Im Not Gay Am I

By S Smith

Published on Dec 7, 2009


Warning: The usual disclaimers apply here. If you don't like any of the following, leave now: gay sex, vulgar or harsh language, etc.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased. Please do not copy without my consent. Please practice safe sex.

Subject: I'm Not Gay?. Am I? Chapter 4

The house is silent and dark as I walk down the hallway and grip the handle of his door. When I open it, I notice the bedside lamp is still on, but he still is fast asleep. His face is twisted, as though he's in pain. There is a small gash across his chest, and some bruising on his side. How could I have let this happen to him? How could it have turned out this badly? Thankfully my parents and little sister were gone this week to my Aunt Edith's in Spring Valley. My god this could have been so much worse if they had been home when it happened.

Closing the door behind me I stand at the foot of his bed. I am proud of the muscles he continues to build with the weight set I bought last year. He's quite the man at his age compared to how I was back then. Shame fills me, and I ache seeing him in pain like this. I take the tube of ointment and squeeze a generous amount into my hand and start to apply it to my little brother and his wounds.

A summer breeze blows the curtains over his bed, as I massage his chest. I feel my body tense as tears feel my eyes. I never wanted it to turn out like this. I never meant for Josh to get hurt. I look out into the night and see the moonlight on the lawn below. The area where the incident happened today. The same area where I wrestled with Josh a few weeks ago after he had found Daniel and I in the shower together. Both times my cock betrayed me.

Nothing was said after that night weeks ago. Emotionlessly, I climbed off my brother and walked into the farm house. Thank God my parents had been asleep because I was naked as I climbed the stairs, walked into the bathroom, and washed the cum from my body. I cried myself to sleep that night as I thought about Sarah, as I thought about Ryan and Todd raping me again, Daniel in the shower, and poor Josh on the lawn beneath me.

I don't really know what happened that night. I've avoided Daniel ever since, but I am sure it was all my mind confused with the night, the stress, the alcohol, and the drugs that Ryan had slipped me. I think Daniel was only helping me in the shower, but somehow Josh jumped to conclusions. It doesn't matter now really. Nothing really needs to be said about that, especially considering what happened today.

Revenge was the only thing I in my mind, once I had time to overcome the panic and confusion of that moment weeks ago. I HAD to make both Ryan and Todd pay in some way for what they had done to me. They took Sarah from me.

Nicky was the obvious choice for my revenge on Ryan. She was a friend of Sarah's and Ryan's girlfriend. So once I devised a plan, I focused on her first. When I approached her in the professor's wing on campus, she responded easily and seemed oblivious that anything strange had happened at Ryan's party where we had been introduced. Nicky was not the smartest girl, so I didn't know how much she knew about me and Sarah. I just knew I had to get in her good graces so I offered her free tutoring for her classes, which she readily accepted.

I didn't even have to implement my plan for seduction, because from the first tutoring session she eagerly dropped her books and pressed my face to her tits, which I eagerly tasted. An hour later I was pulling my cock from her pussy. so I knew my plan for revenge had moved along quickly.

"God, that felt amazing!" Nicky laid on her back, and panted as she came down from an orgasm.

"Yeah, it was good," I said, as I watched my cock lay across my thigh dripping from her pussy. I knew again just how much I loved fucking women, no matter what Ryan and the others said about me.

"So you know this has to be our secret, right? I mean, if Ryan ever found out he would fuck you up," she said, looking at me with fear in her eyes.

"Yeah, just our secret," I assured her, grabbing her in my arms and licking my cum that I had sprayed across her tits. Swallowing it down, my mind flashed with the memory of the taste of Ryan's cum.

"Oh god, don't, my nipples drive me wild," she panted as she arched her back offering her chest and I licked and slurped more of my cum. I moved my hips and positioned my cock, pressing it to her pussy lips. Skipping the condom, I pushed my cock into her and she gasped approval.

"Eric? Oh god, fuck me again."

"Yeah," slamming my cock into her, I gripped her shoulders and started to use her pussy, thinking how my cock was exactly where Ryan put his cock.

