Joseph Andrew Collins


Published on Jun 20, 2003


The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story. Please remember this is fiction. Representation of characters and institutions may not be relevant to today's society. I do not usually acknowledge e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you to let me know if this story is meeting your expectations. Hope that you continue enjoying the story. LJB

Joseph Andrew Collins Chapter 13

"What do you mean they're not here ?" Vince snarled. "That boy's going to be the death of me yet." He looked at Brad who just shrugged his shoulders and then he looked to me.

"I haven't seen them since Brad and I left them yesterday evening." I informed him. Vince took off to the Pledge wing. We both followed him. The Pledges all snapped to attention when we entered the room. Vince went over to Chuck and Pete.

"Where are they ?" he asked the two young men, using a calm, controlled tone. They looked at each other and then started to giggle like schoolgirls. Vince must have changed facial expression, because they suddenly stopped and stiffened their stance.

"I'm sorry, Sir," Pledge Chuck exclaimed, "but you're not going to believe this. They didn't get invitations."

"What ?" Chris roared from the doorway where he was standing. He took off back into the main area. "Where are Andy and Duane ?" he yelled out to no one in particular, but loud enough everyone in the building had to of heard. A minute later, Duane appeared at the head of the stairway from the second floor. Chris saw him and took off toward the stairs. "Take them to dinner while I straighten this out." he called back over his shoulder to Vince.

"This can't be happening." Brad said to me. I put my arm around his shoulder. "He'll never let any of us hear the end of it." I chuckled. "You can afford to laugh. You'll only be here this year. I'm going to be his target for the next two whole years." Chris came back across the lounge to where we stood.

"You were out with them last evening." he stated and I nodded. "You came in and never went to your office last night or today. Well, when Duane and Andy tried to deliver the notices last night, none of the fab four were home. So, knowing how important it was they be looked after, our two couriers put the two envelopes on your desk with a note. They delivered the other two this morning, secure in the knowledge that you would look after Tick and Kirk." I took off at a run, hit the stairs three at a time, rounded the corner and opened my office door. There in the middle of my desk pad were two, large, white envelopes with a note attached outlining what Chris had just related. I picked them up and carried them back downstairs.

"The question now is, how are you going to give these to them without having this Frat appear to be a bunch of feeble minded, incompetent, bumbling idiots ?" I asked. Chris, Brad and I stood there looking at each other as the Pledges headed out the door to the cafeteria for a late dinner. Vince came over to us.

"I gave them an hour. Some of them have eaten, but I told them to go anyway." Vince said. I held up the two envelopes for him to see.

"Son of a bitch!" he swore. "How ?" Chris explained it to him.

"I think we should go over there, give it to them, tell them we wanted them to come in later and that's why we held back their notices." Chris suggested.

"Joe would read us like a cheap novel." Brad pointed out and I agreed with him. "I think instead, Andrew should take them the envelopes, tell them the truth and get it over with."

"Why me ?" I asked. "I'm not suppose to be active anymore, I'm here to advise, oversee and guide." I didn't especially want to be the sacrificial lamb.

"I think you, for the very best of reasons." Chris indicated. "You're older and more mature. You're more experienced. And Joe respects you and won't make fun of you. Once he's here in the House, he'll be under control and won't give us a hard time." Brad and Vince supported him.

"Spoken like true big brothers." I noted. "Give me the damn envelopes." I took them back from Chris. "I'll go, but trust me, Joe will let you know, no matter how well you think you're protected." I walked alone over to Roberts Hall and up to room 202, where I knocked firmly on the door. After a minute or so the door was opened by a glum looking Kirk. He gazed at me and a slight greeting smile appeared amid the gloom of his countenance. His gaze fell to the two envelopes I held in my hand and his eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"Yahoo!" Vince yelled as he grabbed me, picked me up and spun me into their room.

At precisely 6 o'clock there was a timid knock at our door. I opened it and found four of our Pledge brothers, or I guess now former Pledge brothers, standing in the hallway.

