I the Presidents Son

Published on Sep 17, 2022




"I, THE PRESIDENT'S SON" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
Written on March 23, 1995
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by Richard

The end of peace -
New Intrigues

s Khaled and I called each other Jonathan and Abraham, even when alone, and everyone we knew called us that. Then one day Larry who at once recognized me showed up to our hotel. I told him he was wrong, but to no avail. I was sure I had convinced him, nevertheless he was sure it was me. So he went back to our country, where he started an investigation by himself. My father was about to finish his term and was preparing for his new presidential campaign. I knew this from the newspapers.

But what I didn't know was that Larry was part of a group, inside my father's party, who didn't want him to be elected again, and this group had good connections also inside our secret services. So Larry easily obtained all the information he was looking for.

He came back to our hotel and put his cards on the table: "Listen, Dave, don't you want to take revenge for all your father made you suffer?"

"But why? At the present time I have my life, I am comfortable, I'm not interested in anything else." I told him this when I became aware that it made no sense to continue denying my identity.

Larry insisted: "Dave, I want to be honest with you. Your father has not been a good president, and yet he has still supporters, too many. If you agreed to come out, telling the faking of your accident, such a scandal will come out that we would be able to get rid of him."

"No, Larry. I would anyway lose my peace. And besides, I don't even think you would be successful. I would be rather surprised if they don't know you are here at my hotel. In my opinion they are spying on you. Forget it, don't stir up a fire that is already dead." I told him, determined not to let him involve me in his game.

Larry insisted more, but I was unyielding. At last he went away seemingly satisfied. I thought all was settled and I was in peace, when I got the second surprise -- after the years I hadn't seen him, Bruce showed up again in our hotel.

As soon as I saw him, I felt an atmosphere of dread. He asked to talk to me alone. I took him in my home, but I wanted Khaled to be present also and he didn't object.

"Larry came to see you. He understood you were not dead, didn't he?" he asked with apparent calm.

"Even though I denied it, it was useless. He has connections at high enough levels, so he uncovered all the information about my death."

"It is as we suspected. Your father gave the order to clean up all the archives, but too late, I'm afraid. They want to use you to prevent your father from running again in the presidential election."

"I told him that it is useless, I'm not willing."

"It is useless. They are determined. I'm afraid the next time he will come here with a host of reporters. We have to make you disappear before this happens. You have to leave everything, we are organizing a new identity change..."

"Oh no, please! We are well here, let us in peace..."

"Unhappily we cannot."

"Certainly with your means, can't you blackmail Larry? He too is gay..." I answered in despair.

"He doesn't run for the presidency, he doesn't give a shit for a scandal. But for your father this is a dangerous situation. They have not to be able to see you, to take your pictures, to interview you. Leave all to your Australian partner, we will give you back all the money you would lose."

"That's not the problem. Can you ever pay us back for the serenity you would take away from us?" Khaled drily asked, intervening for the first time. "Now you are asking us to make a new change, and then? Then Again? And again? Will this story ever end? And where would you hide us, this time? And how, if even inside your same party you are divided? How can you be sure it will not start all again?"

"Do you understand that the only alternative to moving you away, will be to eliminate you?" then Bruce asked coldly.

"It could be the best solution..." I said feeling suddenly terribly weary of it all.

Even while I was saying these words, Loui knocked and called: "Jonathan, a telephone call for you..."

"Tell them I'm not here." I answered through the door.

"I think it is important, I don't know."

"From where, from whom?"

"From the lobby, he says his name is Martin, he says he is your brother."

I felt as if a vice gripped my stomach.

Also Bruce went pale and murmured: "Larry is working fast..."

I told Loui: "Come in, give me the phone."

Loui came in, gave me the radiophone and left. I pushed the flashing button and put it to my ear: "Hello?" I said with trembling voice.

>From the other end came like a sob: "It's really you..." my brother Martin's voice said.

"I'll send the motorboat to fetch you." I simply said. I was trembling. Khaled put his hand on my arm with tenderness.

"Yes, I'll wait." Martin answered and I heard the click. I put down the phone.

Bruce was looking at me, tense: "Is he coming here?"

"Of course. It was useless to continue to act, wasn't it?"

"And now?" Khaled asked looking at Bruce with a challenging expression.

"Let me go to the lobby. I need to communicate with your father -- at this point only he can decide what to do." Bruce said turning ashen.

"All right." I answered.

"Everything is coming apart?" Khaled said with a gentle smile when we were alone, then added: "It is possibly good for us that Larry also involved your brother Martin -- at least now it will be more difficult for them eliminate us, to kill us, don't you think?"

"Kill us... He just said that to put pressure on us."

"No Dave... I don't think they would have any scruples. They didn't have them when they took that poor boy to make him pass for you. Do you really believe it was a not reclaimed corpse? Or more likely, they killed a poor boy who could pass for being you?" Khaled gently asked me.

The fact that after so many years he called me again Dave had a strange effect on me -- like if I suddenly had literally ended one life and a new one was starting.

