go to the web site listed above and read the information posted there for legal limitations. Copying, distribution or re-publication of this writing in any other web site, private or otherwise, without written permission of the author is a violation of local, national and international copyright laws and will be pursued to the fullest extent allowable by applicable laws governing that country.


When we left Josh and Rick last chapter they had committed their love and lives to each other following several rather long, sometimes harrowing days on the Long Trail, the Vermont portion of the Appalachian Trail. They had started independently from College down in Williamstown, MA, not knowing each other, and had met the first night in the shelter on the trail.

Short version is that Josh turned out to have this irresistible fetish for underwear, especially jockstraps, and had a fairly good collection. But in the next day or so he found out the Rick also had the same desires and urges, plus a much better, more up-to-date collection of designer jocks and slimmer, name brand underwear. It wasn't long before they were sharing underwear, then swimming in them together, a little sex, and before you know it, Josh has fallen in love with Rick.

But Rick has not come out of the closet yet, although he did come out to his family and was scorned by his entire family...so Josh, who is out and has already found himself in love with Rick, is rebuked when it comes to crossing the "line" between them because Rick has been so hurt by his whole family, including his sisters and brothers who have even turned their children against him that he thinks and believes in his heart that he worthless.

Josh seems to be the only one that cares about him, and tells him so all the time while they're on the trail how much he loves him every chance he gets. The days move on, the boys move on, the dangers of the hike come and go, and in the end Rick finally realizes he really does love Josh. The problem now is that they are about to cut their hike short to meet Rick's mother in a town just off the trail. Rick's confidence is up with Josh beside him as they prepare to face the unknown. We catch up with them as they walk the last bit from the trail head into town...

As we walked into the coffee shop where Rick had agreed to meet his mother a hush fell over the crowd of tourists and the smattering of a few locals as they looked looked us over with unnerving eyes. After hiking for so many days our clothes were a bit dirty, they did smell just a tad, and maybe it was a bad hair day, but the stares weren't necessary...at least we didn't think so. It was when I had to cough that I looked down slightly, realized that we were still holding hands, and knew what the stares were about.

I looked at Rick with a blank expression as he casually looked at me; speaking with a slightly louder voice so that others could hear him, he blurted something that was totally out of character:

"I guess people are staring at us 'cause we've been hiking and might smell a bit..it can't be because they have a problem with us holding hands can it?"

Not thinking fast enough all I could say was, "Naw...you really stink."

"Hey Josh, there's mom." Rick pointed out as he waved his other hand high over the crowd of gawkers.

Rick cupped his hands together and yelled out over the din of children and adults mumbling to each other.

"Hi mom, we're over here. As soon as we can wedge our way through the crowd we'll get over to you."

The women pulled their children closer to them as we brushed by, glaring at us as if we were spreading the plague, but most people went back to what they were doing...nothing. I could tell a tourist a mile away and really didn't care what they, or anyone else for that matter, said or felt about the two of us. The town was close to the trail and used to hikers coming in for supplies, they just weren't used to gay people being so open about things, as if we really cared at the moment.

We finally reached the table that Rick's mother was sitting at. Apparently, being an out-of-stater also, and knowing of her disapproval with Rick's 'choice' to be gay, she didn't approve of us holding hands either because she immediately looked down at our warmly held hands and cleared her voice in 'that' tone. We both knew what 'that' meant and for some reason Rick decided to respect her wishes as we sat down, side by side at the long table she had commandeered.

"Josh, this is my mom...mom...Josh. We met on the trail out of the south end and have been traveling together for some time now. As a matter of fact mom, Josh and I are in love and have committed ourselves to each other. In plainer English we want to be married someday. After we met we discovered that we both go to the same college, have a lot in common, enjoy each others' company greatly, and plan on spending the rest of our lives together. Josh has helped me overcome a lot of my problems from the past and helped me with my confidence, ultimately helping me turn my perspective of life completely around."

I felt his warm arm wrap around my shoulder as he confirmed his love for me with his words. It was what followed that I didn't expect him to have the nerve to follow through with though.

"I know how you and the rest of the family feel and I'm perfectly happy if you accept me for who I am or don't. I've finally figured out that it's not my problem to deal with, it's your problem, along with the anyone else in the family, to understand that I can't and won't change to please all of you and spend the rest of my life in misery. So, if this is the last time we see each other because you still feel the same way because I now know who I am and am finally happy for the first time in my life, then so be it. However, I would prefer that you try to understand me, accept me for who I am, accept the fact that Josh and I are a couple and in love, and at least think about being a part of our family in the future. The decision is yours."