"Can we come in ?" Darryl asked and of course I ushered them into the room. "Chuck told me you hadn't received a return invitation either, as he was leaving earlier. I couldn't believe it. We all consider you as much one of the Brothers as any of them. We came to tell you how sorry we all felt about it."

"Thanks guys." I responded. "Sometimes these things happen for a reason. Maybe we all have other things we are intended to do." I tried to be philosophical about what had happened, but the truth was I didn't understand it. My heart was broken and I didn't know why Brad hadn't made contact with me to offer some support.

"Have you thought about approaching another Frat ?" one of the other guys asked. "We thought we would all go together. It'd be great if you two joined with us." This thought had not even crossed my mind as yet and glancing at Kirk, I knew he hadn't considered it either.

"Where were you going to apply ? Kirk asked. He then told the others about our experience last night in the Pizza Shop.

"I think the Brothers were recommending we go and see Devon Seamore at the Alpha Gamma Gamma Fraternity." I suggested. "They wouldn't have let him speak to us if they weren't endorsing his recruiting."

"That's right." Darryl agreed. "He also said, they were working to make their Frat more along the traditions of the DPD too. Their Pledge orientation is not demeaning like what you guys saw last night."

"I think we should get the others who didn't receive second invitations and all go to see the Alpha Gamma Gammas" Tony Ripley declared. "We'll show DPD those they didn't want can be just as good as they are."

"If that's the attitude you guys have," I stated, "I'm not interested in being your Brother. DPD didn't slight us. We approached them, asking to be included. They included us right up to the point where either we had to go, or another of our Pledge brothers had to go. A choice was made and I respect the Brothers more than enough, to believe they made the one best for the Fraternity. It might hurt to have not made our goal, but I'm willing to accept the Brothers did what was best. I know deep down they didn't like doing it." There was silence and I hoped the others were thinking it over.

"You're right, Joe." Darryl declared. "The Brothers are not our opposition. They are still our Brothers in the spirit of Fraternity and those who can not see that shouldn't be joining anything." The others acknowledged in a general consensus. I felt much better about their outlook. There was a.firm knock on our door, which Kirk went to answer.

"Yahoo!" Kirk yelled a few moments later and came spinning into the room with Andrew held tightly in a bear hug. Recovering himself, he set Andrew down and stood rigidly at attention. "Sorry, Sir." As soon as I saw it was Andrew, I too stood straight and the others in the room followed my lead.

"It's okay, Kirk. I'm glad to see you, too." Andrew responded in his usual calm and quiet manner. "I see we have a gathering of the clan." Everyone had noticed the envelopes in his hand by now and even standing at attention you could feel the excitement level significantly increase from those in our room. "Relax, guys. I'm here as a friend."

"You are welcome here anytime, Andrew." I stated. "Did you guys know that Andrew is my brother, Brad's 'big Brother' and he's been one to me too for as long as I've been coming here ? I rely on him more than anyone else, besides Brad." Andrew held up the two envelopes in his hand. I looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah, they did." he answered my silent question.

"Andrew has brought invitations, which were misplaced over the weekend, for Kirk and me to return to the Frat House." I announced, not certain how our other guests were going to feel and react. There was an immediate furor of joyful shouts, hugs and pats on Kirk's and my shoulders and backs as our four brothers rejoiced over our good fortune.

"Get your things ready." Andrew counselled. "You're already late and they've had to put the schedule back an hour to accommodate us." Andrew drew our four colleagues to one side of the room while Kirk and I threw the items we would require into our duffle bags. By the time we were ready, each of the four Andrew had been speaking with were shaking his hand and returning the hugs he offered to each one.

"I'm as pleased for you, as I would be for myself." Darryl told me as he shook my hand and gave me a tight hug. "We'll see you in a couple weeks and talk about all the great things that are going to be going on for all of us." Each of the others repeated his action with both me and Kirk. They left our room headed to find the others and then go to the AGG Frat House.

