Honor Code

Published on Feb 11, 2022


Honor Code / The Math Test

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Honor Code
The Math Test
PJ Franklin pjfranklinboy2@earthlink.net

Red Mountain Military Academy

You get busy, very busy and distracted. It just happens sometimes, you crack under the pressure. Something gives and you don't know why it does, especially after four long years of a perfect record. I turned the test paper into Mr. Culpepper who was proctoring our fall math final. Maybe it was because I was so focused on Christmas leave, getting home and seeing my family and especially my Dad. I missed my folks and that was saying something. After wanting so badly to get away from them when I was barely fifteen, now I was clamoring to get back to them at nearly eighteen years of age .

Yet military school life had grown on me too. I hated leaving my comrades and my squad responsibilities now and especially my best friend Jacob Lightman. He and I had been through hell and back, several times, but now we both were Platoon and Squad leaders with all the privileges thereof. But all that good feeling left me as soon as I left the testing room. That was when the Red Mountain Military Academy honor code was officially violated. I had cheated on the test and I knew it. I also knew that Culpepper would not find the cheat. I thought I had been clever and gotten away with it. I had. All I had to do now was keep my mouth shut.

I went back to my barracks and supervised my first year cadets in them getting ready for the holidays. They were all smiles and laughs and I was glad for them. They were a great bunch of boys, full of the same energy and spirit that I had at their age. Yes, I had plenty of discipline to hand out, nearly daily. My paddle and strap were in good use, but even that could not stifle their endless energies and spirit.

I finished that up and then packed my own stuff.

"Hey Baker!"

I turned, it was Jacob. I smiled, "Hey meat-head."

"So how was your math final? Mine sucked. I hated it, but I think I passed, thanks to you!"

Jacob had never been that good at math. I was and had tutored Jacob. That's what made what I did so much more demeaning and pathetic.

"I did OK," I replied a little flatly.

"Yea, as usual. Hey man, thanks for the help."

I nodded, "So, going home for Christmas?"

"Actually … um … I was wondering …"

Jacob had gone home with me for the holidays each of the last two years. His family was much different than mine and in the last year, his parents had split up and outright divorced. Jacob had taken the split-up hard, very hard in fact and he still was not over it. I didn't blame him if he wanted to avoid the fallout, especially at this time of year.

Jacob hid his feelings most of the time, we all did during the school year. This time, his face looked sheepish, not a good look for him in my opinion.

"Get packed, your ugly ass is going home with me!" I barked and grinned at him. He seemed to look a little better now.

"Thanks Greg, I didn't want to intrude, but …."

"Will you stop chattering and go get packed? I want us out of here in half an hour, move it boy!" I barked harder at him to relieve him of the need to thank me.

"Yes sir!" he barked back, and now with a grateful and easier smile, then quickly disappeared from my sight. Hell, I was the one who was glad for the travel company. Driving back home would take a good ten hours. I loved diving, but that was a bit much, even for me.

My small sedan's back seat was soon filled with our gear and we set off, my best friend at my side. I glanced back at the gear,

"Good grief Lightman, did you pack up for the holidays or are you moving in with my folks?"

"Hey! I need my comforts, especially at your place, they way you make me sleep on the floor next to your bed and all," he said with a smirky grin.

I grinned back, "Shut up! I tried to get you to sleep in my bed last Christmas and me on the floor."

He smiled warmly with the memory, "I know. We argued for an hour, then we arm-wrestled for the 'privilege' of being on the floor, you won," he continued.

"No stupid. You let me win," and it was true. Jacob Lightman was a bit bigger and a lot stronger than me. I admired him for it, a lot. But he had let me win.

"It was your bed," he said a bit quieter.

I looked over at him, "Yea, but you still cheated, you let me win," and then I paused. I had let slip out the word that then sent a huge pang of guilt and killed my merriment with Jacob.

"What's wrong man? You look like you forgot your toothbrush or something."

I could get kind of picky and upset if things weren't just so in my life. He knew that. In any case, Jacob was maybe the only person on earth that I wanted to be with while harboring the guilt that was starting to really eat at me.

"Nothing, just a little stomach ache," I said hiding myself from him nonetheless.

He chuckled, "Yea, breakfast was not exactly kind to anyone this morning."

We traveled on, and towards the six hour mark, he agreed, quite eagerly, to drive us the rest of the way to my family's home. We stopped at a roadside café and got cups of coffee, then hit the can and peed. Then we went back out to the car.

"OK man! Let's hit it. I can't wait to wrap my stomach around your Mom's cooking, man she's amazing."

He was right about that, but just the thought of any food made me feel ill and I knew why. I was fed up with my lack of integrity.

"Jacob, I need to talk."

"Huh? Hey man, you haven't been right all trip, what's going on?" and he sidled up to me, putting his hand up on top of my shoulder. If nothing else, that touch was guaranteed to make me spill my guts to him.

I told him, right out there in front of the car. I was glad it was parked way out to the side, isolated from the café and other cars and people. I didn't want anyone else on the planet to hear my confession before Jacob heard it. When I did, I felt so much better, but knew there were consequences to my confession.

I just stood there, feeling defeated, deflated and let down by my own behavior. Jacob said nothing at first, then sighed,

"Hey. It happens. The main thing is, you told somebody quick."

"Not quick enough. I should have never left the room. I should go back now, find Culpepper and tell him."

"No! … I mean … no Greg."

"It's a code violation!" I barked at him impatiently.

Jacob was just as much a stickler for rules and code as I was. In some ways, it was unfair of me to have told him first. Now it was a burden for both of us. How much more selfish could I be? Dammit anyway!

"OK, yes, it is, OK, listen … if we were at school, and you told me, it would only mean that I would kick your butt until you turned yourself in. I can't turn you in buddy, we both know that."

It was true. It was an honor code, not a tattling code. Tattling was as forbidden as lying at Red Mountain. But if you got caught in a code violation and had not turned yourself in first, you could get expelled, instantly.

"What if Culpepper already knows?" he then asked.

"He won't. I had a crib sheet and destroyed it already," and looked down at my feet, shuffling them uncomfortably. I wasn't looking for a way out of punishment. I just wanted it to be over and done with and not spoil Christmas for both of us.

"A crib sheet? You? Come on! You tutored me Greg, what the hell were you thinking?!"

I was grateful for his instant verbal ire and frustration. He could yell and scream at me if he wanted and I would accept it and deserve it.

"I don't know, but it'll never happen again. I should find a phone and call Culpepper, he'll know what to do."

"Yea, you should. But look .. Greg .. um .. I'm proud you chose to tell me. I'll not leave your side through any of this."

"Thanks man. But I could get administrative punishment Jacob, and lose my ranking and my squad."

Administrative punishment meant a severe bare butt paddling from Commandant Richards over the gymnasium horse in front of the whole damn academy. We both had seen several. Not pretty.

"I know it. But knowing you as I do, you can take it, I know you can. And as for the other, well, you'll survive. The main thing is … you have the balls to honor the code Greg. It's an honor for me to know somebody like that."

Now my own emotions were at an edge. I nodded and reached up to pat his shoulder, his hand had not left my shoulder the whole time. We went back inside the café and I found a pay phone and dialed. I found Mr. Culpepper quickly and confessed quickly. Suddenly, I felt unburdened and was ready to do anything else that he told me.

"Well, that means you'll have to take a make-up exam after the holidays Mr. Baker and you need to call Richards after you get home."

"Yes sir."

"On second thought, knowing your father as I do I would suggest you make a full confession to your Dad, then have him and you together call the Commandant together. I can't promise you anything Mr. Baker, except that having erred, you've done the right thing son and called me pretty quickly. That should keep at least your academic record intact. After that, well, the Disciplinary Committee will have to meet after the holidays."

