Johnnyo Meets

Published on Apr 16, 2014


JohnnyO Meets 8-9 By: Calum P and By: L Little

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Chapter 8 Carson Lueders

As Spencer, Rudy, Cole, and JohnnyO where taking their shower, JohnnyO got to know the boys little better. Not only douse Spencer, Rudy and, Cole love to wear dippers and been in twenty boy films they also have small wetness problems. He also found out that the reason Rudy left of being a dipper model is because he likes this job better. Also that Cole and Spencer are secretly dating and the only person knows is Rudy and now him. Once they were all dressed JohnnyO decided to be a dipper boy model and told the three. They all smiled but told him they will talk more about this later. Then they soon left JohnnyO. JohnnyO looked at the time and had two hours left before he has to be on a plain back home. He quickly called his dad about a new little job about doing a duet and a music video with Carson Lueders and will get his ticket to be back home for tomorrow. His dad understood and called the airlines. Once off the phone JohnnyO went to grab something to eat. JohnnyO did not know what the song will be or what's going to happen in the video but could not wait to meetCarson Lueders. As he was eating Leo came by with papers in hand. Leo soon sat next to JohnnyO and gave him the papers he had.

"Here is a list of all the boys that has done boy movies. Just check the ones you want and I'll give you all their videos. There are even vintage boy videos on this list. So just give it to me when you're done."

Leo soon left and JohnnyO just looked at the list and checked off the ones he wanted. JohnnyO picked fifteen boys. After he was done eating he got up and walked around the big studio. JohnnyO soon ran into Leo and gave him the list. Leo soon got a call.

"Yes....ok we will meet you there."

Leo soon put his phone back into his pocket.

"Ok they are here. Let's go."

The two of them soon headed to the main door to meet Carson Lueders and his manger. Once JohnnyO saw them he could not believe how was Carson's manger. It was no other then Justin Bieber and he had no tattoos at all on his arm. Leo soon shook Justin and Carson's hand. Leo smiled and shook his head.

"Good to see you again. How big is it this time?"

"Fourteen inches. I want to go for at least seventeen or maybe even bigger"

"Who are you kidding that's too big you and your dick pills just to make you bigger. By the way you took since you where twelve. Where I am born this way."

"So what at least mine is bigger than yours. besides I was ten when I took them."

"The only reason yours is bigger than mine is because you took more pills then you should have. and younger too. One bottle that's it but no you had to get more."

"So what besides more people want my videos over yours and I can fuck myself while being soft."

JohnnyO and Carson just lesson to the two older boys talk. They did not even bother to comment on what they were hearing. Leo and and Carson soon went to the side to talk about this music video. JohnnyO liked the idea of being two different ones. One for YouTube while the other is for himself. The only difference is kissing, holding hands, and short shorts. JohnnyO looked at the two songs and loved it. Soon it was time to shoot the music video.

Music Video***********

The first scene show Carson and JohnnyO is playing soccer on opposite sides with other boys. Carson is kicking the ball to the goal with JohnnyO running not far behind him. JohnnyO gets closer and attempts to get the ball when Carson and JohnnyO trip each other. Carson lands on his back where JohnnyO almost falls on top of him but caches himself by using his hands. The two look into each other's eyes and they kiss. The second scene shows Carson and JohnnyO riding bikes. The third scene shows JohnnyO and Carson laying on a hill wearing just short shorts and looking at the clouds. Carson's head is resting on JohnnyO's chest. JohnnyO starts to rub Carson's chest and his hand slowly moves its way to the short shorts. JohnnyO's hand soon slips in. Carson looks at JohnnyO and smiles. The two of them soon start to kiss. The forth shot is Carson and JohnnyO at a carnival and going on rides. The last scene is them walking into the sunset while holding hands. End of music video**************

"I love the taste of your lips. If you are not doing anything why don't you and me go to my hotel room I have it all to myself. So what do you say JohnnyO?"

"I will love to."

Before JohnnyO left Leo gave him a flash drive that looked like a toy car.

"Here you go. 1 trilobite of videos. Well there is still a hundred gigs left. Now don't loose it. Not just because you won't be able to watch it just don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. Oh also here is your money. You will get small payments as the days go on so it won't look odd."

Carson and JohnnyO where soon in the hotel room and they wast no time making out. Their cloths went off slowly as they made out. Carson became the first one to be naked. JohnnyO went on his knees and started to suck away while fingering Carson's ass. Carson could not help but to moan. JohnnyO was able to suck Carson's dick and balls at the same time. JohnnyO sucked faster and faster until Carson had his dry cum. Carson soon started to suck JohnnyO like a pro. He soon started to rim JohnnyO and JohnnyO loved it. He went back to JohnnyO's dick and sucked him until he had his dry cum. JohnnyO was soon getting fucked doggy stile. Carson went faster and faster until he had his second dry cum. Johnny was soon about to fuck Carson but Carson stopped him.

"I so want you to fuck me but, you can't. It's not that I'm afraid it's just the only two people are aloud to shove their dick in my ass or anything else and that is my sex masters"

"Who are they."

"Justin Bibber and his little brother."


"I know. Justin is an ass even when it comes to fucking. I hate piss but he loves it so I just want to make him happy. He pisses on me make me drink it and pisses up my ass. When he feels like he wants to piss longer than normal he drinks this stuff that makes him piss for a long time, like five minutes and It like kicks in ten minutes. So in the bottle it said only take one shot. Witch he dose sometimes but most of the time he will drank the whole bottle. This bottles he uses are the hugest bottles you can get. The bottles are like drinking two leaders of pop. To top it off he drank a leader of Mountain Dew just so he could piss even more. As he pisses on me he drinks more Dew. As for his brother he is more sweet. He gives me baths and I just love him. One time he let me fuck him. I hope he and I become boyfriends."