On the way to our Frat House, Andrew filled us in on the adventures of our invitation envelopes over the past 24 hours. He apologized, which was totally unnecessary, as he had done nothing wrong.

"The only one to blame here is Brad." I declared. Andrew started to laugh. "If he had been a good, thoughtful brother, he would have come over to the dorms this afternoon to help us pack. Then we all would have known something was wrong, long before all the upset. It's definitely Brad's fault. And Chris' too." Andrew was laughing so hard he could hardly keep walking. He reached over and took me into a tight hug.

"Hey, what about me ?" Kirk asked. Andrew grabbed him and pulled him into the squeeze.

"I am so pleased you two will be Brothers." he said. "I've never wanted anything more since Brad was this awkward, gangly, string bean of a Pledge and I knew right off he would be my 'little brother'. He let us go and we continued our walk to the House.

Kirk and I were sitting in the Pledge wing lounge when the other 10 candidates arrived back from the cafeteria. They broke ranks when they saw us and gathered around excitedly telling us how glad they were to have us back. It may have seemed surprising to an outsider, because without us joining in, the 10 of them were fairly guaranteed of becoming the 10 new Brothers. But their thoughts were not about that, they were truly overjoyed to have us return to their midst.

"Let's bring this group to order." Pledge Master Vince called out and we all stood to the alert. "Now that we are finally all here, there is some Fraternity business to be conducted, which involves the new Pledge Class. Follow me." We were led into the main lounge, where the full House of Brothers had gathered and were seated in a semi- circle around the perimeter of the room. There were 12 chairs in two rows of 6 in the middle of the room and we were directed to be seated in them.

After we had taken our places, President Chris, Vice-President Steve and senior Advisor Andrew escorted Ellis Durham in his wheelchair before the group.

"Ellis Durham has petitioned this Chapter under By-Law 7-16 for late entry to the Pledge class." Chris stated.

"This By-Law states, 'An applicant may petition for entry to the Pledge Class after the closing date, if the following criteria are met:

a) The applicant must meet the same requirements that all members of the Pledge Class have met,

b) The applicant must be equal to or greater than the average level established by the Chapter for Pledges of the current grouping,

c) The applicant must be sponsored by an active Brother from each year level, resident in the Frat House,

d) The applicant must be sponsored by one of the current Pledge Class members,

e) The applicant must have the support of a majority of those Pledges remaining in the Class at the time of his application for entry.

Candidate Ellis Durham has been tested and meets the criteria of items 'a' and 'b'." Steve announced.

"Is there a sponsor within the Brotherhood at the fourth year level, who will stand for this applicant ?" Chris asked. There was a pause as the Brothers considered the application.

"I will stand for this applicant." Harry Stiles, a fourth year Brother stood and stated.

"Is there a sponsor within the Brotherhood at the third year level, who will stand for this applicant ?" Chris asked.

"I will stand for this applicant." Vince Willows, a third year Brother and the current Pledge Master stood and stated.

"Is there a sponsor within the Brotherhood at the second year level, who will stand for this applicant ?" Chris asked. There was a pause again, but no one stood or spoke. Chris asked the question once again. There was still no response. I looked around the room at the second year Brothers. It was apparent to me that the second year Brothers were hesitant because they had already made their minds up about choosing 'little brothers' since the Friday night Beer Fest. I raised my hand to ask a question.

"I'm sorry Joe, you don't meet the criteria of a second year Brother just yet." Steve commented and the other Brother chuckled. I stood up.

"Excuse me, Sir." I said to Chris. "I need to speak to Brother Andrew." He gave me a questioning look and then nodded his head. I went over to Andrew and told him what was on my mind.

"Sandy." Andrew called and Sandy Urich came over to us.

"Joe and I know that it has been your wish to become Joe's 'big brother'," Andrew told Sandy, "and it is something Joe has looked forward to happening." Sandy and I glanced at each other and grinned. "Unfortunately, the nature of the training Joe is going to be taking is going to make that impossible." Sandy looked stricken as if someone had taken his new bicycle.