When I came again, I did it across her pussy. Thankfully, she shaved so as I dove between her legs to eat my cum, I appreciated her smooth pussy lips.

"I'm better than Sarah, aren't I?"

Laughing, I grabbed up my pants and pulled them on, and reached for my shirt. "Yeah, you're better," I said, as I thought back to my nightly fuck sessions with Sarah that I knew I would never have again.

"Can't believe she and Todd are dating now. Doesn't that piss you off?"


"Oh, you didn't know? She told me yesterday."

After Nicky left the room to get me a soda, I grabbed her cell and slipped into her bathroom. Locating Ryan's phone number was easy.

"PLEASE COME OVER. I'M WET FOR YOU!" The text I typed and sent from her phone to him was simple, and I hoped it would work. I also copied Ryan's number into the directory of my phone, and put Nicky's phone casually on the bathroom shelf. I left soon after, but instead of following my original plan I turned my car onto the street and headed for the only place in the world I wanted to go to.

"Eric?!" Sarah stared at me in shock as she opened her apartment door.

Shoving her back into the tiny room, I kicked the door shut as I pusher her again and she fell back on her bed. I fell on top of her pinning her arms above her head.

"Eric! Get off! What are you doing here?!" She thrashed beneath me, but my body weight pinned her to the mattress as I stared into her eyes and I felt my fury build. How could she?! How could she have turned to the man who raped her? To a guy who had raped me!? Who was this slut?!

Forcing my mouth on top of hers I shoved my tongue into her and pushed my pelvis forward, grinding into her. She moved to fight me off, but in seconds relented and her tongue pushed into my mouth. Her hands snaked up between us, pulling my shirt from my jeans, and raising her sweater. I felt her bare breasts press against my chest, as my cock started to harden. As I pulled my shirt over my head and did the same to her sweater, I dived down and sucked on her tits again.

"Eric, oh god Eric, fuck me," she screamed out!

"Slut," I whispered as I licked the globes of her tits. "Fucking whore."

"Eric?" She shoved back, with confusion in her voice.

"Only sluts fuck their rapists," I said, as I kept tasting her body.

"Eric!" She slapped at me, but I pinned her arms above me and shoved my hand into her panties and probed her damp pussy with my fingers. "Oh god! Eric. Stop. Please. He never raped me. You left me that night! I like Todd. Please stop," her voice trailed off as she raised her hips to meet my probing fingers.

I raised my torso off hers, looked down at the slut, and spit on her lips. Pulling my hand from her wet pussy I ripped the waistband of her cotton pants and tore them open along with her panties. Fear crossed her eyes as I unzipped and my cock popped from my pant and I shoved it violently into her pussy.

"OH god! Fuck! Eric. Stop. Oh god," her hands reached up pulled me down on top of her as I fucked her deeply.

"You love his big brown cock, don't you?? I whispered as I drilled into her.

"Yes! I love it," she panted out to me.

"Yeah, well I am going to fuck you like he fucks you!" I let go of her arms and pulled my cock out, flipping her over to her stomach. Seeing her round ass, I pushed the tip of my cock toward the hole. The hole that Todd's cock had used. I shoved forward, piercing her sphincter. It only took a couple of minutes before I was dumping my load in her.

Only seconds after she closed her bathroom door I found her cell and sent Todd the text. "PLEASE COME OVER. I'M WET!"

When I heard her shower come on, I climbed from her bed and grabbed at my clothes, hurrying to make my escape. Little did I realize that I would hear the knock on her door and Todd's voice. "Hey, babe, I got your text. I was close by, headed to my softball game. Only got a few minutes. Come on babe, let me in!"

I quickly yanked the door open and stood before the asshole defiant. I didn't hide my nudity and watched as his eyes took in the view of me and the messed bed behind me.

"What the fuck?!" His teeth gritted together as he spat the words out at me. I knew what I had to do, and as much as I hated it I forced myself. Reaching forward, I used my hand to cup his balls and felt the taunt fabric of tight softball pants. I caressed his balls and leaned to his ear. "Come on Todd, we only got a few minutes."

