Just a Fantasy

By KJ Williamson

Published on Oct 10, 2022


Book 3 - A Fantasy - You put your fist where?

Joe and I met about a 1 1/2 year ago through a mutual friend. We instantly seemed to click. What became a fast friendship turned into an even quicker relationship.

We took it extremely slow and leisurely. We had both come out of bad relationships and wanted to see where it would go before it became too deep.

We did have strong feelings for each other. We were never completely intimate. There was a lot of play, but, no oral or anal sex involved. We just enjoyed each other. Over the next few months I could tell my feelings were getting stronger and stronger.

Joe had to go on a trip for work that lasted for a week. We talked every night before going to bed. I missed him so much it hurt. It was the first time we had been away from each other for any extended period of time.

I realized I was really hurting without him there. We weren't even living together yet. But, when we were both in town, we could see each other as much as we wanted to and now that was taken away. Well for a week anyhow. I know, how dramatic.

My phone rang just as I had stepped out of the shower. I grabbed my phone and answered.

"Oh my god Joe, I thought I'd never get to talk to you."

"Oh Rock. We talked last night and have texted a few times today." Joe chuckled.

"It's just not the same with you not here. I miss you more than you can imagine."

"I think I have a pretty good idea how you're feeling."

"What yime does your flight land tomorrow, so I can be there to pick you up."

"It lands at 3:47. Gate B. I cannot wait to see you Rock."

"Me neither Joe."

"I just wanted to call and here your voice before I crawl in bed. Tomorrow is going to jam pack full. Be careful and I will see you tomorrow Rock."

"Night Joe, I miss you too."

Sleep evaded me. I tossed and turned all night, excited to see my Joe. Finally falling asleep at about 4am. Thank God, I work from home and on my own schedule I thought to myself.

I still woke up at my regular time of 7am. I hate my internal alarm.

I turned and sat on the edge of the bed and stretched. I stood up ans stretched some more only this time I grabbed my cock and stretched it to. It always feels so good. I don't know when or why I started it. But I do it EVERY time I stretch.

I went and took my shower thinking about Joe and I. Nothing bad, just that how I felt without him there with me.

The more I thought of Joe, the more blood engorged my cock became. I stroked it and few times and proceeded to wash. I got out of the shower, dried off and went to check my phone for messages or missed calls.

There was one message from Joe.

"Morning Rock. I can't wait to see you. Only 7hrs 43minutes 52 seconds and 110 milliseconds. I just pray the day goes by fast. Be careful and I will see you soon."

Ok so maybe he is just as excited as I am. But, that doesn't help me any. Just makes me more anxious to see him knowing he's feeling the same way I am.

I walked to the kitchen and pour me a glass of juice. Sat down in the chair and swiped right on my phone to see the headlines. Nothing really of intrest to me. I finished my juice, rinsed out the glass and set it in the dishwasher.

I piddled around my condo for a while. Trying to waste time until Joes return. After a while I decided to get dressed and go get a few things for dinner. I bought some nice thick ribeyes and a couple potates to "bake" in the microwave.

I returned home seasoned the steak wrapped them up and out them in the fridge. I washed the potatoes, poked holes in them, covered them with butter and garlic salt. Wrapped them up and put them on the counter.

I looked ar my phone for the 600th time today. It was about 2:45. By the time i fough the traffic and got a parking spotat the airport, I would only have to wait about 15 agonizing minutes. IF, his flight was on time. If it was late, they'd probably have to have me committed.

I arrived at the luggage claim with about 10 minutes ahead of his scheduled arrival.

I leaned against one of the concrete pillars and was looking at my phone try to make it through these last few minutes. All of the sudden I heard "Rock" yelled.

I looked around trying to find out where it came from. I finally saw Joe with his arm in the air coming from the wrong direction.

When it finally clicked in my head he was here, I took off at a dead run. Tears streaming down my face. He saw me running toward him wide open. He dropped the carry on he was carrying and opened his arms for me. Yeah, i think he was just expecting a hug, but I launched my self into his arms. He had not idea or time to brace for the impact.

Over we went. A few people screamed which alerted airport security. There were a few gawkers standing there watching when security got there and broke through the voyeurs.

But all they could see was me on top of Joe smothering his face with kisses.

"Ok, ok, ok. I missed to you Rock." Joe said laughing and then kissing me softly.

The TSA agents just laughed, shook their heads and walked away.

You could tell some passengers were offended and some didn't pay attention.

"I love you Joe. Never leave me again! I don't care where you have to go, I am going too. Even if it's to Timbuktu."

"Agreed" was his reply

We managed to get up off the floor. He wrapped his arms around and kissed me softly and and then he said, "I love you too Rock. My Rock."

I was crying, he had tears. This was the first time we had used the "L" word in almost 2 years.

I think our relationship just jumped to the next level.

We got to my condo. We ate dinner and moved to the couch in the living room.

Joe sat down with his back against the arm rest. 1 leg stretched along the back of the couch and one on the floor. I sat between his legs and leaned back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around and just sighed.

