Joshs Promised Land

By moc.rehtona@29nyllewell

Published on Jan 27, 2002


Author's Note: What you are about to read is a gay fantasy about a teen, and preteen characters from the TV show "Promised Land" Produced by CBS Productions, in association with Moon Water Productions, Inc. 1996, and created by Mary Williamson. The characters were used without permission of the creators of the show, it does not represent nor imply the true sexual orientation of the actors or the characters they play. If fantasies about fictional characters having a same sex experience offend you, if you are under age or if this type of material is illegal in your area, you should not read any further. This story has been posted at free adult sites featuring gay stories for adult entertainment only and may not be copied electronically nor in any other form for redistribution.

If the subject of man/boy, teen/boy or boy/boy sex offends you, if this material is illegal in your place of residence, or if you are under the legal age for such material, do not read further! You have been warned! Read at your own risk!

I suggest that you read parts 1, 2 and 3 as they will make part 4 make more sense.

Josh's Promised Land; Part 4 by Llewellyn92

Nathaniel and Cole caught the cab with only a few moments to spare. The ride to the airport was 20 minutes, and Nathaniel was expecting to see flashing blue lights at any time. The driver was somewhat concerned that two young boys were out at such an early hour, but his dispatcher assured him that the call was legit.

The boys arrived at the airport and checked in. Their e-passes were ready and the agent directed them to the proper concourse. Nathaniel was still worried that something was going to happen and kept a wary vigil of all the surrounding doors.

They boarded the plane with no interruptions and settled into their seats. They slept most of the flight, arriving at O'Hare late morning.

"Where are we going to stay?" asked Nathaniel.

"In a hotel, of course. Where else."

"That's what Kevin did in 'Home Alone 2'. He got into deep shit because he used his dad's credit card."

"That's because his dad reported it stolen. My mom probably won't check for at least a day. Once we're in it'll be harder to get us out."

"I hope you know what you're doing."

"You didn't HAVE to come!" Cole snapped.

Nathaniel could see that he wasn't going to win so he just went along. There was no way he was going to let Cole be alone. He knew what trouble it was possible to get into and knew that Cole had no real experience with the hard, cold world.

Back in Phoenix at the Cagney residence, Mrs.. C. was calling the boys for the third time. She had never known Cole to sleep this late, and Nathaniel was so excited the night before that his family was coming, she couldn't imagine what was keeping him.

"Come on guys!" she said, "Cole, your game in less than two hours, and your family is due at noon, Nathaniel."

She opened the door and went over to Cole's bed. She shook the lump under the covers.

"Come on Col...! Cole?"

The lump was too soft to be Cole. She looked over at Nathaniel's bed. Something was wrong, really wrong.

"OK guys, this is not funny. Where are you."

She checked the closet. Cole's duffel bags were missing. Her heart leapt into her throat.

"Where could they be?" She asked herself.

She rushed to the phone and dialed the Green's phone number.

"Mr. Green?" .............. "Josh? This Mrs.. Cagney. Please get your father." her voice was tight, catching in the throat. "Mr. Green? Are the boys there?" ............. "Cole and Nathaniel." ............... "No they are NOT here, I, I don't know where they are." ................. "You'll be right over? .......... Th....thank you. I...I'll try."

She hung up the phone, and leaned against the counter biting her bottom lip, tears ready to spring forth at any moment.

Cole and Nathaniel were attempting to check in to their third hotel. They had been kicked out of two already. Cole was beginning to get upset. It had seemed so easy for Kevin McAlister.

The boys were starting to get cold. Cole had not considered the weather when he chose Chicago. That hot story he had found on the Internet about the 'Chicagoland boy' had really touched him, and that was why he chose the Windy City.

Boy oh boy was it windy. It cut right through their modest clothing. They were getting hungry and their cash was almost gone. The ATM's wouldn't take the pin number Cole tried to use with his mother's credit cards.

Cole sat down on the curb and began to cry. Nathaniel sat next to him and hugged him protectively. He was getting really worried. He didn't like the looks of the neighborhood.

"You guys look as if you need a place to stay."

Nathaniel jumped and looked up warily at the speaker. Cole kept crying. The voice belonged to a thin, 30 something man with a clerical collar.

