I Need Love

By moc.loa@13731sirhC

Published on Oct 5, 2000


Back again, hi all. Thanks to everyone who wrote me about the last chapter, you're all very appreciated. Still not to sex yet, but getting closer all the time. If you're 18 or homosexual content offends you, leave. No matter how much I wish I did, I don't know *NSYNC or their sexual preferences. On to the story..........

I Need Love: Chapter VII

As the limo drove through the busy city streets, I sat staring out the window at the passing lights. I was mentally mapping out what I would say to JC when I finally confessed my love for him. And also planning my groveling to my boss back at the hotel to get my job back. I figured I wouldn't be staying on the tour long after I told JC my feelings for him. I was snapped out of my deep thought by a tap on my shoulder. As the lights played across a face shrouded in shadows, I could barely make out Lance's features before he spoke.

"Hey, something wrong?" he whispered with concern in his voice.

"Nah, I'm just thinking. I'm fine." The limo pulled to a stop in front of the club we were going to. I smiled at him, "Come on, let's go have fun."

The club was an upscale one, the kind I wouldn't be at without my present company. I suppose that's why there really wasn't much screaming or mobbing, which I was extremely grateful for.

As we entered the darkened interior, Chris and Justin headed immediately to the dance floor, Joey moved directly to a group of girls, and Lance and I headed to the bar. I ordered a Sex on the Beach, and Lance ordered a boring old Coke. He turned to me and shouted over the music.

"What are you drinking?"

I replied just as loudly. "Sex on the Beach. It's really good, you should try it some time."

"The drink or the act?" he smiled at me.

Justin and Chris came up from the dance floor and joined us. Justin sat next to me and Chris began pleading with Lance.

"Come ON Scoop!!! Curly says he wants to relax for a while and I need someone to come out there with me!!"

"I dunno Chris, I'm bad at dancing, I'll just make a fool out of myself," Lance said reluctantly.

"You'll do fine, just come with me!!!" Chris said as he physically pulled Lance towards the dance floor. Lance looked to me for help, but I just gave him a sympathetic smile as he disappeared into the sea of bodies.

"You sure you should be drinking after your little incident?" Justin said, then he gestured to the bartender. "Rum and coke, please." The bartender asked for ID, which Justin promptly presented. Then surprisingly the bartender served him.

"Aren't you only 19?"

He leaned in close to whisper in my ear. "You can't tell me you never had a fake ID...."

I just leaned back and smiled at him. Ahhh.......to be young again.

"So, tell me about yourself.........do you have a girlfriend?" he said, taking a sip of his newly arrived drink.

"Nah......... I haven't had a relationship in years. MANY years." I was not about to just flat out tell this guy I've known for less than a day about my sexuality. Not on the first drink, at least.............

We sat there, chatting about each other and ourselves, for a couple hours. I didn't realize how many drinks we both had had until I nearly fell off my stool. Justin tried to steady me but nearly fell right on me. We both had a good laugh at that one, you know, the way-too-drunk laugh. A little after that, Lance and Chris returned from the dance floor, glistening with sweat. I spotted them and waved excitedly.

"Hi guys!!!" I exclaimed with WAY too much enthusiasm.

"Oh God, you guys are PLASTERED! I'll go get Joey, we need to get you two out of here." Chris said after noticing Justin's swaying. Lance remained in front of us, shaking his head.

"Oh, do we HAVE to leave, Lance?? It's so much fun here!! Can we PLEASE stay?" Justin said, giving the older boy puppy-dog eyes. I tried to make a pouting face, but apparently the action was too amusing to me. I kept cracking up each time, which set Justin off laughing. Chris returned with Joey and between the three of them they steadied us enough to get out to the limo and head back to the hotel.


The five of us made it slowly through the hall towards our room. We'd come in the back way into the lobby. No one wanted pictures of Justin drunk off his ass all over the tabloids in a day or two. The whole elevator ride up was a fiasco in itself, with Justin pushing random floor buttons often. We reached Justin's room and Lance kept on moving with me practically hanging on his shoulder. Justin turned to me and called out.

"Hey Chris, come hang out in my room for a little while!"

Lance was resistant to the idea. "I don't know, you guys are in pretty bad condition, and we have a flight out of here tomorrow at noon........."

I turned to my crutch. "It's OK, we're big boys. We'll be JUST fine," I said, swaying heavily.

"I guess it's OK. Just don't stay up too late, I hate it when you're tired and cranky, Curly. And try not to break anything!"

With that final warning, Lance headed wearily down the hall with the other two band-members. Justin fumbled in his pockets for a good five minutes before coming up with the key card and haphazardly inserting it into the slot. We nearly fell into the room and crumpled onto the bed giggling.

As our laughter subsided, it was replaced by an awkward silence. Overcome by the alcohol, I completely surprised myself with my subsequent actions.

Turning to Justin, I said, "I have a secret.........."

He got this giddy gleam in his eyes and became rather excited. "Really? Come on, tell me, spill the beans!!"