"I understand sir and thank you. I'm sorry to have had to tell you all this."

"Not as sorry as I am Baker. You're a good young man and I wish you'd treated yourself a little more carefully."

"Me too sir, thank you sir." and that was it. I hung up and sighed and looked at Jacob. We went back outside and I told him what Culpepper suggested I do. He nodded,

"Yea, that's the best way. If I know your Dad, well, he won't be happy about it, but at least …" and then Jacob stopped. His Dad had been the one who had caused the divorce and left the family. I felt so badly for Jacob just then and finished his thought for him,

"A least I have the best friend in the world with me, that's what counts."

He sighed and nodded. We got back in the car and Jacob drove us the rest of the way to my home.

My stomach was up in my throat as we drove into the driveway and then I winced,

"Damn! I forgot to call ahead and tell them you're coming."

"Gee thanks bud," Jacob winced back at me, but I knew it would be OK.

In fact, three people came running out of the house, including my little brother Michael. He had just turned twelve and loved Jacob to death. Jacob was an only kid and seemed to spend most of last year's Christmas vacation with my little brother attached to his back or horsing around with him. It was great to see.

"Jacob! Jacob! Hey man, nobody said you were coming home with Greg!" he yelled and opened Greg's door. I saw Dad and my older brother Steven right behind.

"Jacob! What a great surprise that you're here, early Christmas present huh?" Dad grinned and greeted Jacob, then smiled at me,

"Hey sport!"

Dad and I had a special kind of relationship separate from he and Steven. Dad was ex-military and while he didn't dote on it, his older son had nonetheless rejected military school and service. It had been a source of friction for years, but not now. Steven was studying to be a doctor and believe me, Dad had plenty of respect in reserve and they were just fine. Me? I loved Steven. He and I had never let the military thing get between us. Steven came around and opened my door while Michael and Dad spoiled over Jacob.

I got out of the car.

"Hey, how's school?" I asked Steven.

"I love it. I'm thinking about surgery."

Steven could aspire to be a hobo and I wouldn't have cared.

I hugged Steven closely, my emotions still kind of raw from what I knew would not be a good start to the family holiday.

"Hey, what's wrong little brother?" He said. I was not usually this physically close with him and he knew I was bothered.

I walked a little ways away, he with me, "I fucked up Steven. I broke honor code just before we drove out. I cheated on a math test."

He sighed, "And now you know why I didn't want to go down that road? That stuff is so ….." but he stopped himself.

I knew what Steven thought about honor codes and such.

"I'm sorry Greg, that was cruel. Look, did you turn yourself in already?"

"Yes and I need to tell Dad right away."

"Good. Dad will respect that. Greg, I really do respect you for subjecting yourself to the academy. I couldn't do it, I don't have your balls. Dad will be glad you confessed quickly, you know how he is about that stuff."

We turned then. Dad's voice had raised, "I said, get into the house Michael, we'll be in soon, move it!"

"Oh OK," Michael pouted and walked indoors. Then we watched Dad take Jacob way over to the front lawn fence by themselves.

"Dad knows about Jacob's Dad and the divorce. How's he taking it?" Steven asked me.

"Not good, not good at all," I said finding myself having to bite my lip. I was now so glad Jacob had come home with me. Dad stood over there, his arm around Jacob's shoulder. Jacob's hand went to his face. They obviously were talking about it.

"Well, it's a good thing you brought Jacob home then. Dad is good with this type of thing."

"Yea he is," I said very grateful to my father for how quickly he was getting Jacob to talk about it.

"Don't worry little brother. You'll be fine too, I won't let Dad come down too hard on you."

It was just like him to say that, we always stood up for each other.

Steven and I slowly walked to the front door, Jacob and Dad close to approaching as well, Jacob looking sheepish. I thought I saw some redness in his eyes so I avoided looking at him to spare him embarrassment. I looked at Dad. Now I looked sheepish. Why couldn't I be patient and not have to hammer my Dad so quickly with what I needed to talk to him about?

We usually hugged, I usually started the hug. He looked at me. My hands flew into my back pockets and my head fell. My stomach ached and for the first time, I felt no strength at all, just shame.

"Greg? Son?"

"Dad …" Steven stepped just a little in front of me, protectively, "… Greg broke honor code at school and he's devastated."

Good ol' Steven, but it didn't help my shame much.

"I see … have you turned yourself in son?"

"Yes, he has,"Steven said quite tersely.

Oh boy. I didn't need Steven and Dad to get into it, especially with Jacob standing right there. I looked up, Steven and Dad were staring each other down a little. Dad relented, respecting Steven's concern for me.

"I see, good, well, when you're ready to talk about it son, I'm here," and his voice sounded genuinely sympathetic.

Steven stepped back. Dad suddenly grabbed me and hugged me closely. I suddenly felt like a tender ten year old in my old man's arms,

"I'm so sorry Dad. I didn't want to have to come home this way, it just happened."

He patted my rump, "It's OK. You're a good man Gregory. Things just happen sometimes; we'll work through it, OK?"

I nodded. I looked at Jacob now, sure that my red eyes matched his. We finally walked in the house, Michael was right there. He saw and felt all the emotion,

"What's wrong?"

Mom showed up just then as well.

"Nothing's wrong sport! Come on, I missed you! Show me your room!" Jacob grinned and totally distracted Michael.

"Yea!!" Michael said and grabbed Jacob's arm and off they went down the hall.

I looked at Mom and hugged her, "Missed you Mom."

"And we missed you too young man, what's going on? You guys look like your favorite football team lost!"

We chuckled, we three guys. Were we that shallow and transparent?

I sighed, "I broke honor code Mom, but we're dealing with it."

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry, you OK?" and her hand went to my face.

"Yea, I'll be fine Mom."

"And you?" Mom looked at Dad.

"It's Christmas, nothing will get in the way, I promise!" he wisely reassured his spouse and he did grin and they hugged.

"I'd rather get this over with please?"

Dad nodded, "OK, let's do that, come on, the study."

Steven and I walked behind our father. Dad's study was where all male Baker business was transacted. Despite his own personal objections to things military for himself, Steven, just like our father and myself, was just as much a traditionalist when it came to strict discipline within the family circle. Steven was now 21, but still would consider himself subject to corporal punishment, should he care to err in his father's home. The same obviously held for me and many was the time when Dad's paddle or strap was being deployed to either one or even both of us boys in the at the same time in the study over the years.

I could easily recall my last paddling across my Dad's knees this past summer between academy terms. I could get a little mouthy sometimes and Dad had little patience for that kind of thing. I fired off my mouth, he fired up my butt with his paddle. It always worked. We both respected and loved each other for it. Now Michael was subject to it as well, albeit with the hand and hairbrush for his age.

I was about to close the door to the study and dad said,

"Greg, do you think Jacob should be here for this?"

That was a good idea. I nodded, "Yes I do."

"I'll go get him," Steven suggested and quickly left.

Now I was alone with dad for the first time since my violation.

"I called Mr. Culpepper as soon as I told Jacob, after we got to that café about six hours down the road. He told me to talk to you quickly and that we should call Commandant Richards, soon after that."

Dad nodded, "Yes … um … good ideas all … look Greg, despite what you think and what you've done, I'm always proud of you son. It's not easy doing what you're asking yourself to do at Red Mountain all these years."

I smiled, "Thanks Dad."

Just then Steven returned with Jacob and closed the door behind them. Finally, we could get this over with.

"Let's just cut to the chase, shall we boys?"

We all nodded. Dad picked up the phone and put the call through to Richards' office at Red Mountain and got him quickly.

"Hal! It's Frank!"

"Hey, Merry Christmas to you too. How's Mary?"

"Oh that's a relief. I know you guys have been worried about it."

