
By sjtw69

Published on Apr 25, 2010


Hollie by Stephanie Silver (sjtw69@yahoo.com)

Chapter Six -- Going Even Farther

That was Hollie's last date with Paul. I asked her about it once, and she said it had something to do with him not liking the fact that he'd been blown by a guy. I had to chuckle. "I'm not much of a guy," I said.

Hollie agreed. "But not enough of a girl for him, I guess. Don't worry, there will be other guys."

And there were.

It took a few months, but there were. I didn't think about it at the time, but in hindsight, Holli'es break-up with Paul probably had a lot to do with me. She could have stayed with him, and he was definitely her type - all muscles and brawn. But since she couldn't include me as part of the deal, she stopped seeing him shortly after that threesome we did.

I guess I was a little disappointed. I'm not sure. I don't remember feeling disappointed at the time - I still wasn't convinced that's the direction I wanted to go. But, at the same time, I did think about what it might be like to start doing ALL the things girls do with guys, and, I guess, completely forgetting my manliness and going more or less "full girl" in a sexual relationship. And I had to admit that Paul would have been convenient for that.

But that's not what happened.

Instead, we took a few months to find someone else. I say we now, because shortly after Paul, Hollie invited me to buy a gym membership and start going there with her in the evenings. One reason was that she had noticed a little tummy-roll starting to form around my midsection and told me I needed to start watching my figure. How did she say it? "Cammie, I think you're putting on a little weight," she said one night as she pinched one of my love handles while we were watching TV. "I think you better start doing something about it, or the boys aren't going to think you're very cute."

She said it in a teasing way, but... I don't know. It scared me or something, and a week later I was trying to do a ten-minute mile on the treadmill while she flirted with the weightlifters.

And that seemed to be our strategy, because we actually worked together. She would do the flirting, and the meeting, and most of the talking, because she was more of an extrovert while I'm more introverted. My job was to check them out in the locker room, and report on guys I thought were cute and sexy. Officially I was doing that for her. Officially I had no interest in guys. Officially I was just helping her to find new boyfriends. Officially.

Unofficially, Hollie and I had started to talk and act more like two girlfriends than like a husband and wife. We talked about guys she thought were cute, and soon had me admitting what features I liked in a guy and what guys I thought were cute and sexy. We started watching chick flicks whenever we went to the movies. And I started reading romance novels. We pretended I liked them for the fine writing, but I think we both knew it was part of my study on how to be and act more feminine. I say "be" because there was more to it than just an act. It was becoming a major part of who I was.

And then I met Eddie. I first saw him in the locker room. No, wait. I saw him before that a few times lifting weights. He looked nice. I could tell he had muscles - he was bench pressing more than two hundred pounds - but he always wore a t-shirt with sleeves on it, so I had no idea what he looked like underneath. And, I have to admit, that was one of the things that attracted me to him. He was modestly humble. Weightlifting guys have a tendency to think they're gorgeous hunks of meat that everyone wants to look at, and so they have a tendency to wear revealing tank-top shirts that show how finely muscled they are. I guess, if you work that hard to look that way, you want to show it off. Unfortunately, as much as I might actually admire a well-muscled male, the attitude that goes with that type of behavior is a definite turn-off to me.

So, the fact that Eddie kept himself mostly covered up during his workouts was one of the things that attracted me to him.

Now, the next thing that attracted me to him...This is going to sound a little odd, I guess, but it was his bald head. Not shaved completely bald the way guys were starting to do in those days, but bald with a little bit of hair over each ear and some in the back. I don't know why, but I go for guys like that. Maybe it shows quiet maturity or something, and that's what gets me. Anyway, he was cute.

And then one day I found myself watching him lift. His feet were toward me, and he was wearing shorts that, when he would strain upward, would lift up, giving me a peek further up his muscular leg. I couldn't actually see anything, but I found myself imagining things pretty well. And so, when his workout ended and he made his way to the locker room, I decided to end my workout, too, such as it was.

