Horny Cravings of a Teen Wolf

By Wolfy Bainey

Published on Jul 20, 2011


Teen Wolf: TV Series (2011)

This story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. Copyright of MTV and MTV Networks.

Chapter 7: Derek's Sacrifice

Please don't hunt me down and kill me for what takes place in this chapter.


Derek had just taken his clothes off and was stepping into his shower when his cell phone rang. He stopped and turned around. He looked down and saw that the caller ID said "Scotty". He hit the ignore button and shut his phone off. He then stepped under the blistering hot water. The room was filling up with steam and the water was dripping all down his back and trickling down his buff chest. His nipples were hard and protruding. He was breathing heavy and couldn't relax.

He couldn't get Scott out of his head. He knew what today was and he knew why Scott was blowing up his phone. Scott wanted to know what they were going to do about the hunters. Scott was prepared to reveal himself to Mr. Argent if it meant saving Derek's life. However, Derek was not going to let him do that. He couldn't let Scott be found out and Derek was prepared to sacrifice anything to save his Scotty. Derek was in love with Scott. Not in the traditional way though. He didn't want to marry him and be monogamous with him. Instead he wanted to have Scott in his life as his best friend until death. Scott made Derek feel complete and Derek couldn't imagine a life without him.

Derek had also grown close to Stiles. He couldn't believe it. The first day he met Stiles he wanted to tear him to shreds. Now he wouldn't wanna go a day without seeing him and his goofy smile and snarky remarks. Derek was surprised that he had such strong feelings for those two. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. Especially since the death of his family and the gruesome murder of his sister. He felt lost. When Scott and Stiles came along he felt found again. They were like a family and Derek knew what that meant. Families protect each other at all costs. Since he was the oldest and strongest he felt he had an obligation to protect Scott and Stiles.

Derek was visibly distracted and bothered. Even this hot shower wasn't soothing him. He knew Scott was probably freaking out at this point. Derek knew he would. On Tuesday when Derek and Stiles showed up at Scott's and took him and Jackson out to breakfast Derek had made a plan with Stiles. Stiles was going to drink an old herbal mixture Derek had. It simulated a heart attack. He would then have to go to the ER. That way Scott would be so distracted with Stiles that Derek could go confront Mr. Argent. Derek knew Stiles was the one and only thing Scott cared about more then Derek so he made sure to use that to his advantage. Stiles and Scott would be at the ER by now Derek thought to himself. It was now or never.

Derek went into his old burned down garage and uncovered a motorcycle. He used to ride this baby for hours. He loved just tearing up the open road on that bad boy. He felt so free and happy when he would ride. He hasn't ridden since the fire. Derek has been so damaged by the killings of his family that he really stopped doing pretty much everything he loved. Derek put on a brave and tough face and act but he was really damaged and broken inside. He just wants to be loved and cared for. Now was not the time for nostalgia Derek thought to himself. He had to go save his best friends life. Derek mounted his bike, his tight blue jeans felt so amazing against the leather seat. Derek felt a jolt of happiness flow through him. He had missed this bike.

Derek tore out of his driveway like a bat out of hell. He knew where he was going and he had no time to waste.

Meanwhile at the ER

"Stiles... Stiles bro can you hear me?"

Jackson said in a low and worried voice.

"Stiles man wake up."

Jackson was holding onto Stiles hand tightly as Stiles came to.

"Sc... Scott?"

Stiles said in a daze.

"No man its me Jackson. Your boy went down to the lobby to get some coffee. He has been here all night with you and hasn't slept much. He was worried sick about you bud."

Jackson said as he let go of Stiles hand.

"What happened? Last thing I remember I was laying with Scott in his bed."

Stiles said. Stiles knew full well what had happened. He had fake poisoned himself just like Derek wanted. Stiles needed to play along though in order to protect Scott. Stiles hated lying and he really hated lying to Scott. He knew it was for the best though.

"I don't know man. The doctors are still running tests."

Jackson said with a calm voice.

"Your gonna be okay buddy. Me and Scott aren't gonna leave your side."

Jackson said leaning in and giving Stiles a kiss. On the cheek. Stiles grabbed Jackson's face and pulled him into a full on tongue filled kiss.

"Thanks Jackson. You two mean the world to me."

Stiles finally said after he had let off Jackson's mouth.

"Looks like your starting to feel better already!"

Jackson said with a beet red face. Just then Scott came back in with the coffee. He saw Stiles awake and quickly put the coffee down and embraced his boyfriend. He had mounted the bed and was hugging the life out of Stiles.

"OMG I am so glad you are okay!"

Scott said with tears streaming down his face. Stiles felt downright awful now for putting Scott through this.

