How I Became His Slut

By Lucas

Published on Jan 16, 2012


This story is fictional and fantasy, although I would love it to be my reality. I got some great feedback from Part 1, so thank you to all.

Characters: Jonathan/Pup: Me Master: Lucas

Copyright 2012

I couldn't get him out of my mind. Lucas that is. It was Friday afternoon and I was at work completely useless. My mind couldn't stop thinking about last night and what had happened last night. I mean I just went online to see about getting some cock. Little did I know, that I would meet stud like Lucas. I mean we all have our fantasy guys, the one we jack off too, but we never in a million years think we are going to get lucky enough to see them in person, much less have them fuck our brains out.

I was counting the minutes until I was done with work. My boss came in and said he was leaving early. Asked what I was working on. It was just the daily stuff, nothing important, routine mind numbing tasks. He said, "Go home, enjoy an early start to the weekend." Now normally, I'd say no and finish what I was doing. Today, I was on my feet, keys in hand on my out the door. I was texting Lucas before I got to the car,

"I got done with work early, should I head over Sir?"

A few minutes passed, I was sitting in my car waiting staring at the phone wishing it to beep with his text. After about 10 excruciatingly painful minutes, he responded, "No, I still need more time. I thought you were off at 6."

"Normally I am, but got done early Sir" I responded.

"Ok, be here at 5:30 then boy,, " he said. It was already 5:15. He lived about 30 minutes from my house, but only 15 minutes from my office, so I was lucky.

"Yes Sir, I'm only 15 minutes away Sir," I responded.

"I know," was his response. How could he possibly know that?

"You may ring the bell when you arrive boy," he said.

I was driving as fast as I could. It was rush hour and even though he was pretty close, I still didn't want to be late. The thought of seeing him again was making my heart race and my hole quiver. It still stung from last night, and I loved every tingle. Sure enough there was some traffic so I was about 5 minutes late. I pulled into the driveway, just as another car was leaving. A black town car. His driveway was one of those big ones that multiple cars could move on without hitting each other. Basically a small parking lot. The same Mercedes from last night was there and in the dusk of the sunset looked very pretty. A deep green color, like none I've ever seen. I walked up and rang the bell. Instinctively I put my hands behind my back and looked down and the welcome mat. It just said "WELCOME" on in in the center and the top left corner had a piece missing, like a dog had taken a bite out of it. Clearly designed that way. Lucas must have a dog that I didn't see last night, but then of course I wasn't looking for one. I was the one howling last night.

The door opened, and I just stood there.

"Come in boy." he commanded. I looked up and walked in as he shut the door behind me. He stood there as the evening sun light came in the window and struck his body. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white tank top. His skin was a golden tan color and his blond hair was glistening in the sunlight.

"Hello Sir, how are you?" I asked

"Well boy, how was your day?" he asked as we walked down the hall to what appears to be the living room.

"Good Sir, thank you for asking" I responded. What was I doing? This was unreal. I can't believe we are making small talk like this. I was so nervous, I didn't know what else to say.

"Let me give you a small tour boy" he said. I followed him around the house. He showed me the living room. Very well furnished, a huge grand piano near a big fireplace. A wood burning one. Most homes had gas ones, but he paid the contractor who built his house some extra cash after the final inspection and had it converted. The house was beautiful. Well furnished, decorated tastefully. The kitchen was huge, a big island in the middle of it with dark granite counters, two stoves, 4 ovens and two sinks. Definitely a dream kitchen if you host parties. His study downstair was tasteful and simple. The living room overlooked a huge pool and spa with crystal blue water in it. high walls around the back yard so no one could see in or over. He never showed me the upstairs, the only room I saw was his sex room from last night.

After the tour he asked me if i wanted a drink. I agreed and he told me to sit on the couch and he'd return. He never asked what I wanted to drink. I sat on the couch and looked around. A few photos on the piano, him and an older woman and older man, I assumed parents, and some others with guys and girls his own age, brothers, sisters, or friends perhaps. He returned carrying a beer and a silver bowl. He set the bowl down on the floor near the couch and then sat down next to me on the couch holding his beer. He leaned back and took a swig from the bottle. I looked at him puzzled, and looked down at the bowl with the yellow frothy liquid in it.

"I assume lite beer boy" he stated.

"Um...yes Sir." I replied. And without even thinking I got down off the couch on my hands and knees and started lapping up the cold beer like a dog.

"Hahaha...I knew it!" He startled me and I almost shot beer out of my nose. What was I doing, why did I crawl onto the floor like a dog?

