Jason and Jc


Published on Aug 7, 2000


"Jason and JC - 5"

Alright, here is the next edition of the story. I know that it has been a while since the last edition and I am sorry. I've been doing my best to get this written, but life happens when you least expect it. But it's here now and I hope you enjoy it. I appreciate all of you guys who have stuck with me and those who have taken the time to send me a note with their opinions and comments. I hope you enjoy this section. As always you can contact me to let me know what you think. You can email me at a41a14a@yahoo.com or I am on ICQ 76118280. I'm always open to opinions so let me know what you think. Now without further adue, on to the story.

Jason and JC pulled into the theater parking lot at five minutes to four o'clock. "I told you I'd get you here on time." Jason said grinning at JC.

"I never doubted you. Pull around to the back." JC instructed. Jason followed his instructions and pulled around to the back and parked. "Come on, don't be shy." he said as he hoped out of the car and headed toward the backstage entrance.

"Oh why should I be shy? I'm about to be introduced to some of the most famous people in the world. What could I possibly have to be shy about?" Jason replaied sarcasticly.

"Oh, don't start, they're going to love you. I mean what is there not to like?" JC said trying to calm Jason's nerves, now fluttering with nervousness. 'What were they like?' Jason thought to himself as he got out of the car, and began walking in JC's direction. 'What would they think?' JC had met him online and they had never seen each other before today. 'What would they say?'

All of these thoughts were running through Jason's mind as they approached the stage door. 'BANG, BANG, BANG!' Jason jumped as JC sarted pounding on the large, metal door. JC's pounding had brought him back into reality. 'Forget it.' Jason told himself. 'Whatever will be will be.'

The door swung open revealing a very large, apparently very powerful black man. The sun reflected off of his shaven head and bounced in all directions. "Mr. Chasez, the rest of the crew is waiting for you on stage." the man informed JC in his deep, projecting voice.

"Thanks Chad. This is my friend Jason." JC returned guesturing to Jason.

Jason extended his hand toward the security man, and gripped his hand in a firm shake. Chad's grip was quite strong, which was to be expected from a man his size. "It's nice to meet you." Jason said with curtousy, making sure to be polite. This man was not one you wanted to anger. With biceps as big as tree limbs, he looked as if he could literally snap a person in two.

Chad only nodded in response and allowed us to pass, pulling the door closed behind us. "Which way to the..." JC began to ask, but stopped short when he saw Chad already pointing. "Well thank you."

They headed off in the direction the man had indicated with JC in the lead. After a few twists and turns, JC found his way to the main stage. All of the arenas were laid out in the same basic fashion, so it wasn't hard finding the way.

Four figures stood center stage, while several others could be seen in the distance. Even from a distance, Jason recognized them as the four members of 'N Sync. Until this point, Jason had been following closely behind JC, but seeing the entire group together, he wasn't sure what to do. He stopped just short of stepping onto the stage. JC, not noticing Jason's sudden halt, continued onto the stage.

Chris, seeing JC walking toward them, glanced down at his watch. "4:00, on time for once. It's a miracle." he joked.

"Ha, ha." JC returned sarcastically. "I am on time and it's all thanks to my good friend Jason." JC guestured over his shoulder, where he assumed Jason was still standing.

"Man..." Joey said as he walked up to him and put his hand on JC's shoulder. "Even I stopped with the imaginary friends deal a long time ago."

"What?" JC said in confusion as he twirled around to find Jason missing. He quickly scanned the stage area and spotted him leaning against some equipment just off stage. "Real funny, man. I'm serious. Jason..." JC called out. "Get out here." he ordered jokingly.

That was it. Jason knew why he had stopped so suddenly. He didn't want to seem presumptuous in striding out with JC. He wanted JC to "officially" recognize him in their presence, so he did not seem like a drooling, over-eager, wide eyed teeny-bopper, which he absolutely was not. JC was his friend.

JC's call was just the recognition he had been waiting for. He turned his glance from the wall he had been staring at to the group of 5 now all looking at him. Leisurely, he paced out onto the stage and to a rest beside his friend.

"This..." JC stated, pausing for emphasis, "is Jason." JC's hand rested squarely on Jason's shoulder as he announced his name. Jason enjoyed this announcement. It made him feel important and more at ease that JC was proud of their friendship. It definitely made meeting the rest of 'N Sync easier. Jason estended his hand to the nearest group member, Lance.

"So you are the infamous Jason, huh?" Lance said as he grasped Jason's hand.

"Infamous???" Jason asked trying to project both sarcasm and humour at the same time. The result of which came out something more like bewilderment.

"Yeah, JC has been talking about you like forever. He don't even spend that much time with us anymore. He spends all of his free time glued to that stupid computer." Justin put in, mainly joking with JC.