I never thought about that prospect, or possibly I never wanted to think about the possibility they killed somebody to take my place. I trembled like a leaf.

"And anyway, your father and mother even made your brothers believe you were dead, didn't they? It doesn't seem to me they are people with many moral scruples."

"But to the point to order a murder..."

"No, perhaps not to order. They simply didn't think about the problem. For the secret services, anyway, of whatever country, to kill is their daily bread, isn't it?"

"My God! What can we do, now?"

"Talk with Martin... then we will see." Khaled answered caressing me.

When Martin arrived, we were waiting for him at the pier. As soon as he saw me he ran towards me and held me tight in his arms, murmuring: "Larry was right... you are alive, then! Oh Dave, my little brother!"

We were both moved and I think that both we were having great difficulty not to burst in tears: "Come, Martin, let's go inside the home. Oh, this is Khaled, my lover..."

"How do you do, Khaled!" my brother said shaking his hand.

"We are together since the times of Paris." I said.

"Before they made you... die?" Martin asked me with an odd smile.

"Right..." I answered while I made him sit in our living room.

"Dave, I'll never forgive Dad and Mum to have cheated us in such a way." my brother said, deadly serious.

"And me, to have accepted it?" I asked.

"You... well, a little I'm also upset with you, but I can forgive that -- you finally could have your freedom. I can understand you, yes, even if the news of your death shook me, shook us... My God, if I just think to the fake tears of our mother! Believe me I am disgusted. All for the sake of our father career."

"And Junior, Mary Ann?" I then asked.

"They still don't know. First, I wanted be sure that Larry was right. My God, I didn't believe him, at first... but on the other hand, thank heavens you really are still alive. At least, have you been happy, in these years?"

"Thanks to Khaled, I am happy."

Martin looked at my man and gave him a smile, then said to him, almost tenderly: "Thanks, then," touching his shoulder.

Khaled nodded smiling, keeping silent.

Then I said to Martin: "Just a little ago Bruce was here, he went back with the motorboat that came to take you. Didn't you meet him?"

"No, I was waiting inside. What did he want?"

"I think he is now in contact with our father asking for instructions. He discovered that Larry wanted to use me to block our father's career, so he came to ask me to hide elsewhere... or they will kill us."

"Eh? What? Kill you?" my brother exclaimed looking at me with unbelieving eyes.

"Well, you know, it would be so easy to eliminate somebody who is already officially dead." I said with a sad smile.

Martin shook his head several times, then he seized my hand: "Dave, this time I will not abandon you, I will not leave you until all will be settled in the best of ways for you, for you two. He will have to kill me too, in that case."

"Well, it could have been just a threat to persuade me to let them move me somewhere, I don't know..." I said, almost to tranquilize him.

"Who knows..." Martin said thoughtfully.

"Anyway, now it would be best possibly to wait until Bruce shows up again, don't you think? And see which cards he wants to play, this time." Khaled said.

Martin nodded, then said: "Dave, may I have your telephone, please?"

"Who do you want to call?" I asked him handing it.

"First of all my wife, to inform her where I am."

"So you married?"

"Yes, and I have two children... you will meet them soon, I hope. Then I want to warn Mary Ann and Junior, for more safety. The more people who know you are alive, the more safe we will be."

"It's not better to wait to know what Bruce proposes?" I asked then.

"No, he will proceed his way, and we ours. And if we clash, we will see who would get the worst of it."

He called his wife and first asked her to record all their conversation. Then he told her where he was, then explained her in great detail about my fake death and that I was still alive. He asked her to tell nobody a word about the recording, but to put the tape of their conversation in a safe place. Then he called Mary Ann repeating more or less the same conversation. My sister wanted to talk with me. She cried, on the telephone, and she was happy to know I was still alive. She told me not to worry, as this time she too was on my side, totally.

Last, Martin called Junior. Our brother had just been informed by our father about all the issues. He asked Martin not to make wrong moves, and to wait for him in Tonga, as he would come on the first flight, as soon as possible.

When Martin disconnected the telephone, was rather in a dark mood: "I feel Junior is on the side of our father, in spite of all." he said.

"Well, let's wait for him. Anyway there is nothing else we can do, can we?" I said.

I called Mike and Loui and asked them to take over the hotel management, so that we can be free, as we had some problems to solve. And we asked them to make a bed in our home for Martin.

Then we started to tell each other all that happened in all these years after my "death". Martin's worry and care for me, was like a balm that was paying me back for all the sadness and suffering of my youth. On one side it opened old wounds, but on the other side it was healing them. Anyway, I loved the simplicity with which Martin accepted Khaled as my lover.

At night, when we finally went to sleep, Khaled embraced me tightly.

"Love, what a day full of emotions..." I whispered leaning tight against him.

"I like Martin..."

"I think that he too likes you."

"Yes... but I like you more..." Khaled jokingly said.

I kissed him: "Happily!" I whispered starting to intimately caress him.