"Yea, she's in the kitchen, threatened me with my life if I ate any of those cookies she baked before Greg got home … so listen, about Greg ….."

We Baker males had a tradition when it came to this sort of thing. Dad was seated behind his big oak desk, I was standing in front with my hands behind my back. Jacob was seated next to Steven on Dad's big leather couch to the side. I sighed and looked over at Steven and Jacob. They both smiled at me and gave me a thumbs-up. I looked back at Dad. He was listening to the Commandant on the other side of the line. I grew a little antsy as the conversation seemed a bit extended, but finally Dad looked up and handed me the phone. I expected this.

"Sir? It's Baker." I said to my Commandant.

"How are you feeling right about now Mr. Baker?"

"I let myself, my family, the school, and my squad down sir. I feel very ashamed."

"And you should be. An honor code violation is a serious thing son. But worse than that, would have been to have said nothing at all. Mr. Culpepper assured me that you could have gotten away with it without saying a thing. That you came forward so quickly, shows me that you are an honorable young man, respectful of yourself, your school and your squad. You made a simple but serious mistake Mr.Baker, but that can be remedied. What could not be remedied would be hiding yourself from the truth."

"Yes sir!" I said, hanging on his every word.

"Now, when you return to school after the holidays, I'm going to strongly recommend to the Disciplinary Committee that you receive administrative punishment in the gymnasium before the school. I'll also recommend that you retain both your rank and your squad. Frankly, I doubt I could keep my job here at Red Mountain very long should I dismiss you from your squad duties. I get calls all the time from your cadet's parents and regular comments from the boys themselves, praising your efforts on their behalf. I think a display of humility in the gym will be good, both for you and for them."

"I agree sir," I replied with a lump in my throat

"Good then. Look Baker, I'm sorry we all had to do this, but you're a credit to your family and to the school. Have a good holiday son."

"Thank you sir," and I handed the phone back to Dad. I felt so much better now. I looked over and gave Steven and Jacob a thumbs up. Jacob grinned ear to ear, so did my big brother.

Dad finished his conversation with the Commandant and then hung up. Steven and Jacob stood up and came over to me,

"Well, what's the verdict?" Steven asked. I told everyone what Commandant Richards had told me. I was be given a bare bottom paddling over the gymnasium horse in front of the whole school after the holidays, but would retain my ranking and squad. We already knew that I would have to re-take my test, but that was no sweat.

"How do you feel Greg?" Dad asked.

"I feel so much better Dad, but what about us?"

"Well, what about us then?" he replied.

In the past it was so much easier. Dad would decide what kind of punishment that Steven and I would be getting for any particular offense. But as we grew older, we were both given the privilege of choosing our own punishments, as long as it was reasonable. Dad said it built character, now I had to agree.

I looked at Jacob and Steven before looking back to my Dad,

"It seems pretty straight forward. I feel like I've disgraced my family as well as my school. Well, I'll take care of school when I get back. Right now, Dad, I think I need a very hard bare bottom spanking."

I used the word "spanking" in the rhetorical sense. It was just out of habit really. Steven still used the word as well, even at his advanced age. A spanking could mean anything. It could mean a paddling, a strapping, or sometimes Dad would spank us with his strong hand after either of those. That kind spanking really hurt!

"OK then. The only question is when and how. You've been a good steward of your behavior son. I'll let you boys decide and you let me know, OK?"

My chest puffed out just a little bit right then. It was my first sign from Dad to me that I was coming of age and he respected my judgment and ability to run my life in a way that was a credit both to myself and to our family. It was like an early Christmas present really. Dad stepped out of the office. I turned to look at Jacob and Steven.

Steven smiled, "Way to go Baker. You impressed Dad. Hell, you impressed me," then Steven got a little sheepish, rare for him, "Hell, you even make me regret just a little, not going to Red Mountain like Dad wanted."

I looked at Jacob,

"Good job Greg. I know your squad will be better for it too."

"OK, well, I was thinking that Dad should dust off his paddle and give me a good hard dose, over the side of the desk. Then maybe a hard spanking over his knee after, with his hand. What do you guys think?"

"Should be about right, what do you think Jacob?" Steven said solemnly, then we turned to Jacob.

"I don't know. I've never, that is … my Dad …" and then his voice nervously hung up.

Shit! We both forgot about Jacob and his Dad and all. I reached out my hand to his shoulder,

"Um … hey Jacob, I want your opinion, I need it, OK?"

His face got unworried quickly, and he swallowed, then answered confidently, "If it was me, that's what I would want too."

"Good man!" I smiled and patted his shoulder.

"So like what about Michael?" Jacob asked.

"Oh, he's gonna be there, required, right big brother?"

"Yup, and you too Jacob. While you are here in this house, you are a part of this family."

"He's right. So what do guys think, after supper?"

We all agreed and left the office. I went to find Dad, Jacob to find Michael, just to revive his lost time with him. I found it very sad that Jacob was an only son and without a little brother of his own.

* * * * * * * * * *

Mom was informed of my impending punishment and after supper, she got in the car and went shopping, happily. Punishment was meant to be men's work in her opinion, not something she cared to be around. Jacob went with me to my bedroom and I changed into loose sweats. I didn't bother wearing underwear. Jacob, me, Michael and Steven then gathered with Dad into the study. Michael was sternly warned not to react. He had been known to burst out crying whenever his older brothers were being punished. It made us feel good and all, but totally hacked off Dad. Dad got the paddle out. It had been used on me and Steven so many times before. It actually felt like a friend, one that could relieve guilt and make things new again. Jacob took my little brother close in hand, I noticed Michael huddled himself very close to my best friend. Steven sat a bit away, focusing on me.

I looked at Dad and nodded. I was wearing a loose T-shirt, then I dropped off my sweats. Between the time I put my sweats on and walking into the study, I become quite aroused. This had been going on since I was 14. It happened to Steven too and no doubt would happen with Michael. In any case, Michael was used to this sort of reaction in his big brothers and he remained calm. For Dad it was a complete non-issue.

Erections happened at Red Mountain Academy as well around the context of punishments, to a lot of boys really. I had to deal with it growing up there myself, as well as within my own squad when I punished them. I handled it the same way as my squad leader had done with me and we did at home and simply reassured each cadet, if it happened in my presence. Did I masturbate after academy punishments? Sure I did. I'm sure my cadets did, as well as my peers, all discreetly of course, same as at home.

Dad stood up and nodded at me. I approached the desk and lowered myself, pulling my T-shirt far up and onto my upper chest. I felt my erection press into the cool wooden desktop. I spread my legs, widely. I did this not only because Dad required it, but this is what I would have to do during my administrative punishment in the gymnasium. I knew my impending administrative punishment was my first, but it struck me that I had an opportunity to practice handling the emotions, just by what I was doing in front of my family and best friend right now.

So as Dad rounded the desk corner, holding the paddle, I practiced it in my head, imagining a huge throng of various aged peer cadets and staff watching me, just like Steven, Michael and Jacob were doing at this very moment. Then I felt Dad's cool paddle surface rub on my bare upturned bottom. I did what I always did in the past, I returned the pressure by pushing myself up into the paddle, fully accepting of its corrective power with respect and honor.

After that, punishment paddlings were always kind of a blur. Dad had a very rapid wrist-flipping paddling technique that could bring each of his sons swiftly to tears very quickly with that technique. He spared us nothing. I had grabbed the far side of the desk at the edge, and I was already white-knuckling barely a dozen swats into the thing. Had Dad gotten stronger? I rather suspected that I was still the tender bottomed boy of 13, the age that Dad started to paddle his sons. In any case, I was well on my way to wiggling and my bottom cheeks, flexing them and wishing it were all over, much less the tears that would soon freely flow. God it hurt! But I would never say a word. I had to learn that early on, so as not to disgrace myself at Red Mountain.