"Josh, I'm a little thirsty, would you like an iced tea or something to drink?"

"Uh...yeah, that would be great. Thanks."

"I'll be right back...maybe mother will have some questions for you or chat for a moment. Mom, would you like a refill on your iced tea?"

"No thank you."

"Okay then, I'll be right back...mother, please try not to reduce by husband to rubble while I'm gone. He's very nice to me but he doesn't take crap from anyone and I wanted to catch up on things other than my life."

"Oh bother Rick, I'm quite capable of being nice you know. So Josh, Rick said you two go to Williamstown College. Did you meet there?"

"No ma'am, I just graduated from there and entered the post grad program. I plan on getting my PhD in geology and teaching after that. I am taking the summer off working on my Masters and using the experience of hiking the Long Trail as a part of that, studying the geology and mountain formations. Rick and I met a few nights out from the southern end of the trail and decided to hook up as hiking buddies for safety's sake. There are a lot of fairly rough places on the trail. As a matter of fact I almost fell of the face of a granite cliff. Rick saved my life."

Realizing that I was more than answering her question I stopped and said, "I apologize, I'm talking too much."

Apparently she wasn't used to people apologizing to her because without batting one of her fake eyelashes she went on to the next question. One that took me back a bit.

"So Rick saved your life and now you're obliged to him so you became his lover?"

I was a little shocked and had to stop and look at this woman, wondering where in the hell did she come from, and how had Rick managed to turn out so well. I decided that the rest of our conversation was taking another direction.

"No ma'am. Quite the contrary. We're even on that accord. I 'm sure he'll tell you this, but he had every intention of ending his life on his trip on the trail. He's pretty much told me everything about his past, his family, everything. He tried to commit suicide once, but I talked him out of it. He was pretty depressed most of the trip until the day I almost fell off the cliff."

"Oh please. Don't tell me he would have killed himself," she whispered to me so no one would hear. He's never had anything to worry about. He's got his family that supports him, he has his friends at school, what more could he need?"

"I see how well you support him. I think that should be up to him to tel...hey Rick, glad you're back."

"Here's your iced tea babe. I got the same. Did I interrupt something?"

I patted the chair next to me so he would sit as close to me as possible. I wasn't going to hold back on anything now. When he sat down he held his tea on one hand and I made it a point to hold the other one in clear view of his mother.

"Well, your mother was just quizzing me as to what more you could want in life than having such a loving family and your friends at school. I didn't think you'd mind but she was also asking how we met and all, suggesting that I owed you for saving me that day I fell over the edge. That would probably explain the reason we are together now...I'm some sort of indentured servant to you because of it. I could be wrong but I thought the slavery issue was settled quite a few years ago."

"Mother! Nothing has changed with you at all. You've always thought you're better than everybody else and still do. I could never please you no matter what I did. I presume Josh told you that I intended to end my life on this trip. The truth is that I did, and it's partly due to you. Fortunately I met someone who accepts me just as I am. Josh talked to me every day, listened to my stories of how my own family abandoned me because I didn't 'fit the mold', showed me nothing but love while at the same time gave me the space and time to make up my own mind about my life. It wasn't until the day he went over the cliff and I was able to grab a rope and pull him back up that I realized how much I not only needed him in my life, but that I realized for the first time that I was worth something as a person with or without you or anyone else in my family. That's why I told you what I did when we first sat down here. I don't need your belittling comments in my life that crush my soul and make me feel less than a person. Even more, I don't need a family that feels the same way. I want and desire to have nothing less than support and acceptance from you and my siblings and relatives, but if none of you can provide that, then we have nothing further to say here."

I sat there listening to Rick fuming as he let go of all the gut-wrenching feelings that he had held inside all these years. Finally he was letting it all out, but it brought up feelings inside of me of my childhood that needed to be expressed much the same way and I realized that I was going to need some help down the line expressing those feelings in a manner that wouldn't jeopardize our relationship. Meanwhile Rick was still releasing his emotions to his bewildered mother.

