Humiliated Slut

By Graeme Paterson

Published on Mar 10, 2012


This is my first story on Nifty, although I have written others in the past. The usual disclaimers apply, age, objections to man on man sex etc. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy it and feedback is always welcome!

Chapter 1.

I parked my car and crawled along the pavement. All i was wearing was tight black rubber shorts and a matching white t-shirt. The fact that i am 250lbs and most of it is soft, doughy fat is only exacerbated by my clothes. Passers-by were staring at me, but i didn't care. i knew Sir would be watching from the window and if i didn't humiliate myself, i'd be in trouble. Hell, i'd probably get a sound thrashing anyway -- with any luck! When i got to the main stair door, i had to wait until a man was passing, then ask him to push buzzer number 8 for me please. my rucsac was quite heavy because it had a 10 foot length of heavy duty chain in it. i didn't know what Sir had in mind for it, but i was hard thinking about it! i also had a CB6000S from Extreme Restraints as a surprise gift for my Lord And Master. i was hoping he was going to fit it to me after our session, but who knows...? Anyway, back to the door, one of my colleagues, David -- a skinhead -- was heading in my direction -- oh no! i would have to ask him or Sir would be VERY angry. Perhaps if i looked at the pavement and raised my voice, i'd get away with it... Oh well, here goes!

`Excuse me Sir, could you press buzzer number 8 for me please?'

`Patrick? What the hell's going on here?!'

Shit! Now i was going to have to explain... i looked up, shamefacedly.

`David! Hi! Unfortunately i don't have time (or permission, but i wasn't telling him that!) to explain right now, can you just press the buzzer please?'

`Aye, ok.'

He rang the bell for me, but instead of just going away, he waited and when Sir answered, he spoke.

`I don't know what's going on here, but my colleague is on your pavement on all fours, dressed like some sort of slut.'

Sir spoke back, then David said, `Ok.'

`Right fatso, up the stairs, pronto!'

David started climbing the stairs behind me and as i crawled up, if he felt i wasn't going fast enough he booted my fat arse with his size 10 oxblood red Doc Marten boot. i was to find out later, the hard way, that they were 14 holers.

David & i passed one of Sir's neighbours on the stairs, so i got an extra hard kick and a `Faster, you fat slut!' When we finally reached the top landing Sir was waiting with his stop-watch.

`Not bad boi, best time yet!'

i couldn't help feeling that i had been set up, because David and Sir hugged like old friends...

`Andrew! Good to see you again! I knew you had a slut, but I didn't realise that it was this fat fuck!'

`Yeah, it's all the useless cunt is any good for! At least it tries harder than the pretty bois, it's grateful for whatever it gets... Anyway, I need to piss. boi, get that fat ass here, NOW!!!'

i scooted over the laminate floor as fast as i could and opened my mouth. i didn't get what i expected however, because Sir unleashed a torrent of piss over my head. i love when he does that, but He makes me lick His piss up afterwards. David was next, but he wanted me to drink his amber nectar. All of a sudden, Sir shouted at me;

`You useless fat bastard! Where's your collar?! Get it. Now.'

SHIT! Now i was in for it! That last now was dangerously quiet... Oh well, my own fault i suppose. i'll get it on the ass any minute. i crawled over to my water bowl and lifted the heavy iron collar with my teeth and took it to Sir. He closed it round my neck and clicked the heavy padlock home.

`Cross, boi. Oh, and the Lochgelly Tawse too.'

Bugger. i love a thrashing, but i hate that. Against one wall, Sir has a St. Andrew's Cross, with manacles for wrists and ankles in the appropriate places. There is also a clip which attaches to my collar, thus preventing me moving my head.

`Right. Start counting you fat cunt!'

`One Sir, Thank You Sir'

And so it went on, until i got to nineteen...

`Nineteen Sir.'

`Excuse me?'

`Thank You Sir!'

`Too late fatty, WAY too late!'

`David, do you fancy a go? Thrash its fat arse to twenty? If it loses count, or forgets to say Thank You, start again!'

`Oh yes please! I'll enjoy that... I might even go to thirty -- with your permission?'

`Yeah, go for thirty. it's needing to be taken up a level anyway!'

David thrashed me, much, MUCH harder than Sir -- it was WONDERFUL! i didn't even forget my manners, regrettably... Suddenly and without warning, Sir released my shackles and i crashed to the floor.

`Right you stinking piss slut, clean my floor.'

That was my cue to crawl over to the puddle of piss that had run off me and start lapping it up. The floor was gleaming when i had finished.

`Permission to speak Sir?


`i got you a present Sir, it's in my bag'

`Show me'

i retrieved the box with the CB6000S from my bag, and holding it between my teeth, crawled over and dropped it gently at my Master's feet. He picked it up and opened it.

`I'm assuming you bought this for me to put on your pathetic willy? Why? Can I not trust you?'

`Of course you can trust me Sir, but i want -- i NEED the humiliation'

`You want humiliation? I'll give you that all right! Where's that lead of yours? David, we're going for a walk!'

Sir clipped a heavy black leather lead to my collar, dragged me down the stairs, out onto the street and flagged down a black cab.

`Anderson & Crozier driver, it's on Hanover Street.'

My blood ran cold. That was my office.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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