In the Still of the Night

By dino alpacino

Published on Oct 2, 2007


The second week of classes had begun and the Freshman Crew had been split up in two boat teams. We would race each other a three times a week, the rest of the days were divided between both boatcrews for intense training with the coaches. I was thankful my class schedule wasn't as packed as Edward's. He got up at seven with me, when I went for morning training. He instead, had an early breakfast and left for practically an entire day of classes. During dinner he would spew out all the knowledge he had crammed inside his head and though I must admit Witgenstein and consorts were fascinating it did not make for light dinner conversation. After one week of this, I told him and he was honestly amazed.

'Then what shall we talk about? Current events?' he asked in a mocking tone.

'Well, how about social comments?'

'I beg your pardon?'

'For instance, did you know that blonde girl over there, don't look right away you idiot, was caught dumping a bag filled with empty Vodka bottles last week?'

'Old news, chum. Do you know WHY she drinks herself into delirium every night?'

'Oh pray tell.' I chuckled.

And that's how we began our ritual of daily gossip. As we saw it, collegiate life was pure entertainment. And worthy of dinner conversation. Edward prided himself in becoming a socialite and soon dragged me into it. Campus life was small however, and events often crossed my different social circles. As it did on that fateful Saturday night.

Each Hall was responsible for a Season Ball. The first, the Autumn Ball, was to be hosted by Evans Hall, the girls dormitory. It was said to be the most respectable of all, and served as a debutantes ball. For obvious reasons, no alcohol was served and the dormitories were closely guarded. This however left it to us students to provide the liquor. And more importantly, it left large areas of the campus grounds unsupervised. The Varsity juniors and sophomores had told us stories of unbelievable stupor and erotic debauchery, right there on the neatly manicured lawns of Newbourn College.

The only reason why the Autumn Ball was said to be the most respectable, was the inherent shyness of our coed freshmen. Only those experienced beyond their years would engage in such a dalliance. After Autumn Ball though, they assured us, everybody would know everybody and all bets would be off. So in essence, the Autumn Ball served its purpose as a debutantes ball, only the consequences would be less of a Jane Austen novel than they were a night spent in Paris. Or Berlin, Edward commented when I recounted the Varsity's description. I cocked an eyebrow to that. But when he kneeled before me and smiled mischievously I caught his drift. And quickly pulled him to his feet, because we were getting funny looks.

And so the long anticipated night came. From Barstow, Duquesne and Ignatius flowed flocks of young men in tuxedoes. All on their way to the Magnificent Ballroom. In fact, the Ballroom was only the smallest part of the Ball. To host an entire college, the grounds around the Ballroom were covered with tents. It was in the Ballroom that the hosting Hall presented the first dance. And that's where I came in. Because of some backwards tradition -Edwards words- all college athletes were to attend the First Dance and thus provide all of Evans Hall with a partner. Edward, already well on his way to getting absolutely plastered, loudly proclaimed on our walk to the Ballroom that this was a wonderfully pictureque way to keep the WASP from breeding outside of their blood.

Funny as it was, I hushed and reminded him to keep the peace.

So there we were, Edward leaning against the wall and me on the dancefloor asking a girl in a lightgreen dress to dance. It didn't take long to pair up, everybody seemed anxious to get to the real dancing later, and the obligatory waltz began. She was light on her feet, and capable of carrying a conversation while waltzing about.

As we were discussing the finer aspects of Count Basie, a girl with good taste I must admit, I brushed past Thomas. He winked and guided his partner away. I followed him with my eyes and each time he turned around he kept his head turned in my direction. I led my girl, Annabelle, over to him in a seemingly random change of course. Thom sped away, but not before giving me his killer smile and a smouldering look. I was happy this was only a Waltz and not a more intimate dance, or Annabelle might have mistaken my gallant intentions upon feeling my raging boner poke her thigh. I was about to change course again when my eye fell on Edward who gave me this look. It seemed to say, choose you cowardly bastard. And that ended the First Dance. We all applauded ourselves, something I thoroughly despise, and led our partners down the stairs into the open air. There the rest of the students had already started the party. There were tents with swing, bebop, and mellow crooners. I was about to head for the bebop tent, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me. 'How about we go get some punch?' Thom's voice wooed. I had never heard him talk like this. His voice was deep and soft. Was he putting the moves on me?

'Sure, let's go.' I answered, somewhat too chipper and headed for one of the bars. I felt him following in my trail and swallowed.

'Raspberry or Lemon?' the girl asked, waving two ladles.

'What goes better with vodka?' Thomas asked jokingly.

'Raspberry.' She replied dead serious.

'Raspberry it is then.'

