Just Hope

By moc.liamtoh@etnomeiP_X

Published on Aug 30, 2003


Same as with part one; any comments or suggestions are always appreciated at X_Piemonte@hotmail.com

DISCLAIMER - This story is purely fictional and does not imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned, and does not imply anything about the private lives of them.

Will stood, highly tensed up from this shock meeting. He couldn't believe his luck. Those eyes, those eyes. They froze him still, and yet warmed him through and through as his blood began to rush around him. Then the voice came again, to break this awkward silence.

"er...are you ok there? You look a little tense? Is everything alright?"

Will tried to relax his muscles before saying his next words. After a couple of seconds he eased himself to a better relaxed state and managed to begin a nice flow of words, much to his own relief.

"Oh...I'm fine really, sorry, you just...nothing, never mind."

"Here's your drink Mr Young" said the barman, causing Will to turn around once again with a start, nearly knocking it off the bar.


He took a large sip before turning back to his new acquaintance, and he felt the strong flavour of the vodka beginning to settle and relax his nerves just a little bit more.

"How are you doing Will? I've never really had a chance to talk to you since Pop Idol. How are things in general?"

"Oh yeah great. Things couldn't be better, I mean, I'm having a great time, good laughs good songs, you know..."

"Yeah, well you deserved to win Pop Idol, I was behind you all the way. Congratulations again man, I was really glad when they read your name out."

The voice was like music to Will. Every syllable of every word moved him and entered his very soul, causing him to fall deeper and deeper into the spell of the eyes that had encapsulated him those few moments ago.

"So was I." Will said

The man smiled at Will, sending him on another heart skipping trip. This guy was gorgeous, and no ordinary gorgeous man, but one with mega-star status also, an idol to many.

"Listen, I've got to go in a minute, but...it was really great to have met you Will. I hope we can meet up again sometime, and do something, go for a drink maybe?"

"Yeah that sounds great" Will replied, hiding his phenomenal glee at this proposition. He couldn't believe this, and had felt like pinching himself or kicking himself to make sure this fantastic moment wasn't some fantastic dream and that he wouldn't be waking up in a moment, alone, feeling like shit.

"Great, I'll call you sometime, and we'll organise something. Should be pretty soon if that's ok? Only I have some time off from working so I should be free, how would that be for you?"

Will took just a moment again to prepare an answer for this that wouldn't sound totally desperate.

"Yeah, well...I mean, I'm taking some time off soon from work, it's been really hectic. I could do with something to relax a bit."

"Well, then it seems to be working out quite well ey? Anyway mate, I'll see ya soon"

"See ya..."

With that the man departed, whisking himself away like a phantom into the crowd towards the doors. Will focused on the guy until he had completely left, and then upon losing sight, he let out a huge sigh of relaxation, falling onto a stool at the bar.

"...Ro..." a voice came suddenly from behind.

"Is everything all right there Mr Young?" Asked the Barman, who had been watching him tense and relax for a few minutes while casually polishing glasses.

Will came over with a new-found confidence and happiness, turning to the Barman with a half grin on his face, before saying smoothly

"Everything...is fantastic, thanks for asking"

He downed his drink again and slammed the glass back down onto the bar, but no so much as to break the glass or cause a disturbance. He saw Rupert emerging from the crowd with a look of wonder covering his entire face.

"Oh my god...was that...? Was it...?"

"Yep" said Will casually. He knew that he could never maintain this cool-boy act for very long, because fact was, he was thrilled and excited. "So, Rupert, met anyone nice? Pulled?"

"Nah, all out of my league really. It's the silicone breasts. They're intimidating you know, like something out of a zombie movie. I mean, what's so attractive about having huge lumps of silicone shoved under your skin." He grimaced for just a moment. "Nice Sizes, but I have to say that I'm with you on this Will, this room is very false."

"Ah well Rupert, never mind, at least I've found something that could be true."

"Oh yeah? What? That vodka makes you pissed? That the drinks are free?"

"Never mind Rupert...never mind."

I really appreciated feedback I got from part one so please keep it coming. I will cook up the next chapter as soon as I can. Hope everyone enjoys the story, and please send feedback to X_Piemonte@hotmail.com

Cheers XPi

Next: Chapter 3

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