"I have someone that loves me just as I am, faults and all, and what's more, tells me so every chance he gets. We're planning on heading back to school today. We have some things to tend to there. I'll be finishing school and then we'll be deciding what our future will be from that point. If you wish to talk to me you can reach me on the cell phone. Is there anything else before we take off?"

Speaking with a shaky voice and a hand over her mouth, his mother quietly responded.

"Not really. You know I don't approve of what you're doing, your lifestyle and choice to be gay so I guess this is it. I consider it your choice to desert our family and we shall have nothing to do with you from this point on."

I was infuriated. I had to say something.

"Excuse me, but that ignorance you exhibit towards Rick and his 'choice' is pure ignorance. I don't understand how any mother could turn her back on a son just because he's gay, but in this case maybe it's for the better. In the end it's your loss and my gain because Rick is one of the most loving, giving persons I've ever known. And quite frankly when it comes time for you to gather your family around your deathbed you will be the loser for not getting to know him. Being gay is not a choice, a lifestyle, a threat...it's not anything other than being different than what you are and that's what scares you. But I'll take what Rick stands for and believes in before I'd listen to someone who still believes that they're better than other people because of money, material things and a severe lack of knowledge about life from living inside a coconut. I wish you a nice life and a nice day. Rick and I will always be ready to forgive you and accept you for who you are, even with all your faults, but it's you that will have to make the first move."

I looked at Rick and smiled, reached over gave him a solid kiss right in front of his mother, told him I loved him, grabbed his hand as we both stood up and lifted our packs to our shoulders, and walked out the door...just the same way we'd walked in.

"Man, remind me not to ever piss you off," Rick laughingly said as we crossed the street heading to the bus stop.

"You can't piss me off. I love you too much. I'm real proud of you the way you stood up to your mother in there. For once she wasn't able to get a word in edgewise. Are you sure you're okay though. That was a lot of emotional baggage you let loose in there."

"Yeah, I'm Fine. It feels like a ton of weight has been lifted off my shoulders thanks to you."

"You've really changed a lot since we first met babe. You're so confident and sure of yourself now...and very sexy in a matching jock."

"I think it was that first night when you were watching me walk around in my jock strap that I might have caught your eye, what d'ya think?"

"Huh? Watching you? You mean watching some guy I'd never met before walk around in the dark with nothing on but a jock strap sporting a nice bulge and a finely tuned body, sexy as hell with perfect cheeks held in by a pair of jock straps? You think that got my attention? Nah...what got my attention was that strip routine. Now THAT was an attention getter. I hope you're thinking of giving up that job."

"We'll have to talk about that. I don't think I want to display my wares anymore like that to anyone but you. But think of the fun we're going to have shopping for some new underwear."

"Yeah, I can't wait now that someone has shown me where to get the good...oops, that's our bus...the good stuff on the internet. I can't wait to get home tonight. You?"

"Speaking of getting home, where is home now? I have a roommate right now."

The bus driver, a man in his early forties and not too bad looking, must have been listening because he felt an obligation to jump in our conversation.

"I've got a free room if you don't know where to go."

Rick and I looked at each other in surprise...and then laughed as our gaydar kicked in.

"We weren't worried about the same thing as you're thinking. We're together and go to Williamstown College. We're just deciding whether to continue dorm or apartment living. But that's pretty bold of you to say that. What's your name?"

"George. I live near that area and drive this route every day. I'm not usually that bold when it comes to speaking out but I couldn't resist. You two are so handsome I just couldn't hold back. What's your mate's name?"

"I'm Rick and this is Josh. It's nice to meet you."

"You too," replied George as he pushed our packs into the cargo bay of the bus and slammed the door down.

"Do you guys have your tickets yet?"

"Right here," I answered as Rick handed them to him.

"Alright, climb in and let's get you guys home, or at least to the bus stop."

We climbed up the stairs and walked down to the rear where we knew we could talk...and where we at least knew George would not be eavesdropping on us.

"So, what were we talking about?" Rick quietly asked me.

"The living arrangements. I was saying I don't have a roommate now, although I did. I live off campus now in my own apartment; it's near campus so I can walk back and forth. I had a roommate up 'till now but he just graduated too and planned on going back home to California and getting a job on the beach somewhere. He was a nice guy, just not my type – he's straight. I expect he's gone by now."