There was also no limit to the number of swats, although Dad was very good about sensing when the paddling should conclude. He also knew that I was to be spanked afterwards, so that would change the number as well. And so it was. Just about the time I was ready to break down and start to sob, he stopped. My behind was throbbing like a horrible toothache.

"I think that's good Greg. You've a spanking coming, so let's get you up."

He helped me to stand up. I glanced over at the boys on the couch. Steven and Michael were very calm. They were very used to this scenario. I was glad for that. Jacob, on the other hand, was biting on his knuckles. We had not talked about this together, but I gathered that his family did not use a lot of corporal punishment. He seemed to do well with it at school, but this was not school and could feel very different for him.

I turned back and followed my Dad around to his chair. He pulled it out so that the boys could see everything, as required. He sat down and I automatically just slid myself across his knees as I was used to. Oh how my bare bottom hurt and was so very red already. Nonetheless, I pushed my bare red bottom up very high for my Dad's hand. It was one of the things that Jacob's family's bad situation was teaching me, to be very grateful that I had a loving father who chose to be with us, loved me as I was and loved me enough to give me my spankings when I needed them, no matter my age.

But once again, the punishment became a blur of pain and a battle of my will to keep my mouth shut, my feet down and just let Dad's hand teach me my lesson. But I was in a different position now. I could turn my head and see the other boys on the couch and so I did, mainly because I wanted to teach my little brother, Michael, that he too could eventually take his spankings and not blubber or shout out so much. Steven gave me his usual confident vibe, but most of my interest was focused on Jacob.

I had never been spanked like this in front of him. Dad's hand was rapidly making me very sorry I screwed up anything in the first place. The paddle had seen to that. My pre-tenderized rear had little more capacity to withstand his powerful slaps and I started to sob some, trying my best to hold in the sounds. Nonetheless, my tears flowed freely. I did not kick however and kept my tortured bottom very high up and still. I had turned my head downward when I started to cry, but then turned my head.

Michael's forehead was furrowed, Steven was as calm as ever, but Jacob's face was a mixture of sadness and maybe even grieving. I felt badly for him at that moment that he was in the room even. But Dad's hand took over. I looked away from the other boys, and screwed up my face. About that time, it was all over.

"OK sport, get on up," Dad said. When our punishments were over, Dad always had a private thing to whisper in our ears that we never shared with the others.

Dad hugged me and whispered, "No father loves his son more than I love you Gregory Winston, now go take care of Jacob. I think this had affected him."

I nodded and loved my Dad all the more for including Jacob in his thoughts. I pulled up my sweats and Dad left the room. Steven came up to me, hugged me, "Good job brother, as always, I'll leave you to it." and he left the room. Then I bent over a little for Michael's hug,

"I love you Greggy!" he said with a catch in his voice.

"I love you too Mikey! You did so good pal! Thank you!" I said and patted his bottom on his way out. Then I closed the door.

"It's not fair to you," Jacob started, "The way I feel like I do and it's you that just got punished and have to think about that gym paddling in school in a few weeks."

I sighed, "No, stuff is not fair man, none of it sometimes." He sighed too.

"Hey, um … guess you want to be by yourself for a little while."

I did. But I didn't want to leave Jacob out. He was already in a state that I never wanted to be in. I would rather take ten more paddlings and spankings from Dad and three more gym paddlings back at school with everyone watching, rather than to have my family break up and my Dad leave us.

The subject of masturbating together after a punishment had never come up between Jacob and I. I did it only once before and that was an odd time out on an overnight field training exercise with a boy who wasn't even at the school anymore. It just happened in the tent one night with no motivation really. We were just horny.

"Actually, I could use some company Jacob."

He looked at me. He bit his lip a little too sheepishly. I had for some time wondered that my best friend might actually like boys better than girls. We didn't have much time for the opposite sex at Red Mountain. I tried to have a girlfriend from a nearby all girls school, but that didn't work, so I stopped. Funny, the more I thought about it just then, my masturbations were so connected to school administered punishments that maybe I had some kind of penchant for boys as well. Oh well. What did it matter? Dad taught us to respect everyone no matter who we would love in our lives.

"Maybe … but, I shouldn't." he said with this sad face.

I knew I was doing the right thing by him then.

"Maybe you better meat-head. Come on."

We went to my bedroom and I closed the door. He walked inside and I leaned up against the back of the door.

"OK, here's the thing Lightman. I've been through hell today and I still have a ways to go when we get back at school. It's our last year together. I need you … to get over yourself."

"What do you mean?" he said a bit defensively and certainly did not look me in the eye.

"I mean this!" and I shucked off my sweats, my erection bouncing happily out.

"Go get a room with that thing Baker!" and he turned his back on me.

"Fine! I'll do it myself," and I got my bottle of lube hidden inside a sock from the bottom of my dresser sock drawer. Then I flew to my bed and flopped down on my back. I got my bottle of "Silky Delight" ready in my left hand and lovingly perched Mr. Big up with my right and grinned, "You don't know what you're missing!"

Greg's face was beet red. I could see him stealing a glance and I slowly approached my erection with the tip of the bottle.

"Wait!" he shouted out a bit loudly, then covered his mouth. We both started to giggle a little, me more than him.

"If you tell anyone, I swear!" he said, nervously moving his hands in and out of his back pockets.

"Who would I tell? Your boyfriend at school?"


I drew my knees up trying not to laugh, "OK, you don't have a boyfriend."

"Seriously, how did you know?" he said, looking pretty chagrinned.

"The looks you gave guys in the showers when we were in Zachary's squad together, what does it matter Jake! I don't care. Nobody cares, except you!"

"Well you just can't go around announcing that kind of thing at Red Mountain!"

"No, you can't. But you can trust your best friend, can't you?" I said.

He nodded and then sat at my bedside and looked at my erection with a kind of need in his eyes that I had never experienced. I envied him that actually.

"I just wish … I would have told you sooner. I'm sorry."

"Don't be meat-head, just get to work, I'm dying here!"

He smiled, "Close your eyes."


"Shut up and do it!" he said.

I laughed a little and closed my eyes, then put my hands behind my head, still holding the "Silky Delight" in my left fist. I then felt his hot breath first on my pubes. Not bad. Then his tongue on my shaft. I expected it to tickle, but it didn't. It felt good. But then, Jacob Lightman engulfed my big hard dick like some kind of porn-pro! What the hell!?

My eyes opened and there he was drinking in my hard penis like he was dehydrated, trying to pull my spunk out of my balls. He had to have had ……..

"Oh god Jake! Look out! Hey man I ……" and then talk about blur. When I have an orgasm, I shoot like a monster. Only this was even harder and stronger. My pelvis lurched up. I expected him to gag, he didn't! And I swear to God I felt the tip of my dick hit the back of his throat! He ate all of my considerable flow and missed nothing.

When he was done and I came reluctantly back from a cosmic experience, I looked at him. Now he really looked sheepish.

"Confess! What the hell Lightman? You're no virgin."

He sighed, "Honor code."


"It's time I lived up to the code, at least for your ears."

"OK, I'm all ears," I said and got up on my elbows.

"Remember that training exercise two years ago, when you were sick and had to stay back?"

"Yup, worst sore throat of my life!"

"Yea, that's the one. Two older cadets, I don't want to say who, kind of got the drop on me. They knew. I sucked them off that night, down by a creek and away from the tents."

"They forced you?" I said, horrified.

"No, they didn't. I offered."

"Oh, you … um … gave them an offer they couldn't refuse!" I grinned and lay back.

He chuckled, "Yea, something like that."

"And why not me? Why haven't I been offered your considerable talent?" I said smiling still.

