
By Randy O'Brien

Published on Aug 6, 2000


Legal Notice: The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality.

Don't read this story if: **You're not 18 or over, **If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, **Or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex.

The author retains copyright to this story. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright. Legal action will be taken against violators.


I was helping my former high school during the two-week band camp. It had been two years since I had graduated, but the band director always wanted me to come back and help out during band camp. I'm not sure why, maybe because I had a better than average playing ability, or because I was better than average at marching. In any event, it was the middle of the second week, when one of the boys, Jeremy, slipped going down the stairs to the practice field carrying the xylophone. He had sprained his ankle. Jeremy was a cute kid, a freshman. About 5' with sandy blond hair, and the bluest eyes I had ever seen. The band director asked me to help him back up to the band room, and call his mother who was a nurse to come pick him up. Jeremy didn't weigh much, so I just picked him up and carried him back up the steps, and back into the band room. I set him down in a chair in the band director's office, and went back for the xylophone. When I got back, I saw that he had propped his leg up on one of the other chairs in the office.

"I tried to call Mom, but she wasn't in her office, and didn't answer the page at the hospital," he said.

"What about your dad?" I asked, knowing I needed to get him somewhere so someone could take care of his ankle.

"He's in surgery right now, and won't be out for at least a couple of hours."

"Oh, great. Well, do you want to go to the emergency room, or do you want to wait until we can find your mother?"

"Well, it doesn't hurt too bad as long as I don't put any weight on it, so let's see if Mom gets back to her office. If she isn't back in a little while, I might go to the emergency room. In the mean time, can we just get some ice to put on it?"

"Sure, let me run down to the cafeteria, and get a bag full of ice, I'll be back in a minute." Fortunately, the band director had left me his master key, so I could get into the kitchen and to the icemaker. After I had filled up a gallon baggie with ice, and grabbed a towel to wrap it in, I headed back to the band room. I really didn't want Jeremy to be hurt, but he was such a cute kid. I had been noticing him for several days, and had caught him stealing glances in my direction when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Here you go, sir," I said, as I walked back into the band director's office.

"Just wrap it around my ankle, and that will keep the swelling down," he said.

"First, let's get your shoe and sock off, and see how bad it looks," I said, sitting down across from him.

As I eased his foot out of the chair he had it sitting in, he took in a sharp breath, so I tried to be gentler. After I had eased the shoe off, I started to peel the sock down his leg. He had on knee high socks, and I had to be very careful in pulling the sock down and over the ankle. I noticed that Jeremy was kind of wiggling his foot just a bit, to help get the sock over his ankle, but I wasn't sure if he was aware that he was wiggling it against my crotch. If he wasn't careful, my growing excitement would show. As I sat back up in the chair, to get the sock off of his toes, he pressed his toes into my crotch yet again. I wasn't sure if he was just trying to extend his foot to make it easier to get the sock off, or if he was sending the kind of signals I was hoping that he was.

After I had finally gotten the sock off, and set his foot back down in my lap, I bent back down to take a closer look at his ankle. The swelling was already starting, so I decided that I should get the ice pack on it as soon as possible. As I gently wrapped the ice pack around his ankle, I saw him grimace from the cold. It might be 95 degrees outside, but it was only about 60 in the office, and with the light shorts and t-shirt he was wearing, he was probably starting to get chilly. I decided that keeping his ankle propped up on my lap might be a good idea, as that would help to keep the swelling down, and it also gave me a chance to sit facing Jeremy where I could study him a bit.

As we sat there, we started talking about various things, what he did over the summer, and he told me that his family hadn't gone on a vacation in several years, because his parents always took their vacation time to attend various doctors and nurses conferences around the country.

The more we talked, the more I felt sorry for Jeremy. He was, for all practical purposes an only child. He had one sister, who was 15 years older than him. His parents hadn't planned on any more children after his sister, so he was an accident. His parents ignored him for the most part, and let him do as he pleased. Fortunately for him, his interests lied in schoolwork and being an upstanding member of the community. If he had chosen to be a troublemaker, I don't think his parents would have ever noticed.

As we sat there talking, he kept wiggling his foot, rubbing it against my crotch, trying to keep his ankle from getting stiff. Unfortunately, he was having the opposite effect on me, as I was getting extremely stiff. To make matters worse, I had been in a hurry that morning, and had dressed with no underwear, and the shorts that I was wearing were tight. There was almost no way that he could have missed my level of discomfort, as I was tucked into a rather uncomfortable position. Without looking down, I could feel that the head of my cock was getting close to the end of my shorts, as I could feel a bit of the cool air on it.

After about a half an hour of this, he leaned back over to the phone, and tried to call his mother again. She still wasn't in her office, and her secretary wasn't sure when she would be back, or how to get in touch with her.

I asked Jeremy if he wanted me to take him home, and he looked somewhat nervous about that idea. I told him I didn't mind staying up here with him until we could get in touch with one of his parents, or I would be happy to take him home, if he would be more comfortable there.

He said that he didn't really want to go home, as he wouldn't have anything to do there, and no one to talk to.

We decided to hang on until lunch, and if we weren't able to get in touch with one of his parents by lunch, I would take him to get some lunch and take him home. As we sat and chatted for most of the morning, I got to know Jeremy a little better. The more we talked, the more I kept getting vibes that he was interested in more than just talking. Soon the conversation switched to me, and he started asking questions about me. I answered as well as I could, told him that I had just gotten back from Hawaii a few days before band camp, and that I would be starting my own band camp at college in a couple of weeks. He asked me how Hawaii was, and I told him that it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. We talked about some of the other places that I had been, and he commented that he would love to travel like I had. I told him that if he would apply himself, he could do anything he wanted.

Then it hit... he asked me if I had a girlfriend. I told him that no, I didn't have a girlfriend, nor had I had one recently. I always had a few stories to tell, of past girlfriends, ones that couldn't be verified, true or false. Most of them were false, as I had known I was gay since I was about 10. I tried to turn the conversation away from me at that point, by asking if he had a girlfriend.

"No, I don't. Not really looking for one right now. I don't want to get tied down to any one person right now."

That seemed a bit evasive, but a reasonable answer for a kid who wasn't sure if he was gay or not. He carefully avoided any further conversation about past girlfriends or who he might have his eye on.

Before we realized it, it was lunchtime, and we still hadn't been able to get in touch with either of his parents. Since he had no money, I decided to take him to McDonald's for lunch, and then take him home. I told the band director that I would try to get back for afternoon rehearsal, but that I didn't want to leave Jeremy alone, until we had gotten in touch with one of his parents. He concurred that that was a good idea, so I pulled my van up to the band room door, and picked Jeremy up and carried him out to the van.

