Hogwarts Beginnings

By ku.ca.tnek@02wpj

Published on Jun 18, 2006


Sorry about the wait guys, but I was on holiday. Hopefully posts should be more regular now. It has come to my attention that the bits that should be in a different font aren't. When I am narrating it should be in times new Roman. I do apologise for this, and shall correct as I can. Excpect to see a few different systems before I settle on one. Sorry.

The usual ad nauseum. Harry Potter isn't mine, it's J K Rowling. Any resemblance to real life is purely co-incidental (and if anyone knows any wizards at all, please email me!) and this is all me making it up. If you're not allowed to read/watch porn I suggest you stop looking for it.

[I do hope you'll forgive me for skipping ahead a week. Little enough happens of any interest. The main theme is that Yoni cements a relationship with Harry and Ron, and the three are often seen together. The unfortunate side-effect of this is that people need go to only one place to see two legends, so they quickly start finding shortcuts and alternate routes. Yoni increasingly notices that Ron is not particularly happy that both his friends are famous and he is merely the latest in the Weasley sage: one of six brothers.]

Yoni was slightly taken aback at breakfast that morning. A parcel had arrived for Harry containing a Nimbus 2000; top of the line. Yoni was waiting for the Firebolt to be released first, one of his uncles was part of the team designing and testing it. He glanced, with Harry and Ron, up at the high table to see Professor McGonagall twinkling at them and stroking one of the owls who brought up. Purely by chance Yoni also glanced at Snape and knew that the hear Snape felt for him had abated not one iota.

flashback "We will be making a simple hiccough potion today." Professor Snape sneered nastily "Simple, that is, if you can follow written instruction accurately. This, of course, presupposes the ability to read, something I have yet to be convinced about in some cases." At this he scowled at poor Neville, who was Yoni's desk partner today. "The instructions are on the board. Begin."

With that there was a clatter of activity for the class. Yoni had long since progressed to more advanced potions and worked with only half a mind on his, most of his attention was on Neville, who seemed to be about to make every mistake in the book. Yoni had to keep reminding him to reread the instructions or to stir or heat or cool as appropriate. He hadn't realised that Snape was aware of his help.

"Take your cauldrons off your flames and allow them to cool. In five minutes we will test one of the potions to see its effects; in the meantime you may begin your homework on the importance of the algode root to the potion." After five minutes Professor Snape swept up to Yoni, who had almost finished his homework, and continued to write steadily as Professor Snape dipped a beaker in his potion. "Since Mr Wiccatta feels secure enough to not only make a potion while paying more attention to his neighbour, but also to ignore his teacher, we will test his." At this Yoni looked up "Forgiveness sir, I did not mean to ignore you; I had just almost finished your homework, and wished to hand it in after the lesson. Apologies if I offended."

Snape's eyes bugged out. "Finish your homework then" he snarled "and we shall see how it measures up, as we shall your potion". He almost spat the last word.

He turned and thrust the beaker at Neville. "Drink" he commanded nastily. Neville swallowed and looked at Yoni, who ignored him as thoroughly as he did Snape.

Neville drank and promptly began hiccoughing. Snape stared, seeing that Snape would not help Yoni pulled out his wand and muttered the spell to release Neville from the effects of the potion. flashback

That was the first time Yoni had lost points for Gryffindor. 15 points in total: Five for not paying attention, five for being rude and five for using magic without permission. On the plus side, or so he was told, Snape could find nothing to criticise in his homework. (Except that it had been done too quickly.)

Rare was the person who earned Yoni's hatred. He only disliked Filch, though no doubt the caretaker would go livid if he knew that Yoni liked him exactly as much as Flesh-eating Slugs: they were horrible and inconvenient. Avoid them if you can, deal with them as you must but they are really not worth worrying about most of the time.

Snape, however, he now hated. He treated the man with the courtesy that is a professor is due, conferring a certain level of respect sight unseen. Snape was quickly losing that respect. The man seemed to see no further than his house, and disliked Yoni on principle. Harry too, but Yoni was more concerned with his own marks. Harry had to fight his own battles.