"I'm really sorry, Sandy." I told him. "We are still going to be the best of friends, but we can also share a project, which will give us the opportunity to work together regularly, in addition to out martial arts." He brightened. "If you will sponsor Ellis as a second year Brother, I will sponsor him as a Pledge candidate. He is going to need lots of support and we can both work together with him."

"If that's the best we can do, Joe," Sandy said, "then that's what we'll make happen." We returned to our seats and Sandy and I both offered our sponsorship, which was accepted.

"Ellis is going to make a statement to the Pledge Class and then they may adjourn to the Pledge wing for 15 minutes for any discussion they wish to have." Chris stated.

"I've worked hard to adapt to my disability and become a champion." Ellis stated. "As an only child, I've had the benefit of my parent's total attention and support. As wonderful as that has been, it has some significant drawbacks. I'm self-oriented, because I've never had to be otherwise. I'm demanding and often shortsighted, but there's really no need to list my negatives, because if you allow me to have this chance, you may see them all too soon. On the other side, I believe I can be a good friend and I'd like a chance to be a good brother, if you're willing to show me how. Thank you Joe and the rest of you for being willing to give me a chance. I leave my fate in the hands of my brothers."

We, the Pledge Class, adjourned to the lounge in our wing and discussed accepting Ellis. It was not a hard sell. Everyone in the Class was willing to give him a chance. I feared some of them didn't take him seriously. I talked about the need to be willing to help him, even when his stubbornness didn't want any help. RAT was openly sceptical about Ellis' ability to fit in, but again, was still willing to give him a chance. When we were paged to return to the main lounge, it was to accept a new Pledge brother.

"All right, guys." Pledge Master Vince caught our attention after the Pledge Class had returned and grouped in the lounge of the Pledge wing. "Your activities this week are going to be different then last week in some ways, but the same in a lot more. Starting tomorrow, after your classes and/or practices are finished, you report either here to Brother Andrew, or in the Library to me. Schoolwork, homework, research, projects, or studying and the like will be done, until everyone meets in the cafeteria at 6:p.m. for dinner. An hour later, you will be here for evening assignments. Your entire evening will be taken up here tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so don't make any other plans."

"You will continue to be paired for the next four days, 24 hours at a stretch. Sleeping arrangements remain the same, even though there will be a surplus of beds and rooms. Get to know your brothers. There will be no mute periods, but a Brother may question you about your twin at any time, so be ready to answer questions. Brother Steve is currently handing out a new package of Lifesavers to each of you and collecting leftovers from last week. You better have them with you, or it's going to cost you."

As Pledge Master Vince finished speaking, a group of 10 Brothers entered the room. They were the second year class. We all stood as they came in, but were told to be seated.

"The Pledge Class members are about to be matched up with second year Brothers in a 'big Brother/little Brother' pairing. For the next 15 minutes, you are going to have a chance to get re-acquainted with each other since the Beer Fest last Friday night. Pledges Joe, Kirk and RAT will not be paired in this grouping." Everyone started to mix and talk. Many of the pairings had been pretty well determined on Friday night. I went over with Ellis.

"How am I going to find a 'big brother'?" Ellis asked me. "I don't really know any of these guys."

"I've already chosen one for you." I said. He gave me a strange look, somewhere between relief and displeasure. "Sandy wanted to be my 'big brother', because we're such good friends, but he's agreed to pair with you. Make sure that you don't get the best of this deal." Sandy came over and the three of us talked for the allotted 15 minutes. By the time we were called to re-assemble, Sandy and Ellis were doing well together.

The match-ups were complete. No one had to be assigned to another; everyone got to have the individual they mutually chose. Everyone that is, except for Kirk, RAT and me. We were still on our own.