We headed to McDonald's and went through the drive through, so he wouldn't have to get out.

I asked him if he wanted to go home or to the emergency room.

"Well, it isn't hurting too bad, and the swelling isn't too bad, so why don't you just take me home, and if it gets any worse, I can go to the emergency room later.

We sat in the parking lot of McDonald's and ate our lunch, and then I asked him where he lived.

"Just pull out, and turn to the left, and I'll show you where to go."

"OK," I replied, heading for the exit.

As he directed me, I headed into one of the nicest parts of town, lots of large homes, with large, well-manicured lawns.

As we pulled into the driveway of his house, he got that nervous look on his face again.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"No, I'm just not sure how we are going to get into the house. I have a key, and an alarm code, but from the time the door is opened, you only have 30 seconds to turn the alarm off before it goes off."

"Well, I can go unlock the door, come back and get you, and carry you in, and you can turn the alarm off. Surely we can make it in 30 seconds, if I don't open the door when I unlock it."

"OK, that will work," he said, with a relieved look on his face.

I got his key from him, and proceeded to unlock the door, being very careful not to open it, so that I didn't set off the alarm.

After I had unlocked the door, I went back to the van, cut the engine off, and walked around to the back door to help Jeremy out of the van. As I opened the door, I just caught a glimpse of him adjusting himself. I could see that for a 13 year old, he was fairly well endowed, and that he was also quite hard.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Now is as good a time as any," he replied.

As I reached into the van to pick him up, I realized that he was further away than I had put him when I loaded him in at the school. I assumed he had moved over when we were eating lunch, so didn't think much of it. Unfortunately in order to be able to reach him, I had to lean in farther than I had, and it placed my head almost directly in his crotch.

"See something you like there, Randy?" he quipped as I froze for just a split second.

"Nah, just trying to figure out the best way to do this."

"Here, let me slide out towards the door a little, so it will be easier for you to lift me," he said, as he lifted his weight with his good foot, and slid toward the door.

That would make it much easier for me to lift him, however, in his haste to move, he had lifted his crotch straight into my face. Placing his erection against my mouth.

I slid my hands under his legs, and behind his back, and told him to grab a hold around my neck to help support some of his weight. I also asked him which way I needed to go once we got in the house, to get to the alarm box.

"Once we get in the door, turn left down the hall way, and it will be in the first room on the right."

"OK, here we go," I said, lifting him out of the van. As I carried him toward the house, I noticed that he was holding on a bit tighter than he had earlier that morning when I was carrying him back to the band room. As we approached the door, he let go with one hand, and reached out to turn the knob. When he opened the door, I felt a cool rush of air as I stepped though into the house. Remembering that we only had 30 seconds before the alarm went off, I rushed down the hallway toward the first door. As he reached out and opened the door, I realized it was the laundry room. He pointed toward a panel on the wall, and I carried him over so he could turn the alarm off.

"I won't look while you are putting in your code," I said, turning my head away from the panel.

"Oh, I don't care if you know the code, it's 35871 to disable it," he said.

"You really shouldn't be giving out your alarm code to people. I'm sure your parents wouldn't appreciate it, and you don't really know me that well."

"Well, I can always have dad change it, but I'm not that worried. I trust you."

"Whatever. Where do you want me to put you down?" I asked. He didn't weigh that much, but after holding him for several minutes, he was starting to get a little heavy.

"Oh, right across the hall is my bedroom. Just carry me in there."

"OK, then I will need to get some more ice for your icepack," I replied heading across the hallway to his room. "Cool room," I said as I carried him toward the only place in the room to set him down, the bed."

"Thanks. The kitchen is on the other side of the living room, where we came in."

"OK, I'll be right back," I said, gently picking up the ice pack from his ankle.

As I walked though the house, I felt very strange. I had never liked being in other people's houses, and this was making me feel rather uneasy. After filling the ice pack back up, and wrapping the towel back around it, I headed back to Jeremy's room. As I walked in, he was sitting up on the bed, with his foot propped up on the end of the bed.

"That doesn't look very comfortable," I commented, as the back of his leg was hanging over the wrought iron end of the bed.

"It isn't, but I wanted to keep it elevated, especially while I didn't have any ice on it."

"Well, we can fix that, but you probably still need to keep it elevated," I replied, wrapping the ice pack back around his ankle.

"Shit!" he said, as I accidentally bumped his ankle against the wrought iron. "Sorry, it just hurt, and it slipped out."

"That's OK, I should have been more careful," I said, as I once again picked up his foot, this time much more gently.

"That's better." Jeremy suggested that I have a seat, since we had decided that I wasn't going to leave until either I had talked to one of his parents, or one of them got home. Since there was no other place to sit in the room except the bed, he lifted his legs, and made room for me to sit, then dropped his feet back into my lap.

As I leaned back against the wall, I looked around the room. Nothing spectacular, but he had a nice room. He had a computer, which looked like it had a modem attached to it.

"What kind of computer do you have?" I asked, not seeing a brand name on it.

"I built it myself. It's got an 800MHz Pentium III chip, with 512M of memory, CD Writer and DVD Player, and a 128K ISDN internet connection."

"Cool. So how is your ankle feeling?" I asked.

"It's OK as long as I keep it still and up, but when I move it, it hurts like crazy."

"Then I suggest that you don't move it. Why don't you try to call your parents again?"

"OK," he said, reaching for the cordless phone that was next to his bed.

"Hi, Mary, is mom back yet?" he asked his mother's secretary. "OK, well, when she comes in, tell her to call me at home." "No, I just sprained my ankle, I'm OK." "OK, I'll talk to you later. Thanks"

"Well, I take it your mother still isn't in the office."

"No, she hasn't come back, and she hasn't called. I'll try dad, and see if he's out of surgery yet."


"Hi, Jill. Is dad back in the office yet?" "Oh, he's still in surgery. OK, well when he gets back, tell him to call me at home. No, it's nothing, I just sprained my ankle. I'm fine. Thanks, I'll talk to you later Jill."

"Well, dad is still in surgery, apparently he ran into some complications, and mom is still out of the office. Do you mind staying with me?"

"No, I don't mind. I don't want to leave you here, unable to do anything, and I want to talk to you parents, to make sure they know what happened."

"Thanks. I really didn't want to be here alone. Uh, will you help me with something?"

"Sure, what do you need?" I asked, wondering why he was suddenly so unsure of himself.

"I've got to go to the bathroom."

"Oh." I was wondering what would happen if something like this came up. "OK, no problem.