He got serious, "I've sucked off more guys at school than you think or I want to know even. I never said anything to you Greg. I respected you more than that. I even … I even fantasized about you and beat off, but … the thing was. When you think of a guy in a real sense, like he's your real brother, you don't spoil it with something as disgusting as sex."

I sighed. I could not empathize, but I didn't need to. Funny. To me sex was just sex. Greg had gotten himself all worked up over his desire for hard dicks. What a waste of worry and concern.

"Jake, look at me." He did.

"Do I look disgusted?"

"No, that's my problem."

"Yea well, no more. Not between us, OK? From now on buddy. If you want or need a dick to suck, suck mine, OK?"

"You're kidding."

"Here's ME! … NOT kidding. Honestly man, I'd rather have you do me than risk other guys, please, for both of us?"

"I can't believe you'd that for me."

"Believe it! Jezuz Jake, just chill. It's not a big deal in my family. And like Steven says, you're with us now. You are my brother and if you like your brother's dick, go for it, OK?"

He nodded and smiled, "OK"

"Want more?" I said and held up my still half hard monster.

He looked around as if somebody was in the room, "Not gonna turn it down."

"Go for it Lightman! Gonna make you work this time."

"Um … if I wanted to kind of spice it up for you, would you mind?"

"No, not at all, what do you have in mind?"

"Close your eyes."

And I did and the next thing I knew, I felt this finger starting to snake its way down from my balls to my butthole. Now what boy has not done that? I did from time to time.

"Mmmm, yea, do it man," and gave him permission. Boy, what a nice present to have on Christmas break. My own personal sex-toy! My best friend!

My throbbing backside had calmed down, but now was providing a nice heat that helped, although that finger thing was pretty nice. Anyway, I shot my load again, after a lot of slurping on Jacob's part. And it was just at the end of the second shoot-off that there was a knock on the door.

You should have seen us scramble up and me cover myself up!

"Come in!"

It was Michael, "Thought you guys got swallowed up by something, Mom says dessert is ready. Why does it smell so bad in here?"

"Nevermind, Jacob farted."

"Yea, a bad one," he reinforced. Michael's face pinched up, "Ewwwww!"

When Michael scampered away, I looked at my best friend and then hugged him, closely.

"I love you Jacob, you're my best friend in the whole world, remember that."

For once, he didn't shy away or try to pull away. I did feel his hard cock and completely had not regarded that need.

"Ooops" he said.

"Yea, um …. hold that thought. We'll take care of you later, OK?"

"No, you don't have to that."

"Will you shut your mouth? You are low man on the Baker totem pole, that means you do what I say while you are here, got that?"

I held him away from myself. He was red-faced, but pretty softened, "I'd like that Greg, I really would."

"Good, come on champ, remember that apple pie Mom made last year?"

"Hell yes!" and now we scampered down the hallway, following a much nicer smell.

* * * * * * * * * *

Later that night, at bedtime, I found myself in my bedroom with my best friend again.

"Want to arm wrestle for my bed again?" I grinned.

"No, not this time. You decide."

I could tell Jacob was tense and anticipating the obvious.

"You, in my bed now, get those shorts down. I'll get my little bottle."

I was sure Jake would not have any trouble getting it up when he found out I was going to give him a nice lubed hand job. I was right and he was hard from the get-go. I sat at the bedside,

"Now you relax, close your eyes, put your hands behind your head and have any fantasy you want, OK?"

He nodded. I did not like cock like Jake liked it, but a guy can always enjoy his best friend's appreciation. Apparently his fantasy was a real doozy. He shot off quickly and very hard, arching his body up. His face looked like he was in pain. Anyway, he liked it.

I got up afterwards as he cleaned himself up, "Thanks Greg. That's above the call of duty. You deserve a medal."

"Yea, like they give those out for hand jobs, nite Jake."

"Nite Greg."

The next few days passed by quickly. There was as ton of shopping left do to. I did not have the money or the time at school to do that and neither did Jacob, but it sure was fun, the whole family doing it and Jake with us. I even caught Jake calling his Mom and apologizing for not wanting to be around their family situation. He told me later she cried and apologized. It was just how it was.

Another day passed and Christmas got closer, but then one late morning I kind of lost track of Jacob. I figured he was with Michael, goofing around as those two loved to do. I was in my room cleaning stuff up when suddenly Michael appeared at the door. I turned, he was crying!

"Mikey! What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

He came in and sobbed, "Sort of! Jacob, he doesn't want to play with me anymore, he ran out of my room!"

"Come here pal! What happened!?" and Michael sat by me on my bed.

"I'm afraid to tell."

Oh god, my stomach started to ache, "Why Mikey?"

"He … we were wrestling and he got a boner … we both saw it and he jumped up and said, 'I can't play with you anymore Michael,' said he looked angry, but said he was sorry and left the room! I thought boners were OK?! Dad said so! Why did he do that? What did I do wrong Greggy?"

I sighed, "You did nothing wrong Mikey. He didn't know it was OK. Most boys his age don't get boners wrestling Mikey. Look, he's just afraid that having that boner might scare you or make you think he's being bad or something. I'll go talk to him, OK?"

Michael hugged me, "Yes sir, just make it so we can play again, please?"

I nodded, "Now go back to your room."

I stood up. Somewhere in the house was my best friend, trying to be a good citizen and himself. Not easy sometimes. I found him sitting under our Christmas tree, staring down at the base, knees drawn up to his chin. He looked upset. I walked over and sat down by him.

"I'm sure Michael has talked to you about the pervert in his bedroom," he quickly said and not nicely.

I sat there a little stunned, "Um, No! … he told me you got upset because you popped a boner wrestling with him Jake! That's all!"

"Yea, well, it's enough. Tell your Dad. I'm sure I need to find a way to get to my own fucked up home."

This was not going well. "Wrong again! I could tell Dad and he would tell you the same thing!"

"Fine. I'm not playing with your little brother anymore," and he got up and started to walk to the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside to think. Figure out how to get back to school or something."

"Jacob! No!"

But he left the house before I could stop him! I went out to the front and he was literally running down the street.

"JACOB! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" but it was not enough.

Steven came up behind me, so did Dad. They had just come in from the garage from a very secret Christmas present wrapping party.

"What's all the shoutin' little bro?" Steven asked, Dad grinning.

"Jacob is freaking out and ran away down the street," then I explained the whole thing, including Jacob's coming out to me about his thing with boys and now with Michael.

"Let me take care of this," Dad said. God I loved my Dad.

"I'll go with you Dad," Steve offered.

"No, you guys stay here just in case he comes back some other way."

We nodded. Dad left in a hurry. I was so nervous and upset for Jacob,

"I don't know what to do." I said to Steve.

"He's just adjusting to himself Greg. He's had a tough go of it, with his family and all. Dad told me about his little talk with Jacob that he had when you guys came in. Seems that Dad found things out through the school parent association. Jacob's Dad is pretty much a jerk. He left Jacob's Mom one day, gone, just like that. Left Jacob too. What an asshole."

"You got that right, so what did Dad say about Jake?"

"Only that he's just very unsure of himself right now and that was before everything you told us just now."

"Oh man, the poor guy."

"Dad will fix it."

Well, Dad did not fix it, not on that trip anyway and we almost had to call the police to find my best friend. It was getting very cold out and Jacob had gone outside in a T-Shirt. Finally, several hours later, in pitch blackness, and me about to birth a full grown goat, there was a knock at the door. I flew to it and opened it. There stood my best friend shivering, head down. I didn't know whether to yell at him or cry. I opened the door and grabbed his arm before he could get away,

"Where the hell have you been Lightman!!? We almost called the cops for God's sake!!"

He came in without resisting, his head still down. Dad was sitting reading the newspaper with his reading glasses on. The paper dropped,

"Enough Gregory, come on Jacob, my study. Let's you and I talk in private."