"The mission is just around the corner. You can get a meal and a cot. All you have to do is ask."

"Thank you, sir." Nathaniel's teeth chattered.

He picked Cole up and they headed to the mission. The food wasn't anything to brag about, but it was filling and warmed them up.

Father Phillip was quite taken by these two boys. He knew that they had to be runaways. The red head seemed to be street wise, but the other seemed totally lost. He wondered if they were new acquaintances or had they known each other before they got to Chicago.

"Well guys, How was the food?" asked Fr. Phillip.

"OK." replied Nathaniel. Cole said nothing, but his expression told volumes.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Nathaniel, and he's Cole."

"Have you known each other long?"

"About 4 months."

"How long have you been in Chicago?"

"Ummm, Uhhh, I guess about 3 Months.?!"

"Dressed like that? I don't think so." said Fr. Phillip in a kindly tone. "Where are you really from, and when did you get here?"

"Cole is in charge. Ask him." replied Nathaniel almost too softly to hear.

Cole started sobbing uncontrollably again. Nathaniel held him close, trying to console him. Failing miserably.

"Would you boys please come with me? asked Fr. Phillip quietly.

Nathaniel was drawn to the handsome young priest. He was blond and had blue eyes. He sort of reminded him of his dad, only his dad was a lot louder.

"You can sleep in my office. It's a lot quieter and maybe a little safer."

Nathaniel and Fr. Phillip looked at each other. Nathaniel recognized the look. He'd seen it on his father and also on Josh. He gently sat Cole on one of the cots in Fr. Phillip's office, and lovingly told him to lie down.

He then walked over to Fr. Phillip and said, "You like me don't you?"

Fr. Phillip nodded.

"You want me, don't you?"

Another nod.

"You want us both, don't you?"

A slight dip of the Fr.'s head.

Fr. Phillip had a lump in his throat the size of a Buick. Nathaniel approached him seductively. He placed his arms around the man's neck and tilted his head to the side. They kissed, one, two, three tiny pecks. Cole was watching silently.

Nathaniel opened his mouth and sucked the priest's lip in. Fr. Phillip groaned. Nathaniel forced his tongue between the man's lips seeking his tongue.

"What would you like to do with us?" asked the 10 year old huskily. His manner much more mature than his physical appearance would suggest.

Fr. Phillip swallowed. His mouth was as dry as a fresh sock. His tongue seemed three times too big for his mouth. Never in his ten years as a priest had ANY kid come on so strong. He'd had several street boys. All had been quite willing, none had been so seductive.

"Could.....could he whispered. His vocal cords would not produce any more sound.

"Cole first." replied Nathaniel. "He needs something to calm him down."

Nathaniel went to Cole and lovingly undressed him. Cole's eyes were saucers. He'd never been with anyone but Nathaniel and didn't know what to expect. He was so nervous that he didn't even get an erection. Every time he and Nathaniel played, he was hard before they even touched.

The young priest slowly approached the cot the 11 year old was lying on, and knelt next to it and kissing the nervous boy. Cole was so anxious he didn't respond. Fr. Phillip moved down to his slim chest and tickled a nipple with his tongue. Cole shuddered, still holding his breath. Phillip moved to the other, working it till it was a rigid little lump. Cole gasped and started breathing again. The experienced boy lover dragged his tongue down Cole's chest. Cole trembled with excitement, his pricklet starting to stir. The man laved his pubic area carefully avoiding the treasure centered there. Cole trembled again, his little meat rising to the occasion.

Suddenly Phillip engulfed Cole's rigid member. His tongue swirled around the acorn head as his mouth pumped the little spike. The good Fr. had a different technique from Nathaniel's and Cole was writhing from the sensations.

Nathaniel had stripped by this time and approached the priest from the rear and leaned on his back hugging him. He reached around and started to unbutton the man's shirt. He reached inside and stroked Phillip's chest, tweaking his hard nipples. Phillip groaned, the sound sending vibrations to Cole's rigid cocklet. Cole gasped and bucked his hips. Nathaniel removed the priest's shirt, leaving his collar in place. He kissed the man's neck as he humped his rigid 3 inches into Phillip's back.

Phillip increased his suction on Cole's throbbing member, drawing him even closer to the edge.

