I Lost Control

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on Aug 13, 2022


This story was originally intended as a one off story, not being my usual genre. Bert Jenkins also thought it was a one-time thing. Readers responded that they have enjoyed it and asked for more. So who am I to disappoint my readers? So here is another installment of the paperboy with the pissing fetish.

Please feel free to write and comment, good or bad.

WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between adult and youth males. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at tryitlikeit27@yahoo.com.

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I Lost Control

Chapter Two

I still can't believe I let that little asshole paperboy catch me pissing on myself and then jerking off. And the bastard took a video to blackmail me into sucking his cock. But I'm better than he is. I'm the adult. I will get control of this situation and not let it happen again.

He collects for the papers on Friday so I'll just make sure I'm not around when he comes to collect. After a few weeks he will get discouraged and leave me alone. Hopefully he will have found a new victim by then.

It's been four weeks now and I haven't seen him at all. I leave his money in an envelope on my front door and it's gone when I get home. I was in my back yard Saturday using the gas trimmer to clean up around the gardens. I turned around and was startled by Wendell standing right behind me.

"Good morning, Mr. Jenkins. Nice day for a piss party, isn't it?" he smirked.

"No it isn't. You better be going if you know what's good for you."

"No need to be so unfriendly. I was passing by and felt the urge to empty my bladder. I saw your wife was not home and thought you'd like to join me."

"I certainly would not! She'll be home soon so you better leave right now." I ordered him.

"Even better. I can show her the video I took of you and she what she thinks. Does she know she's married to a piss freak?" he asked shaking his phone in front of me.

"I'm not a piss freak. That was a one time thing that won't happen again, ever," I raised my voice to him.

"You have a beautiful garden. You must water it a lot. Maybe if I water your cock again it will grow like it did last time," he laughed.

"Seriously, she will be home any minute so please leave," I begged as I felt myself loosing control of the situation.

"I have an idea then. I'll put my bike in the back of your truck and we can take a ride to a place I know. Let's hurry, my bladder is full and needs emptying," as he started walking towards the driveway.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Just leave!"

He turned back to me and pointed his phone at me, playing the video he took last time he was here.

"Oh, I think you are going with me. And you better make it quick before I have to piss on you here and maybe have your wife find us," he threatened.

I gave in. There wasn't much I could do except to follow him to my truck. I put his bike in the back and pulled out of the driveway. He directed me through the neighborhood to a wooded area behind the elementary school. I parked the truck and followed him on foot into the woods to a small clearing surrounded by dense shrubs.

"I used to bring my friends here after school and mess around. Nobody ever comes out this way. Unless of course they're looking to mess around," he laughed. "Unbuckle your pants and pull your zipper down," he commanded.

I nervously looked around to make sure no one could see into the clearing. He prompted me again and told me to hurry. I did as he told me and just stood there unable to disobey his orders. Somehow he had me totally under his control, video or no video.

""Good boy," he said as he removed his shorts and told a hold of his stiffening cock.

He got up close to me and stuck his cock inside the waistband of my underwear. He wrapped his arms around me and brought his mouth close to me ear.

"I know this will feel as good to you as it does to me," and released his stream of piss inside my underwear, soaking the front of my pants, the piss also running down my legs.

So help me, as much as I tried to be repulsed by this, I felt my cock start to chub up.

"See, I knew you'd enjoy it," Wendell commented as he felt my arousal.

"No, I don't enjoy it. If you're done let's leave now," as I felt his piss stop flowing.

"Hell no, we've only just begun," as he withdrew his boner from my underwear and move behind me. He pulled back the elastic on my shorts and stuck his cock inside again. "I have to make sure I do both sides. I don't want to do a half assed job," as he proceeded to piss again and soak my ass and the back of my pants. He reached around in front of me and massaged my stiff cock. "Oh yeah, you're really having fun now. But like I said, I don't want to do a half-assed job. I want to do a full ass job," as he pulled my pants down to my ankles. "Bend over!" he yelled.

I was afraid of what he had in mind. I was going along with him so far but there was no way I was going to let him stick his cock in my ass. He brought the tip of his cock to my hole and applied some pressure, not enough to penetrate me but enough so that when he started to piss again he was filling my bowels with his urine. I felt a warm sensation as he emptied himself inside me. I was feeling full when he pulled away, squeezing my ass muscle tightly to keep it in.

"Now go over there," as he pointed to the side of the clearing, "and let it all out. Then grab some leaves to wipe your ass."

I waddled over to the side of the clearing, my pants around my ankles, clenching my ass to prevent any leakage before I was ready. I got to where I was told and squatted down, sticking my ass out and away from my pants. I relaxed and vacated my bowels of his urine and a small of amount of shit. I grabbed a handful of leaves and wiped my ass and then stood up. Wendell was smiling and pointed for me to come back over to him.

"Good boy, you're doing just fine. Now its time to take my other fluids," he grinned. I assumed he wanted another blowjob. Instead when I got to him he turned me around and bent me over at the waist. "This will be better now that you're cleaned out," and brought his stiff cock to my ass.

No way I was going to let this happen. I was not going to be ass fucked by this little twerp. I was going to make my stand.

"You've had you're fun but this is not going to happen," as I tried to stand upright.