He finally looked up and the look on Jacob's face made me very sorry I yelled at him. He looked devastated and afraid.

"Don't worry. I told Dad and Steve everything. Dad just wants to help. You're not in trouble, not for anything."

In my mind, that was not entirely the truth, but it was close enough for now. He nodded and looked at my Dad and followed him down the hall. Michael rushed into the room,

"Was that Jacob? Is he all right?"

"Yes Mikey, he'll be fine."

Maybe Jacob would be fine but I wasn't feeling so fine. I was more worried about him than any gymnasium punishment I had coming. Steve came into the room,

"Not good huh?"

"No, Dad has him now."

"Well, it'll be fine, OK?"

I nodded. Enough "fine" already, but I was so grateful for Steve's confidence and positive energy just then.

Five, ten, fifteen and then twenty minutes passed and nothing. I looked at Steve,

"What is Dad doing in there? Explaining to Jacob the origins of the universe?"

"Probably!" Steve grinned, and just then, a very sheepish looking boy my age came down the hallway and stood there looking up at us. He was wearing my loose sweats, the same ones I had on a few nights ago when I got my paddling and spanking. Apparently he had already changed his clothes for you know what.

I looked at Steve who spoke for both of us, "Hey buddy, what's going on?"

He looked at me, his face was thankfully calm and even serene.

"Greg? First, I want to apologize for acting like an ass . You've treated me with nothing but kindness and respect. You honored me before I honored myself. Thank you. Second, I had no right to run out of the house and make all of you guys worried about me. That was selfish and irresponsible. Thirdly, I need all of you, including Michael, come down to the study with me, right now."

I nodded and looked at Steve. We both knew what was going to happen. We rounded up Michael and talked to him before we went down to the study. It was kind of funny really. Michael knew what was going to happen as well,

"Is Jacob in trouble?"

"Only because he ran away and made us worry too much, nothing else Mikey," I reinforced.

"I know. I would get a big spanking if I did that."

"That's right buddy. I think that Dad is going to give Jacob the same thing I got the other night, is that OK?"

"Yea. I think he needs a big ol' spanking. He just can't go and do that. He made me worry."

I grinned, "There ya go buddy."

"But is he going to play with me anymore?"

"Sure sport, we'll fix it."

Steve, Michael and I then went down to Dad's study, closing the door behind us. Dad was sitting behind his desk. The paddle was out of its drawer. Jacob was standing there, tall and looked very confident. That was good to see. The three of us went over to the couch to sit. Jacob looked at Dad. Dad nodded at him. Jacob faced us,

"Michael, I apologize to you for running out of your room. I thought I had a good reason for doing it. I really didn't. If you like, we can play later."

Michael grinned, "I'd like that, thank you Jacob."

Then Jacob's face got solemn and he turned back towards Dad,

"Mr. Baker, I'm ready for a good hard paddling and spanking, just like we talked about."

"OK son, let's get to it."

When I thought about it, Jacob had never really talked about getting spankings at home. I kind of thought this was the first time that a father would have ever done this for him. I sure was glad it was my Dad doing it.

Jacob shucked down his sweats, he wore no underwear just like I had not. He laid himself forward over the desk, just like me. He spread his legs widely, just right. I had to admit, it really turned me on to see my best friend in that position. Maybe I was more like him than I had thought. Maybe we had more in common, even with our dicks. If he was willing to do this in front of all of us, take a very stern punishment and admit to his wrongs, then maybe I could loosen up myself a little.

One thing was for sure. As Dad paddled his bare bottom, just as hard as he did for me or Steve, my best friend just took it, and never lost his poise once. He had a few tears, but his face never changed expression. In a way, maybe I was crazy, but he looked even to kind of enjoy it. It gave me some clues. If I was really Jacob's best friend, maybe there were things I could do to help Jacob not be so alone, even at school.

But then again, Dad always knew how to gauge paddling boys. If anything, the swats got harder and finally Jacob reacted, pretty much like I or Steve would do in the same situation. His tears were now flowing freely, and his face reacting. Dad stopped paddling. Jacob got up and faced us. He said nothing but did smile just a little. He looked a lot better to me, even with a red teary face.

Dad got the chair, pulled it out.

"Over my knee son," Dad said.

Jacob went right over and slid across Dad's lap. He turned his head to look at us, just like I had done. Dad started to spank and spank hard. Jacob kept his bare paddled bottom right up there, but slowly his face started to turn the way all boys' face turn when the spanking just gets too much. He actually started to sob and break down. That's when I smiled, warmly. He saw me and even tried to return some of the smile as his scarlet bare cheeks bounced up and down on Dad's lap.

Dad finally stopped. He helped Jacob stand up. Then Dad hugged my best friend and whispered something into his ear, something not even I would ever know about, something only for Jacob. Then it was done. After Dad left, Michael rushed up to him,

"Boy! You sure got a big spanking. I hope I never get one that bad, sheesh!"

"I hope you don't either buddy."

"Can we play video games later?"

"Sure sport."

"Good. Now you guys go to your bedroom and close the door so I don't see what you guys do," and Michael left us laughing our heads off.

Jacob even hugged Steven and thanked him for being a witness. I nodded to my best friend,

"Come on Lightman, to my room."

We went inside and I closed the door, "All right, let me see the damages."

"I thought you didn't like looking at boys' bottoms."

"I never said that, so don't show me then."

"Fine" and he let down his sweats and turned. Jacob's bottom was as deeply red as I had ever seen Dad punish any of us.

He looked around at me, "Had enough? Turn you on?"

"Maybe it does, are you?"

He turned around again and Jacob was pretty erect all right. I unzipped my trousers and showed him mine, also erect.

"See something you want?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yes, I want to suck you off, like I did the other night."

"OK, you have to let me do something for you too."

"Not going to refuse that, no matter what it is."

"I may surprise you Jacob."

He smiled, "Nice try and thanks, but you don't have to do anything Greg. Just being here with you and your family, and especially your Dad, is enough."

"Thanks, now get on your knees," I smiled.

He did and I approached, hands on my hips. His mouth surrounded my cock and it felt great. His finger-tips curled around my hips to my ass.

"Go ahead, you know you want to feel me up. Just do it. It's only sex Jacob."

He looked up at me, "Maybe to you Greg, we're different that way."

"I know. Sex to me, love to you?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe."

I smiled, "Shut up and suck then."

He sucked me off really well. I enjoyed it. I made him lay down and pretended that I was going to use the "Silky Delight" and give him another hand job. How difficult or unpleasant could it be to give your best friend a blow job? Except it was hilarious how he reacted when instead of my hand, he felt my lips surrounding his dick, that is until I made him shoot off. I got out of the way and he took over at the right time, but what was the big deal? It was only a dick on another boy, not a statement of love or being or anything else, just … a dick.

* * * * * * * * * *

Christmas approached and though my future administrative punishment stayed in the back of my mind, I kind of grew to use it as a reason to celebrate Christmas harder than usual, but I was not the only one. Steven, my 21 year old brother met up with old high school friends and had a little party that involved alcohol one night, three days before Christmas Eve. Things got a little out of hand and the next thing we knew, a police car stopped at our curb, followed by Steven's car. Michael spied it first,

"Why is Steven coming home with a police escort?"

Dad shot out the front door as I watched with Michael and Jacob. Things got pretty animated out there and I was pretty sure that Steven was in trouble. My big brother was a wonderful person, but he was not a saint. I recalled a time three years ago when he was 18 and his friends took him out for his 18th birthday. He nearly got arrested for drunk driving that night. Dad was furious with him. Steven ended up with a very sore rear end that night, paddle and belt were applied generously.

