Hollyoaks Extra Tuition

By Michael Butterfield

Published on Apr 23, 2008


I'm here to disclaim any knowledge of the true sexuality of the fictional characters that follow. Josh is played by Josh Ashworth, Mr Owen is played by Russ Owen, and Ste is played by Stephen Hay, all of whom reside in Hollyoaks. Carl is played by Carl Gallagher in 'Shameless'. Enjoy.

`So it's approximated that around twenty-five million people died in just that single four-year span. But the fun part of the Black Plague is that it originated in Europe how?'

Josh's eyes are fixed solidly at Mr Owen at the front of the class. Josh has been holding the pen in his hand all lesson, but it hasn't moved an inch across the page.

He's watching the teacher zealously in a total daydream, looking especially close at his lips. But all he can hear is his classmates around him scribbling notes and concentrating. Josh's brain seems to up and leave the room every time he has this particular lesson.

No one? As an early type of germ warfare.' continues Mr Owen. If you'll look at the map on page fifty-four you can trace the spread of the disease into Rome, and then north...'

Josh snaps out of his daydream when he realises he doesn't have a book, and looks around for help. Mr Owen notices and looks concerned for Josh, so he picks up a copy from his desk and puts it in front of Josh. Some girls behind him giggle.

Josh feels his cheeks turn red with embarrassment and quietly says `Thanks'.

Mr Owen walks back to the whiteboard and continues.

`And this epic plague led to what social changes? Carl?'

The bell rings and the students get up to leave. Josh, having only just really woken up, begins to slowly pack his things away. As usual he's the last to leave the classroom. He flings his bag over his shoulder and moves towards the door when Mr Owen calls him.

`Josh, can you come here a second.'

`Why?' asks Josh without turning.

`Come here' replies Mr Owen simply. It wasn't a request.

Mr Owen is sitting at his desk, getting out a new packet of cigarettes from his draw. Josh stands beside his desk, hands deep in his pockets, looking down at the floor.

I'm worried about you Josh' says Mr Owen, as he unwraps the plastic off the new cigarette packet. Is everything okay? At home, here in school?'

`Yeah' mumbles Josh, still staring at the floor.

You seem a bit... distracted' says Mr Owen, pulling out a cigarette and putting back the packet in the top draw. You're easily one of the brightest kids in the year, but lately it's like you're not really applying yourself as much'

Each new word Mr Owen says makes Josh's heart beat faster. Someone's been noticing, thinks Josh. He's been noticing...

Josh gets a sudden whiff of Mr Owens's cologne. Josh's eyes can no longer stay stuck to the floor. He slowly lifts his head and moves his eyes up Mr Owens's legs, over his suited body and to his face. There was something about those caring, beetle-black eyes, set within that handsome face, and that well fitting suit, that had been making Josh's school days a havoc lately. He tries to slyly move his bag over his crotch.

Mr Owen notices and tries to suppress a small smile at this. He stands up, gets a lighter out of his jacket pocket and puts a hand on Josh's shoulder, and says `Just try not to let other things get in the way, alright?'.

Josh swallows hard at Mr Owens's firm yet gentle touch, and quietly says `Okay'.

Mr Owen gives him a quick raise of his eyebrow and Josh quickly corrects himself: `Okay, Sir'

`Your marks have been slipping far too much lately and I can't let that reflect badly on you or myself'.

Mr Owen brushes past Josh and he gets another nose-full of his aftershave, and Josh's legs almost buckle.

Mr Owen walks between the desks and picks up the exercise books.

`As the new teacher around here I can't afford to be responsible for failing the top student. You need extra tuition' says Mr Owen in a way that gives no room for debate.

Collecting the last of the books, he slams them onto the desk making Josh jump. One or two of the exercise books fall onto the floor and they both bend down to pick them up.

`It's just; I can't really afford extra lessons right now, Sir. Things are a bit tight at the minute' says Josh quietly embarrassed.

`So I see' replied Mr Owen glancing at Josh's crotch.

They both quickly stand up. Mr Owen can't hide his smile and Josh can feel his cheeks burning hotter than ever before.

Composing himself, Mr Owen puts a caring hand on young Josh's arm again and says Look, just come round my house later and we'll go through the material bit-by-bit, free of charge' He takes his hand off Josh's shoulder and holds it out to him. Deal?'