"I don't know how much I'd save off my tuition by cutting out the dorm living, but probably enough to compensate the difference for the apartment and I'd still work, although I'd get a different job so we could afford to live together. I'll do whatever you want so we can be together."

"I think we can work something out, but I definitely would like you to find another job. I just can't stand the thought of you doing your strip routine every few nights before a bunch of guys that I...we...will most likely run into on campus. Plus the thought makes me jealous too. I want you in your sexy jock stripping just for me."

We leaned back in the tall seat and scrunched down a little so George couldn't see us. There were only six other people on the bus and they were mostly in the middle. Rick leaned over and laid a lip-lock on me. We played tongues for a little while. It felt like a month since we'd last been 'romantically involved' shall we say and were both horny, as our shorts soon revealed. Hands were rubbing in crotches before we realized it, thinking of the hot underwear we had put on that morning after having our romp in the wood cabin. I was almost ready to come when Rick stopped playing and motioned for me to look down. There was a large wet spot showing through my tan hiking shorts from the pre-cum. I moved my hand away from his crotch and looked at where my hand had been. Same thing.

Rick leaned over and whispered into my ear, "we better wait until we get home or there's going to be a big mess. Besides, I don't want to cum now, I want to be alone with you, at home, naked – or near naked – so we can play proper like."

"Argh! If I can wait that long!"

He patted my knee to show his pleasure and I almost shot my load right there. My mind was as loaded as my balls and cock were. But I decided that I liked his idea better and could wait, hoping pre-cum dries as fast as water on hiking shorts.

"Hey, you think anybody will notice us and our tell-tale spots?" Rick whispered.

"Who cares, maybe we'll be dried out by the time we get there. We could always put on a long shirt too. The walk from the bus stop to the apartment is real short so I wouldn't worry too much. There's only a few stops along the way so we should be there in about an hour from here."

"Okay. I'm a little tired. Mind if I catch a little shuteye?"

"Naw...I might too. Here, I'll lean against the window and you can lean against me. Why don't you lay down a bit and put your head in my lap. I'll massage your neck. You'll fall right asleep."

"That sounds good to me...Oh that feels so good. Thanks babe. I've been thinking about how you put my mother in her place. It's funny in a way. Any other time I might have resented someone talking to my mother like that, or even taking on my own battle for me, but this time it felt right. It was like we were speaking as one person...it felt good. It must have taken the wind out of her sails because she hardly had a word to say back. Did you see her hand shaking? If you knew her she always has the last word and you nailed her on that one without even knowing it. We're so good together. Did I tell you I love you very much."

"No, as a matter of fact you never even mention it any more. What's up with that? Of course you did, and do all the time, and I love you too hot stuff with the wet spot. Now get some shut eye. We'll be there soon."

"Yes Sir!"

As Rick slept in my lap I absentmindedly ran my fingers through his thick hair and thought back to our lucky meeting on the trail, the small adventures we'd had, the talks we'd had, and how our love had grown over the short time we had spent together. I had never in my wildest dreams expected to meet the man of my dreams atop the mountains of Vermont, in a small, three-sided shelter, wearing only a hot jock strap. Then there was the strip show he had put on, ending up in the wildest sexual fantasy I'd ever experienced. Now, or in a few hours, we would be living together, forever. Forever? It felt right with Rick, but forever? That was a long time. I glanced down at my snoozing babe and smiled as I thought about what had just hit me. I knew deep down that I'm head over heels in love with him, and he is with me. We both are on the right track with education and careers. Everything seems to be lining up with no barriers in the short future. But there was this 'forever' thought that kept nagging me and I couldn't wrap my mind around it. It seemed as distant as trying to count the stars in the heavens, getting distracted, then having to start all over again. The only way I could get this out of my mind was to put it off until later and talk to Rick about it when the time was right. Until then I was so in love that I knew we would be able to sort out any problems that came along...I hoped.

As we pulled up to our stop I gently shook Rick and helped him sit up.

Wiping his eyes and stretching his arms out, he tried to say something like. "Are we here yet?"

I assumed that's what it was as a big grin spread across my face.

"Yes babe, we're here. It's time to get off the bus and walk down to the apartment. Our first home together. You ready for this?"

"You bet," as he jumped up, grabbed my hand and started for the front of the bus.

George already had our backpacks out on the pavement as our feet hit the ground.

"You boys have a long walk? I'm off duty in a few minutes. I could give you a ride home if you need one."