"What is it Joe?"

"I just live this feeling. You and me here together, cuddled up. Which makes me think the question I am gonna ask makes even more sense."

I turned to look at him raising an eyebrow. Ok, this could definitely go a couple ways I thought. My anxiety level shot to the roof. I started shaking a bit. Almost like I was shivering.

"Calm down Rock. I don't think my question is worth a panic attack. But, I am just gonna straight out ask you. Would you be willing to live with me?"

I flipped over on him chest to chest before either of us knew what happened.

I again smothered him with kisses. He just sat the laughing and trying to protect himself.

"Is that a yes?" Still laughing he asked.

"If you need to ask me that, maybe you should go." I said while I wrapped my arms around him tighter. He was still squirming and I was in the process of trying to kill him with kisses again.

"I hope you're ready I have been, but, I've been too scared to ask. We have been taking this at a snails pace. Which is what was agreed upon based on our baggage from our other relationships. But after this past week, I know there is no place like home. Home is where my arms are wrapped around you keeping you safe and sharing my love for you."

I told Joe, "Have you thought about where we gonna live, your place or mine?"

He replied, "They are both comparable in size and decor. So either or. But, here's what I was really thinking and just said it with out even knowing it. Yours or mine. If you are agreeable, I would like to start fresh. We find a new place together that would be ours. I never want to deal with a mine or yours situation."

"I have no issues with that. Both of our places are paid off. Do we sell them or rent them?"

"I know we could get premium top end rent for both of them. But we could probably also get top end pricing if we sold them. I think we need to research the housing market. I don't want to be stuck with an empty house just trying to sell and no income coming in."

"I completely understand that and agree. Let's see if we can talk to a realtor. We can get the realtor to sell or rent the houses for us and they can help us find a together home for us."

Joe said, "Enough of that kinda talk for now. I just want to enjoy you."

His hands started rubbing my back. I snuggled in as close to him as I could. With everything good that has happened to us today, it seems like my libido has been thrown into overdrive.

Just being so close to my Joe and his loving caresses have my hard as a brick. My cock kept flexing involuntarily.

Joe lifted my chin, looked longingly into my eyes and kissed me.

I could feel his manhood throbbing against mine which made me all the more excited. I felt like I couldn't last much longer without exploding.

I sat up on the couch and Just looked at my Joe. I was hoping that tonight we could finally consummate our relationship. Be a part of each other 100%.

Joe stood up and reached his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. He wrapped his arms around me.

Our cocks pressed together through our clothing. We kissed. He lifted me up and carried me to the bedroom. He layed me on the bed.

I started to undress and my Joe stopped me. "Please, let me have the pleasure of doing that. I need to do it."

I just relaxed and let him do it. He was so tender and gentle. He always has been with me no matter the situation. But tonight, he took it to a whole new level.

For every piece of clothing he removed, he examined the body part and then made love to it, until I was just wearing my boxers.

I honestly didn't know how much more I could take. My white boxer briefs were see through around my cock. He had me so excited and aroused, you'd think I was pissing I was leaking so much.

Joe sat back on his haunches while straddling my thighs. He looked at me. He looked like he could cry while looking at me adoringly.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"Is something wrong Joe?"

"Absolutely not. Today has just been a whirlwind of emotions. Realizing just how much I missed you. How much I love you. How much I never want to be apart from you."

"I second that." I said as I rolled Joe to his back and straddled him.

I still had my boxers on. I was still leaking like hell. After the little conversation we just had I was harder and leaking more that I thought humanly possible.

Everytime he opens his mouth or looks at me, I fall harder and get harder. I am so hard it's beginning to hurt.

I deal with the discomfort so my Joe and I can have a night like never before.

I follow his lead, undressing him, examining him, making love to his various body parts. I finally het to his boxers. His cock is struggling to break free.

I look at Joe and hook my fingers in the waistband of his boxers, he lifts his butt and off they come.

As I moved down his legs pulling his boxers off, I stood up and finally he was free of any clothing. I quickly shed my boxers.

"Are you ok Rock?"

"Yeah, why"

Your cock is so purple it is almost black."

I looked down in shock. At any given time my cock is at best, pinkish. It was a good bit bigger than normal as well.

"I am just that turned on by you. I think just about all of my blood is in it." I said looking at him and loving him.

I crawled up the bed next to him. We snuggled for a minute.

"Rock, that really looks painful. Let's see if we can get some quick relief and then we can resume with our normally scheduled programming."

"I can..."

He covered my moth with his hand to silence me.

He grabbed my cock and said, "I can't even squeeze it is so hard. I can feel the heat coming off of it. Yeah we just gonna take care of this real quick."

We sat facing each other. My thighs on top of his cocks pressed together.

Joe grabbed mine and I grabbed his. We made out while stroking each other. I started moaning.

He just barely pulled away, enough he could look in my eyes.

I was teetering on the edge and I could tell he was getting close.

We both started jacking the other faster.