Back to staring down at the floor to hide his still-glowing red face, Josh replies `Deal'.

Josh knocks on the handsome front door; his hand shaking with nerves. He catches his reflection in the glass pane and tries to fix his unruly hair.

There's a clicking sound and the door suddenly swings open. Mr Owen stands there, still in his suit, tie askew and holding a glass of whisky in his hand.

Shocked to see Josh standing there, he says `Josh! I completely forgot! Come in!'

This doesn't exactly make Josh feel any better as he walks through the door and into the hallway.

The two of them stand there for an awkward moment or two. Mr Owen, still surprised to see Josh, suddenly realises he's still holding his glass of whisky, and quickly downs it in one. He puts the glass down on the side cabinet and sees his reflection in the mirror above it. He swiftly starts to fix his open shirt and tie, and Josh, still standing there uncomfortably, asks `Shall I take off my shoes?'

Mr Owen stops in the middle of fixing his tie, looks at Josh seriously in the reflection of the mirror and says `Josh- remember the rules'

`Oh sorry, I mean, shall I take off my shoes, sir?'

Smiling, Mr Owen replies `Yes Josh, just leave them there'

Finished straightening himself up, Mr Owen clears his throat and says `Come through to the living room, Josh'

`So the Industrial Revolution began when?' says Mr Owen expectantly to Josh as they sit at a dining table covered in books.

`Hm?' mumbles Josh staring into Mr Owens' eyes. He then realises the look on Mr Owens' face.

`Oh, the Industrial Resolution... umm, began during the... thing'

Mr Owen looks disappointed. `During the 1800s'

Josh comes back to Earth. `Right, sorry yeah, during the 1800s' He sits up straight again and tries to refocus.

`And what was the significance of Shaftsbury and Peel?' asks Mr Owen, increasingly frustrated and fingering a single cigarette in his trouser pocket.

Josh looks at the carpet of text books in front of him, desperately trying to pick out a slither of information that could help, but he quickly gives up. `I err, I don't know, Sir' he answers quietly.

The significance being, Josh,' shouts Mr Owen suddenly, making Josh jump, that without them you probably wouldn't be sitting here right now!' Mr Owen crushes the cigarette in his fist with annoyance and moves his face close to Josh's. `Understand?'

Scared, heart beating fast, Josh stays looking down at the text books in front of him to avoid his angry glare. Mr Owens' face was so close that Josh could smell the strong mix of whisky and fags on his breath and he felt a twinge in his pants.

Mr Owen sits back and rubs his eyes in frustration. `I'm sorry, Josh. I just hate to see my favourite student like this'.

Josh's heart skips a beat at this, but he doesn't reply and continues to look down solemnly.

Josh look at me when I'm talking to you' Mr Owen says putting his hand on Josh's chin and turning his face towards him. What's wrong? What can I do to help you focus?'

Josh looks deep into Mr Owens' dark eyes, swallows hard and tries desperately to speak, to tell him how he really feels for him, but he just pushes Mr Owen away and puts his head in his hands.

Mr Owen sighs heavily. He doesn't know what to do. He can't stand to see young Josh in this state. He muses they don't teach this in Teacher Training. But as he looks at Josh sitting there, with his face buried in his hands, Mr Owen looks down and can't help but notice a significant bulge in Josh's trousers.

It's the last resort, thinks Mr Owen. He can't think of anything else that could help. And if he was honest with himself, Mr Owen had known for a while that Josh harboured some sort of school-boy crush on him.

Very cautiously, Mr Owen puts a hand on Josh's thigh, and gives it a gentle squeeze. Josh suddenly feels the large, warm hand of Mr Owen on his thigh and looks up.

Again the student and the teacher look into each other's eyes, and neither says a word.

Josh looks down at Mr Owens' hand in shock, and watches as it moves further and further towards his increasingly uncomfortable erection in his school trousers.

Josh's entire body starts to shiver and he closes his eyes. He can't work out whether or not he's fallen asleep and is simply having one of his fantasy daydreams about his favourite teacher again. He opens his eyes and realises he is definitely not dreaming when Mr Owen reaches his groin and cups his balls in his one hand. He gentle clutches them, and then moves his hand over the now incredibly prominent hard shaft in Josh's tight black trousers. Mr Owen rubs Josh's hard member up and down, very slowly through his trousers. Josh begins to breathe very heavily and become almost dizzy, and he can't help but shut his eyes again and slump back on his seat.

