Home Is in Your Arms

By James Heady

Published on Mar 20, 2020


Home Is In Your Arms By James


This is a story which deals with sexual as well as romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you be offended by such material, or if it’s illegal to read this type of material in your location, please find something else to read. I can be contacted at jamesheady1985@gmail.com for those who want to talk about anything related to the story. Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty, as it keeps these stories and related materials free to the public.

Home is in Your Arms

Chapter 2


Dinner with Alex and Karl was nice. All of us listened as they both told us about how their jobs were going, and how things were going with them. I was glad to hear that Alex was closer to getting the job he wanted which was a counseling job with kids who are LGBT, and who have issues such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and related issues. Karl was working on getting in to a hospital close it turns out to where Michael and Josh’s center was located. I smiled when he mentioned that, as I immediately thought about Kyley.

“You seem to have some familiarity with their place,” Karl said looking directly at me smiling.

“I met a guy who lives there today,” I answered smiling, and blushing hard.

“Aww,” Elena gushed and smiled.

“It’s not like that,” I said laughing and blushing even harder.

“Love can hit you when you least expect it,” Alex said teasing me good-naturedly.

“Did I say anything about the boy and I being boyfriends right away,” I said laughing harder now, and I was sure that my face was red enough so that any E.R. doctor would think I was ready to have a stroke at any moment.”

“You’ll see what we mean some day,” Elena said laughing and patting me on the shoulder. “Anyway, who is this boy you met up there?”

I told them about Kyley,” and my dad smiled without any teasing or the good-humored sarcasm we had previously been expressing.

“This right here shows me that you’re really turning in to the son your mom and I hoped you would become,” he said.

“Your dad is right,” my mom added. “I’m glad that you’re getting to know Kyley and that you’re making a conscious decision to get to know him and not let his disability define who he is in your mind.”

“Thanks,” I said smiling. “So am I. You guys all have really taught me well about giving people of different backgrounds a chance, and I really have been listening to everything you’ve said.”

“We’re glad,” Elena said.

“You don’t have anything going on most of this week aside from tomorrow when you have the cleaning in the basement to do,” My mom said. “Maybe on Wednesday you could go up there and visit him provided his schedule is free as well.”

“Just let us know what’s going on,” my dad responded.

“I’d love that!” I answered. “I’ll keep you guys updated.

“I could drive you,” Alex added. “I mean, unless Elena wants to do it. I know you haven’t seen Milen for a long time, and that maybe you guys would like a chance to get caught up on one another’s lives.”

“I’d be happy to drive you Milen,” she said. “We of course talked over video chat once or twice a week, but in person is always better.”

“It really is,” I agreed. “I’d really enjoy you driving me up there.”



After I had dinner, I lay on my bed listening to music, and while my stereo was playing in the background, I was thinking for the millionth time about the boy I met that day. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and I was truly excited. I hoped that he and I could become really good friends, and hopefully more than that. I knew that I had a lot of baggage that he would have to learn about me, but I just hoped that he would be willing to look past all that and see me beneath it like he clearly was doing with my disability. A knock on my door sounded, and I got up and heard Michael’s voice on the other side of the door. He was asking if he could come in. I opened the door and let him come in to the room, where he sat down on the edge of my bed.

“I’m glad you enjoyed dinner tonight,” he said putting an arm around me.

“So am I,” I replied.

“You did seem distracted though even when you were talking with everyone,” he said.

“Yeah, I was a bit,” I agreed. “It’s not anything bad, but it might be something good.”

I told him about meeting Milen, at which point he smiled and hugged me.

“That’s really good Kyley!” he said smiling, and I knew he truly was glad to hear my news.

“Thanks,” I said. “I think he’s going to be a good friend. I really need a friend. Sure I have Adam, but I mean that I do need someone close to my own age who can get things I’m going through and stuff like that.”

“I understand,” Michael said.

We talked a little more, then Michael went off to do paperwork while I lay back down. I thought more about Milen and how he seemed so kind and patient. I needed that from a friend as well, most people I’d meet were usually impatient, and others were not only impatient, but also resentful such as my foster family, both of them with the second one being the worst.

I shoved thoughts of those two families out of my head then, and after getting up, I checked the time and saw that it was almost 7:00 P.M. which meant that it was time for me to get my shower before I relaxed for the couple of hours I had before it was time to get to bed. My legs were starting to tighten up and cramp more, so I was glad that I was going to be getting in to the warm water for a bit. I usually would take showers, but that night was going to definitely be a bath. That usually helped relax me more emotionally, then the massages Michael would do helped my legs and feet relax more so I could sleep.



I sent my text to Kyley’s phone and lay back on my bed as Night Wish played in the background. I thought about my new friend and couldn’t wait to see him again. I also thought about how he clearly was watching me from a distance the past couple of times I had been up at the gym. Had he been too shy or even afraid to come up and introduce himself to me? I figured that I’d find out if or when he was comfortable enough to tell me about that. I was just glad that we did get that opportunity today to meet and start getting to know one another!

It was nearing 8:00 P.M. that evening when I stepped out of the shower and dried off. I went back in my room and was thinking once again that I was happy to have a room that had its own bathroom. It was nice to have that privacy, especially when I would get out of the shower and though I had my towel wrapped around me, I still liked that bit of privacy and that I wasn’t around others as I was still in that phase of being subconscious about my body. I knew that I looked a little older than 14, and I had more hair on my body than most boys my age, but I still was at that point of wanting only certain people seeing my body, especially boys I liked, and I was starting to think that I would definitely enjoy seeing Kyley look at my body, but I pushed aside that thought. There might be more time for something like that later, assuming he was gay like me.

