James Story

By Justin Melikes

Published on Oct 13, 2010


James' Story Chapter 2

This material, as is all of my works, copy right protected. This story may NOT be sold, copied, or added to any collection without the express written consent of the author. Any and all copy right infringements will be perused to the full extent of the law.

All of the usual disclaimers apply to this story. This is a work of fiction, it does portray consenting sexual acts between a teen boy and an adult man. If this is upsetting to you please stop here. If you are not of legal age in your country please close this page. Please feel free to send me an email with your feelings on the story, good or bad, I welcome all comments! justinmelikes@gmail.com.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that wrote to me proclaiming your enjoyment of the story thus far. I tried very hard to respond to each and every email, but if by some chance I missed one please accept my most sincere apologies. Now, on to the next installment of James' Story

"Brain.....I don't even know how to say this!...I'm....I'm....gay! and I'm in love with you! I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember, I love you more than anything else in the world." Once again the sobs racked his body, uncontrollable, fed by the certainty that my reaction would be one of anger, of disbelief, of violence. Nothing could have been further from the truth; my instant reaction was one of disbelief that this living god could love me, that the boy that I had loved for years actually loved me the same way. Disbelief that my dreams were coming true.

"James, stop the tears and listen to me. I don't care that you are gay....because I'm gay and I love you too, I think I've loved you from the day we met. For as long as I can remember my dreams have been that you would fall in love with like I have fallen in love with you. Do you understand me?"

"What are you saying Bri? You don't hate me? You are not mad at me?"

"No silly boy, I don't hate you, I'm not mad at you.....I love you!"

"Oh God Brian! I prayed that someday you would say that to me!" Before I could even think he was in my arms, hugging me tightly, so tightly I couldn't breathe. I gently pushed him back, just enough to look into his eyes, they were happy eyes now, the sadness was gone, they were bright again, those eyes that always made my heart skip a beat.

I still don't understand why I did it, but I put my lips to his, at that moment I knew that I had to kiss him, not just our usual kiss, but I needed him to understand the depth of my love for him. Slowly I pushed my tongue against his teeth, once again, I had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it, it was pure primal instinct that drove me. He parted his teeth and allowed my tongue access, at the same time he pushed his tongue into my mouth, I welcomed it! The feeling was electric; it was as if we were meant to be doing this exact thing at this exact moment. We kissed for seemed like an eternity, but I'm sure it was only a few seconds. James broke the kiss, he looked into my eyes breathless, I was gasping for breath myself. "That was incredible James! Even better than I imagined it would be. I've wanted to do that forever."

Without a word he got up, reached for me hand and led me to our small tent. The night was muggy, but for some reason it was perfect. I let him lead me to what would be the single most life altering event of my life, I let him lead me to my destiny, I knew beyond doubt that my sole purpose on this planet was to love him, to belong to him, for him to belong to me as well.

He walked in first, stopped at the edge of sleeping bags, which were at this point still separate. He let go of my hand and quickly opened them up to form one sleeping area. Once he was satisfied with his handy work he turned to face me, I hadn't noticed before, but there was an obvious tenting of the front of his shorts, my cock responded instantly. He lightly kissed me again then undid the snap of his shorts, slowly unzipped them and let them fall to the floor at his feet. Standing before me was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, I had seen him nude before this, but it was different this time, this time I could admire his beauty without fear of him noticing me checking him out, this time it was for me.

He stood there, motionless, as if he was waiting for my appraisal of his body, my only response was to unfasten my own shorts and let them fall the floor. His eyes surveyed every inch of my own body, he smiled at me. "My God Brian, you are the most beautiful boy on earth, you don't even know how many times I've checked you out, but was afraid you would catch me and you would hate me."

"I could never hate you, you don't know how many times I've checked you out, and like you I was scared you would catch me. I can't believe how beautiful you are." I reached for him, he walked into my arms, placed his lips to mine, this time the kiss was urgent, needing, we needed each other in a way we didn't even fully understand yet.

Before I knew what he was doing he was on his knees and staring at my 5" of hard uncut boyhood. Now, keep in mind that, until his moment, we had never even jacked off together, never touched each other, nothing sexual at all, the closest we ever came to that was our daily greeting and parting kisses. So you can imagine my shock when he suddenly grabbed it, stroked it a couple of times, then he swallowed it! I almost screamed at the sensation, it was magical, overwhelming, and stronger than anything I had ever felt before. At thirteen it doesn't take long for your very first blow job to end in the climax of your young life. I had discovered that fine art of self pleasure this very summer so I knew what was about to happen. "James I'm about to squirt!" I moaned, I was expecting him to pull off, but instead he grabbed my butt and sucked harder! Before I could register what he was doing I blew my load into his mouth. I looked down and saw that I was holding his head with both hands, I don't remember putting them there, but he was licking away the last vestiges of my orgasm, I was still slowly pumping in and out of his mouth. He looked up at me and smile, oh god that smile, it had always made me feel all tingly inside. "Did you like that baby?"