"Well, I'm sorry to be such a trouble-maker. I guess I did keep him up rather late alot didn't I?" Jason returned. "Had I known what his 'job' actually entailed, and that he was so busy, I never would have kept him up so late." Jason had actually never thought about the fact that their chats usually did last well into the night. It suddenly hit him that it must have had some impact on his performance.

"Don't be sorry, Jason. It was just as much my fault, if not more than, as it is yours. I kept you up too, Remember? And you have your own job and life." JC inserted, wanting to make sure that Jason knew that he shouldn't feel bad about it.

"Wait a minute," Chris said stepping in, "You didn't know that JC was JC, I mean, you didn't know who it was, I mean, you... aw heck, you know what I mean." he finally sputtered out in aggitation. Chris's attempts at explaining himself sent the six of them laughing at its futility.

"Yes, I know what you mean." Jason said regaining his compusure. "And no, I didn't know until he showed up on my doorstep this afternoon. It was kinda wierd actually. I..."

Before Jason could continue, he was interupted by a middle-aged, balding man. "Alright guys. It's time for your rehearsal. You'll have plenty of time after the show. A show, might I add, that's in less than two hours. So let's get a move on, shall we."

"Yeah, sure." JC replied before turning to Jason. "Would you stay and watch?"

"Sure. I'd love to." Jason answered, very pleased at his friends guesture. "Where should I sit?"

"Just go grab a chair from backstage and take a seat. We'll try not to trample you." Joey said with a grin. "Try..."

Jason walked back toward the exit off-stage. He was pleased that he was getting along so well with them. But could it all be an elaborate show? The worry he had experienced when they had first arrived began to resurface. 'Oh well' he thought as he put his paranoia aside. 'Whatever will be will be.'

Jason grabbed a chair and headed back toward the stage. He set his chair down directly off-stage and as far to the side as possible, to make sure he wasn't in the way of the stage crew. By the time he sat down, the music had started, and he just sat back and enjoyed the music.

It was an interesting sight to Jason. Definitely something he had not witnessed before. The old saying 'Nobody's perfect' came to mind as he watched the group dance and work with their choreographer and vocal coaches. Although their errors were few, due to years of practice no doubt, it was still enough to make Jason laugh, as he realized that the picture perfect view the nation's teenage girls had of this group was not entirely accurate. Heaven forbid one of them should realize that their idols are not perfect in every way, shape, and form.

After about an hour or so, the group had gone through the entire show rehearsal. They had everything down to satisfaction. They walked off the opposite end of the stage and disappeared. Jason sat in his chair wondering what he should do. There was no way he'd be able to follow, let alone find them. "Hey!" came from behind him as a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Jason nearly jumped out of his skin. He whirled around to face his approacher. JC stood standing behind him, damp with perspiration from the heavy rehearsal, with a slightly startled look on his face. "Hey, careful. It's just me."

"God, Josh. Don't do that!" Jason exclaimed, noticing the use of his first name. This was the first time since he had known JC that he had ever called him Josh. The name suited him.

"Sorry. You gonna lounge around here on-stage, or are you going to come back to the dressing rooms?" JC asked. Jason paused and looked around, feigning deep thought. JC grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. "Come on!"

Jason nearly toppled forward onto JC as he was pulled up from his chair. He stumbled, tripped, and fell into JC's arms. After a few seconds, Jason realized his position and regained his footing. "Thanks man." he managed to sputter out. "And thanks for yanking me out of the chair in the first place." This time, Jason managed to load his statement with sarcasm.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on." JC said ignoring Jason's last remark. JC turned around and headed off. The design of the amphitheater wasn't very complex, so he found his way to the dressing rooms fairly easily.

JC led Jason into a fairly descent room. There were a couple of couches and a couple of chairs against one wall and a large mirror and table against the other. There was also a door leading to an identical dressing room next to it. There was a large wardrobe closet toward the back of the room, stocked full of the guys things.

Justin was on one of the couches and Lance was in the chair opposite him. JC walked over and plopped down onto the other sofa as Jason slowly entered the room. "Hey Jason, come on man. Don't be shy, these are my buds." JC stated, trying to ease Jason out of his cautiousness.

"Yeah, man. We don't bite..." Lance assured as he started to grin. "too hard, that is." The jokes and easy spirits helped. Jason felt a little more at ease. JC patted the seat next to him, motioning for him to sit down. Jason quickly moved over to the seat beside JC and sat down.

"You guys were pretty good, not like you need my approval or anything, but even in rehearsal, you guys are great." Jason was still trying to make a good impression. He wasn't saying that to be flattering though, they really were a great group. "Which, by the way, where are the rest of you?"

"You really think we'd put on a show looking like this?" JC joked pointing down at his damp clothes. "They're in the shower." JC's face turned red as he realized the implications of his statement. Justin and Lance burst out laughing as Jason's face contorted into a look of befudlement. "Showerssss. Two different showers." JC spat out as quickly as possible. That fact assured, they all started laughing.

