Jacobs Emmerdale Journey

By Henry Gregory

Published on Dec 13, 2018


DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual contact between an adult and an underage teenager. The story is based around characters and not the real life actors who play them. All rights belong to ITV Studios and Emmerdale.

Emmerdale: Jacob's Journey

"Jacob!... Jakey!"

The bellowing of David's voice woke 15 year old Jacob Gallagher from his deep sleep. He sighed, rolled over in his single bed and squinted at his phone – 7:53am.

"Oi! You awake?!" his "dad" continued.

Jacob rubbed his eyes and croaked "just about dad!", throwing the bed covers off his slim young body, which was becoming more toned by the month as he travelled through his teens.

"Hurry up, or you'll miss the school bus!" David continued, Jacob wincing at the thought of another day being bored to death in the classroom as he began to scramble around for his uniform.

Downstairs in the kitchen, history teacher Maya sat quietly over a bowl of soggy cornflakes. "I'll take him if it's easier?" she offered softly, hoping that David, as her dutiful boyfriend, would go along with her suggestion.

"You sure? I don't want him making you late too", David queried, while pre-occupying himself with gathering his belongings ahead of opening his local shop.

"It's fine, I don't have a class first thing so it's not an issue. I'll make sure he gets there on time – you go and open up!" she replied firmly, standing to usher David out of the door.

David leaned forward, gave his girlfriend a quick kiss on the forehead and ran out of the door to start his day. Maya leaned back against the cool wooden surface as it closed behind her, folding her arms across her chest, a smile forming across her lips.

"Jacob! Ten minutes and then I'm leaving!" she called up the stairs.

Jake's ears pricked up at hearing Maya's voice. Maya... his dad's girlfriend, but the objects of his lust over the past few months. It was driving him crazy. It was leading him to resent, almost hate, his dad, knowing that he got to have her. He'd lay awake, at 1am, listening to David pound Maya's pussy in the room next door, hearing her soft moans and wishing it was him sliding his teenage cock into her soft wetness. Jacob had lost count at the amount of times he'd masturbated over Maya and he spent every second of his day thinking about the stolen kiss they'd shared weeks earlier. His infatuation was driving him crazy and ensuring he was constantly horny. Despite never having sex, he'd even considered sleeping with Liv just to pretend he was fucking Maya. Jacob was being tormented by his own teen lust.

Snapping out of his trance, he finished tieing his shoe laces, grabbed his bag and leapt down the stairs, finding Maya waiting near the door.

"Come on sleepy", she smiled, "don't want you getting into any trouble. It's an important time with your exams around the corner." Maya didn't actually give a shit about Jake's studies, but she had to play the teacher role to cover up her real feelings towards the young man. Jacob half-smiled, half-frowned and approached Maya with an outreached arm, aiming for her waist.

"We can't", Maya whispered, batting his hand away and turning to the door.

"Please..." Jacob trailed off, "I can't stop thinking about you".

"Well you need to try harder!" Maya yelled, shocking herself with her rage as threw her handbag across the room.

Jacob jumped in fright and gulped deeply. He felt his puppy-dog eyes welling up with tears and quickly ran out of the back door, across the garden and into the fields. He just kept running and running, the sound of Maya's voice calling his name getting fainter with every stride. He must've been going for over twenty minutes before he stopped, gasping for breath in the sharp winter air. Jake realised he was in the grounds of the scrap yard, without intending to be. He just had to get away from the house, from Maya, from his feelings.

Robert Sugden peered between the blinds of the scrap yard cabin window. He spotted the teenager outside, looking lost, out of breath and distressed. It was a quite day in the office, so he decided to investigate. He knew Jacob had recently had some issues with Liv, his sister-in-law, and Robert loved a bit of idle village gossip... he was a big queen at heart.

Swinging open the metal door, he shouted "alright Jacob? Fancy a brew?".

Jacob swung himself around to face Robert, slightly shocked by the sound of another voice and also taken aback by the kind offer. Jake was wary that he'd kind of screwed Liv over by lying that they were a sexually active couple in order to make Maya jealous, but he took the offer anyway.

"Cheers", Jacob smiled meekly, as he climbed into the messy portacabin.

"No worries, take a seat. You looked a bit lost and it's freezing out there" Robert replied, motioning towards an old but comfortable sofa. Jacob plonked himself on it and exhaled a long sigh.

"Bad day?... No school?" Robert asked, sensing Jacob's frustrations. He poured two boiling water into two mugs, allowing the teabags to brew while plonking himself next to the lad. Robert noticed how tall Jake had got in recent months... he was certainly growing into a strapping young man.

"I'm not going in... don't tell my dad", Jacob sighed, looking up into Robert's concerned eyes.

"Listen, I'm not a snitch or a gossip. I was your age not that long ago, believe it or not. Hey, I heard about you and Liv, what happened there?" Robert quizzed, trying to tease some information out of Jacob.

The boy jumped to his feet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset anyone... I was just... I dunno... I'm so confused!" Jacob yelled, feeling his frustrations rise and his eyes begin to fill.