'I'll have some of the Lemon, I'm going on gin tonight.'

'Gin?' Thom asked.

'Well, not so much gin as moonshine.' I answered and got my hipflask out of my pocket.

We walked away from the bar and mixed our drinks. Sipping our cups, we didn't speak.

'So uhm, do you have a tent of preference?' I asked, getting rather nervous.

'Let's go over there.' He said in that same soft voice and pointed to the back of the Ballroom building.

'What's over there?'

'A place to talk.'

Oh damn, now I was really getting nervous. Talking isn't good, I thought. Let's just go dance, get drunk and crash.

We went into the shadow cast by the building and we leaned into the wall. I lit a cigarette and offered him one.

'Thanks.' He lit his. 'Listen Dylan, I think we need to face some things.'

I just nodded and took a nervous drag.

'I think you're a great guy. I like hanging out with you and training together but...' he trailed on his words. Oh fuck, "but"...I hated that word.

'There's something holding you back.'

'What do you mean?'

'What I mean Dylan, is the way you keep this distance.'

I turned from him and threw my cigarette away. I paced around with small steps.

'What's the matter? You can tell me.'

I heard Edwards voice in my head, saw that look he gave me. I turned around and slowly stepped up to Thomas. He was still leaning into the wall, but not as relaxed as before.

'I keep the distance because I have to.'

'Who told you that?'

'If I don't,' I said taking a step closer , 'I don't think we could be friends.'

'Dylan, you don't have to...Let me tell you...'

'No,' I interrupted him and took another step closer. We were almost chest to chest, face to face. 'If I don't I get too close. You see?' I said softly. I felt such a need to press myself against him, I felt a force pulling me closer but resisted.

'You're not close enough.'

'Wh...' my breath stocked in my throat when he put one hand in the small of my back and the other in the nape of my neck. I sighed and fell into him, tentatively searching for his mouth with mine. His hot breath on my face was broken when we carefully tasted each other. His tongue looked for mine and I smiled.

'What are you smiling about?' he soflty laughed.

'Shut up.' I said and put my arms around him.

We kissed again, taking our time to explore the other. My hands roamed down to his firm ass and I was shocked I did that. But it just felt right and I went with the flow. Thomas pulled me closer and ground his groin into mine. I felt his hardness rub against mine and shuddered.

'I've been waiting for this.' He whispered hoarsely.

'Me too.'

Laughing voices disturbed us in our intimacy all too soon and we quickly broke our embrace.

'We better get back to the party.' Thom said, with only half a smile.

In the distance I heard the band setting the intro to 'Sing sing sing' and I immediately perked up. 'Oh this is great song, let's go!' I'd much rather stay there, hidden in the shadows. But we both knew it wouldn't be wise, and a good swing would have to make up for that. We walked back to the dancefloor, closely together.

'I think I need a sip of that moonshine of yours.'

I handed him the flask, 'If you're sure you can handle it.'

'Don't get smart on me.' He chuckled and took a swig. Immediately followed by a cough and a flushed face. 'Damn, what the hell is this made off?'

'Possum. Come on, let's swing!'

We jumped in the crowd and put on our best moves. Though the Ball had only just begun, everybody looked innebriated and it could be felt on the dancefloor. When the trumpets kicked in we all went wild. I bumped into Edward who was slinging a tiny brunette around with all he had. I took over and handed her to the next guy in line. Grabbing Edwards hands I decided to show him how it was done and swept the floor with him. During the slower part I pulled him closer and wobbled around a bit.

'Aren't you festive?' he said.

I just beamed a smile at him.

'Has this something to do with you know who?'

I smiled even wider and nodded.

'And with his you know what?'

I laughed and gave him a stage slap. Edward pulled me to the side and got us two cups of punch. I reached for my flask but he stopped me.

'This tent has spiked punch.'

'Explains a lot.' I said, watching the crowd.

'So what's going on?'

'We kissed.' I whispered.

'Well look at you, all beaming. So where is he now?'

'I don't know, around I guess.'

'Just be careful. The girls are right you know, we ARE pigs.'

'It's not like that.' I said, suddenly not too sure of myself.

Edward was about to say something, but we were pulled back in the crowd by some people we had befriended last week. They prided themselves in being bohemian. Which was ofcourse absolute nonsense, since they had the means and connections most people could only dream of. Nevertheless, fun to hang out with.