Nathaniel reached for the man's belt, unbuckling it and unsnapping his trousers. He reached inside and grasped the throbbing six inches inside. He thought, "Hmmm, not bad, not as big as dad's, but bigger than Josh's."

He stroked the turgid member in the priest's pants as he continued to hump his back, licking and caressing his neck and ears as he humped.

Cole could feel the burning in his groin. He knew he was close. Nathaniel's attack on Phillip's body made the good father even more horny and he sucked harder if that was possible. He'd never been with anyone as hot as Nathaniel.

Cole spasmed. His hips lifted up from the cot and his body became rigid. His pricklet throbbed in the priest's hot mouth. Both lost count. Cole's little balls had all but disappeared into his groin. He continued to pulsate for what seemed like hours. The more Phillip sucked, the more Cole spasmed. Finally the priest released his abused little spike. His back remained arched for several seconds more, his dicklet still throbbing. Slowly he relaxed back onto the cot, totally spent. He drifted off into a gentle sleep.

Phillip turned to the boy behind him. He was rewarded with a vision. Nathaniel's round freckled face belied the fact that he had a buff body under his clothes. He had no extra fat on his torso. His pecks still boyish, but well defined. His stomach, flat and showing a developing six pack.

"You can fuck me if you want." Nathaniel said quietly.

"Are....are you sure???"

"I been doing it since I was six, I'm ten now, almost eleven."

"I've never done it with anyone as small as you."

"Lie down, I'll take it from there."

Phillip lay down on the other cot. His member hard as it had ever been. He hadn't counted on getting laid, He had only wanted to suck the two boys off. The events unfolding in his office were beyond his wildest dreams.

Nathaniel straddled the man's stomach, his cute butt pressing against the priest's rigid cock. He leaned forward and kissed the young priest passionately. He sat back up and tried to mount the man's spike. With his feet on the floor, he couldn't get enough height to accommodate the wanted invader. He tried putting his feet on the rail either side of Phillip, but just as he got into position, his right foot slipped and he came crashing down, almost impaling himself, but because of the angle, it didn't go in.

"There's not enough room in the cot. Let's get on the floor."

Nathaniel climbed off of the young priest and waited as he positioned himself on the carpet. Nathaniel straddled him again and eased his colon down onto the man's rigid cock. Phillip couldn't believe how tight he was, yet how easily he accommodated the six by 1 1/2 inches he had to give. Philip groaned when Nathaniel bottomed out. Having only had Cole's 3 by 1/2 inch pricklet for the last four months, Nathaniel was really tight. He was feeling much more fulfilled than he had in a long time. He sighed and started rocking on his knees, moving the hardness within him in and out.

"Jack me!" he grunted.

The priest started stroking Nathaniel's 3 inches.

"Hold your hand still and tight and let me fuck it."

Nathaniel's motions massaged his little dicklet as his anus massaged the priest's hard prick.

Phillip felt his balls begin to tingle. He wanted to make this last as long as possible, so he removed his hand from Nathaniel's pricklet and stopped his rocking.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I want to enjoy this for as long as I can."

Nathaniel leaned forward and kissed Phillip. He laid his head on the man's chest and looked in the direction of Cole's cot. Cole's eyes were open and a slight smile played the corners of his mouth.

"I thought you were asleep." said Nathaniel.

"How could I sleep with all that noise?"

"Wanna join us?"

Cole jumped off of the cot and padded over to the couple on the floor, His rigid pricklet leading the way. "What should I do?"

Nathaniel sat up, "Suck my dick. Get it good and wet."

Cole slobbered over Nathaniel's little member.

"OK, that's enough. Now give me your ass."

Cole straddled the priest and pushed his cute little butt back at Nathaniel. He spread Cole's cheeks and rimmed his little pucker. He slobbered it good and tongue fucked his friend some getting him well lubed.

Nathaniel leaned back pointing his pricklet into the air, "Sit on me."

Cole kneeled in front of Nathaniel as he guided his rigid pleasure pole into Cole's sphincter. Cole flinched slightly, but then began to relax as Nathaniel's meat slid into his spit slicked love tunnel.