"Thank you for staying with me Scott. You mean everything to me. You should try and get some sleep though. There is a cot over there. I promise I'll be ok."

Stiles said in a reassuring voice.

"Okay babe."

Scott kissed Stiles for what seemed like an hour. He then jumped off the bed and went and collapsed on the cot. The poor boy was exhausted. Jackson got up and went over to Scott. He moved him over and cuddled up next to Scott. Everyone in the room fell fast asleep.

Meanwhile at Mr. Argent's house

Derek pulled up in his motorcycle. He pulled it off to the side. He went straight up to the door and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Argent answered the door.

"Can I help you?"

She said innocently.

"Is your husband around?"

Derek said in a low and rough voice.

"I am afraid not. Him and our daughter went out hunting. Can I have your name and a message? I will tell him you stopped by."

Mrs. Argent said with a smile.

"Yes yes you can..."

Derek trailed off. Then Derek pushed his way in and over powered Mrs. Argent. He held her down and tied her up with some rope he had brought. He then ripped a part of his tight t-shirt off and gaged her with it. Mrs. Argent was so scared. She honestly had know idea what was going on. Derek went into the garage and found the stash of guns. He grabbed a pistol and loaded it. He then waited for Mr. Argent to come home.

Derek had tied Mrs. Argent to a chair and left her gagged so she couldn't make noise. He then shoved her in the guest bedroom. Mr. Argent pulled up to his house. He had dropped Allison off at a friends house. It was just him. Derek knew he only was gonna get one shot. Mr. Argent unlocked the front door to the house and stepped in. Derek took aim and fired one shot directly into Mr. Argent's chest knocking him instantly to the ground. Derek took off towards the door when Mr. Argent grabbed his leg and knocked him to the ground. Mr. Argent got up and threw his bullet proof vest off. He wasn't a fool. He knew what today was and he was prepared. He had wolfsbane in his hand. As Derek stood back up Mr. Argent punched him right in his jaw with the wolfsbane in hand knocking Derek instantly on the ground.

"Your a fucking fool."

Mr. Argent said with a smile. He grabbed rope that was laced with wolfsbane out of his bag and began to tie Derek up. Derek knew it was all over. At least he had kept Scott's identity a secret and that was the real goal.

Meanwhile back at the ER

Jackson woke up in a haze. He had really zonked out. He noticed that Scott and Stiles were missing too. Then he heard a soft moaning coming from the bathroom. He crept across the hospital room and over to the bathroom. The door was slightly ajar. He looked into the bathroom and saw Stiles totally naked riding Scott's hard cock. He was riding him slow and sensually. Scott and Stiles were making out as they fucked. Jackson got hard right away. He unzipped his jeans and freed is hardon from his boxers and jeans. He was so turned on by them fucking and by the fact that he was watching and they had no clue. Stiles began to moan as Scott started sucking and nibbling on his neck. Scott's cock was so wet and thick Jackson thought to himself. He watched in amazement as Stiles rose up and slid back down on it. Stiles ass was literally swallowing Scott whole. Stiles ass was leaking Scott's spit and his first load he had shot off up in Stiles a little while ago. Scott must have continued to fuck Stiles straight through Jackson thought to himself.

"Where does that boy get his stamina?"

Jackson whispered in amazement. Jackson was so hard he was leaking pre cum all over the floor. He was jerking his own meat hard and fast. Scott's legs began to twitch and quiver. Jackson knew Scott was about to shoot. Stiles picked up the pace as Scott grabbed Stiles hard prick and started jerking it off. Booth boys yelped as they both came. Scott shot his load deep up in Stiles and Stiles let lose all over Scott's chest. Scott continued to pump his softening cock in and out of Stiles tight hole. Jackson bit down hard on his lip and stiffened a moan as he shot all over his hand. Jackson put his cum covered hand up to his mouth and started licking it clean. He loved the taste of jizz even his own. He then zipped back up and walked slowly and quietly back to the cot and fell back asleep.

Stiles got off of Scott and bent down and cleaned his own load off of Scott. He then started making out with Scott as they swapped spit and jizz. Scott then pushed Stiles against the wall and Pulled Stiles hips and ass out. He dove in and cleaned his loads out of Stiles leaking asshole. After he had gotten most of it he resumed making out with Stiles as the were now swapping each other's jizz and ass juices.

"We gotta get cleaned up bro."

Stiles whispered to Scott with a smile.

Scott moved over to the shower and turned it on. They both got in. Scott started washing his boyfriend.

"You are ridiculously perfect you know that?"

Stiles said to Scott.

"You deserve perfection babe."