"I don't know if I should......." was all I said before he cut me off.

"Go ahead, just tell me. I'll tell you one of my secrets, too, just tell me yours!"

"OK, I guess.........." I leaned in really close and put my hand over his ear near my mouth. Then, a little too loudly, I said, "I think you're really hot."

Silence. I was drunk enough that I didn't realize what silence could mean, but then Justin looked me in the eyes.

"Does that mean you want to kiss me?"

I stared deep into his eyes and could only nod.

"I wouldn't mind that either," he said.

The bedroom felt like it was swirling around me. The entire situation felt completely surreal and for all I know I could have passed out and was dreaming the entire thing. But ever so slowly, our faces inched toward each other. Nearer and nearer, it was as if his eyes were pulling me in. Closing my eyes as our faces became minutely close to each other, I felt our lips gently press together. Warm and soft, gentle and deeply moving. We pulled apart, and I slightly opened my eyes. I stared straight into a pool of emotion, which ones I couldn't tell. But I could pick out desire, prominent above the rest, and the wheels were set in motion..........

Justin wrapped his arm under my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I moved in once again for a kiss, slightly opening my mouth, inviting his tongue inside. Accepting, he began massaging the inside of my mouth with his tongue. I returned the favor while running my hand up his back. It reached his hand and I started massaging his scalp through his curls.

Hesitantly, I broke our kiss and slid off the bed. Standing up, I reached down and pulled Justin up to stand next to me. I reached up and slowly unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, revealing the tight wifebeater underneath. I proceeded down his shirt as I leaned in towards his face. Tilting my head slightly, I started sucking on his earlobe. As I gently nibbled, Justin let out a soft moan. His shirt fell to the floor, and he slowly pulled me away. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my shirt from the waist of my pants. He sensuously kissed my neck, breaking away only to tug my shirt over my head.

Justin returned his attention to my lips, kissing me slowly and forcefully. My hands roamed his back. One of his was pulling me into the kiss, the other in the back pocket of my pants. To ease a question in the back of my mind, I broke away once again.

"You're OK with this, right?" I said, looking Justin straight in the eyes.

"Oh yes," he said, lightly squeezing my ass. The alcohol smell was heavy on his breath, but so was mine, and at that point, I don't think it really mattered to either of us.

We resumed our making out, even more passionate than before, if possible. I had both my hands on his hair, constantly running my hands through it over and over again. Damn, curly hair REALLY turned me on. I felt him caress me down, down, and down. He slowly fumbled with my belt buckle. In his intoxicated state, it took Justin a few minutes to get my belt unbuckled and slowly unbutton and unzip my pants. Before he could go any further, I pulled his hands away. I returned the favor for him, his pants slipping down almost to his knees. There was a rather large bulge in his Tommy Hilfiger boxer-briefs to match the one in my plaid boxers. Wrapping his arms around my back, Justin started kissing from my earlobe down my jawline. Pulling me close, he started grinding his hips into mine, rubbing our fabric-clad erections together. Pleasure tingling through my whole body, I moaned loudly into Justin's mouth.

Suddenly, I was blinded as I heard the lock turn and the door open. I pulled my mouth away from Justin's, turning to identify the newcomer. My eyes adjusted to the bright light, and slowly I started to make out the person's features. As I recognized the intruder, my head cleared and my heart dropped.

I saw a tear roll down JC's cheek, with many more on their way in his eyes. He dropped something on the floor with a whimper. He quickly turned and fled across the hall to his room. I tried to call out to stop him, but sounds wouldn't come. I rushed to the door, found the forgotten item on the floor. A single red rose.

What did this all mean? Only one thing came to my mind, but JC was straight.....wasn't he? I was certain of it. Or was I? Why else would he be so upset by something happening between me and Justin? Why else would he bring a rose here? There had to be a logical explanation. He must have been upset because Justin never said anything about liking guys to him. JC must have bought the rose for some girl he met, or something like that. I don't know, but I did know that JC was not gay. Whatever it was, it really upset him, and I felt horrible. I hated seeing him sad before, but this was even worse. I had to talk to him. Now.

I turned to check on Justin and found him fast asleep on the bed. I finished removing Justin's pants with sex being the last thing on my mind and tucked him in. Re-dressing, I headed out of the room and across the hall. I banged on the door and called out, desperately trying to get JC to open the door. Realizing my effort was futile, I collapsed to the floor. Exhausted, I leaned my head against the door. I could barely make out JC sobbing inside, and Lance's deep voice I assume trying to comfort him. Why was he so upset??? Why did I even do this with Justin? I love JC. He's the only one I want. What have I done??

Well, this is an emotional climax I wanted to reach, I hope you like it. Maybe I didn't do it the right way, you tell me. How is this all gonna resolve? Well, first, e-mail me!!! I'm not sure I'm gonna write the next chapter unless I get some feedback on what people think of this one. If I get some positive responses, I'll do my best to get the next chapter out ASAP. PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! Sorry, I just like e-mail. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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