"That was awesome! Where did you learn something like that?" You also have to understand that I had never seen a `dirty magazine' or porn of any kind before, so anything sexual was totally foreign to me.

"Remember at the beginning of summer when Kevin came to stay with us for a few weeks." Kevin was his cousin, much older cousin from out of state.

"Yes...Oh my god, you and Kevin did this stuff?" I was sure if I was shocked or upset.

"No! But he had some magazines in his bag, they showed boys doing this kind of stuff, and there were articles on how to this, and much more!" He flashed that devious smile at me, that smile that told me he knew something that I didn't, but I would soon learn.

"Wow!" was all I could muster. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the sleeping bags, he stretched out and took me into his arms, it felt so right, he felt so right. I leaned over and kissed him again, as our tongues were dueling my mind was racing, I wanted to do to him what he had done to me, suddenly the idea of having him in my mouth was all I could think about. "James, I want to try that on you." Before he could respond I flipped around and took his cock into my hands, I noticed that it looked just like mine, and from the feel of it he was about the same size as me.

Tentatively I sniffed it, the smell was intoxicating, there was small pearl of clear fluid on the tip, emanating from slit, I stuck out my tongue and licked it off, the taste was fantastic. I engulfed his penis down to the root, the feel of it was not quiet what I had expected, it was so much more, so much better, hard but soft at the same time. His moans and squirms told me I was doing it right, or at least right enough to make him feel good. As with me it didn't take long for him to reach the point of no return. I felt his hands on my head, and for some reason it was the most erotic feeling ever, he was furiously pumping in and out of my mouth. "Bri I'm close!" he screamed as I felt his body go rigid, his hips bucked up, then I tasted his cream being pumped into my mouth, I was hooked!

"Bri that was incredible!" He moved around so that we were once again holding each other. I noticed that we were both still hard, thinking about it now I have to smile, the wonders of youth! He was kissing me, nibbling on my neck and once again I was beyond caring about anything other than him, this, this very moment, this new found love.

He turned me over so that he was spooning me from behind, he held me, kissing the back of my neck while slowly tweaking my small puffy nipples, I was moaning so loud I was sure we would wake the dead, but I didn't care, it was the most intense feeling. I felt his cock at the entrance to my body, he was probing my anus, I hadn't expected this but I knew that I wanted it, no, it was not a want, it was a need, I needed him to be inside me, that would make this complete, that would join us forever.

"Bri I want to show you something else I saw in those magazines, will you let me?" His voice was hoarse, deep, and manly. Slowly he pushed forward, instinctively I relax to allow him access.

"Yes! Please!" I croaked as he slowly pushed into me. I know you will not believe this, but there was no pain, not even for an instant, he just slid in; all I felt was a full feeling. When I looked over at him I saw something that scared me at first. I saw the colors of his aura, when I looked into his eyes I could see his soul, it was golden, but other color would it be? I watched as his soul, pulsing, started moving toward me, as if it was searching for something, then it engulfed me, I could feel it enter me in the instant before he did, his soul and my soul were one, we were one, we were no longer two individuals, we were one entity, one being. I could feel the warmth of his soul as it cuddled me. Our auras mingled as he entered me. Then he hit that magical spot, a spot that until that very moment I never even knew I had. "YES!!" I screamed as he hit it again, with every thrust in and out of me he hit my spot, and every time it was like an electrical current pulsing through my body. He leaned over and turned my head so he could kiss me, with our tongues mingling he gently tweaked my nipple again, I was overwhelmed with feelings, emotions, sensations, it proved too much and I shot another load all over the sleeping bag, I hadn't been touching myself, he continued to fuck me slowly for a few more seconds then he groaned and shot his load deep inside me. "Don't take it out James, please! I want it in me forever!"

But as we all know, nature takes her course and things what were once hard become soft and slip out. I felt sad that he was no longer inside me, I felt empty lonely. I was suddenly aware that the world seemed to have gone silent, the only sounds were those of the crickets, birds, the forest itself, they all seemed to be serenading our union, it was as if the universe was lined up for us, like we were the only people on the planet, the planet itself had been created just for us, for us alone. It was as if the world was right, for the first time, we were now one and always would be, I knew this without reservations and I was happy with that knowledge.