Mr Owens' rubs harder and faster, and moves his body closer to Josh's- putting his free arm around his shoulders, as Josh begins to twist and squirm in his seat.

`Ah fuck, Sir!' breathes Josh, now barely realising what he's doing or saying.

Mr Owen makes longer and harder strokes up and down Josh's rock solid cock through his trousers, sometimes dragging his nails across it and making Josh's body spasm. Mr Owen admires the ecstasy on his students young, handsome face, watching him wriggle uncontrollably, but then looks down at Josh's groin when he suddenly feels something wet on his fingers. There's a wet patch around the end of where Josh's penis is. Precum Mr Owen thinks, and he smiles to himself. He must be ready to cum already...

Mr Owen stops rubbing, and Josh stops moaning for a second and tries to catch his breath, but his eyes still feel too heavy to open. Mr Owen swiftly undoes Josh's belt, but then struggles to undo the zip. `These school trousers can be a right nuisance' whispers Mr Owen to Josh when he opens his eyes to see what Mr Owen is doing.

Mr Owen gets more and more annoyed with the zip, desperate to finish Josh off properly. He finally manages to unzip Josh, and Josh closes his eyes again to sit back and enjoy the rest of what's to come, when suddenly there is a loud BANG as the front door swings open and slams into the wall. `Oh shit I always do that', comes a voice from the hallway.

Josh's stomach lurches horribly and he sits bolt upright, eyes wide with fear as he looks to Mr Owen.

`Remember to take ya fuckin' shoes off!' comes another voice from the hallway, and two pairs of footsteps get closers towards where Josh and his teacher are.

Mr Owen claps the hand he was using on Josh to his face in exasperation and mumbles `Oh fuck, not tonight...'

Josh's body has gone from being completely relaxed and in total ecstasy, to utterly rigid and frozen. He can't move a muscle, as much as he'd like to runaway right now, but it's too late anyway. He can only look at Mr Owen, who simply looks aggravated at the thought of the newcomers. He doesn't look back at Josh.

The door into the lounge bursts open. `Alright, Sir! Sorry we didn't knock, you weren't answering ya pho-' and the voice coming from behind Josh stops midsentence. Josh feels sick with fear. He's been caught. And even worse- he recognises the voices.

`Ello ello, who's this then, eh Sir?' says the voice in an amused tone.

Mr Owen clears his throat fixes his tie and stands up. Hello Ste' he says in an annoyed voice. What are you two doing here? Your... lesson is not till Tuesday'

`It is Tuesday, Sir' says the other lad.

Oh' say Mr Owen forcing a smile on his face, Right'

`So come on then, Sir, introduce us to the newbie' says the first voice, who's obviously much more confident than the second lad.

Josh snaps out of his frozen status and hurriedly tries to zip himself back up, but his hands are shaking badly and the zip isn't working again, so he just manages to fasten his belt and stands up.

Josh nearly swallows his tongue when he see's who the voices belong to. The two young lads were both stood there in school uniforms, but the voice he recognised first was Ste's- Josh's ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. He dropped out of school ages ago, Josh thought, very confused and sick with fear.

And the second lad was Carl, who was in Josh's year at school, and in fact he played football with him every lunchtime. Carl seemed equally surprised to see Josh's face at first, but quickly got over it and gave him a jokey smile and thumbs up.

During the surprise introductions, Mr Owen had got himself another whisky, and stood between the boys. `Carl and Ste, this is Josh, Josh- this is Carl and Ste' he said downing the whisky in one.

`Yeah- think all know each other' says Ste with a sly smirk across his face. He looks Josh up and down and sees his trousers undone, and more intriguingly a distinct wet patch by the groin.

Josh looks down and realises, and quickly tries to cover it up with his hands.

Ste laughs, prompting Josh to speak up for the first time in a while, saying `What the fuck are you doing here, and dressed like that' nodding at Ste's school boy attire.

`I reckon you're about to find out, you little-'

`Alright lads, calm down' interrupted Mr Owen. Josh couldn't work out what on earth was going on. Why was Ste here? Dressed like that? And why wasn't Mr Owen kicking them out?

