Jordan and His Pit

By moc.loa@uty8orud

Published on Oct 30, 2019


It has been quite a while since I last relayed Jordan and my exploits. Jordan and I would still get together a couple times a month so he could use my throat and ass when the mood strikes him. That was fine with me because being of the older generation, it took my ass a while to bounce back when he fucked me good. Him being in his 20's and me in my 50's he loved to fuck, cum and fuck again, so it took a minute or two to be ready again. But I still enjoyed his company and walking around with his load in me.

I wasn't really surprised when he called me late one Saturday night. I just figured he was reaching out to see if it was cool to come over for the evening. But while talking to him, I could tell something was not right with him. Finally he spoke up and said he need to ask a favor of me. I said sure, what is it? He explained that there was an illness in the family and he had to leave right away, but it being Saturday night, he couldn't drop off his dog at a kennel. He was wondering if I would take care of the dog until Monday when the kennel opened and he would set it up that they would take care of the dog. He remembered very vividly my last interaction with that beast and knew he was going out on a limb asking this favor. Against my better judgement but knowing how stressed Jordan was, I relented and told him yes, bring the dog over and I would take care of him. Jordan then reminded me that I have no fenced yard so it would be better for me to stay at his place so the dog could go outside and I would have little interaction with him. That almost sounded like a good idea so told him I would be over in a couple of minutes. I grabbed my keys and rushed over to Jordan's house so he could get on the road to go see family.

When I got there the dog seemed to have mellowed and was already in his crate and Jordan rushed out the door. Since it was already pushing 1 AM, I went in to go to bed. I then realized that I had rushed out with stopping for additional clothes and don't wear underwear. I tried on a pair of Jordan's briefs, but could tell they were too tight and not something I would be comfortable wearing. I stripped down and climbed into Jordan's king sized bed nude. I was in bed for maybe two seconds when that damn dog starts whining. I figured that in Jordan's haste he had forgotten to let the dog out to pee before putting him in his crate so got up to let him out. I opened the crate door expecting him to make a rush to the back door and no, he runs in and jumps up onto the bed and stakes out a corner at the foot of the bed. I remember Jordan telling me that the reason he has such a large bed is that the dog sleeps with him at night. I looked at the beast and figured what the hell and got back into bed. Moments later I was out.

I don't know how long I had been asleep when I awoke with a start and realized that damn dog was licking the crack of my ass. I was positioned on my side and he was just lying there, slurping up and down the crack. I must say, he wasn't bad so I rolled over onto my stomach and let him at it. Don't know what you heard about getting your ass eaten, but this dog has some mad skills and that long tongue of his was reaching all sorts of wonderful spots. As I had rolled onto my stomach, he got between my legs and just kept licking and making my ass sloppy wet. It was such a bizarre good feeling that I just let him keep it up and even reached back to spread my cheeks, not that he needed any help getting in deep. I was in such a mellow mood that I didn't realize that he had repositioned himself and jumped up onto my back trying to stick his dick in me. Having gone thru this before, I tried to grab him, but I was too slow and he was in me. He just kept humping away on me and as I was trying to get him off my back, I felt his knot push into me. I knew at that point I was a goner and would be playing the bitch role again with this damn dog. His knot had started to grow while he was still in my asshole and it was starting to get real uncomfortable until I felt him slip all the way in and now his knot had room to grow inside of me. I knew struggle would be of no use so gave in, lay there and let him pump all his puppy makers into me. As he kept drooling on my back I finally got him to flip around so we were butt to butt. That way he was off of me and stopped scratching my sides with his toe nails. I lay there, face in pillow, butt in the air, regretting my decision to let him eat my ass. It was truly my fault and I tried to convince myself that as long as no one found out, no harm no foul. This too will pass. And it did. Soon he was pulling on me and I knew he would be popping free, so as much as I knew it would be uncomfortable, I kept my asshole squeezed tight so when he pulled free, all his cum wouldn't spill all over the bed, but then this made it harder for him to pull out. I just gritted my teeth and let him pull out of my clinched asshole. Luckily, no too much leaked out and as I was trying to get out of bed, he was a perfect gentleman and came over to lick my ass crack to clean me up. I just had to chuckle, the dog has better manners that most of the guys that have fucked me full of cum.

I finally made it out of bed, squeezed my ass shut and headed to the bathroom, where I aborted all his puppies. I couldn't believe one dog had dumped that much jizz into me. While sitting there I had to say to myself, as long as no one knows, what difference does it make if I am this dogs bitch. It actually felt pretty good to have him in me. I also thought, I need to get laid if I am considering it okay to let a dog fuck me. As I made it back to bed the damn dog was back into his corner licking his dick and when I tried to get him off the bed to his crate, he growled and not a nice growl either. I grabbed another sheet and wrapped myself in it like a big coccoon to try to protect what was left of my dignity. I soon fell asleep keeping an eye on that dog at the same time. Again, don't know how long I had slept when I felt him trying to eat my ass again. As hot as it was in the room, I guess my body unwrapped the extra sheet and I was bare to the world. This time instead of rolling over onto my stomach and giving him access to my ass, I rolled onto my back so he couldn't find my asshole to eat. But that didn't stop him, he was between my legs trying to lift my nuts out of the way with his snout so he could get to my ass from the top down. I wasn't quite ready to be his bitch again, but was remembering how good it felt having him in me, so I finally gave up and spread my legs and he went to it. It wasn't long before he had a paw on each side of me and was humping his junk against my junk. I didn't mind this too much, but his doggy precum was getting every where so I reached back grabbed his cock and guided it to my pucker. Instantly he was in me and you could look at his face and see the contentment on his face. He jumped around a few times and I soon felt his knot trying to punch its way into my ass. I pushed out a little and that was all it took and he was locked into place and I could feel each and every squirt that he shot into me. He just stood there filling me with doggy cum and slobbering all over my chest. The nice thing about this position was that his body was resting on my cock and my cock also felt each pulse of cum. What seemed like forever, but in reality was probably only 5 minutes, he decides it is time to rotate and he tries to turn around. How dogs do this without ripping off their dicks is beyond me, but he did it and then just stood there for another 10 minutes, cumming in me. I don't know if it is fortunate or not but I have learned his actions for when he is going to pull out of my ass. He starts fidgiting and lightly pulling and I knew it was coming. Just like the first time, I tightened my asshole so his puppy juice would not spill out all over the bed and he tugged and tugged and out it popped. I saw stars from the pain, but not a drop was spilled. I pulled my knees to my chest and just like before, he licked me clean before he went over and lay down in his corner. I got up and duck walked to the bathroom not spilling a drop and flushed all his puppies down the toilet. I went back to bed, but didn't get much sleep because it is hard to sleep keep one eye open and on the dog so he doesn't rape me again. It was only about an hour and the sun started coming up so I got out of bed and took the dog outside to do his business. When we came back into the house, he walks over to his crate and goes in to sleep. I thought, you SOB, keep me up all night and now you are going to take a nap. A dog's life i guess.

More to follow, if you like this let me know at and as always, you need to contribute to NIFTY to keep the stories coming.

Next: Chapter 3

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