Joeys Super Hero

Published on May 16, 2002


Boybands - Joey's Super Hero - Chapter 11 - Demonloque Saga - Part 2 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

  4. The X-Ternals and all superhereos part of that group are copyright by John Poole, created by John Poole.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

Story Legend - ' ' = Thinking, "" = Speaking, (<>) = Sound Effects


Joey's Super Hero - Chapter 11 - Demonloque Saga - Part 2

by JT Poole

**** Flashback ****

"Tim, why can't you love me the way I love you? When I first saw you, I knew you were the man for me, just let me love you and see what happens between us." Marek pleaded with JT.

"Marek, I don't love you, I don't have any feelings for you at all, I barely know you now since the accident." JT stated calmly to Marek.

"Oh but you remember everyone else, but you don't remember me, you loved me, me the man that saved you from Zeos, that evil guy that tried to make you his slave for all eternity!" Marek screamed.

"Look, it's not my fault that my short term memory was erased. It wasn't my choice to have a bomb explode and I get caught in the aftershock of it." JT stated to Marek.

"Honey it's is your fault that you tried to stop the bomb by using your psionic powers to shield it from everyone!" Marek screamed.

"Look Marek, I am leaving, I am going back to the X-Ternals were I belong, at least with them, I can be me and no one cares about what I do. If I want to save the world, I will, but I don't have to answer to you and no one else so just leave me alone." JT said to Marek as he fell to the floor.

"You will not leave me, I love you and I will keep you forever. As long as you are in that coma, you will never be able to leave me." Marek said as he pick JT up and carried him away.

**** End Flashback ****

  • Somewhere in Texas, 'N Sync's Tour Bus *

"JT what's wrong? What's going on?" Joey asked, hoping that JT was just having a bad moment.

"I am not JT, so I wish you stop calling me that!" JT screamed.

"Then what should I call you honey?" Joey asked as he started trembling.

"You may call me Love, but everyone else will refer to me as DemonLoque!" JT said as he radiated energy all around his body, making everyone shield their eyes.

"Okay, okay Love, how about you help us with Wanda, she's flipped out, we need to get away to safety." Joey said as Lance and Chris, grabbed JC and Justin and started walking around from the two of them.

"Where are you two going!?!?!?" JT shouted at Lance and Chris.

"Oh nowhere, we were just trying to get into the shade." Lance lied.

"Silly boy, haven't you learned that I am a psychic and I can read your mind, and what a filthy mind it is. I see that you have a crush on Hank, well sorry to burst your bubble, but Hank doesn't love you anymore, he has fallen in love with someone else. That's what happens when you procrastinate." JT said as he telekinetically grabbed Joey and lifted him to his side.

"What's going on, what are you doing?" Joey asked JT as they started to float higher into the sky.

"Stop!! What are you doing Tim, what have you done?!" Hank asked, posing as JT's father as he appeared next to Lance and Chris.

"Daddy, daddy what are you doing here." JT asked as his eyes stopped glowing red, and started glowing yellow.

"Son, what caused you to become evil again, what has caused you to loose your purity?" Hank asked as he floated up to JT and Joey.

"Daddy, daddy, I don't know, I went to save them, I really did, but they were dead when I got to them, so I couldn't save them. If you can't save someone, what's the use in being good?" JT said as he started to cry and floated himself and Joey to the ground.

"Son, who's dead, who did you try to save?" Hank asked.

"I tried to save them, all of them and no one survived. I held Rachel in my arms as she spoke her last words. I don't think I will ever be able to forget that, ever forget that at all!" JT screamed as he clothing changed to reveal his regular costume.

'Well he change back into his regular clothes, so I guess his dad is getting through to him. I thought we were goners when he started talking a few minutes ago. What have I gotten myself into, falling in love with a super hero of the worst kind.' Joey thought to himself or so he thought.

"No you haven't Joey, I am so sorry that you and the others went through that, I didn't mean for any of this to happen, but I was weak and Marek was able to use the past against me." JT said as he walked over to Joey and hugged him.

"Look, stay away from me man, I don't know what you are anymore, you scared me really bad, I didn't know if you were going to kill us or what!" Joey screamed at JT.

"Joey I said I was sorry, it's not my fault...please don't do this." JT pleaded with Joey.

"No Man, NO!" Joey shouted again.

"Well Fine, if you don't love me anymore, than there's nothing to be good for anymore!!!!" JT said as his eyes started glowing red again and his costume changed back to black as he flew into the air and disappeared.

"Oh no, that didn't help matters any at all." Hank said as he morphed back into his normal personage.

"Hank it was you all along? I thought you were one of Marek's slaves." Lance said as he hugged him.

"No, kinda hard to change me into a slave when I can move faster than he can." Hank said as he thought about the time Marek had trying to catch him.

"I need to call for backup to help with this situation. Since Joey just pushed JT back into his evil state, when I pulled him out of it, nothing matters to JT now and he doesn't care who or what he destroys now that the evil persona is in charge." Hank said as he scowled at Joey.

"Don't blame this on me, I don't make him that way! He scared me and I don't like being scared." Joey said as Justin and JC awoke.

"What's going on, where are we?" JC asked.

"We are someone between Dallas and nowhere." Lance said.

"Why do I have a banging headache? Feels like someone dropped an anvil on my head in one of those cartoons." Justin said as he stood up and leaned on Chris.

"Well you two are the victims of Marek, now it seems we have a total of four of you now. I am gonna go inside the bus and see what's going on with Wanda and Barbara, you all stay out here." Hank said as he flew towards the bus.

  • On The Tour Bus *

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean to kill here, she jumped on me, and I blasted here with my magic energy bolt, I didn't mean to do it." Wanda said as she held Barbara in her arms, trying to comfort the young woman.

"What the hell! Wanda what did you do?" Hank said as he flew to the two ladies and grabbed Barbara and flew out.



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AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 12

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