"It's right through there, I just don't want to try to walk by myself."

"You don't need to be walking on that ankle."

As I picked him up, he put his hands around my neck to help hold himself up.

"How are we going to do this? I can't pee while you are holding me up like this."

"Well, the other option would be for me to help you walk, and keep all of your weight off of that foot."

"I think that will work better, at least I will be able to stand up that way."

As he placed his arm around my shoulders and stood up, I helped him get his balance. I was concerned that he not place any weight on that sore ankle. As he walked toward the bathroom, using his one good leg, and me in place of the other leg, I was wondering how he was going to stand while he used the bathroom. His balance didn't seem good enough to stand without help, and I wasn't sure he would want me in there while he was peeing. As we got to the bathroom, he tried to unzip his shorts with one hand, while he held on to me with the other.

"This isn't going to work, I can't even get my shorts unzipped," he said after fumbling with the zipper. "Can you unzip them for me?"

"Uh, sure. Can you hold on to me enough to keep your balance while I get them unzipped?

"Yeah, just hurry. I really gotta go."

"OK, just a second." I moved around between him and the toilet, as he used both hands to steady himself on my shoulders. As I bent down to unzip his shorts, I was so hard I was about to split the seams in my own shorts. "There, unzipped."

"Go ahead and pull it out, I can't wait for you to move and me to pull it out before I pee."

I gulped as he asked me to take his dick out of his shorts. As I pulled his underwear down, I felt a light coating of soft downy hairs. When I touched his dick, I almost came in my shorts. It was so warm and soft. I knew he needed to pee badly, so I pulled it out, and moved aside. Before I could let go, and hold him so he could aim it, he started peeing. I quickly aimed it at the open toilet.

"Ahh. That feels so much better. I didn't get any on you, did I?"

"No. But you almost did." I replied, as I could feel the piss coursing through his young dick. He had actually gotten some on my hand, but I didn't mind. I don't have a piss fetish, but I don't mind getting a little on my hand.

"Whew, thanks. I feel much better now," he said as the piss stream finally started to taper off to a couple of dribbles. "But my ankle is really hurting, can you get me back to bed now?"

I looked up, and could see the pain in the grimace on his face. Sure, just let me get this thing put away, and we'll get you back in there.

"Don't worry about putting it away, just get me so I can lay back down."

"OK," I said, as I moved around beside him. "I'll just carry you, OK?"


As I leaned over to pick him up, he placed his arms around my neck, and I scooped him off of his feet. As I was grabbing him behind the knees, my mouth was just inches from his soft cock. I made sure that when I started to absorb some of his weight, I blew out, so that my breath was blowing across his cock. I just had to see what kind of reaction he would have to it.

When I bent over to lay him on his bed, again, my face was almost buried in his crotch. I noticed that his soft dick wasn't quite so soft, and was starting to grow. I also noticed a small drop of piss still hanging on the end of his cock. It was too tempting. As he released my neck, and I started to pull my arms out from behind his back and legs, I let my head fall down, and I scooped the drop of piss from the head of his cock with my tongue. I heard him inhale sharply. I hoped he wasn't mad about it, but it was too beautiful to miss. When I had first pulled his dick from his shorts, he was about three inches, and completely soft. Now, he was at least four and a half inches, and growing. I wasn't sure how to handle this. One of us still had to put it back in his shorts (actually I was hoping that neither of us would). As I stood up, he handed me a pillow, and told me to put that under his ankle. I wasn't sure how to take that at first, but when he pulled his legs even further up, and told me to sit down, I had a feeling that he wasn't mad about me licking his cock.

"There," I said, as I sat down. "Now, we'll get this pillow under your ankle, and you should be ready." After I placed the pillow under his ankle, I turned to look at him, and he was blushing.

"I'm sorry about what happened in the bathroom, but I just couldn't wait any longer."

"That's no problem. You didn't get any on me, and you didn't make a mess. Are you comfortable now?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just had to get back off of my ankle. I accidentally put my weight on it when I was peeing, and it hurt."

"Do you want to go to the emergency room?"

"No, I just need to stay off of it, and keep the ice pack on it."

That reminded me, I hadn't put the ice pack back on his ankle after we sat back down. As I gently wrapped the ice pack back around his ankle, I could feel him moving around a little. I assumed he was putting his hard dick back in his shorts.

When I turned back around, I saw that he hadn't been putting it back, but was touching the head, and I could see that it was still wet from where I had licked the drop of piss off of it. I knew that something would happen in the next few seconds, but I was scared as to what it might be.

"Uh, Randy?"


"I'm sorry my dick got hard, but sometimes I just can't control it."

This was very shaky ground, but I had to acknowledge it. "That's ok. That kind of thing happens at your age. When I was your age, I walked around most of the time with a hard-on.

"Well, I can usually control it better than I did today, but something just happened, and I lost control and popped a boner."

"That's OK. It happens to all of us at some point in time," I said, thinking back to this morning when he had been rubbing his foot all over my crotch.

"Would it bother you if I just left it out for a while? It's really hard to get it back in my shorts and underwear when it's this hard."

I turned to look, and he was completely hard. He looked to have at least five and a half inches, maybe six. It was hard to tell, because I wasn't sure how far his shorts were sticking out. "No, I don't mind if you leave it out. I understand that it has a mind of it's own, and it is hard to get back in your shorts when it's like that."

"Thanks," he said. As he slid his hand across the head again, I could still see a little bit of wet spot where I had licked him. I saw his hand slide over that, and press harder into his erection. I turned to look the other direction, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see him bring that part of his hand to his mouth and lick my spit off of it.

By now, he wasn't the only one in the room sporting a full hard-on. My shorts were so tight; I was beginning to think that I wouldn't get any circulation in my legs. I hadn't had a hard-on like this in months, if ever. I could feel the head of my cock sticking out of my shorts, and rubbing against the back of his leg. I was terrified that I would start leaking precum and he would ask what was happening. Jeremy started to squirm around, which made things that much worse for me, as every time he moved, I could feel his silky soft smooth skin rubbing against the head of my cock.

Knowing that my erection would not go down until his cock was back in his shorts, I sighed and accepted the fact that it was going to be a long afternoon.

About 5 minutes later, Jeremy was flipping channels on the TV when the phone rang. It was his mother. Jeremy told her what had happened, and that he was OK, but was afraid to put any weight on his ankle. She asked to speak to me, so he handed me the phone.

"Ms. Bucy?" I asked, as he handed me the phone.