"Joe, you have remarked several times how Andrew has been both your brother, Brad's 'big brother' and also one to you." Vince declared. "Well seeing as that relationship is already in position, Andrew decided to formalize it and accept you as his second 'little brother'. Do you accept this pairing ? I accepted with no hesitation as Andrew entered the room and came over to stand beside me."

"Kirk, you already have a tight relationship with Brad and he has offered to take you as his second 'little brother'. Do you accept this pairing ?" Kirk accepted with a big smile on his face and Brad came in and stood by him.

"RAT, nobody here wanted to be your 'big brother'," Vince said with a big smile on his face that made everyone know it wasn't true, "so I finally broke down having lost the coin flip and agreed to take you as my 'little brother'. Do you accept this pairing ?"

"Are you sure no one else could be found ?" RAT questioned, as some of the others laughed. "Did you ask maybe at some of the other Frats ?" More laughter.

"No, I didn't think about that." Vince admitted. "Let's hold off so I have a chance to check that out. They can have you on weekends and we'll keep you during the week." Many found his new approach amusing.

"Never mind." RAT declared. "It's not worth all the trouble. I'll accept. We'll just consider it a mercy thing."

"Thank you." Vince granted. "I appreciate you seeing how much trouble you are to me." RAT gave up in defeat amid chuckles from the group. "Pledges, it is getting late and showers still are required. Your twin for the next 24 hours is your new 'big brother'. He will tell you the rules and you are now dismissed."

It was a shock to all the Pledges that they were now twinned with their 'big brother'. I don't think any of us had expected this, but in my case I couldn't have been more pleased. Andrew was one of my favourite people and spending the next 24 hours with him was a reward I hadn't anticipated. Andrew and I, Vince and RAT, Kirk and Brad, all grouped with Ellis and Sandy while the others stopped and spoke together briefly and then headed upstairs to the showers.

"What are the rules ?" RAT asked.

"During the next 24 hours, you may look on Andrew, Brad, Sandy and myself as Pledges." Vince told us. "There is no requirement to show us the respect you normally show Brothers."

"So no standing up when we come in, you can talk freely and you don't need to address us as 'Sir'." Sandy detailed.

"Brad, even after you were invested as a Brother, you have always stood up when Andrew comes in a room and addressed him as 'Sir' and I've always done it because it's what you do." I noted. "If you're not required to do it, why do you ?"

"Andrew is not only my 'big Brother', he is a man for whom I have a great amount of respect." Brad replied. "As an indication to him and others of my respect, I continue to honour him through those acts. You and I and all the other Brothers do the same when our Dad comes, for the same reason." I nodded my head in understanding, resolving that I would continue to show Andrew the respect we shared for him.

"Listen up, fellas." Vince addressed us. "For the time being, this is what we've worked out. Ellis is going to need some extra help until he earns investment as a Brother and we can make some permanent changes to the facilities. He's a stubborn little fucker and has to learn to ask for help when he needs it, but we can't let that slow the Pledge Class down." Vince gave Ellis a look that said for him to realize what he might be doing. "For the rest of the week, we as a group are going to make sure that Ellis' needs for help are provided, whether he admits the needs or not."

"What kind of things do you mean ?" Kirk asked.

Well, right now he needs to be taken upstairs to the showers." Andrew indicated. "Ellis suffered a spinal injury as a child, which has left his legs non-operational. He has no feeling in them, so make sure you know where his feet are when you do something with him. If his feet or legs are injured, kicked, twisted, stepped on, or in any other way damaged, he will not feel it and that can be most dangerous."

"Under conditions where I have proper equipment available," Ellis explained, "I can do almost everything myself. Toileting, transfers from and to my chairs, dressing, undressing, jerking off, bathing and most other things are, you could say, in my own hands." We all had a good laugh. " I'm normally not a burden, but until I have the proper facilities to use, I guess I'll need some support."

