Holy Orders

Published on Aug 9, 2021


Holy Orders

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to winarch47@yahoo.com

I am Bryn and was a great disappointment to my father. He was a carpenter. I had seven brothers who were big men who all became carpenters. I was the youngest and smallest of his sons. My mother died when I was born, so I was raised by my grandmother.

You would think that was terrible way to start your life. It wasn't that bad. I was told my mother was small, beautiful woman. My Grandmother told my father that my mother's body couldn't take another birth. She was right. Apparently, my mother was a sweet tempered and kind woman. My Grandmother was kind but lacked any tendency to be sweet tempered. She made sure my father knew his weaknesses and that he would take care of me.

My father was deeply sorrowful at my mother's death, and he was a good father to me. He was an ox of a man, as were my brothers. He referred to me as his Spaniel. I was small and good tempered. I think he thought I might grow. I grew, but while I wasn't a dwarf, I wasn't a full-sized man either. I was thin, had delicate features. Being almost a dwarf was a problem as a carpenter. I had one other oddity. While I was small, my cock was full sized.

We lived on the edge of a village. The Black Plague had killed half the residents twenty years earlier. We had a stone house near a little stream and a pond. We bathed often. The sawdust and splinters were painful, so washing was necessary. While many people though bathing was odd, they never said that to my father; he was a giant. My father thought washing was why our family was unaffected by the plague. Many thought this was odd.

The pond faced south, and the sun warmed it, when the sun shined. I was swimming there when a Priest, Father Rolf, came by. He had no experience of swimming and watched. When I got out of the water, he came over to me. He thought I was a child until he saw me close up.

We talked briefly but I noticed he seemed to stare at my private parts. I was full grown and nearing twenty. He went on his way.

I was surprised when Father Rolf came back several days later with a friend. The friend wore expensive clothes as well as some jewels. He wanted to swim, so he stripped and jumped in the water. He could swim well, and he showed me how to swim better. When he was swimming, he touched my privates. That didn't bother me.

"For a small man, your privates are large," he remarked.

"My brothers say it is to make up for my small height," I said.

"Some might say they more than make up for that," the man said laughing.

We had finished swimming and had dressed when there was a tremendous commotion from the direction of my house my house. It was quite distant, and we rushed there. We saw my father being carried into the house by my brothers. He appeared to be unconscious.

A lady had been attacked by ruffians in the forest and my father went to her aid. He was outnumbered but he held them off until my brothers reached them. The ruffians were armed. My father had only an ax and his muscular body. The lady was saved and now was with the parish priest and the worthy women of the village. My father was gravely wounded. I went to help my father. The gentleman and the priest went to find the lady.

One of the bystanders said my father was all but dead. My Grandmother and my brother's wives arrived. Grandmother took charge and sent the wives off looking for medicinal herbs, she ripped up clothes to make bandages. They boiled the bandages to kill hidden insects and bathed him with cool water from the well.

The Gentleman found the woman, discovered she was traveling to marry a nobleman of his acquaintance. She had her dowery with her. She was frightened and afraid. His appearance calmed her down.

She told him my father fearlessly attacked the men, even though he was outnumbered. The lady first thought he was a wild giant of some sort until he chopped the ringleader's head in half. The outcome was unsure until my brothers arrived. As my bothers dealt with the four of the ruffians, one of their wives, Rebecca' had brought the noonday meal to them and she joined in. Rebecca stabbed a man who was trying to do the dirty deed to the lady. Rebecca unmanned him while he was still alive. Rebecca saved the lady.

For two days my grandmother, and I cared for my father. Most thought it was hopeless. My grandmother never considered the possibility. People prayed and candles burned in the parish church.

The lady was Lady Elizabeth Woodville and was on the way to meet her future husband, Earl Edgar Montrose. He was a favorite of the king. She spent time with my grandmother and stayed with my father so my grandmother could sleep. The lady prayed at the foot of my father's bed. One of her ladies complained she knelt on the floor not a pillow. Lady Elizabeth didn't take that comment well. "Did Mary need a pillow at the cross?" she asked.

My father survived, and returned to work, but he was not as strong as he had been. When Lady Elizabeth left, she gave tokens to my brothers. Each received five pounds, an unimaginable fortune. She gave my grandmother twenty pounds for my father. We were a wealthy family now and prospered.

The priest and gentleman returned to see me several times, and we frolicked in the water. During our time swimming with the gentleman, I discovered that my cock could be sucked, and that my man seed was edible. I am polite and I sucked the Gentleman's manly part and enjoyed the sweet taste of his cock juices and the taste of the thicker cock jelly. He told me there were many other things we could do.

The gentleman was Sir Giles Montrose, a cousin of the Earl. He told me he had a position in his house that might suit me. He spoke to my father about it, and they agreed. I was to be the chamberlain. I had no idea what that was, but I wasn't useful to my father and Sir Giles was good man.