"No thanks George," I replied, "we just live down the street here. Thanks for the offer though. It was nice to meet you."

"Alright then. You guys have a great day. Looks like I must have hit too many bumps on the way down. Looks like you spilled your water all over the front of your pants."

Looking down, I half-heartedly agreed about the bumps as we picked up our packs and started down the road together, hand in hand."

"Guess we know what he wanted. I think I've seen him at one of the clubs I used to dance at come to think of it."

"You can forget about George now honey, we're on our way to spending the rest of our lives together. Our apartment is right over...there!" I pointed.

Rick scanned the row of Victorian houses with nice lawns, neatly cut shrubbery and well adorned porches I was pointing to across the street from where we were standing.

"Which one...they're all so nice looking compared to where I've been living for three years."

"We live in the white one on the corner, with the door facing the side street. It has three bedrooms, and lots of room. But you'll have plenty of time to get used to all that. Why don't we get our stuff in and I'll give you the quick tour, see if my ex-roommate has left yet, maybe take a shower and get cleaned up, then let's go out for dinner or something. That's my car parked out front...the Blue Volvo. My parents gave it to me for graduation from high school. She's been a pretty faithful car all these years."

Grabbing his hand I looked at him and asked,"you ready to start our new life together?"

"You bet. Are you going to carry me across the threshold?"

"Uh...I think I'll save that for when we buy our first house together, or get married. But I'll open the door and let you in first if that makes you feel better."

"Okay. Here, let me unlock the door at least."

"Thank you. Our packs stink a little bit. Actually, they stink a lot. I'll clean them out later and do the laundry. I have plenty of clothes you can wear until we get you moved over here from the dorm room. We'll have to take care of that right away so they can release the room for someone else. Maybe the registrars office will be open tomorrow."

"Thanks Josh for everything. I mean outside of being my one and only love. I never in my wildest dreams expected everything to work out so easily."

Rick walked over to me and wrapped his lean arms around my waist. We stared at each other momentarily before he kissed me tenderly, pulling away only to grasp my hand and head up the stairs.

"I assume the master bedroom is up here?"

"You would be right on that assumption sweetie. Top and pull a right."

We walked into the bedroom and as Rick, still holding my hand, looked around at the size of the room I slowly unbuttoned his shirt. Sensing this his attention turned to doing the same to my shirt as we slowly undressed each other. There was no dance, no intermission, just a methodical strip of each other...until we were standing there in our underwear. We both were semi-hard as we moved into each other and rubbed our bodies together and kissed. I've known a lot of guys that didn't like to kiss, but Rick sure enjoyed it and wasted no time wrapping himself around my body, tongue in my mouth, rock hard cock pressing against mine, and one leg wrapped around the back of my legs, moving up and down the backside of my calves, stimulating me even more.

Suddenly we were transported back to that night when Rick had first done his strip dance for me. Only this time there was no stripping, no dancing, only this intense, internal and open feeling of love that we shared together that would soon lead us to the bed...I hoped.

"Let's shower first sexy. You stink," motioned Rick with his fingers pinching his nose.

"It's my animal attraction, but I think it would be a good idea to get all the bugs off. I'll get the shower started. There are some towels in the hall closet over there," as I pointed in the general direction of the closet.

In a few minutes Rick joined me in the bathroom. The room was like a sauna as the hot water fogged up the cool air; the shower doors were closed and I was waiting.

Jumping into the shower as we were, we soaped up each other quickly just to get the smell off. We still had our underwear on and were running our cocks and bodies together in the excitement of finally being alone again. He reached down and massaged my pouch through the thin cloth, adjusting my boner until it crawled up to the top band and over my hip, as did his. The slippery soap managed to find its way into his underwear where I rubbed it into his crotch and around his cheeks, lathering up before he returned the favor. After our bodies were soaped up from top to bottom we rubbed against each other, up and down, closing the gap between us as our heads leaned on each others shoulders and our hands began to massage each others butt cheeks. My legs started to weaken when Rick reached into the leg opening of my underwear and began to run his slippery finger over my pucker hole. Back and forth he slowly taunted and teased me as I slowly bent down further, giving him open access to my hole. Taking my cue, he slowly slipped a finger in to my waiting hole and began sliding it in and out. Every pleasure spot in my body lit up at once as he inserted a second finger. I reached up and inserted my hand into the stretching material of his underwear, reciprocating with the same pleasurable finger movements, bringing him down a little with weakened knees as he began to moan with pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh...that feels so good," Rick moaned as we both stopped our pleasuring and stood up just as we were sliding to the bottom of the shower.