As the evening wore on Thomas and I bumped into each other constantly but were usually torn apart and onto another group of people. I must've been introduced to about a hundred people and did the same for my friends. The Autumn Ball really was a social event and we all followed protocol. Around three o'clock there was a lull and I took the opportunity to go and look for Thomas. I wandered around, spiked my punch with the last of the moonshine and found him standing in a group of Varsity athletes- Lacrosse, Crew, Baseball- and sophomore girls. I watched them from a distance. The setup was all too clear, matchmaking was in progress. A new generation of bankers, politicians and their charity-wives was being born on the spot. Jealousy crept up like a chill in my spine when a pretty redheaded girl claimed Thom's attention. She was beautiful. Copper red hair that fell in luscious waves over her lilly white shoulders. She had soft green eyes, a perfect complection, full pink lips and bone structure the put Katherine Hepburn to shame. Not to mention that body of hers. Who was I kidding? Why would he ever choose me over someone like her. Someone socialy acceptable. Her you could bring home to meet the parents. What in God's name would he ever do with me? Choosing men, meant choosing exclusion from society. And for all our degrees, it would be the social networks we established in college that brought us somewhere. How could he forsake that? How could I? Frustrated I looked for a cigarette.

'You got some more of that moonshine?' a soft voice asked.

'I'm dry.' I smiled. All my doubts were erased when I felt his hand in my shoulder.

'There's a perfectly good bottle of single malt up in my room.'

'Scotch or Irish?'

'Mmm, sorry, Scotch.'

'It better be good.'

'Don't you worry.'

We walked off into the shadows, crossing the empty lawns of the lecture halls.

'Won't they wonder where you went?'

'Let them wonder.'

I was about to give up and be satisfied with his answer but the redhead came to mind.

'I'm pretty sure they expected you to leave with the redhead.'

'But I did.' He said and put his arm around my shoulder.

'But Thomas, they...'


He obviously wasn't worried or just didn't care. Odd, I thought. But the better for me.

I walked up to Duquesne's main entrance, Thom quickly pulled me the other way.

'We'll take the service entrance.'

'Would the Fathers think something of it if they saw me?'

'No, I just don't want them perving my boyfriend.'

Did he just say boyfriend? I wasn't there yet, not by a long shot. But it was what I wanted, wasn't it? Thomas fished a key out of his pocket and opened the heavy door.

'We have to be quiet, and go up in the dark. I'm not supposed to have this key.'

I followed him in and when the door closed I couldn't see a thing. He took my hand and whispered, 'They're winding stairs, just hold on to the railing.' Up we went, one hand on the railing the other firmly clutched to his. After what felt like a neverending climb, I was quite dizzy, we came to a landing. I bumped into him and giggled. Was it the suspense or the moonshine, I don't know but I started laughing and couldn't stop. I felt him turn around and he kissed me, muffling my laughter. That shut me up allright. When I had calmed down, he slowly opened the door and we snuck into the hallway. First door on the left had his name on it. He quickly opened it while I studied the hallway, and pulled me inside by my lapel.

With a thud the door was closed with me pressed against it. We kissed with renewed urgency and felt each other up. My hands roamed his back and butt. His hands crept to the front of my tuxedo pants, I gasped when I felt his deliberate groping.

'You know what you're getting into, right?' he breathed in my ear.

'I...vaguely.' I answered in all honesty.

Thomas pulled back and looked me in the eyes with question.

'You haven't ever...with a guy?'


He studied my expression for a second and turned away. Don't go away, stay here goddamned!, I screamed inside.

'Better get you that drink then.' He said with a calm voice.

I didn't know what to do, so studied his room. It had a bed, a closet, a desk and a sink. Quite basic, actually. A reproduction of Hopper's "Nighthawks" hung on the wall, nothing more. The bed was in the far left corner of the room, which had windows on both sides. The moonlight shone weakly on the pillows.

'Come here, sit next to me.' He said, patting on the bed.

I sat down next to him, back against the headboard, feeling very selfconscious. He handed me the scotch.

'Lechaim.' He toasted and downed his glass.

'Are you jewish?' I laughed.

'Yeah, never noticed?'

'What's there to notice?'

'You know, it's all the rage these days to point out.'

'Trust me, unless I hear a "stein" I wouldn't have a clue.

'My full name is Thomas Eliyahu Gilad Burke.'

'Quite a mouthful.'

He didn't reply and just grinned provocatively. I didn't know how to take that, so gulped down my scotch.

'If you're not comfortable with all this, we shouldn't.' he said.

'To be honest, I don't exactly know what it is we're doing.'

'In that case, we'll go slow. Just follow my lead.'

'Just like practice.'

'Just like that.' He said and pulled me closer for a kiss. I regained my confidence and kissed him back. His body felt so good against mine. I just wanted to crawl in closer, feel him all over me. Thom rolled on top and straddled me, still kissing. Instinct made me buck my hips and grind into him.

