His Eyes

By Darren Talbot

Published on Oct 5, 2001


His Eyes chapter 3

*all cautions regarding the legality of viewing this story in your area, and the fictionality of it's content are applicable.

The new boy hugged up against me, I cried. It was so wonderful to see a familiar face, with pale skin. Speaking my language.

"Oh, Dagdah is merciful!" the boy kept exclaiming. When he finally settled down, and I'd pawed at my eyes enough to dry them, we both just sat looking at each other. He was smaller than me, not as developed, but his eyes were sharp and alive. The deep green of the grass on the moors. His bright red hair was matted down from his sleeping.

"Where are you from?" He asked.

I was embarassed not to know. Our village had always just been that, our village, "I don't remember." I said

He nodded wisely, despite his years, "Yeah. It was like that for me, too, when I came here."

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

He moved a bit, and pulled the mat away from the wall, where I cold see little marks. He touched them each in turn with his fingers, then said "fifty one days."

"What are those?" I asked, scooting closer to them.

"Marks. Each one is a day. If you add them all up, you get fifty one."

I had no concept of what fifty one of something was. I was in awe. This boy knew how to count, something not even my father had mastered.

"You can count." I said, numbly.

"Yeah. Can't you?" He said.

"No." I responded.

He put his hand on my shoulder, "It's okay. They'll teach you. They teach everybody how to count and how to read. I'm getting really good at it." He said, his chin thrust out, proud of himself.

"We're slaves, aren't we?" I asked. I knew the word, but it was only now slow dawning on me.

The boy looked away, and nodded, "I'm Balish" he said.

"I'm Hamish." I said.

There was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Nefu. He motioned me to follow him. I stood and matched my steps to his. Down a huge hallway and into a small chamber with a bed and a table. There was a man inside, wiry and with a beard and mustache connected on the sides. He was in a chair, leaned over the table, a large scroll layed out infront of him. Nefu cleared his throat, and the man turned. I was struck by how much he looked like Theodus.

"Ahh, is this the little savage?" He said, not taking his hand away from his forehead. I suddenly felt very small in my robes.

The man stood and walked to me, "Go, Nefu. I want some time to play with my Grandfathers now toy." Nefu touched me lightly on the back with his hand as he left. I felt the small comfort of that. The man was speaking my native language, as well. His accent, too, was funny.

He then said something in the other language, motioning me to him. I stepped closer and he motioned again, this time more impatient. I stepped all the way up to him. He suddenly shoved his hand down my robe and touched me. His hand was cold and I was very embarassed that he was touching me there. But I started to stiffen to his fingers. He smiled a knowing smile and pulled my robe off of me in one motion. My whole body tensed. Was I about to be treated like the boy on the barrel?

I was naked before him, but I could see that something was moving under his own robe. He pulled a pin away from his shoulder and his robe fell away onto the chair. He was thin and had some hair on his chest, but I found I liked looking at his body. His cock was stiff and pulsing. His hand gently cupped my face and he smiled. I could tell in his eyes that he wasn't going to hurt me if I did what he asked. I saw in myself that I might even like what he asked.

He gently guided my face to his cock, and I got the idea. I found I wanted to kiss it on the large, rounded head. His hips spasmed forward at that, rubbing it on my face. I kissed down the length of it, then licked on it, finding that I liked the taste of his skin. I kept licking and he was making a moaning sound, low in his throat. His hand was caressing the back of my head, and pushing me downward. I parted my lips and slid them onto the head of his cock.

I found that I liked that very much. The smoothness, the roundness, the softness of the skin. I liked the way it tasted. I started to move my head a little and his hips were moving with me. "Careful of your teeth." He said, and I wrapped my lips around my teeth. Up and down and up and down. I was feeling a strange feeling in my own cock, stiff and pulsing down below me. He was pushing on the back of my head and I was having to take his cock in a little deeper than I wanted, but it was still okay. I gagged a few times, and he'd let off the pressure.

It was only a few moments before he spasmed, his whole body locking up and my mouth filled with some liquid. I didn't know what to do, so I pulled away. A few thin streams of it shot all over my face, warm. I swallowed what was in my mouth, finding that I liked the taste. He was making a sound somewhere inbetween pleasure and pain. A grunting groan.

He shot one more thin stream onto the floor, then exhaled loudly. He rubbed his hand across his belly, then looked at me. He smiled.

"Come here, little one." And I came closer. I felt more comfortable with him, now. I liked him. He picked up my robe and used it to wipe off my face. Then, too quickly for me to have any kind of reaction, he leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. I smiled.

"Go climb in the bed. Grandfather will very much enjoy you, but for tonight, you've earned your keep." He said. He still had my robe, so I walked over to the bed and climbed up on it. It was thick and cushiony. I was relaxed instantly, and sound asleep in just moments. There were even pillows for my head.

I can't be sure, but sometime later, I thought I felt the thick blanket pulled up over my shoulder, and gently tucked under me.

*end chapter 3 More to come!

*questions and comments are always more than welcome!

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