But just as Josh was about to confront Ste again, Mr Owens' voice boomed Where is your tie, young man?' out of nowhere. He marched up to Carl, who stood there with a strange mixture of terror and glee on his face. Mr Owen pointed at his tie-free chest with the empty whisky glass still in his hand, and put his face right up to close to Carl's like he did earlier with Josh. Well?' he continued angrily, `Where is it?'

Carl's heart thumped with fear, but a small smile crept on his face as he explained to Mr Owen that he'd `forgotten it'.

Again?' says Mr Owen, I'm beginning to wonder if you keep doing this on purpose Gallagher?'

Carl doesn't answer, but tries his best to hide his excitement. `Sorry, Sir'

`Well you know the drill. Any rule breaking gets a punishment. And that goes to you two as well' Mr Owen says turning to Josh and Ste, neither of whom had moved an inch.

Over there' says Mr Owen in his sternest voice returning to Carl, pointing to the dining table covered in books where he and Josh had been using earlier themselves, trousers and pants down, hands flat on the table'.

Mr Owen barely finishes speaking before Carl yanks down his pants and clears a space for himself on the table so he can bend over it. With his trousers and pants around his ankles, Carl looks back at Mr Owen like an excited puppy about to go for a walk.

Mr Owen keeps a stern expression on his face as he walks towards the whisky cabinet.

He fills his glass slowly, replaces the whisky bottle and walks over to Carl.

Carl nervously awaits his punishment, and licks his lips eagerly. Josh can't believe what he thinks is about to happen. Carl's palms sweat profusely, causing them to slip a little on the smooth wooden surface of the dining table.

Mr Owen positions himself adjacent to Carl, puts an open-palmed hand to Carl's now-exposed arse, carefully raises it high in the air, keeps it there for a moment and takes a sip of whisky. Carl shuts his eyes in anticipation. Mr Owen then swiftly smacks his hand furiously hard onto Carl's cheeks.

Carl instantly yells in pain and his eyes already begin to water. His arse is stinging with pain. He politely asks `Again'. Mr Owen clearly does not need asking twice.

SMACK! He lands another blow. Josh is watching completely aghast. What the fuck is going on here? One minute he's having extra tuition on 19th century history, the next he's watching one of his classmates getting spanked by a teacher, and he's standing next to his ex girlfriends boyfriend who's dressed up like he still goes to school!

In desperation he turns back to Ste, who appears to have been looking at Josh the whole time. `Seriously, what the fuck is up here, Ste?' Josh asks quietly so Mr Owen can't overhear.

`Obviously not your fly, mate' smirks Ste indicating to Josh's groin.

Josh looks down and sees that his fly is still undone, and quickly tries to do it up again- but still no luck.

As Josh struggles with his zip he can still hear Carl's yelps of pain behind him, and yet he still keeps asking `One more time, Sir... please'

Just as Josh gives up on fixing his zip, Ste strides over to him and swiftly slides a nimble hand inside Josh's open fly. Ste does it so quickly with such precision that Josh can't stop him. Ste immediate begins to grope Josh's cock through his underwear.

For a moment Josh instinctively shuts his eyes- he can't resist because it feels so good- maybe even better than Mr Owens' touch. But then another loud smack and a painful yell from Carl behind him snaps Josh out of it and he remembers its Ste. Josh quickly grabs his busy hand and pushes Ste away.

`Fuck off! What the hell would Amy think if she saw all this?!' asks Josh worriedly.

Well she ain't gonna find out' replies Ste squaring up to Josh was a menacing look on his face You got it? Or I'll rip ya to shreds' he says grabbing Josh by the scruff of the shirt.

`Alright, that's enough' comes Mr Owens' voice in Josh and Ste's direction as the smacking and shouting suddenly stops. And Ste quickly backs away.

`Aww please, Sir! Just one more?' pleads Carl.

`That'll do Carl' Mr Owen says calmly. Carl straightens up and turns around to Mr Owen sporting a huge erection and even bigger smile. Josh catches a glimpse of his red raw arse cheeks before Carl pulls up his pants and trousers.

`Go upstairs and get one of my ties from my wardrobe' orders Mr Owen.

`Sweet!' says Carl as he rushes past Josh and Ste and up the stairs, leaving the three in the room alone.

Next: Chapter 2

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