"Let's finish getting cleaned up so we can continue this in bed. I'm so horny I can't stand it and I don't think you can go much longer either."

"Yeah, I'm hard as a rock," Rick said as he turned around and faced the shower.

I came up behind him and rubbed his neck with the soap as my hard cock slipped up the inside of his underwear. Finding his crack I massaged it with my dick as I soaped up the top part of his body, reaching around and holding onto his chest as I moved tighter to his butt and teased his puckered hole with the tip of my cock. He was pushing back against me now and the temptation to go for it was almost unbearable...but I held off, wanting to go slower and extend our pleasure time out for a while.

"Okay," I said, backing up and running the soap up and down my legs. "Let's get out of here and get dried off.

I reached out and pulled down Rick's stretched out underwear and heard a PLOP as his hard dick hit his flat, solid stomach. After pulling mine off and leaving them on the rails of the shower we turned the water off and stepped out to dry off. As I reached for the towel rack to hang my wet towel on I heard a loud POP and felt a sharp pain in my butt. Smart ass had given me the locker room towel snap. That was it. I tackled him on the carpet, pinning his hands above his head and sitting on his chest to hold him down.

"Wise guy, that smart. I'll get you back. First of all suck my dick you little sneak."

I moved up his chest and raised myself up enough so that my cock slid easily into his waiting mouth. It was obvious he was hungry for it as he took the whole thing in right down to my pubes and began sucking like a wild man. It only took a few minutes of his hot mouth before I knew I was going to come. I pulled out, turned around and we played sixty-nine for a few minutes as I still hovered over him. This time he got busy rimming my previously soaped up and now relaxed hole. I raised his butt cheeks as much as I could and did the same to him. Soon we were flipping tongues in and out of each others holes, reaching in farther and feeling more animalistic each time.

Within minutes it was obvious that one, or both, of us needed to get fucked bad.

"Rick, I'm 'gonna come if we keep this up."

"Me too. I want you inside me so bad."

"I want you too and I have just the idea."

I stood up and helped Rick off the floor. We were still naked from the shower. I went to my underwear drawer and searched for a couple pair of jock straps, my best ones. I handed Rick a blue pair and I slipped on a black pair, both with regular straps on the cheeks.

"Hop on the bed and lay on your back."

Rick jumped up on the bed like a rabbit. He was such a cutie all sprawled out with his blue jock on and his hardon sticking straight up.

I jumped on the bed and straddled him, laying on his chest and using my arms, lifted my whole body slightly and rocked back and forth against his body, rubbing our jock covered cocks together until they were so hard I thought mine would rip the cheap threads of the store bought jock. The pre-cum juices were seeping through the threads of both our jocks and I couldn't resist but to lean down and lick and suck the tip of Rick's cock, tasting his sweet juices through the cloth, wrapping my mouth around his whole cock and sucking as hard as I could to catch some more seepage. He reacted by raising his hips in the air and moaning, the sound of which drove me even wilder to get more from my fountain of youth.

I reached over to the nightstand and pulled out a few things, placing them at the end of the bed.

"What's that?"

"You'll find out soon, and love it."

We went back to our hot and heavy petting until the point where I turned around and facing away, I grabbed the bottle of Wet, squeezed some into my hand, and reaching up in Rick's jock I began to slowly slide my hand up and down his cock while playing with his balls at the same time. It was only a few minutes before he started bucking and jumping. Knowing he was getting close I slid the cloth of his jock aside, raised myself up and slowly settled myself down on his steely cock.

"Oh yeah babe, that feels so good."

Inch by inch I slid down his glistening cock wet with pre-cum and lube from the bottle. He wasn't all the way inside my hot chute before he lifted his hips up in one movement and impaled his cock all the way to his pubes. I felt some pain for a moment as he waited, but as the pain turned to pleasure I started to rise up and down, fucking him while he lay there until he joined in my rhythm.

"That feels so hot babe. Fuck harder. I'm already close to coming."

"Not yet. I have another surprise that'll send you over the top."