When I felt he was fully aroused, I offered myself to him, without a word. I needed to have him inside me, to feel that all was normal, that the essential was not in danger, in spite of all.

He understood my need, and took me with more gentleness and tenderness than ever, and soon was able to make me forget that day full of tension. I felt I was melting while receiving him inside me. Only we two existed, at last -- Bruce, my father, politics, Larry, all vanished from my mind like magic. There was only my Khaled with me, around me, inside me, who wrapped me, protected me, loved me. And when he too wanted me inside him, I felt like if I docked in a safe, quiet port. We united for a long while, in that night, never sated the one of the other.

The following morning, when I met again Martin, all the problems were again exactly like the day before, but I felt stronger, more serene.

"Either our father resigns himself to let you live quietly your life in your way, or he will have me too against him." Martin said at one point.

"He will never admit that my death was just hoax..." I said thoughtful.

"This is his problem. And of his political adversaries. But I am determined to say 'enough'! Enough to subordinate all we do to his politics. He put himself in this mess, if he is able, it is for him to solve it. If he is not, he has just to resign himself to do other." Martin said with some harshness. Then, with a more quiet tone, he added: "We had to act this way earlier, possibly. Anyway, better late than never."

In the middle of the afternoon Junior called us from the airport. He told Martin he would stop in a hotel in the capital, then he would contact us. He arrived at evening. With him were Bruce and another man I didn't know -- he was, Martin explained me, the personal secretary of our father.

Martin almost attacked Junior: "So, then, what nice parents we have, don't we? They made us believe Dave was dead!"

"They did all for the best, seeing the mess made Dave and put us." Junior answered determined.

"Ah, so, for the best! And now? What did they decide, for the best?" Martin was bellicose.

"Now... we will have to sacrifice a couple of men of the service -- it's they who put faked Dave's death, Dad unknowing. Dave has to come home. Those men will be punished and all is settled."

"Hey, hey, hey! A moment, please! I have absolutely no intention to..." I protested.

"Dave, don't make more problems. Let's try to behave like people with their head on their shoulders. Don't always mess up things!"

"And Khaled?" I then asked.

"Who's Khaled?" Junior asked, but looked at once at my man.

"It's he, my lover." I said.

"Surely you cannot take him with you! To our home! It is surely not..." Junior started to say.

"Oh no? I don't move from here if not with him. I absolutely don't intend to separate from him."

"Just for a few months, until all this mess is settled." Junior said.

"Forget it, I will not part from him not even for five minutes, to say nothing of some months!" I determinedly said, then added: "And anyway I don't intend to support your dirty game blaming a couple of officials who just carried out our father's orders."

"Don't you understand that it is the only way not to endanger Dad's second election?"

"Junior, it seems to me that it is you the one who doesn't understand the basic thing -- I don't give a damn shit about the second term of our father. I already paid, and paid dearly, for his first term, I really don't want an encore!"

"Do you want to take the side of his adversaries?"

"I don't want to play at all, it is your problem. I just want to carry out my life, and with Khaled."

"And... what if he came home with you?" Junior then said tentatively.

"Well, I don't see the usefulness of that. We are well here, your home is no longer my home, my home is here." I quietly answered.

"Listen, Dave, let's try to..." Junior started.

"Stop it!" Martin burst out, "if Dave and Khaled wants remain here in peace, leave them in peace!"

"In peace! They will not be in peace, anyway, as soon as it is known that Dave is still alive. This place will be crowded with reporters, TV, photographers, don't you understand? And the news will come out, be it from us or the others." Junior said, starting to lose his self-control.

"It would be enough if our father declares he wants to renounce to his political life, and nobody will bring this news out!" Martin said vehemently.

"But you know that Dad cannot throw away everything away like this!" Junior shouted, then asked to Martin: "But you, on whose side are you?"

"On that of Dave, and I should have been at his side those seven years ago. And you too, Junior. We left him alone, then, and we did wrong. I have absolutely no intention to repeat this mistake, but you?"

I looked at Khaled -- he gently smiled me and his quietness put on me an incredible feeling of joy. Martin and Junior were discussing animatedly and also now our father's secretary and Bruce were taking part in the discussion.

"Well, we leave you to your discussion. Khaled and I have things to do." I then said.

"What? You can't leave, until..." Junior protested.

"Yes, Junior, I surely can. First, because this is our home and you are just a guest... and not even an invited guest. Second, because what I had to tell you, I told you, and I have absolutely nothing more to add. Third, because we have now more important things to do." I said smiling.

"More important?" Junior unbelieving asked.

"Sure. We have to go swim, then to make love among the bushes, under the moon. Right, Khaled?"

"Right, my love. You can remain and continue to discuss, if you like..." Khaled said taking my hand, and we left together.


Please, donate to keep alive Nidty site, that allows you to read these pages, Thank you - Andrej

In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

[andrej@andrejkoymasky.com](mailto:andrej@andrejkoymasky.com?subject=Your Stories)

(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 10

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