I put on boxers, basketball shorts and a thin white T-shirt, and sat on my bed ready to read for a bit, but then my phone beeped signifying an in-coming text. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was from Kyley. I smiled, and opened it to read!

“Hi Milen, how are you? I just got finished with my shower a few minutes ago. Well, actually it was basically a bath, since that helps me relax, and then I’ll be unwinding for a couple of hours before bed. Bed time here is 10:00 P.M. on the week nights, and then at 11:00 P.M. on Friday nights, then 12:00 A.M. on the weekend itself.”

“That all sounds good,” I wrote back. “I just got out of the shower and am just relaxing in my room as well. I’ll be going to bed probably around 11:00 P.M.. It’s not a school night or anything like that, but I have things to do around the house tomorrow and would love to get an early start on it.

Also, I was going to text you at some point tonight to ask you about something.”

“What’s that?” he sent back.

“First, I wanted to know if you would like to try video-chatting with me as we continue our conversation?” I wrote.

“I’d love that,” he replied.

Seconds later, my video chat alarm was sounding, and I answered it. Kyley’s lovely face appeared on screen and he smiled. His face was smooth and I loved the boyish and feminine quality to it. Those kinds of boys I was discovering really turned me on and really attracted me. I was realizing quickly too, that Kyley’s smile was one thing to which I was becoming deeply attracted.

“Hi,” I said smiling at him. “Glad to see you again. I mean, even though it’s on screen.”

“Me too,” Kyley said. “Can you hear my machine okay?”

“I can hear it loud and clear,” I replied.

“Good,” he said. “What did you want to ask me?”

He looked a little nervous, and I knew that I would have to keep that in mind in the beginning when wanting to ask him things.

“Well, first it’s something I think you’ll like,” I said smiling at him. “I wanted to know if you wanted to get together possibly this up-coming Wednesday. I mean, if you don’t have any plans for that day. I know I don’t, and Elena could bring me up there to see you.”

“I know I have a counseling session with Michael at 10:00 A.M. that morning, but I’m free after 11:00 A.M. and for the rest of the day.”

“Good!” I said smiling widely now!

“I can’t wait to see you again!” he said smiling and a couple of vocal sounds I quickly discovered were happy sounds emanated from his voice, and he gave me the most heart-warming smile, and a big thumbs-up! I returned both gestures, and we continued talking.

“What music would you like to listen to while we’re together?” he asked. “I could play you the latest Trap songs that are out.”

“No!” I said in mock fear. “Please! Anything but that crap!”

“Okay, Nickle Back it is,” he said with an evil grin spreading over his face.

“Oh definitely not those fucking no-talent jack-offs,” I said laughing.

“You don’t like them either?” he asked smiling. “It’s okay if you do.”

“I don’t like them either, and I especially hate their shit since the lead vocalist is on record saying that most of their albums were written with him doing the writing based on listening to songs he heard on the radio. He’d analyze them and figure out which parts of the song worked to bring in the most money and how and why the song soled well, and so that’s the formula he went with. Sure artists have to make a living, but to be concerned only with that side of it and not the music. I mean, at least he was honest, but still how fucking disrespectful to the art of music.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Kyley said looking almost horrified, and he added more. “That’s especially why I like Classic Rock, similar music and Metal, especially groups like Night Wish. They know how to let the music shine through without allowing themselves to be money-driven.”

“Yeah, I get that completely,” I agreed.

Just then there was a knock on his door, and he got up to answer it. It was Michael and he and I greeted one another, then Kyley asked him if he could get together with me if Elena drove me up there on Wednesday. Once they agreed that it was a go, I put the phone down to let my parents know. Then we checked with Elena, and it was set!

Once back in my room, Kyley and I talked for another moment about how good it would be to see one another, then he let me know that Michael was there to massage him.

“I sometimes fall asleep while he’s doing it,” Kyley said. “Otherwise I’d stay on, but I’m also getting tired anyway.”

“I understand,” I said smiling, but also a bit sad to know that we would be separated after hanging up. “I hope you sleep well tonight Kyley.”

“I hope the same for you as well Milen,” he replied smiling warmly at me.

“Have a good night as well Michael,” I said when Kyley turned the phone so I could see Michael’s face.

“Thank you Milen, same to you, and we’ll see you on Wednesday,” he answered.

“Sounds good,” I said, then we all signed off for the evening.



After Michael massaged me, I only remember him closing the door, then I was asleep quickly, more quickly than I thought I’d be. The talk with Milen definitely helped me with being more calm and happy than I had been in a long time. As I drifted off, I thought about Milen and pictured his face in my mind, then I thought of him lying in my bed holding me all through the night, and I was finally asleep.

Author’s Notes

This is a short chapter I know, but there will be more in Chapter Three. I’ll have that out probably around if not next weekend, then the one after. I’m writing here in my apartment as I always do when writing my stories, so fortunately I don’t have to go anywhere to do that. That being said, I hope you all are doing everything you can to maintain social distancing, but still staying connected through social media as Covid19 continues storming through the country.

As some of you might know I live in the small town of Athens here in Southern Ohio, and this area, Hocking County where Nelsonville is where I went to college two years ago, and the town of Lancaster where I go sometimes to visit other family members doesn’t have the virus, but that could change at any point. In short, I’ll continue writing and posting a few times a month like usual. I hope everyone stays safe throughout this pandemic, and if anyone does come down with the virus, I hope those possibly effected will take the appropriate steps to keep themselves and those around them safe, and follow any and all instructions given to them by their doctors.

All that being said, I hope you guys all have a nice weekend, and I’ll see everyone in Chapter Three.

Next: Chapter 3

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