Its You

By rafael munoz

Published on Oct 14, 2008


Disclaimer: I do not own and I do not state that any member or all of the Jonas Brothers are gay. This is a work of fiction. Not everything is true.

This is my first time to write a story, so please bear with me. Comments are welcomed. Thanks.

It's You Chapter 6 By: Rafael Munoz


JOE: It's you!!!

ARONE: wait you two actually know each other?!

JOE: uhm...

KEVIN :( butting in) yeah we met at our concert.

ARONE: oh okay...

JOE :( to Raf) uhm hey can I talk to you for a while...uhm in private?

RAF: uhm alr...

MONETTE: uhm everybody, may you please go to your seats and let us continue the meeting.

-Raf sits with his Mom at the front while Arone, Nick, Kevin and Joe sit at the very back

  • Joe keeps on staring at Raffy. After 2 more hours the meeting ended.

-everyone was standing up when suddenly; somebody grabbed Raffy by the arm...

JOE: hey I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out with me and my brothers...

RAF: oh.

JOE: so you gonna come???

RAF :( looks sorry and disappointed) uhm sorry Joe, but I fly home tomorrow...I'm sorry

JOE :( looks away disappointed) can I at least have your number? You know so I can text you...

RAF: uhm okay...

JOE :( brightens up) oh wow, thanks... (Hands over his phone to Raf)

-Raf enters his number on Joe's phone.

RAF: ok here, (hands Joe back his phone)

JOE: Ok thanks, well can I at least se...(Gets cut off)

MOM: Raf, your flying home tomorrow let's go, you haven't packed your stuff yet...

-Grace then drags Raf out-

JOE: Wow, when we get to have a decent conversation, somebody ruins it by getting Raf away from me... (Sighs)

NICK: haha don't think like that Joe, it's just a coincidence that they pull Raf away from you... haha

-Joe sits and sighs, running his hands through his hair.

--AT the CAR--

RAF: Mom! Why did you drag me outside?? You told me to mingle, now that I met somebody you pull me away...

MOM: I'm sorry son, but you really have to pack your stuff, you have a lot of boxes to fill haha

RAF :( sarcastically) wow, thanks Mom don't give me time to sleep... its great!!!

MOM: I know but I kinda overdid it with the shopping... I'm sorry..

RAF: haha... I'm sorry too mom. It's just that I'm gonna leave already... haha...I have to go back to my normal life and study... hahaha...

MOM: you're a junior now so you only have another year after this one. Then you can move here already...

RAF :( smiles) yeah right...well promise me you'll go home for my graduation okay...haha

MOM: I wouldn't miss it for anything


-after four hours Raf and Grace finished their packing...

RAF: mom, are you sure I can bring all of these???(Looking at 4 big suitcases and 5 boxes)

MOM: yeah... haha... well your cousins at home wanted a lot of things... Haha

RAF: does that mean I'm gonna go to each of their houses and give these personally???

MOM: yeah...

RAF: Mom, hahaha... These are a lot...

MOM: if you start early when you get home, you'll finish early. .haha

RAF: haha... Okay. .I'll call my friends so they know when to pick me up... (Pulls out his phone)


LISL :( groggily) hello??

RAF: hey girl!!!

LISL :( groans) Raf? Wait what time is it?

RAF: It's eight in the evening here so it's like seven in the morning there!

LISL: It's a holiday here today that's why we're sleeping in, so why did you call???

RAF: You guys are still gonna pick me up at the airport right???

LISL: Yeah, oh yeah you arrive here Sunday...what time??

RAF: I'll arrive at about 10am...I won't tell the flight number so that it will be a surprise, then after we could go eat at the Japanese restaurant we love... haha..

LISL: okay sounds cool. Have you called the others???

RAF: I was about to haha... I figured to call you first since I know that you're the early riser but since it's a holiday I was wrong...

LISL: you remembered to buy me something right??? hahaha...

RAF :( shakes head) I did... haha... hey, I'll let you sleep again, I'll call the others...bye girl... loveya!!!

LISL: bye... loveyatoo... haha...

-hangs up phone and calls another person

NOEL: hello?

RAF: Noel? You're up this early?

NOEL: oh Raf. haha. I dunno I woke up at about five AM and couldn't sleep anymore... when are you coming back??