"Ellis knows how to do the things, which he needs you to do," Andrew commented, "so listen to him when he says something can be done more easily in a certain way. Now, let's get this show on the road." We moved as a group over to the staircase, where Andrew and Vince grasped the wheels of Ellis' wheelchair with one hand and the front seat support with the other and boosted it and its contents off the floor and up the stairs.

Entering the showers through the drying room, we encountered the nightly nudist convention as those finished showering stood drying themselves while the rest stood in the next room under streams of water, dressed to varying degrees in lather.

I tried to focus on getting ready to shower and block out the healthy, trim, male bodies which surrounded me. Ellis did not have the chair he uses in the shower here as yet, so two of us were going to have to hold him under the spray, while two more scrubbed him down. We decided to tend to him first, so he could work at drying himself while sitting on one of the benches as the rest of us showered.

Ellis stripped off his own clothing quickly, having little trouble, as Sandy took items from him and hung them up. His shoulders and arms bulged with muscles and his chest was thick, with detailed pecs supporting two rose-coloured areola about the size of quarters on his smooth, hairless skin. There was no nipple evident initially on the flat surface, but as his body cooled from the exposure, two small nubs grew slowly until they distinctly protruded from the discs' centres. The taut skin over his abdominals detailed a six-pack, which would cause many a gym rat to stare in envy. I felt my dick start to stiffen and knew I needed to change my focus.

Several of our Pledge brothers offered their help, but we assured them the task was "in hand", to quote Ellis. RAT and Kirk stooped on either side of Ellis and after he had placed his arms over their shoulders, they lifted him effortlessly out of his wheelchair and carried him with themselves into the shower stream. Once he was wet, Brad and Andrew took soap to him, while Vince shampooed his hair. Andrew was washing Ellis' front side and after he had completed his chest and legs, I wondered how he would approach the mid section.

Andrew looked Ellis in the eye and paused for a moment. I heard him silently tell Ellis to relax. That was going to be a problem, because Ellis' dick had already filled out to about 6" and was on the rise at about a 100 degree angle. Andrew went ahead and did what was necessary with no hesitation. Everything received a good cleaning and by the time Andrew had finished, Ellis' staff was at 15 degrees. It didn't take long to realize everyone else had the same situation. When the rinse was done, Ellis was carried to a dry section of a bench and set on a towel. They left him to dry himself, while the rest of us showered.

It was strange. In the shower, washing myself, I found I was carefully checking out Andrew's body. This was strange to me, because I have seen and been naked with Andrew on numerous occasions. I was distracted momentarily when I noticed RAT washing Vince's back, like he had mine a week ago. Vince noticed my gaze and smiled at me, shrugging his shoulder in an, "I can't help it." manner. Taking my soap, I moved over to Andrew and began to soap his back. He stiffened his stance at first, but relaxed when I continued. After a few minutes, he turned around and stood ready to do mine. I turned my back to him and enjoyed the feeling of his strong hands as they spread soap and massaged my back. Vince gave me a somewhat disapproving stare.

"Sandy, you'll take Ellis to one of the beds in this section." Andrew instructed. "Brad, Vince and I are going to take our twins to our own rooms. That way there will be less confusion for the other Brothers in finding us, if necessary."

"Yes, Sir." Sandy responded automatically. When our showers were completed, we moved to the drying room and dried thoroughly. Andrew wiped my back with his towel without saying anything, as if it was the usual thing to do. When I turned around to do his back, I found myself staring into his muscular, tight, hairy chest. Instead of turning around, he brought his towel up to my head and re-dried my hair, pulling my forehead against his chest for support. I thanked him when he finished, as I have a bad habit of never drying my hair thoroughly, then he turned and gave me access to his back.

I found myself taking inventory of Andrew's back. The massive shoulders and arms seen from the front were none the less impressive from the rear. Andrew was a boxer. To be as handsome as Andrew and as highly ranked in boxing, you knew he had to be good at it. I'd seen him the day after a fight competition on several occasions and it was very rare he had even a swollen cheek. He stood about 5'10" and had a darkly tanned complexion with jet-black hair on his head and body. Andrew was hard. Shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, thighs, calves, everything was solid muscle. His dark brown eyes were the softest part of Andrew and when you looked deep into them you knew he was warm and kind and understanding. When he smiled, which was often, and his dimples winked at you, it was hard to deny him anything.