'See, you've got a feel for it.' He grinned.

'This tux isn't very comfortable.'

'Let's lose it.'

With a swift jump, he was on his feet and turned off the light. Only the reading lamp on his desk divided the room is shadows. Thom pulled me to my feet and close to him.

He undid my bowtie and threw my jacket on the floor. He shed his own and stepped out of his shoes. I followed suit and took off my socks. Bending over brought me in close contact with his crotch and I gulped.

'There's nothing better than undressing a man in a tuxedo.' He said with a deep voice and smiled at his own suave.

'Might as well make the first one an event to remember.' I added offhandedly.

'Sounds like you've gained consciousness again.' he chuckled and pulled me closer by the hem of my pants. The shirt buttons went one by one. He pulled the rest out of my pants and off my shoulders. I shuddered as his hands stroked my back.

Undoing his bowtie and shirt I held my breath. This felt like something new and exciting I had never done before. A moment to be savoured. His firm pectorals and stomach were laid bare by my own hands and it was nothing like seeing him shirtless while training. Knowing that his clothes were coming off for me gave me a rush.

'I've wanted to touch your body like this some many times when we sat in the boat.' He said softly whilst caressing my chest and back. He lightly stroked my abs and I gasped as though my skin had saved up all the tension and released it at once.

'You didn't exactly hold back, as I remember.'

'Oh boy, you haven't got a clue.' He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck. Finding all the right places he went to work and could've kept going for all I cared. But his hands unbuttoned my fly and I tensed.

'I want to take it slow, because I don't want to push you into something you'll regret. Just tell me to stop if it's too much, okay?'

'There's no turning back now.' I grinned shyly and took matters into my own hands. I shook off my pants and stepped out of them, leaving me bare but for my briefs. Thom took a step back and oggled me with a hungry grin. I pulled him back by his pants and undid them. Slowly I slid my hands inside and felt his bulge pulsing. The scent of our sweat rose up and made me forget my previous inhibitions. Kissing him wildly I rubbed my package to his and he softly moaned in my mouth. He moved me onto the bed and lay on top of me. We tried to feel as much skin as possible and rolled around on his bed. I bit him in the neck and he took vengeance on my chest. Our breathing was shallow, hands feeling what they could and groins smashing together. I became lost in the throws of lightheadedness and slid my hands down his briefs, cupping his ass. It was soft and firm, the two globes giving my hands a landscape of opportunities. I couldn't take it any longer and struggled to slide down his briefs.

'Hold on there.'

'What?' I breathed.

'I want to see you naked too. Roll over.'

We rolled on our sides and Thom took my covered hardon in his hand. I moaned as he rubbed and squeezed. I began peeling off his underwear and he followed suit. When I finally saw him in the flesh I took a minute for study. He was uncut and leaking juice, his helmet glistened and I couldn't but lick my lips. We seemed to be the same size and girth, only his curved upwards while my cock was straight as an arrow. I couldn't take my eyes of it.

'You want to pet it?' he grinned.

My hand took him in a firm grasp and slowly slid upwards, brushing his glands. Now it was his turn to gasp and shudder. I smiled and got a knack for it. His dick was all mine now and I didn't let go. I squeezed and twisted, rubbed my thumb around his head. He bit down on his moans and every now and then a sharp intake of breath told me I was doing allright. He took me in his palm and caught up with me, slowly jacking and twisting. Unlike the girls I did, this guy knew exactly how to push my buttons. He spit in his hand and loosely wanked me. The sounds our hands made slicking each other's rods turned me on and I realised I was getting it on with another man. Thom scooted close and rubbed his cock against mine. It electrified me and I joined in on the fun, rubbing our wet appendages together. We started kissing again and I felt such warmth. Didn't matter if this was a one time encounter, he just felt so right and I basked in the glow.

'Ready for your first training?' he asked.

'I thought we were doing fine already?'

'Buddy, this was stretching.'

He slid down on my body and kissed me all over, biting deliberate spots from time to time. Spending extra attention to my sensitive lower belly, his hands roamed further and cupped my buttcheecks.

'This is just like rowing. I show, you learn.'

'Yessir.' I saluted.

