Iceman Is Gay

By neil kavanagh

Published on Jul 3, 2007


Iceman Is Gay

Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the comic series run by the marvel company. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other Universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

If you don't like reading about gay sex or stuff like that If you are under the age of consent in your community DO NOT READ THIS The story is set in the ultimate universe Also it is set just before Rogue returns

My first part of this story hope you all like it Feedback to Enjoy

Part 1:Bobby is in love

Bobby Drake loved guys. This wasn't common knowledge. Usually he was seen as a homophobe. He like Colossus and Northstar was gay. He knew this for years but kept it hidden. When he had Rogue as his girlfriend he had a reason not to kiss girls. A steady girlfriend without any sex stuff was great for him. Even when he had his stint with kitty pride but that was really for final closure. He was going to wait until he was 16 before he said anything. His birthday was fast approaching and was going to turn it into his Bobby is gay day instead.

"Hey earth to Bobby hand me the wrench" Scott called. Bobby was rather selfish but he did love the people he lived with. "Bobby" Scott almost shouted. "Sorry boss-man I was day-dreaming again" Bobby apologised. "Oh yeah what now how kitty looks naked?" Scott asked. Bobby was really comfortable with Scott, Jean and Peter(colossus) but none of them knew he was gay. "If only he knew" Bobby thought. "If only he knew that all I want right now is for him to rip off his overalls bend me over the bonnet and fuck me hard". Then Bobby felt the dread feeling. He felt his cock get hard. "Well?" Scott asked again. Snapping back to reality Bobby replied with "Yeah something like that"

Two days passed without much trouble. The real problem was Bobby noticed he was being openly gay around his friends but he loved playing camp so his friends just thought of it like that. He got scared when he realised his birthday was the next day and he had to tell his friends he was gay. He was ready to explode. He needed to tell someone so he could be helped out through this. He went to find Storm she was his best bud and would do anything for Bobby. "Hey 'ro you got a minute?" Bobby called into her room. She stuck her head out of her bathroom door. "For you I got two" She mused. "I really gotta tell you something and it may come as a surprise but 'roro I'm gay" Bobby said. He was surprised by his own courage but the best was yet to come. "I know and all I can say is DUH" Storm called from the bathroom. "WHAT? How did you know" Bobby yelled he had written stuff down in his room before love notes like BOBBY DRAKE + (some guy) 4eva. "I pay attention. I've seen you checking out Scott and Pete before" She laughed. "Really" Bobby asked. "Yep but I didn't know if you were ok with it" She called. "Why are you telling me?" She asked. "Because you're my best friend and I'm telling everyone tomorrow" He told her. He lay back on her bed and sighed with relief. "Go Bobby woooo" Storm shouted as she jumped onto Bobby to give him a hug. "What about Kitty?" She asked. "I'm not sure I just hope she doesn't go crazy and rip my heart out" Bobby said. They laughed at this. "oh and your over camp-ness also made me think you were gay" Storm added. "Its just because I'm nervous it will stop after I tell everyone tomorrow. Jean probably already knows" Bobby thought.

"I already know what?" Jean asked as she stuck her head in storms door. " Nothing" Bobby quickly replied. "Is it that you are gay cos I found that out the first day you came here so did the professor" Jean said matter of fact like. "How did you find out did you read my mind?" Bobby almost shouted. "No you were practically shouting it mentally don't let them find out I'm gay don't let them find out I'm gay" Jean told him. "You can see why". "Does anyone else know?" He asked. "Nope I did a scan when I noticed you were acting different they just don't notice" Jean told him. "Thanks" he said relieved.

He went to his room too tired to stand up. He had just had a tough danger room session and he wanted to have a shower alone rather then get the sights he loved so much and the smells he craved. He jumped in his shower and dried off quickly. He was ready for bed. He grabbed his ipod so he could sleep with his music playing. His birthday was the next day and he would be telling his friends that he was gay. He hoped everyone would be ok with it but he would understand if they didn't. He fell asleep into his favourite dream, A Scott dream. He smiled and snuggled into his duvet.