They were still rolling as Chris walked into the room. "Hey, what's so funny?" He was dressed in his stage outfit, ready to go on, except for the still wet hair, pointing in all directions.

"Just JC's loose lips again." Justin replied as he hopped to his feet. "I got next shower." With that, Justin walked to the wardrobe, grabbed his clothes, and headed toward the adjoining room.

"JC, you always have had a few screws loose." Chris joked, taking the seat vacated by Justin.

The group talked some more and they joked and goofed off until all had showered except JC. JC glanced at Jason to make sure he would be alright alone with the crazy bunch by himself. Jason's eyes and wide grin, assured him that he would do fine. So he grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom.

As soon as the door shut, the remaining four turned more serious. They began asking Jason all sorts of questions. Where was he from? What did he do for a job? Where did he work? All sorts of questions like that. And then came the oddest question of them all.

"Jason," Chris started. It was clear that the question that he was about to ask was a dificult one. After a brief pause he said his name again. "Jason, um..."

"Yes?" Jason responded curious about the question that was to come.

"Um, are you gay?" Chris finally spat out. He didn't want to sound offensive to JC's new friend, but it was a question that needed to be asked, unfortunately. Nobody wanted JC or his new friend to be hurt because of mixed signals.

"Am I what?" Jason just looked at Chris with a blank stare. 'Oh' he thought as the question hit him. "Oh, gay. No, why?"

"You sure? We're not gonna be offended or anything? We're just curious." Lance stepped in, taking some of the heat off of Chris. It was clear now that they were all in on this question. Everyone was leaned in just a little bit, awaiting Jason's response.

"No. Not now, nor have I ever been." Jason said answering their question again in his normal, calm voice.

"Alright, we just wanted to make sure. You see, JC is not gay, and we can all attest to that, 100% heterosexual. We just wanted to make sure that you didn't see something that wasn't there." Chris continued as the others began to ease back into their chairs.

"That's alright, man. I completely understand. JC is lucky to have friends like you guys who watch out for him so closely. But no, I don't see anything like that in him. JC is one of the closest friends I have ever had. He helped me through the break-up with my long-time girlfriend, Sarah." Jason spent the next few minutes telling the story of Jason and Sarah, and then Jason finds Sarah's a slut and breaks up with her, and then JC helps Jason cope.

As Jason finished his story, JC emerged from the bathroom. As the door opened, steam flowed over the jam and slid along the ceiling of the dressing room. "Spend enough time in there JC, or were you just trying to create your own personal sauna?" Justin teased.

Before he could respond, three quick knocks came on the door. "Twenty minutes to showtime, boys." the voice boomed from the other side.

"Alright, thanks." Chris yelled back.

"I guess I had better stop distracting you guys and let you get ready." Jason said as he rose to his feet.

"Sit down, you're fine." Lance ordered. Just then, there was a much lighter rasping on the door. "And that would be our preparers." Lance walked over to the door as Jason gave JC a puzzled look.

"Hairdressers" JC responded to Jason's unasked question. Jason nodded his head in an 'Oh I get it' sort of way.

Lance opened the door and four middle aged women stepped into the room followed by one younger woman. Then group split up into the two rooms. Three in this room and two in the other. Jason just sat on the couch while all of the guys were getting 'prepared'. He just laid his head back onto the back of the couch and closed his eyes. He was actually feeling a little tired.

"Are you just going to lay there while we do the show, or are you coming to watch?" Jason opened his eyes and inhaled deeply. He had actually dozed off even th comotion of those loud women. He felt a little better now though.

"Of course I am, coming to watch I mean. Lead the way." Jason responded, rising himself up off the couch. JC was now the only one in the room.

"Two minutes, Mr. Chasez." announced a passing stage hand.

"A seat has been set-up for you at the side stage entrance. You'll get the up close and personal view." JC told him as he began walking out of the room. "Just follow him, he'll lead you there. I've got to go and take my place."

"Of course. Good Luck." Jason called as JC moved quickly down the hall. He followed the stage hand to the place JC had told him about. A chair had been set up and roped off just off stage and out of view of the screaming fans. Next to the comfortable padded seat, was a cooler full of drinks and snacks. 'What a cool guy.' he thought as he took a seat and opened a can of soda.

He could hear the fans screaming. Waves and waves of teenage girls screaming their lungs out. All waiting and watching, dying to see the amazing guys known as 'N Sync. The lights dimmed and the music picked up. Jason glanced up to see the boys being lowered from the ceiling. An amazing start for a show. He just sat back and watched his new friends do their jobs, and on hell of a job they did too.

I hope you enjoyed the story. I will do my best to write another edition more quickly this time. Now that you have finished the story, please take the time to drop me a line and let me know what you think. Email me at a41a14a@yahoo.com or contact me via ICQ #76118280. Or If your looking for a simpler way, drop by my website and contact me via the pager on the site. The address is http://www.stas.net/safeh Until next time, JC.

Next: Chapter 6

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