After JohnnyO herd all this they started to talk about other things. Until it was time for Johnny to go. As JohnnyO was leaving he got a text.

3-555-091-1232: Hi JohnnyO this is MattyB Raps. I am working in this UK tour and I don't want to do it alone. I want to know if you are interested. Text me back and we will work on the details.

Chapter 9 MattyB & Nick James

JohnnyO soon text MattyB back that he will love to and that he will have his spring break will be in two weeks from now and his break is for two whole weeks. Once JohnnyO was home he told his mom and dad about the tour and it will be on his spring break. His parents where happy for him. JohnnyO's two weeks until his break went very slowly. Ty, Christian, and Gage where busy, so he contact the other boys he messed around with but they too were busy. JohnnyO did not know what to do when he was done with his homework he ran out of songs to write about and it bothered him. He hoped he will come up with more songs. After the long two weeks JohnnyO was on the plane to England. It was a long flight and to top it off he will have to get use to the bigger time difference. After a long flight JohnnyO took his bags and started to look for his name. JohnnyO soon smiled when he seen the sign. The man soon took him to the limo and they are off to MattB's hotel. When the limo pulled up to the hotel JohnnyO seen the massive tour bus they will be on. As JohnnyO got out of the limo MattyB quickly got off the bus and greeted JohnnyO. The two boys hugged and helped JohnnyO with his luggage onto the bus. Once everything was on the bus the two of them hugged again.

"Are you ready to rock out JohnnyO."

"Yes I am."

"That's great. The driver is in the lobby. I told him I'll go get him when we are ready to leave. But first we need to do something for good luck."

"Ok what's that?"

"We need to dock each other."

"Dock each other what do you mean?"

"Oh you don't know? Well that's ok I'll tell you then after will show you. Docking is where you content two dicks by one boys forskin. You cover the other dick with it and the two boys soon start to jack off until

they cum into the forskin. Sometimes the cum goes into the piss slit as the heads are touching each other. So how about it?"

"Um ok I hope you have forskin because I don't."

"Not to worry I do. I won't bring it up if I didn't."

The boys soon dropped their pants with their boxers and MattyB started to dock with JohnnyO it felt strange to JohnnyO but he loved the feeling. JohnnyO wanted this felling to last forever but knew they have to be short as they have a show to do. Both boys started to moan and MattyB leaned in to kiss JohnnyO. Soon the two of them where making out. Soon both boys had there dry cum. They soon pulled there boxers and pants up and MattyB soon got the driver. The first stop only took an hour to get to, but the setup took two. The boys walked around and soon just waited in their dressing room. The boys looked at each other before locking the door. MattyB and JohnnyO soon was making out and cloths went everywhere. The boys soon ended up in a sixty nine with MattyB on top. As they sucked away they each played with one another's holes. MattyB soon started to turn himself around and put JohnnyO's dick in his ass. MattyB soon was fucking himself while making out with JohnnyO. MattyB was soon going faster and faster until JohnnyO had his second dry cum of the day. In no time MattyB was fucking JohnnyO fast and hard. MattyB wished they could go on stage naked and grind each other as they sang their songs, but knew that can't happen. Soon MattyB also had his second dry cum. The two of them went into the shower to get the boy sex smell off of them. The boys where soon in their outfits for the show. As the two of them steeped out MattyB's manger comes walking towards them with a boy.

"Hello MattyB and JohnnyO I will like you two to meet tonight's winner Nick James."

"Hi nice to meet you JohnnyO and I can't wait to get to know you."

MattyB's manger soon walks away leaving the three alone to chat.

"Wow I can't believe I won. Well as your manger said I'm Nick James. I just got into acting and I am on this new TV show called Hank Zipzer. Somehow I got the led" Nick looks around and to see if anyone is near by "There are cute boys in the show and you guys are cute too I would love it if we in you know shag? If you're not gay I can just suck your dicks and you can fuck me."

"Well Nick you are cute too. Today is your lucky day as you can come back to our hotel room and shag with us" MattyB said.

"Really oh my god."

The boys did three more songs for their encore. MattyB and JohnnyO waited for Nick to come back stage. Once he was there the three of them soon took a non-sexual shower as they want to smell good when then they get to the hotel for sex. Nick was the first one to get naked and he reveled his six inch dick. Both MattyB and JohnnyO smiled and they dropped to their knees taking turns sucking Nick's dick. While one sucked the dick the other was sucking the balls. This of corse made Nick moan. MattyB and JonnyO soon stood up and the three of them made out. JohnnyO was the next one to get naked. Just like with Nick Johnny had tow mouths working on his dick and balls. Then it became MattyB's turn. JohnnyO and Nick sucked away until it was time to fuck. Nick just smiled at the two dicks and spoke.

"I want both of you to fuck me at the same time."

Both MattyB and JohnnyO smiled and got ready to fuck Nick. Nick loves getting fucked more than fucking. He will take any size dick and he will even take two at once. Nick so badly want to try taking three at once. Small, big, fat, thin, or a mix he did not care. As long as he gets three dicks up his ass. Of corse he never told anyone that. MattyB and JohnnyO soon was soon fucking Nick faster and harder until they had there dry cum. As for Nick he got one too without touching himself. The three boys rested before taking a shower. Once the boys where dressed there was a knock on the door. MattyB looked at Nick and JohnnyO. They had the same look on their face. MattyB soon opened the door to see Ty standing there.

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Next: Chapter 7: Johnnyo Meets 10 13

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