All I can say is when I saw him shirtless a few minutes later, he's the first guy I ever found myself lusting after. His chest muscles were massive, symmetrical and perfectly shaped. His biceps were huge, and his abs were impressively defined. In short, he was as fine a specimen of manhood as you could ever hope to meet in a local fitness center.

I tried not to stare. Really. And I really don't think he noticed me. Well, maybe. No, he didn't, or he would have done something about it - he had that kind of personality. It wasn't his way to put on a show. He undressed slowly and... I could hardly believe I was about to see his cock. It was surrounded by a thick cloud of dark hair and looked... Well, it looked like a cock. What else can I say? A cute one. It obviously wasn't hard and erect when I saw it that first time, but it looked like... It just looked nice. I could imagine myself sucking on it.

Which made me stop and think, because I still wasn't used to the idea that I might be sexually attracted to men. But I was definitely attracted to Eddie.

I told Hollie about him, and she immediately started flirting her way into his life. Our way, I guess. Because two weeks later, on a Sunday, he was at our dinner table. Two hours later he was on the couch next to Hollie, watching TV with us. And I think that's when I suddenly realized I was jealous. Not of him, but of her. I was the one who first noticed him. I was the one who was most attracted to him. It seemed like I should be the one sitting next to him on the couch.

But Hollie was the one doing the flirting, and so she was the one getting most of the attention. It occurred to me that I really should pay attention to how she did it so that I could start doing it myself. Myself? Yeah, something had definitely changed in me since that time with Paul. Certainly my way of thinking had changed.

She didn't move all that fast, actually. Or he didn't. I think he was a little confused as to what exactly was going on. He was confused about me, mostly. Hollie had introduced me as her friend, nothing more, but he had to figure, since we lived together, there was something more. He might have imagined we were roommates, but, if he did, then he was looking around that tiny apartment and figuring out that there weren't that many bedrooms unless we shared a bedroom. Which we did, of course. He might have thought I was her boyfriend, or he might have even guessed we were married. In either case, he wasn't sure how to handle that, especially since Hollie was obviously coming on to him.

And so it took some time before he finally held her hand. From there she moved his hand onto her thigh and had to forcibly hold it there for several minutes before he actually started caressing her there. Once he did, Hollie leaned back against him in a very contented way. To me it was kind of like watching a stage play of one of the romance novels I'd started reading - I was looking forward to the part where he ripped open her bodice.

But that actually took a couple of weeks, with Hollie going on a few dates with him by herself during the week and him coming over to our apartment for Sunday dinners. That morning Hollie told me as we were getting dressed to wear something sexy underneath my clothes.

"Sexy? Like what?"

"Something you want Eddie to see you in," she said.

I remembered how she had accurately predicted these things in the past, so I asked, "Is tonight the night?"

She grinned. "It could be. Girls have to be ready, just in case."

"I want to wear my silver bra and short-shorts," I told her.

She agreed and said, "It's too bad you can't wear the boots, too. That's one thing about wearing a skirt. You can take it off without taking your shoes off first. You can't do that with pants."

And suddenly I knew what I had to do. "Hollie, what if I just dress up as a girl right from the start? I mean, eventually I want him to see me that way anyway."

Hollie looked at me for a moment and knew I was right. Either Eddie accepted me as a transvestite, or he didn't. And if he didn't, then that was essentially the end of it. Or at least you'd think that was the end of it. I know there was still some question in Hollie's mind as to how much she wanted her relationships with guys to depend on me. "For better or worse" and all that stuff, I guess. We were married, and, for now, that meant we worked together. I suspect we both knew that somewhere down the road the marriage might end and we'd each go our separate ways, but for now we shared. Plus, I think she wasn't as attracted to Eddie as I was - like I say, he wasn't really her type - and so she agreed.

My hair was still short, but getting longer, and Hollie helped me curl it before dinner. She helped me with some makeup and we added some silver nail polish to match my outfit. A nice fragrant bubble bath before dressing helped to set the mood so that by the time Eddie arrived, I was looking, and feeling, as feminine as I could.