He rolled over, pushing his perfect butt against me, instantly I was hard again, I knew what he wanted. I will admit that I was a bit nervous, I was going on pure instinct, my primal instincts told me to push into him, he rolled so his head was facing me, he kissed me, he must have sensed my hesitation, I wasn't sure how to proceed. "Just push Brian. Please Brian, I need you inside me too." I felt his hole relax and I pushed in, it was if my penis was made to be there, I moaned and shuddered at the feelings, I heard him moan my name and he pushed back against me, trying to get as much inside him as he could. I felt him shudder and moan, I knew I had hit the right spot. At that point I didn't realize that all guys have that spot so I was surprised that he had one too, but I knew how great it felt for him to hit that spot in me, so I tried to hit it with every stroke. It didn't take long until I felt that familiar tingle in my balls, I knew I was close to yet another orgasm. "James I'm close."

"Me too, don't stop, please!" His voice was husky, it really turned me on, I picked up the pace, I was determined to bring him to orgasm as he had done to me, my efforts were rewarded after about ten more strokes, he moaned and I felt him shudder, I felt his butt tighten around my penis and knew that he was there, I knew he hadn't been touching himself, both hands were holding my head as he kissed me, I pushed one final time and filled him with my love.

We lay there wrapped up and around each other, it felt like he had been in my arms my entire life, not just for a couple of hours, it was the most natural feeling in the world. The rest of the night was spent between making love and just holding each other. Our week of camping had turned out to be life changing, life would never be the same. I know that most will not believe this, but we never once just fucked, we always made love. I know we were only thirteen years old, but we were in love. They say that love is not a tangible asset, but I'm here to tell you that it is, when it's true love you can taste it, touch it, feel it, smell it, you can wrap yourself up in it like a warm protective blanket, it is a tangible thing.

All too soon it was time to pack up and head home, we took our time, neither of us wanting to return to the real world, I wanted it to just be us for all time, just him and I, but we both knew that couldn't be, we had to return. We made the hour trek back to my house to drop off our supplies and check in with the parental units, then the plans were to go to his house and do the same, then we would head into town for pizza.

We walked got to my house and quickly unpacked the bikes and headed inside, I knew both of my parents were home as both of their cars were parked in the garage. We walked into the house hand and hand, it was just natural for us, we marched into the living room to find my parents sitting on the sofa, dad with his paper and mom with her needle work, the stopped as we walked in, both smiled at us, it was at that moment that I realized we were still hand and hand, I made a decision in that instant, a decision that I didn't know how well my parents would react to, but I had made up my mind that I loved James and I refused to hide that love from anyone, even them.

Still hand and hand we walked up to them, me almost dragging James. "Mom, Dad, I love James very much, I'm going to marry him someday. I guess this means I'm gay." I will never forget the look in my dad's face, my mom was smiling from ear to ear, you know, that `aww aren't they sweet' smile.

My dad, in his usual stoic voice says. "Son, we have known for some time now that you are most likely gay, we are ok with that. We don't care who you love, as long as you love, even if that love is for another boy. It's obvious to use that you love him very much, and he loves you just the same. We have been watching you two since you were babies, this love is not new." With that he got up, walked over to James, picked him up and gave him a big hug and said. "Welcome to the family son." And that was that. He told his parents much the same as I had told mine, and their reaction was the same as we had gotten at my house. From that point on I was "son" to them, and he was "son" to my parents. We never spent even one night apart after that, he was at my house or I was at his, but we always slept in the same bed, my dad went out the next day and bought me a double bed, at thirteen that was plenty big enough for both of us. It was never a question if he would be there, if there was a trip to take it was assumed that he would be with us, same with his family. We were inseparable until the day he died.

Once again my dreams were interrupted by the ringing of the phone, the time had come, I knew Jonathon wouldn't take no this time, he wouldn't give up now until I answer the phone. My time of solitude was over, my time with my pain was over, he would force me to return to reality, a reality that I couldn't face, and reality that was pure pain. Slowly I reached for my phone. "Hello."

"Brian, I'll be there in five minutes. It's time for you to get out for a bit, you've been cooped up in that bedroom for too long." His voice was pure determination, I recognized that tone, the same tone he always had when he was bound and determined to make something happen.

"Jon, really, I'm just not up to it, maybe tomorrow." It was weak, but I had to try, even knowing it was a waste of time, he would come and I would go out, even if I didn't want too. On some level I knew he was right, this is the one thing that James would not want me to do. If were here he would say "Brian, get off your ass and get on with it."

"Yeah, ok...see ya in five." He hung up the phone, yes, my time alone with my pain was over, but I didn't have anything left to give it, it had consumed everything I had, it demanded more, but I didn't have more to give. I hung up my phone and lay there, I knew he was on his way.

Thanks for reading, chapter 3 will be forthcoming soon. Let me know what you think. justinmelikes@gmail.com. All comments are welcome.

Next: Chapter 3

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