Fr. Phillip couldn't believe what was happening to him. He had two randy preteen boys on top of him. His prick was buried in one and the other was riding his little lover's mini-meat. Could any boy lover ask for more?

"Can you suck on Cole's prick?" asked Nathaniel.

Phillip tried to reach it, but the best he could accomplish was to lick the head.

"That's OK." said Cole. "Just jack me off."

Nathaniel started rocking back and forth again. Each forward motion drove his pricklet into Cole's bowel, each backward motion drove Phillip's into him. Phillip gently stroked Cole to the rhythm Nathaniel set. Periodically he would swirl his tongue around Cole's glans, sending shivers through him. Cole's spasms caused his sphincter to contract, milking Nathaniel's little member and Nathaniel contracted his colon stimulating Phillip beyond the friction of his in and out movement.

The 'bread' in the Nathaniel 'sandwich' started to respond to Nathaniel's ministrations. Cole pushed back as Phillip thrust up. The motion of Nathaniel's partners got so intense that he could no longer move. All he could do was enjoy the sensations surrounding him. As Cole pushed back, Phillip thrust into him. When Phillip pulled out, Cole pulled off, fucking his pricklet into Phillip's hand.

This was all getting too hot for the three of them.

"Fuck me, fuck me harder!!! shouted Nathaniel.

"Yeah!" cooed Cole.

Both boys were still now. Each thrust from Phillip drove Nathaniel into Cole. Each withdrawal pulled Nathaniel out some.

"Unh, unh, uhn..... grunted the boys in unison at each inward thrust.

Nathaniel felt the familiar burning in his gut. The feeling he lived for was taking over his body. His balls tingled, his glans burned and itched. His breathing was ragged.

Suddenly he arched his back and threw his head back letting out a gasp. Good thing he did or he would have had a knock in the jaw as Cole threw his back and started spasming around his cocklet. Nathaniel quivered his body rigid as his little prick. The little member throbbed ten or twelve times in Cole's tight hole. Cole's little member throbbed just as hard in Phillip's hand as Phillip licked Cole's engorged glans.

The combined writhing of the boys on top of him sent Phillip over the edge. Nathaniel's spasming tunnel drew the young priest's cum out of his balls. He felt as though those orbs were being drawn out with his cum. He blasted into the ten year old rectum that was milking him. He had never cum so hard or so long. Time stood still as shot after shot basted the young colon he was encased in. Phillip's load was so great it actually squirted out around the base of his prick as Nathaniel's space became filled.

Nathaniel collapsed backward, pulling Cole with him. The angle at which he landed pulled Phillip's still hard and spasming dick downward to a very uncomfortable position. Fortunately he pulled out before any damage could be done, shooting his last two ejaculations onto his stomach.

They all laid there for several minutes, Nathaniel still imbedded in Cole.

Slowly they came down from their orgasmic highs and Nathaniel nuzzled Cole's neck.

"Thanks bud." he said, "That was awesome."

"Totally." replied Cole as he turned his head to kiss Nathaniel.

"Want some man cream?" asked Phillip.

Nathaniel's head snapped toward the priest. "Yeah!!" he shouted.

The two boys disengaged.

"Cole has never seen cum."


"He's never been with anyone else but me, and we can't cum yet."

"I wouldn't say that." said the priest with a wicked grin. "You certainly seemed to cum quite well."

"We can't shoot yet is what I mean!"

"I know, I'm just teasing."

"Come on Cole, you'll like this."

Cole looked in awe at the streaks of cum on the priest's abdomen.

" that ..... Sperm?"

"Yeah and it tastes great!"

Cole looked dubious.

"If I didn't like getting fucked so much, I'd blow anybody who'd let me to drink his cum."

Cole looked at Nathaniel questioningly, "I don't want to take it if you want some."

"Don't worry, I have my own supply."

Cole looked at him with surprise. "You can't shoot, where could you have a supply?"

In answer, Nathaniel rolled onto his back and lifted his legs to his chest. He probed his well worked hole with his middle finger and drew out a glob of cum. He then sucked his finger like it was a prick turning both of his observers on by the sensuality of his actions.

"If I can eat it from my ass, you can lick Phillip's stomach."

Cole took a tentative lick. He savored it for a second and then dived in cleaning the priest's stomach in record time.