"I'm going to and you're going to like it. Even if you don't like it, I'm going to shove my cock in your ass and fuck you until I come," as he grabbed my hips and thrust into me.

The pain was excruciating! It felt like someone had shoved a red-hot poked in my hole.

"Fuck you, you little bastard, take it out!" I yelled.

"No, fuck you," he laughed, "and that's exactly what I'm doing," as he bottomed out inside me. He pulled back and shoved in hard again, starting a steady rhythm of withdrawing and thrusting.

Slowly but steadily the pain subsided. I wasn't feeling anything now other than shame and humiliation being fucked by a 15-year-old blackmailer. Then I realized my cock was harder than ever, leaking some precum. Could I actually be enjoying this? Not possible. But my body was telling me something different than my brain was telling me. Wendell's cock hit a spot inside me that made me feel a little discharge headed for my cock. I wiped the tip of my cock and brought it to my mouth. It wasn't precum, but the real thing. I had tasted my cum once out of curiosity and sure enough, this was the real thing. He hit that spot again and another pulse of cum emerged. I tasted it again and this time my libido took complete control of things. The feelings in my ass had turned from breathtaking pain to ambivalent numbness to a new feeling of pleasure. I was so intent of what I was experiencing I hadn't noticed Wendell's breathing getting shorter and heavier or his thrusting getting more violent. He gave one hard push and yelled out,

"Take my cum, bitch!" as he dumped his load in me. He shot several bursts of his seed then pushed me away causing me to fall forward on the ground as he dripping cock withdrew. I lay on my side on the ground in front of him as he stood over me trying to catch his breath.

"Roll over!" he commanded which I immediately complied with his order. My cock was standing straight up glistening in the sun still wet with his piss from earlier. "Ha, I knew you'd like getting fucked. Now stroke your cock until you shoot your cum all over yourself.

I was so horned up he didn't have to tell me twice. Without giving it a second thought I grabbed my cock and started jerking it like never before. My ball sac was bouncing around so much that my balls were hurting but that pain only added to my maniacal self-abuse.

"Let me give you a little lube," Wendell said as he aimed his flaccid cock at me and let go with a stream of piss.

The warmth of the fresh drenching of urine sent a jolt through me as I threw my head back and shot cum all over me, mixing in with his piss, making a wet gooey mess all over me.

Wendell zipped up his pants and laughed at me.

"Well bitch, that's all until next time. See you soon," as he turned to walk away.

"What the hell, you going to leave me here like this?" not knowing what I expected him to do about my piss soaked clothes and how I would explain my condition when I got home.

"Not my problem you didn't think to bring a change of clothes," throwing his head back and laughing as he went to get his bike and pedal home.

I lay there for a few minutes trying to collect my thoughts. I had let him take me into the woods, piss all over me, fuck me and then piss on me some more as I jerked myself off. Now I'm laying here in soaked clothes hoping I can get home and change without my wife catching me. And if she does, then what? At the same time, my body was congratulating me on having such a great time and the most powerful and satisfying orgasm ever.

Until next time he said? No, not going to be a next time. I have to put a stop to this somehow. Maybe if I come clean to my wife and tell her how pissing myself was an accident she'd understand. But Wendell's video also me jerking off and then sucking his cock. That I know I couldn't explain.

Fuck, I'm screwed, in more ways than one. I have to get home before my wife comes home so I can clean up. I ran to my truck and drove home as fast as I dared drive, not wanting to get stopped for speeding. I pulled in the driveway and saw her car wasn't there. Made it in time. I jumped out of my truck and ran to the house, a quick shower and a change of clothes and I had successfully covered my track. Or so I thought.

I went back out in the back year to finish my yard work. As I was working along the fence, Frank, the truck driver from next door, came up to the fence. He smiled at me and said hello in a weird kind of way. I put down the trimmer and greeted him. He let out a sigh and looked me straight in the eye.

"I take it Wendell has gotten to you too?" he asked.

I froze. I didn't know what he knew, if anything, or how he knew it. But what did me mean 'too'? Did Wendell have some dirt on him? I never got a chance to answer verbally but my face turned a deep shade of red, giving Frank the answer he wanted.

"Little fucking sneaky bastard isn't he?" Frank continued.

"Ah, I'm not sure what you mean?" I feigned innocence.

"Relax, the shithead got me too. I had come home from a long trip and was looking forward to having some hot sex with Sally. Instead she had to go to the garden center to look for some plants on sale and just left. I was so pissed that I literally went out to her garden and pissed on her flowers. I made the mistake of being verbal about it, saying she loved her flowers more than me. That bastard Wendell saw me and took a video of me and told me he'd show it to Sally if I didn't do what he wanted."

"What did he want?" I asked, still being coy about it.

"I really don't want to say, but it was the most humiliating experience I've ever had. You?"

I had found a comrade in arms, or at least a fellow victim of the predator paperboy. I swallowed hard and opened up to him.

"Yes, he had an incriminating video of me too, been holding it against me to make me his do his bidding. I can't figure out how to get out from under his control." I confessed without giving details.

"Maybe if we join forces we can figure a way out of this situation." Frank offered.

"If we can, I'll forever be in your debt," I conceded.

Maybe the two of us can get control of our lives back?

Next: Chapter 3

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