I could turned back toward the bed, and felt the fist slam into my back. "You fucking queer! Where is Sarah?" He slammed the door shut as I turned to face him.

I knew when Todd has raped me there was a part of him that seem to lik it. He was never as rough and brutal as Ryan. And I had seen them kiss last time. Todd was the gay one of all of us, and I had to use it to get my revenge.

I grabbed his cock through the pants and stepped forward sliding my hands under his baseball shirt. Feeling his pecs felt odd as I twisted his nipple. I had never felt a man like that before, but I knew it would work by the way his body seemed to shake. "I saw you and Ryan. You love fucking me and you love kissing him. You are the fucking queer," I whispered, staring into his eyes as I caressed his cock with one hand and a nipple with my other hand.

As expected, his fist slammed into my jaw, and I fell back to the bed. Jumping on me, his fists came at me and I accepted the blows. But no fist would stop my hand from caressing his massive hard cock between his legs.

"You fucking faggot," he gasped as he dropped his arms and allowed me to undo the snap of his waistband. I reached in feeling the mesh of a cotton jock strap and pulled it to the side which allowed the huge cock to pop out. I took a deep breath and forced myself to slide my hands into back of his pants, cupping his smooth ass checks and pushing his pants down to his mid thighs. Then I reached back around and took the huge brown cock and spit on it.

Everything in my soul screamed because I knew I hated this, but I had to get my revenge. I looked into his eyes as he stared down at me. "You are a fucking worthless faggot," I said again as I raised my legs to my chest. The pain seared through me as he shoved forward and took my ass once again.

My eyes squeezed shut as the pain took over my body, but I used my hands to grasp the bands of his jock strap to pull him further into me. Despite the overwhelming pain, I raised my hips and let him push deeper. His cock easily commanded my ass, as I felt some pleasure come from my hole. His hips slammed into mine, and I cupped his ass, acting as the submissive gay guy taking the abuse. I had to do it to get my revenge.

I heard the bang of the water pipes as Sarah's shower turned off. I stared up at Todd and saw his face as he fucked harder, oblivious to anything but the pleasure he was feeling through his cock. I watched as the door handle of the bathroom turned, and I pulled Todd down with one arm, making our mouths meet, as I pulled his jock strap with my other hand forcing his cock deeper into me.

"TODD!" Sarah's voice was a piercing scream. My ass ripped with pain as Todd's cock pulled out of me, and he backed away slamming into the wall behind him. I looked at Sarah who stood in a towel, then glanced back at Todd as he stood in shock, his pants at mid thigh and his cock stuck out from the side of his jock strap.

I lowered my legs and stood, grabbing my jeans and began to pull them on. Todd quickly maneuvered his cock back into his strap an nd jerked his pants up. I grabbed my shirt and shoes, and stepped over to Sarah. Staring into her wide eyes, I knew I had my revenge on her. "Your new boyfriend is a faggot. He just raped me," I whispered to her face, and turned to leave.

I stopped in front of Todd, and we glared into each other's eyes. "Sarah's ass is filled with my cum." His eyes flew to her, and I glanced back to see her turn and stare at the floor in shame. I could tell from his face, he knew I told the truth.

"Get out of here!" Her words were a scream.

Once I got into my car I opened my cell and typed a message to Ryan.


I swung by the liquor store on the way out of town. The vodka would numb me. The day had not gone as I had planned, but I had my revenge on both off those assholes, and the vodka celebration brought a smile to my face.

But my smile disappeared as I turned into the farm driveway and saw Ryan's car parked by the house. Every cell in my body turned ice cold as I stopped my car and turned the ignition off.

"ERIC!" His voice came from the lawn out back of the house. As I turned the corner there stood Ryan with his arm tightly wound around my little brother's neck. Sunlight gleamed off a large blade poised at Josh's jugular.

"Welcome home, faggot!" Ryan's voice made my blood run cold.

"Let him go," I said quietly, as I looked at my brother who was frozen in fear.

"You think you can fuck with me and get away with it, faggot?" His scream filled the air around me and caused my ass muscles to clench in fear.

