John and Randy

By Marie Sanders

Published on Jul 11, 2008


John and Randy part 5


To my readers: Sorry it took me so long to put up the next chapter of the John and Randy story. I hope this one is as good as the others, and as you know, I always respond to my feedback, and I love getting it, so dont feel shy. Send me and email telling me what you think of it.


"Yes, sir."...."Yes, sir"...."Yes, sir."

"John, who was that?" Randy yelled to John as he was taking a shower.

"My dad. He is coming to the show tonight. He said that he's got front row seats, and he cant wait to see what The Champ does tonight."

"Is there something wrong?" Randy asked as he stepped out of the shower.

"No, it just means that you and I have to take a small break. Its just for tonight though."

"What are you talking about, John. I dont understand. Why do we have to take a break? Its just one show."

"I know, Randy, but I dont want my dad to suspect anything, and I would rather us not get involved tonight, because once I get going, I dont want to stop."

"Whatever, John. You know sometimes, you make no fucking sense. First you an asshole, and wouldnt let Cody join us, and now your telling me that you want to take a break because your dad is coming and you dont want him to suspect? If I wanted all this drama, I wouldve stayed with women. You are too much for me right now."

"Randy, what the fuck are you talking about. All I said was I think we need to cool it down tonight becau...."

"Because you dont want your dad to find out that you like to fuck men. I get it John, but if you want to cool it down tonight, you might want to get used to it because I am done with you."\line "Randy, wait..." John yelled at Randy, but it was too late. He was already storming out of the room and down the hallway. John couldnt understand why his heart sank when Randy was yelling at him. He couldnt understand why Randy was feeling the way he was feeling.

As Randy stormed down the hallway in a jealous rage, he began to wonder why he had blown up when John said he wanted to cool it down for one night. If it had been his father he would have wanted John to do the same thing. Since he had no where else to go, Randy went to arena where they were hosting the show. He went back to the locker rooms and just sat there. His phone rang several times, and each time it was John. Something inside of him told him to answer the phone, but his own stupid pride wouldn't let him. Randy was going to win this arguement with John and that was that. He wasn't going to give into John and his apologetic eyes. Not tonight. Randy had a point to prove and he was going to prove it, damn it. Each time he saw John's name on the caller id he just stared at it until it quit ringing.

Several hours later, while Randy was getting ready for his upcoming match with John, he broke down and cried. "Why was I so fucking stupid?!" he yelled at himself. Knock knock knock. "Yeah?", Randy called to the person at the door. "Randy, you're on in five." "Thanks, Joe." As he was making his way to the entrance he had to give himself a little pep talk. "Come on, Randy, buck up. It was just a stupid fight. It'll all blow over soon. Come on, come on!!!" He heard his music and made his way down to the ring. John was already in the ring staring him down, waiting to beat the living shit out of him, which is what was supposed to happen. Instead of running to the ring like he normally does when he is pissed off, he walked. He walked very slowly. He didn't even stop to do his famous pose. During the match, John was throwing Randy all over the place and he wasn't even fighting back. He just laid there and made it easy for John, like he was trying to say sorry without even saying the words. Afterwards, in the locker room, John came to Randy's door. Knock knock knock! "Randy! Open up!" "What do you want, John!" Randy shouted. "Let me in, Randy. I need to talk to you." Randy opened the door and just stared at John. "Randy, I'm sorry. I know i shouldn't have been so concious earlier, and I don't think that we should stop just because I am too scared to tell my dad." Randy didn't say a word, he just pulled John in his room, shut and locked the door, pushed John up against the wall and kissed him. "You shouldn't be the one that is sorry, John. I should be the one apologizing. After I left i realized that if it was me in your position, I would've done the same thing, and I'm so very sorry. I love you, John and I don't want us to break up just over one stupid fight. And I was hoping that what I did in the ring tonight would make up for my idiocracy." "Randy, shut up and kiss me again."

Next: Chapter 6

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