Another one who had earned Yoni's dislike was Draco Malfoy. While it is difficult to avoid marriage with a particular family given the limited gene pool of pure bloods, more limited now that Voldemort had killed so many off. He was as ruthless to his allies as to his enemies. (You almost had to admire the man for that, it showed confidence.) Nevertheless, Clan Wiccatta and Clan Malfoy had never mingled. Draco was the most arrogant, vicious and petty boy Yoni had ever met (which wasn't saying much since he hadn't often left his manor before coming to Hogwarts.

Excited, the three boys left the breakfast table and headed up to the Gryffindor common room to open their broom, since Professor McGonagall had asked them not to open it in front of their fellow students. Halfway up the stairs their way was blocked by Malfoy and his two thuggish cronies Crabbe and Goyle.

"That's a broomstick" he spat after grabbing the parcel "You'll be for it this time Potter, first-year's aren't allowed them"

Yoni smiled, but Ron didn't leave it at that. "It's not any old broomstick; it's a nimbus 2000. What did you say you've got at home, Malfoy, a Comet 260?"

"Don't gloat" Yoni interjected "Just because Harry has a better broom doesn't mean we have to rub it in. Words a cheap anyway, action is what counts"

"Like you'd ever do anything other than talk!" Malfoy sneered "Your family never even leaves your manor"

"Just because we don't do something doesn't mean we can't. Meanwhile you, who rely on two `henchmen' to do all your heavy lifting, accuse me of laziness? I mean, it is obvious you are the brains of those three, but it's also pretty obvious who has the brawn. Let me guess: you fingernails are immaculate and unbent. Devoid of any sign of strenuous work, maybe I should get you some nail varnish."

Malfoy could only gape at the verbal tirade. Yoni smiled again

"You're a monkey, Malfoy, not a fish so close your mouth and move out the way. I'm sure your superior intellect has grasped the concept that stairs are for walking on, not talking on."

"You'll pay, I swear it." He snarled as Harry, Ron and Yoni pushed past

Yoni turned quickly "oh really? How? I would beat you in any physical contest and in a wizards duel; if you cared to pursue dishonourable combat I would prove myself to better you at that as well. Malfoy you are pathetic, the sooner you try to better yourself instead of cheapening others, the sooner you can actually accumulate real power. Now shut up or put up, I am tired of sparring with you." With that Yoni turned and walked away, he didn't hear a thing from behind.

"You know he'll try to pay you back right?" said Ron

"I hope he does work up the courage" Yoni responded "Some humility would be good for him"

Before the conversation could continue any further a furious voice exclaimed

"So I suppose you think that's a reward for breaking rules?

"I thought you weren't talking to us?" said Harry

"Yeah, don't stop now, its doing us so much good" continued Ron

Yoni simply watched her walk away, her nose in the air.

The day she learns that rules are only guidelines to normality the better.

The three happily admired Harry's Nimbus until seven when Harry went to his first practice; a solo session with the Captain of the Quidditch team Wood.

[No jokes please ladies and gents; he's heard them all I guarantee you.]

Yoni and Ron watched from the window (which looked out onto the Quidditch pitch, though it was so far away they couldn't see much). Or rather, Ron looked out, and Yoni surreptitiously watched Ron.

Yoni wasn't naïve, he knew what all the parts of his body did and were for, and he wanked off from time to time, but this year his libido seemed out of control. His sexual needs had been increasing at a prodigious rate, as had his equipment. He had never measured himself before, supposing that he was a few inches only. But now, fully extended he was more luck seven inches. That was a hell of an increase, also his sexual fantasies revolved more and more with the freckled, long-nosed redhead sitting beside him.

