Igniting Around Thanksgiving

By Jason Cox

Published on Nov 28, 2013


The following is a work of fiction. The celebrities mentioned are represented by professional agencies, and I do not own anything about them or the shows that they are featured on. This story will contain sexual content that is not suitable for any persons under the age of 18. This story contains what some people refer to as "slash" which is gay - guy/guy. This story contains guy/guy, and if you are not comfortable with that, I highly advise you leave this section of the nifty archive.

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Both boys stood and they split from each other. They both starred into the other's eyes, and what they saw was precious. They both saw the want and need of the other. They were together, and nothing was going to tear them apart. Leo took a step back and let his eyes roam across Jack's body. He loved the shape of it, and he wanted more. He stepped towards Jack, and he picked his hand up. He felt the warmth beneath them, and he couldn't help smile. Jack turned his head and looked at Leo, and he felt love enter his heart and body. Leo was his and no one else's. The both of them walked out of the trailer, and they stepped onto the concrete lot of the studio. Their filming was over for the day, but there was plenty of time left to have fun. Leo stepped onto the lot, and he quickly led Jack to his car. He had his permit, and he wasn't allowed to drive without an adult, but he didn't care. He loved having the wind in his hair. They reached Leo's car, and Leo being the perfect gentlemen walked to the passenger door and opened it for his new boyfriend. Jack looked up at Leo, and he smiled. He had the perfect boyfriend, and he didn't want anyone else. Jack took his seat against the leather seats, and he felt his head fall backwards to rest against the headrest.

Leo quickly walked to the other side, and he took his seat behind the wheel. He started the car, and he turned the radio on. Leo didn't know what Jack liked, so he just kept it on his station. Leo moved the gear shifter, and they started moving away from the studio lot. Leo had something planned for them both, and he knew that Jack was going to love it. It wasn't anything sexual though. Leo didn't know if Jack was ready for any of that, and he didn't want to push anything upon him. He loved Jack, and he didn't want to be one of those dictate boyfriends. Leo turned the car around a corner, and when he did, music flooded through the car. Jack felt his mouth starting to move with the lyrics of the song. He liked R5, and by the way he saw Leo mouthing, it seemed like he liked them too. Leo turned his head towards Jack, and he smiled. That was just another thing they had in common. Leo quickly turned his face back to the road, and he turned onto the highway. It was going to be a few minutes before they reached their destination.

Jack pushed his seat back, and he laid back. He had had a tiring day, and he just wanted to relax. He needed time to himself, and it was time to get that. Jack felt the cool air of the air conditioner, and he felt his eyes starting to close. In less than ten minutes Jack was out cold in Leo's car. Leo turned his head towards Jack, and he couldn't help but smile. He loved the way his boyfriend looked. He was so cute with his hair pulled back. It was hard for Leo to focus on the road, but he knew he had too. Leo made a turn, and he smiled when he saw the white house he lived in. That's right, Leo took them both to his house. Leo pulled up into his driveway, and he parked his car. He turned the radio off, but he didn't want to get out. He wanted to stay in the car with Jack and watch him sleep. It was that cute. Leo thought about leaving Jack in the car, but he knew he couldn't. Leo got out and walked to the other side where he opened the door and picked his boyfriend up. Leo was strong, but he wasn't able to hold Jack up for forever. The two boys quickly adjusted, and Jack found himself on Leo's back. Leo smiled because he felt Jack's crotch against his neck. Leo walked in a straight line to his house, and before he could count to ten, the door was open, and they were both headed upstairs towards Leo's bedroom. He wanted his boyfriend to sleep comfortably, and that would only be in Leo's room.