Nathaniel had been dipping into his anus for dabs of Phillip's cream while he watched Cole clean the man's body.

"Want some more?" he asked.

"Yeah." replied Cole. "That was great."

Nathaniel rolled back spreading his legs and holding them up. "Eat all you want."

"From your ass?"

"Yeah, I did so what's the problem? I also ate out your ass and tongue fucked you. If you recall."

Cole got between Nathaniel's legs and sniffed the gaping opening so recently vacated by the priest's pecker. It didn't smell bad. He stuck out his tongue and tasted the opening. All he could taste was cum.

"Awesome." Cole exclaimed and dived into the messy hole lapping the contents as if he were a kitten lapping up milk from a saucer.

The sight of Cole eating his cum from Nathaniel's pucker, had Phillip hard again. He wanted to fuck the tight little, almost virgin, ass of the eleven year old as he ate out his friend.

He moved behind Cole, but Nathaniel caught his eye. The boy shook his head, so Phillip backed off. He didn't want to force anyone to do anything they didn't want.

"OK Cole, that's enough. Phillip, lie down on your back again."

Phillip obeyed.

"Cum is best when it's as fresh as possible. I'll get him ready. If you want to keep eating my ass while I do, that's OK. I'll let you know when he's ready to shoot and you can take his load in your mouth."

Nathaniel started working Phillip with his talented hands and tongue bringing grunts and groans as Cole cleaned his rear passage. Phillip shuddered and his body began to tense up.

"Quick Cole he's getting ready."

Cole rushed around to where the action was, engulfing Phillip's glans in his small mouth.

"You wanna see it shoot?"

Cole pulled off, "Yeah, but how can I see it and take it in my mouth at the same time?"

"Hold your mouth over his prick and get far enough away so you can see the end. It should shoot far enough to reach your mouth."

Cole kneeled and positioned his mouth directly above Phillip's erection. He watched as Nathaniel expertly stroked and licked the rigid pole, keeping it aimed at Cole's eager mouth.

"See how his balls are drawing up under his dick?" asked Nathaniel.


"That means that he's getting closer to shooting. When they get really tight against his body, He's almost there."

As Nathaniel explained this Phillip's balls came to rest in a tight knot at the base of his throbbing boner.

"Get ready."

Suddenly the priest bucked his hips. His body became rigid and the first volley shot toward Cole's waiting mouth. It caught his upper lip. As he licked it off, the second volley splated the underside of his tongue.

"Just keep your mouth open 'till you can't keep any more in it. Then go down on him."

Cole watched as two more volleys of cum shot into his mouth. He savored the flavor as the thick liquid coated his tongue. As he felt it start to drip out, he engulfed Phillip's cock head again allowing six or seven more shots to fill his mouth. He pulled away, letting the creamy liquid swirl in his mouth. This was even better than what he had extracted from Nathaniel's love tunnel. It was very warm and salty sweet. It reminded him of honey roasted nuts, but it wasn't crunchy.

As Cole pulled off, Nathaniel milked what ever remained from the young priest's cock. Eating it greedily.

Cole was still sloshing the load in his mouth when Nathaniel pulled him into an embrace, kissing him and forcing his tongue into Cole's mouth. They shared the good Father's cum passing it back and forth. On one of the passes, a little slipped out and dribbled down Cole's chin. The string stretched down from his chin and coated his pricklet as it fell with the force of gravity.

Reluctantly Fr. Phillip said, "It's after midnight. I need to make my rounds, and you boys should be asleep."

Cole and Nathaniel didn't argue. They were quite satisfied and each went to his own cot. It was quite warm in the office, so they didn't bother to get dressed.

Fr. Phillip did get dressed. Just before he left, he kissed each boy on his forehead. Cole was already asleep, but Nathaniel was in that nether world of semi-consciousness. He reached up and pulled Fr. Phillip to a passionate kiss.

"G-nite Josh." he said through heavy eyelids.

"Good night, son." said the Father.

Fr. Phillip left the two boys to their dreams, and did his rounds. When he came back, both were sound asleep. He carefully looked into Cole's duffel bag and found his identification

Cole Cagney 2332 Sparrow Lane Phoenix, AZ

He also found two credit cards in the name of Sandra Cagney. He did a computer search and found the Cagney's phone number.