I leaned forward, still keeping the up and down going on his throbbing cock as I lubricated my fingers again. In concert with my up and down movements I inserted one finger into his hot hole, then two, then three as we continued to fuck. I reached out and picked up an eight inch vibrating cock and placed it against his ever-widening hole and turned on the vibrator. Rick's body shuddered with ecstasy as he went wild with the sensation of being fucked with the vibrator and fucking me at the same time. He raised his hips up as I played around, inserting the vibrator into his hole. Once in I waited until his body relaxed and I knew he felt the same pleasure I did, then we began a strange rhythm of my fucking him as I literally jumped up and down on his cock, his hips meeting my downward thrusts as I slid the vibrator in and out of his chute. The feeling must have been incredible because in less than a minute I felt him thrust hard against me and unload a series of spurts deep inside me. Time after time he bucked and pushed until he finally dropped back onto the bed, exhausted. I pulled the vibrator out and rotated around his still hard cock, facing him as he reached up and began to stroke my ready-to-cum dick. Reaching back I reinserted the vibrator back into his open and welcoming chute as he continued to increase his hand job on my rod. In seconds he was writhing again from the vibrations of the dick in his butt and the thought of what was coming from me.

I moved forward as he opened his mouth and sucked on the tip of my cock. That was it. Shot after shot came flying out the tip, hitting him in the face and mouth as he swallowed my cum, then sucked me dry.

We were both exhausted as I pulled the dildo from his ass and shut it off. Falling back onto the cool but messy sheets we looked at each other and smiled. We had already anointed our first apartment together, put his mother in her place, but left the door open for her to still make a move to accept our new relationship, and now needed to get busy setting up house together. We were soon to find that that would be no small feat in itself. Rick needed to get out of the dorm room, if he could, I needed to follow up with my previous roommate and see if he had left any loose ends, bills or other related items that needed to be taken care of...yup, lots of things to do.

Rolling over onto Rick our sticky, sweaty bodies melded into one as we stared into each others eyes. Finally I saw deep into his soul a happiness I'd never seen before, but had somehow always wanted for myself. I couldn't even count the times I'd laid in my bed jacking off, hoping that someone like Rick would walk into my life one day, but never really expecting it to really happen. As we continued to stare deep into each others souls I think Rick was searching and feeling the same thing as a smile crept across his face and he whispered,"I love you so much," floated across the inches between us.

"I love you too babe and I want you to be with me forever. Who knows where life will lead us, but I will follow you where you need to go and together we will make our life as perfect as possible, no matter where we are. We can even get married if you like. I'm ready to make that commitment to you forever so that everybody will know that we are one."

"You will!" I think that's so sweet of you honey. I'll take you up on that offer, but after I graduate and we decide where life is going to take us. It has to be a compromise from now on, which will take some getting used to. But I want to take things slow, enjoy the moment, really get to know each other intimately. We'll make new friends here at school in the few years we have left and learn how to please and take care of each other."

"What a different man you are since the day we met on the trail. My young, horny stripper that melted my heart instantly but made me wait until you knew in your heart this was the right place for you to be."

"I think I knew early on that we'd be together, but I had to shake all those demons out of the closet from my past before I could move on. You helped me with the shaking and rattling and that's what cleared my head for the first time in years and opened my eyes to what a gift I was given in you. I love you and promise to always be by your side to support you in everything you do. Just watch out for those cliffs on the hikes. The first step is a doozy."

We both laughed and pried ourselves apart to take another shower. After toweling off again with the damp towels from an hour or so earlier Rick pulled out the last two clean pair of jock straps from his backpack.

"I've been saving these for when we got home so we could go to the wet underwear contest tonight, together if you'd like. These are my favorites and they will make us the hottest couple on the floor."

He handed me a pair of bright green jocks with cross straps in the front and a G-string back. As I pulled them up my legs they felt so good...warm, sexy, and so hot looking! Rick adjusted his pouch as did I. We stood in front of the mirror and stared.

"I know I promised I wouldn't dance anymore for a job, and I won't. But we didn't say anything about both of us hitting the floor once in a while on special occasions now did we."

I smiled and kissed him.

"No, I guess we overlooked that little point. What time does the contest start?"

This is the last chapter of this story. Hope you enjoyed the entire story and will hit my website at http://www.storiesbybm.net for other stories and connection to my blog and the Members only website.

Thanks Barry

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