"I knew it...I fucking knew it. Not only are you a slut, but you are also a dog. I knew I had you figured out. Especially after last night. WOW. Can't fucking believe it. That was the easiest find ever." he said.

"Sir?" I looked up puzzled.

"Get up here" he ordered. And I complied, crawling back onto the couch like a human.

"Last night when I read your profile, I knew there was something about you. I could tell you have this inner slut dog. You like getting fucked and being a bottom, but I could tell you want more. Last night I could feel the energy coming from you. How much you craved being used by me. Originally you were just going to be a fuck, maybe more than once, but probably just a one night fuck to use you and then toss you out."

I sat looking at him, remembering rule 1 from last night of not speaking.

"You can speak boy," he commanded.

"Last night was so intense for me Sir, I have never felt like that. No one has ever made me feel like that. My ass still hurts but feels so good at the same time. Every time I squeeze down it tingles and i quiver."

"That's your inner slut dog, you've never let out before. This is the first time he's been out and now he's itching to get out again. That's why you knelt down without me telling you to lap up the beer boy."

He was right. I did it without even thinking when I did it. It came so naturally.

"Enough of that boy," he started, "Tonight we are going to go over your role."

"My role?" I asked. To which is sat up, slammed his beer down on the table and grabbed the back of my neck. Pulling me forward

"Yes boy...and what did I tell you!?" he yelled

"Never speak unless told to Sir" I whimpered in fear.

He let go of my neck and grabbed by hand. "Come with me," he ordered as he pulled me with gentle force onto my feet and he lead me into his study. It was odd, one minute he scared the hell out of me and next he was gentle. We walked into his study and he motioned to a chair at a small round table across from his desk. I sat down, he walked over picked up a file folder full of papers on his desk. He walked over sat down on the chair across from mine at the table, opened the folder and started reading aloud.

"Jonathan Tucker, born in Connecticut, parents divorced, studied computer science....."

He was reading my biography. I sat stunned, listening to him repeat forensic fact about my life. I couldn't believe it. What did I get into here. Part of me was scared, wanting to run, but another part of me wanted to stay and felt warm inside. I couldn't understand it. I should be running. No one knows I'm here, he could try and kill me or something.

He finished reading and looked up at me. "I have more, but I think you get the point" he said.

"" I was muttering.

"Last night before I uncuffed you, I grabbed your wallet. Pulled your ID number and social security number off it and pulled some information on you. My family has some pretty good connections with the FBI, IRS, DOJ, know. I had them pull some stuff for me."

Still puzzled I looked up at him, "Why?" I all I could say.

"Because, like I said last night, you are mine now. I wanted to check up on you."

I just sat there shocked. He stood up, walked out into the living room, returned with his beer and the dog bowl. He set the bowl down next to the chair, "Here you may need that" he said.

He was right, I dove into that bowl and lapped every last drop of beer up. And as I was lapping, I could here him laughing, but I didn't care. I looked up at him, sat back on my hind legs and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. He gazed down at me holding the beer in his hand. He was so beautiful. His hair was draped around his face, slightly covering his left eye, you could see the veins in the muscle of his arms and his perfect skin glowed. I felt a wave of warmth fill me. He set the beer down, knelt down before me and looked into my eyes. His green eyes sparkled, and he said "That's why I did it, you feel it now too don't you pup?"

Pup...Pup...he just called me pup, something snapped...

"arf" I barked.

Suddenly I came back. I had dazed out of reality for a moment. Then I was back.

"Stand up and sit in the chair pup" He ordered and I obeyed.

"I'm rich. My family is rich. My parents worked hard all their lives and became very successful. They sent me to college and shortly after I graduated, they passed. I have no brothers or sisters, but a few aunts, uncles and cousins. My parents money became mine. I invested wisely, loaned to a few businesses and I'm set for life. Financially that is. I was content to work out, travel, hang out with friends, fuck whoever I wanted when ever I wanted. Then I ran into you. And you fucked that all up for me."

I looked up, scared again...what did he mean that I fucked it up for him? What the hell did I do?

"See it goes like this," he continued, "You're going to be my pup boy. I will own you and take care of you, while you take care of me. Together in public we will be a normal gay couple, at home you will be my bitch. Your life will be mine. I will never hurt you or harm you or put you safety in jeopardy."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 72 hours ago I never knew he existed and now it was the man of my dreams telling me I was his property.

"I know what I look like," he said, "and I know what you are thinking, that I can get anyone I want, and you are correct, but I want you. You are attractive, smart, know what you are doing in life and I can treat you as an equal and a bitch at the same time and you know how to handle it, don't you?"