Suddenly, we saw Steven striding towards the house was a fairly good frown on his face. He came inside and saw us,

"Might as well get into Dad's study right now. I'm going to get the beating of my life," Steven said bitterly and then swept by us, headed for his bedroom to change. I could smell the alcohol. It turns out that the policeman who pulled Steven over was a very good family friend and did not arrest my brother. Dad came into the house,

"Where did he go?"

"I think to his bedroom Dad," I said.

Dad went down the hallway and we heard voices, mostly Dad's but also Steven's. It was late and Steven was not entirely sober. Dad ordered him to take a long hot shower, and to go to bed. He'd be punished the next day. All of us even heard Steven beg Dad to get it over with right away, but Dad did not relent. I certainly could relate. I waited until Steven took a shower and was in his bedroom alone, then knocked on his door softly,

"Go away!" he said, obviously still very upset. I opened the door and went in anyway. He was sitting at his bedside, still wrapped in his bath towel. He looked up at me and said nothing. He looked ashamed.

"Sucks when you fuck up and can't get it over with when you want," I said.

He looked up again, "Yea, no kidding. You're the last person I wanted to see and have to face about this Greg. You screwed up and are acting very noble about your punishment. You have to wait ten times as long to go back to school and have it all over again, maybe even worse there. I'm not like you, I wish I was."

I hated seeing my big brother like this. I sat down next to him, "I don't know. I think we are a lot alike. Whenever I feel down, I just think of you Steven. You're always so positive. Sometimes I use what you've said to me in the past, to make me feel better when I'm feeling down at school."

He sat up straighter then, "Thanks for coming in Greg. Ever since I left the party and made a foolish decision to drive, I've felt so inadequate as a brother to you and Michael."

"You can't be perfect Steven, if you were, you'd be useless to Michael and me."

I hugged Steven and stood up, "NIte big brother."

"Nite little bro."

Dad did not make Steven wait long the next day. Right after breakfast he called us all into the study, except Michael. In fact, Mom took Michael out to shop. I explained what that meant to Jacob. It meant basically that Dad was going to wallop the living hell out of his oldest son and Michael was not allowed to watch that kind of punishment. It meant paddle and belt and maybe even a spanking to finish. Drinking and driving was the biggest taboo for our father.

When it was time, Steven himself came to get Jacob and I,

"Come on guys, let do this huh? Time for me to find out how much a few drinks is really worth."

For this punishment, Steven was made to take off all of his clothes in front of us. Jake and I saw Dad's paddle and the belt laying on top of Dad's desk. We sat down on the couch together. Steven faced Dad,

"Father, I apologize for being foolish and doing a very unsafe and dangerous thing last night. I know you forgive me, but I need a whipping for this, one I will never forget please."

Dad stood up and nodded, picking up the paddle first, "Over the desk son," was all he said. I looked at Jacob, I was nervous as hell for Steven. We watched him bend over the desk and grab the far side. Dad stepped to Steven's side. It started.

From the first swat, Dad laid into my big brother in a fury of blistering blows that gave me a stomach ache.

"Ouuuu! Dad! Ou! Pleaseee sir!" Steven wailed and Steven never did that before. I couldn't look anymore. I looked down. It was Jacob who used a finger to lift my chin up. He was right, it was the least I could do for my big brother by being a witness and honoring his effort. Dad swatted Steven until he was blubbering. Then he stopped and picked up the belt,

"I know you apologized Steven. But we've been over this ground before. I swear to God, I will not let any son of mine touch alcohol and drive and not know that he has done something extremely wrong."

Then the belting started, long hard furious cuts. It was a whipping to be sure, a real whipping. Steven just howled. The louder he howled, the harder Dad strapped him. Even if I wanted to look away, I could no longer keep myself from it. I was mesmerized and felt ashamed for it. I wasn't turned on and neither was Jacob. This was too much, but my big brother had well earned it.

It took Steven a good one minute to calm down before Dad even asked him to stand up. He needed Dad's help to stand as well. Steven's bottom would be black and blue, that was certain. The bruising was already coming out in fact. I wondered to myself if I was going to have bruises after my administrative punishment back at school. I had already accepted that I would, but I deserved them if I did.

Finally, Steven and Dad hugged. Dad whispered something into Steven's ear and even knowing that I would never know what it was, Dad's eyes were red and misty as he did. That said it all to me, how much my Dad loved us all. I looked at Jacob. Jacob was as moved and affected as I was.

A short time later, Jacob and I took turns getting ice packs from the kitchen, helping Steven put out the flames on his beaten bottom and to keep the swelling down. When Steven had to sit on a pillow during lunchtime, Michael did not say a thing. Mom told Michael what was going on at home and why he should not be there. All in all, I was left with the impression that sometimes being a parent, must be a very painful thing, more for the parent than for the boy. Mom and Dad worried so much over us, I sometimes wondered if they wished we were not there. It sounds cruel, but I could understand that feeling if it was there. I promised myself to ask them one day into the future, but no time soon.

* * * * * * * * * *

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were the best ever, the most memorable. Then again, every Christmas season was like that at our house, but the days swept by faster than ever. The next thing I knew, it was New Years and we all celebrated like it was going to be the best year ever. I truly believed that it was true.

Jacob and I finally found ourselves in my car, driving the ten long hours back to Red Mountain to our school responsibilities and me, to face the Disciplinary Committee, my squad, and my impending public punishment. As soon as we drove through the gates, I felt different somehow, maybe a bit older and wiser. I think Jacob did as well, but those are just feelings.

School started on Monday and I faced the Disciplinary Committee on Tuesday. Commandant Richards was correct in his assessment. I was assigned administrative punishment in the gymnasium the next evening, but I retained my squad and my rank. Tuesday night, I mustered my cadets, all 12 of them. I explained to them in detail how I had busted the honor code and what my punishment would be. All I got from them was encouragement and confidence and that made me feel as if my efforts with them and the next night would not be in vain.

Then, the next evening at 19:00 hours, me having chosen my best friend Jacob Lightman as my second, my assistant, I was marched to the gymnasium in my P.E. kit. I had requested that my squad be placed to the side, nearest to the horse, so that they could see my naked bottom, every swat of the Commandant's paddle and especially my head and face. I wanted and needed them to see my anguish so that maybe, they might be spared the same for themselves in the future.

I'd wanted to be calm and collected, without trembling or nerves. I could not achieve that. Once I was asked to step away from Jacob's side and face the entire school as the Commandant read off the charges, the sentence and then the punishment, twenty-five paddle swats, I just started to shake and tremble, I could not help myself. Commandant Richards ordered me to the horse, then to strip off my gym shorts and underwear. I was now essentially naked to several hundred boys, men and staff with only my white T-Shirt, shoes and socks.

Richards then ordered me over the horse and to grab a special bar that had been placed there long ago. I swept my T-shirt well forward and kept my legs wide and my bared bottom up in perfect position to take each paddle swat as fully and as hard as possible. Commandant Richards himself would do the paddling. He had a special paddle for this purpose, one that was only used during administrative punishment. It was thicker, longer and heavier than any of the others at the school. I'd also chosen two other stout comrades, just in case.

They would stand several paces away from me, on the my head side of the horse, just in case I needed to be held down. A guy like me would never want that. On the other hand, I'd never had twenty-five of Richards' paddle swats.

"Are you ready Mr. Baker," Commandant asked me.

"Yes sir," I said, but I would never really be ready for this. Then it started.

After just the first crack of the first swat on my up turned bottom, I was pretty sure that I would not be able to stay down for 25. The two fourth year cadets had been ordered to swoop in on me at the very first sign of failure on my part. I would not have to ask them, thank God. I made it through the first five, Richards would pause about ten seconds between swats. I had seen one of these before. The time between paddle swats would continue to reduce until an impossible flurry at the end that was designed to prove to the cadet, that he should never, ever break from the code again.