He woke up with the familiar wet patch of a wet dream on his sheets. He got up and walked toward the bathroom cock half bobbing half swinging. At 6 and a half inches hard he wasn't ashamed of it he loved it. He got a hot shower and lathered up his cock. He loved the feeling of his hands gliding faster and faster over his cock. His bell-end was purple and looked even better wet. He jacked faster and faster moaning and finally he shot his load all over his soap-less hand. He tipped his hand and the cum flowed into his waiting mouth. His cum was ice cold this was the best taste ever and he did this every morning since he was able to shoot. He cleaned himself and dried off. He tied his towel around his waist. He was looking forward to today. Storm barged in screaming happy birthday. He pulled on underwear and pants and went over to hug her. He grabbed a t-shirt and they went for breakfast. Before they went in she asked "are you going to say it now?" "No later after dinner" He replied. She smiled and gave him a wink and they walked in. Professor x said happy birthday followed by the half asleep murmur of the same thing from everyone except Jean she said it almost exactly like Storm except she didn't scream but she gave him a hug. <Now?> she asked telepathically. he replied. They ate together getting the slight buzz of chatter from everyone. Kitty was really happy she didn't even seem to care that Bobby had dumped her and she was happy about the fact she was going out with Spider-man. Maybe she wouldn't care he hoped. Kitty went to get the mail. She brought back a pile of letter and cards for Bobby. "Thanks" he said. "No problem" she said not really paying attention. He opened and read all of them and ended up with about 200 dollars.

It was Saturday so they were free for the day. Bobby, Storm, Jean and Scott were all going into the city to shop. Bobby wanted new sneakers and Storm wanted to buy some seeds for her garden. Jean and Scott were going in to see a movie. At 2 o clock they went in. Jean would telepathically call them when the movie was over and they would pick Bobby and Storm up. Bobby got his sneakers and Storm insisted she pay for them as a present. He grudgingly agreed the sneakers were expensive so he didn't want to put her out of her money. She had been saving up her allowances from the professor so she could buy him something nice and something he wanted. They went to the a garden store and storm bout some more roses and sun flower seeds. She loved white roses. They went to get coffee in a book store and they looked around. Bobby picked up a couple of things so he could hide the gardening book he was buying for Storm. He had seen her looking at it and knew she liked it. he paid for his stuff and they went around for another hour.

<Bobby were are you?> Jean asked. <we're outside Tommy Hillfiger on 29th> He said. She said. Storm and Bobby sat outside the shop waiting. They heard a scream and saw Toad throwing some teenage girl up with his tongue. Multiple Man was pointing and laughing. None of the other members of the Brotherhood could be seen around. Bobby ran forward and froze multiple man before he could multiply. But something wasn't right. Toad put the girl down and all three of them started to change they grew to an amazing height as they were sentinels in disguise. Bobby tried again to freeze one of these mammoth mutant hunters. He got one and storm fried it. it blew up but storm blew the flying debris up into the air and away from everyone in the streets.

Storm took one while Bobby took another. Storm floored hers but was hurt in the process by the one Bobby was fighting. Bobby was alone. He was a good fighter but not good enough to take out a sentinel alone. It slammed its fist down and Bobby was pushed down a lane and he hit his head. He didn't lose consciousness but saw something behind him moving forward. Electricity shot around his body. He raised his hands and shorted out the Sentinels head. It began to fall but Jean appeared and brought it as far away from the city as possible. Scott was looking after Storm. The electric guy came over to Bobby. Bobby sat up and saw his face. His cock hardened and his heart melted as he looked into the hottest guy he had ever seen. Apparently he liked the view with a bulge showing in his pants.

"only the cutest guys make that happen. Are you alright" he asked sweetly.

Part 2 coming soon

I'm looking for feedback I'm hoping this will be well received by you the ppl

Next: Chapter 2

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