"My name is Randy O'Brien, and I was helping out this morning at band camp when Jeremy fell and twisted his ankle. I don't think it is anything serious, but I offered to take him to the emergency room, but he insists that he is OK. We tried calling Dr. Bucy, but he has been in surgery all day."

"I hate to ask it of you Randy, but it's going to be at least a couple of hours before I can get back home. Would it be too much trouble for you to stick around until either Dr. Bucy or I can get home?"

"I hadn't planned on leaving until one of you had looked at his ankle, and was here to make sure he was OK. I'd be happy to stay until you can get home."

"Thank you, Randy. I'll try to get home as soon as I can, but I'm almost 100 miles away, so it will take me a while to get there."

"Don't rush, Jeremy will be fine, and I don't mind staying until one of you get home."

"Could I speak to Jeremy again?"

"Of course, just a second. Jeremy, your mom wants to talk to you."

"Yes, Mom. Really, it's just a sprain. Randy isn't letting me get up, and it is wrapped in an ice pack to keep the swelling down. I'll be fine. OK. I'll see you in a little while. Bye."

"Well, it doesn't sound like your mom will be home any time soon. I did promise her that I would stay until either she or Dr. Bucy got home."

"There's no telling when Dad will get home. What worries me is that they are both supposed to leave tonight. Mom is going to New Orleans to a nurses convention, and Dad is going to Philadelphia to a surgeons convention, and they won't be back until next week."

"Where are you going to stay?"

"Well, I was going to stay here, by myself, but if I can't walk, that won't work. I don't know what I'm going to do now."

"Don't worry, I'm sure they will come up with something."

"I don't know. They don't like to have to change their plans."

"Well, I'm sure they will can work something out."

"I'm not so sure. If they have to cancel their plans, they will be very upset."

"Is there a neighbor or a friend that you can stay with?"

"Not really. We don't know many of the neighbors, and I don't really have any friends."

"Well, I'll talk to them when they get home, and I'm sure we can find some way of keeping you alive," I joked.

"I hope so."

Jeremy looked so scared, that I truly felt sorry for him. I felt bad enough that my erection had gone down. As I glanced over, I noticed that he was flaccid as well. "One good thing to come out of your mother calling, at least, is that your boner seems to have gone away. Now maybe you can fit that monster back in your shorts."

"I guess so," he said dejectedly.

As he started stuffing his limp cock back in his shorts, he instinctively pulled his legs back toward his stomach. Of course this sent him back into pain, with his ankle. "Damn, that hurt," he said, dropping his cock. I looked down and he had hit his ankle on the wall when he pulled his knees up. I reached over and gently wrapped the ice pack back around his ankle and eased his legs back flat across my lap.

"Here, let me put that thing away. I got it out, and I'll put it away," I said reaching for his still soft dick. As I pushed his dick back into his underwear, he told me to place it so that if he got another erection, it would be pointing up, so it wouldn't be so painful. After getting his underwear back in place, and zipping his shorts back up, we settled back to watch a little TV. Being mid afternoon, on a weekday, there wasn't a whole lot on, but he finally settled on something. As we sat there watching the TV, he looked like he was concerned about something.

"How is your ankle feeling?"

"It's OK as long as I don't move it," he said, still looking like something was bothering him.

"Is there something else bothering you Jeremy?" I asked, concerned.

"No. Well, yes. I'm sorry I got that boner earlier, but I just couldn't help it."

"Don't worry about it. Especially at your age, you can't control it."

"No. It's not that. Normally I can control it without any problem. It's just that when I felt your hands on it, I just got so excited. They were so soft and warm and felt so good."

"It's a natural reaction that if someone touches you there, it's going to get hard."

"I know, but still. It wasn't just the fact that someone was touching me there; it was the fact that it was you. You probably hate me now, but I couldn't help it. Just knowing it was you that was touching me there, drove me crazy."

"Whoa. I don't hate you. I don't mind that you popped a boner. It just kind of caught me by surprise. I'm not used to seeing 13-year-old boys with boners. Especially not ones the size of yours. There isn't anything wrong with popping a boner. Certainly not anything to make me not like you."

"Like I said, it wasn't that it was someone touching me, it was that it was you. Don't you understand? You made me pop the boner. There have been lots of guys who have seen my pecker, and a few who have even touched it, but none of them have made me hard like that. I've never been that hard in my life."

Further discussion was halted by the fact that we both heard a car pulling up in the driveway.

"That must be dad. Please don't tell anyone about the boner."

"Don't worry about it. You have my word that I won't tell anyone, but you should probably let me up, so I can talk to your dad."

After I gently moved his legs off of me, I stood up and put his foot back down on the pillow. As I was adjusting myself, we heard the font door open.


"I'm in here Dad."

"Jill called and said you had hurt yourself at band camp. What's wrong?"

"I'm OK Dad, I just sprained my ankle. Randy was nice enough to bring me home and stay until you got here. I talked to Mom a little while ago, and she said she would be home in about a half hour."

"Hello, Dr. Bucy. I'm Randy O'Brien. Jeremy fell this morning carrying the xylophone, and it looks like he sprained his ankle. I've asked several times, but he always insisted that he didn't want to go to the emergency room. I really think it should be x-rayed, just to make sure he didn't break it, but when Ms. Bucy called earlier, she said to wait until one of you got home."

"It's very nice to meet you Randy. Jeremy, keep it propped up, and keep it cold. I want to talk to Randy for a minute," Dr. Bucy told him, motioning for me to follow him out of the room.

"I really want to thank you for taking care of Jeremy today. But I wonder if I could impose on you for just a few more minutes. I'm driving my truck today, and I really don't think Jeremy needs to ride in it. It needs a lot of work, and you feel every bump. Would you mind taking us up to the emergency room, so we can get his ankle x-rayed. It won't take long, and I can look at the x-rays and make a diagnosis. If it is broken, we will need to get it in a cast. You've done extremely well so far, by keeping it elevated and iced down, but I would like to know for sure."

"I'd be happy to take you. I didn't have anything to do today, and don't have any plans for tonight either."

"Let me call and make sure they have an x-ray technician there and ready to take the x-rays, and leave Martha a note, and we can head out."

"OK, I'll tell Jeremy."

After we got Jeremy loaded up in the van, Dr. Bucy and I got into the front seats and we all headed to the hospital. As we pulled into the emergency room entrance to the hospital, Dr. Bucy told me to park in the ambulance parking while we got Jeremy unloaded, then I could move the van.

After getting Jeremy unloaded, and into a wheel chair, I went back outside to move the van. Dr. Bucy told me to meet them in the radiology department.

As I was coming back in, I saw a friend of mine who worked in the hospital, on her way out. She was going home for the day.