Yoni privately resolved to satiate his curiosity some time and see Ron naked. The next few weeks until Halloween were standard. Unfortunately, Hogwarts being as luxurious as it was, and there being so few students (comparative to muggle schools anyway) there seemed no need for communal ablutions, and since neither Ron nor Yoni played Quidditch he couldn't see him there either. Everyone (with the exception of Yoni himself) were properly, even excessively modest when dressing and undressing and it was all very frustrating. Yoni did catch a glimpse of a very prodigious tool on Neville, but shy as he was it was hard to be sure.

Halloween was an interesting day.

To start with, Yoni pulled off a perfect wingardium leviosa first try along with Hermione. He had already had a word with all the teachers in whose subjects he already had knowledge: charms, herbology, defence against the dark arts and potions, so his production of flawless spells and encyclopaedic knowledge was treated as non-events by the teachers, and Yoni never rubbed in the fact he was ahead, though he was willing to help any (Neville) who needed it.

Hermione did rub it in. Yoni didn't think she was doing it to be nasty, she may even by trying to help, but her attitude was all wrong.

After listing all the things Ron was doing wrong, Hermione also levitated her feather, causing Flitwick to praise Hermione and Ron to sulk...in a cute way.

"It's no wonder no-one can stand her, she's a nightmare honestly" Ron declared after Charms, which prompted Hermione to shove past in tears.

Not a good start to the day.

Then came the feast.

The feast was delicious, and the live bats strangely comforting, Yoni had always enjoyed watching the bats outside his window. Halfway through the feast Professor Quirrell rushed into the hall and up to Dumbledore's chair.

"Troll – in the dungeons – thought you ought to know" then fainted

And he's our DADA teacher? Pandemonium erupted; there was also a lot of noise. It took purple fire-crackers from Professor Dumbledore's wand to restore order and the houses were sent to the dormitories.

Part of the way there and...

"Hermione" Harry gasped "She wasn't at dinner?" Yoni responded "No, she's still in the girl's bathroom" "Which one?"

"What's wrong?" Ron asked, having not heard the urgent conversation behind him

"Hermione" they chorused

Ron bit his lip, Yoni melted

"Oh all right but Percy'd better not see us"

Surreptitiously as they could they joined a group of Hufflepuff's going the other way, and then ducked down a deserted corridor. Almost immediately they heard footsteps behind them.

"Percy" Ron hissed and he and Harry hid behind a pillar, there wasn't room for three. At the last second Yoni hid in a shadowed doorway, closed his eyes and wished with all his might that he was invisible.

Striding past him, close enough to touch went Snape, making unmistakably for the third floor.

Rejoining the others, Yoni couldn't help but wonder at the motives of Snape, it wasn't beyond the realms of possibility that the Troll was let in as a decoy, being as dumb as they are. But was Snape off to take advantage of that or to stop another from doing so?

So absorbed in his thoughts he was that he walked into Ron, then he saw what had transfixed them both. It was the back end of a troll disappearing into a room.

"We could lock it in" Harry whispered That plan, however, was quickly dashed by the screams that erupted from the room.

"Hermione!" Harry cried and the three of them rushed in.

Yoni had never had reason before to use his enhanced abilities, but greater speed and strength seemed like a good idea at the moment.

As soon as he could he pushed past Ron and Harry and ran up to Hermione. Everything seemed to be moving through water, Yoni felt sure that if he wanted to he could have dodged the Troll's club forever, instead he ducked the first wild swing, grabbed Hermione and tried to break for the door, only to be forced back by another swing from the Trolls club.

Yoni shoved back Hermione as far as she would go into a corner, where she cringed in mute terror. He then took advantage of the Troll's distraction (Harry and Ron where Yelling and throwing stuff) to rip out one of the porcelain sinks.

The troll turned his back on Yoni and started advancing towards Ron and Harry

"No you don't" Yoni snarled, he ran up the Trolls back (half-climbed actually) and smashed the sink on the Trolls head.

The troll stumbled

Snarling again with rage he hit, even harder then the first time and all in the room heard a distinct crack, the sink had a crack running up its middle and the troll started falling. Yoni dropped the sink and jumped free.

