Justin and Aj

By JTimberlake76

Published on Aug 19, 1999


DISCLAIMER:This story is just a figment of my imagination. This is not implying that any person in these groups are gay. E-Mail me if you have any comments. Good,Bad,or Neutral.Also, check out my NSYNC/BSB website if you like the story. http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Tower/8238/

Chapter 7

The next morning when Justin woke up, he noticed AJ wasn't there. He heard typing so he followed the sound of the clicking. When Justin finally reached the origin of the sound, AJ was on the phone. "Hi, this is Mr.McLean. We need our plane ready for tomorrow. We're going to San Diego for a show then were off to Hawaii for the last show and some well needed time off." AJ said into the phone. Justin turned around and headed back to the bedroom. He grabbed AJ's BsB boxers and put those on. He then rummaged through the closet and put on a skin tight see through black mesh shirt that left nothing to the imagination. Also he put on some Kani overalls AJ had from a photoshoot. He went back to the study as AJ was leaving. "Hey cutie, when did you get up?" AJ asked as they xpierineced a saliva transfer.

Justin started following AJ down to the kitchen. "About ten minutes ago." They reached the bottom of the stairs as the doorbell rang. "Expecting anyone, Bone?" Justin asked as He went to answer the door. AJ shook his head. He looked out the front window and noticed the car. Justin opened the door and noticed a women came flying by. She ran up to AJ and gave him a small peck on the cheek. Panda and Bear, AJ's shitzu's , came running after the women when she got to AJ.

"Mom, its great to see you." AJ said to his mother as she sat on one of AJ's many white leather seats. She turned torwards the door to see who had answered it.

"Hi Justin. Son, what Justin doing here?" she asked. AJ motioned for Justin to come over to them.

"Mom, meet my boyfriend, Justin. Justin, meet my mom. If you'll excuse me I have something to check on upstairs." AJ got up and went to check on Brian.On the way to the guest room, he saw some clothes being thrown out of his closet. "Come out with your hands up." AJ said as he walked into his room. Brian came out of the closet in just his boxers.

"You'll never take me alive, copper." Brian said as he dove back into the closet.

"Hey B-Rok, can you stay up here a little while. My mom's downstairs and I don't want her getting the wrong idea... If you know what I mean." Brian walked out of the closet again, this time with some clothes in his hand.AJ nodded as he showed him the clothes.

"Sure I'll stay up here. I have to get Howie something anyway. Since his Birthday is in a couple of weeks." Brian said as he began putting the Phat Farm shirt and a pair of Tommy Jeans.

"I totally forgot about Howies B-Day. I'll get him something in Hawaii. I'll be back for you when mom leaves. C-ya in a few." With that AJ left, Brian following behind. AJ went downstairs back to the living room and Brian exited at the study. He turned the screen on only to see the picture of Justin and AJ at the first combined concert.

"He's so loyal." Brian said as he went online.

Back downstairs, the three were talking about this, that, and the other thing. AJ's mom looked at her watch and saw the time. "Oh boy, i've got to go. I have to run some errands. See ya later guys." She gave AJ a quick peck on the cheek. She left and AJ called Brian downstairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell ring.

"Maybe she forgot something?" Justin said as he went to answer the door. He opened it and one by one, the other band members came in. "I thought we were meeting at the movies." Justin said as he joined everyone else on the large patio.

"We thought we might suprise you. Hey cuz, why did you sleep here last night." Kevin said.

"No reason imparticular. So what movies are there to see?" Brian asked.

"We'll, I'm going to go see the Blair Witch Project." Howie said. Everyone agreed except Britney,Lance,AJ and Justin.

"We're going to see Eyes Wide Shut." Justin spoke for AJ and himself. Britney and Lance agreed to that movie. From their, everyone piled out to the different cars, jeeps, and trucks and started down to the O-Town Multiplex. When they got to the theater, they all had sunglasses and hats on so they wouldn't be noticed. They all purchased their tickets and went to their movies. Britney,Lance,AJ and Justin all took seats right next to each other. Justin glanced over the audience and all he saw were couples. 'I guess they didn't come to see the movie.' He thought to himself as he saw some str8, some lesbian, and some gay. The room darkened and the movie started.

In the other room, The Blair Witch Project had been going on for about twenty minutes. From there, JC,Jeff, TJ, and Howie left the room cuz they all thought the movie was to graphic. So they left and snuck into South Park.