His tongue skipped the head and slid down my shaft. I watched, amazed. I was in no way prepared for what was to come. He pulled on my balls and went up and down my cock, careful to avoid the glands. When I got really revved up my dick began throbbing, begging for more. He sat up straight and stroked me again, taking a good look at what he was dealing with. I hungrily looked at his stiff member, sticking straight out with a slight upwards curve. Some precum dangled out of the slit and fell on my stomach. His hand action had me bucking my hips, pumping my cock in his strong palm. He looked me in the eyes with a smouldering look and swooped down. In one smooth gulp he went down on me, touching my pubes with his nose. Holding my cock deep inside I heard him inhale the scent of my crotch. I was lost in bliss, the warmth and wetness of his mouth and throat -oh my god he had swallowed me whole- were almost too much. But then he swallowed and pulled back, I closed my eyes and whimpered. I left his throat and his tongue took over. With swirls and jabbing licks he went to town on my cockhead. He sucked and lapped and twisted and pulled, it was all one blur of extatic joy for me. My hands found his head and I held him locked to my dick, though there was no need for that. I was more turned on by his enthousiasm and hunger than by the mindblowing sensations he so expertly created. He went into a steady rhythm, bobbing up and down, his lips in a tight ring. I followed the lead and with slow and deliberate shoves I fucked his face. It didn't take me long to feel the rush of an orgasm building up.

'I'm going to shoot.' I said breathing heavily.

With a comical 'pop' he pulled off and straddled my legs again.

'Jack yourself off for me.' Thom said, taking his own leaking dick in his hand.

I gladly obliged and stroked fast and hard, looking at the stud sitting on my legs. Thom jerked himself with the same urgency as me and he looked well on his way of cumming.

With a sudden snap his face turned intense, mouth slightly open and his eyes burned with lust. That look did it for me, I tensed up and with a loud groan I shot my seed all over my torso. I convulsed and my breathing stopped for a few seconds. Exhaling I slipped into the warm glow and milked the last of my load out. Thom's hand spread my cum over my stomach and then he came himself. Long thick spurts of sperm shot out of his slit and landed on my chest, one above my collarbone and then downwards. Seeing him dump his load on me made me feel dirty, the good way. He jacked with a few more long strokes and then dropped his body on top of mine. We both lay limply on his bed, coming down from our orgasm. He lazily kissed me and grinned.

'Next time you show me what you've learned.'

I didn't reply but knew all too well there was no way I could ever refuse this demi god anything. I wondered what his cock tasted like. I could taste myself on his tongue, but what the real thing would be like I could only imagine. Thomas got off me and noticing his cum on my neck he lapped it up. 'Want a taste?' he asked me. Not leering but just asking. Like offering me a sip of his drink. I nodded and he scooped up some of his cum from my chest, or was it mine? I sucked it off his finger and knew it wasn't mine. This was similar to my cum, but with more of an earthy quality to it. Thomas went over to the sink and soaked a washcloth.

'Sorry, no warm water.' He said, when the cloth landed on my belly with a cold splash. I jumped and threw it back.

'I take it that means you don't wiping yourself with a cumrag then.' He said, cleaning himself and tossing it back. And I didn't, it was his.

'You want to listen to a record?'

'Sure.' I said.

'I've got the new Cole Porter.' He said, turning on the grammophone.

"In the still of the night,

as I gaze from my window

at the moon in it's flight,

my thoughts all stray too you."

Thomas crawled in next to me and laid his head against my chest while I smoked.

'So, how was that?'

'I think I like girls after all.' I said and passed him the cigarette.

'You what?'

'You shouldn't fish for compliments. Let's just say I was definitely joking just now.'

'And YOU shouldn't kid with people holding a burning cigarette.' he replied and held it dangerously close to my left nipple. 'Especially with those that have given you your best blowjob ever.'

'Aren't you being a bit presumptuous?'

'Am I?'

'Yes, but you're right.'

'Say it.'

I took back the cigarette and sighed in surrender. 'Thomas Eliyahu Gilad Burke, you have given me the best blowjob of my passed life.'

'Now say it like you mean it.' he grinned.

With a precise flick of my fingers I shot the bud into the sink. I slid down and kissed him slowly and deeply. We crawled closer together and kissed for what seemed like forever.

'That gets you off the hook. This time.' He whispered and pulled the covers over us.

We lay there for some time. We said nothing, just held each other and were content. After a short while, Thom fell asleep. Right there, in my arms, another guy let himself drift off. I looked at him in the moonlight and smiled. I couldn't stop, although I knew I must've looked like an idiot. I stroked his hair, and his face and his hand that lay on my chest.

Out of the blue, the record picked up again.

"Are you my life to be,

my dream come true?

Or will this dream of mine,

fade out of sight?

Like the moon growing dim,

On the rim of the hill,

In the chill still of the night."

And with a dull scratch it ended, leaving me with something else to think about. But I refused and decided to take this as it went. Maybe he'd kick me out in the morning, but I hoped he wouldn't.

Next: Chapter 5

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