I knew that I would never marry. I was not a catch for a woman and would have a hard time providing for her. I knew that if I had a child as small as me, it would be a problem. Sir Giles had a different problem. He was the third son, so he probably would never inherit. It was well known that third sons with no future were a problem.

I went off with Giles to his home to work for him. I was excited and uneasy. This was a new adventure, and my life had no adventure at all. It took half a day to get there on a horse.

His house, Montview, was the biggest building I had ever seen. It was three floors high and was of stone. I didn't know buildings could be that big. Since Sir Giles was the third son, I wondered what his older brothers or the Earl's houses were like. All the servants and tenants lined up to greet us.

He had a gatekeeper, a cook, the estate manager, a head groom, house cleaners, and farm hands. I didn't realize it at first, but most of the men worked with the horses and on farms. There were few house servants, except for the cook, Emile. He was French and had a helper Will.

That night I was to sleep at the foot of Sir Giles' bed. We normally slept naked. He told me to join him in the bed.

"Bryn, I need to confess to you that I am a lusty man. My private parts fill to overflowing with man seed. I need to be drained. When we were at the pond, you drained me. I thought you enjoyed that. Was I right?" he asked.

I said yes. "I didn't expect to like it as much as I did," I added. "Your private parts were big. I was afraid I couldn't take it all. I liked it."

"I was hoping you could drain me regularly. Is that possible?" he asked.

"If you wish," I said. "I think it would be good."

"Your man parts are large. Had anyone drained them?" he asked.

I said no.

"If I were to eat your seed, would you allow me?" he asked.

"You are my Lord," I said.

"This is different, this is your special seed. You can give it or not," he said.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

Sir Giles laughed. "It does not hurt at all."

Sir Giles's lips were soon wrapped around my cock. A little later my cock began to spurt. I thought he would pull away, but he didn't. I could hardly describe how I felt, but it was beautiful. I had never felt so good before.

I fell asleep. When I woke the next morning, he had been up earlier, but he was still naked. His tool was large, and his balls hung low. "Do you think you could drain me again?" he asked. I got up and drained his balls. It was beautiful.

That morning I went with Hugh, the manager. I asked him what I was supposed to do. He told me my job was to keep Sir Giles happy. Hugh was a big man, almost as big as my father and brothers. At the mid-day dinner, I told the men of the attack and my father counterattack. They were very interested in that. They found my sister-in-law's attack and unmanning the ruffian hilarious. A woman unmanning a ruffian was the perfect punishment.

I returned to the house with Hugh. He had to talk with Sir Giles. He took me through the garden. I had never seen anything like it. It was huge, filled with rare trees and plants. There was a strange building to the side. I asked what it was. Hugh said it was a spring house built in the form of an ancient temple. He said it was a hot spring.

When we were in the house, he told me to stay in the kitchen. Emile, the cook, spoke a language I didn't understand, but Will the helper said hello.

Will told me the food was strange, but it was good. I asked Will what it was like working there. He said it was good, there wasn't a lot of work that was needed. Will was wearing tight stockings and a cod piece. It was loose and I could see part of his cock. That was unusual.

Hugh returned with Sir Giles. We went to the Temple of the ancients. We stripped naked and went in the water. The water was warm. Hugh was a muscular man. Neither man tried to hide their privates. Hugh had huge balls, but his cock wasn't as big as Sir Giles' member or mine.

"There are only men here so there is no need to hide our privates," Hugh said. "Sir Giles said you are a playful boy?"

"I am a man, not a boy," I said. "I am playful."

"I am sorry I offended you," Hugh said. "I can see you are all man."

"I am not offended. People think I am a child all the time. I am 20 now," I said.

"If I mentioned youf man parts would be impressive on a big powerful man, would you be offended?" Hugh asked.

"Would you be offended if I said your balls are those of a bull?" I asked. We all laughed.

"Bryn, I mentioned that you know how to drain balls to Hugh. Are you insulted?" Sir Giles said.

"I am pleased to help such impressive men," I replied. I didn't know if that was the right thing to say. Hugh was standing and I leaned over and licked his man tool. That turned out to be the right thing to do. It pleased Hugh, Sir Giles and Will who was watching.

Later that day a messenger came asking Sir Giles to go to his brother's estate. I spent the night in Montview with Will and Emile, the cook. They were both friendly men. I got along with them, and once Emile got to know you, he discovered he could speak English.

After he prepared dinner for the men serving the house, I helped clean up the kitchen. I wasn't sure that was a part of my duties, but I was a good way to make friends with Emile and Will.

Will told me I could join them in bed if I wished. "I watched you with Sir Giles and Hugh in the spring Temple. Would I surprise you if I told you that the men on this estate enjoy the same sort of play?" he asked.

"It would, but I enjoyed the play too," I said. "Would playing with you offend Sir Giles?"