"Hey Randy, what are you doing here?"

"Jeremy Bucy fell this morning at band camp, and Dr. Bucy asked me to give them a ride up here."

"Oh, is he OK?"

"Well, I'm on my way to x-ray now. They are supposed to be x-raying his ankle to find out if it is broken."

"Call me tonight, and let me know how he is. He's a good kid."

"Yeah, he seems to be."

"OK, I'll talk to you later, Randy."

"See ya!" I said, heading to the x-ray department.

As I walked into x-ray, I saw Dr. Bucy standing there talking with one of the other doctors. Just then, Jeremy was wheeled out of the x-ray room, and parked next to his father.

"We should have the x-rays ready in just a couple of minutes, Dr. Bucy."

"Thanks Cindy."

As the technician hurried off to develop the x-rays of Jeremy's ankle, Dr. Bucy turned to me, and introduced me to the other doctor standing there. "Randy, this is Dr. Hoover, the head of Radiology."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Hoover," I said, extending my hand.

"I hear you helped Jeremy out quite a bit today, Randy," he said, shaking my hand.

I just stood there and blushed. The x-ray technician rushing back in, with the x-rays in her hand saved me. "Here Dr. Hoover."

Dr. Hoover held the x-ray up to the light. "Well, it looks like there is a fracture right here. Let's go back to my office where I can look these over properly."

I walked back over to Jeremy to give him the news. As I walked up behind his wheelchair, Dr. Bucy motioned for us to follow him.

Following Drs. Bucy and Hoover down the hall, pushing Jeremy's wheelchair, I could tell that Jeremy was getting nervous again. "Don't worry, Jeremy. It not like they are going to have to amputate or anything. It's just a broken ankle."

"It's not that. I'm worried about what Mom and Dad will do now. They both have to leave in a little while, to catch their planes for their trips."

"Don't worry about it. You can't change what happens at this point, and I'm sure they will work something out." I was also getting kind of nervous. What would they do with Jeremy, would they farm him out to some relative who Jeremy didn't really know, or would one of them have to cancel their trip, and then be mad at Jeremy about it?

As we walked into Dr. Hoover's office, he slipped the x-rays onto the viewing screen. "Yep, definitely broken. Fracture right through here," he said, pointing to a line about an inch long.

"Thanks for sticking around Bill. I could have read the pictures, but I feel better with you having read them. I'll run him down to get a cast put on it. Martha and I are both scheduled to fly out this evening. She going to the convention in New Orleans, and I was going to the surgical convention in Philadelphia. I guess one of us will have to cancel. Oh well, such is life."

As we wheeled Jeremy into the room where they put casts on, Dr. Bucy asked me to step outside. I assumed that he didn't want me in there while they were putting the cast on Jeremy, but instead it was to talk to me.

"Randy, I really appreciate what you have done for Jeremy already. You have been a huge help. It wouldn't have done any good to have brought him in any sooner, as long as he didn't put any weight on it. The bone hasn't set yet, so we will set it, and put it in a cast. Unfortunately, he still won't be able to put any weight on that leg for at least two weeks. Martha and I are both scheduled to leave tonight for different conventions, and now it looks like one of us will have to cancel."

"There isn't anyone that you can leave Jeremy with, or have stay with him?" I asked.

"Not really. We don't have any relatives here, and we don't socialize much.

At least not with people who would want a 13 year old around. I realize that we have already asked too much of you, but would it be possible to hire you to take care of Jeremy for a few days. Ms Bucy and I will be back Sunday afternoon, but we would like for someone to take care of Jeremy while we are gone. I really can't cancel, as I'm supposed to give a speech at the convention in Philadelphia, and Martha really doesn't need to miss this meeting."

"I would be happy to take care of Jeremy, if you think I can. The only problem is that I still live with my parents, so I would have to talk to them before I brought someone to the house, especially for that long."

"Well, you would be welcome to stay at our house. There is plenty of food, and Jeremy would probably be more comfortable there, if you wouldn't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

"Good, I'll tell Martha, so she can pick up anything that you need, and we'll give you a form, just in case anything happens. Everyone here knows Jeremy, so you shouldn't have any problems. I really need to get back to the house to pick up my baggage, and get out to the airport. Would you mind bringing Jeremy home? I'll leave some money on his dresser, just in case you need anything. Ms. Bucy should be home by the time you get there."

"How are you going to get home?" I asked.

"Bill Hoover is going to drop me by the house. He lives out that way, and it's not too far out of his way. Why don't you go in and tell Jeremy, while I call Martha, just to let her know what is going on."

As I opened the door to the cast room, the nurse there told me that only family members could be in there while they were applying the cast. Dr. Bucy was just outside the door, and heard her.

"It's OK, Julie. Randy is taking care of Jeremy while Martha and I are out of town. Consider him family."

"OK, Dr. Bucy."

"Well, Jeremy, I just had a long talk with your dad. It looks like I'll be staying at your house while your parents are away. If you think you can take putting up with me for a few days."

"Cool. I'm glad they didn't have to cancel their trips."

"Well, lets let this young lady get the cast on you, and I'll see what needs to be done to get you out of here," I said, smiling at him.

As I was coming out the door, Dr. Bucy was hanging up the phone. "Martha said she would have everything ready for you by the time you got back to the house. Here is my key, so you will have one. Martha is going to set you up an alarm code. I doubt you will need it, but in case you two decide to go out somewhere. That way Jeremy doesn't have to rush to get the alarm turned on or off. Here's two hundred dollars. That should cover any expenses you have while we are gone. I'll pick up a prescription for pain, just in case Jeremy starts to hurt too badly. Don't give him to them too often, but you can be fairly liberal with them. They aren't that strong, and they aren't addictive. I'll leave the number of the hotels where we'll be staying, just in case of emergency, and I'll call home when I get there, to make sure everything is OK. And thanks again Randy, you are a life saver."

"I really don't mind Dr. Bucy. Have a safe trip, and the same for Ms. Bucy.

I'll get Jeremy home, and take care of him while you are gone. Have a good trip, and we'll see you when you get back."

"Thanks again, Randy. I've got to run now."

As I walked back into the cast room they were just finishing up the cast on Jeremy's ankle. "He can't put any weight on it for at least a week, but he should be able to walk with crutches. We've got him a set, already sized for him, so he should be OK with that. All we have to do is let the cast dry for just a few more minutes, and you can take him home."

"Thanks. How are you feeling, Jeremy?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired."

"That would be the pain medicine that we gave you. He'll probably sleep most of the rest of the day and through the night before he feels like doing anything. Just let him rest, and he should be fine."