I was severely white-knuckling at ten but somehow made it to fifteen, but by then, my tears were flowing and I was starting to emit yelps. Fortunately, I suppose, my body was weakening and I don't think I could've jumped up for anything. I wasn't even sure where the pain was coming from now. My bare bottom was, I was sure, already bruising in several places. But each swat still provided a tremendous amount of pain that penetrated up to my chin and down to my knees.

The pace picked up dramatically at about number seventeen. I was outright bawling and sobbing by twenty, and the last five, I was screaming, just howling for all I was worth. But to my amazement, when the last swat was delivered, my two stout comrades still stood a few feet away, their services never needed.

"The punishment is finished, you may assist Mr. Baker to his kit," were the next words I heard from Richards.

I fully expected the two boys in front of me to come to my assistance and I thought I saw them moving. Then I heard other very rapid footfall accompanied by a very stern and familiar voice,

"Stand down! Don't you dare touch him!"

It was Jacob. He was, like all the cadets present, in full dress uniform, including white gloves. I was trying my best to lift myself up. His gloved hand lurched out to my shoulder,

"No don't Baker, you'll hurt yourself, let me do it!" he whispered, though I knew others could hear him through the dead silence in the gymnasium. I gratefully and instantly relaxed. Jacob then helped me up, I nearly didn't have to move a muscle till I was standing and my behind was throbbing in a way that made my lower back and thighs scream to try and keep me standing.

I had to lean a bit on Jacob to put my kit underwear back on and that hurt like hell, so did my gym shorts. But I finally got there. Then, when he was sure I could stand on my own, Jacob Lightman stood back, snapped into attention and saluted me. I returned the salute. His face was red and had been freshly wiped of moisture. His eyes were red.

It was only then that I glanced over at my squad, twelve boys, all fifteen years old. I could only see the front row, but from what I saw, no boy was left unaffected and several were wiping their faces and eyes. Finally I could turn, stand to attention as best I could and extend my hand to my Commandant. I did not hate Richards for what he had done to me, I respected it and the power of his authority over me. I shook his hand,

"Thank you sir."

He nodded, "Well done Baker, exactly what I expected from a boy of your character. If you need me or the doctor, let me know."

I nodded, "Yes sir, thank you sir." then stepped back and saluted him. He returned the salute, then dismissed everyone save me, Jacob and my squad. When the gym was otherwise emptied, Jacob and my squad marched with me, albeit slowly, back to my barracks. I limped, but I did OK. But as soon as we entered the building and our section, Jacob started to bark out orders.

Apparently, and without my knowledge, Jacob and the boys were prepared for my return. I had my own living space, a very small room to myself. It quickly got crowded. Frankly, it was fine with me. I did not want to be alone yet and besides, I think the boys needed to be as near to me, as I needed them.

Ice packs flowed like at some kind of cold storage facility as I lay on my tummy on my bed my bare bottom up and exposed. I got sips of water until my thirst and tummy were ready and then got more. They even had saved me some food from the mess hall, in case I got hungry as I had not eaten supper that evening. They kept their chatter to a minimum, all while Jacob stood by, still dressed so regally in his uniform, but now sans gloves.

When finally, I could sit up, I stood. They all froze. I sighed and looked at them, not at all intimidated that I was bare assed and naked from the waist down in front of them,

"Guys, you're all on my list for best cadets on the planet. Thank you all. But right now, could you please clear the room, for just a little while, OK? You need to get to bed for school, but, if you like, you can come by in fifteen minutes."

They all scurried out of the room, saying things like, "Thank you for letting us help Mr.Baker," "You were awesome sir!" "You're the best sir."

Jacob closed the door, then rushed over to me and we hugged for a moment.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I don't know, how are you?" he replied.

"Glad it's over."

"I don't know. I think I might quit school before I could do that."

"You could do it better than me Jake, don't kid yourself, oh god, I need to lay down."

He helped me down. My butt was still throbbing like hell. I was exhausted.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"No, you need to get back to your boys. My boys will help me out, but maybe tomorrow, when you know what hits me?"

He smiled, "You got it. Greg, your Dad and Steve would be very proud."

"Thanks man," I said and he left. I just lay there alone for a while, kind of proud of myself. I had made it. I had survived and I think helped some younger boys avoid the torture I had just endured.

In any case, I left my door open and by the clock, in fifteen minutes, my cadets came back in pairs. They were more chatty then and I was glad for their company for a short while. A few of them told me about older brothers who had suffered administrative paddlings. I thanked all of them and sent them to bed.

I finally could get up and go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. What a mess my ass was, but, it was still there. I wished I could see my Dad and Steven and Michael just then and Mom too, but I was back at Red Mountain and I would call them the next day. The Honor Code had been fulfilled and in my mind, uplifted and ratified by what I had done. Maybe Steven was right and this was all useless fluff, but I still believed in it and wanted to live by it.

The next day was not pleasant. I was still very sore. I had the option of grounding myself, but chose not to. I limped around the campus, but to a man, everyone who passed by me saluted or if a peer, offered a kind and positive word. That night, Jacob Lightman came to my room after my boys were asleep. I was by then hornier than I had ever been in my life.

When he came in, he closed the door and barred it with a chair. We cadets only did that when we didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. I looked at him. He looked back at me, solemnly,

"I swear to God Baker, I could go to hell or get expelled, or both for what I'm about to ask you."

I knew what it would be, "OK, then I'll go with you."

He nodded and started to undress himself, "I know you can refuse, but I really want to lose my virginity to you Greg. Will you fuck me?"

I smiled. I was right. I nodded, "Yea sure, why not hey?"

He got naked and so did I. I was really turned on now, but didn't try to analyze how much was due to what cause and what it meant for my life. I was over that crap and just wanted to get off anyway he wanted to. Thankfully, I had another trusty bottle of "Silky Delight" with me in m room, hidden very carefully. I got it out and stood over him as he lay himself on my bed top, naked and over my bed pillow, sinking his pubes and erection into the middle of it. I winced a little. Oh well, it was just sex, right?

He got up on his elbows and looked at my erection, then up at me, "If it's all right Greg. While you fuck me, I'm going to be thinking about you, us, not as things really are or will be, only how I wish they could be, but never will."

I nodded, "Do it pal. Fantasize away, you deserve it. You've been my friend forever and you'll always be."

I had never fucked anything my whole life, much less a boy. How hard could it be huh? I lubed up my dick and then his butthole. I knew I had to go slow and did. While I entered him, he seemed in pain, so I stopped and waited patiently for him to catch up. Funny. I had wrestled around with Steven growing up and we even got erections doing it, but it never came to anything. Then when I had to wrestle with my peers here at school I didn't get any arousal at all. I chalked it up to how closely I felt emotionally to the guy I was grappling with, so it made sense to me.

With Jacob I was having no problem keeping my erection hard. We were best friends and I loved the guy a lot, but as I started to really motor, the "sex" end of the equation took fully over. I needed to shoot a load, maybe two and his tight butthole was just the ticket to send me to that special plane far out in the cosmos where my sexual activity invariably sent me. But even as I started to reach that pinnacle, I looked down at Jacob.

He was in his own space now, eyes closed and far from mine and I grew a little sad. I wished that I could be there with him and for him in that way, but he was smiling now, almost giggling. I could almost imagine what he was dreaming about in his head as he started to hump my pillow. That's when reality struck me. Jacob Lightman's penis was about to turn my pillow into the final resting place for a whole lot of his semen. But I just smiled now and let him do it and I turned back into myself and let my own results flow into him. At least we shared that much together that night.

© Copyright PJ Franklin February 9, 2013

Your comments are appreciated.  pjfranklinboy2@earthlink.net

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