"Should I call now, or wait 'till morning?"

He decided to wait until morning as the boys were comfortable and 'safe'.

The Greens arrived at the Cagneys' at 11:45 and rushed to the door.

Mrs. Cagney answered the doorbell. "Where are they?" she asked as the Greens entered the house.

"Let's sit down and see what we can figure out." said Russell.

"Have you called all of your son's friends?" asked Claire.

"He only has two that I know of."

"Do you know when they left?"

"I tried to wake them at 9:30, then again at 10:00. Cole was supposed to have a baseball game at 11:30, so I wanted him up so he could get there on time. I guess they must have left before 8:00 because I got up about then and I would have heard them."

Josh suddenly had an ides, "Have you checked your credit cards?"

"Why would I do that?"

"In 'Home Alone 2', Kevin pays for his hotel with his father's credit cards."

"I keep my cards in my wallet. It's right here in my purse....... It's gone."

"Do you have the numbers recorded anywhere?" asked Russell.

"No, I didn't see the need."

"The number is on your statements." offered Claire.

"Oh? Oh yeah! I never thought of that. What should I do?"

"Call the customer service number and see if any charges have been made since yesterday." suggested Russell.

"Oh yes, of course. I guess I'm not thinking. My baby would never do anything like this." Her demeanor suddenly changed from frightened despair to anger. "Nathaniel!! she hissed.

"Nathaniel would never do anything like this." Josh was very upset that she'd even think him responsible for the situation.

"Well my baby wouldn't do anything like this either!!" snapped Mrs.. C.

"I really don't think that Nathaniel would jeopardize his chances of being reunited with us." said Claire quietly. "He's not like that."

"Has Cole acted any differently lately?" asked Russell.

"No! Unh, Well....................Last night he was upset that he'd miss meeting you because he had a baseball game today at the same time you were to be here. He went to his room early and slammed the door when I told him he had to go to the game."

"Let's call the credit card and see if there is anything to be learned from them." suggested Claire.

Mrs.. Cagney called the number and asked them if there had been any recent purchases.

"Thank you...... Yes...... Thank you. They must have gotten a cab and tickets to Chicago."


"I want to be on the next plane!" said Mrs.. C.

"I'm going with you." replied Russell.

"I think somebody should stay here incase they call." suggested Claire. "Do you mind if Josh and I stay here until we get some word?"

"Of course not. That makes more sense than anything I've heard so far. said Mrs.. C.

"Do you have a cell phone?" asked Claire. "It would be easier to contact you if we don't have to wait for you to find another phone.

Mrs.. C. and Russell left for the airport and Claire settled in with Josh for the wait. Grandma and Diana went back to the trailer to await news.

Morning dawned in Chicago, awakening Nathaniel. He heard a soft noise from Cole's cot. He looked over and saw that Cole was shaking. Softly he padded over to Cole's cot and laid his hand on his buddy's shoulder.


"I WANNA GO HOME!" Cole lost it completely and started sobbing. Nathaniel climbed into the cot with his friend and held him close.

As his tears subsided some, Cole said, "What am I gonna do? I can't go home. If momma hated me before, she's really gonna hate me now. I really fucked up this time."

"All kids fuck up. That's how we learn. Sometimes fuck-ups can turn out real good. If Josh hadn't fucked up by not calling the school, I never would have met you. AND I would never have gotten to Chicago. This trip wasn't ALL bad, now, was it?"

Cole had to chuckle at that. He surely wouldn't have known or done some of the things he had in the last four months if he hadn't met Nathaniel. For one, he'd still be a virgin, that's for sure.

Just then Fr. Phillip came into his office.

"Well boys, have a good sleep?"

"Yep." said Nathaniel, "But the before bedtime exercise was a lot more fun."

Fr. Phillip blushed. "Um ... unh... yes, well enough of that. It's time for the truth. Where did you come from? I know you're not from Chicago. You'd have more clothes if you were. You have to have come from a warmer part of the country."

Cole shot Nathaniel a dirty look.

"Nathaniel didn't tell me anything but your names. He said you were the brains. He was just along for the ride."

"I can't go home." said Cole in a very small voice.