"I think we can handle that."

While the nurse wheeled Jeremy out to the emergency room entrance, I went to get the van. When I picked Jeremy up to load him into the van, I could tell the difference in weight of the cast. I could also tell that Jeremy was almost out of it. He barely grabbed my neck, and he had a very glazed look in his eyes.

We stopped by my parent's house, so I could pick up some clothes, and tell my parents that I wouldn't be home until next week. They told me to be careful, and if we needed anything to call.

We finally arrived back at the Bucy home, I grabbed Jeremy's crutches and carried them in the house and set them in his room. When I went back out to get Jeremy, he was starting to wake up just a bit.

"Hey, we finally made it home?"

"Yeah, I got your crutches in your room, now all I have to do is get you in there."

"You can get me anywhere you want to."

"OK, come on, grab around my neck, and let's get you inside, before you pass out again."

As I reached in to pick him up, I noticed that he was quite limp, but he was being very friendly. When I got him situated in his room, I went back outside to move the van into the garage. When I got my van parked in the garage, I grabbed my things out of the van and headed inside. As I opened the door, I heard what sounded like a low moan, so I dropped my things and headed straight for Jeremy's room.

"I can't believe you did this young man. You knew how important these trips were to your father and me. Could you possibly have worse timing?"

"It's not like I broke my ankle on purpose, Mom. Besides, what difference does it make? You hired Randy to stay with me, so you don't have to miss anything. Why don't you just ship me off somewhere, so you don't have to deal with me at all?" I could tell Jeremy was extremely upset, but I didn't think I should intrude.

"If I thought we could find a good boarding school, you would be on the next bus out of town when we got back."

"Well, I'm almost 14, so you don't have that much longer to deal with me, and I'll be out of your hair. You can just forget you ever made the mistake of having me, and I'll forget that I ever lived here."

"We'll talk about this when we get back! I've got to get to the airport or I'll miss my flight."

"Oh, Randy. I didn't know you were back in the house yet. I've left some money and phone numbers on Jeremy's dresser. If you need us, just call. Have a good week, and thanks for taking care of Jeremy," Martha said, as she rushed out of Jeremy's room and toward the door.

"Thank you, Ms. Bucy..." Not that she heard anything I said. She was closing the door as she finished what she had to say. She was off on her trip, and Jeremy was just another inconvenience.

As I walked into Jeremy's room, I could see he was extremely upset. "Hey, kid, how's the ankle?" I didn't think it would be good for him to know I had just heard the exchange between him and his mother.

"It's fine," he said, sulking. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you, it's just that I had a fight with Mom before she left.

"It's OK. Between that, and the pain in your ankle, well, I understand. Don't' worry about it. I heard part of what you and your mother said.

When he knew that I had heard at least part of the fight they had had, he suddenly just broke down, and started crying.

"I don't understand. I try to be a good son. Not get in their way. I do everything they ask, never get in trouble, but it just seems like whatever I do, it isn't good enough for them."

I walked over and put my arm around him, and just let him cry himself out. He needed this more than I realized. His parents were so perfect in front of other people, but inside the family, they were nothing more than a couple of snakes. I really didn't know how people could be that way. Jeremy was such a wonderful young man. How could anyone not be absolutely captivated by him? As he finally finished crying himself out, he leaned back, and looked like someone had caught him doing something wrong.

"I'm sorry, Randy. I shouldn't have done that. You don't need to have to deal with problems like my parents. I'm just glad you are here to take care of me."

"It's OK, Jeremy. I don't know your parents that well, but from what I have seen so far, I don't really like them that much. Especially your mother, I can't believe what I heard her say. No parent should be that cruel. But don't worry. I'll be here as long as you need me. It doesn't matter what they say, there are people in this world who care about you."

"Thanks," he said, lying back on his pillow. "Uh, do you think you could help me get out of these shorts? They are kind of tight, and I want to take a little nap."

"Sure," I said, reaching down for the button on his shorts. As I unbuttoned his shorts, I could see him start to fade out already. Between the stress with his mother, and the pain pill they had given him at the hospital, I was surprised he had lasted this long. I gently unzipped his shorts, and slid them down his legs. As they got to the cast, I decided I needed to be very careful in getting them over the cast, so as not to jar his ankle any. When I finally had the shorts off, I tossed them into the dirty clothes hamper in his room, and tried to figure out a way of getting him under the covers. He looked so innocent lying there asleep in his underwear. I decided the best thing to do would be to turn back one side of the bed, roll him over, and cover him up. I didn't think trying to get him to wake up so I could move him would be very profitable.

I climbed over him gently, so as not to wake him, and turned back the side of the bed closest to the wall. After getting the covers turned back as best I could, I slid back over Jeremy, and rolled him over to the side where the covers were turned back, then turned the other side back, so he could rest comfortably on his back, like he had fallen asleep. When he rolled back over on his back, into the center of the bed, he looked up at me, with almost a pleading in his eyes.

"Lay down with me for a little while," he said

"OK." Let me get my shoes and socks off, and lock the door, and I'll be back in a minute.

"Don't forget to take your shirt and shorts off too," he said, smiling.

As I walked out to secure the house, I wondered exactly where this week would take me. Jeremy was a wonderful kid, but I wasn't sure I was ready to get involved with someone five years younger than me. Besides, I was 18 and he was only 13. Although I did hear him mention something about being almost 14, I hadn't caught any details. I would have to find out when his birthday was, and make sure at least something good happened for him.

After getting the house locked up and the lights turned off, I started back towards Jeremy's room. As I quietly walked into the room, I could hear him snoring lightly. I sat down on the edge of the bed to take off my shoes and socks. As I sat there, I looked down at Jeremy. He looked like a perfect angel. Albeit an angel with a broken ankle. As I peeled off my Madison Scouts t-shirt, I debated whether or not to take off my shorts. They were pretty tight, and it would certainly feel good to get them off, but I just wasn't sure. I was already starting to care very deeply for this young man, but I just wasn't sure if what he was feeling for me was what I was feeling for him. I couldn't make up my mind whether he was looking at me as a surrogate parent, or as a friend, or as a potential lover. Discretion won out, and I ended up unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts, but not removing them.

As I climbed into bed with Jeremy, I felt him stir a bit. By the time I had gotten myself situated and comfortable in the bed, Jeremy was once again snoring lightly. A few minutes later, I felt him as he rolled over. He put his head on my shoulder, his arm over my abdomen, and slung his cast over my leg. I'm pretty sure he was semi-awake, because he was careful when he moved his cast. He set it down gently between my legs. I slipped my arm under his neck, and just pulled him closer. I heard a sigh, as he drifted off to sleep again. I don't think the poor child had ever felt as comfortable as he did right then.