Ron and Yoni stared at the troll as Harry rushed over to Hermione.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yes" she quavered "Is it..."

Yoni crossed over and checked it for a pulse.

There wasn't one

"It's still alive, just unconscious" he stammered

I killed a troll, with my bare hands. No human can do that. I'm not human, what am I?

At that moment Snape, Quirrell and McGonagall burst into the room. Quirrell saw the troll, let out a whimper and sat down, clutching his heart. Snape checked the troll while McGonagall merely looked. Her mouth a thing white line, her nose pinched.

"What on Earth were you thinking of? She demanded

Yoni though quickly and settled on the truth. Ish.

"Hermione wasn't aware of the troll as she had come up here before Quirrell came in to inform us of the troll. Only Percy was in the area when I realised she must be here, and he couldn't take us back to Gryffindor common room AND come here, so I decided to save him the moral dilemma and come myself, I didn't realise that Harry and Ron had also worked out where Hermione was and followed me, though if it hadn't been for them I think the two of us" Yoni motioned to himself and Hermione at this point "would probably be dead".

McGonagall surveyed them through her square spectacles for a moment as Snape stood slowly up from the troll and watched.

"Very well. I still say you shouldn't have wandered off, but as that would have resulted in the death of a student I can hardly complain can I? I shall, however, award five points to Gryffindor for defeating the troll, five points for each of you. For sheer dumb luck." She finished and strode away.

"A moment please Mr Wiccatta." Snape said as the others filed out.

Once they were alone (Quirrell having left as well) Snape got right to the point.

"You realise that the troll's skull is cracked don't you?" he said lazily

"Is it? I hadn't realised no" Yoni responded

"I find that hard to believe" Snape said softly and focused on Yoni

Yoni quite deliberately let the memory of Snape striding up towards the third floor corridor drift into his minds eye and didn't think of what happened when he hit the troll.

"So." Snape hissed "you already know some occlumancy"

"Yes." Yoni snarled "And next time have the courage to call me a liar to my face."

He strode out and hurried to catch up with professor McGonagall, a funny ringing in his ears. He blindly turned a few corners and almost ran down professor's McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Wiccatta! What are doing here? You should be on your way to your common room!" McGonagall snapped

"In a moment Minerva, something seems to have upset our young Mr Wiccatta."

"Professor Dumbledore, May I beg a moments audience please?" asked Yoni in a strangled voice as he bowed.

"A moment only I am afraid" Dumbledore responded.

"I was looking for Professor McGonagall but consider it good fortune that I found you as well." He paused "I swore to inform you if I felt my condition changed. I think I might need somewhere to...go...from time to time. To cool off as it were."

Dumbledore surveyed him for a few moments "And what brought this on, may I ask?" he inquired

Yoni paused and swallowed "I could have smashed that trolls head in, and I very nearly did, professor Snape can tell you how it was cracked, and that with only two blows."

Professor McGonagall's lips went white again but it was professor Dumbledore who responded.

"I assume from your current disposition that you feel your anger is going to be the problem, as such it is unlikely that a secluded place off the school grounds will be convenient. I shall have to make inquires. In the meantime I suggest you keep a tight reign on your temper. And now, if you will excuse me, there are other matters that demand my attention."

With that he strode off, professor McGonagall quickly beside him.

Yoni slowly made his way to the common room. At the door he saw Harry and Ron peering along the other corridor, looking for him.

"We thought Snape was going to give you detention." Ron exclaimed

"What did he want?" asked Harry

"To know haw we defeated that troll, that's what" Yoni responded wearily.

They stepped inside the common room to see the rest of the house packed in and enjoying a very festive feast (and a few food fights). Inside the door Hermione was waiting there was a short and awkward silence as they looked at one another (spoilt only slightly by a custard pie sailing past them and narrowly missing Harry) then...

"Thanks" they all said and went their separate ways, friends forevermore.

Next: Chapter 4

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