Scott said as he washed Stiles. They both got clean and then got out and started to dry off.

"But you are also a liar..."

Scott said looking Stiles straight in the eyes. Stiles face went white and he started to sweat. His eyes got real big.

"Wha... What are you saying Scott?"

Stiles said in a shaky voice.

"I know you wanted to distract me today so I wouldn't go confront Mr. Argent. I didn't know you were going to fake being sick though. In fact I actually thought you were dying until I read your charts."

Scott said with an angry look on his face. His eyes started to turn gold. He was trying his hardest not to morph.

"I had to taste your cum to know for sure though. After seeing that your charts said all your tests came back normal I knew you had taken something."

Scott was now on the edge of changing and ripping Stiles apart in anger.

"How dare you do this to me. I was worried sick about you. I was completely freaking out. I know you were trying to protect me but this was low and in bad taste."

Scott had a sad and angry look on his face. Stiles spoke softly.

"I am so sorry Scott. I didn't want to lie to you and then Derek said for me to drink some herbal shit. That way I would be out long enough for him to go to Mr. Argent."

Stiles started to cry and Scott went form being angry to scared.

"Wait what? Derek told you to do this? Derek went alone? Mr. Argent is going to kill him!"

Scott said with a shout. Jackson woke up from the shout and ran to the bathroom. Both boys were still naked.

"Wha... What the fuck is going on?"

Jackson said with a surprised look on his face all while staring at their naked bodies.

"Jackson look after Stiles I have to somewhere and I have to go now. Its an emergency."

Scott said as he pushed past him and headed for the door.

"Wait Scott whats wrong? Where are you going? You don't drive! And you don't have a car!"

Jackson said frantically.

"I know I am taking yours."

He said feeling up Jackson's leg and reaching in his pocket grabbing the keys.

"Whoa whoa wait Scott your gonna kill yourself or someone else. Would you please let us come with you. Stiles can be discharged I am sure they will let him go. Please let us come."

Jackson said pleading with Scott.

"I can't I'm sorry."

Scott mumbled as he took off.

"Fuck! That kid is gonna get himself killed."

Jackson yelled.

"You have no idea..."

Stiles said with tears streaming down his face.

"Hey Stiles come here. We need to get you dressed and put back in bed. You shouldn't be up and about."

Jackson said with a caring voice. He then picked Stiles up like a bride and brought him back to his bed. He helped him get his hospital gown back on and tucked him in.

"You just rest okay? I am not going anywhere I promise."

Jackson kissing Stiles forehead.

Meanwhile back at Mr. Argent's house

Derek was now completely nude and tied up tight with rope dripping with liquid wolfsbane. Mr. Argent had thrown him in the basement to die. Derek knew that long exposure to wolfsbane was fatal. Mr. Argent had taken his wife to the hospital to get checked just to be sure. He came back and got naked and grabbed his wolfsbane whip. He headed down to the basement. Derek heard the door and knew he was in for it.

"I told you not to come back here unless you had the other beta with you. You didn't listen to your master. Instead you came back alone and assaulted my wife."

Mr. Argent's cock was now hard as a rock.

"You know from the day I met you I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Your well defined chest and abs. Your manly jaw line. Your luscious bubble butt. And now you are all mine."

Mr. Argent said smiling. he then grabbed a very weak Derek by the hips and put him in a position where his ass was sticking straight up in the air. Mr. Argent began whipping his ass and back. Derek was screaming in pain. This continued for five minutes straight until Mr. Argent spoke.

"Beg me to stop. Tell your master you want him to stop."

He said in a mocking tone.

"Please master... Please fucking stop."

Derek whined and yelped.

"You want me to stop? Then give me your hole and I'll stop. Tell me to abuse your pussy."

Mr. Argent said smiling. Derek no longer cared he just complied with Mr. Argent's demands. He knew he was going to to die so he did was he was told to make it go quicker.

"Plea... Please master... Fuck me. Fuck my hole. Make me scream for you."

Derek said in a defeated tone.

"Well if you insist you sick fuck."

Mr. Argent said laughing. He stuck his fingers in Derek's mouth and Derek started to suck on them. He then started fingering Derek's ass with his own spit. He was fingering him hard and fast. Derek was whimpering and shaking. Tears were streaming down his face. Mr. Argent went around front of Derek and Derek instinctively opened up his mouth. Mr. Argent shoved his cock in hard and fast causing Derek to gag. He kept fucking Derek's throat as Derek was gaging and coughing. Derek's throat was being assaulted so much he knew he was gonna vomit. Mr. Argent pulled off just as Derek puked out over the floor. Mr. Argent punched Derek in the face and pulled his head up by his hair.