When I awoke a couple of hours later, I looked over at Jeremy, who was laying there staring at me. He had his hand on my chest, and was lying on his side. When he realized I was awake, he started blushing.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, but you looked so peaceful laying there asleep."

"That's ok," I said, reaching a hand up to ruffle his smooth blonde hair.

"I'm sorry I lot it earlier, when Mom was getting ready to leave, but between the pain pills, and the stress of what she said, I just couldn't take it."

"Don't worry about it. I don't know that I would have held up as well as you under the same circumstances."

"I don't mean to change the subject, but I gotta go to the bathroom again."

"Do you need me to help you in there, or do you want to try walking on your crutches?"

"Let's save the crutches for tomorrow. It's getting late, and I don't want to have to try to use them. I just need to pee, so if you can help me in there, I promise I won't try to pee all over you this time," he said smiling.

"Well, if you promise," I said, edging my arm out from under his neck, and getting out of the bed.

"Hey, you cheated. You kept your shorts on. I remember telling you to take them off before you got into the bed."

"Well, I wasn't sure if that was you talking or if you were just already asleep."

"I meant for you to get comfortable. There isn't anyone else here, and won't be the rest of the week, so there isn't any reason to be uncomfortable. I usually don't wear anything except maybe underwear around in my room, or the house when there isn't anyone else here."

"But there is someone else here. I'm here."

"You don't count. We're both guys. It's not like you haven't seen what I've got. You almost got sprayed by it earlier."

"Well, that's true, but I just wasn't sure. Some guys are fine with wearing very little, some guy are quite shy about it. Personally, I don't wear anything when I'm in my room at home, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with my not wearing clothes."

With that, Jeremy proceeded to lift his butt up off the bed and slid his underwear off. After he tossed them into the laundry hamper, he reached out and slid my shorts down, and off, then made a grab for my underwear. By this point, I was starting to get a hard-on, and wasn't sure I wanted Jeremy to see that just yet, so I interrupted him.

"Hey, I thought you needed to piss?" I said, reaching down to lift him up.

"I do. Help me get in there, and maybe I won't piss on you."

"You promised."

"I will plead that the drugs made me loose my control and my aim."

"Oh great. Why do I have the distinct feeling I'm going to get soaked in there?"

"Well, if you do happen to get some on you, you can always take a shower."

By now, we were in the bathroom, me holding Jeremy up from the side.

"If you don't want to get pissed on, I would suggest you aim this thing somewhere else."

I looked down, and it was hanging down, but pointed just about at my feet. "You could aim it ya know."

"I don't wanna," Jeremy said defiantly, crossing his arms.

As I saw the first drops start to head out of his limp dick, I reached and pointed it toward the toilet.

"Well, you didn't make too much of a mess. A little on my feet and legs, and a little on your leg. At least you didn't get any on your cast."

"Well, it looks like you are going to have to wash both of us up then. Did the nurse give you a bag for my leg so I could take a shower?"

"Yeah, it's still out in the van."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to go get it, because I think I need a shower. And since I can't take one without you helping me to stand up, I guess that means you will get one as well."

"You could take a bath, you know."

"Oh, but that wouldn't be any where near as much fun." I don't have a bathtub in here, and that would mean we would have to go to Mom and Dad's room. We might try that later in the week though, they have a nice Jacuzzi in there.

"Well, that means I have to get dressed to go get your bag out of the van."

"Why? There isn't any way anyone can see the house or the garage unless they are on the property. You can go out just like you are. Sometimes when I go outside, I don't even wear underwear."

"Well, I did notice that you don't have much of a tan line."

"That's because I have been sitting outside in the nude all summer."

"Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll put my shorts on before I go out to the van. I don't mind running around the house without much on, but outside is different."

"Well, if you want to take all the fun out of it, go ahead, but tomorrow, we play by my rules."

"We'll see about tomorrow, tomorrow," I said, as I put down the lid on the toilet. You sit here for a minute, and I'll run get the bag out of the van, so you can take your shower."

As I walked through Jeremy's room, I grabbed my shorts, and slipped them back on. I didn't bother to zip or button them, as I was only running out to the van for a minute. I was nervous about this for several reasons. Not only was I spending time with Jeremy with him in the nude, he was expecting me to do the same. I certainly didn't mind being nude with him, but I wasn't sure I could control my erections. I was hard as a rock right now, and I had to think of something to make my dick go down. I couldn't start stripping down to give Jeremy his shower with a boner.

By the time I had gotten back in with the bag, my hard-on had subsided somewhat, although I was by no means completely limp.

As I walked back into the bathroom, Jeremy was still sitting where I had left him, but he was at least semi-hard. I knelt down to start to wrap his cast with the bag, and he refused to let me lift it.

"Not until you take your clothes off too."


"If I'm going to be sitting here nude, you are too. It's only fair."

"Fine," I said, dropping my shorts. "But if you want the underwear off, you are going to have to take them off yourself."

"OK," he said, reaching for my underwear. I couldn't believe that I was letting a beautiful 13 year old boy take my underwear off. As he started pulling them down, he ran his hand over my cock and balls. He noticed that I kept my pubic region shaved.

"Why don't you have any hair down there?"

"I keep it shaved off."


"I like the feeling of not having hair."

"It's so smooth. It's almost like you haven't ever had hair there."

"Well, I usually shave it every morning, and I don't have a lot of body hair anyway." Jeremy was fascinated that I shaved my pubic hair. Most boys at his age would want as much pubic hair as possible, to show that they have started maturing. In high school, pubic hair is something to be proud of, not something that you keep removed.

"Wow, I might try that sometime."

"That's up to you, but for now, lets get this bag on you, so we can get your shower and get you back in bed."

"OK." As I put the bag over his cast, and taped it down to keep any water from getting in, I kept occasionally glancing up to make sure I wasn't taping it too tight. I didn't want to cut off the circulation to his foot. Every time I looked up, I couldn't help by look at the beautiful cock just inches from my face. I also noticed that every time I moved his leg to get the bag and tape in place, he would gently rub my cock and balls with his toes. I was pretty sure that something was going to develop here, but not sure enough to make the first move, at least not yet.

"There, you are all bagged up and should stay dry. Lets get you into the shower, and get you cleaned up, so we can your butt back in bed. After we get you cleaned up, I'll see what I can find to eat, if you are hungry."

"Yeah, it's been a long time since lunch."

