
By Alex Carter

Published on Sep 5, 2014


Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the Property of J.K Rowling. Copyright belongs to J.K Rowling and Bloomsbury Publishing.

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This is my first ever story. I hope you enjoy. I have always wanted to write one. If you like it please email, especially if you have any suggestions about what should happen next.

Sorry about the delay. I hope it was worth the wait. More to come soon.

AlexJamieCarter@gmail.com Thanks. - Alex.

Chapter 7 - Tease

Ron sat in the dimly lit common room, most of the other students had gone to bed. Harry was still up the dorm, but Ron couldn't face him, not yet. He couldn't stop picturing Malfoy's dick slamming into his best friend. Harry licking the cum off the hard dick that had just been inside him. Ron may have fantasized about men every now and again but he figured it was just teenage hormones, but now he couldn't think of anything else.

Ron decided he better get it over with and headed up the staircase to his room. The door was halfway open and Ron could see that the small bedside lamp next to Harry's bed was on. Harry was under the covers reading a book. Ron walked into the room and through his bag onto his bed.

"Hey, Guess who's back?!" Ron yelled as he sat down on the edge of his bed facing Harry. In his mind he was picturing Harry shooting his load all over Malfoy's pale body. His cock throbbed in his jeans. God, how was he going to manage living with Harry if he kept getting hard every time he saw him.

"MATE! I didn't expect to see you until the holiday was over" Harry said. His mind was racing, God what if Ron had walked in while Malfoy was here. That would not have been good. Harry had made up his mind about one thing - No more sneaking Malfoy into the dorms, its far too risky.

"I just couldn't keep away from you, could I?" Ron flashed Harry a smile and lay back on his bed. "Besides Mum was doing my head in so I figured I'd come back to school early and enjoy the peace and quiet while everyone is still away"

Harry let out a small chuckle and had to bite his lower lip to stop from getting a fit of the giggles, he had never kept anything from Ron before, it was strange to suddenly have secrets. "You will probably find yourself being bored...I mean I know I've been bored, yeah, just studying, and catching up on work and reading, and studying. Stuff like that you know..boring...nothing interesting at all..." Harry smiled and tried to act normal despise being unable to stop rambling on and on.

Ron only barely noticed his best friends incoherent babble as he was miles away in his own thoughts. Everytime he looked at Harry he saw him getting his ass fucked by Malfoy. His jeans felt like they were straining. He didn't think his cock had been harder in his entire life. He wanted to pull out his rock hard cock right there just to see what Harry would do.

Ron wasn't really listening as Harry droned on about how boring it was over the holiday and how he just spent time with hermione and preparing for the next term. Ron was making a plan. He wanted Harry, but he couldn't just admit it, if Harry didn't want him it could ruin their friendship. Thanks to the earlier activities, Ron has a pretty good idea of Harry's sexuality so he was going to do his best to turn his best friend on and if Harry wanted him then he might make a move and if he didn't he'd either be be told to stop being weird and to piss off or he would just be ignored. Ron thought to himself, all I need to do now is to figure out what makes Harry really really horny.

*** Ron spent the rest of that night sitting in the common room with his two best friends in the whole world, talking and laughing. He was now back in his dorm lying on his bed with the curtains closed. It was very early in the morning but he knew Harry was still awake. He could see the glow from the lamp next to his bed. Ron had butterflies in his stomach. He was about to put his plan into motion.

Ron knew that Harry was lying on his bed, reading a book as he always did before going to sleep. It's now or never Ron thought. Ron slowly pulled off all his clothes and threw them out of the bed, he threw them a bit further than he normally would, especially his boxers and they went in the direction of Harry's bed.

Ron waited until a few minutes had passed before muttering loud enough for Harry to hear, "Damn it, gotta pee." Ron pulled himself out of bed completely naked and made a show of looking around for his boxers, eventually finding them at the end of Harry's bed where he had accidentally thrown them earlier. Ron bent over to pick up his boxers and slid them on with a smirk, he could feel his best friends eye's glued to his ass.

Ron started walking to the bathroom as if everything was completely normal, he glanced back to Harry who looked startled and his eyes quickly returned to his book. Ron walked into the bathroom and shut the door over halfway, he looked down as the newly formed tent in boxers, Whoops, he thought, putting on that little show for Harry had turned him on more than he thought.

Ron decided to go the the toilet while he was there and when he walked back into the dorm room with the large tent still showing in his boxers, he said to Harry, "God, it's such a pain in the ass pissing with a boner" and deliberately glanced down while watching Harry's eyes slowly move down his muscled body to his erect cock. He had to resist grinning when he saw Harry's eyes widen and his mouth open. His plan was working so far, and he had thought it would take weeks to get Harry to make a move. Maybe if he was bold he could speed his timeplan dramatically.

He was surprised that Harry hadn't tried to call him out on his behaviour, he hoped that he was turning Harry on rather than making him uncomfortable. He didn't really want to risk his friendship over getting into Harry's pants. The image of Harry and Malfoys' hot sexual adventure flashed through his mind again and his dick throbbed. He made up his mind then - He wanted his best friend.

Ron hadn't planned to do all of this in one night, but he couldn't help it he was so horny and the thought of Harry in the next bed, listening to him turned him on so much. He had only realised his feelings for Harry hours earlier but now he felt like he had been wanting him for years, in a way he supposed he had, he just hadn't realised it. Ron pulled down his boxers and left them around his ankles. He looked at his thick cock. God, He wished it was Harry who was holding it. He pictured Harry and Malfoy going at it, and in his mind he replaced the image of Malfoy with himself. His cock sliding in Harry's tight hole and him making Harry moan in pure ecstasy. He started to moan as he started to rub his hard cock up and down, leaking precum down his shaft, making a fapfapfap noise. He plan with Harry completely out of his head when he felt his orgasm approach, his toes curled and he let out a final moan, just as the curtains around his bed opened and Harry stood at his bedside with a stern look on his face.

"What the fuck is going on with you?" Harry demanded.

"Fuck" was all Ron could reply. He couldn't hold it in any longer and he shot load after load of jizz all over his chest. A final shot landed on his chin and Harry just stood there watching with his mouth open in shock.

To Be Continued.

*I'd really love feedback. Sending an email is the only way I know if people are reading. Thanks *

Next: Chapter 8

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