Hollingsworth University

By moc.liamtoh@9224ecnirpc

Published on May 16, 2012


This story is fiction. I dont know any celebrities or porn stars mentioned in this story. If you have any questions or comments please email me cprince4229@hotmail.com

Going to college, I was full of mixed emotions. I was glad I got a full ride academic and a partial ride athletic scholarship for track and field. I was also glad that my best friend Earl was going to this school with me. But I really hated moving so far from home. Tuscaloosa, AL is really far from Hesperia, CA, but Hollingsworth University is a prestigious institution with equally prestigious academic and athletic programs. I'm looking forward to it, but nervous at the same time.

My name is Dominic Thomas. I am 19 years old and I am majoring in Business Management. My friends call me Legacy, because when I leave the track, I leave a legacy to be followed. My best friend is Earl Benjamin. He is also 19 years old. He has a full ride track scholarship. He has never been real committed to school work, which is why he is a general studies major. I find myself doing a lot of his work along with my own while he is out running. Which is why I only have a partial track and full academic, because somehow I still manage to get perfect grades. Everybody called him Ben J, because he hated the name Earl, because it made him feel old. Now we are starting at HU together. We managed to get an apartment off campus, because freshmen aren't required to live on campus.

Legacy: Wow, can you believe were in college?

Ben J: I know bro. I keep telling myself that I'm dreaming.

Legacy: Well now that we are moved in, what do we do now?

Ben J: Hell you know I don't know. I need to find a nigga to wife up.

Legacy: It's sad you already thinking about some ass.

It has never been a secret to either of us that the other was gay. Ben J has always seemed to pull the freaky boys that were only interested in his dick and his checking account. He spoiled these boys, fucked them, and tossed them aside. That was how he was. Plenty of boys tried to change him but they ended up just like the ones before him.

Legacy: Well, I'm going to check out the campus. You wanna come?

Ben J: Yea, I need to go find these building these classes in since you said I gotta go to class and do my own damn work!

Legacy: You sure as hell are. This is college! You aint finna have me fuck up my scholarship. You aint finna fuck up yours either. You know you gotta maintain a 3.0 GPA to keep it and I have to maintain a 3.3 GPA to keep my academic. So yea, you aint fuckin me up!

Ben J: Aight nigga, damn. I mean we got tha same schedule. What classes we got again?

Legacy: Wait I gotta check the schedule.... M & W at 9:45am we got Calculus with Dr. Michael Ealy. At 11am we got English Lit with Professor Tyrese Gibson. On T & Th at 9am we got Introduction to Business with Dr. Will Smith. At 10:45 we got Chemistry with Professor James Todd Smith.

Ben J: Aight lets go then.

We left our building and made drive over to the campus. We managed to find all of the buildings and the rooms. We decided to go to cafeteria to get something to eat and scope out some of the dudes on campus. We got to the cafeteria and we saw it was an interesting set up. It had different fast food places all over the place. McDonalds, Chik-Fil-A, and a Starbucks were among the food places that were there. As soon and Ben and I walked in, one guy caught my eye, because he was staring at me. He was tall, dark caramel complexion, and had tattoos for days. He was my kind of dude. I decided introduce myself. I'm very upfront about people I like.

Legacy: Umm, I'll be right back.

Ben J: Fast ass.

Legacy: Look who talking? Bitch!

As soon as I walked off this fem dude walked up to Ben J and started flirting with him. Well look at this foolishness. It's expected though. Anyway, I make my way over to the cutie. He is with a group of his friends. None of them are as equally as cute as he is, but they are cute.

Legacy: Hey, I'm Dominic.

Ace: What's up? I'm Ace.

Legacy: Nice to meet you Ace.

While Ace and I was talking, I could feel his crew eyeballing me. I'm thinking to myself "damn I know I'm cute but shit!" I guess he realized it and decided to introduce the fellas.

Ace: Well let me introduce my boys. This is Trey, JeRemy, Mike, and Kevyn.

Legacy: Nice to meet yall. I'm Dominic.

Trey was a light-skinned slim dude with a few tattoos and a cute smile.

Trey: Wassup dude?

Kevyn was tall, around the same complexion as Ace but had a real business like feel to him.

Kevyn: Yo?

Mike was kinda sexy. Real slim, cute face, glasses, tall as hell, and he looked like a Cuban.

Mike: Hey.

JeRemy was short, nice build, cute but was mugging me hard as hell

JeRemy: Yea, we heard you the first time.

See this queen JeRemy is gonna be a problem. I can already tell. I had to set him straight from the get go.

Legacy: Well what I was trying to do was be polite. It seems like you could use some lessons in that department.

It got him riled up. He got up and started to get in my face but Ace pulled us apart.

Ace: Ok, no need for that.

JeRemy: Whatever.

He got up and went and snatched up the one that was flirting with Ben J.

Ben J: What tha fuck?

Then he yells across the room at me.

Ben J: Yo Dom, you see this shit!

Legacy: I'm sorry for him.

Ace: Naw, I'm sorry for Remy.

Legacy: Who?

Ace: Jeremy. We call him Remy for short.

Legacy: What's his problem?

Trey: He a bitter lil bitch, that's all.

Mike: He likes to get his way.

Kevyn: When he doesn't, he has a fit.

Ace: I'll handle him later. I'm trying to get to know you right now.

Legacy: Oh really?

Ace: Hell yea. I'm feeling you and I know you feeling me.

Legacy: How you think I'm feeling you? You lil cute thugs think everybody feeling yall.

Ace: You feisty. I like that. I need to get wit you.

Legacy: Well maybe you will, maybe you won't. We'll see how I feel.

Just then, Ben J came over and tapped me on my shoulder.

Ben J: Man let's get out of here. The niggas here aint bout shit. Who is this?

Legacy: This is Ace, Trey, Kevyn, and Mike. You guys, this is my best friend Ben J.

Trey was eyeing Ben real hard and vice versa. I had to snap them out of that, because I thought Trey was a nice guy and I didn't want him to end up like the rest of Ben's casualties. I grabbed a napkin and wrote my number down and handed it to Ace.

Legacy: Here's my number. Call me. (to Ben J.) Let's go.

Ben J: Why you cock blocking bro? That dude was eying me down!

Legacy: Because he seemed like a good dude and I don't want you to do him, like you do all your other dudes.

Ben J: Aight man whatever.

As soon as we were out the cafeteria, Legacy's phone was vibrating with a text.

-Just makin sure u gave me tha right number-

-LOL I don't do that. If I didn't want u to have my #, I wouldn't gave it 2 u-

-ok so when you gon let me take you out?-

-when you wanna take me out?-

-shit we can go right now. What dorm hall u in?-

-naw we can wait till tomorrow evening. And I stay in Westbury apartments, off campus-

-oh aight. Fancy shit.-

-lol wuteva. Ima hit u l8r. Gotta cook something.-

-oh shit u can cook? I dun hit tha jackpot!-

-oh I am far from a housewife boo boo.-

-aight then, but go on and HMU later-

Looks like we might have a winner!

Next: Chapter 2

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