"Please Ryan. Just leave Josh out of this," I pleaded, lowering to my knees in submission.

"Aww, lookie Josh. Look at your faggot brother! On his knees again like a good queer. Tell your brother what a faggot he is," he said, pointing at me.

Barely audible, Josh's voice croaked out a whisper, "Fag."

"Take your clothes off, faggot!" Ryan's order was a command that I knew I would have to follow. I had gotten my revenge, and now I had to pay a price for it. It no longer matter what he did to me, as long as Josh was safe. I wasted no time removing everything and lowering back to my knees again.

"Look at the worthless faggot!" At that moment I saw Josh's elbow slam back into Ryan's rib cage. It deflected Ryan just long enough for Josh to scramble over to me and jump into my arms.

"Get the fuck away from us!" I screamed as Josh sobbed into my arms, and I caressed his hair trying to calm him.

"Look at you faggot! You can't even keep your hands off your little brother," he laughed as he poised the tip of the knife into Josh's back.

"Stop Ryan! I will do anything. Please, don't hurt my brother," I pleaded as tears filled my eyes.

Ryan reached down and pulled Josh by his waistband, lifting him out of my arms and standing him before me.

"Go on, faggot," Ryan's voice was only a whisper as he pointed at my brother. "Undress him."

I looked at Josh and back at Ryan, as fear gripped me. I knew I had no choice, so I raised to my knees and started to push Josh's t-shirt up his chest. Ryan reached over and ripped the shirt over my brother's head. My hands shook as I undid the jeans, unzipping and tugging them from his legs. His briefs easily came down with the jeans, and Josh stepped out of the pant legs and stood before me. My face directly in front of my brother's cock, and I turned away from it in shame.

I heard the unzipping sound before I heard his Ryan's voice. "Now show your brother what a queer you are." I looked to my left and saw Ryan standing, his jeans open at the waist and his familiar cock arched out at me. The knife still hung in his right hand, reflecting sunlight.

Without hesitation I turned on my knees to Ryan, and took his cock in my left hand. I opened my mouth as tears ran down my face and I went back to servicing the him once again. His cock became instantly rigid as I performed the blow job on him.

Ironically I remember the sound of robins chirping in the trees, as I sucked. I worked quickly to attempt to bring him to orgasm so I could end the nightmare. His moaning encouraged me to lick and suck faster, hoping he would cum. But when I opened my eyes and looked up, I saw Ryan staring over at my little brother. Josh's cock was no longer limp, but instead pointed straight up, rigid and aroused.

"Your brother is hard. Guess he's a faggot too,? he said as he spit at my brother and shoved him to the ground. Then, a fist slammed into the side of my head, causing me to fall to the grass.

A hand violently grabbed my neck jerking me forward. I was dragged across the grass and my face was shoved down between Josh's legs. Josh's cock throbbed before my eyes.

"Go on, faggot. Suck it!" I saw the knife gleam as Ryan raised it to Josh's chest.

I looked up into Josh's eyes and he nodded for me to proceed. I looked down at the cock that pulsated before me. As my bottom lip touched the flesh of his mushroom head it felt like it was white hot. I opened wider and began to suck my brother's cock.

"Yeah, what a good faggot." Ryan whispered as I heard him start to pleasure himself next to us.

My eyes stayed shut as I kept screaming in my head that I had to do whatever I was told. The cock in my mouth felt hard and I closed off my mind as I performed what I needed to do.

When I opened my eyes I could see Ryan's hand jerking his own cock as his other hand continued to slide the knife back and forth across Josh's chest. My eyes looked to my brother.

"Yeah, suck your brother, come on faggot, you are going to drink your brother's cum," Ryan said, as he pounded his own dick. The words seemed to make Josh react because the cock in my mouth became ever more stiff. I looked up at him and saw Josh's eyes were closed and his head leaned back. He was in ecstasy. My mind screamed out that I had to stop him. Filth and disgust filled me as I tried to bite down on Josh's dick to stop his pleasure. Instead Josh's hands moved forward and gripped my head as he shoved even harder and began to fuck my mouth. I stared up at him in fear, unable to stop my brother as he fucked my face.