"Woah, mate, it's alright!" Robert hushed, standing and guiding Jake back on to the sofa. "What's the matter? You can tell me, I'm a good listener. I get enough practice with Aaron and his Dingle issues" Robert continued, smiling softly at Jacob.

Jacob looked up at Robert's face, seeing his kind expression, pale skin, blonde hair and green eyes in a different light. He looked so inviting... so warm... as if all his troubles could melt away in Robert's company. Without realising, Jacob leaned forwards and, blinking back tears, pressed his face against Robert's. The older man, twice Jake's age, froze and waited to see what Jacob would do next. Robert was gay of course. Married to Aaron, but deep down he could never resist temptation. Jacob's 15 year old, slightly cold, moist face pressed against his felt like a brand new sensation. Robert felt his cock twitch inside his black skinny jeans as the boy's lips brushed against his own. He felt Jake's warm breath land on his mouth as he leaned forwards slightly, his hand travelling to the small of the teenager's neck and he pressed forwards with his full pink lips.

Jacob succumbed to his feelings, not really consciously realising this was a grown man he was now kissing – it just felt so right and so comforting. He went with his lust as the pair of them locked lips and tackled each other's tongues, man and teen passionately French-kissing on the battered sofa of a scrapyard portacabin. Robert could sense Jacob's inexperience in his kiss, the slight trepidation but keenness of the lad's lust turned him on more than anything had in a long while. A flash of Aaron's face went through Robert's mind, but he chose to ignore it and instead respond to the stirring in his loins. He pushed Jacob backwards, not leaving his lips, and lay his weight on top of him – beginning to run a hand up and down Jake's side, brushing against his white school shirt.

Suddenly Jacob pulled his lips away from the intense kiss; "sorry... I'm not gay!" he muttered, beginning to stand up from the sofa.

Robert gripped his wrist. "You don't have to be. You're young. It's called experimenting... did it feel wrong? It didn't to me" he softly said, feeling slightly worried the kid would go and leave him with a raging hard-on that he'd have to sort out himself, or even worse, tell everyone that a grown man had kissed him.

"I dunno... I'm not thinking straight... I'm just so horny all the time" Jacob laughed, feeling his cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"It's called being a teenager" replied Robert with a smirk.

Jacob grinned and felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned, while Robert noticed a sizeable bulge protruding from the cheap school pants.

"Oh fuck, it's my dad" groaned the teen. "I've gotta go. I won't tell anyone about this. Cheers anyway... and sorry" Jacob said, feeling pretty daft. He shoved his phone in his pocket and was out the door, letting it slam behind him before Robert could respond.

The Sugden hunk flopped back down on the sofa and sighed. What a missed opportunity. He glanced down at the erection confined within his jeans and thought 'waste not want not'. Unzipping his fly and stretching down the front of his black CK's, Robert's pale tool stood at almost eight inches, his precum dripping down the juicy length as it bobbed in the cool air. Pulling out his full blonde balls from between his legs, he began to tug on his fantastic cock, a cock that many a man and woman had bounced up and down on over the years. As he remembered his hot session with Aaron a few nights earlier (the Dingle stud on his back with his legs in the air, begging for his husband's uncut dick to go deep and harder), Robert moaned and tilted his head back.

Although trying to focus on Aaron, he kept seeing Jacob flash into his fantasies... Robert lingered on the thought of the teenager's soft lips and warm tongue, and the feel of his slender body. He imagined the size and shape of the recently developed cock, and how Jacob's boy pussy would probably be smooth, flawless and tight as fuck. Robert felt a challenge developing – could he continue this dangerous seduction? Time may tell.

As his orgasm approached, Robert continued imagining the Gallagher kid naked and trembling at the experience of an older man's touch; out of nowhere, a knock came at the door, shaking him from his fantasy.

"One minute!!!" screamed Robert, panicking and leaping from the sofa, cock and balls still swinging in front of him.

Too late. The door was opening. It was Aaron.

"Thank fuck it's you" laughed Robert.

"Christ sake Robert", Aaron sighed, rolling his eyes, "thought you'd given up on these office wanks – constantly horny or what!?"

Aaron knew Robert's libido was out of control and had known for a while that Robert was prone to random wanking sessions throughout the day, let alone quickies when they were together, sometimes in dangerous places.

"What can I say, the boredom gets to me... and seeing you sweaty after your run earlier was running through my head" Robert smirked, giving his cock another tug.

"Right, well sit down and I'll help you out" Aaron laughed, rolling his eyes again before pushing Robert on to the sofa, getting on his knees and setting about using his talented mouth and hands to bring Robert to orgasm within three minutes. Aaron swallowed every drop of his husband's seed, they shared a long sloppy kiss, wiped up any excess mess and set about looking over some paperwork as if nothing had ever happened.

Heading back to the village, Jacob Gallagher knew he was in trouble from his dad's voicemail. That bitch Maya must've grassed! He was livid, angry, frustrated, confused, scared and most of all, horny. Spotting Noah Dingle, who had recently been expelled from school, wandering further down the lane, he decided to do something about his emotions.


Thanks for reading, I hope this story got you going. Please email me (henryg85@gmail.com) with any comments, characters you want to see appear or any possible scenarios. Part two, coming soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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