"Why not?" asked the priest in his kindest voice.

"My mother hates me."

"What makes you think that?"

"She never has time for me. It's always work, work, work. She spends more time with her clients than with me."

"Does she have to work to support you? What about your dad?" "It's just us. I don't remember him ever being around."

"I see."

"She made me join Little League. I hate baseball. I stink at it."

"She probably wanted you to make friends."

"They all hate me too. I never get to play, and I'm always in left or right field, depending which hand the batter is using. I'm always the last in batting order and usually don't get up at all.

'There's one bat you really know how to use.' thought the priest.

"Not only that, my mom never ever comes to a game. I was supposed to play yesterday, and she was going to be entertaining Nathaniel's family instead of coming to my game!" hissed Cole bitterly. He suddenly realized how that sounded and said. "I didn't mean that to sound like I hated you or your family. I'm sorry Nathaniel." tears began to well in his eyes.

"It's OK, Cole. I didn't take it that way."

"I'm confused." said Fr. Phillip, "What does your mother do?"

"She's a social worker. That's how Nathaniel and I met. He played hooky one day and got his cousin Josh in trouble because they didn't call in sick to school. Josh thought he was really sick, but then they got to......... they got busy and forgot to call in sick. When the truant officer hauled them in, Nathaniel offered to let his uncle spank him and mom went ballistic. She took Nathaniel away from his family and brought him to live with us until the situation could be resolved. They were supposed to get together yesterday and when I asked to meet them, my mom said I had to go to my game, no ifs ands or buts."

"I see. Do you want to go home?"



"Mom must really hate me now. I stole her credit cards and ran away."

"What about you, Nathaniel?"

I just wanted to make sure that Cole stayed out of trouble."

"Knowing what I do about you, are you and Josh lovers?"


"Are you?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

"When I kissed you good night, you called me Josh. Do you want to be reunited with him."


"It's very obvious that you care about people. I don't know many ten- year-olds who would give up being with the ones he loves to stay with someone he has only known for a few months."

"I love Cole too."

"If you could choose, Who would it be?"


"Nathaniel?" Cole's voice was shaky.

"I'd love to live with both of you. I really like you Cole, but I love Josh."

"Now I really have no reason to go home." Cole turned away biting his lip.

"You'll find someone. What about Lamar."

"You must be joking. He's the cutest boy in class. He doesn't even notice me. He's never spoken to me."

"Have you tried to speak to him?"

"Why would I. All of the girls hang all over him. He seem to like that a lot."

"I'm in the same class, remember. He's always looking at you. Every chance he gets he checks you out when you're not looking. If you look up, he turns away. I think he just is afraid that you won't want to like him."

"Other boys are friends with him. What could he possibly see in me. I stink at sports and I'm good in class. Face it, I'm a dork and he's a hunk."

"You could be a hunk too, if you had the right teacher."

"He's right, you know." Said Fr. Phillip. "I should know, I've spent my life loving boys and you're one of the cutest I've seen."

Cole blushed. Nobody had ever called him cute.

"Shall we make that call?"

"I can't."

"I'll call if you are not comfortable doing it."

Cole gave Fr. Phillip the number and the good priest dialed it.

"It's ringing....... Hello?

"Cagney residence." answered Claire.

"May I speak to Mrs.. Cagney?"

"She's not here right now. May I take a message?"

"This is improtant, when will she be back?"

"I don't know for sure. She is in Chicago."


"Yes she flew in yesterday afternoon."

"May I ask who I'm speaking with?"

"I'm Claire Green."

"Mrs.. Green? Not Nathaniel's aunt?"

"Why yes, how did you know?"

"He's sitting in my office right now, along with Cole Cagney."

"What!!!?? Where???!!!"

"At the State Street Mission in Chicago. I think they need and want to go home."

"Just a minute, I have Mrs.. Cagney's cell phone number. It's ### ### ####.

"Thank you, I'll call her right away."

Nathaniel held his hand like he wanted to speak on the phone.

"Just a minute, Mrs.. Green......Yes Nathaniel?"

"Is Josh there?"

"Is Josh there?"

"Yes he is."

"Can I speak to him?"

"Can Nathaniel speak to him?"