I just busted. I shot more, farther and harder that I ever have, which in turn triggered Joe. He definitely did not disappoint in his imitation of a volcano.

We were both drenched in cum. The sheets were wet with cum.

I pushed Joe back on the bed and laid on top of him.

I didn't care about the mess.

We stared kissing and rubbing each other. Cocks hard once again. There was no sense of urgency at all.

Slow and steady wins the race.

As we continued making out, I sat up on him as much as I could without breaking the kiss.

I grabbed some cum and slicked up his cock. Scooped up a bit more a lube my hole.

I grabbed his cock and in 1 slow motion, impaled myself onto his cock down to his pubes.

I was in pure ecstasy. I started slowly rocking back and forth and he would also take the lead. This went on for a while. Time was not even on my mind.

Joe rolled me onto my back. He pulled his dick out of me, still hard. We both were. He searched around for some wet cum to use as lube as I had. But, no such luck. I was still leaking like a running faucet. He smeared abit of my pre-cum on his hole, slimed me up with some and sat down.

He didn't go slow. He literally slammed himself on my cock. He was so hot inside. I thought he would be tight. Not that he was loose or anything, but there seemed to not be any resistance.

I hate to say it, but my cock deflated and slipped out of Joe. I didn't look at him. I stared at my belly.

Joe lifted my chin and looked at me with a confused hurt look. I had a few tears running down my cheek.

"Do you not like being inside me? I love you inside me."

I couldn't say anything, my stomach was in my throat.

"Baby talk to me please. There isn't much you could say to upset me and then you'd be hard pressed to accomplish that. What's wrong?"

I didn't know how to say it without hurting him. I just screwed up my courage and said, "Joe, we been together 2 years. I thought we were committed."

He tried to speak and I told him no. "Let me say this please. Like I said, we've been together 2 years in what I thought was a commited relationship. When you sat on me, I felt no resistance. Your not as tight as I thought you would be after 2 years."

I finished my thought. I was honestly bawling my eyes out.

Joe crawled off of me and sat next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and was trying to pull me to him. I was trying not be pulled to him, but it was a losing battle.

My head was resting on his chest.

"Baby, please look at me."

As much as I didn't want to, I looked at him.

Now he was crying and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Rock, I never have or ever will cheat on you. I will promise you that until I take my dying breath. But, there is something you need to know."

My heart was still breaking. I doubt there is anything he could tell me that would fix that.

"I kind of have an addiction/fetish. It's kind of embarrassing, here goes. I like to have my hole filled. It doesn't matter much what it is. But since we have been together, it has only been 4 things. My fingers, a butt plug, a dildo or, and this is the most embarrassing thing, my fist."

"You put your fist where?"

"In my ass."

I sniffed, "I didn't even know that was possible"

He lifted his leg a bit and sure enough, he literally stuck his fist in his asshole.

I didn't know what to say.

"Combined between my addiction and my desire for you and wanting you inside me, my addiction has been in overdrive. When I'm not with you, I always have something in there. That's why I slammed myself on you earlier. It was my 2nd biggest dream come true."

"And what pray tell is your first biggest dream." I asked with a little more of a mean to than intended.

He raised his eyebrow and looked at me. I could tell he sensed that we weren't at a good place yet.

"You! You are my biggest dream come true. Your heart, your mind, your sense of humor. Your commitment and loyalty to us. You are my biggest dream made a reality. I don't have to dream anymore. I just hope you can still love me and want to be with me after this."

Yes, I am crying AGAIN.

I threw my arms around his neck. Crying.

"I am so sorry Joe. Can you ever forgive me for being such an asshole? I can't believe that I ever thought that you would be unfaithful."

"There is nothing to forgive. If I had been completely honest you, this wouldn't have happened. But, just meeting you, it was something that I didn't see the need to share yet. Then we just kept moving along and then we agreed about taking things slow and I was afraid if I told you, that it would seem like I was trying to pressure you for more faster."

" Joe, never ever never be afraid to tell me something. Promise me, please and I will promise you the same."

"I promise, I promise, I promise! I never meant to hurt you Rock. Just scared and ashamed. "

"I think we both kinda screwed the pooch here. But guess what, it was a learning moment. We just go forward from here."

We through ourselves at each other and continued our love making. Slow, gentle and tender with moments of wild abandon.

We filled each other with multiple loads. Us and the bed were a mess. We climbed in the shower and washed each other, made each other cum again. By the time we got out of the shower and dried off, we were exhausted.

I grabbed the pillows from the bed, pulled the cases off and threw them on the bed. Joe grabbed a couple a couple blankets and we camped out on the living room in each others arms.

Joe loved to have his ass filled with anything we could find and taught me to love it too.

We found a house we both fell in love with. We rented out both of our previous homes. We bought a couple more. Refurbished them and rented them out too. After aquiring enough rental properties, we were able to to quit our jobs and just enjoy our lives together. And enjoy it we did.

The End

Emails at dawg71378@gmail.com

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