RAF: I called you about that, I'll arrive at ten AM. And since you're the group's driver I thought that I should call you... haha...

NOEL :( rolls his eyes) okay haha... we get to eat to Saisaki after okay...

RAF: haha... I just told Lisl that we would do that... we sooo are friends... haha...

NOEL: do you want to call them and tell them or you want me to call them for you?

RAF: uhm can you just call them for me? I really have to do a lot of things here. Okay...thanks!!

NOEL: no prob... Have a nice trip okay... haha...bye!!

RAF:thanks! Bye! Tell "babes" i said hello okay... haha

NOEL: will do... haha

-hangs up the phone, was about to put in his pocket when somebody text messaged him]

(Text messages)

UNKNOWN NUMBER: if u wanna stay alive don't leave ur haus or dis country ever...

RAF :( freaked out) hu d hell is dis?

UNKNOWN NUMBER: i kno hu u r but u don't kno me

RAF:dis isnt funny anymor..i'm callin d cops

UNKNOWN NUMBER: hey Raf chill it's me Joe..


JOE: uhm Joe Jonas..

RAF: u freaked me out dumbass..y did u do dat??

JOE:uhm noting, i cudn't think of anything 2 say.

RAF:oh ok.

JOE:wanna hangout 2nite???

RAF:ok..wer r u?

JOE:go outside

(Normal dialogue)

RAF:why are you here Joe?

JOE :( shyly) I wanna hangout...

RAF: no, I mean, how did you know where I lived??

JOE: remember Arone? He lives here...

RAF :( slaps his forehead) oh yeah I forgot...

JOE: so are you coming or what???

RAF: oh okay, let me just get something...

-Raf goes inside and gets his things while going out...

MOM: where are you going???

RAF: oh, the friends I met today wanted to hangout before I left.

MOM: just be back before we go to the airport...

RAF: wow mom, that's the best curfew you've given me. In like...forever...

MOM: I want you to enjoy your last hours haha...

RAF :( kisses mom on the cheek) ok thanks mom!! Bye!!!

JOE :( standing up, he was sitting on the front steps) so are you ready???

-so they went to the Jonas' home and hung out...

RAF: oh guys it's already 3AM I have to go home...

KEVIN: oh yeah you have to go to the airport huh??

RAF: yeah...

NICK: hey Raf, thanks for the great time, it's the first time to see someone beat me and my brothers at guitar hero... haha...

KEVIN: yeah... haha...

RAF :( blushes) haha... Beginners luck... (Smiles awkwardly)

JOE: Beginner's luck my ass... ha-ha... You were a pro... haha

RAF: I don't play guitar hero regularly... haha

NICK: so anyway Raf put in your number on my phone so we can at least still communicate...

RAF :( hesitant) oh okay...

KEVIN: hey me too...

NICK: we will definitely contact you. We like you as a friend haha...

JOE: so I guess you're a member of the Jonas' posse now.. haha

RAF: cool... haha...

KEVIN: hey come on I still have to drive you home...

JOE: I wanna come

KEVIN :( rolls his eyes) whatever...

-the ride home was quiet since they were already sleepy and were the boys were just courteous enough to drive Raf home since he didn't know his way around here..


RAF: hey guys, thanks a lot!!! I really had a good time and at least I can say that I have a friend from another country.

JOE (getting out the car with Raf): come on I'll walk you to your door...

RAF :( shocked) no Joe it's okay, it's not like we went on a date or something, and I'm not one of your girls... haha

JOE: yeah we just hung out (looks at the ground)

RAF :( doesn't know if he should hug Joe or shake Joe's hand) so I'm here... haha... (Faces Joe)

-Joe kisses Raf on the lips!!

JOE :( pulling away) oh Raf I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry

RAF :( shocked; stutters) n-n-no it's o-o-okay. I have to g-g-go inside now (closes the door rather quickly)

-Joe walks back to Kevin's car disappointed.

KEVIN: hey Joe, what happened?

JOE: I kissed him...

KEVIN (looks sympathetically at his brother) oh, what did he say??

JOE: I dunno, he went in quickly after the kiss...

KEVIN: oh okay..maybe you guys have to talk about it...

JOE :( whispers) if he talks to me at all...

To Be Continued

woah they kissed..haha..they did!!! hahaha Email me at

Next: Chapter 7

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