"How hot do you like your shower?" I asked. I liked a very hot shower, with a cool spray right before I got out to cool me off.

"It doesn't matter. Just not too cold."

"OK, well I'll get it started, and we can adjust it once we are in there."

As I started the shower, I had to lean over quite a bit, exposing my rosebud. I looked over my shoulder, and caught Jeremy staring at it. This turned me on even more. Once I had the shower running and the temperature adjusted, I decided it was time to take the plunge, figuratively speaking.

"All right, here we go. Now, remember, you can't put any weight on that ankle, so lean on me for support and balance."

"Don't worry, I remember how much it hurt when I put my weight on it last time. I won't be doing that again."

After I helped him stand up, we hobbled over to the shower. I had left the door open, and he didn't have any trouble getting his foot over the small ledge that was there to keep the water from running out into the bathroom floor.

"Does it feel like your bag is leaking?" I asked, wanting to make sure that his cast wasn't getting wet.

"No, feels completely dry."

"Good, I'll wash the part of your foot that I can get to when we get finished in here. In the mean time, do you think you can wash yourself, or do you need me to do it for you."

"Well, I might be able to if you held on to me, but I think it would be easier if I just held on to your shoulders, while you washed me."

"OK," I said, grabbing the shampoo. "Let's start with your hair."

As I shampooed his hair, I noticed how comfortable he seemed with me touching him. I was still standing behind him, so I couldn't see whether he had a hard-on or not, but I suspected that he might. After I had finished shampooing his hair, I grabbed a wash cloth and the soap, and started to wash his neck and back.

"Mmm, that feels good."

As I worked my way down his back, I noticed that he was starting to get more and more into me washing him. I wasn't certain how to proceed when I got to his ass. It was so beautiful. A nice round bubble butt, silky smooth. I was somewhat nervous by this point, especially considering the rock hard erection I had. I knew if he turned around, he would know I was excited by him.

"Don't forget to wash in the crack," he said jokingly.

"Don't worry. I want you nice and clean. Having to put that bag on your leg is difficult enough, I don't want to have to do it again in a few minutes, just because I missed something."

As I ran the wash cloth between his butt cheeks, I could feel him relax. I made sure to get him especially clean back there, just in case what I was hoping for happened to come true. As I worked my way down his legs, I could see that his balls were pulled up tight against his body. I knew it wasn't that the water was cold, so I guessed he was somewhat excited by having me touch him all over.

"OK, that takes care of the back, can you turn around so I can get the front, or do you want to do that part?"

"Nope, I want you to do it all," he said, reaching behind to grab my shoulder.

'Oh boy, this is it. He's going to see my erection, and think I'm some kind of pervert,' I thought.

As he turned around, I noticed that he was sporting a major hard-on himself.

I chose not to comment on it, just to see if he would say anything. He remained silent, as I soaped up the wash cloth again, and started on his chest and arms. As I worked my way up to his arm pits, I was noticed that he was moving closer to me.

"Uh, Randy?"


"You aren't going to believe this, but I've gotta pee again."

"OK, well, from the direction your dick is pointing, it doesn't look like heading for the toilet is an option, so I guess just let it fly in here."

"What if I get some of it on you?"

"Well, we are in the shower, and I haven't washed up yet, so I don't guess it makes that much difference."

"Good," he said, letting loose a stream of piss that would make a horse proud. He was looking me straight in the eye, when I suddenly felt the hot stream directed directly toward my crotch. He reached out and pulled me closer, and started grinding his hard cock into mine as he pissed on both of us. The sensation was too great, and I let loose with a stream of my own, to match his.

"Oh God, that feels good. I've always wondered what it felt like to have someone else pissing on me."

With that, he pulled my head to his, and placed his mouth over mine. Jeremy started one of the longest and most erotic kisses I've had in my entire life. By the time the kiss was over, we were both drained, but still grinding our cocks together.

I rinsed his chest and arms off as I nibbled on his ears and neck. As I worked my way down his chest, sucking and gently biting his nipples, I could feel him straining to keep from exploding. As I got down to his belly button, I started running my tongue around and in it, and I could feel his hard cock poking me in the chin. I looked up, and he had a look of complete and absolute ecstasy on his face. At that point, I was too far gone to care what happened, so I took the plunge and started licking his throbbing cock.

As I licked down the shaft, I could feel his heart beat in his cock. I gently sucked one of his balls into my mouth, and rolled it around. I could hear him moaning, and feel the pressure of his hands on my shoulders. It was now or never. I licked back up the shaft of his cock, and in one motion, took his entire five and a half in cock into my mouth.

I started sucking like I never had before. I had never really made love to anyone. I had sucked a couple of cocks in my life, but this was completely different. Before it had always been you suck me and I'll suck you. With Jeremy it was different. I didn't care if I got off or not, I just wanted to please him. Anything he wanted, I would do.

As I slid his cock in and out of my mouth, I knew he wouldn't last long, and I didn't want to take a chance on missing a single drop of his hot sweet jizz.

"Oh God, Randy. I'm gonna cum! I can't stop!"

And with that, he erupted into my mouth. Four. Five. Six. Seven blasts of his hot boy jizz into my mouth. It was the sweetest cum I had ever tasted. I savored it as long as I could, but I knew that if I let go of him, he would fall and hurt himself. I had to concentrate on keeping him standing up.

As I slowly stood back up, still with a mouthful of my Jeremy's cum, he pulled me into another kiss. This one no so urgent, more of a lovers embrace. When he opened his mouth, I let him suck some of his own cum out of my mouth, before swallowing the rest.

When he had finally come down from his post orgasmic high, I told him to hang on, and I would finish getting him cleaned up.

After I had finished washing him, I quickly washed myself, and we both rinsed and started to climb out of the shower.

Nothing had been said about what had happened, and I wasn't sure whether or not anything needed to be said.

After I had gotten Jeremy seated on the toilet, I dried us both off, and washed the part of his foot that I could get to, without getting his cast wet, and helped him back into bed.

"Thanks, Randy. I really needed the shower. Why don't you lay down with me, and we can see what's on TV."

As I climbed into bed beside Jeremy, I felt completely loved and at home. It didn't matter where we were, as long as we were together.

"I love you, Jeremy," I said, hoping he would at least acknowledge my feelings.

"Oh Randy, I was so scared that what happened in the shower was just a one time thing. That was the most wonderful experience I've ever had in my entire life. I love you, too."

As we lay in bed, holding each other and kissing, life seemed right. I just hated that the one person on my life had to be in pain, to bring us together.

To Be Continued (if you want)

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Next: Chapter 2

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