In Real Life

By Desmond

Published on Feb 26, 2005


If you're offended by stories involving sexual acts between consenting adults of any gender, don't read the following.

In real Life, part 2

When I recovered from our little session, I found Dez in the kitchen, one arm around Decora's waist. He looked up as I entered and lifted a finger to his lips surreptitiously; I took the hint and busied myself with making enough scrambled eggs to feed a small army. I watched him eat. A piece of egg white dripped to his chin and he winked at me, picking it off and licking his finger. I almost choked as my softening penis jumped in my underwear again.

We went for a walk afterwards. I did my best to focus on the conversation, though I tended to concentrate on Dez's voice instead of the subject. I tried to remember as many details as possible - he would leave soon and I didn't even know if he'd be willing to play later. That amazing handjob could've been just a friendly gesture with no underlying meaning, something a sweet guy like Dez would be likely to do. I didn't really need to pine for a foreign crush, I reasoned with myself. I decided to go along with whatever he was planning, or just drop the sexy visions altogether if he proved straight.

This year's SF blockbuster didn't hit theaters in Tellan's town yet, so he suggested we go see it together. Dez agreed, shaking his head wryly as he explained he'd have to wait three months to see it in his home country. We piled into the cars. My spleen did a backflip as Selva slipped into Decora's tiny sports car and Dez headed to mine with a Cheshire grin. He sat in silence during the drive, listening to the guys in the back seat chat idly about our girls. I admired his stealth as he waited for me to pick a seat, then nonchalantly followed me down the row and sat next to me, admonishing me to keep away from his popcorn. Laughing, he offered me the container with one hand and waved to Decora with the other.

The film started. We munched on that damn popcorn, slurped our sodas and whispered ironic comments whenever the main characters did something even sillier than expected. Dez set the empty container on the floor, his arm touched mine, then I felt his hand stroke my forearm and our fingers finally entwined. I had the father of all boners threatening to bust a hole in my jeans. Dez maneuvered our hands into my lap, pulled up my shirt and started slowly stroking my hard rod. The movie's score drowned out both the quiet sound of fingernails scratching on denim and my small moans as I felt an inquisitive finger rub around my cockhead, perfectly outlined against the faded material of my pants. My lovely tormentor turned his face towards me and I felt his breath on my cheek as he whispered.

"You know, if I made you cum in your pants now, it'd dry before the movie's over..."

I managed a whimper.

"Was that a 'Yes, Dez, bring it on'?"

I nodded and licked my parched lips. The fingers on my cock resumed their slow route, adding small squeezes along my length in a completely random pattern; by the time he started rubbing me harder, the front of my underwear was totally soaked with precum. I laid limply in the comfortable seat, overcome with sensations.

Dez's hand moved to the zipper. He opened it slowly, every movement sending delicious vibrations down my shaft. I bit my lips as he touched my cock through the thin cotton of my underwear, taking the soaked material in two fingers and rubbing it against me. He gave my prick a squeeze and reached to my balls, cupping them gently and rolling them in his palm. He tugged at them rhytmically, rubbing against my cockhead with his forearm. I thought I was in heaven, but then I felt his fingers slip into my briefs. He played with my foreskin, sliding it up and down and rubbing my glans inside his palm.

Suddenly he removed his hand. I whined quietly, but then I saw him rest it against his face in that typical "deep in thought" style. He was licking his fingers surreptitiously. His eyes closed briefly as he breathed in my scent and tasted precum. He shifted in his seat and once again reached for my cock. As his wet fingers rested on my shaft, I offered a small prayer of thanks to whoever invented high armrests.

I was getting close to cumming. Dez felt my balls draw up and pulled his hand out, carefully covering my cock with underwear. He zipped my jeans in one fluid motion. I felt the zipper travel along my shaft, miraculously without getting caught on my briefs; it sent ripples of pleasure through my rigid prick. I started cumming right as he pulled it all the way up, spurt after spurt soaking through my underwear and pooling on my belly. My tensed muscles trembled and I moaned, the sound getting lost in the crossfire as the main characters offed a horde of aliens on the screen I wasn't looking at. Dez was squeezing my package, milking more cum from my throbbing cock. I wished I could have his cock up my ass now, feel it work against my prostate...

I was a very happy, completely spent mess. Dez rubbed the pool on my stomach, coating me with cum. I looked at his face, outlined in silvery profile - he seemed completely oblivious, engrossed in the action as his eyes followed the ample curves of a scantily-clad villainess. I admired his composure.

Right before the movie ended Dez patted my crotch and leaned towards me. Once again I felt his breath on my cheek as he whispered: "I told you it'll dry before the movie's over..."

(C) Desmond Speaks Freely, 2005

To contact the author, remember that ][ Desmond dot speaks at gmail dot com ][

Next: Chapter 3

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