Emile smiled and said, "We are here because we all share the same interests. In the winter the nights are long and cold. Sharing with our friends makes the nights warmer."

"What about summer nights?" I asked.

Both men burst out laughing. "You have discovered out secret!" Will exclaimed. "Sharing our bodies make every night better!" I laughed too.

"Father Rolf wanders the countryside looking for men who could work here and share our pastimes," Will explained. "When he met you in the pond, he was impressed. When you got out of the water, and he saw your private parts he was more impressed. He thought you were a young boy. He realized you were a man."

"When he told Sir Giles about you, he wanted to meet you. After the attack on her ladyship, he realized you were from good stock. You did all you could do for your father. Some people leave it to God's will. Father Rolf believes to help and nurse the wounded is God's will, Will continued.

"I might add that the combination of your nursing skills and your impressive private parts is rare. "Emile added. "When Sir Giles sucked your man seed from your body, it was a sign that you are worthy."

"Has he taken your seed?" I asked.

Emile laughed and said, "It would need to be a great banquet for me to sample Sir Giles seed!"

"I have taken a flagon or two of his seed in my mouth and ass. I think it might take a barrel or more to move me up in his estimation," Will said.

"That is sad," I said.

"I have one problem," Will added. "Sir Giles knows me too well. I lack a few important virtues."

That night sharing a bed with two men was good. I could suck one cock while the other sucked me. We traded positions. Emile seemed to like my cock and was gentle. When I began to squirt, he was most appreciative. When Emile fell asleep, Will sucked my member as I sucked his. I tried to copy his actions and that worked well.

There was little for me to do the next day as Sir Giles was still away. We had a bad wind and rainstorm in the late morning. A tree blew over and destroyed part of the fence of the area they fed the sheep in. suddenly there were sheep everywhere. I helped returning the sheep to their pen. That took much of the afternoon.

Wool was the most important crop in the area so loosing sheep was a big problem. I had watched the sheep in my village so I had ideas where they might have gone. I returned ten of the thirty sheep. The men were impressed.

When I got back to Montview, Father Rolf, Sir Giles friend, was visiting. Emile made a special meal for him. He knew what Father Rolf liked, so I knew he must have visited often.

I was to sleep on the floor, so I could serve the priest, but like Sir Giles, Father Rolf invited me into his bed. I had a strong suspicion it would be a pleasurable night.

"Bryn, Sir Giles told me you are a good man. Sir Giles and I are members of an order of men who share friendship and common interests. Do you feel that almost mystic connection to Sir Giles? Hugh and Emile are also members."

"They are all good men," I said.

"I think you know they are more than that," Rolf said, "You traded some of their manly juices?"

I nodded. "I liked that," I said.

"I am here to initiate you into the order. It may seem off to you, but when I inject my seed into you, you will be blessed," Father Rolf said.

"Is it holy seed?" I asked.

"It is set apart from ordinary use," he replied. "We become spiritual brothers. I shoot the seed in a secret receptacle. No one will know, except for those in our order."

I was surprised the be told the receptacle was my ass. He had oiled his cock and he placed it at my hole. He pushed it into me. His cock was thin, and it fit. He slowly pushed deeper. It didn't hurt, but as it went deeper, it felt better. He began thrusting like a man in a woman. I had seen my brothers doing that with their wives.

Suddenly it felt good. I assumed his man juices were flowing and easing the way. Rolf began to moan and then I felt him spurting his man seed into me.

"You are blessed!" he moaned. I squeezed my ass and I felt him squirt again.

"You are doubly blessed!" he said as he fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning, I was surprised to find Hugh and Emile in the room.

"Bryn, it is time for you to shoot your blessing into Father Rolf," Hugh said.

"He is an important man. I am too lowly. I am just a carpenter's son," I said.

"Once he seeds you all, we are all equal," Emile said. "We are members of the order."

"Have you been in him?" I asked.

Hugh nodded and said, "We have all been in him. He enjoys large members."

"He is a holy man," I replied.

Hugh smiled. "I believe that Father Rolf will feel something holy in your man seed as it fills him!" he said. He coated my cock with some sort of salve, and I began pushing it into Father Rolf.

I encountered a barrier inside his hole. Emile told me to push harder. I did as I was told, and my cock slid deep into the priest. I wasn't sure there was a holy part to my seed. As I watched him react as I pushed deeper, Rolf acted as if something good and perhaps holy was in his ass. Once I was deep in him, A new feeling swept over me. I didn't feel my cock was holy, but I recalled mention of the rapture. I began squirting, Rolf was moaning and thanking God for bringing me to him.

Father Rolf had to return to his church that morning. I had little to do, but I aired the bed clothes. Emile made a simple dinner and told me Hugh and several other members of the order would be at the Temple-Spring later that day. It would a good if I joined them.

Next: Chapter 2

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