"You answer the door," she said, when he knocked.

I was more nervous than I can remember ever being before in my life. It occurs to me now that I really, really had a crush on him. I wanted him to think I was pretty. Mostly I wanted him to like me. If he laughed at me, or made fun of me, or told me he didn't want to be with me, I think I would have been devastated. All of those thoughts were somehow going through my mind as I opened the door without me being totally conscious of their full meaning or their impact on my future.

"Hi Eddie," I said, smiling shyly. And, thankfully, suddenly I found my comfort zone - the shy girl next door.

Eddie walked in, looking at me and letting his confusion show. "Who are you?" he asked.

Hollie quickly came to my rescue. "Eddie, you remember my roommate, Cammie. She likes to dress up like a girl sometimes."

Eddie took his time looking me over, causing me to blush several more shades of crimson before he finished. "Very pretty," he said at last, causing my heart to skip for joy. "Very sexy." I was wearing my favorite silver outfit underneath a soft pink blouse and knee-length brown leather skirt. The skirt and blouse were my very own; we'd started buying me things to wear since Paul.

And that's when I knew. The same way Hollie always knew. Someone was getting screwed that night, and I hoped it was going to be me.

But it wasn't. At least not that night. But it was still a pretty good night. We started with dinner, as usual, and, as it had been with Paul, I suddenly found myself feeling... different. That's the only way to describe it. I felt like someone else. I was still shy, and introverted, but I was a shy, introverted young woman, instead of a shy, introverted young man. And the fact that I was attracted to our guest that afternoon was something I didn't have to hide. From him or from Hollie.

Hollie wisely let me take over as I flirted my way through the main course. By the time we settled in for some TV watching, it was me on the couch with Eddie and Hollie sitting across from us. But I wasn't watching TV. I was more interested in Eddie.

And what was really exciting was that he seemed genuinely interested in me.

As nervous as I was, as excited as I was, as attracted as I was to the man on my left, I'm very traditional when it comes to men's and women's roles, and so I waited for him to make the first move, if there was going to be one. I can't say I waited patiently. I was trying to be patient, but it seemed like every cell in my body was begging for Eddie to take advantage of me.

It took an hour. An hour! After an hour of flirting and looking as pretty and sexy as I could, and sending him every come-hither signal I could think of, he finally slipped his hand around mine, instantly interlocking our fingers during the commercial. I was totally thrilled. So thrilled, I swear if nothing else had happened that evening I would have gone to bed happy.

But that was just the start. A slow start it was, but it was picking up speed. Emboldened by the fact that I was holding his hand, I slid sideways slightly so that my shoulder was against his side -- a gesture that said I wanted to be his girl. A minute or two later he put his arm around my shoulders -- a gesture that said he wanted to let me be his girl.

I looked over at Hollie. She smiled approvingly. And that was all that happened for a while, until a few commercials later when Hollie excused herself to go make us some dessert. I'd never kissed a man before that. I'd never even thought about kissing a man before. Well, okay, maybe a little. I wondered if it would be any different than kissing a girl. And, I suppose, based on the lifestyle choices I was making, I knew my future held the possibility of me kissing a man.

I suppose I should have expected it, but I didn't. Not at all. I was probably too confused by the fact that I was dressed like a girl and sitting on the couch holding hands with an attractive man. And that's when I felt his warm breath on my cheek.

Okay, I'm naïve, I'll admit it. I wondered, What is he doing? So I turned to find out, and his face was right there. Right next to my cheek, just inches above my shoulder. Millimeters. Close, I mean. And suddenly I knew he wanted to kiss me.

Okay, I'm still not sure what thoughts went through my head at that moment. It seems like there were a gazillion of them, ranging from get the hell away from me to trying to decide what to do with tongues to wanting desperately not to mess this up.

Saying no has never been one of my strong points, so what could I do? I turned my head and let him kiss me. Right on the mouth.