"Listen you fucker. Keep it together you hear me? Your not dying yet cause I ain't done with you yet."

Mr. Argent yelled as he pulled Derek's hair hard. Derek was bleeding from his face, ass, and back. He was covered in sweat and tears. Mr. Argent looked at his animal and was proud. He then went around back and shoved himself deep into Derek. Derek screamed and moaned at the top of his lungs. It hurt so bad he wanted to die. Mr. Argent reached forward and continued to pull his hair hard as he abused Derek's ass. He then let loose and after on final pound he pulled out and went around front and came all over Derek's face and awaiting open mouth. Derek hated the taste of the hunters cum. He spit it all over the floor. Mr. Argent continued to beat Derek until he was no longer moving. He then went back upstairs leaving a lifeless Derek laying on the downstairs floor.

As Mr. Argent came up the stairs there was a knock at the door. He opened it and was overcome by a hooded man. The man knocked him to the ground and stabbed him with a knife in the gut. Mr. Argent screamed and started to bleed. He then passed out. The hooded man ran downstairs and found Derek. He checked his pulse and he couldn't feel one. The man removed his hood... It was Scott. He cleaned Derek's face off with an old shirt that was near by and began giving him CPR. Derek was not responding. Scott tried one more time and Derek started to breath but barely.

Derek opened his eyes and looked at Scott. Tears were streaming down both there faces.

"Sc...Scotty... I... I...I love yo..."

With that Derek went limp and his eyes closed.

"Derek! Derek!"

Scott yelled as he put him over his shoulder and struggled to get to the car. He wasn't going to give up on Derek. Derek had no pulse and wasn't breathing but Scott didn't care. He got them in the car and headed for the ER. Mr. Argent was no longer on the floor and was no where to be found. Scott didn't have time to care as he left.

Meanwhile at the ER.

Jackson woke up with a major boner. He noticed Stiles was awake and watching the TV. Jackson was horny and he wanted Stiles. He wanted Stiles that night they first cuddled and he now just had to have him. Jackson got up and walked over to Stiles. Stiles saw Jackson's protruding bulge in his jeans.


Jackson said in a low voice rubbing his bulge and unzipping his jeans.

"Suck me."

Jackson said to Stiles staring him right in the face. Stiles couldn't resist Jackson any longer. Ever since the night Jackson stayed over he had felt sexual tension between them. He loved watching Jackson shower after games. His big cock was always so beautiful to Stiles and he has always craved it.

"Come here big boy."

Stiles said with a dirty look on his face. Jackson smiled and got up on the bed with his dick out. Stiles took Jackson into his mouth and Jackson grabbed the back of Stiles head. He began pushing Stiles head down on his meat. Stiles was gagging but loving every second of it. Jackson was grunting and moaning. He was also a dirty talker.

"Yea that's right bitch boy eat my meat. You like my dirty cock in your throat don't you? You want me to feel you cock don't you? You dirty slut. Suck the cum outta me. Make me nut in your throat!"

Jackson was yelling at Stiles as he reached for Stiles hard cock and started jerking him and squeezing him hard. Jackson was getting the best BJ of his life. He started stroking Stiles harder and Stiles groaned while Jackson's dick was still in his throat. Stiles blew his load all over Jackson's hand. Jackson immediately put in up to his mouth and started eating it all up. Jackson then lost it and nutted down Stiles throat.

"Fuck yea boy. Suck the cum outta me!"

Jackson screamed as he continued to shoot his load down Stiles throat. Both boys collapsed on the bed. Jackson looked over at Stiles.

"Sorry for the things I said... I kinda lose control when I get horny... I hope I didn't hurt you."

Jackson said looking down at the floor.

"Its cool buddy. Dirty talk revv's me up. I love being abused by a hot guy and his thick cock. No apology needed."

Stiles said kissing Jackson passionately.

Just then Scott burst in the door with a doctor and Derek bloody and lifeless.

"What the fuck happened?"

Stiles and Jackson both asked. Scott just motioned them out of the room. The doctor gave Stiles his release papers and pushed them out the door.

"Scott is still really angry..."

Stiles said tearing up.

"Dude chill out okay he is probably just really worried about Derek. I wanna know what happened and who did this"

Jackson said in a stern voice.

Five minutes later Scott came out of the room he walked emotionless over to Stiles and fell into his arms. He started sobbing and held Stiles tight without speaking.

"Whats wrong? What happened? Talk to me baby!"

Stiles said in a worried voice. Scott looked up at Stiles...

That's the end of Chapter 7! I hope you all liked it! I hope you are all as excited for Chapter 8 as I am! Stay tuned!

Next: Chapter 8

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