"Of course. Josh, Nathaniel wants to talk to you."

Josh jumped for the phone.



"Yeah little buddy it's me."

"I love you Josh."

"I know, me too."

"Father Phillip knows about us and thinks it's kewel. He says I'm lucky to have you."

"I'm the lucky one. Oh, by the way, Daddy's in Chicago too."

"Well I better go so Fr. Phillip can call Mrs.. C.. See ya soon."

"Later dude." Josh hung up the phone and sat next his mother, "They're OK." They hugged each other in relief.

Nathaniel handed the phone to Fr. Phillip, "Call Mrs.. C."

The priest dialed the cell number. He didn't hear it ring.


"Mrs.. Cagney?


"This is Fr. Phillip at the State Street Mission."


"I have two rather bedraggled boys here who would like to go home."

"Oh.....!!????" She couldn't find words to say.

Russell took the phone. "Claire?"

"No, this is Fr. Phillip at the State Street Mission. Who are you?"

"Russell Green, Sir."

"The boys are here, and would like to go home."

"Thank God, Where are you located?"

"2227 State Street."

"We'll be right there, sir. Thank you."

Russell hung up the phone and set it on the bed. Mrs.. Cagney hugged him to her and started sobbing. He patted her back and said, "They're all right mam, they're all right."

As the sobs subsided, Mrs.. Cagney pulled away. "I'm sorry. I was so worried I just lost it."

"That's OK Mam."

"Call me Sandra."

"Sandra, that's a nice name."

They were at the mission in no time. Sandra ran to Fr. Phillip's office, Russell close behind. When she saw Cole, She hugged him so hard he couldn't breathe.

"I could kill you!" she said. "I was so afraid I would never see you again. You sacred the hell out of me." she looked at the priest. "Oh, I'm sorry Father. Please forgive me."

"Don't talk about killing him, Sandra, someone might take him away from you." said Russell quietly.

"I'm sorry, Russell. I really didn't know how improtant Cole was to me. I can see how important Nathaniel is to you. I think I've changed my mind about child rearing."

"Mrs.. Cagney, Mr. Green, may I have a word with you in private? Boys, go to the kitchen and tell Mrs.. Mahoney that I said you should have some breakfast. When you're finished, come back here."

The boys did as they were told. They each had a bowl of cereal, a poached egg and toast and a glass of milk. When they finished they went back to Fr. Phillip's office. Cole could tell that his mother had been crying.

"Why didn't you tell me that you hated baseball?" asked Sandra.

"I tried, but you wouldn't listen to me."

"I'm listening now. ..............Nathaniel, when you boys disappeared, I was ready to blame you. .............I'm sorry. ....................Fr. Phillip told me all about you risking everything you love to protect my son. I can never thank you enough. ...............As of right now, I'm dropping my case against your uncle. You're free to go home any time you want. You're also welcome to visit any time you want."

Nathaniel was stunned. "You mean it?"

"Yes. I do."

Nathaniel thought a moment. "Can I finish the school year with Cole? There's only two weeks left. I can come home on weekends and spend the week with Cole."

"If that's what you want son, it's OK with me." replied Russell. "Is it OK with you, Sandra."

"Of course. I think Cole would miss you if you left suddenly."

"Yesssss." Replied both boys at the same time.

Mr. Green, Mrs.. Cagney, may I say good-bye to the boys privately?"

"Certainly." The two parents left.

"Here's my private e-mail address, keep in touch. Cole, let me know what happens with Lamar, and Nathaniel, Keep me informed about your life too." He kissed each boy tenderly and led them to their families.

They went back to the hotel where Mrs.. Cagney and Mr. Green spent the last night. The Cagneys went to one room and the Greens to another.

When they were alone, Russell asked, "Can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Josh can't know anything about this."


"When school is out, we are going back to Chickory Falls. Josh's 15th birthday is next month, and we are going to surprise him by visiting Jason."

"Rad!!! He's gonna freak out."

"Not a word?"

"It's gonna be tough, but I can keep it a secret."



Please write me. Feed back helps me keep this coming and cumming.

Also check out my story in the Nifty Adult Youth section "Airport Encounter" I think you'll like it. I get to meet the Brewsters.

Next: Chapter 5

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