"Yes Sir" I replied. Yes Sir? What did I know how, I must because I agreed to him. But then again, 24 hours ago I was drinking his piss and I never thought I'd do that.

"Good, then you will be mine. Tomorrow, I'll have my real estate agent contact you and we'll put your house up for sale. Also he'll coordinate the sale of your furniture, or you can store it, doesn't matter to me. You are welcome to move some of your stuff in here with you, but we don't need it. Personal items, clothes, etc we will get moved in next weekend. Any of the money from the sale is yours to keep. Keep your bank account in your name, put what ever you want in there, but you won't need it. You will keep your job or get another that is less stressful for you, but money isn't a concern anymore. This doesn't mean a shopping spree Pup. I'm not a spoiled rich kid, no cocaine and hookers every night. We will live well, but not like celebrities."

Wait..what the hell, he is just taking over my life....really? How did this happen.

"Follow me" he said, as he walked out of the room and up the stairs. I followed him and we went down the hall to the room we were in last night. Fully lit up the room looked much different. The bed was still covered in black sheets. The candles were still there, but burnt out. The walls were all black and the wall of toys, leather, paddles, chains etc were still there. In the corner near the window, which had black leather curtains, was a wood wardrobe closet I hadn't noticed last night. "This is my main play room, you remember it don't you?" he laughed

"Yes Sir" I responded.

"Follow" He commanded as we walked through the door on the far wall into the a bathroom. Huge bathroom with a huge bath tub with water jets, dual sinks, and shower. "This is the master bath, cleaning kits are always ready in the shower" he pointed and there was a hose attached towards the floor and 3 different sized nozzles next to it. Similar to the one I had at my soon to be former house. "You will be clean at all times Pup, understood?"

"Yes Sir"

"Good" He replied, "Your best efforts always, I'm realistic, but I expect you not to be lazy about it"

"Thank you Sir," I responded, "I always try to be clean Sir."

"I know, you were clean when you got here last night and i didn't give you a lot of time, I figured you were already 'fuck ready' when you agreed to get here so fast...another indication of how big of a slut you are."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir." I replied. He just laughed.

In here is the master bedroom, my room, he opened up the double doors into a room that was probably the size of my entire house. The king sized bed was a 4-post bed, Covered pillows, there was a sofa, a chair, two dressers, a fire place what had to be at least a 60 inch flat screen TV on the wall, and a beautiful balcony that over looked the back yard and pool. The thing that caught my eye, was the bed. It was slightly higher than you would expect most beds to be. He pulled me over to it, and pulled back the fabric surrounding the bottom of the bed. I could see why the bed was slightly higher. The entire bed was the roof of what appeared to be a kennel.

"I made this. The entire underside of the bed is a kennel. I never thought I'd find a puppy suitable for it, but i think I have. it's never been used. Would you like to see inside Pup?"

"Yes Sir," I nodded.

I was in amazement. Did I just agree to go into a cage under his bed? Yes I did, and my cock twitched a little. He opened the door near the foot of the bed and I crawled in. What was I thinking? He could easily lock the door and then I'd be trapped. Much to my surprise, he followed me in. There was about 4 feet cleared so you could crawl comfortably, but no way you could stand. In the corner was a big fluffy pillow, some blankets, two silver dog bowls and a rawhide bone. "This is where you will spend most nights Pup." We climbed out and stood next to the night stand. On the night stand was a small linked chain and a small pad lock, along with a cb-6000 chastity lock and another pad lock.

"These are yours Pup" he pointed at the night stand, "The chain is your collar, I had it made today. It's titanium so it's light weight. Should easily be hidden under most clothes, particularly dress shirts. You will wear this at all times." He picked up the chain, and I bowed my head, He wrapped it around my neck. It was a bit snug, but still had some give to it. He was correct, it was light, but I could definitely feel that I was wearing it. He snapped the lock in place and took the key and set it down on the night stand. "Now you are collared and mine."

Without evening thinking about it I barked, "Good boy" he said as he patted my head. "This is your chastity device Pup. You no longer get to decide when you cum. Only I do. And you will not be cumming from getting head, as with this you probably never will, nor will you be masturbating. The only time you get to cum is if I say you can, or you get milked by getting fucked. You will be in this 24/7. It's breathable so showering with it is ok and you will be able to stay clean. Your cock is cut, so it's hygienic. If you do cum, you will either eat it or I will save it and freeze it for later. It all depends. Drop your pants Pup."

I followed orders and he grabbed my cock. It was still semi hard and when he grabbed it it went instantly hard.

"I can't get this on with you hard Pup" He said.

"I know Sir, I can't help it Sir." I replied.

