His Good Bonez

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Nov 29, 2021


This is a fictional tale about a show I caught recently. It's one of those DYI shows on those DYI networks. The ahow is called Good Bones. It about a mother daughter team that renovates homes. Mina is the daughter. I saw the show one day just jumping through channels.

That's when I saw him. Stephen. Minas husband. I near fell off my chair as I saw this gorgeous man. Big lion tattoo on his arm and the bluest eyes I had ever seen.

I want Minas husband Steve. Plain and simple. And this story is about him. Yes he is straight. And I can guarantee he would not play for the Gay team. Probably ever. But one can only wish. (Dreamy sigh)

Hope you enjoy.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

His 'Good Bone...z (part 14)

... It had been a few weeks since that arrival of Steve and Thad at my place. That sex and somewhat very hot connection I had with the very sexy Thad. The brother of the star of the 'Good Bines' show. He was so damned hot when he had come with Steve for that hot play time at my house. And I wanted more of it. He gave me his number and personal email and said to call him or to send him an email as he had a great time. Which at first I was not sure of it. He was supposedly straight. But after letting me fuck him I knew otherwise. He was into more than just regular man on woman sex. But what i really wanted from him was a great Thad fucking. We really never got to him mounting my hole and plowing me up. Steve had taken that over with his powerful lust. Trying to shred up my ass with his big dick. And I did dig Steve. He was tall and also very hot. The initial sex connection from this crew. I am sure his wife is clueless as to his exploits. But he had little interest in me other than a cum receptacle that he didn't have to worry about impregnating. Just good for a great ass fucking.

"But he is a great fuck" I told myself "But I really like Thad" "Man. There is just something about that hot little fuck that churns my loins"

Yes, I was somewhat smitten by Thad after just the one meeting. And I did want him again. I wanted him to finish me as he had not before. So I grabbed the phone and dialed the number he had give me. It rang a couple of times before a voice mail line kicked it.

"Its Thad. You. Know the drill!" It said

Then the tone started and I was thinking what to say. Seconds passed before I could even speak. But i finally got something out. Saying it was me and that I was glad he had a good time when we 'hung out' that we should do it again soon. Meanwhile I had clicked on the TV when I had left him the message. Seeing if the show was on. And it was on. A rerun, but something to watch that showed the hot Thad. He was of course being the crazy reckless Thad in it. I feared one day this guy would get hurt from his antics. But as I watched the show I noticed another hot guy in it. I thought to myself this show is filled up with hotties. I saw the cute bearded Cory and thought he was adorable too. Maybe slightly taller than Thad But not by much. But Damn if he was not just very fuckable too. With a really nice ass too.

"I wanna go through this cast of hotties" I told myself.

I sent Thad a message about the hot Cory on an email next. Hoping that he would get this guy to play as well. That maybe Cory was interested in play. I mean he hung around a lot with an obviously gay dude that was on the show sometimes (his name escapes me for some reason). So of course him hanging around with that guy make me question Cory's sexuality. So of course I ponder him and Thad together. Another threesome with him and Cory would be hot. Of course the hot Cory had to be up for it. And would the delicious Thad want him in on it. I did not know the answers to these questions. I only knew I wanted to have Thad more. At least that was for sure. I wanted to have Thad fucking me silly.

"Hey man" I said "Would love to see you again Thad" "You are sexy and a great in bed" "And was wondering about that other guy on the show. Cory." "Is he...?"

Well I sent him the message and waited for the reply. Hoping that he would some me back something I wanted to hear. Something that even as I waited for his answer had me super horny. It was over a week before I received an answer. Form Thad. And it was a very hot message back. In it was his answer and an attachment.

"Hey buddy. Good to hear from you" he said "Sorry had nit answered sooner" "Busy here with sissy"

I figured as much. He was in the show more often as I had been watching. Acting like a fool yet looking all kinds of hot. And I also saw the other hot guy again. Cory. The next object of my wanton desire form this crew.

"But wanting to let you know about good old boy Cory" he added "He likes play on the DL" "Attached is something with him you will like" "We will hook up soon" he ended with

I smiled as he said that we would definitely hook up soon. So that made me happy. Just the thoughts of getting on top of the hot Thad again had my blood and loins in a boil. His hot tattooed body in need of my worshiping mouth and tongue. That meaty and granite hard dick that I wanted back in all of my available orifices. Him plowing me up as we made out. Yes that would be sex in all its best. Even more so than when I was with his brother in law Steve. I could feel myself hardening as I thought of the hot Thadeus. And then I decided to open up that attachment he had sent. Seeing the thing and clicking on it to get It opened. It was a video file. I was somewhat intrigued that he had sent a video, but was glad that it was. I figured it was him and Cory just messing around on the job site. And it was. Oh my God was it ever... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 15

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