Andrew had tight, curly, black hair on his body. It covered his chest, abdomen and pubic arch, nesting under his arms as well. Short curly hair graced his thighs and shins. As noticeable as the black hair was, its absence on his back, sides and butt was just as dramatic. Equipment-wise he was a well-hung dude, having a clipped dick which hung soft about 4" over a hairy, loose sac with two, dangling plums. I noted tonight in the shower his erection was about the same as Brad's, at roughly 7".

Ellis was able to transfer himself into his wheelchair when it was brought over to him. Kirk, RAT and I went to get our duffle bags from the rooms where we had placed them earlier and then as Sandy and Ellis went to find a bed, the rest of us, still naked, went down the hallway to the door between this wing and the second floor of the main building. Passing through it, Kirk and Rat accompanied Brad and Vince to the third year wing and I followed Andrew to the fourth.

The fourth year, or senior wing was not a new place to me. I had been in Andrew's and other fourth year Brothers' rooms many times. Andrew's room was a familiar haven and I felt very much at home. As the senior Advisor, Andrew had a room to himself, just as he had last year as Chapter President. The fact was that Hogan, who had been Andrew's roommate first and second year, spent many nights in the extra bed in Andrew's room. His current roommate often had overnight guests and Hogan felt better staying with Andrew. When we entered Andrew's room, Hogan was there.

"Gee guys, you didn't have to dress up just for me." Hogan chuckled. "Sorry Andy, I didn't know Joe was staying here tonight."

"It's okay, Hogan." Andrew responded. "Joe and I are twinned for the next day. I was going to offer him the spare bed, but he can sleep with me just as well."

"I don't mind." I said. "Sleeping with Andrew is okay with me."

"Well, I don't know, little buddy." Hogan drawled in the exaggerated Southern accent he could turn on and off at will. "You don't know what that thar hairy boy can be like when he gets a warm body in the sac. I'm jus' a might afeard for your cute lil backside."

"I'm never afraid of anything when I'm with Andrew," I told him laughing, "so I'm not worried." We all chuckled.

"You ready for bed, Tick ?" Andrew asked. I nodded and went over and pulled down the blanket and sheet on Andrew's bed."

"Wow, clean sheets." I exclaimed in mock surprise.

"Well it's about time." Hogan exclaimed, as he climbed into the other bed.

"That'll be enough from both of you." Andrew mockingly threatened. "Get a move on you." He lightly smacked my butt as I climbed into the bed. Andrew slid in behind me. I turned onto my side, facing Andrew.

"Andrew, can I ask you something ?" I said.

"Anytime you want, Tick." he responded.

"Why did Vince end up with RAT tonight ?" He didn't say anything to me for the longest time, just looking deep into my eyes.

"Vince asked for him." Andrew finally admitted. I felt a pain in my stomach. A tear rolled from the corner of my eye. Andrew reached up and wiped it away. "Vince is a player, Tick. You need to face that before you become too deeply involved. He loves fun and excitement and he's not looking to settle down as yet." He was telling me something that I found deep, down inside, I already knew.

Just a quick note:

The nicest fan letter I have ever received came the other day from a gentleman in NYC.

After a nice compliment about the story, he informed me that because he enjoyed this story so much, he had joined and become a dues paying member at NIFTY.

I thought, isn't that a true tribute to the writers who post to NIFTY, when someone makes a personal commitment to keep the Archives open and operating, so that this medium remains available for them to share their stories and readers to have somewhere to seek out the materials which interest them.

I thank this gentleman most sincerely and those others who have taken this constructive method of showing their personal commitment to their favourite storyteller.


Next: Chapter 14

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