"Yes, Eric! Fuck Eric! Oh god, drink my cum!" His balls squeezed and I closed my eyes to take the inevitable. I opened my mouth and shoved his cock to the back of my throat.

I heard the clang of some sort of metal object hitting something hard. A weight slammed into my side, causing Josh's cock to pop from my mouth. My eyes flew open as I look down to see blood on my chest and hands, as someone laid across me pressing me into the grass. I looked at Josh in fear for his life, and saw je remained on the lawn, his legs still wide open, his eyes still closed, his hands clenched, and his cock shooting out ropes of thick white cum across his chest.

The weight of the body on top of me scrambled off, and I looked up to see Daniel our farmhand holding a shovel. To my right stood Ryan, trying to stand with his pants still around his ankles as he held his head with both hands.

"What the fuck?!" He screamed, as he stared at Daniel in shock.

The shovel fell to the ground as Daniel pounced over me, slamming into Ryan and they tumbled to the grass. Daniel threw his first punch into Ryan's face, and another into his side. Standing up over Ryan he kicked out another blow.

"Get outta here," Daniel said to me. "Take your brother into the house and lock the door! I will take care of this piece of shit!"

I scrambled up, grabbing Josh up into my arms and ran for the house. I never stopped until I dropped him onto his bed, and we started to sob in each other's arms.

Long after our crying had stopped I realized Josh was asleep in my arms, our bodies pressed together. I shifted and realized the cum on his chest had dried and fused us together, so I peeled myself off him and tiptoed to the bathroom. I washed the cum from my chest, and went back to his room to do the same for him.

When I finally looked out my bedroom window I saw the sun setting and Ryan's car was gone. Serenity had returned to our family farm. I could not bring myself to go talk to Daniel and find out what happened. I was too afraid to know what he has seen, and I couldn't leave my little brother alone for a second.

As I massage this ointment into him now I'm careful with his wounds. Sliding the sheet down I look again at his cock and balls and my mind fills with the memory of what Ryan made me do to my brother. Disgust fills me as I massage Josh and try to banish everything from my mind. Yet part of my mind involuntarily fills with the thoughts, sounds, smells, and taste of Josh. How will I ever forget that moment? How could Ryan have forced me to do that? How could I have done that to my brother?! The feelings overwhelm me as I realize how shameful I have been, as I squeeze more ointment into my hands and begin to massage the last area of my brother left – his crotch.

Heat from his cock emanates into my hand, up my arm and bicep, spreading through my chest. I blink back tears as I think about all the pain and fear he faced today because of me and I ache to take him in my arms and hold him again. He was so scared as he sobbed against me earlier. I look down and see that finally he is receiving some pleasure because his cock is thickening in my grip.

Looking up at his face I see it relax as he sleeps. The tears drip from my face onto him and I watch my hand as it moves up and down the shaft. I know in my mind this is wrong, but part of me says to not stop. To give my brother this gift and help him feel pleasure. To show him I love him and never meant to hurt him today. I stare at the cock in my hand and I feel an ache in my body. As though part of me is missing. We had come so close in that moment of fear. I had brought him such pleasure and yet my whole body wished I had been able to share the moment of love with him. I can smell his skin, I can almost taste him again as I lean close. Tears pour from me as I close my eyes.

The sensations fill my mouth as I suck Josh's cock deep into my throat. My hands not under my control slide beneath him and raise his ass and hips to allow me to deep throat as much of him as I can get into my mouth. I cannot look up at him, I must only give him the pleasure he deserves. I suck harder and rhythmically perform the shameful act. My own cock betrays me as I reach down and feel it in my jeans. I unzip and pull my cock from the confines of my pants, jerking myself to pleasure as I suck my brother's cock. I know what I am missing. I wanted him to cum today – I must do as Ryan told me. I have to follow his orders. Ryan told me I needed this. Maybe, just maybe this last time I should do what Ryan has told me to do. I HAVE to drink my brother's cum! I feel his balls tighten and a torrent of hot searing cream fills my mouth and pulsates down my throat. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven blasts of cum explode in my mouth as I eagerly drink from my brother's cock. The cream tastes of salt and sweetness as I swallow, aching to drink anything from this cock of my brother!