It was a sweet kiss. Probably the sweetest, softest, most tender kiss I've ever had. I think it was that kiss that finally convinced me I liked boys more than girls. I think. I mean, from that moment on I seemed to think more about boys and less about girls than I did before.

Hollie chose that moment to come back into the room with a plate full of brownies. Chocolate gooey ones with no frosting -- the kind, I realized, that would make my mouth an ugly chocolate-y mess. I actually love those kind of brownies, but... I could barely eat them. For two reasons. One, I suddenly worried what the added calories might do to my figure. And two, and the more important of the two at that moment, I worried that Eddie might not want to kiss me if my mouth was a chocolate mess.

"What have you two been doing?" she asked in a voice that sounded like she knew exactly what we'd been doing.

We each ate a brownie; Eddie ate two. Hollie isn't the kind who likes being left out, and so she insisted on settling herself onto the couch on the other side of Eddie from me. It was cozy, and immediately Hollie was leaning on Eddie's shoulder, blowing in his ear, and demanding his attention.


That's when it first appeared. Or had it appeared before she left to get the brownies? Either way, her behavior hurt my feelings. It was one thing for her to flirt with other guys when I had no interest in them myself. That was something we'd already agreed to. But this! This was different. This was a guy I WAS interested in. This was a guy I wanted to be with. This was a guy who had just kissed me without me needing to force myself on him. Well, maybe a little I had forced myself on him, but only a little. And there she was practically trying to steal him away right out from under my nose. It hurt. And I had no idea what I could say or do to fix it.

Well, with Hollie tackling him from the left, and me tackling him from the right, it was only a matter of time before we were kissing each back and forth in a three-way that promised to get even sexier and naughtier before the night ended. When Eddie put his hand up the back of my skirt and gave my bottom a squeeze, I squealed with excitement. He did the same thing to Hollie, and eventually she suggested he might enjoy it more if she took her pants off. To which Eddie quickly agreed.

Hollie stood up and shimmied her pants down in front of us. She was wearing purple lace panties that were mostly see-through and so tight that Eddie could see ever curve of her shapely ass. Which she spent several minutes letting him ogle by keeping her back to us and gently rolling her hips from side to side. The little slut.

When she was finished, Eddie suggested I do the same, saying, "Why don't you show us your panties, Cammie?"

Did I mention that I'm not very competitive when it comes to guys? I'm not. But that evening I was a girl fighting over a man with another girl, so I was suddenly very competitive. I stood up and mimicked Hollie's strip act as best I could, slowly lifting my skirt up to expose my silver pants, and then lowering it as I unfastened the cinch and pulled the zipper down. I let gravity slowly pull the skirt down until I couldn't hold it up any longer without bending awkwardly, at which point I let it fall all the way to the floor. I turned around and bent forward so that Eddie and Hollie would be able to get a good look at my butt. Of all the things God forgot to give me when it comes to looking cute and sexy, he was gracious enough to grant me at least one thing: a shapely ass. I'd looked at myself in the mirror enough times to know that the silver fabric was stretched tightly across my bottom displaying my curves in the best possible way.

I did my best to mimic Hollie's hip rolling to arouse and titillate my small audience, and was rewarded with the feel of Eddie's large hands caressing and fondling my butt. "Mmmm, yeah," I moaned.

Those hands slowly pulled me backward until I was sitting on his lap. I could feel how hard he was. I think. I was pretty sure that hard bulge was his cock, but it was my first time sitting on a guy's lap, so I wasn't completely sure. I somehow turned my head to face him and we kissed some more. The question of tongues had already been answered and the answer was yes -- his tongue was in my mouth and my tongue was in his mouth. Or at least trying to be.

And in the middle of that very sexy kiss, with Eddie's hands now caressing my breasts and unbuttoning my blouse, Hollie's mouth joined us for a three-way open-mouthed kiss that was as sexy as anything I'd ever imagined.