Back in EWS, everyone was making out. Justin and AJ were so over each other that Justin ended up on AJ's lap. They never even caught a glimpse of Tom Cruise because they were caught up in their own little game. When the movie finished, AJ and Justin were the first to leave. They took off in Justins mustang, AJ at the wheel. Justin started rubbing AJ's cock through his jeans. "Know i feel why they call you bone." They got caught in the moment and started a game of Tonisal-Ball. AJ's eyes were totally off the road. Another car came from the other way, speeding like he owned the rodes. They ended in a Head-On collision. Justin came out of the car crash slightly unharmed. He got out of the now busted car and started limping over to AJ. "AJ.AJ? AJ?" Justin yelled as he shook his body.No response. He called nine-one-one right after." Hello. Theres been a car crash and my freinds really hurt. He still has a pulse, but hes not responding." After the operator talks, Justin jumps back in."Where? About a mile south of the O-Town Multiplex. Please Hurry." Justin said as he hung up the phone. He looked over at the other car and sparks started to come out of the front.He picked AJ out of the car as a truck came from behind. It stopped and he heard a girl scream a little. Coming up to them was Kevin, Frack, Brian, and Britney. Britney instanly ran to Justin.

"Oh my god. What happened." Britney asked. Kevin walked to the other car to check on the other driver. He went to check the pulse as the ambulence came. Kevin came back with bad news as Justin,AJ and Britney pulled away in the ambulence.

"He's dead." Kevin told them.

"Good. He deserves it after what he did to AJ." Frack said. Another ambulence came for the other body and Kevin followed in his truck.

"Hey Frack, call AJ's mom and the Justins mom and tell them what happened. Then tell them to get to the hospital right away. As they pulled into the parking lot, Frack was putting his phone away.

"They'll be here in a little while." Frack said. Kevin,Brian and Frack went into the hospital and found Britney sitting by herself in the waiting room. Brian ran up to her and started to comfort her.

"How are they?" he asked her.

"Justins got a few scratches and a fractured ligament in his knee. I don't know about AJ yet." As Britney finished her sentence, Justin came limping out on crutches.

Frack ran up to him and looked him in the eyes. "Hows our Bone?"

"Which one?" Justin said as a joke.

"Heh, not funny. But really, how is AJ?" Justin could tell that Frack was serious.

"Hes got some bruises and cuts. Broken foot. Not hurt that bad. Doc says he will be up and about in a few days. If ya'll wanna go see him, he's in room 317. I'm gonna call my..." Justin was cut off by the mother brigade. "... mom. Hey mom. Surrogate mom." Lynn came running up to Justin and almost knocked him over. "Oww,Oww. Mom. Hey guys, lets go see AJ. He should be up by now." Everyone followed the limping Justin to AJ's room. They entered and saw Dr.Jean checking on him.

"Hey Dr.Jean. Long time, No see." Brian greeted the Doctor.

"Hey Brian, hows the heart?" She asked.

"Its fine."

"Enough with the chit-chat. Hows my little boy doing?" his mother asked. "I thought I taught you to keep your eyes on the road." Britney left the room in a weep. Lynn went out after her. She found her in the waiting room surrounded by reporters. Lynn pushed her way through and pulled her into an empty room. Britney starts crying again.

"Whats wrong Hun? Why did you run out crying." Lynn started question- ing her.

"I've always felt so close to Justin. And when I was in there, It was like I could feel all the pain that he was going through over AJ. I've never felt like this before." Lynn put her arm around her and started heading back to the room. They ran into Dr.Jean on the way. "Hows AJ?"

"Hes a little shooken up, but he'll be fine. Everyone else already left. Brian said he was waiting for you outside." She said pointing the statement torwards Britney.

"I'll c-ya later Brit. I'm going to say good-bye to Justin." Lynn said as her and Britney departed. As she stepped into the room, AJ and Justin were in a passionate kiss and she cleared her throat."I'm leaving know guys. If you need anything, call me. C-ya later guys." She left the room and went back to their kiss.

AJ pulled away. "Time to sleep." Justin clung to AJ and fell asleep with each other in their arms.

. . . . . . . . .

Back at Brians house, he and Drew were watching some TV. Brian stopped flipping on what seemed liked a porno channel. At the point in the movie, two guys were goign at it. Drew looked over and saw Brian looking deeply into the TV screen. Taking his chances, he dove in. Started ripping off Brians clothes. Just as they started to get hot and heavy, Kevin walked into Brians house. "oh my GOD! What the Fuck are you doing Brian?"


Next: Chapter 5

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