Gasping for air, I lean back turning from Josh, unable to look at him. I run through his door and fly down the hallway into my room. Tearing the jeans from my body I throw them to the floor and take my cock in my hands, falling onto my bed. I sob out my pain and disgust for myself, crying into my pillow. A hand caresses my back.

"Shhh, shhh. No need to cry," the voice whispers. My body shakes as I feel the hand slide down my back, and over the globes of my ass. A finger slides between my cheeks and it touches the pucker of my hole. This is not the touch of a Todd or Ryan, this is a caress of love. The person reaches between my legs massaging my balls, then further enclosing my cock into the hand. Then it releases me and returns to my hole and fingers press pass my tight sphincter and enter my ass.

I gasp as I experience the pain and pleasure. I know this is wrong, because the hand touching my body like this loves me. Josh loves me like this. Now he wants to give me comfort in return for what I did to him. My body shakes as I try to fight off these feelings, I need this sin to stop. But my body is not my own as I press my ass up to meet the fingers in my hole. Josh! God I love my brother. Oh my god, we have gone too far. I drank his cum! He is finger fucking me! Oh my god I know this is wrong, but I want this to never stop. The pleasure is incredible.

"Josh, oh god Josh! Please, please Josh," my voice whispers into my pillow as I beg for the worst sin of all.

The tip of his cock presses at my hole and I feel my mouth open to say the words. My cock, my body, and now my voice betrays me. "Josh, fuck me!"

The cock slides into me, and the pain is only seconds as pleasure over takes me. I raise my ass, giving my little brother complete access as the cock plows deeper into me and his hands grip my waist. I love my little brother and I love his big cock buried inside me. I know what this is, I know we are brothers, but I want it! I need him inside me! His grip at my waist is strong as the fucking becomes more intense and wild. Words of filth and sin spew from my mouth.

"Josh, oh god Josh. Oh fuck yes! Fuck me! Oh god Josh, I loved drinking your cum. Oh God I have wanted your cock for years now. Oh god, I want you to cum in my ass little brother! This is wrong. This is wrong! We are not gay! Josh you have to stop," as my hands reach around and I pull the body against me, allowing the cock to pierce further inside me.

"Josh? Stop! Josh stop! Oh god - FUCK ME, JOSH!" The words disgust me as I hear myself, but my body keeps going further. I cannot stop!

The blast of cum pours into my ass, filling me as his hips slam into me! My cock jerks and cum sprays up my chest onto my lips as I taste my own cum. The cum sprays across my sheets as my ass is pounded from behind and I feel his cum seep from my hole.

Crying, I fall to my pillow in disgust. The shame washes over me as I realize what we have done. His cock slips from between my legs, and the bed shifts as he rises off the bed. I turn, and in the moonlight coming through my bedroom window I see Daniel standing at the foot of my bed, with cum dripping from the end of his cock.

"Oh my god," I gasp out.

Daniel looks in my eyes and says, "It's ok, Eric. Everything will be ok. I took care of Ryan. He'll never be back here to hurt you again.

"What?! What the fuck you doing in the house?!" My whisper is a sound of fear.

"Don't worry. It'll be our secret." Standing in my doorway, I see him bend and pick up his clothes from the hallway floor. Then he looks again at me. "I won't ever tell your brother what you did to him. And no one as to know how you pretended I was Josh fucking you. Just make sure you come out to my trailer sometimes, and it will be only our secret." He winks, and leaves my sight.

The sound of crickets come through my dark window as I listen to the footsteps descend the stairs and leave the house.


Hope you are enjoying the story. Eric sought out his revenge, but it led him further down the path of his sexual confusion. Is there way out for him? Or will he have to live with these secrets, and what will it cost him? Let's see where his life leads. And I hope along the way it will bring you a lot of cum pleasure, like it does for me every time I write about him. You can email with your comments, questions, or whatever. Send them to

Next: Chapter 5

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