When he finished unbuttoning my top, I took it off while he turned his attention to Hollie. A minute or two later she was down to just her bra and panties. "I want to watch you two make out," he said.

So we did. Tongue kisses with our hands touching each other anywhere and everywhere. I unhooked Hollie's bra and helped her take it off, and then dipped my hands inside her panties, pulling them down and turning her so that Eddie could see her exposed bottom. "Take them off," he suggested.

I helped her out of them leaving her completely naked. It occurred to me that I was going about this backward if my intention was to keep her from stealing Eddie away from me, but what could I do? Undressing her just seemed like the right thing to do. I think we both agreed that I would be more comfortable if I kept my clothes on. At least my bra and pants.

We made out like that for a while, but since we were standing up it was hard not to feel awkward, and so we soon joined Eddie on the couch, kissing him more or less at the same time as we tugged at his clothes. He willingly submitted to our demands, and soon we had his shirt all the way off. The sight of his magnificent muscled chest again left me simply breathless. But Hollie barely slowed as she began working at the buckle of his pants. "Let's get you out of these pants," she said.

While Hollie undid Eddie's pants, I softly caressed his chest and upper arms. "God, you're so big," I admired softly, earning a kiss of appreciation in return. I couldn't get over how turned on I was by a man's chest and muscles. And I couldn't seem to keep my hands off him.

"You like that?" he grinned when it became obvious how aroused I was getting.

"Yes," I replied, blushing.

"It's okay," he said. "No need to be embarrassed. I'm glad you like it."

That's when I kissed him. Right on top of his head. That's when I realized just how sexy a bald head was to me. Then it was his turn to blush. "God made a few good heads," he said, "And the rest of them he put hair on."

I laughed at his joke. And kissed him. Right on the lips. I couldn't help myself. I was falling in love. "Promise not to tell anyone?" I asked.

"Tell anyone what?"

"I think bald guys are... incredibly sexy!" I said, and blushed as soon as I said it.

He pulled me in for another kiss -- a soft one that rivaled the softness and tenderness of our very first kiss. "I'm glad you like it," he said. "I think transvestites are pretty sexy, too."

Well, the only thing left to do after that was for Hollie and me to suck Eddie's dick. It wasn't the screwing I thought one of us might be getting, but I had to admit I probably wasn't ready for that anyway. The blow job we gave him was a lot like the one we had given Paul a couple months earlier, with both of us sharing back and forth. The difference was that this time I was much more involved in the sucking right from the start. Hollie still went first, especially since she was the one who had done the work of taking Eddie's pants off, but I was right behind her waiting for my turn.

He was smaller than Paul. Noticeably. But that was okay with me. He was still definitely a mouthful. He had a beautiful, circumcised cock that was probably about six inches in length. I swirled my tongue across the tip and enjoyed every texture of every curve. It was beautiful.

With a little more expertise at bringing guys off, or maybe just because she wanted to be more in charge of the situation, Hollie's the one who finally brought him to orgasm. I heard his moans and knew he was cumming, filling her mouth.

Jealousy again.

As soon as she pulled her mouth away, I swooped in to finish the job, hoping for a stray drop or two of cum to call my own, but Hollie had managed to get everything. By that time, Eddie was spent and had to ask me to stop to keep from hurting him. Reluctantly I got up and gave him a soft kiss.

As our lips parted, Hollie was there beside me, insisting on giving me a kiss, too. I was still hurt by the fact that she had managed to get all his cum without leaving me any and really didn't feel like kissing her just then, but she was insistent. I turned my head and let her give me a wet, sloppy kiss.

There was something strangely different about the kiss, and it took me a moment to figure out what it was. It was Eddie's cum. Hollie had held it in her mouth and was starting to push it into my mouth with her tongue. It was thick and saltier than her normal saliva, and the normally pungent smell had mostly disappeared. But it was cum, and more important it was Eddie's cum. I savored every drop, and, after swirling it around my mouth and through my teeth, happily swallowed.

Mean people suck. Nice people swallow.

Next: Chapter 8

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