The minute Leo walked into his room, he pulled the sheet up from his bed. He slowly removed Jack from his back, and he pushed him into the bed before he pulled the sheets over him. Jack recognized that he was in a bed, and he curled his body. He legs came to his chest, and he looked like a little cat. Leo smiled at the sleeping position. It warmed his heart. Leo took a few steps back, and he pulled his phone from his pocket. He pushed the screen button for his camera, and he quickly took a picture of Jack. It was just too cute not to capture on film, and Leo wanted to remember it all. When Leo had his picture, he walked out of the room. He didn't want to bother Jack while he slept. Leo walked down the stairs, and stopped when he saw his dad sitting in the living room. Jack walked into the room, and he fell beside his father, letting his ass land perfectly on the couch. Leo's dad turned towards him and smiled. He knew that Leo had a boy upstairs, and he knew what his son was like. A couple a week.

Leo looked at his dad with a smirk on his face. He knew what his father was thinking, and he wanted to make sure that he knew it wasn't like that. Leo opened his mouth to protest with his dad, but before he could do that, his mom walked through the door. She didn't know anything about Jack, but by the way his dad was looking at her, he knew it wasn't going to be long before she knew. Jack felt a frown roll across his lips as his mother walked directly into the living room. His dad's eyes turned from him to his mother, and he smiled. He knew that Leo was experiencing embarrassment. It wasn't that he was embarrassed of Jack, he was embarrassed of what his parents would do. He knew they would interrogate him about who he was and where he came from. Leo didn't really feel like doing that. He loved his parents to death, but he refused to go through what they planned for him. Leo felt his legs shifted off the couch as he stood from it. His father had told his mother everything, and they were both looking towards him, looking for answers. Leo quickly walked, or more like ran to his room. He didn't want to be interrogated or asked a thousand questions. He walked into his room, and he felt his breath get caught in his chest. Standing in front of him was his hottie boyfriend with no shirt on.

Jack turned his head when he heard the door open to the bedroom. He quickly turned his head as he wiped the sleepiness from his eyes. He felt a blush run across his cheeks as he saw that it was Leo. He didn't know if Leo had ever seen his bare chest, but he was a little self-conscious about himself. He looked at Leo for a while before he quickly scrambled to cover his bare skin with a piece of clothing. Jack turned his head and eyed the t-shirt that laid atop the sheets of the bed, and he moved quickly towards it. Leo caught sight of Jack's eyes, and he beat him to the shirt. He picked the shirt up, and held it up to his nose. He could smell the sexiness of his boyfriend, and he couldn't help but smile. Leo dropped the shirt, and he looked directly into Jack's eyes. He saw the love beneath the brown orbs, and he couldn't help but smile. He loved the way Jack looked towards him. It made him feel loved, but that wasn't the objective of what he was trying to do. Leo looked away from Jack's face before he looked at his bare skin. It was perfect. Six perfect and hard abs lined the inside of Jack's stomach, and there was a small patch of brown hair that led down south. Leo felt his mouth watering just looking at Jack's body. Leo turned his head away from Jack before he started speaking.

"there's no reason for you to be embarrassed," Leo said with a smile on his face.

Jack looked at his boyfriend, and he couldn't help but smile. He had never been told that his body was good looking, but then again he had never been in a gay relationship. Jack took a step back, and he looked at Leo's brown hair. He loved the way it covered his head. He turned his sight downward, and he couldn't help but to look into Leo's face deeply. Leo was perfect for him, and he knew that Leo knew it. Jack stepped closer towards Leo, and he felt arousal hit him. He wasn't getting hard, but he felt the want and need to kiss Leo. He closed the gap between them, and he locked his lips onto Leo's. He felt Leo's warmth against his mouth, and he wasted no time in allowing Leo's tongue to enter his mouth. Jack forced his body upward as he felt Leo's hand fall to his hips. Jack was in heaven, and he didn't know if he would ever leave. He didn't want to leave. Jack pushed his mouth deeper onto Leo's, and he tongue entered Leo's mouth. They were locked in lips, and they were both oblivious to the fact that two other people had entered the room.

Jack's mom and his dad stood at the door with smiled across their faces. They were glad that their son had found something, but they didn't know if it was love. Leo had brought home a lot of guys and girls, so they didn't know what was going on. They didn't want to see Jack get hurt. They looked towards each other before looking at Leo. They saw the way he gripped at Jack's body, and they felt a need to break things up before they got too far.

Next: Chapter 3

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