"Well we can take care of that," He said. He grabbed a glass from the night stand which had water in it and shoved my cock in the glass. The water was ice cold. I screamed and jumped back only to find his hand on the small of my back pulling me forward. He was much stronger than me and I couldn't move. Within a few seconds my hard on went down. He grabbed the cb-6000 shoved my shaft in it, grabbed my balls, yanked them down, secured the ring around them and snapped the shaft into the locking pins and within a minute I was locked up. Still shaking from the shock of the cold water. he locked the cb-6000, took the key out, put it on a small key ring along with the one for my collar. Walked over to his dresser, opened a small box and dropped the keys in and shut the lid.

"There, all done. No go clean up, you have one hour to clean up and be down stairs in the kitchen. I'll have your clothes you will be wearing on the bed when you get done."

"Yes Sir," I responded.

"Before you shower, come here on all 4's" He commanded. I obeyed and crawled over. The chastity lock was still awkward on me. I got to his feet and looked up at my Master. "Undress me Pup." I reached up to the waistband of his sweats and he stopped me.

"With your mouth Pup."

I stood up, and put my mouth the waistband of his sweats and maneuvered the waistband into my mouth. I slowly slid them down, with my cheek passing his semi-hard cock, leaving a small trail of pre-cum near my lips. He wasn't wearing underwear, so I went to the bottom of his shirt and pulled at it with my teeth toward his neck. He leaned down to assist so I can get it over his head and arms. Then there he was naked, in front of me. I returned to all 4's and looked up at my Master.

"Open your mouth Pup" He commanded and without hesitation I did. He moved forward and put the head of his cock in my mouth and slowly slid it down to the back of my mouth. "Take a few deep breaths" he ordered, and I did. I could smell his natural scent. It was clear he showered that day, but had obviously worked out some since then as his scent was intoxicating. I had taken about 5 deep breaths when on the last one I was breathing in on the 6th he slid is cock down my throat cutting my air off. I waited motionless with his cock in my mouth. I would rather pass out from lack of oxygen rather than let his cock slip from my lips. Then I could feel it surge....his cock spasmed a bit and I knew my guts were about to be full of piss. Much to my surprise, it wasn't...the first surge was salty and thick and creamy, i know that taste. It was cum. I couldn't believe it, I didn't even do anything, I didn't work his huge shaft, or perfect balls, but there it was his baby batter splashing down my throat. The first 3 shots were huge. Almost came out my nose, much bigger than last night. The 4th was a bit smaller, then the fifth and last one was the biggest. It shot down the back of my throat with such force, I could actually feel it hit my stomach. He pulled his cock back some, but still kept it in my mouth for the last remaining drops to drizzle on my tongue. He then pulled his cock out and I leaned back on my back legs. He knelt down and pushed on my chest until i was laying on my back...he ran one hand across my left nipple and leaned down and kissed me. Darting his tongue into my mouth wiping up the last of his cum. He pulled back and licked his lips and swallowed the last traces of his nectar.

My cock was struggling in the chastity lock. I don't know if I can handle wearing it 24/7. Getting aroused was a bit painful, but i looked down and noticed a pool of my own pre-cum leaking out of it. That's when he put his hand on my chin and pushed my head back to look up at him in his eyes. He had the most beautiful smile on his face, "I've been waiting to do that all day, the site of my Pup collared and locked up, sent me over the edge, that was all I needed to blow that load down your throat. After dinner, I've got plenty more for you Pup. No go clean hour."

He got up and walked towards the door, I turned and rolled over, got up on all 4's and watched his ass bounce towards the door.

"RUFF RUFF" I barked and pushed my chest down and pushed my ass out looking at my Master. I could feel the fire in me burn now. The slut dog in me yearning to be free. He stopped and turned around and saw the grin on my face. His 9.5 inch Master cock hanging between his legs, still glistening swung around with his body and smacked his leg.

"RUFF RUFF" I barked again, and his expression changed. He go a huge smile ear to ear and I could see his cock slowly start to rise again. He put both hands on his knees and leaned forward and looked down at me and said, "Welcome home....that's the Pup I knew you were." He rubbed my head and turned back around and walked out.

I walked on all 4's into the bathroom and turned on the shower to start to clean up. I didn't know what he had in store for me tonight, but I hoped I would get to spend the night on that kennel under his bed. The door to the bathroom was still open and I was on all 4's outside the shower waiting for warm water, when I heard a strange voice in the bedroom and it wasn't my Master Lucas.

"I'll just put some fresh towels in the bathroom for him," said the strange voice. I panicked....who else was in the house??

Next: Chapter 3

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